Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/15/05
By Boo
Blake: There you are.
Cassie: Hi.
Blake: I was knocking at your front door
forever and nobody answered.
Cassie: Oh. I'm sorry. What's up?
Blake: A party for you at the Towers, so I
Cassie: Yeah. It was Edmund’s idea. Should
be fun, right?
Blake: Well, I came to see if you needed anything.
You know, any help getting ready or anything.
Cassie: You know, this barn has a lot of
memories. I married Edmund right here.
Blake: You almost died because of him right
there, too.
Cassie: We're starting over, Blake. We are.
There's a baby coming. A new life on the way means a new life for us.
Blake: You make your future sound like a
greeting card, but you don't sound all that happy about it.
Edmund: The idea here is to make my wife happy,
blissfully happy, which means more flowers, more candles, more everything. She
has to remember this night for the rest of her life, which means everything has
to be perfect.
Blake: You don't have to do this, Cassie?
Cassie: Go to the party?
Blake: Or go back to Edmund.
Cassie: Yes, I do have to.
Blake: You have to?
Cassie: Edmund can give me and my kids
everything that we've ever wanted.
Blake: Why does everything out of your mouth
sound like it's a prepared statement?
Cassie: It is an amazing gift to be given so
much, okay? And I am not going to get that with...
Blake: With what? With who?
Cassie: I'm not going to get that with
anybody else.
Jeffrey: And I've been a loner wandering
endlessly and I've been a real gentleman in the high society and I know I'm
wasting time if opportunity were on my mind all my life I go the other way I
know that's right...
Reva: The booze has really knocked you out, hasn't it?
You know something? Tomorrow morning, you're going to wake up and your head's going
to be pounding like a pile driver and that's the bad news. The good news is
that you're not going to remember anything you said to me tonight. Not that
I'll forget it. You sleep tight. Don't let the health inspector bite.
Nate: ( Mumbles ) I'll get up.
Reva: Oh, hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's
Nate: No, over there. It's over there.
Reva: No, I'm here. I'm right here. Hey,
Nate. Nate. You were having a nightmare. Just a bad dream.
Nate: Oh. Oh, Reva. Lord, I am so glad
you're still here.
Tammy: What are you doing?
Jonathan: My job. What are you doing?
Playing spy?
Tammy: Do I need to be?
Jonathan: Chill, Tam-Tam. You're not the
only one who needs to work overtime around here.
Tammy: I don't remember Josh asking you to
work late tonight.
Jonathan: Okay. All right, you got me. I
broke into here, busted open that drawer and stole the security codes to the
bank accounts, wrote them down on this piece of paper.
Tammy: What? Why?
Jonathan: Well, because it's kind of hard to
run the company into the dirt if you don't have access to the computer records.
I want to gut Lewis. Leave them road kill. Come on, get it. You got me. Are you
Cassie: Everything's fine, Blake. It is.
Everything is great, okay?
Edmund: I thought I heard voices. Hello,
Blake. Cassie, you look beautiful. Ready to go?
Cassie: Yes, I am.
Blake: I'll see you over there.
Cassie: Okay.
Edmund: Excuse me.
Cassie: A little Winslow family trivia.
Nearly six months to the day we were married.
Edmund: Cassie, we're rededicating ourselves
to one another, and that is far too important not to mark with a celebration
more memorable than our wedding.
Dinah: Don't worry, Edmund. Trust me. None
of us will forget what happens at the bash tonight.
Dinah: Hey, guys. Getting ready for the big
night out?
Edmund: You know, Dinah, you needn't go to
the party if you're uncomfortable with it.
Cassie: I think she should come. I do. She's
carrying our child, and I think that makes her as much a part of our new life
as we are.
Dinah: Thank you, Cassie. That's very sweet.
Cassie: And since we are starting over, I
want you to have this.
Dinah: What's this?
Cassie: Just something. Open it up.
Dinah: It's beautiful.
Edmund: That's very generous of you, Cassie.
Dinah: It's beautiful. Look at this. Would
you mind?
Edmund: Of course, of course, of course.
Dinah: Wow. I'm going to treasure this
forever. I'm going to treasure both of you. Thank you.
