Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/8/05
By Boo
Buzz: "Dear Harley, I don't know where to send you this letter, but somehow just putting the words on paper makes me feel closer to you. Zach's first grade graduation is next week. His class voted him best smile. Of course he won. It's your smile. Jude is growing so fast I had to buy him new sneakers again. Now if he'd only learn to tie them. I think I'm doing okay with them I hope. Whenever I'm lost, I ask myself, what would Harley do? I'd sell my soul to have you back home safe and sound with us kiddo. But until then, at least I feel a little better knowing you're not alone. Gus loves you."
Harley: Why can't I get this thing to turn off?
Gus: I bet you we gave that toll bridge guy a heart attack.
Harley: We may as well as be waving a flag that says "cops, bounty hunters, come get us." Here we are!
( Music stops )
Gus: Hallelujah.
Harley: How much of that stuff have you had to drink?
Gus: I don't know. Half a bottle, maybe.
Harley: A little wired, hon.
Gus: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Harley: Every cop in the country is gunning for me, and you, too.
Gus: They're not going to catch us. They're not going to catch us. Something or someone has thrown them off our trail.
Buzz: "Everyone here is looking out for you, Harley. I even got Danny Santos in on the act. Before you go crazy and start yelling at me, he promised to keep marina out of it."
Danny: Let me know if anyone asks any questions about me or the woman I'm travelling with.
Man: Right away, sir.
Danny: Oh, and can you ask the concierge to confirm our flights to L.A.?
Man: Yes, sir. Welcome to Chicago, Mr. Aitoro.
Marina: Where are you, Danny?
Buzz: "Coop's been doing his part to hold down the fort at the restaurant. Whenever he's not chasing after Lizzie or fighting with her. Those two are hot and cold. For a few days it looked like Lizzie was leaving town, then Coop asked her to stay. I guess right now they're on."
Coop: Pops, how do I look?
Buzz: Who died?
Coop: Thanks. That's great.
Buzz: "We'll see how long it lasts this time. There's no accounting for love, I guess. Who knows? Maybe those two are meant for each other. If they could just get their signals straight."
Coop: Whoa. Why are you dressed like that?
Lizzie: Why are you wearing that?
Buzz: I just pray that girl doesn't have the hate in her heart that her grandfather has. Alan denies it, but I'm sure he's the one that put the bounty on her head.
Alan: I'm just warning you, Sebastian, get serious about capturing Harley or someone's going to beat you to that reward money.
Buzz: "Alexandra is the only bright spot in the messed up Spaulding clan. I know I've had my differences with her, so have you. But this time around she's solidly on your side, Harley."
( Cell phone ringing )
Gus: Are you out of your mind? What's the matter with you?
Harley: I wasn't going to stay around long enough for anyone to trace it.
Gus: You miss home.
Harley: I miss my kids.
Gus: We've come this far.
Harley: To where? Where are we going? New York City? Home of how many millions of them? In hopes of finding one guy, one guy who claims that he knows who killed Phillip. Do we have a name? Do we know anything about this person?
Gus: We know what he looks like.
Harley: No, no. We have a smudge. We have a blur on a video surveillance.
Gus: We have video stationery. We know the guy stayed at the hotel.
Harley: The top of the towers hotel kind of place. We have nothing. Nothing.
Gus: What can I say? We have each other. Fine. Make the phone call, okay? You got 30 seconds. 30.
( Cell phone rings )
Alexandra: Hello?
Alexandra: Harley? Harley, don't worry. I won't say a word to anyone, just tell me that you're all right. Just so I can tell Buzz and the boys. Harley, are you all right, please?
Harley: Yes.
Alexandra: I'm going to get your father, hold on.
Harley: No, Alex, I don't have time for that. Just tell daddy that I'm okay and, Alex... tell Zach and Jude that I love them, please.
Alexandra: Of course I will. Anything you need? Anything at all?
Buzz: What's that?
Alexandra: Harley just called.
Buzz: What?
Alexandra: She's all right. She's all right.
Buzz: Where is she?
Alexandra: She wanted to tell you and the boys that she loves you.
Buzz: That's all?
Alexandra: Yeah.
