Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/13/05
Bill: ( Cell phone ringing ) ( Groans )
Lewis. Bill Lewis.
Olivia: Hi, honey. Where are you?
Bill: Uh, I'm actually at Josh and Reva's with my girl, Em. Where are you?
Olivia: I'm standing in front of Towers
waiting for my husband and daughter to join me for a nice family dinner.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, Hon, well... you know
what? I'm on my way down there, so the sooner I get off the phone with you, the
sooner I will see you. Okay, Em, we are in trouble,
okay? We have to go meet mommy at the restaurant. I forgot! Now, I can't
entirely take the blame on this because I think it was partly yours. You were
the one who got so hot and said you wanted to swimming, so you know me, I can't
pass up a party at the pool. And you know how hungry that makes us, and my
goodness, someone loves her chocolate, don't you? Give me five. That's what I'm
talking about. And then, of course, nap time rolls around we've both got to get
a little shut-eye-- at least I did and, well, you didn’t. Oh, my goodness, you
messy little girl. You have to come over here. I've got to clean your face come
Emma: ( Babbles )
Bill: Now, you've got to have my back on
this, all right? You've got to have my back on this because I'm not a finger-
pointer, but this was your fault, all right? Let me wash that little face of
yours. I'm going to get you cleaned up in about 30 seconds, okay, but I have to
hope that Josh has something in his closet that is as nice as my plaid shorts,
that I can wear to the restaurant.
Emma: ( Babbles )
Alexandra: You're sure everything's under
Alan: I paid off the blackmailer and I will
never hear from him again.
Alexandra: For your sake, I certainly hope
so. What I would like to know, Alan, is how you were so careless as to let this
man find out about Phillip in the first place.
Alan: That is not important. The important
thing is that you keep my secret.
Alexandra: I said I would, and I will.
Alan: Where are the gloves?
Alexandra: In a safe place.
Alan: Good. I don't want you slipping up and
breaking under the pressure.
Alexandra: ( Gasps ) Me? Oh, be quiet.
Alan: Just keep the secret and protect the
family and it will be what Phillip would have wanted.
Alexandra: You killed him, Alan. I'm not
sure you have the right to speak for him anymore.
Bill: Well, well, well. You are a lucky
little girl because this joint doesn't usually go for sippy cups and high
Olivia: It's called the VIP treatment, Emma.
That's one of the perks of running Spaulding.
Bill: See? Your mom is a powerful, beautiful
woman. Just like you're going to be someday. Me, I am just a lucky, brave man.
Olivia: You're a wonderful, wonderful man,
and I am so happy that you understand why I decided to stay.
Bill: Well, I don't understand, but I'm not
going to press my luck.
Emma: Daddy.
Bill: Did she just say "Daddy?"
Olivia: She said "Daddy."
Bill: She just said "Dad," but I'm
not her... you know.
Olivia: But you're the only father she has.
Bill: That's true.
Olivia: You know what?
Emma: Daddy.
Olivia: Exactly! Forget the deal I made with
Bill: What are you doing?
Olivia: Bill.
Bill: What?
Olivia: I want you to adopt Emma.
Bill: You do?
Olivia: Yeah.
Bill: You do.
Olivia: I want her to know her real father,
yeah. Phillip loved her, you know, and he wanted to be a good father to her, but
I mean, you are the one who's going to hold her hand when she's walking to
school, and you're the one who's going to be sitting in the audience when she
has her first school play, and you're the one who's going to be waiting at home
when she comes home from her dates. And...
Bill: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a
minute, now. No dating until you're 21, you got that? And marriage, 35-ish, 34
if you're good.
Olivia: What?
Bill: I didn't hear where I'm going to be
when she wins her first Pulitzer prize. Or when she's the CEO of some big
corporation. Don't you want her to be a career girl, just like her mom?
Olivia: I want Emma to have a happy life,
and that means you being her daddy. You make us both happy. You are the best
father she could ever hope to have.
Alan: Emma's only father is Phillip, and
always will be.
Emma: ( Coos )
Josh: Actually, I was kind of hoping I
wasn't going to run into the rest of you.
