GL Transcript Friday 6/17/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/17/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Gus: Hey.

Harley: My kids would be so happy right now. They love all this vending machine junk.

Gus: Oh, well, me, too. I love that stuff.

Harley: I know you do. What are you doing?

Gus: I'm setting up a camera. See. Right there. It's outside. Right there.

Harley: That's the outside of the hotel.

Gus: So we could see who's coming and going, okay.

Harley: Oh, my goodness. You're genius.

Gus: Thank you. I'm a genius. I get a little hug like that.

Harley: Well, what do you want?

Gus: Well, I was thinking more in lines of kiss or something. Anything.

Harley: Okay. You can have a little kiss.

Gus: Genius. I mean come on.

Harley: ( Laughs ) Honey, isn't that... hey, look.

Gus: That's Wallace. That's Wallace.

Harley: Wait. No wait. We can't just go because they recognized me once there already.

Gus: Right. Right. Time to get creative.

Gus: You see him?

Harley: I think we just have to figure out what room he's in.

Gus: Spp... same guy.

Harley: Mm-hmm. No problem.

Gus: ( Gasps )

Harley: Watch and learn.

Gus: You learned it all from me.

Harley: Whatever.

Alexandra: It was you, wasn't it? You killed your own son!

Alan: Where are those gloves, Alexandra? Where are they?

Sebastian: Alan?

Alan: Sebastian?

Sebastian: Didn't mean to jump up on you like that.

Alan: Really?

Sebastian: I had some thoughts about tracking down Harley.

Alan: There's been a change of plans.

Sebastian: Oh. Okay.

Alan: You remember one time you told me that you would do anything for me, even if it meant crossing the line?

Sebastian: Yeah, that offer still stands.

Alan: Good. Because there's someone that's causing a very big problem.

Sebastian: What kind of problem?

Alan: The kind of problem I don't want anymore.

Alexandra: After everything you have been through all those months in prison... all those months in prison swearing you've changed. Yes. How could stand here, right here and let Buzz's life go into... in the drain for heaven's sake when you hold the evidence right hands that could clear Harley. Oh, you love your brother. Maybe that's it. Or maybe that's your ticket back to the big time out of the mailroom, back at the... well, either way you've made a decision.

Sebastian: This person is more important than finding Harley?

Alan: For now?

Sebastian: Who is it?

Alan: Let's say that this someone is a very big threat to Spaulding.

Sebastian: Alan, consider it taken care of. You never have to worry about this threat ever again.

Cassie: Dinah?!

Edmund: Cassie, she's fine.

Cassie: Edmund, can you please just go check in the house and I'll check in the barn.

Edmund: But Cassie--

Cassie: Please don't argue with me! Dinah, it's Cassie.

Dinah: Please...

Cassie: Oh, my God. Dinah.

Dinah: Help me.

Cassie: It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here.

Dinah: I tried to get away. Tried to get away, but I fought and fought and I couldn't do it.

Cassie: What? Who? Who did this to you?

Dinah: Edmund.

Cassie: Edmund?

Dinah: He had me kidnapped.

Cassie: No.

Dinah: He wants me to keep quiet.

Cassie: Why?

Dinah: Because I know things... bad things that he's done to you. And I can not keep quiet about them anymore.

Harley: ( Bell ringing ) Can you help us?

Clerk: You checking in?

Harley: Are you crazy? My husband is so cheap, he's got us at the Dewdrop Inn in Newark.

Gus: What do you want a mint on your pillow?

Harley: How about a map? He's too cheap to spring for that to.

Clerk: Where are you trying to go?

Harley: The Empire State Building.

Gus: Yeah, how far is she?

Clerk: She’s... it's across the river in Manhattan. You're in Brooklyn.

Harley: Shut up.

Gus: Brooklyn. Well, we could see her from outside.

Clerk: Well, it's a very tall building.

Gus: How do you walk it from here?

Clerk: Why don't I have the doorman call you a taxi.

Harley: Him pay for a taxi. ( Laughs )

Gus: Shut up, Roxy. Wait, wait. You reckon I just talk to you for a second.

Clerk: Sir, I can't leave the desk.

Gus: Just for a second. How do I get to George Washington Bridge?

Clerk: Actually it's the Brooklyn Bridge you want.

Gus: Brooklyn? You sure?

Clerk: Sir, can I make a suggestion.