( Cell phone rings )
Buzz: Harley?
Danny: Buzz, it's Gus. The phone's probably tapped so I need to make this fast.
Buzz: Gus? Yeah, sure. How are you? Where are you?
Danny: I can't tell you that. I want to tell you Harley's okay and I'm doing everything that needs to be done.
Buzz: Gus, I appreciate that. I really appreciate you taking care of my daughter.
Danny: I've got to go, Buzz.
Buzz: Tell Harley the kids are okay.
Danny: Yup.
Marina: Excuse me. Hi, I'm looking for a friend of mine who just came in here from Springfield. He's about this tall, has wavy hair, good looking. He just checked in.
Man: I know the gentleman you mean. You just missed him. Are you the lady he's travelling with?
Marina: Yes. Yes, I am. But I misplaced my room key and I was wondering if you could just let me back into our room.
Man: I'm not supposed to do that, miss.
Marina: Could you make an exception? Just this once.
Man: All right.
Marina: Thank you. Wow. Table for two. Welcome back, Michelle.
Lizzie: Are you going on a job interview or something?
Coop: A job? Lizzie, I work here.
Lizzie: I know. But you’re wearing a suit. You're not even dressed for the pool.
Coop: If somebody had called me and told me, we were going to go to the pool, I would be dressed for the pool.
Lizzie: When it's a date, the somebody is supposed to be the guy calling the girl.
Coop: Uh-huh.
Lizzie: You know what? For blow-offs, I've got to give you points for creativity.
Coop: Lizzie, wait a minute. I’m wearing a suit to take you out, okay?
Lizzie: You wore that for me?
Coop: Yeah. I wore this for you. It's no big deal, all right?
Lizzie: That is so sweet! Here, take this.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: Let's go.
Coop: Hello? Lizzie, where are you taking me?
Lizzie: Don't worry.
Gus: Alex answered Gus's phone?
Harley: That's not good. If she tells the cops, they won't be able to pinpoint our exact location but they'll know we're headed to New York.
Gus: Whatever. What happened, happened. Onward and upward.
Harley: Enough. Enough with the picky stuff.
Gus: Everybody party's got a pooper. Why don't you perk up a little. Look on the bright side.
Harley: The bright side? Elaborate.
Gus: This is the greatest adventure of our life. You and me and the open road. We've got over a dozen super crunchy cones back there. This is a quest for justice and truth. It doesn't get better than that. All right, it gets better than that. But you know what I'm saying, you know what I'm saying?
Harley: I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. You're over the edge. Maybe I should be drinking this. What's in here?
Gus: I don't know, but it's making me hungry. Give me an ice cream cone. Give me a raspberry vanilla swirl. I like those. You have to see the ice cream at the end of the tunnel. Nothing ventured, nothing frozen. We're going to find the goatee guy in New York City. We're going to find him because he's the answer to our prayers. I don't think Alexandra will say anything, either. I think she'll keep her mouth shut.
Buzz: That's all Harley said?
Alexandra: I could tell she wanted to keep it short.
Buzz: She's okay? Did she sound okay?
Alexandra: She sounded tired, Buzz.
Buzz: Tired? Hey, Zach! Zachy, hey, last week of school, come on. Hey, you... what's wrong? What's wrong?
Zach: When I got off the bus I heard something.
Buzz: What'd you hear?
Zach: A lady said something really mean about mommy.
Buzz: Oh, and that hurt, didn't it? What did we say we'd do when that happened? What did we say? The stuff people say about your mom doesn't count. Only the stuff that we know is true, right? In here. In here.
Zach: I want to run away like mommy did. What happens if she never comes back?
Marina: You knew Michelle would be back. I guess they just picked up right where they left off. French toast. Low blow, Santos. That's my favorite brunch food and you know it. I've got to get out of here.
Danny: What's the matter? You didn't like the French toast? Come on, Marina, you didn't think I'd know you'd follow me here? Now we can finally enjoy that weekend in Chicago that we've been talking about.
Marina: I don't understand. You did this for me? But Michelle...
Danny: Michelle who? Michelle's in Africa, Marina. How many times do I have to tell you that I want to be with you? Now, will you give us a chance? I ordered that French toast for nothing?