Sandy: Oh. Sorry.
Josh: No, no, no. Sandy, that's not what I
mean. I just... I figure on a night like this, everybody has something else to
do. So, what are you doing here?
Sandy: Well, I was with Tammy earlier.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Josh: Okay.
Sandy: Reva was pretty upset. And Tammy told
me that Reva and Jonathan had it out right there in the middle of the
restaurant, so I thought I'd give you a heads-up in case you wanted to go home
and take care of her.
Josh: Actually, taking care of Reva is not
my job anymore.
Actor: Okay, now, why aren't you dressed
Harley: You don't understand. I...
Actor: Well, I think I probably do
understand. Have you been on a soap before?
Harley: No, actually.
Gus: Baby.
Harley: Because I...
Actor: Oh, what is this? Don't tell me you
brought the boyfriend.
Harley: Okay, I won't tell you I brought the
Actor: All right, dude, listen. Listen.
We've got to run lines, okay, so you're going to have to cut the cord.
Gus: Whoa. Cut the... cut the cord? Listen
to me. I don’t... I'm not quite sure who you think we are.
Actor: It doesn't matter who you are, okay?
We don't have time for this. We're going on live tonight.
Harley: Live?
Actor: Nobody told you? Yeah. This is a live
broadcast, okay? We don't even do this stuff anymore. Do you know your lines?
Harley: No, because... ( laughs ) I'm
telling you, I don't even... I haven't seen the script. I don't even...
Actor: All right, all right. Come on. Come
Gus: No, no, no. Hold it, baby. You're not
going. You're not going anywhere.
Actor: Dude, just hang on for a second,
okay? Look, I don't normally do this kind of thing, all right, but you are kind
of hot, so I'll take you to hair and makeup myself.
Gus: Now, you are hot, baby, but buddy,
you're not taking her anywhere.
Day player: Sorry I'm late. My costume
didn't fit.
Actor: Now, wait a second. If you're the
prisoner, who are you?
Gus: Can I talk to you?
Actor: Yeah?
Gus: Listen.
Actor: What?
Gus: Um, I'm one of the writers, okay? Now,
I'll talk to you if you can keep your mouth shut.
Actor: You're one of the writers?
Gus: Yes. Yes.
Actor: I thought you guys worked from home.
Gus: We do. But sometimes we like to come
down to the studio and, you know, check things out. Thinking about killing
somebody off.
Actor: Oh, no.
Gus: No, no. Not you, not you. Look at that:
I've said too much already.
Actor: Hey, are you a writer, too?
Harley: Me, a writer? God, no.
Day player: Then who are you?
Harley: Uh, I'm... I'm obviously the
technical consultant here. Nadine Bradshaw is my name. And can I tell you, this
is all wrong. I don't know what you've got going on here, but...
Actor: Are you kidding me? They finally
sprung for a technical consultant around this...? Oh, God, that's great.
Harley: I think it's great, too. Hey, I say,
why not some reality for a change?
Actor: That's what I've been saying. I've
been begging them for somebody like you ever since they made me a cop on this
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Actor: I want it to feel more organic.
Day player: Well, here she is.
Actor: Yeah. Sweetheart, do me a favor. Just
run along, okay, please?
Day player: I thought we could run lines.
Actor: Yeah, well, you don't have any lines,
okay? Now, scoot. Hey, guys, hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up. There's a couple of things I'd really like to talk to you
about, okay? And a lot of questions I have for you, and I'd love to pitch you a
couple of story lines I've been thinking of. Now, Rebecca, all right? The girl
who plays Rebecca?
Gus: One of my favorites.
Actor: Who couldn't tell that from the way
you write her.
Gus: Yeah.
Actor: Anyway, I'm thinking that we have
this great chemistry and I'm thinking if you could just write us one scene?
Gus: Yeah.
Actor: The two of us?
Gus: Yeah.
Actor: I think we have the makings of a
Gus: Yeah, you know, it's funny because when
I think about it, that's a good idea. I'm going to keep that in mind.
Actor: Great. Great, great, great. Now...
Gus: You guys are good together.
