GL Transcript Wednesday 6/22/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/22/05


By Suzanne
Proofread by Laura

Alexandra: All right. But we will have a good time. Come on. We'll have a burger. We'll play a little pool for a change.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, really... I understand.

Alexandra: No, no, no.

Lizzie: No, really I understand you're just doing this because what happened with me and Coop.

Alexandra: I understand. I do. Shh.

Lizzie: But Aunt Alex, I really rather not--

Alexandra: I know you rather be with him, darling. I really do understand. Look maybe someday you and Coop will be able to spend time together. Just not now.

Lizzie: Hey. Come here.

Coop: Hey. How are you? Come here.

Lizzie: Good.

Coop: What's going on? What are you out slumming it now?

Lizzie: Obviously, you're here.

Coop: Oh, very funny.

Lizzie: Can you go for a cheeseburger, maybe a game of pool?

Coop: Sure.

Alexandra: No. Absolutely not. You're not...

Coop: No. Alex, please. All right. One hour. That's all I ask. I promise I will have her home.

Alexandra: No.

Coop: I'll drop her off outside the gates then no one in the house will even know that I was there.

Alexandra: No.

Lizzie: Wait. Aunt Alex, please. Come here. He makes me smile, okay? And it's been a long time since I've done it. Please.

Alexandra: One hour.

Lizzie: Okay.

Alexandra: You be careful. Be careful. Be careful.

Lizzie: You are the best.

Alexandra: Of course I am.

Lizzie: Okay. Come on.

Coop: Thank you.

Alan: I disagree. ( Alexandra gasps )

Tammy: We're getting to be regulars here.

Sandy: They're lucky to have you. You class up the joint.

Tammy: I'm lucky to have you.

Cassie: Wow, you're up early.

Jeffrey: It's not that early.

Cassie: Oh, my gosh. I cannot believe how late it is.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what they say. Time flies when you're... well, you know.

Cassie: That many times? I still can't believe how late it is.

Jeffrey: Got things to do?

Cassie: Oh, um... I don't know. Not much besides go spend some time with my son who I haven't spent anytime really in the past few weeks. Then there's this hotel that I happen to own, but I never really see anymore. And... oh, yeah, there's a jealous husband that I still have and his friend Dinah who happens to be carrying my child. But, you know, other than that, I think I'm as free as a bird.

Jeffrey: It was a rhetorical question.

Edmund: Go away.

Dinah: I think I can help.

Edmund: How? What do you have in there, a shiny new marriage?

Dinah: A little piece of paper saying that the baby I'm carrying belongs to you and not Cassie. Imagine that, huh?

Sandy: Tammy, I am so sorry. I can't stay. The Walsh account, they need a file right now and I've got to give it to them.

Tammy: Okay, I'll go with you.

Sandy: No. I'll catch up with you soon. I'm so sorry.

Jonathan: What happened to super Sandy? Get a better offer?

Sandy: He had a work emergency.

Jonathan: Mm-hmm. Funny.

Tammy: I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to say what's funny?

Jonathan: How things work out. You and me. Here. Together.

Tammy: If we start up on what I said to you yesterday in the bar...

Jonathan: Start up? Come on, Tammy, I've been through this ‘Sandy’s great, I suck’ thing with you before. You want to sit down tell me how pathetic and disgusting I am then go right ahead.

Tammy: I didn't say what I said to hurt you. ( Cell phone rings )

Jonathan: Go ahead. Maybe that's Sandy calling to tell you how sorry he is one more time.

Tammy: Hello? Oh, hi, Uncle Josh. No, Sandy, you just missed him. He went to take care of the Walsh problem. The files that they needed. Oh. Okay. See you.

Jonathan: What's wrong?

Tammy: It's just crazy how messed up things get at Lewis.

Jonathan: Hmm. Yeah, those workaday problems. I'll see you.

Tammy: Bye.

Cassie: Why do I love this so much?

Jeffrey: Well, there's the obvious reason. And then there's another one. Revenge.

Cassie: Do you think I'm here just to get back at Edmund?

