GL Transcript Thursday 5/19/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/19/05



By Boo

Reva: ( Laughing )

Jonathan: Nice, yeah.

Reva: Ow, that hurts.

Jonathan: Don't play with me.

Reva: Your mother is a woman of many talents.

Jonathan: Yeah, I've heard the rumors. ( Laughs ) and if you're bored you can stop throwing things and file that stack of files.

Reva: No, no, no, no. I'm not going to do your dirty work for you.

> Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Reva: What's wrong, sweetie?

Jonathan: Nothing. Just that my mom won't let me do my damn work.

Reva: Ouch. ( Phone rings ) hello? Really? Oh, that's interesting. Well, I don't know. Let me check my schedule and I'll get back to you. That's weird. Alan sold wspr and the new owners want to have a meeting with me about coming back to work for them.

Jonathan: That's pretty cool.

Reva: I don't know. I don't know whether I'm ready for the glamour of television again.

Jonathan: Check it out. Go. You have too much time on your hands. It's making you weird.

Reva: Okay.

Jonathan: Get a job.

Reva: All right. I'll go. But you know what? You better leave some time for me later to play hooky.

Jonathan: No. ( Both laugh )

Dinah: You know, it's funny. The last time I went somewhere, I was traveling with cassie. Now we're a team. Carrying one baby to save another, right? Thank you.

Officer: Welcome home, your highness.

Edmund: Thank you.

Cassie: Is there a problem?

Officer: I'm sorry, princess cassie. I can't let you into the country.

Cassie: What?

Billy: What did you take, a wrong turn somewhere? I thought I paid you a lot of money to leave town.Lp

Harris: I'm thinking one more installment ought to do the trick.

Billy: I'll get back to you.

Harris: I'll be waiting.

Tammy: Oh, my god.

Sandy: You having fun down there?

Coop: Well, what do you think? Zach and jude wanted to make their tree house into a rocket ship. So I, being the uncle, had the brilliant idea of taking this and turning it into a control panel. I think, but it's just not working out too well right now.

Tammy: Hey, coop. Boss lady 2:00.

Sandy: Hi, lizzie. Bye, lizzie.

Lizzie: Coop, did you drop something again?

Coop: No, not exactly. I'm actually just trying to make something for my nephews. But I know that I'm on the clock right now, so if you going to dock my pay just go ahead and...

Lizzie: I've got a better idea. How about I help you?

Beth: Ross, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Where lizzie is concerned I just have nowhere to turn now that phillip's gone.

Ross: Well, just recently lizzie and I had a nice long talk. And I came away with the feeling that she's seriously thinking about what she wants to do with her life.

Beth: Yes, well, unfortunately what lizzie says that she wants and what she actually goes after are two different things.

Ross: Ah. Well, I have a daughter with the exact same problem.

Dinah: Well, it looks like cassie might swing at the officer.

Edmund: Look, I should get over there.

Dinah: No, no, no. No, actually this might work out for the best.

Cassie: Prince alonzo is my brother-in-law. It is very important that i speak with him. Do you understand?

Officer: Ma'am, you're not going anywhere until we sort this out.

Edmund: This is ridiculous. What's going on?

Dinah: Oh, this is pretty unbelievable. How soon they forget. I wish there was something i could do to help.

Cassie: You're the only one that can help me. I need you to play princess cassie one last time.

Coop: This actually looks really good.

Lizzie: Well, thank you. Yeah, my mom's an artist. And I can pretty much draw anything, too.

Coop: Well, I think you certainly take after her, although she doesn't seem to think so.

Lizzie: What do you mean?

Coop: Nothing. Nothing.

Lizzie: Did she bother you the other day when you were at the house?

Coop: No, she was cool. Sort of.

Lizzie: She freaked out on you, didn't she? Yeah, she's been really overprotective of me lately.

Coop: That's the funny part. Actually, I think she was trying to protect me.

Lizzie: Protect you from what?

Coop: From you.

Beth: I just don't think that lizzie is ready for a serious relationship.

Ross: Well, coop seems like such an awfully nice young man.

Beth: Oh, he is. There's no doubt about that. I'm just not sure he understands how complicated lizzie is. And then with all the friction between these two families, i just... I just think everybody needs a break.

Ross: Well, if that's the case, you should take a stand. I mean, put your foot down as soon as you can. Because take it from me, you don't want to have the same regrets about lizzie that I have about dinah.