Actor: Yeah, thank you. Now, listen, there's
a couple of other questions about cuffs, all right? Now, I can't get these
things right, when I cuff a perp, I'm going like this and just, you know, sort
of... but it's not right. It's the motivation, it's just all wrong.
Harley: Are those real? Maybe it's not such
Gus: You have the key to this, right?
Harley: ...Good idea for you to put these
Actor: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, watch. Just
watch it first. Watch it first.
Gus: Chip, do you have the keys, chip?
Harley: Are those real?
Gus: Chip, do you have the keys to these
things? The keys, Chip.
Actor: It's
Gus: Do you have the keys?
Actor: I don't know. I might. No, I don't
know where it is.
Ross: Any news about Harley?
Frank: No, and it's killing me.
Ross: Yes, I can see that. That's why I
suggested that we go out for a drink. I think we can both use a quiet night
Olivia: Don't do this in front of Emma.
Alan: Emma has a father. Just because he is
not here, Olivia, doesn't mean...
Bill: We know that, Alan. Olivia just said
she wants Emma to know about Phillip.
Alan: Her version of Phillip? No, thank you.
Olivia: Please.
Alan: Look, Bill, this doesn't concern you
at all.
Bill: Doesn't concern me?
Olivia: Yes, it concerns him. He's my
husband. He's going to be Emma’s father.
Alan: The hell he is.
Olivia: I want Emma to have a normal, happy
family life, Alan.
Alan: Olivia, you wouldn't know normal if it
hit you in the...
Olivia: And you would?
Alexandra: Please, let's not cause a scene,
Alan: I'll tell you, I will cause a scene if
you two try to adopt my Emma.
Olivia: You have no say in this.
Alan: You know, you can't remember that we
have already discussed this.
Bill: Listen to me. Emma will know about
Phillip, I give you my word.
Alan: I never take the word of a Lewis,
Alexandra: Please, we can discuss this in
private sometime later.
Alan: There's nothing to discuss.
Bill: All right. Look, Alan, I know you're
upset, and I can even understand why, but you've got to think what's best for
your granddaughter.
Alan: I know what's best for my
granddaughter, and it isn't you, Bill.
Bill: You know what? I'm not going to fight
you on this.
Alan: Well, go ahead and fight me, because a
Spaulding will always trump a Lewis.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. You want to talk
about revisionist history? You hold a grudge against my family because my
mother dumped you and she married my dad.
Olivia: Oh, I love these old family stories.
Don't you?
Bill: And that is the truth.
Alan: Until she realized your father was
beneath her.
Olivia: Forget it. Forget it. You're
flailing, okay? You don't have a leg to stand on, legal or otherwise. You're not
even a blood relative.
Alexandra: Oh, come on. That's hitting below
the belt.
Olivia: Oh, what do you expect, Alexandra?
Your brother thinks he's King of the freaking world.
Alan: I'm warning you, Olivia. Don't cross
Olivia: Or what? You're lucky I let you see
Emma at all.
Bill: All right, let's just do this later,
Olivia: I'm not doing this later. I'm not
going to play tug of war with my daughter.
Alexandra: Bill's right. We can discuss this
later. Please.
Alan: No. Alexandra, no. I am not going to
allow Olivia to erase Phillip from Emma’s memory.
Olivia: Forget Phillip. I'm going to erase
you, Alan.
Alan: After everything I've done, you are
not taking my Emma from me. I will see you dead first.
Josh: Yeah. I got an e-mail from Shayne,
too. It's been a pretty good day.
Sandy: Well, you're a pretty good dad.
Josh: Well, I think I am, too, but I
appreciate you reminding me of that.
Sandy: They're all really lucky to have you.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Sandy: Marah, Shayne. Even Reva.
Josh: Reva. Yeah.
Sandy: I'm worried about her.
Josh: Well, that makes two of us, pal.
Sandy: First I thought it was Jonathan
getting to her again, but I don't think that's the case.
Josh: No. I don't think we can pin all of
this on Jonathan, either. Reva’s perfectly capable of
messing things up all by herself.
Sandy: She's never boring.
Josh: ( Laughs weakly ) Nope.
Sandy: Josh?
