Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/23/05
Zoë: Love your body, hate your name.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) What's wrong with
Zoë: You look more like a Spike or
Jonathan: ( Laughs )
Zoë: You know, sexy, dangerous. Hey, where
are my earrings?
Jonathan: Uh-oh.
Zoë: I must have left them at your
Jonathan: I don't remember seeing them
Zoë: You know what? Maybe the Ladies' Room.
Be right back.
Jonathan: What the...?
Nate: You having fun?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nate: Did you forget you've got a job to do?
Jonathan: No, I didn’t. I'm supposed to hurt
someone in Reva's family, right?
Nate: Yeah. And that girl's got nothing to
do with the Lewis family.
Jonathan: No. She's my sword, man. A sword
right through cousin Tammy’s little heart.
Tammy: I don't believe this. ( Cell phone
rings )
Josh: Josh Lewis.
Tammy: Uncle Josh.
Josh: Tammy. Everything okay?
Tammy: I don't know. I know I asked you
earlier, but are you sure you didn't send
Josh: No, I didn't, darling. Why? What's
Tammy: Nothing. I'm just having trouble
tracking him down.
Josh: Well, I wouldn't worry about it, okay?
Tammy: Yeah. Thanks, Uncle Josh.
Tammy: I bet. Where were you?
Tammy: Files. Right. Well, did they reach
their destination? Or were you unexpectedly sidetracked?
Bill: So it's basically an exact replica of
Josh and Reva’s room with a few changes.
Olivia: My man in work clothes. Me like. (
Gasps )
Bill: Whoa.
Worker Two: Sorry.
Bill: It's all right. My fault, my fault, my
Olivia: Are you all right?
Bill: I don't know. It was close. I saw my
life flash before my eyes, but you'd better kiss me to... yes, I think
everything's still intact and working just fine. See, now, that's why I didn't
want Emma coming here and I wanted her to stay at the hotel for a while. It's
not the safest place for a little girl to be.
Olivia: Well, see, if the family eats
sawdust... I mean,
Olivia: Well, see, if Emma eats sawdust... I
mean, not that she would, Mommy would be here to help her. If Alan gets hold of
her, then it's a whole other story.
Bill: But you know what? That's all going to
change in a few days. Because I will legally be her father. So what can Alan
do, huh?
Olivia: Not a good idea to ask questions
like that.
Bill: Well, how about this question? Hm?
Olivia: I know how to do that.
Bill: You can? Go.
Alan: Come on, Sebastian. Out with it. What
do you have to say?
Sebastian: Seems there's a connection
between a certain man you wanted me to take care of and our favorite little
fugitive, Harley Cooper. A rather large connection.
Alan: You don't say.
Sebastian: Oh, I do say, Alan. It's a real
puzzler, so I don't know, maybe you could help clear it up for me. What do Gus
and Harley hope to learn from Dr. Wallace?
Gus: You know we're taking a big risk coming
here, right?
Harley: Well, the way my luck's been this
past year, don't you think I deserve some payback?
Gus: It's a good point.
Harley: So, Wallace is an ER doc at Cedars?
I'm not sure what that means, but I'll tell you, Cedars is right across the
street from Company. I think he saw something that night.
Gus: Yeah. Well, I'm thinking if he knows
who killed Phillip, why doesn't he just come out and say it? I don't
Harley: Because he must be afraid of
Gus: Or someone.
Harley: Or someone.
Gus: Someone tried to run him down in a
yellow taxi cab. That person could still be around.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Nurse: Did you talk to him yet?
Gus: Who?
Gus and Harley: Dr. Wallace?
Nurse: He just woke up. He's anxious to
speak to you.
Harley: Oh, my God. He's awake?
Nate: Nice work, Johnny.
Jonathan: I didn't do it.
Nate: Your good friend Sandy. But you picked
her up anyway, didn't you?
Jonathan: No.
