GL Transcript Wednesday 5/18/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/18/05



By Boo

Edmund: A kiss is just a kiss, right, cassie? We kiss to say hello. We kiss to say good-bye. We kiss to say thank you, as in "thank you, dinah, for carrying our child."

Dinah: You're welcome.

Cassie: I can see you're upset, edmund.

Edmund: I'm not upset, cassie. I'm curious. Do you throw away one dream to start another based on a kiss?

Danny: I love flying. Everything seems simpler up here, you know?

Marina: Yeah. It's like everything's all small down there. All of our problems. Do you think we should land? What if bill and gus need us?

Danny: No, they can deal with olivia on their own. Let's just enjoy this beautiful night over the water. It's amazing.

Marina: Yes, it is. It's like we're the only two people in the world up here.

Danny: Sounds good to me.

Marina: Does it?

Danny: Knock it off. I know what you're thinking. Stop it. Really. You're such a pain sometimes. But it's okay, it's okay. It's just a rough spot.

Marina: Or maybe it's just fate telling you that you shouldn't be making promises until you're absolutely sure.

Danny: Or maybe it's just a rough spot. You're unbelievable. Are you feeling like you don't have any control? Is that it? Okay.

Marina: Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing?

Danny: Go ahead, take over. Fly the plane.

Bill: Gus. Let me go in first.

Gus: Why?

Bill: I need to talk to her alone, please.

Gus: Fine.

Bill: Prove me wrong, olivia. Prove me wrong. ( Knocks on door ) olivia! It's me. ( Knocks on door )

Gus: I don't like this.

Bill: What are you doing?

Gus: Olivia! Olivia! Olivia? Damn it. Olivia!

Mallet: Did you hear me? This place is on lockdown. Nobody leaves, nobody gets in. Harley, get away from the window.

Harley: It doesn't matter. You can't keep hiding me anymore.

Mallet: Come on, get away from the window.

Harley: It doesn't matter. Everybody already knows you pulled me off that bus. Everybody already knows that you defied the governor's orders to transfer me to hell house.

Mallet: Well, then, it looks like I'll lose my pension.

Harley: You're going to lose a lot more than your pension, mallet. You could go to prison for this.

Mallet: Well, I wouldn't have to go very far, then, would I?

Harley: Stop it. Stop joking about this. You have made it clear that this is personal for you, okay? You don't have to prove anything to me. I believe you. Will you tell...

Mallet: Listen, we'll talk about this later, all right? Right now we opened some eyes, okay? Now the governor is going to take me seriously. That's a good thing.

Harley: Or he'll send in the troops, guns a-blazing. What will you do then, mallet? Are you going to take a bullet for me?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, if I have to.

Cassie: I was kissing jeffrey good-bye.

Edmund: You know, I'm all for the noble gesture. I just get the feeling that for some reason that particular kiss was a bit above and beyond "so long, farewell."

Cassie: Yeah, well, I think you're reading too much into it. Did your kiss with dinah mean anything?

Edmund: Not at all.

Cassie: There's no difference.

Edmund: Well, actually, the difference is that you've admitted you had feelings for jeffrey o'neill while I have none for dinah.

Cassie: Had feelings for jeffrey, okay? I had feelings for him. I mean, come on. Look at the circumstances. He's my friend, that's it.

Dinah: We're friends, edmund. I think you should believe what cassie's saying.

Edmund: Dinah, please.

Cassie: No. I think for the first time, dinah's right. I am going away with you and I'm giving up everything and everyone, and leaving everybody behind, including jeffrey o'neill. What more do you want from me, edmund?

Edmund: A modicum of enthusiasm?

Cassie: ( Laughs ) we're going on the run, okay? That's not exactly my idea of a happy future. I'm sorry.

Edmund: But at least it's our future, cassie. It's our chance for a life together.

Cassie: And I want that chance, edmund.

Edmund: Do you?

Cassie: Yes, I do. And that's what I've been trying to tell you.

Edmund: Cassie, you want us to be a family again?

Cassie: Yes, but the most important thing is making sure will is safe, okay? And making sure he stays with us.

Edmund: Well, of course.

Dinah: What about me and the baby?

Cassie: That includes you and the baby, too, dinah.

Dinah: Oh, good. I didn't think you'd forget about me.