Josh: Hmm?
Sandy: Can I help? I see how stressed you
are, and tonight Reva had this look in her eye.
Josh: Yeah. The look.
Sandy: Sorry. You probably don't want to
talk about it.
Josh: No. You know what, Sandy? It's just
this... I'm giving Reva some space right now, and we're just going to have to
wait around and see what she does with it. ( Knock at door )
Ross: Evening, gentlemen.
Frank: Hey, guys.
Josh: What is it that made me think I could
actually hide out here tonight?
Frank: Well, let's see. Your light's on and
your car is in the parking lot.
Josh: Excellent detective work, Frank. Hey,
Ross, I was just looking at the plans for your house here.
Ross: Oh, good.
Frank: Ross? You moving?
Ross: No, no, no. I'm adding on. I thought
it would be fun for Blake to have a new project.
Frank: Which means that
you're keeping her out of trouble.
Ross: It means I'd like to keep her away
from her brother, but that's a losing battle.
Josh: Yeah, those two seem pretty close
these days.
Ross: You just sent a cold chill down my
spine. Thanks, Josh.
Josh: ( Laughs )
Ross: You know, Frank, I think we should let
these two night owls finish their work.
Sandy: You guys got a big night planned?
Frank: Well, Ross offered to buy me a drink,
but we didn't know where to go, so...
Josh: Actually, you came to the right place.
Bill: Get your hands off my wife.
Olivia: What have you done, Alan?
Alan: What do you mean, what have I done?
Olivia: You said, "After everything you
Alexandra: All right, all right...
Olivia: What have you done, Alan?
Alexandra: You know... you know what Alan...
how hard he's worked to keep Emma close.
Olivia: Yeah, I sure do. Like son, like
Alexandra: Come on, she's his youngest
grandchild. He loves her dearly.
Alan: Yes, exactly. And you wouldn't be
working at Spaulding if it weren't for Emma. As a matter of fact, you'd still
be back at the Beacon where you belong, and will be shortly.
Bill: You don't love that little girl.
Alexandra: Oh, Bill, please.
Bill: No, you don’t.
Alan: Yes, I do. I love that little girl
more than anything.
Bill: No, you love power and revenge, but
you don't love that little girl. She's a bargaining chip to keep Olivia in
line, and that's exactly what she is.
Alan: Well, you know something, Bill?
Somebody has to, because you're not up to the job.
Bill: You know what, Alan? You had your shot
and you blew it, okay?
Olivia: Oh, please. This conversation is
Alexandra: All right.
Alan: It's not over until I say it's over.
Olivia: Let me make something
Olivia: Let me make something clear: I may
work for you, but this is my family time.
Alan: Emma is a Spaulding and will always be
a Spaulding, Olivia.
Olivia: She's a Spencer, too, Alan.
Alan: Well, she'll have time to get over
Alexandra: All right, Alan. That is enough.
That's enough. Now, don't argue with me. All right? I'm saving you from
yourself. Calm down.
Bill: Well, all this fighting has made Daddy
very hungry. Right, Em? Don’t.
Olivia: What?
Bill: Don't, don't, don't, don't, don’t.
Don't listen to him, okay? He is all talk.
Olivia: No, he's not, and you know it. He's
not going to drop this.
Bill: All right, then we will deal with it
together. Okay? Right, Em? We're going to work on
keeping Grandpa in his place.
Olivia: All right.
Emma: You're ticklish.
Bill: I am ticklish. But Mommy just said
something very important. "All right," what? All right that you agree
with me? Or all right, you're going to go do something behind my back?
Olivia: I agree with you. We'll handle this
Bill: Together.
Olivia: Together.
Bill: Together.
Olivia: You said we could handle anything
together. I believe you.
Emma: Vroom, vroom.
Bill: I love you. But what's your name,
again? Who is this?
Olivia: ( Laughs )
Bill: Who is this person over here? Can you
help me?
Emma: Vroom!
Bill: Vroom.
Emma: Vroom!
Frank: So, Ross, you really don't like
Blake’s brother?
Ross: Let me put it this way-- thank you,
Sandy-- Sebastian makes Roger Thorpe look like a warm and normal human being.