Gus: Sure.

Clerk: Take the subway. It's going to be a lot faster.

Gus: Take the subway. And get myself mugged. Did you see her? I mean, come on. Honestly. No, I'm not stupid.

Clerk: The crime rate is low as it's been in, like, 30 years.

Gus: Oh, all right. So in New York should I just get myself maimed instead of murdered. No thank you. I'm not some dumb tourist. Sorry if I...

Clerk: Actually, I have to go back inside.

Gus: Just tell me what streets I take.

Harley: This isn't the screen I wanted. Come on.

Gus: Oh, now you go down to the third traffic light then you make a left.

Clerk: No. No, you make a right.

Gus: You make a right. Right.

Clerk: I'm going to go in and get you a map.

Gus: Just show me. If you just show me.

Clerk: All right. It's free. It's no charge to you. But it's behind the desk.

Gus: But...

Clerk: What are you doing?

Clerk: What are you doing?

Alexandra: Just how many of your crimes am I suppose to help you cover up?

Alan: What's the problem now?

Alexandra: Did you or did you not just send one of henchmen after Wallace?

Alan: Wallace lied to me. I paid the man to disappear and he is still in New York.

Alexandra: So you send Roger Thorpe’s son after him?

Alan: That doesn't matter. The only thing that matter is that Wallace doesn't tell Gus and Harley what he knows.

Alexandra: And what do you expect Sebastian to do? How's he going to handle that?

Alan: Well, that's up to Sebastian.

Alexandra: Well, you just ordered a man killed.

Alan: Who said anything about killing, Alexandra?

Alexandra: You don't have to.

Alan: If he tells Gus and Harley the things that he knows, it is over for us.

Alexandra: Us?

Alan: Yes, Alexandra. You are now a part of this.

Alexandra: I had nothing to do with this, Alan. Don't you dare walk away from me.

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh, that was so close.

Coop: Yeah, you're telling me. I mean what were they doing up here anyway.

Lizzie: I don't know. All I know is my granddad would freak if he knew you were here.

Coop: Freak. I was freaking not seeing you.

Lizzie: Really?

Coop: Yes, really. Come here. I missed you.

Lizzie: Well, you shouldn't have sneaked in here, Coop.

Coop: So what are you telling me that you're not happy to see me now?

Lizzie: No, I'm not saying that at all. I just... you could have gotten caught.

Coop: I didn't, though. And I won't get caught. Believe me, right now Alan’s got so much on his mind, especially trying to railroad Harley to think about anything else.

Lizzie: I know. I wish I could change that. I do. I just...

Coop: Well, I wish you could change that, too. But I am happy that you finally came around. What the--

Lizzie: Oh, my... oh, my gosh.

Coop: What the hell?

Lizzie: Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Coop: Yeah, I'm okay. What is... this is another room.

Lizzie: Yeah.

Coop: Let me guess. This is where you rich people keep your fortune, right?

Lizzie: No, I don't think so. Not this room. The chance of you finding something good in here is like a million to one.

Cassie: Boy, this has to be your best performance yet.

Dinah: Cassie, I'm not acting. Come on, didn't you see the way that we fought at Towers?

Cassie: I saw what you wanted me to see.

Dinah: Okay, maybe. Maybe not. But that would be a great excuse for you to keep your head in the sand.

Cassie: My head's not in the sand. And you're not fooling me.

Dinah: You know what? Edmund is. Edmund's fooling you. I know exactly why you're holding on and why you have to believe that things haven't changed.

Cassie: He has changed.

Dinah: How could you even say that to me? Especially here in a place like this that's beyond me.

Cassie: I've moved pass that.

Dinah: For your family sake? So that you can have a daddy for your children? Is that why?

Cassie: Yes. No. Dinah that is not the only reason.

Dinah: You know what it is. It's sad. That's sad to me. That you would actually think that you have a family just so that you don't have to face the truth. I guess I understand it. I mean I should know.

Cassie: Don't you dare compare us.

Dinah: Well, then I ask you to open up your eyes. And I want you to see Edmund for who he really is.

Cassie: Okay. Now you tell me everything you know.

Lizzie: My parents used to always come up here. My dad kind of made it his writing room and I guess they would come up here to get away from the craziness of this place.

Coop: Hmm.

Lizzie: You know I never really understood it, but now I... I don't know. I guess I--

Coop: Now you do, right?