Nate: You do know it's the girl you want to
hurt, right?
Jonathan: Two for the price of one.
Nate: Oh. And why are you so angry at little
Jonathan: Tammy, like everybody else in this
town, thinks I'm a piece of dirt and has no problem telling me that over and
over again.
Nate: You can't let them do that to you,
son. Once they know they can get to you, make you feel like less, they've got
no problem putting on their high-heeled pumps and walking all over you every
single chance they get. You ought to keep them in their place, son.
Jonathan: That's what I'm doing. Matter of
fact, I'll show you, too. You think I've gone soft? Keep watching.
Nate: Who's my boy? Hey? You make me proud.
Zoë: My earrings weren't in... Hi.
Nate: Hello.
Zoë: Who's your friend?
Nate: No, I don't know him.
Jonathan: Yeah. He just came up and asked me
for the time.
Nate: It's amazing how it flies when you're
having fun, isn't it?
Jonathan: That's right.
Tammy: What look?
Tammy: No, I'm not. I'm... I am not.
Tammy: I'm sorry if I sounded... I should
have called first.
Sandy: No, not necessary. Seeing you here
when I walk in the door is the best thing in the world.
Tammy: Is it?
Tammy: I guess I was just curious as to
where you were.
Tammy: Sure. It'll be fun. Just you and me.
Bill: You know what? Maybe I should get back
outside, check on our bedrooms. I'm not so sure I like the hardware on the
closets, you know?
Olivia: Attention to detail. I like that in
a man.
Bill: You do, do you?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Well, tell me, what else do you like,
Olivia: Well, I find you very...
Bill: Sexy?
Olivia: Yes.
Bill: Handsome?
Olivia: Yes.
Bill: Probably a good bowler, a great cook,
great sense of humor.
Olivia: I was going to say paternal.
Bill: Paternal?
Olivia: Paternal.
Bill: That's lame.
Olivia: No, it's not lame.
Bill: That is lame. It is a little.
Olivia: It is not. It's a good thing. You're
going to be a great father.
Bill: A father? Well, I've got to tell you,
I like the sound of that.
Olivia: Emma's a lucky girl, and so am I.
Bill: You mean I get presents on top of you
Two? This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable.
Olivia: It's a late father's day gift.
Bill: Let's see. What have we got here?
Well, we've got a wallet. Let me see. But there's no cash in here, hon.
Olivia: No, you've got... look at the
picture of your beautiful little baby girl.
Bill: Oh, she is beautiful.
Olivia: Come on. You need bragging rights
when you hang out with the guys.
Bill: She's beautiful, she is. She is. She
really is. What else do we have here? Oh, let me see. Oh, binoculars. Yes, yes,
yes. I'm going to need these when I'm looking at, you know, insects and birds.
Olivia: No, no. That's for watching your
daughter on the playground when she's with the boys.
Bill: No. No, no, no. That is not going to
happen until she's 30 years old, all right?
Olivia: ( Laughs )
Bill: She's going to find a nice boy and
marry him.
Olivia: Oh, yeah. Who's going to pick out
the guy?
Bill: I will, okay? What else have you got?
Olivia: Emma picked that out. She pointed to
it in the store.
Bill: She really picked this out? She did?
Olivia: Uh-huh. Because she loves you.
Bill: Well, right back at her, you know?
Olivia: I know. I know you do. I can see it
in your eyes when you look at her.
Bill: You can see it in my eyes? Can you see
it when I look at you?
Olivia: Oh, I see it. I see it. We love you,
too. Happy Father's Day.
Olivia: Yes. ( Laughs )
Sebastian: I really don't like to be played,
Alan. Now, I was asking you about the connection between Wallace and Harley. I
kind of doubt that they get together to play cards so, you know, naturally I'm
Alan: Usually I encourage curiosity in my
employees, but I think you should finish this mission before you ponder any
more questions. Unfinished business can be dangerous, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Dangerous for you, maybe, Alan. I
mean, that's just my best guess because I can't know for sure when I'm
operating in the dark.