But Blake is very happy to have this connection with her father.
Josh: Well, I guess I can understand that.
Ross: Yeah, sometimes so do I. You know,
Sebastian lacks even Roger’s limited ability to love somebody, but he did
inherit his father's powers of persuasion. Blake is drawn to him like a moth to
Josh: You know, I've been spending some time
with them. They do seem pretty close.
Ross: Yes, I'm afraid they are. Blake is
thrilled, though, to have this new playmate. Harley's her best friend; she
misses her a lot. Cassie's life is so complicated now it's ridiculous, so as
far as Blake is concerned, Sebastian showed up at the perfect time.
Josh: Yeah, the new playmate thing. You
know, I think there are just some people in the world that are so bored with
life they have to continually find somebody new and find new experiences, to
keep things exciting.
Sandy: Is life supposed to be exciting all
the time?
Frank: Not for me, man. I like routine. But
of course, it didn't help my marriage.
Sandy: To
Frank: Yeah, to
Josh: Oh, no. I don't think so. I think
Tammy is following in the footsteps of her Aunt Reva.
Frank: Then you better take your vitamins,
Ross: Reva and Blake both would be offended
at the notion of anybody trying to keep them "on track."
Josh: They need us, but they also need to be
able to get away from us whenever they want.
Ross: And we need to trust that when they
leave, they will find their way back home.
Ross: Yes, isn't it? Listen and learn,
Frank: I'm still looking, Ross, but I
haven't found her. But unfortunately, I had to put that on the back burner.
Right now, all my energy has been trying to find my sister.
Actor: Yeah?
Harley: Where are the keys?
Actor: I don't know.
Harley: The key.
Actor: I bet I left it in my dressing room.
( Groans ) Whoa, yeah. That's what I'm talking about, right there! That was
great! Oh, man. That was perfect. See, you've got to teach me how to do that.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. See, the way you just spun me around,
the arm back and the head... the whole thing, I felt the agony and the pain of
all that.
Harley: You know what,
Actor: You'll teach me that?
Harley: But right now, we've got to go.
Actor: All right, great, great. Hold on a
second. I didn't get a chance to ask you about my motivation.
Gus: You're doing it for love.
Harley: Okay. There's got to be another exit
out of this building, somewhere.
Gus: Stay here until the coast is clear,
Harley: Gus, we can't just stay here. We're
on a...
Gus: We have to stay here because the Feds
are all over the place.
Harley: ...Television set.
Stage manager: Okay, people. We're live in five, four, three...
Alexandra: For heaven's sakes, get a hold of
Alan: I am not finished with Olivia yet.
Alexandra: Yes, you are.
Alan: No. I am not going to let her take
Emma from me.
Alexandra: She's not going to, I promise
you. Now, let's have a drink.
Alan: I don't want a drink.
Alexandra: Alan, you need something to calm
down. Now, believe me, let's have a drink.
Alan: All right. I'll have a scotch. Excuse
me, I'll have a scotch.
Bartender: Sorry. My favorite soap is doing
a live prime-time show tonight.
Alan: You watch those silly programs?
Bartender: Actually, it's pretty good.
Alan: What's good about it?
Bartender: Well, Brock’s supposed to find
out KD is sleeping with Sara.
Alan: Who the hell is Brock?
Alexandra: Brock. Sara's brother. KD is
sleeping with his girlfriend.
Alan: How do you know so much about this?
Alexandra: I got hooked on it when I was in
Alan: Unbelievable.
Alexandra: Yes, well, it helps pass the time
of day. You know, being locked up does change one.
Alan: I am not going back to jail.
Alexandra: That's exactly where you're going
if you keep losing it like this.
Alan: I know what I am doing, Alexandra.
Alexandra: I don't think you do.
Alan: I can assure you it is almost over.
Once Harley and Gus are found, there will be no more loose ends.
Alexandra: Alan, I am really worried about
Alan: Don't worry about me, Alexandra. I'm
Alexandra: No, that's why I had to drag you
away screaming and kicking.
Alan: Will you quit exaggerating?