Lizzie: I'm not the only one. It's like my dad is like that, Aunt Alex, my mom. That's why we have all these secret hideaway places to get away from it.

Coop: You know what? Why can't this be ours?

Lizzie: But we're not kids.

Coop: And neither were your mom and dad though.

Lizzie: Okay. Yeah, but they were different.

Coop: Whatever keeps you sane, right? Come here, help me move this.

Lizzie: You sure you want to do this?

Coop: Yes, I'm positive that I want to do this. Sit down. Look, Lizzie, just loosen up a little bit. All right, now come here. Come here. I want you to sit down and just relax.

Lizzie: Oh, no it's old.

Coop: No. No. It's brand new. We just got it from that store. Come here.

Lizzie: What store?

Coop: The big warehouse store. The store that we always go to. What do you think?

Lizzie: Who picked this out? You or me?

Coop: No, you did. And you like it, too.

Lizzie: Okay, I guess it kind of goes in this room. Although this room is filthy.

Coop: ( Laughs ) Well, that's because we just moved in.

Lizzie: So where do we live?

Coop: Where do you want to live?

Lizzie: Arizona. I don't know. I love it. I always had so much fun there. We loved it. ( Laughs )

Coop: We?

Lizzie: Yeah, me and my mom and my dad. It was... my mom used to paint all day long and my dad, he would just write and sometimes he built furniture. You know, it was fun.

Coop: Sounds a lot like a movie.

Lizzie: Yeah, it was great. I used to laugh so much. And ever since my dad left my mom, I don't think I ever heard her laugh like that.

Coop: Lizzie, just because your parents had it rough, doesn't mean that you're going to be doomed at the same faith. Okay, who knows, maybe... maybe you will end up in Arizona. Or maybe we'll take a trip and we'll go back there. You never know. Why don't we do that? Why don't we go there right now? I want you to tell me right now what the weather is like in Arizona.

Lizzie: Brutally hot. Scorching. ( Laughs )

Coop: Mm. Very, very cool. How about... do we have a pool?

Lizzie: Of course we have a pool. It's right over there. You want to go swimming?

Coop: Do I ever. But I don't know where my trunks are.

Lizzie: Oh, well, I guess we'll just have to dangle our feet over the edge.

Coop: Are we could just go in all of our clothes.

Lizzie: Oh, no, it's way too hot for that. ( Both laugh )

Coop: Fine. I'll tell you what, I'll grab some towels, okay. What is this?

Harley: ( Sneezes ) Oh, I needed a tissue. These are very soft.

Gus: They must be Puffs. ( Laughs )

Clerk: Your map, sir. Free of charge.

Harley: You are a God send.

Clerk: May I suggest you take the subway. It only cost two dollars.

Harley: Two dollars.

Gus: Two dollars. Buck a piece not bad. Not bad. All right. Come on. Let's go, Rhonda.

Clerk: I thought your wife's name was Roxy.

Harley: Ronda is his ex-wife. He's always forgetting. ( Laughs )

Gus: She was horrible. She wasn't a nice person. Okay. How'd you do? How'd you do?

Harley: Of course I go it. Room 114.

Gus: Good girl.

Harley: We just have to find his room.

Gus: That's good. Good girl. Okay, let's go.

Harley: Room 114.

Gus: Yeah. ( Knocking at the door )

Gus: He's got to be here. I saw him go in.

Harley: Maybe he's in the shower.

Gus: Maybe. He's got to be here. He's got to be here.

Harley: I don't know where he is, but we're going to wait.

Edmund: Cassie! Well, hello, Dinah. Where's Cassie?

Dinah: I don't know.

Edmund: Yes, you do know, because she came in here looking for you.

Dinah: I haven't seen her.

Edmund: You're lying to me. You're lying to me and you set this whole thing and you did it just to ruin the party.

Dinah: Edmund, leave me alone.

Edmund: Dinah, I want the truth.

Dinah: You're hurting me.

Edmund: Really? You've been hurting me all night.

Dinah: Maybe I wanted a little bit of your attention.

Edmund: Well, you've got that attention now. Is this what you wanted?

Dinah: Why? Why would I tell Cassie that you've been playing her and Alonzo against each other? What would I have gained?

Edmund: Because then she'll leave me and you'll be there to take her place.

