Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/24/05
By Boo
Proofread by Jolene
Mallet: It's your only way out. Run away.
Harley: You mean...
Mallet: Escape. Run, run as fast as we can.
Harley: We?
Mallet: We. Come with me now and don't look back. I'll keep you safe, Harley. I promise.
Olivia: Where's my daughter?
Gus: Get out of my way.
Olivia: Where's my daughter? I want my daughter back now. You wanted a killer, Gus? Mission accomplished.
Reva: Hello. I guess you slipped.
Nate: Seems like it.
Reva: And you fell on top of me. Convenient.
Nate: Don't flatter yourself. I didn't aim to fall on top of you, but I just... I don't mind where I did fall.
Reva: Well, you should probably get a mop so this doesn't happen again.
Nate: You are right. I don't want to make a habit of being on top of you. But, well, now that I'm here, what do you suggest I do?
Sebastian: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Hello, Sebastian.
Sebastian: You got a minute?
Josh: Not really.
Sebastian: I was wondering how it's going with that T.V. station that I helped you buy from under Alan. We had a deal and I expect there will be a day that you make good on your end of it?
Josh: Make good?
Sebastian: You owe us, Blake and me. Make no doubt about it, I'll be thinking of a way that you can repay the debt.
Bill: Olivia, what are you doing with that? Put the gun down, please.
Olivia: Stay out of this, Bill. Give me my little girl. You don't think I'll kill you to get her back, then you're a stupid man.
Gus: Go on. Go on. Shoot me. Go ahead.
Bill: Gus...
Gus: You'll never see your girl then.
Bill: Tell her Emma's all right. You just need Emma and then you'll sit down and talk. Tell her.
Gus: I did want that.
Bill: Give her Emma back, will you?
Olivia: I want my daughter now!
( Sirens blaring )
Mallet: No.
Harley: Wait. Wait. There's a lot of firepower out there. I was thinking maybe...
Mallet: Second thoughts are going to kill us Harley. I wasn't interested in dying there, were you?
Harley: No.
Mallet: Good. Come on.
Harley: Where does this stairway go?
Mallet: Freedom. If we do this right, we're getting out of here in one piece. Do you trust me?
Harley: Do I have a choice?
Mallet: Looks like you already made your choice. Come on. Stick by me. Come on, come on, come on. I'm not sure who I can trust.
Harley: The guards are your men.
Mallet: You think they're going to help me break you out of prison?
Harley: No.
Mallet: I think at this point you're the only one I can trust.
Reva: I don't know what you're thinking. You know what? Never mind. I know exactly what you're thinking. Forget it unless you want to get sued for sexual harassment.
Nate: Just trying to be a nice guy.
Reva: ( Laughs ) A nice guy? Use that defence in court and see how far it gets ya.
Nate: You'd probably get more for your buck by suing me for slipping on spilled beer, and it would be your word against mine anyway.
Reva: I'd win.
Nate: So you're actually going to say that you were harassed while trying to kiss me?
Reva: I was not trying to kiss you!
Nate: The truth hurts, Reva.
Reva: Are you always this deluded, this arrogant?
Nate: Always,? No. Sometimes, yeah.
Reva: F.Y.I., Most women don't like to be tackled to the ground and smothered.
Nate: You're not most women, are you, Reva?
Reva: That's very true.
Nate: Don't hide that smile.
Reva: You are shameless. It's been a long time since a guy's come on to me like this.
Nate: What did you do with the last guy?
Reva: I married him.
Nate: You mean I just missed out on life with Reva? Damn!
Reva: ( Laughs )
Nate: Your husband seems so... happy.
Reva: Well, consider yourself lucky because I don't think you could handle the life we have.
Nate: Don't be too sure. Oh, and just for the record, I'm not coming on to you. Just trying to be friendly.
Reva: That right?
Nate: I offered you a job, a chance to spend time with good company.
Reva: Meaning you?
Nate: Yeah. Why not?
Reva: Because you're being more than friendly.
Nate: Look, I can understand... now, a woman like you might mistake friendly chat for coming on.
Reva: Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean a woman like me?
Nate: Never mind.
Sebastian: Thank you.
Josh: Let me make sure I understand this. I owe you some kind of a service because you did me a favor?
