GL Transcript Monday 5/16/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/16/05



By Boo

Edmund: It is absolutely vital that I speak to alonzo. Fine! Then give him the message again! No, thank you.

Dinah: Have one of these. Maybe take a shower? It's been a long day.

Edmund: Long and disastrous. God, I've made everything so much worse. How did that happen?

Dinah: Well, I think that alonzo is smarter than you think, and maybe it's time to switch to plan b in order to be cassie's hero.

Edmund: All I wanted to do was to show cassie that she still needs me. And now I've probably bloody well cost her her son. ( Knock at door ) ross.

Ross: Edmund.

Dinah: Hey, daddy.

Ross: Hello. I have news for cassie.

Cassie: What is it?

Ross: I've received word that a contingent from san cristobel is coming to springfield in a few days.

Cassie: A contingent? You make it sound like a military unit.

Ross: Cassie, whatever you want to call it, they will be on a mission to take will away from you and bring him back to his father.

Harley: No, no, this is a mistake.

Lena: It's done, alan. Harley is on her way to hellis.

Alan: Very good.

Lena: I'm glad you're happy.

Alan: You should be.

Lena: Good-bye, alan.

Alan: Good-bye.

Coop: Right now they are trying to transfer harley to a very, very bad place right now, a place that, frankly, I don't even want to think about it.

Lizzie: It's that bad?

Coop: Yeah, frank says that it's a pretty dangerous mind. Lizzie, what I need from you to do is I need you to make some phone calls, to call anybody you know, anybody who you think can help us out.

Lizzie: I just don't know when it's going to stop.

Alan: What's that sweetheart?

Lizzie: Prosecuting the cooper family and every other family in this town. Harley is in jail, okay? If she killed dad, she's paying for it. I don't get why we can't just drop it and move on.

Alan: Nothing will ever make up, elizabeth, for what happened to your father. And the people who are responsible for hurting him and pushing him over the edge will never be able to pay what they owe us and what they owe him.

Lizzie: Um, henry...

Coop: Yeah.

Lizzie: Look, I want to help you, but I've got to tell you something.

Coop: Okay, what's up?

Lizzie: Okay.

Alan: Elizabeth. We haven't finished our discussion. May I have a word with you, alone?

Mallet: Out of my face, aitoro. I'm going back to that prison.

Gus: Frank told me exactly what's going on, man.

Mallet: Oh, good. Good for you, man.

Gus: You're still in love with her, right? Say it. That's the reason for the scam.

Mallet: Scam?

Gus: Yeah, the scam. You found out that harley's going to vailsburg, so you weasel your way in as the warden so you'll have her under your thumb and make her dependent on you. And then you set up this threat of her having to go over to hellis correctional, and you're going to save the day and she's going to fall in love with you all over again. Isn't that right?

Mallet: Oh, man. Whatever you've been smoking, stop.

Gus: I saw the letters! I saw your letters. It makes it very clear that you still... you still love her, that you would do anything for her.

Gus: Listen to me. Listen to me. The hellis transfer is not my idea, okay? I've been trying to keep harley under wraps because that's the last place I want her sent. But she could be going there right this very minute.

Gus: You call it off. Call it off.

Mallet: I can't call it off, man. Do you understand that? You just don't understand, do you?

Gus: I understand this!

Harley: Listen to me. I'm telling you there has been a mistake.

Hatchet: Mistake? I don't think so. You are prisoner cooper, right?

Harley: Maybe.

Hatchet: Then your next stop is hellis correctional institute. I've got the official paperwork right here. We're good to go. My turn.

Harley: No. No. No. You have to talk to the warden. He'll explain everything.

Guard: Have fun up there.

Harley: No, no. No, no, no! I'm telling you, I don't belong on this bus. Where's warden mallet? If you call him, he will straighten this out.

Hatchet: Oh, you'll get straightened out, once you get to hell house.

Harley: Mallet, where are you?

Cassie: Oh my god. Oh my god. Edmund, they're coming to get will. Okay, so how many days do we have? Two? Three? What? What's going on, ross?