Alexandra: No, Alan. You almost slipped up
right in front of Olivia and Bill.
Alan: I knew exactly what I was saying.
Alexandra: Do you honestly believe that?
Alan: I'm handling the situation, and I will
continue to handle the situation.
Alexandra: All I'm trying to say is this
whole situation is taking a toll on you. Now, I can see it, and the stress of
it is beginning to show.
Alan: Nonsense.
Alexandra: You're only human. Would you
please remember that?
Harley: It was so romantic.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: He's good.
Gus: He's always good, that guy.
Harley: She was really crying.
Gus: Yeah, I can't believe that was his
cousin, but he didn't know.
Harley: I know.
Gus: You see Brock Harris anywhere?
Harley: Where? Who's Brock Harris?
Gus: No, I didn't see him. I'm asking you if
you saw him. He's the big star of the show. Brock Harris.
Harley: You really watch this thing, don't
Gus: I've seen it, you know, once or twice.
Harley: Oh.
Gus: This is
Gus: Everybody's rich. They're loaded.
Harley: Obviously, they're spending money on
plastic surgery. Did you see the women?
Gus: Well, that's funny that you said that
because there's a story line about plastic surgery. Breast augmentation. It was
a big story line-- huge.
Harley: Ha, ha, ha. Highly educational, I am
Gus: Well, this was very entertaining. Very
Harley: So fill me in. Who's sleeping with
Gus: Oh, in this town, pretty much everybody
is sleeping with everybody.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Oh, yeah.
Harley: Makes
Gus: Don't rule that out, because I read a
spoiler in "Soap Opera Digest." That could happen.
Harley: ( Gasps )
Actor: Guys, guys. I need to find that
consultant. Anybody see her?
Stage manager: Who?
Actor: The consultant. Wow. He looks like
the real thing. The consultant. I've got to ask her some questions. I've got
some time, yet, and she just, like, disappeared. You guys want to help me out?
Come on, come on, come on. Let's go. Let's go for it. I'm hoping to get this
new story line I just pitched.
Gus: Remind me to send that guy a fan
Harley: Uh-huh. Okay. I thought we were
dead. We're not. Let's go.
Stage manager: And we're wrapped. Moving on.
Gus: Not so fast. I've got a better idea.
Bill: Emma Spencer Spaulding Lewis. My
goodness that is a long name for a little girl. But it's got a nice ring to it,
I have to admit.
Olivia: She's a lucky girl. So's her mommy.
Bill: And her daddy is very lucky, too.
Very, very lucky. I can't believe I am going to be a father. Olivia, this is
huge. Huge.
Olivia: You can handle it. You grew up with
a mom and dad.
Bill: Yeah, well, that's true, I did, but my
parents weren't exactly Joe and Mary Normal. Right?
Emma: Ice cream.
Bill: Yeah. In fact, they spent my formative
years apart, you know? Me, I acted out but I guess deep down I wanted them
together. See, and I don't want Emma to go through that.
Olivia: That's something we have in common.
Bill: Well, that's good. And once we've got
Emma on track, then all her brothers and sisters will follow suit. Right?
Olivia: Brothers and sisters?
Bill: You betcha. I'm thinking 12, 13.
Olivia: ( Laughs )
Bill: I don't know. What have you got...
Olivia: Just slow down there.
Bill: ( Laughs )
Olivia: Let's do this legal thing with you and
Emma first, and then we'll focus on our next project.
Emma: Rock and roll.
Olivia: I should have let this adoption go
through the first time.
Bill: Well, it wasn't so simple. And it's
not going to be so simple this time around, either.
Olivia: I don't care. I want what's best for
my daughter-- our daughter. And that means you being her dad.
Bill: I can't even tell you what that means
to me. Thank you.
Olivia: You don't have to thank me. We're a
Bill: And we always will be. Got that? ( Cell
phone rings )
Olivia: Oh. Hang on. What do you want? Where
are you? I don't want to... five minutes. Only five minutes.
Bill: What was that?
Olivia: Alexandra. She wants to talk to me.
Bill: Are you kidding me? Well, so much for
a quiet family dinner, hmm?