Sebastian: No, no. Josh, this isn't a threat, okay? We're all on the same team. We shook hands and we decided, we agreed that we'd go up against Spaulding together.
Josh: Right. And I'm not backing away from that deal.
Sebastian: Good.
Josh: Alan needs to be taught a lesson. I'm just trying to figure out what it is that you're cooking up.
Sebastian: Nothing specific yet but let me put it this way: Spaulding is going to come to a cross roads sooner rather than later and when sooner happens, you're up.
Josh: What is it you think you're going to ask me to do?
Sebastian: Chrissie!
Blake: Am I interrupting something?
Sebastian: Not at all.
Josh: Don Sebastian was explaining the rules to me. I'm going to follow the rules or there's going to be a horse's head in my bed? Is that how it's going to work? Excuse me.
Blake: What was that all about?
Sebastian: Nothing, boy talk. Let me ask you something, seriously. I know you said you're with me in taking down Spaulding.
Blake: You bet I am, brother.
Sebastian: But you have a husband and three children.
Blake: So?
Sebastian: So there are vulnerabilities, Chrissie. And where Alan is concerned, mark my words, it's going to get very ugly.
Blake: Trust me, I can do ugly.
Bill: Just give me the gun.
Olivia: No. No! I am not going to ask you again, Gus. Where is Emma?
Bill: Olivia, Emma is all right. I will help you find her.
Olivia: Stop trying to fix everything! Stop it! You can't fix this. You can't fix this. I need to think. Shh. This is between me and him. Do you want to die, Gus?
Gus: Olivia, Emma is a Spaulding. She's a Spaulding. She belongs in this house with us, okay? That's the way her father wanted it.
Olivia: I don't care what Phillip wanted! He is dead and you will be, too, if you don't give me back my child.
Gus: What kind of mother, are you, with your finger on the trigger of a gun? Then again, you never had a problem putting your finger on the trigger of a gun, did you, honey?
Olivia: I'll do anything for my baby, anything.
Gus: You're unstable. My brother was right.
Olivia: Your brother was a bastard. He tried to take my baby away from me.
Gus: I can see why.
Olivia: You're trying to take her away from me, too.
Gus: Yes, I am.
Bill: This is different.
Olivia: He's just like them.
Gus: I'm just like Phillip.
Olivia: Why don't you leave us alone? Don't you understand? She's my baby. Don't you get it? Emma is my child.
Gus: Don't you get it? Emma is a Spaulding.
Bill: Stop it.
Gus: She's a Spaulding.
Olivia: I'm not going to let you take my baby.
Gus: Really, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to stop me like you stopped Phillip? You couldn't stop Phillip, could you? Could you?
Mallet: That was close. All right. Come on.
Reva: Hey, what did you mean you when you said "a woman like me?" Pay attention. I'm talking to you. What kind of a woman am I?
Nate: Reva, I hardly know you.
Reva: I'm not joking.
Nate: Okay. Maybe I know you a little. I know you hung around in my hotel room after you ended up in my bed.
Reva: That was nothing.
Nate: I know you came here looking for something.
Reva: So?
Nate: So, the question is: Reva, what are you looking for?
Reva: I don't know.
Nate: Well, maybe you better figure that out.
Reva: I will, eventually. But it's not your problem.
Nate: No?
Reva: No. I'm here to work and that's it.
Nate: That's it?
Reva: I am a happily married woman.
Nate: Okay.
Reva: What?
Nate: I didn't say anything.
Reva: It's what you're not saying.
Nate: What do you want me to say?
Reva: What do you want me to say?
Nate: Say what you're really thinking, Reva. I don't blush easily.
Reva: What I'm thinking is that I'm going to go. I'm going to leave here and go to my husband. And I'm also thinking that you are a very lonely man who likes to play silly games.
Nate: Well, we can't all have your beautiful life, can we? What are you standing there for? Go home. Go home to your perfect life. Go on.
Reva: I never said it was perfect.
Nate: Because you can't. If it was perfect, you wouldn't be here in the first place.
Olivia: Gus, Gus I don't want to shoot you, but I will.
Gus: Olivia, if you didn't kill my brother, why'd you lock me in that room for over a week? Hmm?
Olivia: I had to protect myself. You were coming after me for no reason. You were so desperate to get Harley out of prison.
Gus: Whoa, no reason? No reason? Keep telling yourself that.
