Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/16/05
By Boo
Edmund: This time no cut-ins.
Cassie: I really would love to dance with
you. I just want to go freshen up, okay?
Edmund: Okay.
Cassie: Hi.
Jeffrey: Hi. Okay, I know what you're
thinking, and I shouldn't be here. You're right, I shouldn't be here, but
there's something I really need to tell you and if you look into my eyes, Cassie,
you'll know exactly what that is.
Cassie: Oh, Jeffrey, please. Not now.
Jeffrey: Yes, right now. I don't give a
damn. Okay? I've waited long enough and I'm not going to wait any longer.
Edmund: Dinah, what are you doing?
Dinah: I am going to let Cassie and
everybody know how you have used this situation with Will.
Edmund: No, Dinah. You're going to shut your
Dinah: I am not going to shut my mouth. And
I am not going to bring a child into a family that is living a lie. That is not
fair to the child. I'm not going to do this. And the truth, it's going to come
out right now, right here.
Edmund: Dinah. Dinah, I'm not going to
Jonathan: Uncle Eddie.
Edmund: Get out of my way.
Jonathan: Man, when you have a party, you
really know what you're doing. Nothing but the best.
Dinah: Testing, one-two- three. Testing. Is
this on?
Edmund: Dinah...
Dinah: Could you please turn the microphone
up, please? Thank you.
Frank: All right, Brian, this all looks
good. Thank you very much. Somebody from the department will be in touch.
Buzz: Looks like you could use a break.
Frank: Hey, Pop. You bet I could. Thank you.
Hey, listen, have you seen or heard from
Buzz: Frank... sit down. You know how wound
up you get whenever Harley takes off without thinking, you know?
Frank: Yeah, and gets herself into big
Buzz: Yeah.
Frank: Like she is, like, now with Gus and
all that with bounty hunters and marshals on her tail?
Buzz: Right. Exactly. Drink up, Frank. Have
a drink.
Frank: Hey, Pop, out with it. Why are we talking
about Harley when I just asked you about
Buzz: Well, your daughter and your sister
are a lot alike. They're like, you know, two peas in a pod, Frank. Just two
peas in a pod.
Danny: I guess you don't need my help.
Danny: I did?
Danny: That you're a pool player?
Danny: Maybe we should take all that money
and go on another trip as Gus and Harley-- or better yet, as Danny and Marina.
Danny: What?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah, terrified. There is one
thing I'm afraid of though.
Danny: Well, if you and I were to spend
another night in a hotel room together, I might not be such a gentleman about
Olivia: Guess who?
Bill: ( Laughs ) What do I get if I guess
Olivia: Well...
Bill: My goodness. I know that grip
anywhere. Is it old Suzy Q?
Olivia: Hey.
Bill: Oh, wait a minute. It's you.
Olivia: Oh, me.
Bill: You have an appointment?
Olivia: I do not need an appointment. I came
to take you away from all of this.
Bill: Oh, you came to take me away? That's
funny, because I thought I was the one taking you away.
Olivia: From a weird... admittedly weird,
but challenging job at Spaulding that offers me a lot...
Bill: Whatever it offers, it can't offer you
what I can, and that is a loving beautiful family.
Olivia: I've never known that feeling
before. I mean, now with you, yes, but never before.
Bill: Well, what about with your sister? Marissa?
I mean, you must have had... all right, well, you know what? It's never too
late to start building. In fact, have you heard from your sister lately?
Olivia: No. Not in a long time. And Sam
hasn't either. And I'm worried about her, because... I don't know. I'm just
hoping she pops up, that she's just hiding from that miserable husband of hers.
Bill: Turned out to be a bad guy, huh?
Olivia: The worst.
Nate: Didly-diley. Got you.
Reva: ( Laughs ) What am I doing? My family
is in there celebrating, and where am I?
Nate: You're out here with me. And you
hardly seems anxious to leave, Reva. Why is that? Hmm?