Danny: Hey, marina, it's me. I'm on the road and just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and I really wish that you could be with me right now.
Coop: Lizzie, I don't know if you're aware of this, but I don't know how long you're packing for. It looks like a week here.
Lizzie: Well, you have to be prepared. I mean, I think I've got everything. I've got sandwiches, lots of C.Ds, I've got drinks, chips. Over here I've got hats and sunscreen and...a chest.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: Nothing. It's just an ice chest.
Coop: Ice chest? Lizzie, we don't have an ice chest.
Lizzie: Do you think we should have one?
Coop: No, please. No. We've got enough stuff here already. If we need anything we'll just grab it from Company.
Lizzie: Good.
Coop: All right. What have we got? Oh, you've got to be kidding me. ( Laughs ) Good selection. I love this C.D.
Lizzie: Which one?
Coop: This... one?
Lizzie: What's wrong? Is there a problem?
Coop: No.
Lizzie: I wanted to get some sun today if I could.
Coop: No, no. No. There's no problems.
Lizzie: Good.
Coop: Good. ( Sighs )
Zach: Go get her, grandpa.
Buzz: I wish I could. She'll find her way home, she will. And all this bad stuff will seem like it never happened. You know those comics Uncle Frank gets you? Now in those comics, who wins out in the end, good or evil?
Zach: Good.
Buzz: You betcha. And you know what? I forgot. Frank got you a new comic. It's in the kitchen. Come on. I told Harley I was okay with those kids but I am hanging on by a threat. I told her that in here, you know? In a letter, which I can't send because I don't know where she is. Crazy, huh?
Alexandra: Oh, no. It's not crazy at all.
Buzz: I want her back more than anything else I've ever wanted in my life. She never murdered anyone!
Alexandra: No.
Buzz: She and the kids are suffering so much. What if they never find the guy that killed Phillip?
Alexandra: Look, Buzz there's something that I need to tell you....
Harley: When we met, did you ever imagine that we would be here in an ice cream truck on the way to New York City?
Gus: I knew the ride would be interesting.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Well I knew it would be an incredible journey. And you do not disappoint.
Harley: See, now, if you were smart you would have seen trouble and you would have turned around and walked away.
Gus: No, I saw trouble. Damn prettiest trouble I ever did see. ( Laughs )
Harley: You are such a romantic.
Gus: You're such a pessimist. Come on, hon. Where's the love? Where's the trust? Where's the faith, huh?
Harley: It's here.
Gus: Where?
Harley: It's right here.
Gus: Right there?
Harley: Give me your hand. It's this thing. It's between us. It's all I have. It's everything to me. No, no, I mean... I mean you are everything to me.
( Sirens blaring )
Coming up on "guiding light"...
Alexandra: Call off those bounty hunters this minute and give harley at least a fighting chance.
Alan: If I don't, what will you do?
Gus: This if they pull us over, I'm going to do all the talk. I'm going to say I took you against your will.
Coop: This is nice. This is really nice. Good idea.
Lizzie: Yeah, I... you know, I thought it would be a good idea. But that suit. Oh, wow.
Coop: I only wore the suit because I was going to try to take you out to lunch at the country club. But this is so much better. Being outside, that is.
Lizzie: Yeah. Well, you know, the country club would have been a great idea, too. It's... I don't know, maybe we can do that next time. Not to say that, you know, there's going to be a next time or there has to be a next time.
Coop: Lizzie, Lizzie.
Lizzie: What the heck are we doing here? I mean, you and I... this. Usually we can't even shut each other up.
Lizzie: That's because we're always fighting.
Coop: Not always.
Lizzie: 99% of the time.
Coop: 99% is not 100%.
Lizzie: You never agree with me.
Coop: You're always talking in absolutes. There are plenty of things that you and I have agreed upon, but forget it.
Lizzie: Forget what? The subject or the date?
Coop: I did not say the date. I just... if we can't talk as normal people, and we certainly can't fight, what's the point? What the heck are we doing here? What are we supposed to do?
Lizzie: You know, um, I... maybe we could talk about business. We have that in common, don't we?
