Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/7/05
By Boo
Proofread by Jolene
Reva: Jonathan, this is my boss, Nate. Nate, this is my son, Jonathan.
Nate: Good to meet you, John. Your mom told me a lot about you.
Jonathan: This is your boss?
Reva: Yeah. I've been working for him for a couple weeks, tending bar at his place just outside of town.
Jonathan: Is that how you met at his bar?
Reva: Well, it's a long story. ( Laughs )
Jonathan: I have the time. Inside joke?
Reva: ( Laughs )
Nate: Let's say it was my lucky day.
( Cell phone rings )
Reva: I've got to get that. I'll be back.
Jonathan: What the hell are you doing?
Nate: Reva and I have a lot in common, John. We both count you as our son. Don't we?
Marina: Where's Sandy?
Tammy: Working late, again.
Marina: Uh-oh, is that a bad thing?
Tammy: No, it just makes it too easy for me.
Marina: Too easy to what?
Tammy: I don't know. Hold back, take things slow.
Marina: Sounds all too familiar.
Tammy: You and Danny, too?
Marina: My idea of going slow is going in reverse.
Tammy: The word on the street is things are great with you guys.
Marina: They were. I don't know. I guess the problem is, it's hard to move forward when you haven't taken care of the past.
Buzz: Oh, Danny, thanks for coming.
Danny: Sure. What are you doing?
Buzz: Packing up Harley's stuff so that... so that the bounty hunters don't get any ideas where she is.
Danny: Have you heard from her?
Buzz: No. Not a word. I figured the less I know the better.
Danny: So you don't know if she's with Gus?
Buzz: I haven't seen him around. My hope is she's with him.
Danny: Why did you call me?
Buzz: I need your help.
Danny: Okay. Sure. Sure. I'd be happy to help Marina's family.
Buzz: There's a hitch.
Danny: A hitch?
Buzz: What I'm asking you to do would be... would make things better for Harley, but might make things worse for Marina.
Alexandra: It was you, wasn't it? You killed your own son!
Alan: Don't be preposterous, Alexandra! How can you think such a thing?
Alexandra: You're hanging on to a pair of bloody gloves, for god's sake.
Alan: I just found these gloves, that's all.
Alexandra: I followed you. I saw you in the attic. I may not be an expert...
Alan: No, you are not an expert.
Alexandra: But I know when you're lying.
Alan: I loved Phillip, Alexandra. You know that I loved him more than anything.
Alexandra: I know. I know you did. And Alan, I love you. That's why you can tell me anything. So you tell me what you did.
Alan: I can't.
Alexandra: Alan, I'm your sister. Since the very beginning it's always been just you and me.
Alan: You and me.
Alexandra: Right.
Alan: I know.
Alexandra: It's been that way from the beginning. That's the way it's going to be in the end. So you tell me what you did.
Alan: I shot him. I shot my boy.
Tammy: So you're worried about Danny and Michelle?
Marina: She's just always there you know? Even though she's in Africa.
Tammy: You don't think he's over her?
Marina: He says he is. I don't know. How do you get over a love like they had? What's the deal with you and Sandy?
Tammy: Well, every time we get close, I mess it up.
Marina: Is this because of...
Tammy: Jonathan? I just can't seem to get past it. Him. I guess I'm guarding myself.
Marina: Me, too. You know, I really hate to leave you like this, but I've got to go. I'm gonna make the past go away.
Buzz: I don't want you to tell marina what I'm asking you to do.
Danny: It depends what it is.
Buzz: I won't be asking you to break any laws.
Danny: But you wouldn't mind if I did, if it keeps Harley safe?
Buzz: Would you hand me that blue thing over there? Listen, you've got a kid. You would do anything to help Robbie, wouldn't you?
Danny: Yeah, I would.
Buzz: So would I, for my child. I want Marina kept out of this. I... there are only so many family members I can worry about at one time.
Danny: Okay.
Buzz: You know there's a bounty on Harley's head, right?