Cassie: You're right, Jeffrey. You shouldn't
be here. This is my night. It's my night with Edmund. And we shouldn't do this
Jeffrey: Yes, yes. Yes. We should do this
now. We're going to do this now, okay? Yeah, this is your celebration tonight.
You're celebrating a new life. And tonight is the first night of the rest your
Cassie: My life with Edmund.
Jeffrey: No, Cassie, your life. Okay? You
understand? Your life. So how are you going to spend it?
Edmund: What are you doing here?
Jonathan: You really know how to roll out
the red carpet. Nothing but the best.
Edmund: You're disgusting. Dinah. Stop.
Dinah: Can I have your attention everybody,
Jonathan: Oh, speech! Whoo-hoo!
Dinah: Thank you. There's something that I
wanted to say tonight, and there's really no time like the present and to share
it with all of you, right here, right now.
Olivia: We have to go to Cassie's party.
Bill: Party? We can have our own little
party right here. We can.
Olivia: No. No. Look, anticipation has its
rewards, partner.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: All right. Besides, we have
Bill: You talking about Emma?
Olivia: Yes. Which we're going to war with Alan.
So we need a lot of support. So we need to go to this party and show this town
what a loving, supportive couple we could be.
Bill: By showing up to Cassie’s big night.
That's okay. That's great.
Olivia: Look, I promise you when this is
Bill: Yes.
Olivia: ...I will take you home and I will
slather lots of delicious dessert topping all over your body.
Bill: I like the sound of that.
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Bill: I like the sound of that. But just
keep calling me "Partner."
Olivia: Yeah, it's just an expression. Don't
read too much into it.
Bill: So you're telling me you're not going
to be quitting Spaulding any time soon?
Olivia: I'll let you know. Don't worry.
Bill: You'll let me know?
Olivia: Yeah.
Bill: Okay, I'm all set. I'm not worried.
Because tonight I'm focused on three things: Making you believe I am the best
partner you could have in business, parenting, and in bed. And not necessarily
in that order.
Olivia: Oh. We have a party to get to. I'm
not letting you do this.
Bill: Listen. No drafting table?
Olivia: No.
Reva: The reason I'm not leaving right now
is because I'm afraid.
Nate: Afraid.
Reva: Afraid for you, you dope. You're half
drunk 20 stories up.
Nate: You're afraid, but not for me. Not
just for me.
Reva: Look, Nate...
Nate: I am. And what I see is a woman who
claims to be fearless, but when she's in my company...
Reva: I'm not scared. I'm not. What I am is
Nate: So I've heard, repeatedly.
Reva: Jonathan.
Nate: Reva, wait.
Edmund: Jonathan, you're either going to
leave under your own steam or I'm going to throw you out...
Reva: Jonathan?
Jonathan: Mama Bear.
Reva: Hi. Why are you still here? Get the
hell out. How much plainer do I have to be now? Get out of here now. You don't
belong here tonight.
Dinah: All right, here we go. Actually, I
can't go on with my speech without the other guest of honor here. Cassie, where
are you? Cassie?
Cassie: Say what you have to say.
Jeffrey: Okay. I was set, you know... I was
thinking a lot about this and, yeah, you have a choice to make. And it's your
choice. But, you know, there's other people that have a choice, too. And I have
a choice. I realize that I have a choice. And, Cassie, I choose you. And I know
you don't want to hear that right now.
Cassie: You're wrong. I do want to hear it.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, then here it is.
Nothing... nothing held back. I feel like you've changed so much for me and
you've brought so much into my life.
Cassie: Oh, yeah. Like frustration and
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that too. But you've
done something that no other woman has done for me in so long. You made me feel
Cassie: Do you know that every night when I
lay down and I close my eyes...
Dinah: Come on, where's our hostess? Cassie?
Jeffrey: I think you'd better go.
Cassie: No, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, you'd better go. Go.
Cassie: Edmund.
Dinah: There she is.
Edmund: Hi.
Dinah: Cassie...
Cassie: Is everything okay?
Dinah: There's something I think needs to be
said, you know. Something that needs to be known with all of us here.