Jeffrey: You tell me.

Cassie: Does that feel like revenge?

Jeffrey: I'm not sure. I think you need to keep going.

Cassie: You were serious, weren't you?

Jeffrey: You know, even if Edmund, I can't say I wouldn't mind very much. Just as long as you come back.

Cassie: There's no question about that. You know, I was trying to hold it together for the sake of my unborn child, and you called me on that. And you also told me that I shouldn't make a decision based on anything but my feelings for Edmund. So...

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'm a pretty smart guy. So how are you feeling now?

Cassie: I feel better than I have in a really long time. And you?

Jeffrey: Hmm, can't quite put it into words.

Edmund: This is the contract I had you sign after you were implanted with the embryos.

Dinah: What does it say?

Edmund: It says that you agree to give all claims to the baby and that baby belongs to Cassie and me.

Dinah: Read it again. It says that the baby belongs to the undersigned. And the only name that is there is yours. Cassie didn't sign it.

Edmund: Oh, God, Dinah, it's just a technicality.

Dinah: Otherwise, known as a loophole. Look, Edmund, even though your marriage is over doesn't mean you have to walk away with nothing.

Edmund: I haven't written off my life with Cassie yet. And if you're proposing that I try to keep the baby from her, that's not going to happen, Dinah.

Dinah: All right, all right. Okay, okay. If you don't admit that your marriage is over, that's fine. That's fine. Okay, but you're going to deny that you have pretty much twisted yourself into a pretzel to win Cassie back and it hasn't worked yet.

Edmund: So far. So far. I love her.

Dinah: Do you love this baby?

Edmund: Of course I do. So does Cassie.

Dinah: Then let's just say you do end up getting divorced, what are you going to do? You're going to fight over the beloved child like two dogs over a bone?

Edmund: That is not going to happen, Dinah.

Dinah: Okay. All right then why are you going to take that chance? You know, this, you know, this contract here is pretty much guaranteeing that you could raise your little girl or your little boy without Cassie in the picture at all.

Edmund: Leaving room for you? I thought so. Excuse me.

Dinah: Where are you going?

Edmund: To find Cassie and have her sign this, remove all doubt.

Dinah: Well, you shouldn't have trouble tracking her down. I'll give you three guesses where she's at.

Edmund: Don't, Dinah.

Dinah: I'm just saying the odds are pretty low that she slept on Reva's couch last night.

Edmund: She's not with him. She is not with...

Jonathan: I can't wait to show you my sound system. I mean it's just like a stereo alarm clock but it likes rocks out. ( Laughter )

Zoë: It was so good to hear from you, Sandy Foster. Most guys play this dumb waiting game. They think it isn't cool to call a girl they just met right away.

Jonathan: Well, I'm not into waiting, and I'm not most guys. So predictable, Sandy. I'm just little old me.

Zoë: Prove it.

Jonathan: Okay.

Lizzie: You know what? You're actually not that annoying.

Coop: Really?

Lizzie: Mm-hmm.

Coop: Okay. Well, you're making me blush here.

Lizzie: No, really I've been thinking about it. You're pretty un-annoying.

Coop: Well, thank you. See I was just worried because I wasn't sure when I would get to see you again. I mean after the way your aunt Alex flipped out on me, yesterday. And what do you know, we just happened to run into each other here.

Lizzie: Maybe I knew you were going to be here.

Coop: Oh, maybe you're just the sneaky one here. ( Lizzie laughs ) so I have to ask. How did you get your aunt Alex to let you hang out with me?

Lizzie: I think she just felt guilty for how rough she was on us. She's so worried about what my grandfather's going to do to keep us apart.

Coop: Well? I have to ask then. Pardon me.

Lizzie: Mm-hmm.

Coop: Are you worried?

Lizzie: No. I mean it scares me, but I'm his granddaughter. He's not going to do anything to hurt his family. At least not on purpose.

Alan: This is a very sad day, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Alan, what are you doing here?

Alan: You know, I want to trust you. You are my sister, but you give me no good reason to.

Alexandra: And you followed me here, didn't you? Alan, that's not trust. That is stalking.