Alan: Just finish the job and then we'll
Sebastian: ( Sighs ) you know, Alan, I take
my work very seriously and I would hate to make a mistake because I'm only operating
on half the facts. Now, this job could end with results that you hadn't counted
on, and you don't want that, now, do you?
Josh: We need to talk, Alan.
Alan: Josh, I'm on the phone.
Josh: Actually, you're not.
Alan: Give me my phone.
Josh: Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Not until we've
had a chance to talk.
Sebastian: Alan?
Harley: Dr. Wallace?
Gus: Dr. Wallace, you remember us, right?
Harley: From the accident?
Wallace: ( Coughs ) Yes.
Gus: Dr. Wallace, you're like our last hope,
our last chance to clear Harley of murder, a murder she didn't commit. She's
lost her life and her kids, and... do you think you could help us out?
Harley: Does that mean that you know who
shot Phillip?
Wallace: I... I sent the... ( Coughs )
Gus: You sent the messages. Yeah, we know.
Harley: We know, we know. Listen, we know
this is hard for you, so you take it easy. You go as slow as you need to go,
but please, please give us a name.
Nurse: They're the Two you're looking for.
Nate: Can I buy you Two kids a drink?
Zoë: Sure.
Jonathan: No, thanks.
Nate: Smart boy. He wants you for himself.
For all he knows, you have a weakness for sophisticated older men.
Zoë: I'm open-minded.
Nate: ( Laughs ) Good girl.
Zoë: ( Giggles )
Jonathan: Back off, man.
Nate: Oh, he's the jealous type.
Zoë: Isn't he cute?
Nate: As long as you think so, Angel. Relax,
Toddler, she's all yours. I've got to go. You keep that open mind, young lady.
Zoë: Wow. Two hot guys fighting over me?
This is a good day.
Jonathan: Yeah, well don't make a big deal
out of it.
Zoë: And you were all cute and protective.
Jonathan: Whatever.
Zoë: Why don't we go back to your place and
look for my earrings?
Jonathan: I'm doing fine just here.
Zoë: Come on,
Jonathan: I'll tell you what. If I find
them, I'll give you a call.
Zoë: Hello. Do I have to hire a skywriter?
The earrings were an excuse to get you alone for a little while. Come here.
Tammy: Yeah.
Tammy: I found something.
Tammy: Doesn't matter. I'll tell you about
it later. Let's just go in and get a drink.
Olivia: Mommy and Daddy are going to see you
very soon, sweetie. Okay? We love you, too. This is so perfect.
Bill: ( Groaning )
Olivia: Oh, my God. Bill. Bill. Help!
Somebody help us! Help! Are you...
Worker Two: What happened?
Olivia: I don't know. We need help. He needs
help. Please.
Bill: ( Groaning ) Olivia.
Olivia: Are you okay?
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
Olivia: Can you move?
Bill: Yeah, yeah. Now, all right, who wanted
my sandwich and chips?
Olivia: Stop it. That's not funny, all
Bill: Which one of you...
Olivia: You need a doctor.
Bill: I'm fine. I'm fine. Really, I am. I'm
good. I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
Olivia: Let's get him inside.
Bill: Yes, really, I guess I can... I'm
Olivia: Just get him on the couch, okay?
Bill: I'm good, you guys.
Olivia: Come on, sit down.
Bill: You're not going to get paid extra.
Olivia: Who's in charge?
Worker One: I am.
Olivia: What the hell happened? He could
have been killed.
Bill: Easy on them, Olivia. Please just go
Worker Two: Pete, I stacked those three feet
from the edge.
Worker One: Then how did they fall?
Worker Two: Someone would have had to have
moved them. It just doesn't make sense.
Olivia: Or maybe it makes perfect sense.
