GL Transcript Thursday 6/9/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/9/05



By Boo
Proofread by Jolene

Edmund: Perfect, you're here. Well, prepare to get messy. We have work to do.

Cassie: What do we have to do?

Edmund: Paint this. It's for the nursery. I thought it would be a good joint project for us. Cassie, every time I walk by that room I think our child is really on the way and we're going to raise it together. It's amazing, isn't it?


Dinah: Jeffrey. Hello.

Jeffrey: Hello, Dinah; good- bye, Dinah.

Dinah: I bet I know what you're thinking about.

Jeffrey: I bet you don't.

Dinah: Come on. I have information that would break up Cassie and Edmund forever and you're dying to know what it is.

Jeffrey: Dinah, I am really not interested. Edmund and Cassie are back together again, you are going to give them a child, everything is backwards, everything is wrong. I'll take that table now, please. But just another typical day in Springfield, isn't it? Have a nice one.

Ross: Back from your adventures abroad?

Dinah: Daddy? How are you? How's your back?

Ross: Much better, thank you. How was your vacation?

Dinah: The trip to San Cristobel was no vacation for me or anybody else.

Ross: I know a little bit about it because Cassie talked to Blake.

Cassie: And, yes, there's more trouble to come, believe me.

Ross: No problem with the baby, is there?

Dinah: No. No. But daddy, you were right about Edmund all along. You were right. He's going to use this child as a pawn to win his way back to Cassie, I know it. I've already seen him do it with Will.


Zane: Why? What's your hurry? You're here alone, aren't you?

Marina: Everyone's after Harley. The cops I understand, but bounty hunters? As far as I'm concerned, those people are the scum of the earth.

Zane: I wouldn't know.

Danny: Marina? What's going on here?

Marina: Well, look who's here. I'll tell you what's going on here. It's none of your business, so leave me alone. I'm on to you, Santos. I know why you're following me.

Marina: You wanted advice, stick clear. Remember the bounty I told you about on my aunt's head? This guy's looking to collect. He thinks he's got me fooled but there's no way. I'm on to him.


Gus: I'm parking here! I always wanted to say that because it's New York.

Harley: Don't hit anybody.

Gus: This is amazing. Amazing.

Harley: What's amazing?

Gus: A parking spot in midtown Manhattan. That's amazing, don't you think? Our luck is changing.

Harley: Let's hope so. I feel like this is our last shot to turn things around.

Gus: At least you agree with me. We will, baby. We will.

Harley: We have to because otherwise I'll be on the run forever and I'll never get to go home again ever.

Gus: Honey, that's not an option, all right? We know what we're doing. We got a picture of this guy. We know what he looked like. We know he stayed at a hotel with this stationery so we're ahead of the curve. Nobody even knows we're in New York City.


Cassie: The baby is going to love this color, whether it's a boy or a girl.

Edmund: You know what I noticed, Cassie? You say "the baby." Not "our baby."

Cassie: I do?

Edmund: Uh-huh. It's as if you still can't believe our baby is on the way. But it is. So you might as well start referring to him that way.

Cassie: Our baby.

Edmund: Our baby. It's just two simple words. Besides, we can't refer to our baby by its name yet because we haven't settled on a name.

Cassie: No. We haven't.

Edmund: As a matter of fact, we haven't done a lot of things that expecting couples usually to together.

Cassie: Yeah. I... I know.

Edmund: That's okay. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy to be with me.

Cassie: Thanks.

Edmund: Wow, what technique. What élan. You're a natural. What's the key, Cassie? Tiny little strokes? What is it? What's wrong?

Cassie: I can't do this.

Edmund: Can't do what?

Cassie: I can't take one step closer and then one step back, Edmund. I need to be in this with both feet. I need this. I need this more than you do.


Ross: So you're saying that Edmund took this situation with Will, purposely made it worse so he could be closer to Cassie?

Dinah: Oh, he did, dad. He's part of the reason she lost Will.

Ross: That's a serious accusation, dear.

Dinah: It's the truth.

Ross: How do you know that?

Dinah: Because I'm invisible. Daddy, living in the home with Cassie and Edmund, sometimes I'm not even seen, not as a person. I'm an appliance. They don't see me. I'm this incubator. It was weird at first but, dad, I've had the chance to hear things and listen to things, and when I heard what was up with Will, it horrified me.

Ross: What'd you hear?

Dinah: When Cassie thought she was going to lose Will, she panicked and she ran to help, went to Edmund and all. But that was perfect for him. That was like a gift from god because it was the perfect opportunity for him to run to the rescue.

Ross: There's nothing terrible in that.