Alan: Really? Can you blame me? My family's ignoring me, disobeying me, betraying me.

Alexandra: Alan, Alan, just calm down, because everything is all right.

Alan: All right? Are you out of your mind? Elizabeth is now sneaking around with Buzz Cooper's son and you are encouraging it!

Alexandra: They're friends, Alan. They're kids. There's nothing to worry about. No, no, Lizzie... Lizzie will be all right. Just leave her alone. Alan! For Pete's sake. Don't you have enough to worry about? You've got Gus and Harley still out there looking for Phillip’s killer. You. Now you know, I don't how much longer I'm going to be able to protect you, Alan.

Alan: Get rid of that.

Alexandra: What? What are you doing?

Alan: The gloves. They're in here, aren't they?

Alexandra: Alan. Alan, stop this. Look at me. This is not good. You're seeing betrayal in absolutely everyone.

Alan: Well, then stop giving me good cause to look for it. And learn from Phillip’s mistake, Alexandra.

Lizzie: I am so beating you.

Coop: That's because you keep cheating every time I look away.

Lizzie: Well, then don't look away.

Coop: Okay. You know I have to say that I forgot how cute you are when you're winning.

Lizzie: Okay, I guess you are a big cute loser.

Coop: Gee, thank you very much.

Lizzie: Anytime. ( Laughs ) Hey, it's your turn.

Alexandra: You leave those kids alone or I swear...

Alan: Or what? Or what? You're going to use the gloves to destroy me?

Alexandra: Alan, now listen to me. All I really want is for this family to move on as a family, okay? So as long as you're here, why don't you go in there. You find Liz and Coop and you make peace...

Alan: The hell I will.

Alexandra: Alan, if you won't even try to change, I don't think I can protect you any longer.

Alan: Are you threatening me? My own sister?

Alexandra: Yes, I am. You know I love you, Alan and I will do anything to protect you, but I'm not going to stand by and watch you ruin anyone else's life.

Alan: You're not strong enough to stop me, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, I am. Otherwise you wouldn't want those gloves back so badly, would you? Now you turn around, you walk in there, you find Lizzie and her friend, and you make nice.

Lizzie: Here, maybe this will make you feel better.

Coop: I wonder what Harley’s doing now.

Lizzie: I don't know. I hope she's okay.

Coop: You've been great. And it was even greater for you not to turn Harley in, not to use this against her.

Lizzie: Well, you know, I didn't capture her best angle or anything. But...

Coop: I mean it, Lizzie. You deserve so much for everything that you've done for my family.

Alan: Is that true, Elizabeth? You helped Harley Cooper?

Zoë: What happened?

Jonathan: It's more what didn’t. Or what won’t. Or what can’t. I don't know. It's like Tammy’s frigid. And I don't like to say the word but that's what it is. And I can't believe we still don't even... maybe I shouldn't be talking to you about this.

Zoë: No, no. It's okay.

Jonathan: I mean, I do everything I can to distract myself, you know? I play sports, I write poetry, and I was going to direct another play. But after I got my liver transplant, I just felt like theater was so trivial. You know?

Zoë: You needed a liver transplant?

Jonathan: Yeah. I got hit by a car, actually pushing Tammy out of the way of it.

Zoë: Oh, Sandy, that’s... that's awful. Is there anything I can do?

Jonathan: I mean, if I didn't have this girlfriend, even just in name...

Zoë: She never has to know.

Jonathan: Are you sure that's okay with you?

Zoë: Yes. Yes.

Tammy: Where's Mom?

Dinah: I couldn't tell you. What's wrong? Guy trouble? Can I help?

Tammy: ( Laughs ) No offense, but you know nothing about healthy relationships.

Dinah: Well, I hate to tell you, Tammy, but neither does your mom.

Tammy: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: We're doing what you wanted.

Cassie: But my life is so much more complicated than yours, and I have so many unresolved issues.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well you know what? Maybe... maybe that's why you're here, okay? Because it's uncomplicated here, because you'll be safe here.