Dinah: Oh, Edmund, you are just being paranoid right now. She may have lost Will, but you got her back.

Edmund: And you can't stand that, can you?

Dinah: No, no, I can't stand that. But I never imagined in a million years that you would turn against me.

Edmund: Really? Well, you have a funny way of showing that tonight.

Dinah: I wasn't going to say anything. But... but you just... you let things get so out of control.

Edmund: Dinah, you are not going to destroy what I have with Cassie.

Dinah: Okay, you're scaring me.

Edmund: Good. Remember this moment. Remember this moment the next time I tell you to tow the line. Now I'm going to ask you one more time. Have you seen Cassie?

Dinah: No.

Edmund: Dinah!

Dinah: Oh. Will you please stop?

Edmund: You're not going to get away from me, Dinah. What are you doing?!

Edmund: Dinah?

Cassie: Edmund, stop!

Edmund: Cassie?

Cassie: Get in the house, Dinah. Get in the house, Dinah, now! My God. Edmund.

Edmund: What? Oh, my... Cassie. Oh, my... no. I couldn’t. She's carrying our baby. Please.

Cassie: That didn't stop you from going after her.

Edmund: I didn't go after her.

Cassie: I thought she was lying to me. About Will, about you kidnapping her.

Edmund: What lies has she been telling you?

Cassie: Don't you dare try and pretend like she made this all up. Don't do it, Edmund.

Edmund: Cassie, she did make this up. For God's sake.

Cassie: I saw you with the shovel in your hand, Edmund.

Edmund: She's trying to break us up, Cassie. This has all been a trick. Oh, come on. You know her better than anyone. For how many years has she wanted everything you have? It's all about the win with Dinah. Cassie. Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, look at me. Look me in the eyes. I am telling you the truth. I swear.

Gus: ( Knocks on the door ) Right. Enough.

Harley: We have to get his attention. ( Knocks on door )

Gus: We don't want to get everybody else's attention.

Harley: Well, what do you suggest? Where did you get that?

Gus: Prop Department.

Harley: Oh.

Gus: Ow. ( Fire alarm ringing )

Harley: You've got to be kidding me.

Gus: Okay, that's it. We've got to get out of here.

Harley: No!

Gus: Yes, we do.

Harley: It's a fire drill or a false alarm or something. We're not leaving until we get what we came for. ( Fire alarm ringing )

Coop: What are these?

Coop: What are these?

Lizzie: What are what? What did you find? Coop, no. Give me those right now. Give me them right now.

Coop: I didn't know that you wrote poetry.

Lizzie: That's because I never told you. Give me them, Coop! That's not fair. You're taller.

Coop: All right, hold on a second. Let me just analyze your literary abilities. Besides, I am a pretty good critic.

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, I'm sure. Okay, give me...

Coop: Hold on. Hold on a second. What do we have here? We have the "ode to Roxy."

Lizzie: ( Groans )

Coop: ( Clears throat ) "I was alone, she came so sweet and pure. She loved me instantly, my little bundle of fur." Now, that's very cute, Lizzie.

Lizzie: It's stupid.

Coop: All right, what else do we got? We have "the rain."

Lizzie: No, no, no. Please don't read that, Coop! Please don't read that. Please.

Coop: Wait one second. Wait.

Lizzie: No, I'm serious, please.

Coop: "I sit alone..."

Lizzie: ( Sighs )

Coop: "I sit alone, wondering when it will stop. The pain, the emptiness, I sit alone. Then I hear it: Ping, pong. Water splashing down. It's come to wash away my isolation. But when I look out, there's only darkness. Thunder. I sit alone."

Lizzie: Can I have those back, please?

Coop: I... I can't help but notice you happen to use the word "alone" a lot.

Lizzie: So?

Coop: Lizzie, is that how you feel? Do you feel alone?

Alan: I am going to deal with Mr. Wallace.

Alexandra: No. Not your way. Not your way.

Alan: If he tells the press, the police, Harley and Gus, what he knows, I am going down and you are going down with me. And that is why I will eliminate any threat in my way.

Alexandra: Does that include me, Alan?

Gus: ( Fire alarm ringing ) Come on, come on.

Harley: No.

Gus: There's people all over. There's people. They're going to catch us. We're going to get caught.

Harley: I've almost got it.

Gus: Listen to me. When I'm saying "people," I'm talking about police. They're probably all downstairs right now.