Josh: I've just been asked to testify in an
adoption hearing on behalf of my nephew, Bill. Now, Bill has asked for my help,
see, and I feel the best way that I can help him is to talk to my good old
friend, my pal, Alan Spaulding. I understand that you're not too happy about
the idea of Bill adopting Olivia’s daughter, Emma.
Alan: Phillip's daughter, Emma. And I don't
have time for this conversation.
Josh: You see, Alan, I know very well what
you're capable of when you're not happy, so I just want to say this. If
something happens, anything at all, that causes a problem for Bill in this
adoption process, I'm going to hold one person responsible and that's going to
be you.
Alan: Are you finished? I am.
Josh: Just consider yourself warned, Alan.
Do not mess with Bill or I'll show you a side of Lewis you've never seen
Alan: I'll handle this myself. ( Cell phone
rings )
Josh: Hello?
Olivia: Hey, Josh, it's Olivia. I'm at Cross
Creek with Bill.
Josh: How's the renovation coming?
Olivia: Well, it was going pretty well until
Bill got hurt.
Josh: Hurt? How bad?
Olivia: Well, he's okay, but it could have
been serious.
Josh: Really?
Olivia: Here's the thing. I... something
weird is happening, okay? I don't think it was an accident.
Josh: Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Cop: Haven't they picked up yet?
Cop Two: No.
Harley: I am not going down for this.
Seconds before I find out who really killed Phillip. I'll make a break for it.
Gus: You're not doing anything.
Harley: Go back into Wallace’s room...
Gus: We're not going to let some beat cop
outsmart us.
Harley: I'm not outsmarting. I'm not. I'm a
convicted killer. I'm a fugitive. They're going to figure it out.
Gus: It was an accident. Listen, it was an
accident. It was an accident. The bus turned over. You saw me with a gun in
your face and I had to take you with me because I'm in love with you and I went
crazy like that. Okay?
Harley: Honey, that's really great and it's
very romantic, but it doesn't really explain the whole "Why I killed
Phillip" thing.
Gus: Just let me do the talking, okay?
Cop Two: Okay, did you get a license plate
Gus: License...
Cop Two: You were a witness to a hit and
run, right?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Yeah. Absolutely. We were. We saw
it. We saw everything. We were right there the whole...
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: ...Time. It was terrible. That's all
you need from us?
Cop One: Well, what else would we need?
Gus: Uh...
Harley: I don't know. I mean, we're just
obviously not ourselves. I'm still in shock.
Gus: It's scary to see something like that.
And this poor guy looks like death warmed over.
Cop One: I heard he'd be dead if it weren't for
you two.
Gus: You know, just doing our civic duty.
Harley: Absolutely. That's absolutely what
Gus: My wife. She's got such a big heart.
She's got the biggest heart of anybody I've ever met. Don't you, Sweetheart?
Hmm? Very kind, kind-hearted. Every day of my life, I thank God she's still
with me. Every single day.
Gus: I'm so sorry. Somebody's medicine. I'm
so stupid. I'm sorry. Sorry. Thank you. That's why they don't yell at me.
Harley: I just realized, my favorite soap is
on right now.
Gus: Honey Bunny, we don't have time for
watching stuff like that.
Harley: Oh, no. I know that we don’t. But,
you know, I just love that show. I mean...
Gus: Well, I'll... you... you know what?
Harley: I feel like I live with the people
in "Love of Light."
Gus: Makes you happy. You watch it. I know
you love this show.
Harley: I will.
Gus: Anyway... she likes that stuff. About
the accident, yeah. The license plate, no, we didn't get to catch it. It was
all happening so fast. I mean, one minute Dr. Wallace was standing there, next
thing you know, he's laid out on the ground. He was hit by a... it was a Yellow
Cab. It was an older male and it was a male driver. But I've got to tell you,
it was kind of so far way we couldn't tell if the guy was 15 or 50, you know?