Edmund: You know, how Dinah is. I mean she
just wants to talk tonight.
Cassie: This is Dinah. She just wants to say
something. Just let her. There's nothing that she could do that's going to hurt
Edmund: Oh. Oh, I'm so terribly sorry. I'm
going to go get some napkins.
Cassie: That truth would be something that
is very important for... for... hello? Can we turn the microphone on, please?
Excuse me. Can you turn the microphone on, please?
Nate: Well-done, kid.
Jonathan: What are you still doing here?
Nate: You know how I like a good party.
Jonathan: Yeah? You like getting caught,
too? This place is crawling with Lewis’s. And you remember that Aunt Olivia is
married to one of them, right? So I suggest you sneak out of here while you
still have time.
Nate: What's your hurry?
Jonathan ( Imitating Nate ): I've got something else to
do, Dad. ( Laughter )
Frank: She went to
Buzz: Yeah, to pretend to be Gus and Harley.
To throw anybody off whose looking for them.
Frank: Dad, doesn't she know how stupid this
Buzz: Frank.
Frank: How dangerous this is? Are you
kidding me?
Buzz: She's her own woman. She made a
choice. Frank, for what it's worth, Danny said she's something to see on her
feet. Frank.
Frank: It's me, Pop, right? It's got to be
me, right? Because I've raised both of these girls. And you know what? They're
getting into trouble time and time again.
Buzz: They're going to keep doing it
probably for the rest of their lives. So you'd better get used to it.
Frank: Why couldn't I just have raised,
like, two safe, reliable housewives?
Buzz: Because you raised them to be strong
and smart enough to take on the world. Good job.
Danny: Yeah. I have to say, for someone with
no experience at undercover work, you were pretty impressive. And I'm a
Danny: Hmm.
Danny: Yeah. No kidding. Nice changing of
the subject.
Danny: You know what subject. Being alone
together in a hotel room. Do you care to comment? Or are you still avoiding?
Danny: Oh, yeah? Really?
Danny: Really? For example?
Danny: And...
Danny: What?
Danny: What? What is that?
Edmund: Poor waiter. Well, no use crying
over spilled champagne.
Cassie: I don't understand why you were so
upset with Dinah about the speech she was going to make.
Edmund: Dinah is the last person anyone
wants to hear from tonight. It's our night, Cassie. Besides Dinah won't and
can't ever bother us again.
Dinah: One point for you, Eddie. No big
deal. This party just getting...
Reva: Hey. Hi, Bill. Olivia. You guys are
Olivia: Sorry.
Bill: Well, I don't know. Beautiful people
always show up late, don't you?
Reva: ( Laughs ) I know now. It's nice to
see you, Olivia.
Olivia: You, too.
Bill: So what did we miss?
Reva: You want the short version? One word:
Olivia: Oh, my crazy sister- in-law. I mean
that with love.
Bill: I know you do.
Olivia: Oh, would you like a drink?
Bill: Great.
Olivia: Me too. You?
Reva: No, I'm fine. Thanks.
Olivia: Okay.
Bill: Oh, so where's Josh?
Reva: Business called away he went.
Bill: Hmm. So that crazy man left you alone.
My goodness.
Reva: Yes, he did. Well, I'm not exactly
alone. My new boss is here.
Bill: Really?
Reva: The one that I'm working at his bar?
Bill: Oh, the... yeah, yeah, the... that's
Reva: I'm sure Josh told you about him.
Bill: He did.
Reva: Yeah, I know. I'm sure he did.
Bill: My goodness. Good for you.
Reva: Thanks.
Bill: That's great.
Reva: Great.
Bill: Well, is your boss here? Because I'd...
Reva: Yeah, he's here somewhere.
Bill: Is he really?
Reva: You know what? I'm going to find him
and I'll introduce you.
Bill: You will?
Reva: Yes.
Bill: That's fantastic.
Reva: ( Laughs )
Olivia: Here you go.
Bill: Hey, Honey. Guess what? Reva's new
boss is here.