Harley: Would you stop messing with my concentration? This guy knows who killed Phillip. I'm not leaving.

Clerk: Excuse me, sir? You're going to have to exit now.

Sebastian: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm right behind you.

Clerk: Excuse me? I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

Harley: Why isn't this working?

Gus: I don't know, but we have got to get out of here, okay?

Harley: There might actually be something in this room that we could use.

Gus: If the police catch you, you're going back to prison, okay? And I'm not going to be far behind, so could you please...

Harley: I'll take my chances.

Gus: Really? You want to see your kids again?

Harley: You know I do.

Gus: Then let's get out of here, please. Right now.

Harley: All right, come on.

Gus: This way. The back way. ( Fire alarm ringing )

Clerk: ( Knocks on door ) Sir. I told you, you must exit the building.

Sebastian: ( Sighs )

Clerk: There is a police officer downstairs who will help you if you're having a problem finding your way out.

Sebastian: No, it's cool. I'm sorry. I was looking for a friend and... I'll follow you out. I'm sorry.

Harley: We were so close.

Gus: I know. Listen to me. We're going to find this guy, okay? We're going to find him, I promise.

Harley: Unbelievable. The fire alarm.

Gus: These things happen. It's not... it's not something...

Harley: They happen? Just as we're about to break into Wallace’s room?

Gus: Yeah, well, I don't know. What, you think it was a coincidence?

Harley: No, I don't think it was a coincidence.

Gus: I don't think it was a coincidence because nobody saw us at the hotel.

Harley: Yeah? You're sure about that?

Gus: Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty good at spotting a tail, if someone's after us.

Harley: So am I.

Gus: So are you? You happen to be paranoid. You're paranoid.

Harley: It's not paranoia if people really are after you.

Gus: Look, maybe somebody was just smoking. Maybe there was smoke, a cigarette in a non-smoking room. Did you ever think of that? Hm?

Harley: You've just got this thing all figured out, don't you?

Gus: Look, I want this just as bad as you do, Honey. Are you kidding me? Just as bad as you.

Harley: You know what I want? I want to scream, that's what I want.

Gus: Well, don’t. It's not our last chance, I promise you.

Harley: You hope.

Gus: No, I know. All right, look, this is... come over here. We're going to keep our eye on this monitor, okay? We're going to watch everybody who comes and goes. I mean, obviously he's staying at the hotel. We still have a shot.

Harley: That's my problem. What if he leaves? What if he packs his bag and gets into a taxi before we even have a chance to get out of this place? Phillip must be so happy. This is exactly what he wanted: Me running around like a lunatic, miserable, missing my children. Thanks.

Gus: Where's the girl I knew? Where is she?

Harley: Huh?

Gus: The girl with the light behind her eyes. The girl who could turn a dark cloudy day into a sunny one? Where's the girl that could turn the world on with a smile? Hm?

Harley: What are you talking about?

Gus: Soap opera script.

Harley: "The girl who could turn the world on..." you did not... it doesn't say that.

Gus: Yes, it does. It says it right there. I added that little piece because I thought it would be a little better. Take a look.

Harley: You should write this stuff.

Gus: I should write this stuff. I think anybody could write this stuff.

Harley: You think?

Gus: Absolutely. And I'm unemployed, so...

Harley: Yes, you are.

Gus: Yes, I am. So, I don't know. Convinced yet?

Harley: Of what?

Gus: Not to give up hope. Huh? Did Lanie give up hope when Devon was paralyzed in that horrible hunting accident down at the ski lodge?

Harley: No?

Gus: No, right. Exactly. And did Theo give up when Skyler ended up marrying his illegitimate half-twin brother?

Harley: How could he be illegitimate if they were actually twins?

Gus: Just... just... just answer the question.

Harley: No?

Gus: Well, actually she did, but that's why that story line sucked. But do you get my drift here? Are you following me? You feeling my flow?

Harley: Yeah. Yeah. I'm feeling it. I'm getting the drift.

Gus: Good, good.

Harley: And I promise you, I'll never give up hope. If you quit it with the soap opera dialogue, because it kind of stinks.

Gus: Wait, are you sure? Because I took a look at the next little page and there's a love scene coming up. It could work.

Alan: Why would I be threatened by you, Alexandra? You are my devoted, loyal and loving sister.