Dinah: You want me to play you?

Cassie: If we don't get to the party, we're not going to be able to see alonzo. We're certainly not going to be able to put public pressure on him.

Edmund: Cassie, it'll never work.

Cassie: Yes, it will work. It's a masquerade ball. You only have to be me until i get there. That's it. Look, she's done it before. She was good at it, edmund.

Dinah: Yeah, I was good at it.

Edmund: Cassie, she can't go near alonzo.

Cassie: No, she can't go near alonzo. But you can. You do all the talking. You just stand there and act like a woman who's had their child ripped away from them, okay?

Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, this is not...

Cassie: Would you just do this for me, edmund? Please? We're trying to keep my family together.

Edmund: All right.

Cassie: Now I will be there as soon as I can. Just go.

Edmund: All right.

Dinah: All right, look. This has got to work somehow, right. We're a good team. This will work out.

Edmund: All right. Let's go.

Dinah: Come on.

Billy: Yep, I got it. Look, I'll be there in about 15 minutes, and then it'll be so long, right? Good.

Jonathan: Uncle billy, if you needed some change for the snack machine you could have just asked me.

Reva: Hello? Where is everybody? I was supposed to meet the new boss? Hello? Anybody here? I guess not.

Josh: Reva shayne-lewis, this

is your life.

Reva: What is this?

Josh: You're not the only one full of surprises, you know. Go ahead, take a look around.Jfx#m

Reva: I can't believe alan would let you do something like this.

Josh: Oh, no, he wouldn'T. Believe me.

Reva: Joshua, what is going on here?

Josh: Well, how would you like to give a little smooch to the new owner of wspr? Or maybe just a handshake, huh?

Reva: New owner?

Josh: Yeah, you got a call to meet with the new management, right? Well, you're looking at him. You see, I've been a lot of things in my life, but I never been a media mogul. And now I am. Kind of, sort of. And my first mogul-y act would be to bring back the best thing that ever happened to this station: My wife.

Cassie: I'm stuck at customs, ross. Time is running out, and I've got to get to the party so I can see alonzo, or he's going to take my little boy.

Ross: Cassie, are you alone?

Cassie: At the moment, yes.

Ross: I hate to even ask this, but where's dinah?

Dinah: Okay, that was close.

Edmund: This is never going to work.

Dinah: Well, with that attitude it's not going to. Now just relax. By the end of the night you'll see you're the hero of the day, and cassie will see that you are not part of the problem. Your secret is safe with me, okay?

Edmund: What do you get out of this, dinah?

Dinah: I get to spend one wonderful evening getting to know what it would be like if you loved me the way I loved you.

Coop: Say something, please.

Lizzie: You know, coop, i know I've done some bad things, but my own mom? To protect... to protect you from me.

Coop: No, you are taking this way too seriously now, lizzie.

Lizzie: Why are you even here? When I came in why didn't you just run for the hills?Ņi

Coop: I'm not afraid of you, lizzie spaulding.

Ross: I'm sorry. Where were we?

Beth: Oh, talking about italy. I'm thinking of going there before it gets too hot or too crowded, or...

Ross: Mm-hmm.

Blake: Hi. Hi, ross. Sorry I'm late.

Ross: That's all right, honey. Hi.

Blake: Hello, beth. How are you?

Beth: Hi, blake. How are you?

Blake: Oh, gosh. You know, tired. I've had cassie's kids for a couple of days.

Beth: Ross and I were just discussing children. Actually, daughters. Difficult daughters.

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh. All right, duck-- now. Come on.

Coop: Okay, okay. All right. Lizzie, what are you doing?

Lizzie: My mom's out there. She might come in, unless i block her from coming in.

Coop: Okay, well, I think it's a little late for that. Listen to me, you need to be cool, all right? You need to show your mom that she was wrong about not trusting you.

Lizzie: What is wrong with

Lizzie: What is wrong with you? I mean, are trying to demolish my entire life? Are you trying to keep me away from the one person that's great in this town?

Coop: ( Clearing his throat ) ( laughs nervously ) cool, very cool.

Jonathan:: You need a little loan until payday?

Billy: Remind me why I'm paying your salary.

Jonathan: Well, maybe to save your butt. News flash: I know that you paid a guy to slap around phillip spaulding, the dead guy, the night that he actually got offed. And don't worry, I'm not as impressionable or young as i look. I'm not shocked. My mom told me that you were the bad-boy brother. Maybe guys like us get in over our head sometimes.