Olivia: Oh. Oh, that's right. You've
embraced your other bar maid.
Bill: She's going to be good. I promise.
Olivia: I'm going to be very good.
Reva: Uh-huh.
Olivia: And I want to meet him. So let's
just bring it on.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: Let's meet the new boss. To the new
Bill: To the new boss.
Buzz: Well, you're back. In one piece.
Danny: Buzz, I know what you're going to
Danny: ( Laughs )
Buzz: You sound like you're all warmed up to
see your dad.
Danny: Yes.
Danny: This is going to be interesting.
Danny: Why?
Danny: Okay.
Buzz: Once she makes up her mind there's no
stopping her.
Danny: Oh, yeah, believe me, I tried. She
was good, though, I have to tell you. She was very natural at that little
undercover work we did.
Buzz: Yeah?
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: You know, since keeping her physically
safe is out of your hands, I'd like you to make a promise that you can keep.
Danny: If I can. Okay.
Buzz: Don't hurt her. Just don't hurt her.
Frank: Thanks for stopping by. Somebody from
the department will be in touch. Go ahead and sit down. I'll be right with you.
Frank: That little trip that you pulled in
Frank: Yeah, and guess what? You could have
been killed.
Frank: Absolutely.
Frank: That's debatable.
Frank: Okay. What's on your mind?
Cassie: What did you mean when you said Dinah
wouldn't be bothering us anymore? Where is she?
Edmund: No idea. I assume she left when
people stop listening. Perhaps she's at home sulking.
Dinah: You're dying to know what I've got
planned tonight.
Jeffrey: It's unlike Dinah to disappear when
she's got something to say.
Edmund: How did you find us, Mr. O’Neil? I'm
quite sure I forgot to mail your invitation.
Cassie: You know what? Maybe she's in the
bathroom. I'm going to check for her in there.
Edmund: Good idea, Sweetheart. Likely she's
sobbing theatrically in a stall somewhere. Nothing to worry about. Punch?
Jeffrey: No thanks. What makes you so sure
about that?
Edmund: Well, I'm a confident man, Mr. O’Neil.
That being said, thank you so much for dropping by to wish us well. But
everything's under control. And I'm sure something needs prosecuting somewhere.
Jeffrey: No, the prosecuting is all taken
care of, Edmund. Thanks. I think I'll stick around.
Edmund: Lucky me.
Ross: Gentlemen, is everything all right?
Edmund: Couldn't be better, Ross. Of course,
I can't speak for Mr. O’Neil, but this is one of the happiest nights of my
life. And getting happier by the minute. The man has finally realized when he's
not wanted. Punch?
Jeffrey: Hey. You all right?
Cassie: Sure. No. I don't know, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Dinah?
Cassie: No one's seen her. We have to stop,
please. Just stop.
Jeffrey: What? Stop what?
Cassie: Every time you look at me, I... I...
Jeffrey: Cassie.
Cassie: I can't think of anything else.
Jeffrey: Cassie. Cassie. Cassie. Shh. Look.
Look at me. Look at me.
Cassie: No, I can't do this. I can't do
Jeffrey: What is it? What?
Cassie: This is the necklace I gave Dinah
Jeffrey: Can I see?
Edmund: What's the matter? Didn't Dinah like
her necklace?
Cassie: I guess not. I guess she just took
it off and threw it on the floor.
Jeffrey: No, I don't think so. This looks
like it was ripped off of her. And not gently at that.
Dinah: No. No. Leave me alone. Leave me
Bill: So where's this new boss of yours?
Reva: Well, last time I saw him... ( Phone
rings ) ...he was out on the balcony getting a breath of fresh air.
Bill: Excuse me. I'm so sorry. I have to
take this.
Olivia: Oh. Oh, please don't be long.
Bill: I won’t. Bill Lewis.
Olivia: I think you'll like Nate, Olivia. I
know the kind of men you like.
Olivia: Yes, you do.
Reva: Where is he?