Dinah: Why do you want to hang out here and
drink some beer when you can be with me tonight and break up Cassie and Edmund
for good?
Jeffrey: Break up Cassie...? You know, you
need a new opening line, Dinah.
Dinah: I need you to crash a party with me.
Jeffrey: I don't like to go where I'm not
Dinah: Even if the party is for Cassie?
Jeffrey: Especially if it's for Cassie.
Besides, I've got a little party of my own going on here, if you know what I
Dinah: Please, come on. You're dying to know
what I've got planned for tonight.
Jeffrey: Look, you've got Cassie's baby
inside of you and now you want to steal Edmund, too.
Dinah: Cassie doesn't want Edmund. Deep down
inside, she does not trust Edmund anymore.
Jeffrey: Whatever. You know? I don't care
anymore. She's made her choice. Do I like it? No, I hate it. But I'm not going
to wait for her to come to her senses anymore.
Dinah: Well, that is just it. I am going to
knock her back into her senses, and I think you need to see it.
Jeffrey: ( Sighs )
Groupie: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Oh, Hi.
Groupie: I've been waiting.
Jeffrey: I know.
Dinah: Excuse me, we're having a
conversation here, so if you don't mind... leave us alone.
Jeffrey: There's those people skills.
Dinah: Oh, please. What do you care? You're
taken, or at least you will be soon. Count on it.
Tammy: Very funny. Security codes. This is a
list of girls' names and their telephone numbers.
Jonathan: It is? Oh, yeah. That's what I was
doing. A little talent search.
Tammy: You know what? I think I want to
check and make sure that those security codes are still in the drawer where
Uncle Josh put them. Just to make sure.
Sandy: Drop what you're doing, gorgeous.
We're out of here.
Josh: That's right and that's an order
because there's a party being thrown right now for your mom and Edmund, and we've
been invited, which means we basically have to go.
Jonathan: Where is it?
Jonathan: What? Oh. I get it. This is a
family thing, only the whole family's not invited. Aunt Cassie and Uncle Edmund
wanted a certain member of the clan to stay away?
Tammy: Uncle Josh, shouldn't Jonathan...
Jonathan: No, no, it's cool. I don't want to
go suck down champagne with the guy who tried to off me when I was a baby. You
go, though. Have fun. I've got to print out the
Josh: If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't be
here at all. Let's go, guys.
Nate: No. No coffee. I don't think my system could handle
the shock.
Reva: Oh, come on, drink it. It'll make you
feel good.
Nate: The coffee or the shock?
Reva: ( Laughs ) At least lay off the
alcohol for the rest of the night.
Nate: I promise I won't touch another drop
tonight. While you're watching. Reva, um, if I said anything or did anything
out of line...
Reva: If you did?
Nate: Oh... what happened?
Reva: Well, you seem to have forgotten that
you put the cat in the margarita blender.
Nate: Did I do that again? ( Laughter )
Reva: Look, I know that you're worried about
your loan and the Health Inspector, but I get the feeling that there's another
reason why you've been drinking.
Nate: Oh. ( Laughs ) Now, don't worry.
There's considerably less going on in here than meets the eye.
Reva: I don't buy that for a minute. ( Cell
phone ringing ) Excuse me. Hello?
Cassie: I hope you're not busy tonight.
Edmund's throwing me a party at Towers and I'd really like for you to come. I
really need you to come.
Reva: Uh, yeah. I'll get over there. Okay,
Sweetie, I'll see you later. That was my sister, Cassie. Her husband is
throwing her a Here-We-Go-Again party, and I would imagine my whole family's
going to be there.
Nate: Meaning you want to be there as well.
Oh, go on. I understand. Go. I'll be fine.
Reva: Are you sure?
Nate: I intend to hit the hay and not the
bottle, if that's what you're worried about.
Reva: I'm going to call you first thing in
the morning. Thanks, Nate. ( Laughter )
Jonathan: (Cell phone ringing) What?
Nate: Aren't you on your way to the big family
do? No. ( Laughs ) I didn't think you would be. Right, question. Talking about
the Lewis’s: Do you think Josh is the jealous type? I mean, is he the kind of
guy that would cause a scene in public? Hey, actually, you know what? Don't
worry about it. I'll find out myself.