Olivia: Please, tell me where my baby is.
Gus: Do you understand I could have you locked up for so long that by the time you got out Emma wouldn't even know your name. And she'll be here because she is a Spaulding. She is a Spaulding child and I'm a Spaulding so she belongs to me. She belongs to the Spauldings with me.
Olivia: No she doesn't.
Gus: And you want to know why? Because you are a cold-hearted manipulative bitch! That's why.
Bill: Stop it, Gus.
Gus: Our child will not know you. Our child will not love you.
Olivia: Shut up, Phillip! No, you tortured me! You pushed me. You threatened me. You threatened to take away everything that I love. My entire life. You think that I won't fight back? I always fight back. I will always protect my daughter!
Gus: You're not going to fight anybody because all you do is run. So why don't you run along and find a little hole to bury your head in?
Olivia: You have no idea what I'm capable of. Why don't you go ask your brother!
( Sirens blaring )
Harley: Where are we going?
Mallet: We've got to get past that gate. It's the only way we get out?
Harley: Then what? We just keep running and running?
Mallet: One thing at a time. Right now, we've got to get past that gate. Come on.
Harley: Hey, Lena's on that bus.
Mallet: We don't have time for this.
Harley: This is the bus that goes to Hellis, right?
Mallet: Yeah, it's going to Hellis.
Harley: So, what is she doing on the bus? Is she taking my place?
Mallet: She volunteered to go. I switched the numbers. I think I can pull it off for you.
Harley: She gets nailed instead of me? She doesn't deserve this.
Mallet: You will see people in that prison that you put in that prison. Even if you don't, you are still a cop.
Harley: But Lena will...
Mallet: She will survive.
Harley: No, she will get thrown to the wolves so I can survive.
Mallet: Nothing comes without a price.
Harley: I can't let her go.
Mallet: She sold you out to Alan Spaulding. I know it's awful that someone else has to pay but that's the way it is. She doesn't have little children waiting for her. She doesn't have a life full of promise waiting for her anywhere and she knows that, okay? She wants you to be free.
Harley: No! The only reason that woman is in prison is because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong guy. No matter what she's done, she doesn't deserve this.
Mallet: Let Lena decide what she thinks she deserves. We're running out of time. We have to keep moving. Come on.
Harley: Hey.
Mallet: What?
Harley: What about you? If you help me out, you will lose everything. Mallet, everything. And if they catch us, you will go to prison.
Harley: Mallet, I know that you are determined to make up for what happened between us.
Mallet: Can we do this later?
Harley: No, we have to do this now. I'm not going to let you keep feeling like you have to pay back something that happened years ago.
Mallet: I still owe you and I still owe myself.
Harley: Listen, I hated you. Hated you for eight years. I never thought I'd get over what you did to me. I never thought I'd trust someone again but you know what? I got over it.
Mallet: With Gus?
Harley: Yes. With Gus I found someone that I could trust again. But, listen, you didn't do anything worse to me than anybody else in my life. And I survived okay? I will always survive. And seeing you now and seeing how much you would sacrifice for me, I know that I can trust you again. I mean, please, I have been free-falling through this nightmare...
Mallet: And I wanted to catch you.
Harley: And you did. And I want to say thank you. Thank you.
Mallet: You're welcome.
Harley: So that's it. Okay? The slate is wiped clean. I forgive you for everything, okay? We're even.
Mallet: We're good?
Harley: We're good.
Mallet: Thank you, Harley.
Harley: Everything that's going on here, and you are thanking me? I mean, you're the only person here who needs a thank you.
Mallet: Hey, Harley?
Harley: Mallet. Sorry.
Gus: You don't think that my brother knew what you were capable of?
Olivia: Oh, he knew what I was capable of.
Gus: Really? Is that why he's dead right now?
Bill: Olivia, come on. Olivia, you are not capable of this. You are not capable of shooting anyone in cold blood.
Olivia: It's the only way I can protect my daughter, Bill. It's the only thing anyone named Spaulding seems to understand.
Bill: That is not true.
Olivia: I want my little girl back, so get out of my way.
Gus: Do it, Bill. Get out of her way.
Olivia: Please, Bill, get out of my way.
Bill: I can't do it.
Olivia: Please. I don't want to hurt you.
Gus: I'm not going to rest until Emma is in the right household. That's what her father's wishes were.