Bill: All right, well, that's fantastic.
Yeah, thanks for calling me back.
Nate: Excuse me.
Bill: Yeah.
Nate: Bill Lewis?
Bill: Yeah.
Nate: Been looking forward to meeting you.
I'm Nate, Reva's new...
Bill: Boss, yes. In fact we were just
looking for you. Nice to meet you.
Nate: My pleasure.
Bill: I'm sure Reva is one heck of a
bartender, huh?
Nate: Reva's a dream.
Bill: Yeah.
Nate: And I spotted you earlier with quite a
lovely, lovely thing. Wife?
Bill: Yes, wife. Olivia. In fact, she'd love
to meet you.
Nate: And you live here in
Bill: Full-time, yes. Why do you ask?
Nate: I'm making inane conversation. I'm a
Bill: Oh.
Nate: There's my ride.
Bill: Yeah.
Nate: Look forward to seeing you again, Mr.
Lewis. Soon.
Bill: Me, too.
Frank: Oh, no, you don’t. Because you know
Frank: No, no, it wasn't work. It was a
fluke. And you're emotionally invested in this because you wanted to help your Aunt
Harley. But guess what? When you do this job first time...
Frank: I'm sorry, Honey, but acceptance of
recruits' applications is at my discretion. Come on, sweetie, can't you pick
another job? Something that doesn't involve felons and guns? I mean, come on,
have a little respect here.
Frank: Where's all this coming from, anyway?
Because last I heard, right, you wanted to go back to school. Didn't you want
to take some theater with Tammy?
Frank: Yeah, well, it's looking pretty good
to me right now.
Danny: Buzz, you know, I care about
Buzz: It's not your heart that worries me.
It's your baggage.
Danny: Well, we all have that.
Buzz: Some more than others. I know what
it's like to love two women at the same time.
Danny: Buzz, I'm not going to deny that Michelle
is very important to me. She is. But she's also a part of my past.
Buzz: Well, that's neat and tidy. But I've
been looking at the calendar schedule of events for the restaurant the next
month and I'm noticing in less than two weeks there's a holiday coming up.
Danny: July 4th.
Buzz: Yeah, 4th of July. Bauer Barbecue. I'm
betting that Michelle is going to try and make it to the big event.
Danny: I wouldn't know.
Buzz: Odds are she'll show.
Danny: Your point?
Buzz: Michelle is coming back soon. Then
Edmund: My guess is that Dinah tore off the
necklace herself. All this family togetherness was just too much for her.
Ross: Well, did you see it, Edmund? Were you
Edmund: No.
Ross: Earlier this evening I overheard you
threatening Dinah.
Cassie: What?
Edmund: Oh, Ross, that is completely
ridiculous. Dinah is carrying our child. No one cares more about her well-being
than we do.
Ross: I'm going to look for my daughter. I
want you to wrap this up and do the same thing. Keep your cell phone on.
Edmund: Politicians, all very excitable. As
is Dinah. I'm sure there's a logical and simple explanation for all of this.
Cassie: Well, what if there isn't, Edmund?
What if she's hurt? And what about our baby?
Edmund: Cassie. Cassie. Cassie, don't let Ross
do this to you. It's Dinah. She's just trying to ruin your party.
Cassie: Normally I would believe you. I
would. I'm just... wait a minute, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Yes.
Cassie: Is there anything you could do?
Anything else?
Jeffrey: Well, I was thinking, you know, we
could make a call and put out a missing person's report if you want.
Edmund: ( Laughs ) Please. Please. You're
overreacting. That's just not necessary. Cassie, Cassie, it's Dinah. It's Dinah.
You know what she's capable of. It's one of her stunts. It's laughable. It's
predictable. And so are we for listening to her every time she cries wolf.
Dinah: No. No, no. Come on. I'm pregnant.
No, please. Please, I'm a pregnant woman. Please, I'm begging of you. Please,
please... don't touch me. Not for me. For the love of this child. Please,
please, for this sweet, innocent life that's growing inside of me. Please, if
you're a common man with some shred of decency...