Cassie: Are we okay now?

Edmund: We're okay now.

Cassie: I... I need to go see tammy now.

Edmund: I'll drive you.

Cassie: No. I need to see her alone and you need to work on making the arrangements.

Edmund: Sorry about the kiss, dinah. Thanks for being such a good sport. Ow.

Marina: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Danny: Go on.

Marina: We'll crash.

Danny: Not if you take the controls, we won'T.

Marina: And do what with them?

Danny: Fly the plane. Let's go, let's go. Just put your hands here. Hold it steady. There you go.

Marina: That's easy for you to say.

Danny: See? It's not so hard. It's just like riding a bike. Now ease off a little bit. Just ease off. There we go. See?

Marina: Am I really flying?

Danny: You're really flying. Hey, hey, hey, hey. No, no, no, no, no. What are you doing?

Marina: What's the matter? I know how to ride a bike.

Danny: Next time take my word for it, will you, please?

Marina: Oh. Want to see me do a loop-de- loop?

Danny: Maybe the next lesson.

Marina: ( Laughs ) okay.

Danny: Just hold it steady.

Marina: How about letting me land this sucker.

Danny: ( Laughs ) right. Boy, your confidence came back pretty fast.

Marina: Well, I had to act girly for a minute.

Danny: Oh, you were acting.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Danny: Okay.

Marina: Whoa. Wait a minute. Where are you going?

Danny: I'm going to let you land the plane.

Marina: No. No, no, no, no you don'T. Sit back down, please. Sit down now.

Danny: Are you sure?

Marina: Oh, yeah. I think I've had enough of this.

Danny: Really? Are you acting girly again?

Marina: You don't play fair, santos.

Danny: You haven't figured that out yet?

Gus: The boat is gone. The boat is gone. They could be anywhere. Anywhere. What's that?

Bill: Nothing, it was just...

Gus: What? Come on, teamwork.

Bill: It doesn't say anything.

Gus: You weren't going to show this to me? That's nice. Nice, bill. "Dear bill, when you called i wanted so much to believe that you had faith in me, you trusted me, that you were on my side. But you're a terrible liar, bill. I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up here. I knew it was as setup."

Bill: I didn't set her up. I don't even know what she's talking about.

Gus: "I have to do what's best for emma. Don't try to call me again. I won't answer." I'm sorry.

Bill: You're just sorry she got away.

Gus: Bill. You need to face the facts, pal. Your wife shot phillip. Why else would she run away?

Bill: She ran away because she's afraid, gus.

Gus: Yeah, well, innocent people, they don't have to be afraid. They don't have to be afraid of anything. You know what, buddy? I'm going to go find your wife, with or without you.

Bill: All right, fine. You know what? We'll do it together, okay? Can we do that?

Gus: Yeah.

Bill: But you've got to promise me one thing.

Gus: Look, no one's going to get hurt. We'll do that for olivia, we'll do that for emma.

Bill: And we'll do it for harley, too, right?

Gus: Absolutely.

Harley: Okay, don't be dramatic. Nobody's taking a bullet for anybody, here. If things get too intense, I'll just walk out of here.

Mallet: What? And go where?

Harley: I'll get on the bus, okay? I will go to hell house. How bad can it be?

Mallet: Okay, it's one thing to be brave; just don't be stupid.

Harley: I can take care of myself, mallet.

Mallet: I know you can, cooper. But we're talking hell house. That place is a death warrant for an ex-cop and they're not getting you. Not on my watch. ( Helicopters hovering )

Harley: They're here.

Mallet: Hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Easy. Calm down, okay?

Harley: This is insane, this is insane, this is insane.

Mallet: No, this is good. This is good. This means they're paying attention, okay? This is good.

Harley: How is this possibly good?

Mallet: Think about it. If the cops are out there, then that means the press is there, and if the press is there, this is the lead story on the 10:00 news. Okay? A decorated cop is being sent to the last place she deserves to go.

Harley: A decorated cop who's also a convicted killer.

Mallet: Come on, stop being such a pessimist.

Harley: I am being a realist here, mallet. I don't stand a chance.

Mallet: Have you been listening to a word I said?

Harley: Yes. Yes, I heard you. You want me to be the top story on the news.

Mallet: Yes. Right.

