Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/10/05
By Boo
Gus: All right. There it is, the hotel of our dreams.
Harley: We've said that about a lot of hotels tonight, haven't we?
Gus: Yeah, but this is the one. The one under the Brooklyn Bridge. The only one under the Brooklyn Bridge that looks like the stationery.
Harley: You're pretty smart, aren't you? I just think you're hopped up on ice cream.
Gus: Well there's that. The bottom line is we have to find Phillip’s killer and get you your life back, okay? Let's go.
Marina: So what do we do next? Lay a trail for these bounty hunters? I feel like I'm in a bad movie every time I say that.
Danny: I know. So do I. So stop saying it.
Marina: We want people to think I'm Harley to keep them away from her.
Danny: Not exactly. You can't be too good at being Harley, because we need to protect her without letting you get hurt.
Marina: Look at you, all macho and protective.
Danny: Marina, come on, this is a very serious, very tricky situation. So you think you can follow my lead?
Marina: Yes.
Danny: You think you can do that? All right. I guess we should, um, hit the streets of Chicago, Harley Cooper.
Marina: All right, Gus.
Danny: You're working on my last nerve.
Marina: ( Laughs )
Sebastian: No worries, Alan. I'm on it. If Harley’s in this hotel, I will find her. Excuse me, I'm looking for a friend of mine, Gus Aitoro from Springfield. Does that sound familiar? It’s... it's very important that I find him.
Concierge: I think there is somebody here by that name.
Sebastian: You think, or you know?
Dinah: You're playing both sides against the middle. Like getting Alonzo to get Will so you can look like a hero to Cassie.
Edmund: I'm doing what's best for Cassie and Will and me. We belong together and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Dinah: That ought to do it.
Edmund: All right. All this painting has made me hungry.
Cassie: Oh, okay. Well you know what? I can pull something together for you.
Edmund: No, no. Better yet, let's call it a day and head over to Towers.
Cassie: I'm a mess.
Edmund: Absolutely nonsense. You're beautiful. You go change; I'll finish up here, make reservations.
Cassie: Okay. Well, sounds great.
Edmund: Good. Thank you. I'll take care of everything.
Dinah: Hello. Getting ready for a big night out with the little woman, huh?
Edmund: Yes, I am. And you have excellent hearing.
Dinah: Well, save some energy; I'll be waiting up for you.
Edmund: Dinah...
Dinah: Edmund. I need a man and I want you and you need me to keep your dirty little secret so you can have Cassie. Now, if you play nice, we both can get what we want.
Nate: Hello. How was your day off?
Reva: Fine. Fine. It... well, no, actually, it wasn’t.
Nate: You must have had a little chat with your boy.
Reva: No, I haven’t. And ever since you told me what he did, it's been driving me crazy.
Nate: It would drive me crazy if I thought my kid was feeding girls date rape drugs.
Reva: It's just that Jonathan hurt Tammy when he first came to town, but he's changed. He has, and he's made a life for himself here so why would he jeopardize that by doing something so stupid?
Nate: Well, I suppose you could just keep quiet and hope nothing happens.
Reva: Oh, gee, thanks. You've made me feel so much better.
Jonathan: You stay away. Nate: You are going to choose me, hmm? You're going to choose the only father that ever loved you or you are going to be sorry.
Tammy: Here with all your friends?
Jonathan: Later, okay? Not a good time.
Tammy: What, no snappy comment? No inappropriate sexual come-on?
Jonathan: What's wrong with you?
Tammy: For no good reason you attacked me in your room the other day. Since then you've been avoiding me. And all of a sudden it occurred to me you've been trying too hard. Why?
Jonathan: I've been busy.
Tammy: Well, you're not busy right now. Sure, I'll have a drink.
Nate: I'm sorry if I upset you.
Reva: You didn’t.
Nate: Isn't that your boy?
Reva: Oh, my God. Tammy, what are you doing here all by yourself?
Jonathan: She's not by herself. Whoa! What's wrong with you?
Edmund: Say whatever you want to Cassie, Dinah, but you do so at your own risk.
Dinah: Come on, you wouldn't hurt me. I'm carrying your child.
Edmund: Not forever.
Dinah: Fine. If you're not going to help me, I am sure I'll find out a man out there who will.
Edmund: No, no, no. I'm not going to let you wander around Springfield picking up aimless men.
Dinah: Oh! Oh! Is somebody jealous?