Ross: They weren't specific, but I'm sure very soon. I'm sorry.

Cassie: Are you sorry, ross? Or are you on alonzo's side?

Ross: What?

Edmund: Cassie, I think ross simply...

Cassie: I mean it's true, isn't it? What, are you under royal retainer? I mean a job's a job for a lawyer. Oh, I know, this is payback, isn't it?

Dinah: For what?

Cassie: For you, dinah. For you, because you're thinking, I take your daughter away so you're going to work with alonzo to take my son away, isn't it?

Ross: Cassie, how can you say this? You know me better than that.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just worried and I'm tired. And I'm sorry.

Ross: I understand. I had no agenda in coming here other than to warn you as a friend-- no agenda whatsoever.

Edmund: So this contingent from the palace...

Ross: They got a hold of the mayor's office, and they let their intentions be known. And I thought I should come here and tell you, cassie, since their ambassador apparently is out of the loop.

Edmund: Their ambassador is very much out of the loop. Thank you, ross, for keeping us abreast of developments.

Ross: Cassie, I wish I could have brought you better news.

Cassie: Yeah, me too. Ross. I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions. I'm just having a really hard time knowing who to trust right now.

Ross: Yes. I understand.

Cassie: But maybe you can help me. Please, tell me how we can stop them.

Ross: I'm sorry. I can'T.

Hatchet: Okay. A couple seconds more, we'll be on our way.

Harley: Where are you... I'm telling you, I don'T... what?

Mona: You're that ex-cop from springfield. I'll tell you what, girl, you better start praying.

Harley: Why?

Mona: 'Cause once you get to hell house, everybody will know, and they're going to eat you alive. ( Chuckles )

Harley: God. Please help me. Please help me, god.

Gus: It's all right.

You're not going over there


Harley: Gus?

Gus: God wasn't available.

But I'm never leaving your


Gus: Fix it.

Mallet: You just don't get it, do you, man? What's the point in telling you the truth? You only see what you want to see.

Gus: What I see is that you're in love with her.

Mallet: Then how come I'm not with my precious harley, protecting her from the transfer I supposedly set up to win her back and save the day, huh? You want to know why? Because I was suckered. I got a call from a corrections supervisor to meet me here tonight, and I was hoping to kill the transfer. But the call was bogus, okay, man? It was a setup.

Gus: Why would somebody set you up?

Mallet: Because with me away from the prison, they can move in on harley. She could be on her way to hell house for all I know.

Gus: I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it.

Mallet: Oh, man. No wonder harley is in this mess. Listen to me. Try to understand this. Okay, if I planned the transfer, why would I be away from the prison when the gig went down, huh? How good could I look possibly saving harley if I'm not there to do it. ( Phone ringing ) you know what? I'm wasting my time with you. You are the reason harley's behind bars in the first place, man.

Gus: What?

Lena: Is this gus aitoro? If it is, listen to me. You've got to find warden mallet. You have to give him a message right away. It's an emergency.

Gus: Who is this?

Lena: Harley cooper-- she's in trouble. They put her on a bus, a bus to hell house. It's going to leave any second.

Mallet: What? What is it?

Gus: It's what you said it was.

Mallet: Hello? When did they get there? How many are there? Oh, man, you satisfied? You see that? They lured me away from the prison to get their hands on harley.

Gus: Well, they did the same thing to me. They tried to get me out of town for the same reason.

Mallet: I've got to stop that bus, man. Hey, you want to help out? Figure out who set us up.

Gus: I know who set us up. It's my own father.

Lizzie: Look, granddad, I...

Alan: I know. But it's very important. It won't take long.

Lizzie: Granddad, I told you there was nothing more to talk about.

Alan: You seemed to have quite a bit to say to mr. Bradshaw. And I know what was about to happen, elizabeth.

Lizzie: Granddad...

Alan: You like him, don't you? Why, I can't imagine, but you do. A few minutes ago I told you how I planned to deal with harley. Now, your instinct was to pass that information onto him and help him. But if you do, that would be a serious mistake.

Lizzie: Are you threatening me?