Danny: Uh-huh. I read about in the paper.
Buzz: I think Alan's behind it. I wish somebody would put a bounty on his head.
Danny: Is that something you want to do?
Buzz: I was fantasizing.
Danny: Okay. So what do you want me to do?
Buzz: What about this? A counter-bounty. Bring Harley in alive?
Danny: Do you really have that kind of money?
Buzz: What do you think?
Danny: I think we're going to have to get creative.
Buzz: I know what I'm asking. I know how big it is.
Danny: I'll see what I can do. And I will keep Marina out of it.
Buzz: Thank you.
Danny: Okay. Sure.
Marina: Hey, just the guys I was looking for.
Alan: I went to company at night to reason with Phillip, try to convince him to bring the children back.
Alexandra: And he wouldn't?
Alan: No. No, he wouldn't even hear of it. Alexandra, I have never seen him that far gone.
Alexandra: Yes, I remember.
Alan: I told him that... that I would help him get his life back together and make everything all right. And you know what he did? He laughed in my face!
Alexandra: Alan, he was so sick. It wasn't Phillip anymore.
Alan: No, no it wasn't.
Alexandra: Alan, I'm so sorry. I know how this must have hurt you. I mean, it's the worst thing in the world for a parent to lose a child and to have him slip away like this...
Alan: I've never felt so helpless in my life. He told me that I... I had worked all my life to try to turn him into me, and I had finally succeeded. That he was the new and improved me.
Alexandra: Alan, come on, you never wanted him to end up like Phillip ended up.
Alan: No. I told him, I said "son, that's not the way I wanted things to end up." He laughed at me again. He told me he had no regrets and there was no turning back. And then he accused me of abandoning him. Do you know what that is like to hear your own child tell you that, Alexandra?
Alexandra: Well, you know I do.
Alan: We've had our troubles in the past. I knew that he hated me, but I'd never seen that look in his eye. He said that I would end up all alone, bitter, angry and a broken man. I knew then that he was leaving me and I would never see him again.
Alexandra: Then what, Alan? What?
Alan: Then he held a gun to me. He told me to leave.
Alexandra: And did you?
Alan: Yes. I had to. I had no choice. But, Alexandra, I kept hearing his words and seeing the faces, seeing the people that I loved, my children, my grandchildren, and you and... I had to go back. I went back in. I saw the gun on the counter.
Alexandra: And you shot him.
Jonathan: I told you to stay away from Reva.
Nate: You told me?
Jonathan: Look, I can handle this, okay?
Nate: Since when do you tell me to do anything? Huh? Boy?
Jonathan: I just don't want you screwing up something that I’ve already started.
Nate: No, I'm here to help you, make sure you don't screw up.
Jonathan: And miss out on what's rightfully mine? I don't think so.
Nate: Wouldn't be the first time would it? Johnny, you're not exactly the smartest bulb, are you, kid? You need someone to look out for you.
Jonathan: How long have you been looking out for me?
Nate: You mean charming Reva?
Jonathan: How long?
Nate: Not long, son. We have a really good time together. She sure does like her fun, doesn't she?
Jonathan: She's a smart woman. She's going to figure you out.
Nate: Don't insult me, Jonathan.
Jonathan: I'm warning you.
Nate: Oh, you're warning me? I see. Well, don't you worry yourself about Reva. Reva enjoys my company and I'm going to make damn sure she carries on doing so.
Jonathan: You stay away.
Nate: You are going to choose me, hmm? You're going to choose the only father that ever loved you or you are going to be sorry. Are we clear, son?
Reva: Sorry. How's it going?
Nate: Smashing, isn't it, John?
Reva: So what's going on, guys? Jonathan?
Nate: Your son and I have already met. I just didn't know whether I should acknowledge that or not.
Reva: Why not?
Jonathan: A few weeks ago I had to throw John out of the bar. He was getting a little rowdy.
Reva: Did you have a bar fight without me?