Cassie: I have so much stuff to sort out and this isn't helping.

Jeffrey: Well, maybe this is the way to sort it out.

Cassie: Oh. Okay, okay. I've got to take a shower.

Jeffrey: I'll be right in there.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) ( Knocking on door )

Jeffrey: Let me guess. Hello, Edmund. She's not here.

Edmund: Actually, Mr. O’Neil, I've come to see you.

Alan: When did you take this? How long ago?

Lizzie: Please. Please...

Alan: Answer me, Elizabeth.

Coop: Do not talk to her like that, Alan.

Alan: Stay out of this, Mr. Bradshaw. I asked you a question.

Lizzie: Granddad, really it wasn't a big deal, okay? I just ran into her...

Alan: After she escaped?

Lizzie: It was only for a couple of seconds.

Alan: So you had time to take this picture but not call the police, is that it?

Lizzie: Granddad, she would have been gone by the time the police even got there.

Alan: So you let her escape and you purposely kept this a secret from me, huh?

Lizzie: No.

Coop: That must kill you, huh? To know that Lizzie's got a conscience? Who'd have thunk it, a Spaulding with a heart, huh?

Lizzie: You're not making this any easier.

Coop: I guess in that family, that makes her a black sheep.

Alan: Just stay out of this, Mr. Bradshaw! You are the reason she is betraying me. The schoolgirl crush she has on you...

Lizzie: It is not a crush, okay? It is not a crush! Okay, I stayed in this town because of him. We've been running Company as a team. We're together.

Alan: If your father could hear you say those words...

Lizzie: Oh, don't even start with that. Stop it. Who made you Dad's official spokesperson, okay? You're not even his real father. I am his own flesh and blood, okay, and I know him. He would hate you for what you're doing. You know, you think I'm the one who betrayed him or my family? It's you.

Alan: I would like a moment alone with Elizabeth.

Coop: No. I'm not going anywhere.

Lizzie: Coop, it's okay. I'm fine.

Coop: Alan, I thought you wanted to... Ms. Spaulding.

Alexandra: We need to talk.

Zoë: You're staring.

Jonathan: I was just thinking about how amazing you were. Or are.

Zoë: See what you're missing with what's her name?

Jonathan: Tammy. Tammy is her name. She can't find out about this. I mean, we're still in that, like, not-yet-broken-up-but- about-to-be-broken-up phase, and I just... I don't want to hurt her feelings. You know? I mean, it's not her fault that she has problems.

Zoë: Sandy, you are so sweet to be so worried about her feelings.

Dinah: Hell of a story, huh? Aren't you sorry you left the party early?

Tammy: I can't believe this.

Dinah: Yeah, well, there's a whole lot more that was pretty incredible: Edmund having me abducted, threatening me with a shovel here afterwards, and the sick truth that came out that he used will to win your mom back.

Tammy: She must have been so...

Dinah: Floored. She was floored.

Tammy: Like you care. You probably did a little dance when my mom... never mind. I'm not going to get into this with you.

Dinah: Well, let's not. I know you've got your own problems. Do you want to tell me about them?

Tammy: No.

Dinah: You know, Tammy, I know how you're feeling right now. When you're in a relationship, there is nothing more important or painful. Now, I'm a good listener. ( Telephone rings )

Jonathan: Oh, um, you know, that might be work. Could you grab that?

Zoë: Sure. Hello?

Tammy: Um, hi. Is Sandy there?

Zoë: Yeah. He's getting dressed. Hang on a sec. Hello? Hello?

Jonathan: Was it the office?

Zoë: I don't know. They hung up. It was a girl's voice. You think it could have been your girlfriend?

Jonathan: Oh, no. Oh, I hope not. That would be really bad.

Edmund: Cassie didn't come home last night.

Jeffrey: And?

Edmund: I need to speak with her.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Edmund: I also need to put you on notice, Mr. O’Neil. If Cassie comes to you, send her home. And if you see her in public, keep your distance.

Jeffrey: Anything else, now that you're giving orders?