Harley: This is nuts.

Mallet: Yes, and the longer we hold out, the more you become a martyr.

Harley: A martyr? Okay, this is a prison standoff. I'm a prisoner.

Mallet: Trust me, okay?

Harley: I don't want to trust you, okay? I don't want any of this. I just... I just want...

Mallet: I know, I know, i know. You want to go home to your kids and your family and to gus. This is the only way I know how to make that happen. Okay? ( Telephone ringing ) ( takes deep breath ) ( clears throat ) hello? What did you have in mind? We can do that.

Harley: Was that the governor's office?

Mallet: No. But we're making some progress.

Harley: Okay, who was it?

Mallet: Just... it's okay. It's all right. I'm going to handle this, okay?

Edmund: Ow! I said I was sorry.

Dinah: Sorry? Was the kiss really that awful?

Edmund: Don't put words in my mouth, dinah.

Dinah: Well, then don't put your tongue in mine. You used me to make a point.

Edmund: Well, yes, but i thought you'd understand.

Dinah: Well, you know what? You thought wrong.

Edmund: Dinah, I needed cassie to see.

Dinah: What? To see what? How repulsive I am to you?

Edmund: No!

Dinah: That a freak like dinah marler could kiss her husband, try to make her jealous?

Edmund: You're not a freak, dinah.

Dinah: No. No, I'm not. I'm a fool. I've put my life on hold for you.

Edmund: And, dinah, for that I'm eternally grateful. I am.

Dinah: Well, you know what? You have some way of showing it. You have treated me like dirt.

Edmund: Well, that certainly wasn't my intention, dinah. I never meant to treat you like dirt.

Dinah: But you did.

Edmund: Dinah. Dinah. What you have done for cassie and me has been magnanimous. You have been so wonderful, dinah. I assumed...

Dinah: That what? I was just going to accept anything that you threw my way?

Edmund: You said that helping us-- helping me-- was your chance at redemption.

Dinah: Oh, you know... don't even go there.

Edmund: I'm not making it up.

Dinah: I would like redemption but I'm not going for sainthood.

Edmund: All right, my mistake.

Dinah: That kiss for you was a mistake. But for me... ( sobs )

Edmund: What? Why is this so upsetting to you? I mean, we both know the score. We're two players with no illusions.

Dinah: I'm not even in your league.

Edmund: What was that supposed to mean?

Dinah: That means that you are very aware of how you're pushing my buttons. You're even talking to me about leaving town when my father needs me.

Edmund: I need you too...

Dinah: Save it!

Edmund: Well, it's true.

Dinah: You get a look in your eye. You get a sound in your voice, and you try to make me do what you want. I can see it. I can see what you're doing.

Edmund: Well, I mean it. I mean it.

Dinah: I'm the "gestational carrier." But if it weren't for that, you wouldn't give a damn.

Edmund: That's not true, dinah.

Dinah: No.

Edmund: That's not true. You're my confidante. You're my friend.

Dinah: I don't want to be your friend.

Edmund: You know, I know pregnancy can make you hormonal...

Dinah: Shut up, edmund. Shut up. This is not about hormones. You have a way of fighting for what you want with passion, for everything and everybody that you love.

Edmund: I suppose, but...

Dinah: And that is meant for cassie, not for me.

Edmund: Dinah, you... you don't know what you're saying.

Dinah: No, I do know what I'm saying. You can't control the way i feel, edmund. And you cannot stop me from being in love with you.

Cassie: Hey, there.

Tammy: Hi, mom.

Cassie: Hi. Wow. Josh is working you way too much. You just started.

Tammy: But I like it. I love working for uncle josh.

Cassie: Josh is a great boss but I just wonder if he is what makes you so happy. Or should I say, "who."

Tammy: Maybe.

Cassie: I thought so.

Tammy: Working with sandy is an extra perk.

Cassie: What about jonathan?

Tammy: He doesn't get to me anymore.

Cassie: You're a better person than I am. Look, tammy, there is something that I need to tell you. Tammy?

Tammy: Oh. Sorry, mom. Sandy left me a note.

Cassie: Note?

Tammy: You know, a note.

Cassie: Oh.

Tammy: He's so sweet. He's always doing cute little things like that. It's one of the reasons that I...