Coop: Yeah. ( Laughs ) yeah. Yes, we could. What do you think of the place? I mean, I've made a couple changes here and there.
Lizzie: All of them good.
Coop: Thank you.
Lizzie: Yes, I like them 100%.
Coop: ( Laughs ) Good. Well, I'm glad because I've been thinking about making a few other changes. I was thinking about taking the specialty board and I was going to move it to where Roxy's portraits are so people can see it.
Lizzie: Where are Roxy's portraits going to go?
Coop: I don't know. Whatever. The trash?
Lizzie: That's not happening.
Coop: I wasn't asking your permission.
Lizzie: That's good. You're not getting it.
Coop: Lizzie, I didn't need to ask because, well, frankly, I don't have to anymore. You gave me the keys to the restaurant, which means that I am in control now.
Lizzie: Not gonna happen. I gave you the keys because I was going to Switzerland for six months. It's not happening anymore. Sorry, you're stuck.
Coop: Great. Lucky me.
Danny: Is this the bar? Yeah, hi. I'd like to set up something for the woman I'm travelling with. Well, definitely a massage. One of these wraps looks good. How about if I come to you and we can go over what you've got and we can set it up. Great. All right. I'll see you in a few. Thanks.
Marina: Have a nice time at the spa, Michelle.
Man: Marina cooper? I thought it was you.
Marina: I'm sorry?
Man: Zane from Company. Eggs benedict.
Marina: Sorry, I didn't recognize you out of context.
Zane: I'm here on business. What are you doing here?
Marina: I was visiting a friend but now I'm heading back home.
Zane: It's a small world. Marina, I'm so sorry about your Aunt Harley.
Marina: Thank you.
Zane: I never thought she was guilty and now this whole prison break thing.
Marina: It's been a nightmare.
Zane: Listen, I know you said you were heading home but can I buy you coffee first? We can catch up?
Marina: Um, sure. Why not?
Harley: Where are they? How close are they? I can't see anything.
Gus: Listen to me. When they pull over, I'm going to say I took you against your will.
Harley: No!
Gus: I'm not giving you a choice.
Harley: Ooh! What was that? Was this a fire truck? That was a fire truck!
Gus: Fire truck.
Harley: It was a fire truck! We're okay!
Gus: A fire truck and it was a little scare and now it's over.
Harley: It's over. It was fine.
Gus: We're going to New York.
Harley: It's over. The scare or my life? Which? I'm being serious. Is this my life? Is this my life? I mean, what if we get to New York and what if... what if we find this guy and it turns out everything he said is bogus, you know? And that he's just digging us deeper and deeper in this hole, Gus, that I won't be able to pull you out of or me out of and it's one big quagmire of something that...
Gus: Do you hear yourself? You're asking me what I'm doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I cannot believe that you went all the way on this journey of yours and you've managed to learn absolutely nothing at all!
Alan: Alexandra, you look upset.
Alexandra: I am upset about Harley because nobody knows where she is, nobody knows if she's all right and I think the whole thing is terrible.
Alan: Yes, it is terrible when someone gets away with murder.
Buzz: Harley did not kill your son.
Alan: Well, a jury thought differently, Buzz. ( Door slams ) I want to speak to you alone.
Alexandra: Later.
Alan: No, not later. Now. ( Cell phone rings ) First I have to take this phone call and then I will be right back. The rule is I call you, you don't call me.
Man: I thought you may need a friendly reminder. While everyone is out looking for your son and Harley Cooper, your son and Harley Cooper are out looking for me and the way I'm feeling right now, I might just let them find me.
Coop: Lizzie, this has got to be the worst date ever. You know, I don't even know why we agreed to go on this date in the first place.
Lizzie: It could have been great, Coop, but you had to screw it up.
Coop: Me? This is my fault now?
Lizzie: Didn't say that.
Coop: Yes you did, Lizzie. I can't even win with you.
Lizzie: I can't win with you, either. You know what our problem is? We both are fighting so hard to be right all the time.
Coop: I wonder where we learned that from.
Lizzie: We always said we don't want to be like our family and we try so hard not to.