Jonathan: Great.
Dinah: Jeffrey, what if I said when Alonzo
told Cassie that he wanted will back in Ssan Christobal that Edmund called Alonzo and encouraged him to
go after the boy and did not talk him out of it?
Jeffrey: I'd say that's insane.
Dinah: Yeah, well, his plan was to raise the
stakes and terrify Cassie into thinking that Will was gone for good, and then
he was going to dramatically turn everything around right at the end so he
could play the hero.
Jeffrey: And a forever- grateful Cassie
would go running back into his arms.
Dinah: You got it.
Jeffrey: No, I got nothing. And neither do
Dinah: Jeffrey, let me tell you something. I
am the one person on this earth who understands who and what Edmund is about.
She doesn't and I am going to prove that tonight at the Towers.
Jeffrey: Stay away from there, Dinah.
Dinah: When I show Cassie the real Edmund,
she's going to realize that the lies, they haven't stopped, they never will,
and that Edmund, he's not going to change no matter what she does. And then
it's going to be over. So the only question is, here, when she falls to pieces,
are you going to be there to pick up the pieces?
Groupie: Excuse me, but Jeffrey, aren't you
supposed to do another set?
Jeffrey: Uh, yeah.
Dinah: Oh, you're singing tonight?
Groupie: He rules.
Dinah: So, let me guess. You're going to
sing some love songs filled with loss and regret.
Jeffrey: Yeah, that's right. And I'm not
going to crash that party, and if you do, and if you hurt Cassie, well, you
know the drill.
Dinah: Or what? You're going to make me pay?
Yeah. You moved on. And you're telling me that I'm in a dream world? You know
what, Jeffrey? You go on and sing your song about lost love, okay? But for me,
tonight, I'm going to go after what I want, with or without you.
Ross: Yeah, we are absolutely delighted that
you found the time to stop in
Blake: What a pleasure to meet you. My boys
and I, we watch "The Amazing Race." We love it. We followed you. We
were so for you. And you oh, we so felt for you when you had to shave your
head. But it looks so wonderful.
Joyce: Thank you.
Blake: Oh, Josh.
Josh: Yeah?
Blake: Come here. I want you to meet Joyce
and Uchenna. They are the winners of "The Amazing Race."
Ross: This is a friend of ours, Josh Lewis.
Joyce: My pleasure to meet you.
Josh: Nice to meet you, too.
Congratulations. My niece and her boyfriend, big fans.
Ross: We wish you could stay and join us for
Uchenna: Unfortunately, we have another stop
to make.
Blake: But we'll see you tomorrow at City Hall.
Joyce: Yes.
Blake: Ross is giving them a key to the
Josh: Ooh, great.
Ross: So, congratulations again. Nice to see
Joyce: Thank you.
Ross: And we'll see you in the morning, all
Joyce: Okay.
Ross: Good night.
Blake: See you then. Bye. Okay, remind me,
bring a camera, all right?
Ross: Bring a camera. Josh, it looks like
you've lost somebody.
Josh: My wife.
Ross: Oh, she's a tough one to lose.
Blake: Well, I talked to Cassie earlier and
she said she was going to pry Reva from her job.
Josh: Yeah, that may be a little tough,
though. She loves that bartending thing.
Ross: What does she find so appealing in
doing that?
Josh: I don't know, actually. I think maybe
it has something to do with getting quality time away from me.
Blake: Oh, stop it. That's not true.
Josh: I think it's a little bit true, Blake.
Blake: No, it's not. When Reva walks in,
she's going to see your face. She's going to light up like she always does.
Tammy: What's wrong?
Tammy: Oh. Well, that can be arranged.
Tammy: Definitely.
Tammy: I want you to have me to yourself all
night long.
Tammy: No, it's not that.
Tammy: Uh, I have my doubts about it, for
sure, but my mom's made her choice. I respect that.
Tammy: Um, he was... wait. Jonathan who?
Reva: Joshua. Hi.
Josh: Hey.
Reva: Hi, guys.
Josh: Hi, darling.
Reva: Did I just totally miss everything? Am
I too late?
Josh: No. Hey, seeing you in that dress
right now is well worth the wait. And I have to remember to thank Nate.