Cassie: That you love him?

Tammy: I don't know.

Cassie: Yeah, you do. Tammy, are you in love with him?

Tammy: I haven't said it to him.

Cassie: Has he said it to you?

Tammy: No, but I think it's something that we've both been feeling for a long time. It's great and it's weird. It's hard to explain.

Cassie: Well, that's it. Baby, you're in love.

Tammy: I am. I am. I said it.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) well, are you going to say it to sandy?

Tammy: Yeah. It's kind of hard to keep bottled up inside.

Cassie: Yeah, I can see.

Tammy: Anyway, the more time I spend with him, the stronger my feelings get. Don't cry, mom. We are not going to rush into anything.

Cassie: That's not it, honey. That's not it.

Tammy: But you're worried about me.

Cassie: No. I just envy you.

Marina: Hey, guys. What's the plan?

Gus: What?

Marina: I thought you two were working together.

Bill: Like I have a choice, marina.

Gus: You did have a choice.

Bill: Not a choice.

Gus: If you'd included me earlier, she might not have run away...

Bill: She was running away from you, gus.

Gus: Is that what the note said?

Bill: Yeah.

Gus: I don't think she trusts you either, pal.

Bill: She trusts me.

Marina: Hey.

Gus: Please.

Bill: She trusts me.

Marina: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Both of you, stop. Okay, my aunt harley is sitting in a jail cell for a crime she didn't commit and emma's being dragged all over the country because her mother's too afraid to turn herself in.

Gus: She's right.

Bill: Well, detective, what's our next move?

Gus: Don't talk to me that way. I'm not exactly sure yet.

Bill: Well, that's a good start. My goodness, that'S...

Gus: The only thing I can say for sure is that alan deliberately sent me in the wrong direction.

Bill: To keep you away from harley.

Gus: Maybe he wants to go after olivia himself.

Bill: In that case, let's pay him a little visit.

Gus: Yeah. Except you should do it. Because if I did it, he'd be suspicious and you're the husband. Thing is, we have to be careful, because he's got an agenda.

Bill: Yeah, to make sure harley and olivia are sharing a jail cell.

Alan: I agree, governor. Harley cooper must be moved. Now, the last thing that we want is another tragedy. Well, yes. And this warden mallet does seem like a rogue character, but i think that you can probably handle him with your usual integrity, as you always do. Great, robert. Well, look, I enjoyed talking with you and I look forward to speaking with you again.

Harley: Thank god it's you.

Frank: Sis, take it easy now. Don't get your hopes up. I'm not your official negotiator.

Harley: What?

Mallet: Why are you here, frank?

Frank: I'm supposed to be the sensible big brother who's making sure that you guys don't do anything stupid. And mallet, if you don't deliver harley, the guy that walks in after me won't be giving you any choices.

Harley: I think he's right. I think we have to go out with arms raised.

Mallet: Harley. Harley, harley, harley. Don't give up. Frank? Do you want your sister to be sent off to hellis?

Frank: What do you think?

Mallet: Then tell them we're weighing our options.

Frank: You know, mallet? I know the sign on your door says "warden," but guess what? You're not in charge anymore. The governor is taking over.

Mallet: Frank, I can save her.

Frank: This is not about you and harley.

Mallet: Isn't it?

Frank: No. No, you're actually risking her life because you broke her heart. And you're doing everything you can to prove to her that you still love her.

Mallet: I'm not doing that, frank. Okay? Now, trust me on this. I can save her. Just stall them, buy us some more time, okay? You can do that, frank. Come on, man. Come on.

Frank: You better have a great plan "B." Sis, I'll do what I can.

Harley: I know you will. Thank you.

Frank: I love you.

Harley: I love you, too.

Mallet: Okay. It's good, that's good. If anybody can make them listen to reason, it's him. He's going to help us.

Harley: I hope you're right.

Mallet: Coop, I know you have every reason in the world not to believe in me. I know you have every reason in the world t trust anyone else, but I need you to understand that there is nothing I won't do to protect you and to keep you safe. Nothing. Because nothing is more important to me than you.

Coming up on "guiding light."

Edmund: I found a very good ob/gyn and a wonderful school for the boys.

Cassie: None of that matters anymore.

Edmund: Why?

Mallet: We've kind of got a second chance, here.