Jonathan: Cut! Cut. Stop tape.
Dinah: What? That was too much?
Jonathan: It's like watching a train wreck.
You call that acting? No. You hire me to make you look halfway believable. Take
it again. From the top. This time try and sell it.
Dinah: Ouch.
Jonathan: Now remember, I'm the kidnapper,
and it is the scared mommy.
Dinah: Kidnapper and drama critic now. Hmm.
Jonathan: Ha, ha. If we're going to make
this work it's got to be real. Now, show me a motivation, okay? And dig in, get
your hands dirty, make something happen. Grab it. Grab it. Make something...
Dinah: Yeah, it feels like something's
Jonathan: Definitely.
Frank: Oh, no, she called me ‘Daddy’. That
means she's bringing out the big guns.
Frank: Mm-hmm. And you see, Honey, and you
didn't listen to her, now, did you?
Frank: Someone?
Frank: Oh, Honey, you keep talking about
families. I think you've seen firsthand what this job does to families. I chose
this job because I wanted to make a good living. I wanted to provide for you
and your mom. But this job... this job consumes you. It takes you over. And
look what happened. I lost my marriage and I lost my little girl for a long
Frank: Okay, honey. I'll tell you what. You
fill out the paperwork and we'll see what happens, okay?
Frank: All right, Marina Cooper. Thank you
very much for stopping by. Somebody from the department will be in touch. Hey, Honey.
I'm really proud of you.
Buzz: Have you thought about how you'll feel
when your wife and your son come back?
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: Because if you haven't, you should
start. It's going to be two weeks. Less than two weeks.
Danny: Hey, you.
Dinah: ( Screaming )
Jonathan: Oh, cut. Cut. Cut.
Dinah: What? What's the problem now?
Jonathan: You can't just sound scared.
You've really got to be scared when you're calling! People can smell someone
phoning it in.
Dinah: You know what? I am not going for an Oscar
Jonathan: Huh.
Dinah: And by the way. You know what? People
believe what I dish out. Thank you very much. You know what? The necklace that
you left behind, now that... that was a master stroke. Very good.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) Yes, but we've all seen
that movie before. And we've seen the remake. So it's time for a little 21st Century
Dinah: Such as?
Jonathan: Well, skin cells. ( Laughs ) Now,
the more skin the better.
Dinah: ( Squeals ) Oh, I hope you don't
think I'm one of those actresses that would actually sleep with her director.
Jonathan: What I think is...
Dinah: Is what?
Jonathan: That you have time for one more
rehearsal. Make it count. Action!
Dinah: Oh, my god.
Jonathan: Get down on the floor. Roll around
in the hay. Hey, if you want, I'll get down and roll around in the hay with you
if that will make it easier.
Dinah: Okay.
Jonathan: Yeah?
Dinah: Yeah.
Jonathan: Okay. That's good. Now, no smile.
Good. Now be afraid. Nice. Nice. Be very, very afraid.
Edmund: Cassie, Dinah’s toying with us.
Cassie: I don't know, Edmund.
Jeffrey: Should we get started on that Missing
Person's Report?
Cassie: Maybe Edmund’s right. Maybe we
should wait until we know more.
Jeffrey: Okay. I'll be outside if you need
Bill: For once I hope this isn't one of Dinah’s
games, but I'm a little worried.
Olivia: Well, let's go look for her.
Bill: Thanks. Thank you for understanding.
Olivia: Sweetie, she's your sister. I want
her to be okay.
Bill: Right. What a night. Did you meet Reva’s
new boss?
Olivia: ( Laughs ) No.
Bill: I did. He's a little weird.
Jeffrey: Sick, twisted, miserable...
Reva: Jeffrey? What is going on?
Jeffrey: What's going on? What do you
think's going on? Edmund. It's just one crisis after another with that guy.
He's a like a black hole and he's keeps sucking Cassie back in.
Reva: No, no. You and Cassie.
Jeffrey: Me and Cassie.