Jonathan: You cut me loose, remember? Said I was a bad influence?
Reva: Did I say that?
Nate: Got a little hellion here, Reva.
Reva: What do you think he gets it from?
Nate: Sorry I didn't say anything. No hard feelings.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nate: So it looks like that investor isn't going to show. Why don't I go into Company and get some food? Picnic?
Reva: Okay. You're on.
Nate: I'll be back. Good to see you again, John.
Jonathan: What are you doing with that guy, Reva?
Reva: Like I said, he's my boss.
Jonathan: You're not working now.
Reva: Does it matter?
Jonathan: Yeah, it matters. Does Josh know you're hanging out with him?
Reva: Since when do you care about what Josh feels?
Jonathan: Does he know?
Reva: For your information, Nate and I came out here to meet an investor about his bar.
Jonathan: I don't see anyone else.
Reva: He didn't show up.
Jonathan: Then go home.
Reva: We're ordering food. You can stick around if you want to.
Jonathan: I don't want to stick around. I don't think you should, either.
Reva: Why not? He's fun. You're the one that told me I needed to have more fun.
Jonathan: Wake up, Reva. Nate might be fun... he'll... he'll hurt you big time.
Tammy: Sandy? Hello? Sandy?
Nate: Hey. Want to try mine? Mine hardly ever goes down.
Marina: So what are you guys doing here?
Buzz: What are you doing here?
Marina: I asked you first.
Buzz: I'm going through Harley's desk to see if there's something that might tell me where she is.
Marina: And you?
Danny: And me? I was looking for Mel and then we just started talking.
Buzz: Your turn.
Marina: I saw your cars. I actually just wanted to see Danny.
Buzz: Well, there he is.
Marina: I see him. Okay. Um, there's a new restaurant that opened up over on fifth street.
Buzz: Not a diner?
Marina: No, it's Thai. So I was thinking that maybe we could check it out.
Danny: Are you asking me out?
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: This is interesting.
Buzz: Yeah...
Danny: What?
Buzz: You said you had some business.
Danny: Yeah. Actually, I do.
Marina: Oh.
Danny: I'm sorry. I do. I forgot. But thanks for asking me.
Marina: Yeah, no problem. Um... maybe tomorrow night?
Danny: Tomorrow is... um... well, tomorrow's actually kind of bad. But I really want to go, I do.
Marina: Okay. Well, when's a good time?
Danny: I'm not sure yet. Can I get back to you?
Marina: Yeah. You'll just let me know.
Danny: Okay. Yeah, I'll call you. I really want to go.
Marina: Okay.
Danny: All right. So I'll call you. Okay.
Marina: What did you just say to him? Did you tell him to leave me alone?
Buzz: No, it's business. He's busy.
Marina: Right.
Alan: Alexandra, I... I didn't mean to kill him. He's my son, I would never have hurt him, you know that.
Alexandra: Good lord, Alan, you killed Phillip!
Alan: I was trying to save him, stop him from leaving. You understand?
Alexandra: I understand.
Alan: It was an accident.
Alexandra: Yes! Yes! Why didn't you just face up to it right then and there? Just tell the truth. But you let months go by and you let Harley go to prison for a crime that you committed.
Alan: Harley was guilty! She betrayed Phillip, she pushed him over the edge, caused him to do things he would never have done before.
Alexandra: That was Phillip's illness.
Alan: She is responsible because she dressed up like Ruth and she fooled him.
Alexandra: Alan, Harley is not responsible for Phillip's death!
Alan: Harley is the reason he is dead. Her family, Olivia, they all killed him!
Alexandra: Oh, my god. No, no. Give me that. They just did exactly what you and I would do to protect their families.
Alan: Are you trying to justify her behavior? Is that it?
Alexandra: How can you justify yours? How can you? Phillip was right, you know? He was a better man than you, Alan. At least in his twisted mind he owned up to all the pain that he inflicted. He didn't... he didn't go under the guise of some grieving father like you!