Harley: Mallet. Mallet, you are out of your mind.

Mallet: Maybe it had to come to this: Two desperate people with nothing to lose.

Harley: You sound like you wanted this to happen.

Dinah: I think I'm just awfully tired of hiding it, you know? And maybe this is the baby, maybe this is you, maybe this everything, but I'm trying to be honest.

Edmund: Then let me be honest, too. I love cassie.

Dinah: Of course you do.

Edmund: Everything I've done, dinah...

Dinah: Has been for her. Though she's never appreciated it.

Edmund: Have I misled you in some way?

Dinah: No, you haven't misled me. No. You've led me by the nose, you've done that. You've led me around by the nose.

Edmund: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

Dinah: ( Sniffles ) I have a tough time believing that right now.

Edmund: I nevereant for you to feel used.

Dinah: I'm not naive, okay? And I know you aren't, either, so stop pretending to be shocked when you hear me say the "l" word.

Edmund: All right, all right, all right. I just... I thought in time you'd realize that...

Dinah: You're a one-woman man.

Edmund: Yes. Dinah, dinah, dinah. You are a beautiful, exciting, desirable woman...

Dinah: Who makes a mean banana nut bread. ( Cries )

Edmund: Dinah, I never meant for you to feel hurt.

Dinah: Look. Actually... I'm a big girl and somehow I've gotten used to rejection, and I don't know how but I actually haven't handled it well. You can even ask hart.

Edmund: That's not funny.

Dinah: Just stop trying to make it better, okay? And you know, don't say that you didn't enjoy the kiss, because i enjoyed the kiss. I thought it was great. I thought it was great and it'S... it's your loss. And I need some milk. I need some. ( Sobs ) because I need calcium.

Edmund: Are you okay?

Dinah: Yes, I'm fine. It's just warm.

Edmund: Here. Let me... let me.

Dinah: Oh, angel. It's okay. It's okay because he didn't mean it. He didn't mean it.

Tammy: You envy me? Why?

Cassie: I just... um, I'm just happy for you, okay? I'm just so happy for you and sandy's a great guy and I know that now.

Tammy: He is a great guy.

Cassie: Yeah. I'm so happy you have somebody. I just see you as my little girl who used to think boys were yucky.

Tammy: Well, things sure have changed.

Cassie: I just see you as that little girl who used to not ever want to let go of my hand when I walked you to school. I wish I could always be there to hold your hand, tammy. I really do.

Tammy: Mom, what's wrong?

Cassie: Well, um, nothing. It's just...

Tammy: You're upset about edmund and dinah and the baby and you just want things to be simple again, huh?

Cassie: How'd you get so smart?

Tammy: I had a good teacher.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) yeah. I don't know about that.

Tammy: No, you taught me that no matter how bad things look or how confusing they get, if you face them head-on and don't run away, you'll be fine.

Cassie: I said that, huh?

Tammy: And more. I'm sorry, you wanted to tell me something.

Cassie: Nothing you don't already know.

Marina: So, how about giving me some flying lessons.

Danny: Oh, well, I'm kind of busy. Why don't you ask that guy over there. Looks like he's got a lot of time on his hands.

Marina: Yeah, you noticed that, too?

Danny: And will you please take him in the back so that everyone doesn't have to look at him?

Marina: No. I like him. ( Laughs )

Danny: Hm. Man, I'm beat.

Marina: That's weird. This is for you. It's from michelle.

Frank: Look, john, I know you went to school with the governor...

Gus: Frank.

Frank: I need a favor, okay?

Gus: I...

Frank: I appreciate any help that you can get me.

Gus: I almost...

Frank: All right. I'll be in touch. Thanks.

Gus: I almost nabbed her but she was gone.

Frank: Damn it.

Gus: What happened, frank?

Frank: It's not good. It's just not good.

Alan: Harley cooper is a convicted murderer. Warden mallet is violating a court order. They're both felons, not martyrs. Do you understand? Now, I want every news organization to reflect this. How did you get in here?

Bill: This may be your house, alan, but emma and olivia still call it home.

Alan: Yeah, well, they're not here.

Bill: I know that.

Alan: Still no trace?

Bill: Gus is convinced it proves she's guilty of phillip's murder.