Edmund: Dinah, this ridiculous conversation...
Cassie: Okay. I'm ready. What'd I miss?
Harley: Not very busy.
Gus: Hi, how are you? I was wondering if maybe you could help me out and my wife. We're looking for a guy that had introduced us... we just got married and he introduced us. We met in Central Park.
Harley: This man.
Concierge: Sure, Steve Wallace stays here all the time.
Gus: Steve Wallace!
Harley: Steve Wallace!
Gus: Wally.
Harley: He doesn't happen to be staying here right now, is he?
Concierge: As a matter of fact, I believe he is.
Gus: You are kidding me. That's good.
Harley: That's very, very, very, very good.
Gus: We're just... we're very excite about seeing Mr. Steve Wallace again, aren't we, honey?
Harley: We can't wait to thank him for what he did for us. Is he in his room?
Concierge: I believe he's out right now.
Harley: What room number is that?
Gus: Honey...
Harley: Sorry. That's so inappropriate. When will he be back?
Gus: Um, does he have a favorite restaurant that he frequents?
Concierge: Why does this look like this was taken from a security camera?
Gus: ( Laughs )
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: June Bug, what did I tell you? She's not much of a photographer. She buys the cameras in the supermarket. Lighting, I told you lighting. Thank you. But we'll... you know, thanks. Okay.
Harley: Do you think he bought it?
Gus: Not really. But at least he didn't recognize you. I don't think he did, anyway.
Harley: Steve Wallace! Now we wait.
Gus: Yes, yes, we wait. We wait.
Harley: I can almost feel the boys' arms around me. If this works out...
Gus: I know, baby. I know this is taking a very long time, but I promised you, I promised you I'd get you out of this mess.
Harley: It's okay. Because you never stopped believing in me.
Gus: I never will.
Harley: Do you know what this means? If we find the person who's really killed Phillip, I might actually be able to start breathing again.
Gus: I know. I know.
Dinah: Hi, Cassie. I was just saying to Edmund that I need to find something that helps me relax, something nice.
Cassie: I just bought a few magazines. You can go inside, lie on the couch, put your feet up, read some magazines.
Dinah: I was just thinking about lying down.
Edmund: Do whatever you like, Dinah. Cassie and I were going out.
Dinah: I'm going to go out, too. I'll let you two enjoy your dinner.
Cassie: Well, thank you.
Dinah: You two love birds save some room for dessert and entertainment.
Cassie: Are you going to change before we leave?
Edmund: Well, actually, with Dinah going out and R.J. over at Billy Flanagan’s, we have the place to ourselves.
Cassie: Yeah, we. Do how about that?
Edmund: So, we can do all of our celebrating right here. Unless, of course, you're counting on dinner at Towers?
Cassie: No. I think it's going to be great.
Edmund: Great. Then leave everything to me.
Cassie: All right. I'm going to go call Frank and see if there's any word on Harley.
Edmund: Okay. Great.
Cassie: I'm really happy that everything's working out, Edmund.
Edmund: Good. Because all the bad days are behind us, Cassie. No more secrets. Everything is going to be out in the open.
Cassie: I really want to believe that. I do.
Edmund: You can, because it's true.
Dinah: Oh, goody, backup.
Reva: I'm sorry. I overreacted when I... it was my mistake. What can I get you?
Jonathan: It was for Tammy. You can ante up with her.
Reva: What can I get you drink?
Jonathan: I know what she wants. I'll get it.
Reva: No! Tammy, you order whatever you want to drink. I need talk to Jonathan a minute, okay?
Tammy: Yeah.
Reva: What was in that drink?
Jonathan: Soda.
Reva: Were you putting drugs in Tammy’s drink?
Dinah: Hi, Tammy. When Jonathan’s done with his mommy, can you tell him I need him?
Tammy: Sure. Anything for you.
Dinah: Thank you.
Tammy: What a freak.
Jonathan: Are you loaded? I didn't put anything in Tammy’s drink. Why would you think that?
Reva: I heard something about you.
Jonathan: From who?
Reva: Does it matter? It was about how you're putting stuff in girls' drinks that you were planning on doing the same to Tammy.
Jonathan: Who said that?
Reva: My boss heard some things.
Jonathan: Your boss? So now you listen to anybody who's willing to trash me.
Reva: Were you going to drug Tammy’s drink?