Alan: Of course not. But I do want to impress upon you how important this is. Now, in the big picture of things, that young man is nothing but a blip on the radar. He means absolutely nothing to me. But if you give him information that is none of his business, then he becomes someone I need to worry about; you remove his safety net and put him in danger. Now, is that the position you want him in? Because once he's there, he can't get out.

Ross: Cassie, as I read the law, it is overwhelmingly in favor of alonzo, so you have an uphill battle-- a steep one at that.

Cassie: Why are there so many uphill battles?

Dinah: I hear that.

Ross: I can sympathize with you. It is difficult when you realize you don't have a say in what happens to your child. It sorely tests your ability to let go.

Cassie: I don't want to let go, at all.

Ross: I know that feeling, too.

Cassie: I feel like I am at the top of alonzo's enemy list, and I have absolutely no idea how I got there, nor what made him so angry in washington.

Edmund: That doesn't matter now, cassie. The only thing that matters is hanging onto will.

Ross: Cassie, if I can think of anything that will work, I'll give you a call.

Cassie: Thank you, ross.

Dinah: Thanks. Dad? Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong?

Ross: It's just a muscle spasm. It'll be all right. Good night, hon.

Cassie: Wow, we screwed up so bad in washington. I mean, we couldn't even have planned that if we wanted to.

Edmund: Cassie, it's not over yet.

Cassie: Yes, it is over, edmund. And we know how it's going to end. They are going to take will from me, and I'going to lose my little boy.

Edmund: No, you're not, cassie. The only problem with the trip to washington was not what we did, it's what we didn't do.

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Edmund: We didn't go far enough, cassie-- literally not far enough.

Cassie: Alonzo was in washington, edmund.

Edmund: Which is exactly why we shouldn't have gone there. Cassie, we can't go where alonzo is. We have to go where alonzo is not, and is not likely to be. Cassie, the only way you can hold onto will right now is to pack up, take the children, and leave springfield for good.

Gus: Where's alan?

Coop: He's in there with...

Gus: You're a liar.

Alan: Gus, what are you doing here? I thought you were in san cristobel.

Gus: Oh, yeah, that's where you wanted me to be, but i didn't listen to you.

Alan: Why don't you just calm down?

Gus: Oh, calm down? Is that all you have to say to me? Calm down? Don't you want to ask me why i didn't go to san cristobel?

Alan: Yes.

Gus: Because I figured out... I figured out what you were doing to me. You were trying to snow me.

Alan: Why don't we discuss this in private?

Gus: No, I figured out why you don't want me in springfield.

Alan: Gus.

Gus: Okay? You wanted me conveniently out of town while harley got transferred to that hellhole of a prison. Isn't that right?

Coop: She's where?

Lizzie: Just go home, coop.

Coop: No, I'm not going anywhere.

Gus: It all added up when i ran into mallet at company, where he was called to a meeting that didn't exist either. Isn't that funny?

Alan: I don't what you're

Alan: I don't know what you're talking about.

Gus: What I am talking about is two diversions that you set up: One to get me out of town, and one to get mallet away from the prison so that the little transfer of harley cooper could go down successfully. Am I wrong?

Alan: I have done nothing to hurt harley.

Gus: She's probably on the bus right now as we speak.

Alan: Well, I know nothing about it.

Coop: I don't even believe you for a second, alan.

Alan: If you give him

information that is none of his

business, then he becomes

someone I need to worry about;

you remove his safety net and

put him in danger.

Lizzie: You guys just stop, okay? My granddad had nothing to do with this transfer, and I can prove it.

Gus: I'm going to be with you

every step of the way.

But he funny thing is, you

really don't need it, 'cause

I've seen you handle yourself

in dicey situations, time and

time again, like a duck to


Harley: Yeah, well, I'm going to a different pond this time.

Gus: Yeah, but don't be


Use your head and all the

experiences that you've had.

You've proved that you can

stand up to these people.

You let them take their best

shot, but you keep on standing.

Harley: What if I can't?

Gus: Well, then they would


And I really don't think you'd

go for that, 'cause the harley

I know ain't a quitter, and

you're still that woman, the

woman that I fell in love with,

the woman who I will love



Hatchet: Closing the doors.