Dinah: Except Edmund figured the worse it looked for Cassie, she would be grateful that he saved the day. So he secretly made Alonzo push for full custody of Will.

Ross: It sounds like Edmund. But on the other hand, should I believe you?

Dinah: First of all, Edmund knows that I know but what he doesn't know is that I have proof and if he ever did find out, baby or no baby, I would be in real danger.


Danny: You think you know what's going on?

Marina: I know why you followed me.

Danny: That makes me a bounty hunter? I could be a stalker.

Zane: I don't like the way you're talking to my friend. You should apologize and get lost.

Marina: Zane, don't. Maybe you didn't hear me before. This is Danny Santos.

Zane: Santos. As in...

Danny: As in Santos. If I were after your aunt, don't you think I'd know that you booked a flight to L.A. To be with her?

Marina: You have no idea why I'm here, but I know why you're here and what you're doing. Don't lie to me about it. I'm onto you. I know everything you're doing and I won't let you hurt me. I won't.


Harley: I've got to say, my feet are killing me.

Gus: Don't take your shoes off. We're going right back outside.

Harley: In the meantime, cross that last hotel off the list. And that one.

Gus: And this one.

Harley: And that one.

Gus: I know. Baby, just don't give up, okay. New York, it's the city of endless possibilities.

Harley: I'm not giving up. I'm just tired. That's all. A little tired.

Gus: What are you thinking about?

Harley: Right now?

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: The boys. My dad, Frank. Marina. Coop. My house. Company.

Gus: You're going to see them again. We have to stick to the plan.

Harley: Stick to the plan. Yes, we've got to find the hotel, find the goatee man. That's right.

Gus: Put one foot in front of the other, no matter how painful it is. We'll stay on course.

Harley: Absolutely. So what's our next step?

Gus: Hotel Excelsior, 46th street. Ready?

Harley: Ready.

Gus: Let's go.


Alan: Well, here I am, Alex, in the Excelsior hotel. It looks lovely. But Mr. Wallace is nowhere to be found. I wanted to meet here because it was a neutral site. I'm going to meet every one of his demands and then I'm going to make my own demand: That he leave the country and never return. Now, he should be here by now but as soon as the meeting is over I’ll give you a call.


Gus: Okay, Hotel Excelsior, 46th street west. Call me crazy, I got a good feeling about this one.

Harley: That way.


Cassie: You were right. You said it. I mean, this is real and it's happening and I want our son, our daughter, to grow up in a real family, Edmund. I do.

Edmund: It's been my dream from the beginning, Cassie.

Cassie: This is more than a dream. This is more than a dream and that's what I'm trying to tell you. I never grew up with a mother or a father, with a safe, solid home. Neither did Tammy. R.J. Has been pulled out of more families. And Will...

Edmund: Cassie, don't...

Cassie: Don't what? Don't dwell on it? Don't torture myself? My past and my children's past is as real as this baby- our baby. And I want to learn from it, Edmund, you know? I don't want to cling to it. But the one thing that this has taught me is that I don't want another innocent child to go through what my kids and I went through growing up. I want this baby to have a safe, loving home everyday for the rest of its life.

Edmund: Cassie, I want to give you all that. I can give you all that.

Cassie: I've got to go have lunch with Dinah. I forgot about that.

Edmund: I'm sure you can be a few minutes late.

Cassie: No, I can't. You know Dinah she's going to order cheese fries or a coffee to get at me. But when I come back... I'll rush right back and we'll... we'll get back into this, the painting.

Edmund: Good.

Cassie: It's such a great color. Bye.

Edmund: Good. Yeah.


Ross: Your accusation is going to be very difficult to prove. I mean, Edmund has very little credibility in this town, but you have even less.

Dinah: Which is why I have this.

Ross: What about it?

Dinah: Well, road trips can get boring so I thought I'd record my thoughts.

Dinah: And then I will be all alone here with Jeffrey, who has a way of getting me to talk, especially about secrets like the fact that you're playing

both sides against the middle. Like getting Alonzo to get Will so you can look like a hero to Cassie.

Edmund: I'm doing what's best for Cassie and Will and me. We belong together and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Dinah: I don't want to hurt Cassie.

Ross: No, no. Who would have thought that.

Dinah: She is the mother of my child.

Ross: Stop saying that. It is not your child.

Dinah: You know what I meant.

Ross: I know what you want, too. This is not the way to start making your life anew.

Dinah: So you want what's best for me, right? You always hit that line the hardest when we do these little pep talks, dad. Or should I call them mini intervention. That's a lie.

Ross: Not at all. Not a lie.

Dinah: You don't want what's best for me. You want what you have decided is best for me.