Alexandra: Yes, your sister who holds the key to your life in the palm of her hands.

Alan: But you would never betray me, would you? You know better than that.

Alexandra: Do I?

Alan: Yes. You know that I won't tolerate disloyalty. You know, I think that possibly the gloves would be safer with me. Maybe you should give them to me.

Lizzie: You know, I didn't write this stuff for anyone else to read.

Coop: Lizzie, do you feel alone?

Lizzie: No.

Coop: Look, it's okay. You can tell me the truth, here.

Lizzie: Okay. Thank you, but there's nothing to tell. I don't even know what I was talking about when I wrote this.

Coop: So, what? You were just, you know, writing this with nothing in mind?

Lizzie: Yeah. There was nothing better to do.

Coop: Are you sure that there wasn't something you were trying to figure out by writing these? I mean...

Lizzie: Coop, I already have one shrink. Please don't get me another one.

Coop: Look, I just... I want to get to know you better. That's all.

Lizzie: Really. Why?

Coop: Yes. Lizzie, I like you, okay? It's no secret. I like you. And besides, I'm your friend.

Lizzie: Oh, okay. Now I'm just your friend. That's great.

Coop: No, no. You're not just my friend, here, Lizzie. Look, what did you mean when you wrote these?

Lizzie: I was just trying to figure out why I'm so crazy.

Coop: You're not crazy.

Lizzie: Okay, well, everybody else thinks I am.

Coop: I don’t.

Lizzie: Well, you're the minority, Coop.

Coop: Lizzie, look, bad things happen to people, all right? It's not just you, here.

Lizzie: You don't understand, okay? This is about my whole life. Do you know what it's like to have everybody think you're nuts?

Coop: No, I don’t.

Lizzie: Yeah, okay. Well, my mom and dad thought I had problems. I had to find out what they were, Coop.

Coop: I think you were just lonely. I really do. I mean, that's what I'm getting from these things here, Lizzie. You were lonely, not crazy. All right, look at me. Look at me. Stop. Hey, ssh. You're not alone anymore, okay? Come here. Come here, come here, come here.

Lizzie: I'm such a mess. I'm so sorry.

Coop: Yes, you are a mess. You are a crying mess right now, but look. I think actually I found a hanky in here somewhere, in this chest.

Alexandra: Don't touch that!

Cassie: I was so desperate to have some kind stability back in my life again that I was willing to just turn my head and look the other way from what I knew was true.

Edmund: No, Cassie. You love me.

Cassie: I did love you, Edmund, but I don't love you anymore.

Edmund: Cassie...

Cassie: I trusted you with my children. I trusted you. But you are the Edmund that I knew and was scared to death of back on that island. You are insecure and you are insanely jealous and you will do whatever it takes to get what you want, and if anybody gets in your way, you just get rid of them. You are sick, Edmund!

Edmund: Cassie, listen to me. Me. It's Dinah. She is setting me up. I never tried to kidnap her.

Cassie: I'm the one who was set up, by you from the beginning.

Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, please. Don't let her do this to us. Don't let her do it. What we have is so much stronger...

Cassie: What we have is a joke, Edmund. A joke. I want you gone.

Edmund: Cassie... don't do this, Cassie. I love you.

Cassie: I don't really think that you are capable of loving anyone but yourself.

Edmund: Cassie. Cassie?

Dinah: It's no use. She's gone. It's just you and me now.

Edmund: Is this everything you wanted, Dinah?

Dinah: What I wanted was the truth to come out. And I'm sorry for your pain. What are you thinking?

Edmund: What am I thinking? I am thinking you should be very scared of me right now.

Dinah: I'm not afraid of you. I'm in love with you. ( Knocks on door )

Cassie: ( Knocks on the door ) Oh, God, where is he? Come on. ( Knocks on door )

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Alexandra: Coop, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here at all. You shouldn't be here. What if your grandfather sees him?

Lizzie: You know what? He never comes back here, though. He's fine.

Alexandra: Look, Coop, if you care at all about Lizzie, you will leave this house, and right now.

Lizzie: No. I don't care what Granddad says. He can get over it.

Alexandra: No, he's not going to?

Coop: Wait. Alan has no choice here, Ms. Spaulding. I mean, Lizzie and I, we want to see each other.

Alexandra: All right, I see that. I see that, but you still have to leave. You have to leave right away.