Reva: For what?
Josh: Well, for letting his best bartender
have the night off. His loss, my gain. Hey, Sweetie.
Nate: Can I have a beer?
Edmund: Have you made all your calls?
Cassie: Yeah. They're all going to be there.
Edmund: Let us go, then.
Cassie: You know what? I... I need a minute,
if that's okay.
Edmund: All right. All right. I love you.
Jeffrey: ( Playing
Guitar ) All the lessons that you learn and all the prayers that you offer in
the night and all the strength that it takes to ease the pain and stop the fear
Who would dare to try to tell you what is
wrong and what is right out alone into the fields now you're asking is it real is
it real you don't know but you've seen enough now you've seen enough now to
last for years
You are tired of the taste of salt and
sadness in your tears you remember when the love and all the magic fell on you and
in your mind's eye that's all you can see reflections of your memories memories all the lessons that you learn and all the prayers
that you offer in the night and all the strength that it takes to ease the pain
and stop the fear who would dare to try to tell you what is wrong and what is
Rright, right, right, right lonely, lonely, lonely time lonely,
lonely, lonely time all the lessons that you learn and all the prayers that you
offer and all those sweet, sweet, sweet memories. ( Cheers
and applause ) Thanks.
Reva: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Cassie: I'm so glad you came.
Josh: It's nice to be here, thank you.
Dinah: Fun bunch, huh?
Jonathan: Oh, yeah. That's right. ( Claps ) Whoop it up!
Dinah: I had a feeling you'd be out here.
Jonathan: Hm. Well, they wouldn't let me in
there. What's your excuse?
Dinah: Well, I'm just getting some fresh air
before the real festivities begin. But you know what? I'm as much of an
outsider as you. I always have been. Up until now.
Jonathan: Are you saying that things are
going to change? You're always saying that that's going to change.
Dinah: Look at the happy couple. They're
reunited. They have no idea how close they are to disaster-- disaster that
you're going to help me hit them with.
Jonathan: All right, I'll bite this time.
Why should I help you, Dinah- mite?
Dinah: Okay, I'll tell you why, Johnny boy.
Because there's a party going on in there and your family's throwing it and it
is for your family. But where are you? You're left out. Aren't you dying to get
back at them?
Jonathan: I don't care about their stupid
Dinah: Oh, no. So, you're just hanging out
here staring through the window for the fun of it. I think there's another
Jonathan: Let's hear it.
Dinah: Those folks in there, they're smiling
like idiots because they're celebrating a sham of a marriage. It is as phony as
their pathetic lives. And I have known men that are too proud and too noble to
shake things up, even if it is in their best interest. They don't want to make
people know the truth. You're not like that.
Jonathan: ( Laughs
) Are you telling me that going after Cassie and Edmund is in my best interest?
Dinah: You scratch my back and I'll scratch
whatever you've got.
Jonathan: Oh. Well. Now things are getting a
little more interesting.
Dinah: Well, you haven't heard the rest of
it. Here's what's on my mind.
Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have
your attention, please? Cassie and I wanted to gather our friends and our loved
ones together in celebration of a reaffirmation of the commitment we made when
we were married.
Josh: Is it just me or does Cassie look like
she's in the middle of a root canal?
Reva: Ssh.
Edmund: One thing has kept us together. One
thing is going to keep us together for the rest of our lives, and that one
thing is faith in one another. So, Cassie, tonight, before the people we care
about the most, I want to say to you again what I first said to you when you
won my heart. Your love is the most precious thing I have and I want to spend
the rest of my life making sure you never regret the choice you've made. I love
you. To our life together. To love.
Reva: Love. ( Classes clink )
Sandy: To love. ( Glasses clink )
Ross: Don't even think it. ( Cell phone
rings )
Jonathan: ( Cell
phone rings ) I'm off the clock.
Nate: How about that dress your cousin
Tammy’s wearing?
Jonathan: Where are you?
Nate: I'm out of sight, like you. But I
don't need to see your face to know what your expression is. Hurts, being left
out, doesn't it?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nate: You never get used to the sound of a
door slamming in your face, or the laughter coming from a party you're not
invited to. You do that thing I asked you?