Olivia: It's too late for us.
Bill: Listen to me. You have no options. I'm not going to let this happen. You have too much to lose. We will get Emma back. She is fine. I'm not going to let this happen.
Gus: The way I see it, you're making promises you can't back up.
Olivia: Don't listen to him! I want to shoot him.
Bill: Then what, honey? You want to kill him? Where does that leave you? Honey, where does that leave you? In prison for the rest of your life? Then you'll lose your daughter. She'll be away from you for the rest of your life. You don't want that, honey. I'm not going to let that happen. I'm not letting you get away. The only place you are going is home. Going home with me and Emma and that's it. That is it.
Olivia: How did this happen to me again? How did this happen to me again?
Bill: What? What happened?
Olivia: I thought after Phillip I could never....
Gus: You could never what exactly? What happened again?
Olivia: I hate you, Gus.
Gus: All right. What are you going to do about it?
Olivia: I can do anything I need to. Oh, my baby! You saved mommy. You saved mommy again, didn't you? I'll never forget what you did to me, Gus, never. You're more evil than Phillip ever was.
Gus: You saw that right?
Bill: I saw you almost get shot, that's what I saw.
Gus: No, what you almost saw was a confession.
Bill: Well, that's a great plan, Gus. You kidnap the woman's child, try to get her to confess to something that she never did.
Gus: No, what I did was I brought her back to that night, the night of the murder, the night she shot Phillip.
Bill: You know what? Just stay away from Emma and Olivia, okay? Or I'll shoot you myself.
Gus: Bill, you saw exactly what I did otherwise you would have shot me 15 minutes ago.
Olivia: Kiss? Kiss? Thank you. Thank you.
Sebastian: I just don't see what's in it for you, Chrissie. The Spaulding business, it's going to get very nasty and it's a blood sport, baby, so, you know, if you're a housewife who is more bored than desperate then I'd suggest you take up tennis instead.
Blake: Honey? Is this where you're trying to scare me?
Sebastian: No, this is where I'm trying to be a good brother to you. I don't want you anywhere near the fallout when Alan explodes.
Blake: You know our father was not the only person who had a vengeance against this family.
Sebastian: I know. I just don't want your entire life to be derailed because of some silly feud.
Blake: It's not silly and you know that. Look, I know that you promised Roger that you would bring his goals to fruition when he was gone and I realize that he made you responsible for that. But I want a part of it, too.
Sebastian: Sold.
Josh: Hey!
Harley: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I can't let you throw it all away for me. I will be fine. Gus will find a way to clear me. Thank you. Thank you for everything.
Lena: Harley. What are you doing here? Get off the bus!
Harley: I'm taking you off. Get up.
Lena: Don't you even think about this! You get off this bus!
Harley: There is no way I'm letting you....
Lena: You're in this place because of me. You have to at least let me try and pay you back.
Harley: We're even.
Lena: Damn it! Harley, other than my daughter, I spent my life having rotten mistakes, okay? This is my one chance here to do something right. Now, you're not going to stop me. Now go!
Harley: God! Lena, Lena, you are sweeter than you know and kinder and gentler, too, and you deserve so much more in life. I cannot tell you how I appreciate what you're going to do for me but it's not going to happen. Let's go.
Lena: You think you can be the only martyr here? Is that how it works? What? What would make you think that you need to be in a place like hell house? What?
Harley: I don't care if you don’t understand. Get up! I'm trying to save you.
Lena: You're such a snot, you know that?
Harley: Get back in your seat. I'll be nice not chaining you down.
Lena: Fasten your seat belt, we're in for a bumpy night. ( Laughs )
Olivia: I've been protecting you from the beginning, huh? From Lizzie, your daddy's illness. It's not that they don't love you, sweet girl, they do. They just have a weird way about them. As much as they love you, that's how much they hate me. And you know what? That doesn't matter to mommy. I got you back when your daddy tried to take you away from me and I'll keep you safe from the rest of them. I promise. I promise. Can I have a kiss? ( Laughs ) Very good.
Gus: You're just going to let her skate?
Bill: What are you talking about, Gus? You don't know for a fact she did anything wrong.
Gus: She locked me up in her room for a week.
Bill: I'm sorry. That doesn't mean she murdered anybody.
Gus: I was this close to getting a confession out of her, Bill.