Alan: No, no, that's not true.
Alexandra: Oh, my god. And all of it, how about Lizzie and Beth and me having us take turns in the hot seat? While all the time you knew you were the one who pulled the trigger.
Alan: I would never have allowed you to be arrested. You know that.
Alexandra: Really? Well, considering all that we suffered I don't take much comfort in that. What about Gus, huh? What about him?
Alan: Gus betrayed me and he betrayed his brother.
Alexandra: Oh, so he's next, is that it? Is that it?
Alan: I will be damned if I allow Harley Cooper to take another one of my sons away!
Alexandra: Alan! Alan, you know right now that Gus is with Harley, and you still put a bounty on her head. Now, what do you want next, huh? For Gus to be killed?
Alan: I need you to support me. I need you to protect me, Alexandra.
Alexandra: I know, Alan. I know. But I don't know if I can do it.
Alan: Do you think that I haven't paid a big enough price, Alexandra? I will pay for the rest of my life because I have lost my son!
Alexandra: You took him away from yourself, Alan, and all the rest of us, too.
Alan: Do I have to remind you that I protected you from our father when we were young?
Alexandra: Well, I think you have that the other way around mostly, but...
Alan: You owe me. Now, I got Gus to lie for you. I arranged for you to be released from prison. Now you have got to stand by me now. I need you!
Alexandra: Alan, how can I possibly do that when you're targeting innocent people?
Alan: Do you want know go back to prison?
Alexandra: Of course not!
Alan: No. Then you must do the right thing for this family. I always have and you always have. Now, you were right a while ago. You said it's always been you and me all of our lives and it still is.
Alexandra: I... I'm so sorry for what Phillip drove you to. I'm... I'm so sorry.
Alan: I knew you wouldn't let me down, Alexandra. Thank you.
Alexandra: Well, of course there's one catch, darling. There's always one catch between us, isn't there?
Alan: Of course.
Alexandra: Well, I think you're going to have to let me have all of the mail room and reinstate all my powers back into my office.
Alan: Well, done. Is there anything else?
Alexandra: Yes. We should burn these gloves.
Alan: I need those a little longer, Alexandra. I...
Alexandra: Alan, Alan...
Alan: I won't be as careless with them the next time, okay? Just...
Alexandra: There won't be a next time, Alan, because I'm going to hold on to them for you, okay? I'll take care of them.
Alan: I won't forget this. You've been a wonderful sister, Alexandra.
Danny: Do you have an earlier flight? Yeah, that's great. I want that one.
Marina: Flying? Where's he... Michelle.
Danny: Uh-huh. Great. Thanks. I appreciate it.
Marina: Going somewhere?
Reva: Why are you so freaked out about Nate? You don't even know the guy.
Jonathan: I know his type.
Reva: Come on. You're just mad at him because he kicked you out of his bar.
Jonathan: Come on, Reva. How many bars have I been kicked out of?
Reva: Okay.
Jonathan: It's not about getting back at your friend Nate.
Reva: Well, then tell me what it's about. Are you getting back at me because I yelled at you the other day about Tammy?
Jonathan: Forget it. I give up.
Reva: Uh-oh, not so fast. I meant what I said about staying away from Tammy.
Jonathan: I heard you the first time.
Reva: Are you playing games with me again?
Jonathan: I'm not playing games.
Reva: It's not going to work this time.
Jonathan: Look, Reva, you do whatever the hell you want. You want to hang out with him; hang out with him.
Reva: I plan to.
Jonathan: Make him your best friend. Just don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Tammy: No, thanks. I'll just try later.
Nate: You're Reva's niece Tammy, aren't you?
Tammy: Yeah. And you are....
Nate: Nate, I work with your aunt.
Tammy: Oh, you're the bartender.
Nate: I actually own the place now. I just bought it.
Tammy: Congratulations.
Nate: Thank you. You know, tonight I met Reva's son. I guess he'd be your cousin. Are you two close?