Ross: Dinah, don't. I do want what's best for you.

Dinah: Dad, just stop. A few months ago I said that you were my rock and you were the one person I could always turn to. You know what? I was wrong. I was wrong because the one person who can take care of me in my life is me. Oh, ow.

Jeffrey: Sorry.

Dinah: No problem.

Jeffrey: After you. Please, after you.

Dinah: You know what, go. Go. Cassie, I already ate with my father so it's fine. I'm going to take the stairs, get exercise. I'll see you at home. Bye. This is a no-brainer. Hi. How would you like to make yourself a quick hundred bucks?


Zane: I'm sorry. I need to get going.

Danny: I've wasted enough time talking to you.

Zane: Be careful with this guy. Who knows what he's capable of.

Marina: Oh, I no. I'll be okay.

Zane: Good luck to you and your aunt.

Marina: Thank you.

Zane: It's me. Book me on a flight to L.A. Now.

Marina: It worked. He thinks Harley's in L.A. Thanks to you. Nice job.

Danny: Yeah, you, too. Did you really have to hit me that hard.

Marina: I wanted to make it look real, you know?

Danny: There were some parts of that that didn't really feel like you were acting.

Marina: Maybe I wasn't okay. Improv is over. You can go back to her now.

Danny: What? Back to who? What are you doing here in Chicago?

Marina: Being an idiot? I followed you here. I saw the room, Danny, and the table set for two.

Danny: Oh. You think I'm here with Michelle?

Marina: Gee, where would I get an idea like that.

Danny: Marina, Michelle's in Africa, as far as I know.

Marina: Okay. So if you're not here with Michelle, what are you doing here?

Danny: What the hell do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to put up a smokescreen to protect Harley and help you and your family.


Wallace: You don't waste any time.

Alan: Unlike you, I've been waiting.

Wallace: I took a cab from my hotel. Traffic is brutal. The F.D.R. Is backed up all the way to...

Alan: I don't care about that. I just want to get this over with. Then as soon as I give you your money, the sooner I don't have to see you again.


Harley: Oh! ( Laughs ) hey!

Wallace: Let's do this in the car. If you sit in a booth, it's a little more crowded.

Gus: Make you smile a little bit.

Harley: I wish when we walked in here that the goatee guy was sitting right here on this chair. Wouldn't that have been great?

Gus: It would have been great. But you know what? Let's just ask for a little help. Have you got the story straight?

Harley: I've practiced, like, 15 times. I think I know it.

Gus: Hey, how are you?

Harley: Hi.

Gus: We were looking for somebody, my wife Clarice and myself, and we were wondering maybe you could help us.

Harley: It's a weird story, but nice, actually.

Gus: We met here in New York City in the spring.

Harley: Yeah. We were on vacation, the both of us-- separately.

Gus: At the time. And I was walking through central park and I met this guy sitting on a park bench and we started talking, he was feeding the pigeons, whatever. Then Clarice was walking along the other way.

Harley: And he introduced us. He acted like we'd known each other our whole lives but he was a stranger.

Gus: We didn't care because he... you know. So...

Harley: Long story short. We fell in love and got married. We're married now. We're on our honeymoon in New York.

Gus: And we didn't ever catch that guy's name and we wanted to talk to him and thank him and we know he stayed at this hotel.

Harley: He's six feet, maybe, thin man, a goatee?

Concierge: Sounds like a lot of guys.

Gus: Yeah. Oh. He gave us... things to do, like go to restaurants and he'd written something on this stationery to make the suggestion.

Harley: Does that name mean anything?

Concierge: Our stationery looks nothing like this. Are you looking for a man or a hotel?

Harley: Well...

Gus: It's a very nice hotel, this place. We should probably check the room rates out and come back for our honeymoon or something, you know?

Concierge: I thought this was your honeymoon.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: Good. Thank you.

Gus: I'm sorry.

Harley: Wait. One second. Ooh.

Gus: Are you all right?

Harley: I'm light-headed.

Gus: You haven't eaten.

Harley: I've eaten nothing, but ice cream for two days.

Gus: Coffee shop. You look like you need something.


Danny: Look, Buzz asked me to do what I could to take the heat off of Harley so I am trying to travel as Gus Aitoro. I'm in Chicago trying to make it look like I'm lying low and that there is a mysterious woman with me. See? Two meals-- one, two.

Marina: For you and Harley.

Danny: Right.

Marina: I am such an idiot! Here you are trying to do something incredibly generous and where does my mind go? Directly to Michelle. It's really, really lame.

Danny: Oh, come on. It's all right. It's natural. It's normal. I mean, I left town without explanation. I really wanted to tell you what I was doing.