Jonathan: Yeah. I took some money out of
Lewis and put it in your account. I mean, enough... they won't notice it, but
it's there.
Nate: What about the other thing?
Jonathan: Well, if I'm supposed to hurt
somebody in the family, I want to do it to whoever is going to be hurt the
worst, so it takes some time to figure that stuff out.
Nate: Less than you think. Actually, cross
it off your list, because I've got it covered.
Jonathan: Hello? Hello?
Dinah: You know, for your information, Dad,
I was invited to this party. She gave me this necklace.
Ross: Well, isn't that nice?
Dinah: Yeah. You know, why can't you be
happy for me, because for the first time I am finally a part of an
honest-to-goodness family.
Ross: Dinah, this night should clearly tell
you that once this baby is born, your role in this so-called family is over.
Dinah: That is not true.
Ross: They are not your friends and this
necklace, at best it's a peace offering. It is not a guarantee that you're
going to be a part of their lives. You have to come to your senses, honey.
There's only one thing that you can do: Get a life of your own.
Edmund: Cassie, you have never looked
lovelier and I've never been happier.
Cassie: I'm happy, too.
Dinah: Excuse me. Can I cut in?
Cassie: Uh, sure.
Edmund: All right.
Dinah: No, actually, I'd like to dance with
Edmund: That's not funny, Dinah.
Dinah: It's not a joke. Cassie's a friend of
mine. I don't think there's a problem dancing with her.
Edmund: For God's sake, Dinah.
Dinah: Oh, Edmund. Stop being so uptight.
Cassie: I bet you're lighter on your feet
than she is. I'll lead.
Dinah: You know, this is a lovely party, and
I love the necklace you gave me. It's very beautiful. And I appreciate you
making me a part of everything.
Cassie: You are a part of it.
Dinah: I think this may usher in a whole new
phase for this little ménage a trois we have going on.
Cassie: I don't know if I'd call it that,
Dinah: Sorry.
Edmund: Do you mind if I cut in?
Cassie: Not at all.
Edmund: Thank you. You think you're so
clever, don't you?
Dinah: I got you to dance with me, didn't I?
Tammy: My mom dancing with Dinah. That was
Tammy: If you say "hot," you're a
dead man.
Tammy: You just keep your focus on your
Tammy: I really have been waiting for this
Tammy: Oh, I'm sorry. You've been so
incredibly patient with me. I just hope that it’s...
Josh: Not only do I love that dress, I love
the way you move in it.
Reva: Oh, well, my partner helps that
Josh: ( Chuckles )
Reva: Uh, you know what? I really am
thirsty. I would love to have a drink, drink, drink, drink.
Josh: You got it.
Reva: Thanks. What are you doing here?
Jonathan: I'm getting a drink.
Reva: Jonathan, this is not the right place
for you to be. There are people here who...
Jonathan: What, full of people who hate me?
Chill out. I'll get a drink and then I'll leave, and I'll never disgrace the
blessed doors of this family again.
Reva: Stop it. Stop it. You know that's not
what I want. It's just that I worry about you. That... ( exasperated sigh )
Cassie: This feels so good, so right. I
don't know why I fought this for so long.
Jeffrey: The important thing is that we're
together now.
Blake: Sweetie?
Cassie: Huh?
Blake: You okay?
Cassie: Uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm great. It's a
great night.
Groupie: You know what I like about you,
Jeffrey: What?
Groupie: You don't want some deep, heavy
relationship. You're not into the hearts and flowers kind of junk, all those
complications. You just want to have a good time. That makes things so much
more fun. So come on, take me home. It's fun time.
Blake: Don't they look cozy.
Dinah: I wonder what your wife would say if
she knew that you used Will and you royally screwed it
up, pardon the expression.
Edmund: Listen to me, Dinah, and listen to
me well. If I ever find out that you've even hinted to Cassie about what
happened to Will, the child may live happily ever after, but the same will not
be said for you.
Reva: What are you doing?
Nate: I cannot tell a lie. I came here
hoping to see you.
Reva: Oh, you had more to drink.
Nate: You cannot tell a lie, either.
Reva: ( Laughs )
Nate: I was about to come in and surprise
you and I decided I needed a little air. ( Laughs )
Reva: What you need is a couple of aspirin
and a good night's sleep.