Coop: So... so let's not do it anymore. Every time we catch ourselves going into one of these fights and into that area, we just won't and that's all we have to do.
Lizzie: And you really think we can do that?
Coop: Well, we can give it a shot. We can give it a try, I mean. I want to if you do.
Lizzie: I want to, yeah.
Coop: I like you.
Lizzie: I like you, too, Coop. It's just if we put all the energy we do fighting into this, it could...
Coop: We could be absolutely amazing together. Right?
Lizzie: Yes.
Coop: So where do you want to start?
Lizzie: I think we should do something that our family would never expect.
Coop: Okay. I'm game for it. What do you want to do?
Lizzie: I think we should run Company together.
Coop: What?
Zane: How's your family doing? I mean besides this awful situation with your Aunt.
Marina: Okay, considering. It's really hard to think about anything but that.
Zane: Poor little Zach and Jude. Especially Zach. Losing his dad and now this. Does she call them? Your Aunt Harley? Sorry, none of my business. I know she's on the run and even if you know anything you can't... can't say it. But I just hope for the kids' sake she's at least called them. Called you guys to let you know she's okay.
Marina: She hasn't called.
Zane: Really. She was such a great mom. You'd think she wanted-to-hear her kids' voices. All the news reports say her boyfriend is with her, Gus. What do you think?
Marina: I really don't know.
Zane: Gus came from Chicago originally, didn't he?
Marina: I'm sorry, Zane, what did you say you were doing here exactly at this hotel?
Zane: I'm here on business.
Marina: What kind of business.
Zane: Sales.
Marina: What kind of sales?
Zane: Computer. Software.
Marina: Interesting. Look, it's been great catching up but I have to go.
Zane: Don't, stay. We haven't begun to catch up yet.
Danny: Okay. Harley's booked at the spa. Gus has made his presence known here. Time to move on.
( Knocking on door )
Danny: Who is it?
Man: Room service.
Danny: Hold on. Yeah?
Man: May I take the plates, Mr. Aitoro?
Danny: Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
Man: You didn't like the food?
Danny: Um, no, actually my girlfriend decide to skip the food and go to the spa instead.
Man: You mean the pretty redheaded lady? I just saw her. She's in the lounge talking with a gentleman.
Alan: I told you what I would do to you if you tried to hold me up.
Man: You’re in no position to make threats, Alan. Get in that private jet of yours, fly to New York and bring me double what you gave me last time.
Alan: Double?
Man: Unless you'd rather go to prison, double. You know where to find me.
Alexandra: Alan, I want you to listen to me. Do you hear me? I want you to listen-to-me. Do you know what I have been doing for the last half hour? Do you know? I've been standing in there helping Buzz to try to quell that boy's fears because he has lost both of his parents, both of them. And it's all because of you, you. And you stand there like some stupid hypocrite and pretend and say that you love that child! That child is our family, too.
Alan: Would you calm down, Alexandra, and get to the point!
Alexandra: My point is you... you call off those bounty hunters this minute and you give Harley at least a fighting chance!
Alan: And if I don't, what will you do?
Alexandra: I have the bloody gloves that you wore that proves you shot Phillip. All it's going to take is one word from me, Alan, and that mother of that child is going to come home safely.
Gus: I think you should really know by now that I would never quit. That I would never give up on you. And you, my friend, you’re being very negative sometimes, but I know that you wouldn't quit, either. And I swear I thought that we learned this lesson. I thought we learned this very hard lesson in a day that... forget it.
Harley: No. No. Out. I want to hear what you have to say. Say it.
Gus: I thought that we learned this lesson about quitting on the day of our wedding. The day that we were supposed to have our wedding. And we could have, you know? And things could have been very different if you were just able to look forward. Would you like to know how it should have gone? You saw the surveillance tape of Alex and Alan and me the wine cellar and you confronted me and I... I 'fessed up to it and, granted, it was after the fact but you were furious. You called me every name in the book and it was over. Well, here's what should have happened. You shouldn't have bailed on me. You shouldn't have left me. Because I never left you. So we did get married that day. We got married because we still loved each other. We don't know how not to love each other. And it was rocky, but we did... we did rebuild that trust. And we had ourselves a fantastic year, you and me and Jude and Zach. And that, that's the way it should... that's the way it should have gone.