Edmund: This is not just about my wishes, Mr. O’Neil. It's about our child. So please, stay out of it. Cassie and I are still husband and wife.

Coop: What is this? My hour's up already?

Alexandra: No, no. I just want to ask you a question. Is this a game you're playing, Coop?

Coop: What?

Alexandra: Lizzie. Is this just a little fun along the way until you find someone else? Oh, come on. I'm only asking because of Gus and Harley.

Coop: Gus and Harley? What does that have to do with anything.

Alexandra: Well, look at everything they happen to be going through because one happens to be a Spaulding, the other's a Cooper. Come on. Probably won't happen to you and Lizzie, but it could. Put the Spaulding’s and the Coopers together, it's fire.

Coop: Yeah. No kidding.

Alexandra: Are you willing to make the sacrifices it would take to be with Lizzie? Huh? Just tell me the truth.

Coop: Yeah. I am.

Alexandra: If you and Lizzie do think you have any real chance at happiness, I will do everything in my power to see that you get it.

Coop: You mean protect us?

Alexandra: By whatever means necessary.

Coop: Thank you.

Alexandra: It's okay. It's all right.

Alan: Elizabeth, you will be very sorry that you said those words to me.

Lizzie: Oh, Granddad. If you think you're going to start threatening me now.

Alan: That's not what I'm talking about. But you will regret believing that Cooper boy over your grandfather.

Lizzie: Everything he's said, I've already thought for myself.

Alan: Do you remember me telling you that it's best that people stay off my radar?

Lizzie: This isn't about you. This is about me and Coop and what goes on between us is between us. Okay? Now just forget about him?

Alan: I can if you can. You go first.

Jonathan: If that was Tammy on the phone, she's going to be here any minute.

Zoë: Why?

Jonathan: Because... to ream me out. What do you think?

Zoë: Don't worry. If she shows up, I'll just... I'll cover for you. I'll tell her we're cousins or something.

Jonathan: Cousins? Tammy wouldn't buy that. Look, you should probably just go.

Zoë: What?

Jonathan: Look, I don't want to put you in the middle of this. It's not fair to you.

Zoë: I can't believe how great you are.

Jonathan: I was just thinking the same thing about you. And maybe I can see you again sometime soon?

Zoë: Anytime.

Jonathan: Come on. Sandy makes you feel clean, huh, Tammy? Okay.

Dinah: Tammy? What's up? What's wrong?

Tammy: Nothing.

Dinah: Hey.

Tammy: Just leave me alone, okay?

Dinah: Sorry. I was just trying to help.

Tammy: I don't want your help. I just want Sandy, but Sandy’s...

Dinah: Not around? As in, with somebody else? Oh. You know, when you give your heart to a guy, that's a pretty scary thing. You don't know whether or not they're going to protect it or stomp on it. Unfortunately, I know all too well what it's like to give everything you have to a guy only to find out he's in love with somebody else. That's a hard thing to do, to hang in... hang in there after something like that, to keep your heart open. Because no matter what, if he does end up loving you, you'll always know that you were his second choice.

Tammy: Is this supposed to be making me feel better?

Dinah: I'm just letting you know that you're not alone and everybody goes through something like this.

Tammy: Yeah, well, I'm not ready to be part of the Victims' Club, okay? Thank you very much.

Dinah: Oh, Tammy...

Tammy: No. You might be willing to be somebody's leftovers, but I'm not, okay?

Dinah: Like mother, like daughter.

Jeffrey: Edmund says he's here about the baby.

Cassie: Yeah, I know. I heard. Why should I believe you?

Edmund: Cassie, oh my God.

Cassie: If you're using our unborn child to get to me or at me...

Edmund: I'm not. I swear. I just wanted to make sure that...

Cassie: You swear. You swear, just like you swore that I wasn't going to lose Will, and the whole time you were using him, right?

Edmund: I wasn’t. I love will.

Cassie: This is amazing to me because you have just found a way to get to me. Through my children. First you play the hero with will, using him as a pawn. Then you get Dinah pregnant to keep me in your life. Why not manipulate me using our unborn child? Why not?