Olivia: Okay, I'm ready. Bring it on, Dragon
Lady. Hit me with your best shot.
Bill: Okay, Olivia, wait a minute. I don't
think this is a good idea.
Olivia: No, it isn’t. Not for her.
Ross: I'm out. So anyway, to finish this
story, Frank and I couldn't get back to that elevator fast enough, could we?
Frank: No, you're absolutely right. I feel
sorry for Bill, though. I guess at some point, it's every man for himself.
Josh: Yeah. You know what? Bill's a big boy.
He can handle Alan Spaulding. You're very good at this game.
Frank: Very good? What are you talking
about? This guy is a card shark.
Josh: Lucky for you we're not playing for
real money.
Frank: You got that right. Rick hasn't
played since. He hates losing money.
Ross: He hates spending money.
Frank: That, too. As a matter of fact, he
puts little notes all over the refrigerator. He says, "Please don't leave
the leftover pizza because I need it for lunch next week." Anyway. Well,
there you go. There's my life. Sharing stories about Rick and playing cards for
no money.
Ross: I'm sorry I took all the fun out of
the game, Frank, but I kept seeing the lead story on WSPR tomorrow, "Mayor
and Police Chief busted for illegal gambling."
Frank: Yeah, well, at least my name would be
in the headlines and not Harley’s.
Josh: I know you must be going crazy, Frank.
Frank: I just wish I knew she was okay.
Ross: I felt the same way when Dinah was on
the run. Not knowing, that's the worst part.
Josh: Yes, it is.
Frank: My biggest fear is turning on the TV
right now and seeing her face plastered all over.
Harley: Okay, okay. The coast is clear.
Gus: Everybody's just left. So, what do you
think? New career?
Harley: ( Laughs ) No, no. Thank you.
Gus: Why not?
Harley: And what is this conversation? Is
this supposed to be distracting me from the fact the Feds are now guarding the
hotel we're trying to get into.
Gus: Yeah, I know, honey. I know. We're
going to get our guy, okay?
Harley: Oh, I know we will.
Gus: We'll get Steve Wallace. You just keep
a positive attitude. Just think about it: How lucky are we? The TV studio's
right across the street from the hotel. That's what I was thinking. See these
cameras right here? I take one of these cameras, right? I point it out the
window and we'll catch the guy coming out of the lobby. Just... ( whistles )
Harley: Good plan.
Gus: Meanwhile, just have a little dinner,
do a love scene. You want to do a love scene? Hm? Yeah. That's right. A love
scene. They do it in the living room all the time.
Harley: Why is that?
Gus: Because they can't afford bedrooms.
Harley: Is that true?
Gus: That's absolutely true, yeah.
Harley: So where's the dinner that thou
speaketh of?
Gus: Oh, it's right over here. It's
delicious, nutritious.
[About 10 minutes missing here due to breaking
news of the Michael Jackson trial.]
Ross: Blake, listen, honey, I'm sorry that I
did not call, I am. But I'm fine. Well,
I'm playing cards with Josh and Frank and young Sandy.
Ross: Yeah, they say Hi. Oh, now come on,
Blake. What is this? The second time in our life together that I forgot to call
on time?
Frank: Blake, leave him alone!
Ross: Everything is fine, honey, except
Frank: Yeah, we do. We need Blake. Come on,
Ross: Honey, the thought of you jumping out
of a cake just made Frank very happy. Yeah, I know you still have that outfit.
Well, we'll do it another night. Oh, I will, honey. Oh, I love you, too.
Okey-dokey. Bye-bye.
Ross: You know, Blake has this special set
of rules. She can do anything that she pleases, whereas if I'm late for a phone
call for even five minutes, she thinks that I'm dead or in the arms of another
woman, or both.
Ross: Okay. ( Laughter ) They do keep us on
our toes.
Josh: Oh, yes, they do. Lucky us. Here's to the
women who keep us on our toes. ( Glasses clink )
Ross: And Frank? Here's to Harley. Safe
Frank: Thank you, Ross.
Josh: Safe home.
Harley: I'm in a sugar coma.
Gus: Sweetheart? Would you care to dance?