Harley: But it didn't happen that way.
Gus: But it can. It can and it will.
Coop: Oh, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. Do you honestly think that we should run the restaurant together.
Lizzie: Yeah, you're right, it'll never work.
Coop: Well, of course it can work if we both want it to. So all we have to do is just set up a couple serious ground rules.
Lizzie: Here we go again.
Coop: Like a dress code.
Lizzie: A dress code?
Coop: Absolutely. We should set up a dress code. I think you need to be in this bikini whenever you're around me.
Lizzie: ( Laughs ) As long as you don't ever wear that suit again.
Coop: Guaranteed. But I'm going to need you to smile at me at least a couple dozen times a day.
Lizzie: Only if you smile back.
Coop: As long as I can take you out to dinner sometimes.
Lizzie: Promise it won't be at the country club?
Coop: I can guarantee it. It has to be someplace that allows you to wear that bikini.
Lizzie: You are way too infatuated with this bikini!
Coop: Just with the person who's wearing this bikini. I will tell you something else, Miss Spaulding.
Lizzie: What's that, Mr. Bradshaw?
Coop: We have not disagreed in about a minute.
Lizzie: 59 seconds.
Coop: It's the same thing. So what do you say? Do we have a deal? Partners?
Lizzie: Partners.
Coop: Good. Come here.
Lizzie: Whoa!
Coop: Come here. Come here.
Marina: I really have to go.
Zane: What's your hurry? You're here alone, aren't you?
Marina: My dad's expecting me back at home. I have to go now.
Zane: I thought maybe you might be meeting someone here.
Marina: No, I haven't been in the mood to be social Zane, with everything going on with my Aunt Harley. Particularly about everyone who's after her. I mean, the cops I understand, but bounty hunters. As far as I'm concerned, those people are the scum of the earth.
Zane: I wouldn't know.
Danny: Marina? What's going on here?
Marina: Well, look who's here. You want to know what's going on? What's going on is none of your business. So leave me alone!
Buzz: Of all the heroes on this page, who's your favorite one.
Zach: This one.
Buzz: That's an interesting choice. You know, my favorite hero isn't on this page. Isn't even here. Do you know who it is? Your mom.
Zach: Mommy's not a superhero.
Buzz: She has all if qualifications. She's strong, brave, she never gives up.
Zach: Superheroes can fly.
Buzz: Not all of them.
Zach: They can snap their fingers and disappear. Can mommy do that?
Buzz: I hope so. I sure hope so.
Alexandra: Alan, Alan, I do not want to use what I have against you. But please give me one good reason. For god's sake, one good reason to stand by you when so many other people's lives that I love are in jeopardy.
Alan: I've already given you one good reason: I am your brother. But if that's not good enough, I have another. There's someone else out there who might expose me before you do.
Alexandra: Who?
Alan: His name is Waltz. He's blackmailing me. I've already given him a substantial amount of money. Now he wants more so I am on my way to New York to deliver it.
Alexandra: New York?
Alan: Yes. So I beg you, Alexandra, please don't turn me in. Look, I know that we can take care of all this mess without hurting anyone. But I can't do a thing with this threat hanging over my head. Now, my life is in your hands.
Zach: Grandpa told me girls can be superheroes just like boys.
Alexandra: Girls can do anything boys can do.
Zach: Grandpa said mommy's a superhero. Are you a superhero, too?
Alexandra: Oh...
Buzz: "I miss you more than I can say, Harley. Nothing will be right until you walk back through that door again. And I have to believe you will. I will never lose faith in you, Harley. I know it’s tough to survive this. I just pray that time is on your side." There you are. Is Alex still out there? What's she doing? There you are. Is Alex still out there? What's she doing?
Harley: There it is. New York City. Our last chance to find out who really killed Phillip.
Gus: Yeah. And we will, baby. We will.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Gus: New York, a city of endless possibilities. Nobody knows we're in New York City.
Alan: Here I am in the Excelsior hotel.
Sebastian: If Harley is in this hotel, I will find her. Harley was never here.
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