I'm sorry.
Cop Two: Okay. We'll write this up and once
you sign, we're finished.
Gus: Okay. Okay, thanks.
Harley: Let's go see Wallace.
Gus: Wait, wait, wait. We can’t. I think
that guy just gave you the stink-eye. I think he's on to you. It's only a
matter of time till he recognizes you. We've got to go.
Harley: Well, we're not going to leave. No.
Gus: We've got to go. He'll have to wait.
He'll have to wait.
Harley: He can't wait. What if he doesn't
wake up again? I have to take this opportunity.
Wallace: Those people... where... ( Coughing
Nurse Sara: You just rest. They'll be back.
Olivia: Thanks, Josh. I knew I could count
on you. How are you feeling?
Bill: Well, like I hit my head on a brick
wall and a bunch of wood came crashing down on me.
Olivia: How many fingers am I holding up?
Bill: Six. See? Perfectly normal. Everything
is fine.
Olivia: Stop joking. Please stop joking.
Stop joking. How many?
Bill: Well, I see one finger here, see? Oh,
there's another finger right here?
Olivia: ( Laughs )
Bill: Oh, my goodness. There's a wrist over
Olivia: Oh, you're impossible.
Bill: And I see an arm.
Olivia: All right, all right, you pass the
Worker One: Anything you need, Mrs. Lewis?
Olivia: No, no. Thank you guys for your
help. You can all go home.
Worker Wne: Okay,
we've got some concrete to pour.
Olivia: No, you don’t. You're finished for
the day. You go, you get your things, you leave, and you don't come back until
you've heard from me.
Worker One: Mr. Lewis...?
Olivia: I'll call the police.
Bill: The police? The police?
Olivia: I could have lost you today.
Bill: Honey, it's going to take a little
more than just some wood raining down on my head to lose me, okay?
Olivia: You were out cold. And when I saw you
lying there on the ground, I was scared to death.
Bill: I'm fine. I am. I am fine.
Olivia: Do you remember what happened?
Bill: Well, I was standing there outside,
and then I woke up, and there was this beautiful sexy angel standing over me. I
think I need to get hit in the head every day.
Olivia: Did you see anything or hear
Bill: Olivia, it was an accident.
Olivia: Was it? Think about it.
Bill: Do you really believe that someone was
behind this, Honey? Come on.
Olivia: You heard those workers, okay? The
tiles didn't move themselves. This has Alan Spaulding written all over it. He's
sending you a warning, Bill.
Bill: Because of the adoption.
Olivia: You're lucky you weren't flattened.
Bill: Fine, you know, I'll talk to the
workers. I'll interrogate them.
Olivia: Well, you don't have to because your
Uncle Josh is coming.
Bill: That's just great. You know, I'm sure
he's thrilled about it, too.
Olivia: Look, he's fine.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: I just can't take any chances, all right?
I'm not going to lose you to some unfortunate accident paid for by Alan
Nate: You look like a man that can use a
Josh: Yes, I could.
Nate: What are you having? I'm buying.
Josh: Well, I appreciate that. But I'm not
sure I really have the time. See, I'm looking for my wife.
Nate: Well, Miss Reva hasn't been in here
today. May I take a message?
Josh: Actually I need to talk to her
one-on-one. You know, I've been trying to reach her on my cell phone, but I
guess she's out of range or something. Could you do me a favor, Nate?
Nate: Yeah. Name it.
Josh: If you see her before I get in touch
with her, will you tell her that I really do need to talk to her? I have to
leave town, going to
Nate: Oh.
Josh: Yeah, Cross Creek. It's sort of a
family place.
Nate: Uh-huh. The old homestead?
Josh: Something like that, yes. Apparently
there's been some trouble. I need to check it out.
Nate: Sounds serious.
Josh: Maybe so. I guess I'll find out when I
get there. You'll give her the message though, right?
Nate: Yeah, you got it. And don't you worry.