Tammy: Not really. Why?
Nate: No reason. Well, he's... he strikes me as the kind of kid that would be trouble.
Tammy: That's an understatement. But he's trying.
Nate: Well, that's good to hear. Reva certainly doesn't need the stress. Well, it was lovely to meet you.
Tammy: Yeah, you, too.
Nate: Hope to see you again. Oh, when you see your cousin, tell him I said hello.
Buzz: Alex?
Buzz: Alex? What are you doing here?
Danny: I have to go out of town on business.
Marina: When are you coming back?
Danny: I'm not sure yet.
Marina: Look, Danny, I know I've been tough about this whole distance thing.
Danny: Stop. I wanted to go to dinner tonight with you. I did.
Marina: But you have to go out of town?
Danny: Yeah. I do.
Marina: Well, have a good trip and I hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for.
Danny: Uh-uh. Marina, look, I just can't tell you about it yet in case it doesn't work out. You know, but I'll fill you in when I get back.
Marina: Okay. Good. Because I think this whole distance thing is overrated.
Buzz: Alex? What are you doing here?
Alexandra: Well I was just... at the little church around the corner.
Buzz: You went to church?
Alexandra: ( Laughs ) Yes, I go there sometimes to contemplate. Sometimes even to pray.
Buzz: Can't hurt. Been shopping, too, huh?
Alexandra: No.
Buzz: Envelope in.
Alexandra: It's nothing. It's nothing. What's in the box?
Buzz: Oh, just Harley's stuff. I didn't want to leave anything behind for the bounty hunters to find.
Alexandra: I see.
Buzz: How about a beer?
Alexandra: A beer?
Buzz: The girls left it in the fridge. How about a couple beers?
Alexandra: I don't know. Thanks.
Buzz: Come on, one beer. Come on.
Buzz: Um... to my daughter coming home safe and sound.
Alexandra: Yes. Have you heard from Harley?
Buzz: Nope.
Alexandra: Do you think Gus is with her?
Buzz: Those two? Absolutely.
Alexandra: Well, I'm sure she'll be all right. I know she will.
Buzz: Oh, god. You know, you get old and you think one thing good about it is you're not going to be afraid and I am so afraid. I have lost so many people in my life. I am so afraid I'm going to lose her.
Alexandra: I want to help. I really want to help.
Sebastian: Hello, Alan.
Alan: Sebastian, what are you doing here?
Sebastian: I was looking for you and one of the maids said she thought she saw you come up here, so...
Alan: Is there anything that I can help you with?
Sebastian: Actually, Alan, it's something I think I can help you with. But do you mind if we step inside because I don't want some nosey staff member to eavesdrop on us.
Alan: We don't have to worry about that. There's no one up here.
Sebastian: Just the same, you don't mind.
Alan: All right.
Sebastian: So I was looking through Springfield "journal" today, and I came across this. Interesting article.
Alan: Yes, I read it myself.
Sebastian: I assumed you were the anonymous donor.
Alan: Does it matter?
Sebastian: Well, it matters, Alan, because I want to be the one who brings Harley in, and I was just wondering, I don't know how far you'd like me to go to accomplish that.
Tammy: Hey.
Jonathan: You and I probably shouldn't be talking outside the office. It tends to freak people out.
Tammy: What are you talking about?
Jonathan: After what I did to you, why do you even waste your breath on me?
Tammy: I don't know.
Jonathan: Are you punishing yourself?
Tammy: I'm just trying to move on, not let you get to me.
Jonathan: Then shouldn't that mean staying away from me?
Tammy: I need to be able to deal with you.
Jonathan: Is this going to make you stronger or something?
Tammy: Listen, some guy said to say hi to you.
Jonathan: What guy?
Tammy: Reva's boss. Um, Nate, I think he said his name was.
Nate: Where's your son?
Reva: He took off. I think he's mad at me.
Nate: Boy's given you a lot of problems, huh?