Billy: Guys like us?

Jonathan: Guys like us. Now, is this the same guy who was giving you trouble the first time, or is this a new guy? Oh, come on, billy. It's not like you were taking that money to pay your tab at company.

Billy: ( Chuckles ) you know, your mom would go a long way to protect you, but i think I would be doing her a serious favor if I took you down a peg or two.

Jonathan: No need, man. I work here now. As a matter of fact, I think you should let me make that drop for you.

Billy: You want me to test your family loyalty?

Jonathan: Yeah. What have you got to lose?

Billy: ( Scoffs ) oh, come on. Hey, look. Your mom figures she owes you something, and my brother, to keep her happy, hired you here. But frankly, you haven't shown me anything that makes me want to trust you.

Tammy: Billy, give him a chance. Didn't you ever want someone to give you a second chance?

Josh: Go ahead, take a look around. It's all ours. You can do whatever you want with it.

Reva: All of it?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: This whole big studio?

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Reva: You are... the most wonderful man.

Josh: Thank you.

Reva: Oh. And, I mean, this is great what you've done, it really is. And I love you.

Josh: You don't have to say anything at all, you know that?

Reva: Well, yeah, I do. I have one thing that I have to say.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: I don't want it.

Josh: Which "it" are you referring to?

Reva: This it. This... this studio. I don't want it. I mean, it's wonderful that you did this for me, and I love you, you know I love you, and what you've done... what you're trying to do...

Josh: ( Laughs ) help me out here for just one second. What exactly am I trying to do?

Reva: You're trying to remind me of this wonderful life that i had, you know? And with all the ups and downs, when you come right down to it, I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a man like you, and to have our children and my family and my friends and the work.

Josh: Yeah, work. You need work, so I bought this...

Reva: So you bought me a job! I'm sorry that you went to all this trouble, but I really,

really don't want this. Maybe you can sell it back to alan?

Josh: Maybe. So, what do you want?

Reva: Do I have to tell you what I want right this very minute?

Josh: No. Hey, take your time, you know? I'll just keep coming up with stuff until I figure out something that makes you feel better.

Reva: No. No, no, no, no, no. No. Because that will only be worse, because I don't know what i want. But I do know that whatever it is, you can't buy it for me. So that's why I went looking for it somewhere else.

Cassie: ( Sighs ) come on, edmund. Please come through for me and will. Just until I get there. I need you now more than ever.

Edmund: We are here for one reason and one reason only, and that is to make sure that cassie keeps her son. Tonight is not about us, because there is no us.

Dinah: I know. I know.

Edmund: Do you, dinah?

Dinah: Yes. And one other thing I know is that if you don't start calling me "cassie," you're going to blow our cover.

Butler: Ladies and gentlemen,

prince edmund and princess

cassandra winslow.

Coming up on "guiding


Billy: The drop is at company.

Jonathan: Thank you.

Billy: You probably don't want to mess this one up.

Jonathan: I got your back. Maybe one day you can get mine.

Cassie: Wait. Excuse me. What is going on? What is going on?

Edmund: I plan on keeping my family together. No matter what, dinah. Nothing is going to stop me.

Photographer: Your highness, if you could kiss the princess?

Edmund: Yes, of course.

Dinah: Oh, if this evening could last forever. ( Laughs )

Edmund: Well. You know, dinah, when you're happy like this, you are truly beautiful.

Dinah: Thank you.

Edmund: I wonder if alonzo has arrived yet. I think we've rallied some good support, don't you?

Dinah: Listen, let me tell you something. I think you are truly amazing, and I think it takes a pretty amazing guy to take on a fight like this, okay?

Edmund: Well, I'll tell you one thing: I plan on keeping my family together. No matter what, dinah. Nothing is going to stop me. Nothing.

Cassie: Look, it is so important that I get to the ball and speak to the prince. It's about my little boy. There has been a terrible misunderstanding.

Officer: That's true. I didn't realize the whole situation.

Cassie: Then I can go. Thank you so much. Wait. Excuse me. What is going on?

What is going on?

Beth: Lizzie, I don't want to keep you away from coop forever.

Lizzie: Really?

Beth: I just think that things have been so raw between his family and ours, we could all use a break. And if you and coop get close, it would make that impossible.