Harley: I can’t. I can’t.
Gus: Oh, please.
Harley: There's no music.
Gus: I would like to dance with my lady.
Harley: Did you just call me your lady?
Gus: Can you just go with this, please?
Harley: Right.
Gus: Thank you.
Harley: But I'll tell you this: I'll pay you
money if you don't point that camera at me while we dance. I'll be shy.
Gus: You ain't got no money.
Harley: ( Laughs ) I don't have much of
Gus: You got me.
Ross: Oh, yeah. It's been fun.
Josh: In fact, next time we're going to have
Billy and Buzz here. Then you're going to see what fun really is. ( Laughter )
Ross: All right, thanks and so long.
Josh: Bye-bye.
Frank: Good-night, you guys.
Josh: Good-night.
Josh: You want another drink, Frank?
Frank: No, I'm actually good. Thanks, Josh.
You need to get back?
Josh: Unfortunately, no.
Frank: I hate going home these days, man. I appreciate
the Bauer’s opening up their house to us and everything, but man, what a
difference a year makes, right? I mean, we really had high hopes for the
Coopers. I mean, Harley had Gus, I had Darci. I mean,
even dad had Alexandra. But nosirree, Alan and Phillip, they just took care of
that, didn't they? And now we just sit around and wait for them to swat us.
Josh: Well, I think Alan has moved on to
other things, Frank. I think he's gotten tired of going after the Coopers. He's
going after the Lewis’s now.
Frank: Then don't let him do that. Stop him.
Josh: I'm trying, Frank. But Alan’s a man
who has nothing to lose. That makes him very dangerous.
Bill: Forget it. There's no reasoning with
Alan: Because I'm always right.
Bill: Look, the adoption is going through,
Alan: You try, Bill, and it will be the
biggest mistake of your life.
Bill: Well, that's funny because the way I
see it, you're the one making the mistake.
Olivia: Take your stinking advice and go to
hell. I don't need it.
Alexandra: Why are you being so pigheaded?
Olivia: Because I can be. And this whole
idea of you and your devil-spawned brother spending time with my daughter, I
may have to rethink that, too. I may as well take her away now, Alexandra,
before the two of you drive her away. It's time to go.
Bill: All righty. What did Alex want?
Olivia: Something she can't have.
Alexandra: You know, Olivia’s the one we
should target, not Harley.
Alan: Who says I have to limit myself?
Gus: You know, when we're done with all of
this, I'm going to take you dancing for real.
Harley: You will?
Gus: Absolutely. Take you dancing and we can
just trip the light...
Harley: Oh.
Gus: ...Fantastic.
Harley: I am good at that. But you know what
I would settle for? At this point, I would actually settle for my feet up in
the living room. ( Laughs ) A nice, normal night at home.
Gus: Yeah. It could happen.
Harley: When?
Gus: Right here. Right now. Yes. Welcome to
my gaudy but nice living room. ( Laughs )
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: What do you think, huh? I think we
can... look at that. The cable's out. We'll have to think of something to do in
Harley: I know I can’t. ( Strange noise )
what was that?
Gus: I don't know. We better be careful, you
know? We can't just let our guards down.
Harley: Yeah, we can't get comfortable.
Plus, I want to check to see if we can see the hotel from across the street.
Gus: Okay, I'll tell you what. You just take
a load off. Take a little sleep and I'll check it out.
Harley: No, I... I want to be here in case
our guy shows up.
Gus: I will.... I'll check it out. You just
take a lie down. I've got it handled, I promise.
Wallace: Yeah, I know I said I'd be checking
out tomorrow but I changed my mind. Yeah, I'm sticking around a while.
on "Guiding Light,"
Edmund: Nothing is going to keep us from
being together.
Dinah: They have no idea how close they are
to disaster. You're in love with her.
Jeffrey: There's something that I need to
tell you.
Dinah: And I'm the only woman that can make
you happy. I need you to help me drive Edmund crazy.
Edmund: Another threat? Another threat? (
Distorted ): Another threat?
Jeffrey: If you hurt Cassie, well, you know
the drill.
Dinah: Are you going to make me pay?
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