Reva: Jonathan? He's troubled.
Nate: I know.
Reva: Oh, really. How could you possibly know?
Nate: Um, I wasn't completely honest with you before.
Reva: About what? Your run-in with him at Outskirts? I knew it. What happened?
Nate: It wasn't a fight. I threw him out of the bar for something a hell of a lot worse than that.
Jonathan: You spoke to Reva's boss?
Tammy: Yeah.
Jonathan: When?
Tammy: Um, tonight, just before you showed up.
Jonathan: What did he say?
Tammy: He introduced himself, said he works with Reva, said he met you. He was pretty nice. Jonathan, really?
Tammy: Don't you like him?
Jonathan: You know, I don't even know him, but I don't like the way he looks at Reva.
Tammy: Well, Reva likes her job. I've talked to her about it.
Jonathan: Yeah, well she hasn't been there for very long. If you talk to this guy again, you have to let me know, okay?
Tammy: Why?
Jonathan: Because I don't trust him.
Tammy: Well, it's sweet of you to look out for your mom.
Jonathan: I'm not. I'm looking out for you.
Nate: I got wind that someone was selling drugs at the bar so I asked around and I figured out it was Jonathan.
Reva: Drugs?
Nate: It's worse than that.
Reva: Great. What?
Nate: That girl you were with the other day, your niece.
Reva: Tammy?
Nate: Yeah. Well, one night Jonathan was messing with her.
Reva: Messing with her?
Nate: Trying to shake her up. And I heard stories.
Reva: What kind of stories?
Nate: About Jonathan putting drugs in girls' drinks.
Reva: Do you that's what he had in mind for Tammy? Oh, my god.
Nate: Look, I hope it isn't true for your sake. But I thought you should check it out before something terrible happens.
Marina: I've been holding back so I won't get hurt.
Danny: I know.
Marina: The only problem is that hurts, too.
Danny: Yeah.
Danny: Marina, I've really got to go. I'm sorry, I just have to...
Marina: Right. You've got to leave. Do you need a ride to the airport or anything?
Danny: No, thanks, I'm fine. See you when I get back.
Marina: Call me.
Danny: I will. I will.
Marina: Danny...
Danny: Yeah?
Marina: I'll see you soon?
Danny: Yeah. I'm not going to the moon. See you soon.
Marina: I'm tired of waiting.
Sebastian: So? Harley cooper: Dead or alive?
( Cell phone rings )
Alan: Excuse me. Hello?
Man: Hello, Alan. Long time no speak.
Alan: This is not a good time to talk.
Man: Make time, then. I've been corresponding with your son Gus.
Alan: I see.
Man: If you don't want me to spill, it will cost you.
Alan: I think that can be arranged.
Man: Excellent. I'll be in touch.
Sebastian: Problem?
Alan: No, as a matter of fact. Sebastian, what was it you were saying?
Sebastian: I was asking, um, how you would like Harley delivered, Alan. Because if Gus is protecting her, he could get in the way.
Alan: Do what you have to do. With both of them.
Alexandra: Buzz, what's happening to your family isn't fair at all, you know. What's happening to Harley is even worse.
Buzz: I appreciate you saying that.
Alexandra: I mean it. Every word.
Buzz: Honey, I didn't bring you in here to burden you with all of this. You've got things going on with your own family.
Alexandra: Except they seem to cause most of it themselves.
Buzz: True. I'm glad to have you back.
Alexandra: Have me back?
Buzz: You turned your life around. I'm proud of you.
Alexandra: Oh, I don't know...
Buzz: No, no. No. You're one of the good guys. I'm glad you're remembering that.
Alexandra: Well, I have to go. I really do. I'm... I'm sorry.
Next, on "Guiding Light".
Alexandra: You call off those bounty hunters this minute, and you give Harley at least a fighting chance!
Alan: And if I don't, what will you do?
Harley: There it is, New York City. Our last chance to find out who really killed Phillip.
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