Nate: No, my love, now that you are here, I
have everything I could ever ask for. ( Laughs )
Josh: You shouldn't be here.
Jonathan: Yeah? Tell me something I don't
Josh: I don't suppose you've seen your mom
anywhere, have you?
Jonathan: Nope, can't say that I have.
Josh: Well, maybe she's had one of her hot
flashes and went out to the balcony. Excuse me.
Reva: Easy.
Nate: Yes. Easy, it is.
Jonathan: Josh, wait. ( Cell phone rings )
Josh: Hold that. Yes? No, no, no, it's okay.
Go ahead. What? When? How bad is it?
Reva: Nate? I, uh... I heard... you're going to be okay,
right? I've got to go.
Josh: All right, I'm on my way.
Reva: Is there trouble?
Josh: Yeah. A snafu at one of the
construction sites. I really hate to leave, but...
Reva: I understand. When duty calls, you have
to answer. I get that. I'll find my own way home.
Josh: Actually, I was kind of hoping you
would say that you couldn't possibly live without me.
Reva: You already know that.
Josh: Okay, this is for you.
Reva: Oh, my drink drink. Thank you.
Josh: Bye.
Reva: Thanks.
Dinah: As much as I love your arms around
me, you're squeezing me too tight.
Edmund: Am I?
Dinah: ( Gasps ) Edmund.
Edmund: I just want to make sure I'm getting
through to you.
Dinah: And I want to make sure that I'm
getting through to you. If you hurt my baby, I may have to leave and protect my
Edmund: Don't use this baby to coerce me,
Dinah. We have a deal and it's in writing.
Dinah: I have a baby inside of me and
believe it or not, I am more dangerous than you are right now.
Cassie: Hey. Everything all right?
Edmund: Yes, well, I don't think Dinah and I
are suited as dance partners. She keeps stepping on my toes.
Blake: I'm glad that dance is over.
Ross: If it is.
Nate: Nobody's booted you out of here yet. I'm impressed.
Jonathan: Why do you have to mess with Reva?
Nate: Would you rather I mess with you? I
quite like her, actually. The security codes, do you have them?
Jonathan: What are you going to do with
Nate: I'll tell you when everything's ready.
In the meantime, there's more than one way to penetrate Lewis. ( Laughs )
Edmund: This time, no one cuts in.
Cassie: I want to dance with you, I do. I
just really need to go freshen up.
Edmund: Okay.
Cassie: Hi.
Jeffrey: Hi. Yeah, I know I shouldn't be
here, but there's something that I need to tell you, and if you look into my
eyes, I think you'll know what it is.
Josh: ( Clears
throat ) Excuse me. I'm sorry to do this to you, but there's been a little
problem, an accident at one of our construction sites. I need your help.
Josh: Yes. I'm afraid so. Tammy, we could
use your help, too, if that makes you feel any better.
Tammy: We were just about to leave anyway.
Josh: Okay. Let's go.
Jonathan: You're wrong as usual, Sand-man.
You don't know Jack.
Edmund: What do you think you're doing,
Dinah: You've made your toast. Now I want to
make mine.
Edmund: No, Dinah, I don't think so.
Dinah: Well, I am. I'm going to tell Cassie
and I'm going to tell everybody how you manipulated this situation just to look
like you were worthy of love in front of Cassie's eyes.
Edmund: Dinah, I want you to shut your
Dinah: I'm not going to shut my mouth
because I'm not going to bring this baby into a family that is living a lie.
The truth is going to come out and it's going to come out right now.
on "Guiding Light,"
Dinah: Where's our hostess?
Cassie: We shouldn't do this now.
Jeffrey: Yes, yes. Yes.
Dinah: Cassie?
Cassie: Is everything okay?
Olivia: This party's just getting started.
Ross: Earlier this evening, I overheard you
threatening Dinah.
Dinah: Help me.
Cassie: What if she's hurt. I got to wait
for them to come after me.
Edmund: Dinah is perfectly safe. I can
guarantee that.
Dinah: And I know they're going to find me.
I know it.
Bill: For once, this isn't one of Dinah’s
Dinah: He's killing me!
Cassie: Dinah?
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