Lizzie: So the decision's already made?

Beth: No. Only one thing is decided. We're going to go away on a little trip. I think we need to get out of springfield for a while.

Ross: Why don't you sit down and join us? Take a break.

Blake: Yeah.

Coop: Thank you.

Blake: So this whole situation with lizzie looks kind of upsetting.

Coop: Yeah. I just don't understand how people seem to think they know what's best for other people. I mean, everyone in lizzie's family, every time they try to take control of something, somebody ends up getting hurt.

Blake: You know, coop, I can see how much you care for|q lizzie, and she's lucky to have somebody like you in her life. Really. And I think the two of you should go for it. If you want to be together, fight for her.

Lizzie: So you're trying to send me away again.

Beth: No. No, lizzie. You and james and I are all going to go away. And you can even take roxy. We'll go to italy and greece on a little vacation, and then to switzerland. You see...

Lizzie: Okay. Why, though?

Beth: I found a great resort. There are mountain views. There's a full-service spa, a wellness program.

Lizzie: A wellness program? You're sending me back to therapy?

Beth: Honey, come on. We could all use a little help. We have been through so much since your father died. It would do us good just to go away and get rid of some of those awful memories. And then we'll come back and we can all start fresh.

Josh: You're a bartender. At that place where we had a drink the other night.

Reva: Does that sound crazy?

Josh: Kind of.

Reva: It's just that when i work at that bar I feel more like myself than anywhere else. Does that make sense?

Josh: I guess it should, since it makes you happy.

Reva: I like it. And I don't want to go any deeper than that right now.

Josh: Why didn't you tell me about it that night?

Reva: I don't know. I guess I was embarrassed.

Josh: Okay. I'm glad you found a job.

Reva: ( Laughs ) you are so great. You really are. You just are the most wonderfulw3 man.

Josh: ( Laughs ) I think you're a little crazy.

Reva: I know. ( Laughter ) oh, thank you. Thank you for being so understanding.

Josh: Always.

Reva: Should we get out of here?

Josh: You go ahead. I'm going to stick around, think about this place, you know, what I'm going to do with it, that kind of thing. I'll catch up with you later, okay?

Reva: Okay. You can count on that.

Tammy: What's going on? You guys look so tense.

Jonathan: Well, billy here is getting blackmailed by some scumbag who's not letting up on him, and I told him I'd take care of it, be the messenger. But he refused.

Tammy: Billy, what happened? Does uncle josh know?

Billy: Why don't you take this fine young lady outside and you have some fun for the rest of the day, and jonathan and i will close up later, okay?

Sandy: Good idea. You can reach me on my cell if you need me.1e

Billy: You know, I don't understand why she feels the need to defend you still.

Jonathan: Maybe she sees something that you don'T.Ņi

Billy: The drop is at company.

Jonathan: Thank you.

Billy: Ah, you probably don't want to mess this one up.

Jonathan: I got your back. Maybe one day you can get mine.Jf

Dinah: It's so beautiful here. Okay, let's just take a few moments, collect ourselves, we'll go back to work. Gosh, you really grew up in such a$beautiful place. It's just an island paradise, isn't it?

Edmund: Oh, my growing up was not a paradise, dinah. Far from it. I have always loved the island, though.

Dinah: You must miss it.

Edmund: No. No, I don'T. Too many bad memories.

Dinah: Oh, now, come on. You have to miss coming into a room and having everyone notice you. I know I do.

Edmund: Dinah, I would rather have the love of one good person than the obsequies of a thousand royal hangers-on.

Dinah: Me, too. So I guess I'm just going to have to settle for being noticed, huh?

Edmund: Yes, I suppose that's true.

Dinah: You are loved, edmund. I mean, you are. I felt it again tonight.

Edmund: Dinah.

Dinah: Oh, now, come on. Tell me the truth. You know, with the way it was tonight. You know, when we're alone, just the two of us together and we're not worried about the terrible people we used to be and all that crazy stuff, or being in a crisis together, I mean, you felt it tonight. It felt real to you, didn't it?

Edmund: "It"?

Dinah: Yeah. I mean, you know, what we have together. Look, when we danced tonight, when we danced tonight and you kissed me, you felt something, didn't you? You felt something, I know you did.

Edmund: Dinah, if this is what you're thinking, we are not a couple in love. I love cassie. I love cassie, okay? Look, I'm sorry. I have to go find out what's happened to her. All right?