Jonathan: No!
Reva: Then you won't mind if I check your pockets?
Jonathan: I'll check them for you. Look, Reva, this is what's in my pockets. You see? Wait, that... that's not....
Reva: What is it? What is it?
Jonathan: That is not mine! Reva, somebody set me up. It's the truth.
Reva: Yeah.
Jonathan: Reva, this is somebody's idea of a bad joke. Mom, come on, you've got to believe me.
Reva: This is yours?
Jonathan: What's with you?
Reva: I can't believe you. After everything we've been through, we're right back to square one, is that it? You're putting drugs in Tammy’s drink and yet you're looking me in the eye and lying to me?
Jonathan: You know, I told you not to expect too much from me and you're the one that didn't listen.
Reva: Come on. We're leaving.
Tammy: But...
Reva: No. We're leaving right now.
Dinah: Well, you sure know how to clear a room.
Jonathan: Not tonight, Dinah.
Dinah: Come on, let Dinah turn that frown upside down.
Jonathan: A double shot of bourbon.
Dinah: You want to help me stick it to your Aunt Cassie?
Jonathan: Not interested.
Dinah: Come on, get interested. I have to straighten out Edmund and help him figure out I'm the girl for him, the person who's going to love him for who he is.
Jonathan: I'm not interested. You're on your own tonight, dynamite.
Dinah: Have the Winslows checked in yet?
Man: They canceled the reservations. They're not coming in tonight?
Nate: Tough night, hey, son?
Jonathan: It was you, wasn't it, who planted those drugs on me?
Nate: You were going soft, kiddo. You heard these people tell you that they loved you and you believed them. You thrived on it.
Jonathan: So you had to ruin it.
Nate: No, I didn’t. I just lifted the curtain on the ugly truth. They don't love you, kid. I'm the only one that cares about you.
Danny: Well, if somebody is following our trail, they should be very confused.
Marina: Well, I hope we did some good tonight.
Danny: Yeah. Me, too. And if we didn't, I... I had a good time.
Marina: Me, too.
Danny: Good.
Marina: So what do we do now? Should we do the north side? Do some more Gus and Harley?
Danny: I think we should just lie low until morning.
Marina: Morning? Tomorrow morning?
Danny: That would be tomorrow morning. We told the porter we're flying out in the morning so that would suggest that we're just going stay in for the rest of the night.
Marina: Yeah. I guess it does.
Danny: Do you want to... you didn't bring anything. Do you want to take a shower or a bath? I can...
Marina: It's okay. I'll just use the sink and...
Danny: Hey. I'm really glad you're here.
Marina: I know.
Danny: So this whole distance thing...
Marina: What about it?
Danny: You want to remind me again why you wanted it?
Marina: Right now I'm not sure I remember.
Harley: We need to get Wallace’s room number, all right? We'll pull the old one-two. I'll distract him. You go look at the registry. Break. What?
Gus: ( Mumbles )
Harley: I'm fat?
Gus: The Feds. The Feds are all over the place.
Harley: Okay. Smile, pretend we don't see them.
Gus: Let's go. Let's go.
Harley: Wait, wait!
Gus: We can't wait. We've got to go.
Harley: I don't know. Smile and be oblivious. We don't see them.
Gus: Right.
Man: Excuse me, sir?
Gus: Excuse me.
Man: Stop where you are!
Gus: Go, Honey, go! Go, go, go!
Gus: Anything?
Harley: No.
Gus: Okay. We lost them. I think we lost them.
Harley: Any chance they want some ice cream?
Gus: Any chance the clerk tipped them off and recognized you? Okay, listen, listen. They don't know about our truck, all right?
Harley: Do we double back? Do we dare?
Gus: Listen, if we jump in the truck, we can be over the Brooklyn Bridge in five minutes. I'll go first.
Harley: We go together.
Gus: They're looking for you. I'll make sure the coast is clear, okay?
Harley: Okay, but if things go bad, save yourself.
Gus: Stop it, stop it. You're fine. You'll be fine.
Man: Stop right there! Where's Harley Cooper?
Gus: I don't know who you're talking about.
Man: Where's the girl?
Harley: I hate it when they call me "The girl."
Gus: He wanted to meet you. I don't think we should be taking the truck anymore.
Harley: Can we go?
Danny: What? What? What? So how do you like Chicago so far?
Marina: It's weird.