Bill: All I saw was a desperate mother willing to do anything for her child. That's all I saw, Gus.
Gus: One of these days you're going to have to wake up and deal with who you're married to.
Josh: Mmm. That was a fabulous kiss. What did you do?
Reva: Does every fabulous kiss have to have an ulterior motive?
Josh: Usually, yes.
Reva: All right. You caught me.
Josh: Ah-ha!
Reva: I owe you an apology.
Josh: And apology and a kiss or was the kiss itself an apology and what are you apologizing for?
Reva: You buying me that television station was a really nice thing to do.
Josh: You already thanked me for that, Reva.
Reva: I don't know. But I didn't tell you how much I appreciated it. I mean really, really appreciated it. And how much I appreciate you.
Josh: I didn't buy that thing because I was trying to score points with you. I bought it because I was trying to help you feel better.
Reva: All I'm saying is that I love you and I wish that it made everything better.
Josh: Reva, I'm just trying to help you get through whatever it is you're trying to get through.
Reva: You know those videos that you put up on the monitors at the T.V. station? That was, like, looking at a different person, you know? I didn't even recognize myself on tape.
Josh: No, that was you for better or worse.
Reva: For better or worse. You know, I remember making that promise once. Twice. Three times. Sold!
Josh: I certainly hope so.
Reva: All I want to say is that I couldn't ask any more of you.
Josh: You've finally run out of ammunition, huh?
Reva: I don't know what more a woman could want in a husband. And I'll never take you for granted, ever.
Bill: Hey.
Olivia: Hey.
Bill: I'm sorry about this. I don't care what's at stake.
Olivia: Welcome to my world.
Bill: I've been part of it for some time now.
Olivia: I don't think you understand what I've been up against. Maybe you do now.
Bill: Maybe.
Olivia: I just feel like I can't take my eyes off her, you know? They're going to try to snatch her away, sneak in, in middle of the night.
Bill: Gus didn't want to keep her. He just wanted to use her as bait to get you here.
Olivia: It worked. Gus may not want to keep her but Alan does and he hates me on so many levels, Bill. He hates me for not living life the way he wanted me to. For everything that happened with Gus. He would like nothing better than to take Emma away and make her believe she never had a mother.
Bill: That's not going to happen. It's not. Is it, Emma?
Olivia: I got my baby back in my arms. That's all that matters, right?
Bill: You didn't deserve that. You didn't. Olivia, you are a good mother who just got pushed to the edge. And I've got to tell you, when you had that gun in your hand, I thought maybe that...
Olivia: I know. I did, too. I know Gus was talking to me but I kept seeing Phillip. Everything came back from that terrible night.
Bill: Did you really recreate it all? Because it seems like you were.
Olivia: I was in part, you know? All I kept thinking about doing never mind.
Bill: No, tell me. It's all right. Let's talk about this.
Olivia: Can I just not think about anything for a while? Can we just be together for a little while?
Bill: Sure.
Gus: I'm coming for you, Harley. I'm coming for you.
Lena: Hey, are you okay?
Harley: I don't know what's going to happen when we get there. The guards will know there was a mix-up with the paperwork, but then the main thing is that we just have to... we've got to stay strong, okay? We have to look out for each other. Think survival, okay.
Lena: Who am I going to be, Thelma or Louise? That was a movie I saw just before I came here. Good movie.
Harley: It's a good movie, yeah. I'm not a big fan of that ending though.
Lena: Yeah. Yeah, right.
Mallet: You're my reality. I've been waiting for a chance to prove to you that I'm the same man you married.
Gus: I'll handle the rest. Damn! Crap. Damn it.
Harley: Gus! Gus!
Gus: Harley!
Harley: Gus!
Lena: I'm so sorry, honey. I really am.
Harley: It's just my life. It's the way my life goes. It's the way it has to go, I guess.
Lena: If you give up your dreams, you die. "Flashdance", 1983. You remember that, don't you, huh? Look, I don't know what's going to happen when we get there. I don't think it's going to be good.
Harley: I know.
Lena: Before we... we get there, there's something I have to tell you about Phillip Spaulding's murder.
( Horn honking ) ( tires screeching ) ( glass breaking )
Next on "Guiding Light".
Bill: We're not going anywhere until you answer the question. Did you murder Phillip?
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