Dinah: I know. Yes.

Edmund: Are you going to be okay? Will you be all right?

Dinah: Yes, sure. Sure, sure. Yes. If I'm here alone, oh boy. Yes, go.

Edmund: All right.

Dinah: I'm not alone, am I, sweetie? No. No, I'm not alone. I never am going to feel alone with you, and you're going to be the one person in this world who's going to love me forever.

Cassie: Please, if you would just...

Edmund: That's enough!

Cassie: Edmund. Edmund, look. He was trying to arrest me.

Edmund: This is going to stop.

Cassie: I don't know what's happening.

Edmund: It's going to stop. It's going to stop now. She's coming with me. Officer barros? You're married, I suppose. You have children? I'm sure you love those children very much. Imagine what it would be like one day for the phone to ring and you're told that one of those children is going to be taken away. That's exactly what princess cassie is facing right now. If you take her away and lock her up, she's going to miss her only opportunity to speak to prince alonzo and reason with him. Her child is going to be taken away. Do you really want to be responsible for that? Please, let her go.

Officer: Hurry, your highness, or you'll be late.

Cassie: Thank you so much.

Ross: All right, but I need you to get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Blake: Everything okay?

Ross: Not yet. I'm trying to help cassie out but the combination of cassie and dinah is an absolute disaster.

Blake: Oh, dear. Ross's daughter keeps him on his toes. Of course, then again, I was a handful for my mother, so...

Coop: I guess it's not easy being a parent. Maybe that's why beth comes down so hard on lizzie like she does.

Blake: Oh, honey. You and lizzie are different. You both know what you want. You want to be together. You're in love.

Coop: Oh, okay. Wait. That might be just overstating things just a little bit. I mean, lizzie and I, we like each other.

Ross: Don't mind blake. She's a hopeless romantic.

Blake: Oh, I know true love when I see it. It's you. Oh, come on, coop. Don't let people bully you. Don't let people tell you how to live your life. All this nonsense about the spauldings and the coopers having some curse or something. You and lizzie can lift the curse. Right, ross?

Ross: Right. Yes. It is true that couples can overcome outside forces if they truly want to be together.

Blake: We did.

Coop: Look, lizzie and I, we just like to hang out together. I mean, this is not going to be some kind of long-term commitment thing.

Ross: That's good. That's nice, that's nice. But on the other hand, don't let lizzie think that you're afraid to commit.

Blake: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not you. You're a hopeless romantic, just like your dad. It's in your blood.

Lizzie: You're just going to send me away to some psycho camp where I can be with some troubled teens and not embarrass you.

Beth: Honey, you have never embarrassed me.

Lizzie: Oh, come on. You have to be nice to your crazy daughter.

Beth: You are not crazy.

Lizzie: You're right, I'm not. I like a boy. That is the most normal thing in the world, okay? He's a nice guy, a great guy, and he likes his family, he works for a living... coop is my best friend and I'm sorry, but you can't stop that.

Beth: Then he can be your friend when you get back. Lizzie, think about it for a minute. You need a break. When you come back, you can go to school, you can work on this place if you still want to, and if you're ready you can have a relationship and you can fall in love. Don't you think that I want that for you? Honey, I just... I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I made. I want you to be strong. I want you to be ready to have a relationship and I just don't think you're there yet.

Tammy: I thought josh and reva were supposed to be here. This is the right day, isn't it? The big surprise.

Sandy: Maybe we're too late. Maybe they're already celebrating.

Tammy: How come nothing ever goes right?

Sandy: You're not talking about us missing josh and reva, are you? Are you worried about jonathan?

Tammy: I guess I'm just upset about my whole family. My mom and edmund, jonathan, aunt reva. Everybody's having a bad time.

Sandy: Well, we can't solve all their problems. What we can do is try not to add on to them. We can also play. Do you want to play?

Tammy: Hm?

Sandy: Huh?

Tammy: Should we?

Sandy: Well, why not? My boss, your uncle, bought the place. I used to work here.

Tammy: Oh.

Sandy: Look at that. It's like a sky full of stars.

Tammy: Yeah, I can't look. That is too much me.

Sandy: Never too much. That face is the last thing i think about when I go to bed and the first thing I think about when I wake up. Not to mention the dreams in between.