Danny: ( Laughs ) Weird? Okay.
Marina: Things are just still weird between us.
Danny: Even though you know I didn't come here to be with Michelle?
Marina: I know. And I'm glad that you didn’t. I just still need to make sure that I know what's going on here. I know that sounds stupid and childish.
Danny: No, not at all.
Marina: I don't want to be a downer.
Danny: You're anything but. I don't know how many times and how many different ways I have to tell you that I'm over Michelle. Really.
Marina: Be honest, Danny.
Danny: I am being honest.
Marina: She was the mother of your child. You were with her for years.
Danny: I'm not saying I don't love her. I will always love her. But the love is very different now.
Marina: You want it to be different when you're with me.
Danny: That is...
Marina: There's so much history there. Danny, it doesn't make you a bad person just because you want to be with someone else.
Danny: I want you, Marina!
Marina: I think you're lonely and you need some company.
Danny: Oh, come on. If that was what I wanted, I could get it anywhere. I want you. I... I can take you back to Springfield if you want. We'll just take a couple hours but...
Marina: No. No, Danny. Harley needs to be in this room tonight. We both have to stay.
Danny: You sure? ( Knocking on door ) Who is it?
Man: Housekeeping. The maid forgot to leave these in your room.
Danny: Thank you.
Jonathan: I hate you. I hate your freaking guts.
Nate: No, you don’t.
Jonathan: Look, you're wrong about this and you're wrong about Reva.
Nate: Oh, yeah? Okay, tell me. When Reva found the bag of drugs did she give you a chance to explain? No. She just assumed the worst first thing, didn't she? These people, all of them, they will always do that to you, Johnny. Always. You're not Reva’s son. You're just a bastard baby she threw out in the trash.
Jonathan: Don't call me that! Don't ever call me that! I want you to get away. Go! I hate you! I wish you were... ( Screaming )
Nate: Shh. Its okay, son. I'm sorry it had to be this way. I still love you. Shh.
Tammy: Aunt Reva, I can't leave. I'm waiting for Sandy. I was just going to call him.
Reva: Oh, good okay. I just... I think you're spending too much time with Jonathan.
Tammy: When Jonathan did what he did, I lost something, something I doubt I'll ever get back. I don't know if I'll ever be the way I was before he came. But if I can deal with him and just assert myself then at least I won't be the same person who fell for it to begin with.
Reva: I understand. I just... I just want everyone to be okay.
Tammy: Me, too. Me, too.
Sandy: Well, if it isn't my two favorite ladies.
Reva: Oh, good. I'm glad you're here, Sweetie. Look out for my girl, will you? I have to go.
Sandy: Okay. What's up?
Tammy: I can explain. I need to tell her one more thing, okay?
Sandy: Okay. Don't worry, I'll get it.
Dinah: Edmund, Cassie's so going to dump you when she hears this. Oh, my God.
Edmund: I want to fill this place with good memories, Cassie. Good memories so that when you come out here the fire of your memories is what's burning in my heart for you.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Edmund: I love you that much.
Cassie: I love you, too, Edmund.
Edmund: And I know I promised you an evening at Towers, but...
Cassie: No, no.
Edmund: I'm sorry.
Cassie: This was perfect. Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie... Cassie, don't be afraid. I promise you, you have nothing to be afraid of.
Cassie: I don't know if I can do this unless I know that you will never...
Edmund: Cassie, I am never going to hurt you again. We're going to have a wonderful, wonderful life together. You and me and our children, Cassie. A family. Forever.
Cassie: A family.
Edmund: A family.
Harley: Ow!
Gus: Are you all right?
Harley: I'm fine. I'm fine. I just... ow. Exercise, I'm burning off my ice cream.
Gus: I think we're safe. Okay, maybe not. You stay here. Just stay here, okay? I'll be right back.
Harley: I think we should both move!
Sandy: ( Cell phone rings ) I've got to answer that. I'll be right back.
Dinah: Thank goodness. I... I took your bag by accident.
Tammy: What? What?
Dinah: Don't worry about it. See ya.
Tammy: Hmm.
Sebastian: Sorry to bother you again, my friend. But the young man and the young woman in that room, is that Gus Aitoro and his companion?
Concierge: That's the guy.
Sebastian: You have been a great help. And you know what? Forget you ever saw me.
Danny: Marina, I'm gonna try to get some sleep.
Marina: Me, too. It's late.