Coop: I... I just...

Alexandra: Go.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, do you not get it? I don't care what he thinks?

Alexandra: Young lady, maybe you better start caring, if you care at all for Coop, because... do you want to make him his next target? Lizzie, you know I'm not against you and Coop.

Lizzie: I don't know anything anymore.

Alexandra: You two can just put a little distance from each other.

Lizzie: What if we can't? What if we don't want to?

Alexandra: Your grandfather is a ticking time bomb right now, and I just don't want you to be the next victim of one of his explosions.

Coop: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Alex, why are you trying to scare her like that?

Alexandra: I'm not, I'm not. I'm stating some facts.

Coop: You know what? Why don't we go some place else, all right? Anyplace else?

Alexandra: All right, that's a good idea. Please, go. Just go and go now.

Coop: Come with me.

Lizzie: Please don't do this to me.

Coop: I'm sorry about causing trouble back there. I did not mean to do that.

Lizzie: No, no, no. Don't be sorry, okay? You're great. Come here. You make me feel like I'm not alone anymore.

Coop: I know that... I know that, Alex, she's just worrying about you. I know that, but...

Lizzie: But what?

Coop: I don't know. She just didn't seem to mind the fact that I was in the house so much as she minded the fact that I was in that attic. I don't know what it is, it's just weird.

Clerk: What a week we've had.

Sebastian: Yeah?

Clerk: I mean, with the fugitive and this...

Sebastian: Fugitive?

Clerk: Did you hear about that lady who escaped from prison in the Midwest?

Sebastian: Yeah, I heard something about that.

Clerk: She was here.

Sebastian: No kidding.

Clerk: She was with this guy and they were asking about one of our guests.

Sebastian: Oh, by any chance was the guest that they were asking, was his name a Mr. Wallace?

Clerk: How did you know? ( Cell phone rings )

Sebastian: Excuse me. Hello.

Alan: It's me. Is it done?

Sebastian: Alan, just out of curiosity, are you sure you don't want me to go after Harley first and let this Wallace matter lie?

Alan: No. Stick to the plan. Wallace first, then Harley.

Sebastian: It's done. Hm. Alan, old boy, you are lying to me and I really want to know why.

Gus: They hold for a beat, then he moves in for a slow, lingering kiss. That's not in... they kiss, and then the heat builds up and they devour each other. And they're hungrily tearing off each others' clothes in a flurry of limbs-- take your clothes off.

Harley: Oh, please.

Gus: ...And lips.

Harley: It does not say that.

Gus: Take your clothes off. It says so right there-- "limbs and lips," right there. I'm not making this stuff up.

Harley: Who writes this? This is terrible.

Gus: And it also says she takes her clothes off. No, come on. It's going to be fun. And look it, I think it's kind of hot. So I'll just start all by myself now, and I'm going to come in and I'm going to take your face in my hands.

Harley: ( Laughs ) This is ridiculous.

Gus: What?

Harley: Stop.

Gus: It's fun.

Harley: I am serious. You have to stop this. I will never be attracted to you again if you keep this up. Let's just do improvisation. I prefer that.

Gus: Oh, I see what's going on here. You're getting... you're having a temper tantrum. You're a temperamental actress, okay, and I'm supposed to be, like, the director. I'll give you your motivation. All right, I will... I'll do that for you.

Harley: Okay, what do you suggest? And think like a writer.

Gus: Right, right. Oh, no, that’s... okay, here's the story. You're a desperate woman. You're on the run. Everybody's after you.

Harley: Ooh, that's good. That's very original. Where did you get that from?

Gus: Oh, please. Give me a break. There's only, like, seven stories in the whole world. Okay, so you're a desperate woman, you're on the run and it's you and your guy, and it's the two of you... and it's just the two of you against the world.

Harley: You mean, the whole world?

Gus: The whole, wide world. But you're safe, but just for a moment in time.

Harley: Safe is good.

Gus: Okay, so what do you do?

Harley: This.

Sebastian: I will look for Wallace when I find out why Harley wants him.

Next on "Guiding Light,"

Harley: Feel my heart. Feel that racing.

Edmund: I hate you.

Dinah: Love and hate. They're both sides of the same coin.

Edmund: She's upset and I will get her back.

Sebastian: Save a spot for me on your dance card, Harley.

Harley: Tell the boys, tell my family how much I love them.

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