Edmund: So I'm still the same monster I've always been. You know me too well. And I don't know you at all.

Cassie: Well, that sucked. Right? I mean, that was horrible. ( Sighs )

Jeffrey: Well, it could have been worse.

Cassie: I don't want you to worry. I don’t.

Jeffrey: About what?

Cassie: I don't want you to think that I'm going to run after Edmund, Jeffrey, because I won’t. I won’t.

Jeffrey: I think you should.

Tammy: Sandy? Hello? Oh, God.

Jonathan: Uh-oh, Sandy. You've been a bad boy.

Cassie: I don't understand. Now you want me to go to Edmund.

Jeffrey: Are you kidding me? I don't even want you thinking about that guy.

Cassie: Well, you just said that you want me to go.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I want you to go. I do. Because I know you, and I know you well enough to know that you'd be kicking yourself if what Edmund said was true. What if there was something wrong with that baby?

Cassie: ( Sighs ) Why did he have to come here? Why couldn't we have just...

Jeffrey: Stayed in bed until it got dark? I'm with you there.

Cassie: You're with me? I like the sound of that. Okay. Okay. Well, if we're going to go, then we should just go. Come on.

Jeffrey: I'm... I'm not going.

Cassie: Well, so much for being with me.

Jeffrey: It's your life, Cassie. They're your decisions.

Cassie: My messes to clean up.

Jeffrey: I didn't say that. Hey. What if I did go? Hm? I would show up, Edmund would immediately get jealous, get defensive. The whole situation would be much harder to deal with. Do you want that?

Cassie: No. I don't want that.

Jeffrey: Okay. Hey. We just have to give it time, okay? Give it time to let things happen, and whatever happens will happen.

Cassie: I guess I'll see you later.

Jeffrey: Sounds good to me.

Dinah: Did you find Cassie?

Edmund: Yes.

Dinah: Was she where I told you she'd be? You didn't tell her about the contract, did you?

Edmund: Cassie's with Jeffrey O’Neil. The baby is going to be with me.

Coop: Lizzie? Lizzie, you're shaking. What did your grandfather say to you?

Lizzie: Nothing. It really wasn't anything.

Coop: Let me guess: He read you the riot act, didn't he?

Lizzie: No.

Coop: Well, while he was doing that to you inside here, I just happened to get an earful from Ms. Spaulding, your Aunt Alex.

Lizzie: What did she say this time?

Coop: Well, among other things, she asked me if I was willing to take the risk to be with you.

Lizzie: And what did you say?

Coop: I'm here, aren't I? I am not going anywhere. I am not going to leave you.

Lizzie: Yeah, but Coop, you don't understand. This could be really bad.

Coop: You just better be worth it, then.

Lizzie: I guess I could try. Come here. ( Cell phone rings )

Alan: ( Groans ) what now? Where are you?

Sebastian: Still in New York. Visiting your old pal Steven Wallace. And guess who else I bumped into while I was out here. Gus and Harley. Although I'm not so sure that was a coincidence. Maybe you can explain what's going on, Alan old boy. Because someone hasn't been completely straight with me.

Alexandra: My brother Alan killed Phillip Spaulding. It wasn't Harley Cooper or Olivia Spencer Lewis or anyone else. He did it. He was... ( clears throat ) he was wearing these gloves when he did it. They're the only evidence that links Alan to the killing, but I'm sure that any jury would find this evidence enough to convict him. And, well, in the event that anything should happen to me-- and it could because Alan went to great lengths to cover up his crime. I believe that if he became desperate enough and thought he could get away with it, then I just might be the next victim in this dreadful tragedy. In that case, I wanted to make sure that the true story was on record. If there's one hard fact I've learned, the truth has a way of eventually coming out. It always does.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Zoë: Love your body, hate your name.

Jonathan: And what's wrong with Sandy? Tammy, like everybody else in this town, thinks I'm a piece of dirt.

Nate: Who's my boy? You make me proud. You ought to keep them in their place, son.

Harley: Oh, my God. He's awake? You know who shot Phillip?

Nurse: They're the two you're looking for.

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