Danny: You sure you don't want that t-shirt?
Marina: Yeah. Sure.
Danny: You do?
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: Okay. There should be one in the top drawer over there.
Marina: Okay. Well, good night.
Danny: Good night.
Danny: Ow!
Marina: Danny? Did I wake you? I know what I said before, but I want to be with you. I want to feel you next to me. Please, come to bed?
Danny: Sorry. It's driving me crazy knowing that you're so close. I can go if you want me to.
Marina: Danny? Are you awake? ( Knocking on door )
Dinah: Ready or not, here I come.
Dinah: Hi.
Dinah: Hello.
Cassie: Hi.
Dinah: I thought the two of you were headed for the Towers?
Edmund: Change of plans.
Dinah: I can see that.
Cassie: How was your evening?
Dinah: Not quite what I was hoping for, but the night's still early. Actually, I was on my way home because I realized I forgot to take my vitamins. So I went on to the house and I was having trouble finding them.
Edmund: I know where they are. I'll get them.
Cassie: You okay? You look a little freaked out.
Dinah: No. I'm fine. I'm fine. Look, my timing is lousy so I think there's something that you need to hear.
Cassie: No. I can't handle anything negative right now, Dinah.
Dinah: Even if it's for your own good?
Cassie: What do you mean, for my own good?
Dinah: Here it is. Believe what you want to believe but my heart is in the right place.
Harley: Coast is clear.
Gus: I just want to make sure we weren't followed. Harley? Harley?
Nate: I tried to warn you, Kiddo. I said these people would suck you in, and then they'd pull the rug out from underneath you when you least expect it. Look, if Reva hadn't have done it tonight, she would have done it eventually. Reva doesn't love you. She never will. Now, me, even when I'm rough on you...
Jonathan: You mean when you're beating me?
Nate: I'm still the only one that loves you. I'm still the only one that you can count on. You know that, hmm? Don't you?
Jonathan: Yeah. I know.
Nate: Yeah.
Sandy: I can't stop thinking about you, and I don't want to stop.
Cassie: Is that Sandy?
Dinah: What's wrong with this thing?
Sandy: I know you feel funny with me and uncomfortable, like you can't get close.
Dinah: That's unbelievable.
Edmund: Dinah, they were sitting out clearly on the... why are you playing a tape for Cassie?
Dinah: Because I know what Sandy did when he first came to town and I don't know if he's a... he a he's the kind of guy Cassie wants Tammy getting too serious about.
Edmund: That's ridiculous.
Cassie: No, it's not. It's not ridiculous. This is just reminding me of how out of touch I've been with Tammy, Edmund. I haven't even talked to Tammy. I've got to go. I've got to go find her.
Edmund: I'll drive you.
Cassie: Dinah, thank you. Thank you. Come on.
Dinah: Yeah, no problem. Anything for you. Everything for you.
Marina: Danny?
Danny: Yeah?
Marina: I'm really glad Michelle wasn't here.
Danny:( Laughs ) Me, too.
Marina: Come here.
Danny: Why?
Marina: Because I can't stand the thought of you sleeping over there like a pretzel. Come here. On the bed. Come on. Yes, please, bring your own covers. Better?
Danny: Considerably.
Marina: Are you tired?
Danny: Nope.
Marina: Me, either. But we're not gonna...
Danny: No, we're not.
Marina: Okay. Good. Just so you know.
Danny: Just so you know.
Marina: Well, good night. Thank you for helping me and my family.
Danny: You're welcome. Good night.
Marina:( Sighs )
Danny: What?
Marina: She's still here, isn't she? Even though we may say Michelle’s not here, she's here.
Danny: I think she's here a lot more for you than she is for me.
Sebastian: It's a setup, Alan, old boy. Danny Santos is up to something. Harley was never here. But no worries, because wherever she is, I will find her.
Gus: Let her go.
Security Guard: How'd that chokehold work for you, good? I wanted to rehearse it before we go on.
Harley: Rehearse?
Security Guard: We're shooting these scenes any minute now. What, is this your first time on a soap opera?
Next on "Guiding Light"...
We're live in five, four, three... Have you been on a soap before? This is a live broadcast.
Gus: I'm a writer.
Harley: I'm the technical consultant.
It is almost over.
Where are the keys?
Any news about Harley?
Alan: Once Harley and Gus are found, there will be no more loose ends.
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