Tammy: Oh, god. I am such an idiot. I just remembered those two chapters I still need to read before my class tonight.

Sandy: Summer classes. I forgot. You better get going.

Tammy: You coming?

Sandy: No, I'll let you concentrate on your work. But if you want, you can call me later.

Tammy: Of course. I promise I'll call you later. Thank you for being so understanding.

Reva: Hello.

Billy: Hey.

Reva: I was looking for my kid. I guess he took my advice and took a break, huh?

Billy: Something like that.

Reva: I wish I would have caught him. I'm looking for a partner in crime. Back in the day, that would have been you. ( Laughs )

Billy: Yeah, we were partner in crimes quite a bit, weren't we?

Reva: Is everything okay? Are you in trouble?

Billy: No. No, I'm just a little preoccupied. Look, I sent jonathan out to take care of something. He'll be back shortly. I'll have him call you. If you stay here very much longer, I am going to find some work for you to do.

Reva: ( Laughs ) oh, no, no, no, no. So, you put my son to work, huh? Thanks, billy. I really appreciate that you're giving the kid a break.

Billy: Well, everybody needs one some time, right?

Reva: I guess I'll go look for josh. I kind of left him in the lurch earlier. I've been making him crazy lately.

Billy: Well, I don't think josh would have it any other way.

Reva: I'm not so sure about that. But thank you. Thank you. Thanks for keeping my kid busy.

Billy: All right.

Harris: What the hell...?

Jonathan: Listen, tough guy. Any beef you have with billy lewis is beef you have with me. And believe me, you don't want that. Take this. This time you disappear for real or next time I won't be so gentle. That was pretty easy. Maybe now I can ask for a raise.

Blake: See? I told you. All they needed was a little approval. They're not going to jump into anything.

Ross: Blake, you surprise me every day of the year.

Blake: That's a good thing, right?

Ross: Blake.

Blake: Well, because I have a new project, although it's old territory. Spaulding enterprises.

Ross: You're going back to work at spaulding?

Blake: My brother sebastian and I, we've teamed up. We're going to take over the company.

Beth: I want you to have a happy life and I think that this trip is a step in the right direction.

Lizzie: I mean, you're right. I definitely need a break from granddad and daddy. I keep worrying I'm going to turn out just like them. And you know what, mom? I don't want to hurt anybody, especially coop.

Beth: Does that mean that you'll go?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'll go.

Jonathan: Josh, that wasn't what it looked like.

Josh: Relax, jonathan. I know exactly what it was.

Jonathan: I was trying to do whatever I could for the company.

Josh: Yeah, I know that, too. It's a tough business we're in. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices, get your hands dirty. But you were defending the family, which means at this moment we're actually on the same side. Keep up the good work. ( Cell phone rings )

Reva: Hey, sandy.

Sandy: Welcome back to television, reva lewis.

Reva: Yeah. Well. You know, it's so sweet of josh to do all of this, but I have other plans. You all alone? Where's tammy?

Sandy: She was here. She had to go.

Reva: Is everything okay?

Sandy: Yeah, pretty much. Tammy and I are getting closer every day. But there's a wall. I just can't break it and i don't think she wants me to. Do you know what I mean?

Reva: Oh, yeah. I know.

Cassie: Thank you. Thank you so much for helping out.

Edmund: Cassie, cassie, i will always do anything I can to protect you and your children.

Cassie: Okay. Now our next goal: We have to find alonzo and dinah, and let's just pray that they haven't found each other.

Edmund: No, dinah's going to behave this time. I think she wants to be part of the solution and not the problem.

Cassie: Okay.

Dinah: Hey, guys. Well, I guess I can go ahead and hang up the cape now.

Cassie: Thank you. Edmund said you were great.

Dinah: He did?

Edmund: Yes, but the charade is over now, and I think we can get to the business at hand.

Dinah: Or not. Bad news. Alonzo has decided not to show up.

Cassie: Great.

Edmund: Cassie, don't worry. I will get you in to see alonzo, I promise. I promise.

Cassie: You know, when you hold me in your arms like this, I believe that you really will fix everything, and you're going to help me get my family back together. I want you to know that I want that more than anything.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Bill: What are you doing here?

Gus: I'm saving the woman i love by burying the woman that you love.

Alexandra: Even if olivia is proven to be phillip's murderer, you're still going to go after harley, aren't you?

Alan: You bet I am.

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