I'll keep an eye on her while you're gone.
Jonathan: Hello. Right. Just a minute. This
is important, Tammy. Go ahead.
Jonathan: That's my girlfriend.
Zoë: Ex-girlfriend.
Jonathan: Well, I haven't broken up with her
yet. And I don't want to do it here. It wouldn't be appropriate.
Zoë: You're so sweet.
Jonathan: Come on, let's go out the back
Zoë: Back to your place?
Jonathan: No, I've got some stuff to do. But
I can give you a ride home.
Zoë: Pass. I think I'll hang.
Jonathan: You're not going to say anything
to her?
Zoë: No way.
Jonathan: You promise?
Zoë: Girl Scout Oath.
Jonathan: Right.
Zoë: Another beer. Waiting for someone?
Tammy: My boyfriend. He won't be long.
Zoë: That's what they all say.
Tammy: Excuse me?
Zoë: I'm kind of waiting, too.
Tammy: For your boyfriend?
Zoë: Not yet. But he will be. You know how
guys like to switch off.
Tammy: Yeah. It's hard to trust them.
Zoë: Hey, let me see me those.
Tammy: Why?
Zoë: Because they're mine.
Tammy: What makes you think these earrings
are yours?
Zoë: I lost them, okay? I've been looking
everywhere. Where did you find them?
Tammy: It doesn't matter. I doubt they're
Zoë: Is one of the clasps bent?
Tammy: Clasp?
Zoë: See. Right there. It's bent. They're
Tammy: I can't believe this.
Zoë: Neither can I. I thought they were gone
for good. Thanks. What was your name?
Tammy: Tammy.
Zoë: Yeah. You look like a Tammy.
Tammy: What's that mean?
Zoë: Nothing. I've got to run. See if I can
catch up with my guy. He's cute, but I think he might be cheating on me.
Nate: Josh, you've got to put out the fires.
No worries here. I'll do everything I can to make sure Reva's safe and sound.
She'll be my number-one priority.
Josh: Reva can take care of herself. Just
give her the message please. And thank you for the drink.
Nate: Don't you worry, Mate. You can always
count on me. Johnny boy! You just missed your buddy Josh.
Jonathan: Oh, yeah?
Nate: He's off to
Jonathan: Like I care.
Nate: Well, you should. Because it was your
daddy that sent him there, a little accident on a job site that I arranged. Oh,
come on, this is good news. With Josh out of the way, it's time for us to make
our big move.
Harley: Are they gone yet?
Gus: Oh, any second now.
Harley: Any second?
Gus: Yes, yes.
Harley: Any second? He's going to slip into
a coma while we're playing hide and seek with these
Gus: Will you stop it? Stop it. We've come
here for what we came for, and we'll be able to leave walking out through the
front door instead the back of a squad car.
Harley: It's true. I'm freaking out. I'm
freaking out.
Gus: You're just freaking out. And we can't
be hiding here. Come on, I have an idea.
Sebastian: There you are.
Alan: My phone went dead. But something
important came up anyway.
Sebastian: What could be more important than
the conversation we were having?
Alan: Absolutely nothing. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm
going to have to hang up now.
Sebastian: It's very nice to see you too,
Alan. Let alone expected. But maybe now at least we can iron out the details in
Alan: Let's get down to it, Sebastian. Let's
see if you have the nerve to threaten me to my face.
Sebastian: I'm sorry that you took what I
said as a threat, Alan. Maybe I didn't make myself clear.
Alan: Oh, you've made yourself very clear.
Now let me make myself clear. I asked you to go talk to a man. Now, imagine my
shock and surprise when I discovered that you ran over him with a taxi cab.
What would the police say? Who would they blame? Do you understand?
Sebastian: Oh, perfectly, Alan.
Alan: Well, you can make all the threats to
me you want, but you are the person of interest.