Alan: I hate to say that i told you so, bill, but any marriage that begins with a business deal ends up bankrupt.

Bill: Let me ask you something, alan. You were married to olivia. You think she's capable of murder?

Alan: Murder? Oh, I think if she's pushed against the wall, yes. The important thing, though, is that you and gus find her before she does something rash. If something were to happen to harley and to emma's mother, it would be unbearable.

Harley: Frank was right, wasn't he?

Mallet: Don't give up, cooper. I'm not. The governor will come around.

Harley: How can you be so sure?

Mallet: Do you think I'd gamble my career on a losing hand?

Harley: Is that what you see me as? A losing hand?

Mallet: No, you? You're like a full house.

Harley: I always kind of saw myself as a royal flush, actually.

Mallet: Oh, you're a royal something.

Harley: This reminds me of a poker game once where you kept raising the stakes.

Mallet: Oh, yeah. I remember that I had two deuces and I bluffed everybody.

Harley: You lost your shirt.

Mallet: What? Are we talking about the same game?

Harley: Yes. I'm pretty sure we are.

Mallet: Hm. Ell, I guess I like to live dangerously.

Harley: Is that what you're getting out of this?

Mallet: No. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror again. Listen to me, harley. I have been waiting for a chance to prove to you that I am the same man that you married.

Harley: No, no, no. Don'T. Don't say it. Because it's too late. Maybe you are that same man, but I am not that same woman, and we can't go back.

Mallet: You're right. I don't want to go back. But what's stopping us from going forward?

Harley: Move forward, where? Into a hail of bullets?

Mallet: We're going to get out of this.

Harley: Mallet, maybe you will get out of this, okay? But for me? No. That is a whole other story.

Mallet: Come on, come on. Were you always this negative?

Harley: I am just facing the facts, here.

Mallet: The fact is, the governor can still make this okay. We just have to keep pressuring him until he cracks. Come on. Have a little faith. Look to the future.

Harley: Aren't you the one who's always telling me that there is no future? That there's only today? My god, that is the mistake that I made with you.

Mallet: What mistake?

Harley: I was always so busy planning the future, I assumed that nothing would change. I assumed that we were going to grow old together.

Mallet: There was nothing wrong with that.

Harley: No. No, there is something wrong with that, because things change. You can't count on anything. I lost you. I lost my mother. Looking ahead to the future, i missed what was happening right in front of me: The part where you didn't share my dreams. The part where you destroyed my dreams.

Mallet: Harley, you didn't do anything wrong, okay? I was the one that made the mistake. Hey, look. We've kind of got a second chance, here.

Harley: Mallet. Mallet, you are out of your mind.

Mallet: Maybe it had to come to this: Two desperate people with nothing to lose.

Harley: You sound like you wanted this to happen.

Gus: I've got to get to her, frank.

Frank: No, you don'T. You're going to stay right here. What you need to do is you need to get to alan and get him to plead harley's case with the governor.

Gus: Oh, yeah, that sounds real promising.

Frank: Let me tell you something. No, you're not going anywhere. You're staying put. You're going to wait and we're going to see if mallet's gamble pays off.

Gus: And what's going to happen, frank, is you've got to find olivia. That's where the key is.

Frank: I'll put an A.P.B. Out on her.

Gus: You'll do that?

Frank: I know that we don't have any proof, but you said that she locked you up, right?

Gus: Yeah.

Frank: That's good enough for me.

Gus: Thanks, frank

Frank: Yeah, jimmy. I need a favor, okay? I need you to put...

Gus: Frank.

Frank: Hold on one second.

Gus: I know that you think I'm responsible for her being in prison, okay? But I'll lay my life down for harley, I swear.

Frank: Yeah. So will I. And so will mallet.

Danny: Come here. Come here.

Marina: No, I was just giving you your space.

Danny: Get over here. Get here.

Marina: He's keeping me company.

Danny: Get over here. It's just a postcard. It's not going to bite. Come here. Sit down. Look. See? Robbie rode an elephant.

Marina: He did?

Danny: Yeah. Michelle's working with her father at the clinic and everybody's doing good.

Marina: Good. What about you?

Danny: I'm good. I'm okay. I miss robbie a lot.

Marina: You miss michelle, too, don't you?

Cassie: What are you doing?