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Well, we've been dancing around it.
But she needed her space and I gave her space. But tonight I'm ready to just
shout it out loud.
Reva: You're in love with her. Ah.
Jeffrey: Ah? ( Laughs ) Ah? That's all
you've got to say? Ah?
Reva: I want my sister to be happy.
Jeffrey: You want what' for your sister.
Well, that is not Edmund, is it? I mean, you can see that. The whole town can see
that. If you want what's best for your sister, if you want her to be happy,
then you know that she's got to get away from that guy. Reva, are listening to
Reva: Yes, yes, I'm listening. Now you have
to listen to me. Edmund is Cassie's husband. You've got to let her figure this
Cassie: I don't know, Edmund. We can't just
sit around here waiting for Ross to call.
Edmund: Cassie, believe me. Sweetheart, this
will all be over before we can even reach the street. Dinah is perfectly safe.
I can guarantee that. ( Phone rings ) You see. Probably Ross now having found
Cassie: It's Dinah. Hello? Dinah?
Dinah: Help me.
Cassie: What is it? What happened?
Dinah: I'm... I got away, but they're after
Cassie: Who? Who's after you?
Dinah: I'm at the farm. But I know they're
going to find me. I know it. I know it.
Cassie: Wait, wait. Listen. You just stay
there, okay? You stay there and I'm going to come... you hide, Dinah. And I'm
going to call the police, all right?
Edmund: Police? Cassie? What is this?
Dinah: No, don't call the police. Because if
they see them, I don't know what they're going to do. Please... ( Screams )
Jonathan: Cut!
Cassie: Dinah? Dinah? Hello?
Jonathan: That's a wrap. ( Laughs )
Dinah: Yeah. ( Laughs ) Well, then, we have
to have a wrap party. Thank you, partner. Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie? Cassie, what's going on?
Cassie: I'll tell you on the way.
Edmund: Cassie, what happening?
Cassie: We got to go now.
Danny: Hm?
Danny: Oh, um, the Bauer Barbecue.
Danny: You have?
Danny: I have no idea.
Danny: You're excited about it?
Jeffrey: So you would rather see Cassie with
Edmund than...
Reva: You? Not necessarily. But Edmund is
still Cassie’s husband. Marriages go through phases. Believe me, I know that.
But Cassie takes her marriage vows very seriously. Look, all I'm saying is that
if you plan on getting involved...
Jeffrey: I am involved, Reva. I'm involved.
Reva: Okay, okay, then what I'm saying is
just think about what your presence in her life means to her, how confusing
that is. Edmund is still her husband and there you are, waiting, hoping that
you can help throw all the pieces in the air. And look, I know that you
understand what I'm saying.
Jeffrey: You know what I understand? That
without her, I have no reason to be here.
Reva: Well, then that's something you're
going to have to think about.
Jeffrey: What's there to think about?
Cassie: Dinah!
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, she's fine.
Cassie: Edmund, please listen to me. Just go
check the house, okay? You check the house, I'll check the barn, and please
don't argue with me.
Edmund: All right.
Cassie: Dinah! Dinah? Dinah, where are you?
Dinah ( whimpering ): Cassie.
Cassie: Oh... oh, my god. Oh, my god, Dinah.
Dinah: Please help me. ( Whimpering )
Cassie: It's okay. It's okay, I'm here. I'm
here. Right here, right here, okay? Ssh.
Dinah: I tried to get away and I tried to
fight them and fight them, but I couldn't get away.
Cassie: From who? From who? Who did this to
Dinah: ( Sobs ) Edmund.
on "Guiding Light,"
Man: Did you hear about that lady who
escaped from prison in the
Gus: Time to get creative.
Harley: Watch and learn. This guy knows who
killed Phillip. I'm not leaving. We just have to figure out which room he's in.
Alan: I will eliminate any threat in my way.
Gus: You're paranoid.
Harley: It's not paranoia if people really
are after you.
Man: What are you doing?
Sebastian: Fugitive?
Man: She was here.
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