Marina: Why didn't you?

Gus: Because Buzz asked me not to and there's only so much worry a guy can do for the people he cares about.

Marina: He's got a lot going on right now, I guess.

Danny: Yeah, he does. But I was talking about me.

Marina: So how much longer were you planning to keep this up?

Danny: As long as it helps.

Marina: You shouldn't have to do this alone.

Danny: Don't even think it.

Marina: You want people to think Harley's here. That's cool. I mean...

Danny: Marina...

Marina: You want to play Gus. You need a Harley. Who better to play a Cooper than a Cooper?


Cassie: Okay. So do you think it's a silent alarm?

Jeffrey: Would it make you feel better if I told you yes?

Cassie: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Yes. It's a silent alarm. We'll just have to sit here and wait for our silent, invisible rescuers to come rescue us. You know, I wouldn't have gotten into this elevator at all if I had known you were going to be in here. And certainly if I had known we were going to get stuck in here together. If you haven't noticed, I've been trying to avoid you and stay out of your life.

Cassie: Well, you either haven't been trying very hard or you're just really bad at it.

Jeffrey: You know, if I weren't the polite gentleman that I am and have become, I might respond to that with a four-letter word that begins with "F."

Cassie: Wow.

Jeffrey: I was thinking about a different four-letter word that begins with "F." I was thinking about the word "fate."

Cassie: Fate?

Jeffrey: Yeah. You see, superstitious people might say that there's a reason that we keep ending up in situations like this.

Cassie: But you're not very superstitious, are you?

Jeffrey: No.

Cassie: And you don't think fate has anything to do with this?

Jeffrey: No, I don't, Mrs. Winslow.


Dinah: It's beautiful, Edmund.

Edmund: Where's Cassie? I thought the two of you were having lunch.

Dinah: Well, our plans got messed up. I ended up eating with my father. That's fine, though. I'm sure Cassie will be home in a minute. Does she know you're doing that for her?

Edmund: I should say so. She's helping me do it.

Dinah: Well, that's sweet. You know, Edmund, this isn't working for me.

Edmund: What isn't?

Dinah: This whole arrangement thing. I don't know what I was thinking when I came up with the idea that I would carry your child.

Edmund: You were thinking it would make people love you.

Dinah: People. But you don't seem to have treated me any better.

Edmund: Dinah, my job is to take care of the baby.

Dinah: And me. And I don't think I like the way it feels to be dragged through this campaign to win Cassie back.

Edmund: Dinah, winning Cassie back was your chief selling point when you talked me into letting you carry the baby in the first place.

Dinah: I think what I'm saying is that I thought I would be a little more appreciated. That's all.

Edmund: Dinah, I appreciate everything you're doing. Thank you very much.

Dinah: You know, Edmund, I know things. I know terrible things about you that could set back your truce with Cassie. In fact, wreck it entirely if she heard about them.

Edmund: Ah, then let the blackmail begin.

Dinah: No. I would like to make a new deal. An entirely new arrangement. Because I need something.

Edmund: What?

Dinah: I need you.

Dinah: You don't need to love me, Edmund?

Edmund: Really? What do I need to do then?

Dinah: Well. I don't know. It's kind of hard to put into words.

Edmund: Are there words for it?

Dinah: Yes. Just not my own. "During the first and second trimester you may note that your sex drive has increased. Don't be afraid to act on it to make yourself feel better physically and mentally. This is the time when the expression 'go for it' should be taken to heart." So I think, to sum up in my own words, a happy mommy would make a happy baby. Doctor's orders.


Jeffrey: You know, I'm so hungry. Are you hungry?

Cassie: Yeah. I haven't had lunch yet and I'm pretty hungry.

Jeffrey: You know they make such an incredible cheeseburger here at Towers, cheeseburger with bacon on it. Of course, it costs 30 bucks. So, what are you going to do?

Cassie: Yeah. What are you going to do? So, thanks. Thanks for reminding me that, you know, there's one more thing that I can't have.

Jeffrey: Sorry. I... I know what it's like to always be thinking about, you know, what you want.

Cassie: Look, Jeffrey, it just... it would be so easy. I mean, you and me, just... I have to give complicated a shot.

Jeffrey: Why?

Cassie: Because, um, what feels good isn't always what's right, that's why.

Jeffrey: Well, sometimes it is.

Cassie: I have a family and it's my responsibility to give them a future, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: Ah!

Cassie: Here. Here you go. Thank you.


Harley: You know what? On second thought, let's forget about the coffee shop. We don't have time. I just want to find the guy. I'm fine. Let's find him.

Gus: Fine.