Edmund: Finalizing arrangements. We are del and amelia honeycut. Rj and will can keep their first names and dinah is alexa wilder.

Cassie: Well, that's perfect. Edmund...

Edmund: The names don't really mean anything. We're just three friends on a trip. I found a very good ob/gyn and a wonderful school for the boys.

Cassie: None of that matters anymore.

Edmund: Why?

Cassie: You can forget the trip. We're not running.

Edmund: Cassie, the whole idea is to get away before alonzo comes for will.

Cassie: That's not what i want to teach the boys.

Edmund: But we don't have another choice.

Cassie: Yes, we do. We're going to fight.

Edmund: Cassie.

Cassie: No, edmund. Going on the run is no way to live, especially for the boys. Did you see this?

Edmund: No, I didn't look. What is it?

Cassie: It's from alonzo. It's an invitation to the annual masked ball. We've got to go to this.

Edmund: Cassie, I don't think that's a very good idea.

Cassie: Why not?

Edmund: Well, I don't think... I think it may make alonzo even madder than he already is.

Dinah: Edmund, I disagree. I think this could be cassie's only hope.

Edmund: Well, I think you're being a bit naive.

Dinah: Maybe. But if she doesn't give it a shot, cassie's never going to know.

Cassie: Yes, that's right. Thank you, dinah.

Dinah: You're going to win this, you know. I know it.

Cassie: Yeah. I am. You heard the woman. Get on it.

Edmund: Right. Well, I'll... I'll get right on it.

Dinah: I'd like the window seat.

Edmund: Dinah, I really don't think you should be doing this.

Dinah: Oh, no. I disagree, edmund. I think that I'm perfectly fine to travel. And I actually think the three of us make a very good team. What do you think, cass?

Danny: I am not thinking about michelle. I'm thinking about you.

Marina: Smart guy.

Danny: Listen to you.

Marina: Hey. I'm a catch.

Danny: Yes, you are.

Marina: I just don't think you can up and erase a marriage like yours and michelle'S.

Danny: Do you ever stop?

Marina: Nope.

Danny: I mean, really.

Marina: No. That's why I told you at 10,000 feet not to make any promises until you are ready.

Danny: Oh, but I am ready.

Marina: No you're not, santos. But you're definitely getting there. See you.

Danny: He's not as much fun.

Alan: Bill, is there anything I can do to help?

Bill: No, gus and I have everything handled.

Alan: Well, of course you do. I mean, but if I learn something...

Bill: Well, if you learn something, why don't you give me a call? I've got my home number there, and my cell. Day or night, alan.

Alan: Good.

Bill: Yeah.

Alan: I'll give you a call, bill. As soon as olivia is behind bars with harley. ( Cell phone rings )

Bill: Bill lewis. Otis. Olivia called? What did she say? All right, listen to me, listen to me. We're going to be flying in to tulsa. We'll be at cross creek about 2:00 or 3:00 this afternoon, okay? All right. Thanks a lot.

Alan: Gus?

Gus: What? I want to go.

Alan: I know, I know. But I want you to know that i don't trust bill to bring olivia back. If she tries to make a run for it again...

Gus: Don't worry about it. I can handle bill and olivia.

Alan: I know you can, but why don't you let me help you?

Mallet: Harley, we're in our element here. This is you at your best. Me, too.

Harley: We're not cops anymore, mallet. We're the bad guys now.

Mallet: You don't believe that.

Harley: I want to go home. There is nothing good about any of this.

Mallet: Home. Where you don't have to face anything.

Harley: What am I not facing?

Mallet: It's all over your face. All the pain is still there. It's as raw as the day you left. The years haven't dulled it. You have loved and lost since me. You've been married and had kids since me. But when you look in my eyes, when you look at me like this...

Harley: Stop it.

Mallet: It doesn't hurt one bit less, does it?

Harley: No.

Mallet: You haven't healed, have you?

Harley: No.

Mallet: You haven't let it go, have you? When you said I never stopped loving you, what about you, harley? When did you stop loving me? Huh? Or maybe you never stopped at all.

Next, on "guiding light."

Cassie: You're the only one that can help me. I need you to play princess cassie one last time.

Reva: I was supposed to meet the new boss. Hello?

Josh: Reva shayne lewis, this is your life.

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