Sebastian: Let's test that theory, shall,
we? 911. Yes, hello. I have a very serious crime to report.
Sebastian: Yes, Officer, I have some inside
information on a very serious crime that took place...
Alan: You're a businessman. You never show
up at a negotiation without a plan.
Sebastian: Well, that was Plan ‘A’, Alan.
You want to hear Plan ‘B’? Or would you rather just tell me about the Wallace
Alan: Tell me what you want.
Sebastian: What I want? Hmm. I'll have to
think about that, Alan. Okay. Consider these upgrades to my current position at
Alan: You might as well become a member of
the family.
Sebastian: Sebastian Spaulding. That does have
a very enticing ring to it.
Alan: Just finish the job.
Sebastian: Okey-dokey, Smokey. Oh and, Alan,
would you like me to deliver their heads to you in a gift box?
Alan: It's me. No. No, I can be there in a
minute. As a matter of fact, I'm in
Tammy: Right away? Can't wait?
Tammy: Why wouldn't I be?
Tammy: Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
Tammy: I guess I'm just full of questions
Tammy: Wouldn't want you to be late.
Zoë: I've got to run. See if I can catch up
with my guy. He's cute, but I think he might be cheating...
Bill: ( Groans )
Olivia: What are you doing?
Bill: Oh.
Olivia: No, God. Please. Aren't you dizzy? Sit
down. Sit.
Bill: Only when I stand... and sit... and
lie down.
Olivia: Please. You might have a concussion.
Can we please call a doctor?
Bill: Olivia, there are no doctors. End of
Olivia: I'll tell you what. Why don't we
wait for yourUuncle Josh to get here and we'll let
him decide?
Bill: Oh, my goodness.
Olivia: Please.
Bill: I can't believe... you know what? I do
not like the fact that you called him up. I've got to tell you that right now.
Because I think we could have figured out if Alan was behind this by ourselves.
Olivia: Bill, who else would try to kill
Nate: So Josh is gone. Darling Reva will have no one to
turn to but her sweet natured boss.
Jonathan: What are you going to do to her?
Nate: Why do you care? She don't care about
you. What did Tammy say about you? Oh, yeah, you're dirt. Why should you think
Reva thinks any different?
Jonathan: I asked you a question.
Nate: Yeah, and I gave you an answer.
Romance is in the air for the fair Mrs. Lewis. She won't know what hit her.
Jonathan: You don't need to do that. Money
is what you want, right? That's the goal. We'll get them. We'll bleed Lewis dry
and we'll get the hell out.
Nate: Are you questioning me?
Jonathan: No, I just meant...
Nate: I don't care what you meant! Your
opinion is worthless to me, do you understand? Do you understand? I've got this
all sorted out, and I don't need you coming here and tell me how to do it
better. Now get out of my sight before I break your arm again.
Jonathan: You don't have to hurt...
Nate: ( Laughs ) You
just don't know when to shut it, do you, boy? You never did. Do you need me to
remind you who's in charge of this family? Now get lost and do what you were
told. Oh, hey, Son, you make me proud. Hey, Reva, it's Nate. Look, we're really
crowded down here. I could really use your help.
Gus: They're there.
Harley: Yeah. Don't they have something
better to do than just this hit and run?
Gus: Hang on. Okay, they're leaving. The
nurse is leaving, too. All right, let's go get some answers. Come on.
Sebastian: Nighty night, old pal. A deal's a
deal. This is what Alan wants; this is what Alan gets.
on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: You're leaving, huh?
Jeffrey: You know what, no. Keep my bed
Cassie: I am not climbing back into bed
Reva: I'm hot. I'm just hot.
Nate: Hardly news to me, Reva.
Reva: I don't know how long I can stay
because I haven't heard from Joshua yet.
Nate: He's left town.
Reva: Josh left town?
Alan: Harley Cooper needs you now more than
she ever has.
Harley: If he wakes up, then we really,
really do need to know.
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