Wallace: Thank you for your time and consideration.

Alan: Remember, Mr. Wallace, I never want to see you again.

Wallace: Don't worry, this is the end. I'm not going to push my luck. After all, I know what you did to your son.

Alan: Well, just to ensure you don't go back on your word, I have a plane ticket for you. A one-way ticket to Croatia. It leaves first thing in the morning. Now, I'll need to call your hotel and give you some information. Where are you staying?

Wallace: Just a place.

Alan: I need to give you some instructions.

Wallace: All right.

Alan: And the next time you see Harley and Gus in the street turn around and go the other way. Now, get out of my life.


Dinah: Take me to bed, Edmund. I want to be with you.

Edmund: For the baby's sake?

Dinah: Well, I could go out to a bar and have a relationship with any random stranger.

Edmund: ( Laughs ) No, as a matter of fact, you can't.

Dinah: It's not like I'm asking you to have an affair.

Edmund: What are you asking, Dinah?

Dinah: Look, Edmund, we're both adults. We know the score, okay? You love Cassie, your heart wouldn't be in it. That's fine. I'm not particularly interested in your heart right now. Edmund, I've given a lot to you, so I'm really not asking for a whole lot in return. And besides, it would be fantastic, I promise. So what do you say to me? Would you?


Cassie: Edmund? Edmund...

Edmund: Cassie, I was wondering what happened to you.

Dinah: Me, too, I thought you'd zip right home.

Cassie: I got caught up. You probably shouldn't be in here, Dinah, with all the paint fumes.

Edmund: That's a good point, Dinah. Perhaps you should go back to the house. For the baby's sake.

Dinah: All right. We'll be sure to finish this conversation later.

Cassie: What were you guys talking about?

Edmund: You, among other things.

Cassie: Well, listen, here's something about me. I'm gonna give this relationship everything I've got.

Edmund: It sounds as if you're on a military mission.

Cassie: No, no, listen to me, Edmund. I want us to have the life that we were supposed to have. Love, the safety of family. I want it all. I want all of that. I want it for me and I want it for my children.

Edmund: You can have it, Cassie. You can have it I promise. I promise. And we're going to work on this as we've never worked on it before.

Cassie: Edmund, I'm going to give this every bit of energy as long as I know that I can trust you.

Edmund: You can. You can trust me.

Edmund: I'm doing what's best for Cassie and Will, and me. We belong together and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Dinah: Oh, we're going to have a deal, Edmund. We're going to have a deal real soon.


Danny: Marina, you have to go back to Springfield.

Marina: No way.

Danny: I'm not...

Marina: You need help here. You need me.

Danny: No. I actually can do this by myself. Thank you very much.

Marina: No, it's not enough. It's not enough if you don't want people to figure out that Harley's really not here.

Danny: Look, Buzz will kill me. Then your father will kill me all over again. And you're not leaving, are you?

Marina: What do you think?

Danny: That you won't have any difficulty playing Harley. You definitely got her stubbornness.

Marina: Thank you.

Danny: That's not exactly a compliment.

Marina: Too bad. I'm here.

Danny: Well, I'm not totally complaining.

Marina: Looks like we finally got our trip to Chicago.

Danny: Uh-huh, I know.

Marina: Nice room.

Danny: Uh-huh. ( Laughs )

Marina: Comfy bed. ( Laughs )


Alan: Alexandra, you don't have to worry about Mr. Wallace ever again, because we will never hear from him. And information that he knows will never be heard in Springfield. Now, I'm on my way back home now because there's no point in staying in New York. But I did hear that Harley and Gus may be in Chicago. So I've got someone checking that out. Sebastian. Yeah. Well, I'll see you soon.


Gus: This one doesn't even take much polish. "Look at me, I'm a toe."

Harley: Listen, don't you think we've walked about a hundred miles today? Really, about a hundred.

Gus: About a hundred. But at least we get to scratch off a whole lot of hotels for the list of tomorrow. New York, baby, New York. It's the land of endless possibilities.

Harley: You know what? We have checked out every hotel that can even be remotely considered castle-like, at least according to your guidebook.

Gus: So we'll have to get another guidebook.

Harley: Or we're going to have to look at this in a whole other way. Maybe this guy isn't even in New York anymore. Did you ever think about that?

Gus: Listen to me. You're tired and frustrated. Don't give up hope. Don't do it.

Harley: Stick to the plan. Believe.

Gus: That's right. Because we're going to find this guy.

Harley: Hey, did it work? Did you convince yourself?

Gus: Baby, come on, I need some air. Can we go outside. We'll feel better if owe we go outside and get a little air. Let's go.

Harley: Ow!

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