Mona: What are you staring at?

Hatchet: Warden mallet, you can't do this.

Mallet: This bus does not leave my prison with that woman onboard.

Coming up on "guiding


Cassie: But do you realize what we would be giving up? Do you?

Edmund: Can you give up will?

Hatchet: Harley cooper's been ordered transferred to hellis. Prison authority's just going to send somebody else to come get her.

Mallet: Give me the keys.

Hatchet: If you do this, it's the end of the job. You know that.

Cassie: You think we should run away.

Edmund: Yes, I do, and before alonzo gets his hands on will.

Cassie: Where would we go?

Edmund: Wherever is safe.

Cassie: From alonzo?

Edmund: Cassie, before you know it, his people are going to be knocking on that door. And you heard ross. From all indications, the law is most likely to side with alonzo and his right to will.

Cassie: But he's my little boy.

Edmund: I know, cassie. I know. And that's the only reason I'm suggesting something so drastic. Dinah, this involves you, of course.

Dinah: Me?

Cassie: Dinah, the only way we can make sure that cassie and the baby stay together is for you to come along. Do this for me, dinah. You need to do this for me. I need you.

Dinah: Okay. You know I'd do anything for you... for the baby. You know that.

Edmund: Thank you.

Dinah: The two of you have given me more than I could ever dream of: A whole new life, or at least the chance to put mine back on track. So you just tell me where to show up, and I'll be there.

Edmund: Thank you, dinah. May cassie and I have a few minutes alone, please?

Dinah: Sure. I'll go upstairs and start packing.

Edmund: Cassie, I realize this is a huge, huge thing I'm proposing.

Cassie: Dinah's up for it.

Edmund: All dinah's talk of redemption, cassie, shows she doesn't have as much at stake as you do.

Cassie: That's not very encouraging.

Edmund: Cassie, I'm not going to make the mistake of trying to deceive you. This is an extremely serious decision. So I'm going to lay out all of the details, no matter how terrifying, so there will be no doubt in your mind as to exactly what I'm asking you to do.

Cassie: What are you asking me to do?

Edmund: I'm asking you to remain a mother to your child, no matter the cost.

Gus: Go on, lizzie. Why don't you prove that your grandfather is innocent?

Lizzie: I will. You think my grandfather is behind this whole transfer thing with harley, that he made up some story to get you out of town, right?

Gus: He told that olivia was in san cristobel.

Lizzie: Well, he didn't lie, because she is.

Gus: How do you know that?

Lizzie: Because I overheard him talking to his... whatchamacallits.

Alan: A private investigator.

Lizzie: Exactly. And I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I heard olivia's name and i couldn't help myself.

Alan: It's all right.

Lizzie: I mean, how could i miss it? It was on speaker phone.

Coop: Is this for real?

Lizzie: Yes, it's for real. I heard him grilling those two men for at least a half-hour. "Are you sure it's olivia lewis? Did you see her get off the plane? Did you both see it? Did you get pictures to back it up?"

Gus: Wait, wait, wait. What, did you memorize the entire phone call?

Lizzie: No. I'm just trying to say that he made sure everything was perfect before he sent you after olivia.

Gus: Well, isn't that very considerate of you? And these two guys on the phone, did they have names?

Alan: Look, this isn't a courtroom, gus. She's telling the truth, so why don't you just accept it?

Gus: Because she is a professional storyteller. That's why.

Lizzie: Why would I lie?

Gus: To protect your grandfather, that's why.

Lizzie: My grandfather's completely over hurting harley. I mean, hello, he sent a detective after olivia.

Alan: She's right.

Lizzie: I am sick and tired of this war between the coopers and the spauldings. I must have said that to a million people. You can even ask coop.

Coop: She's been kind of upset.

Lizzie: You know what i think? I think my granddad's sick of it too. I mean, gus, please, we had nothing to do with harley and wherever she's been sent.

Alan: And there you have it.

Hatchet: I've got my orders directly from the governor's office, sir. That lady's coming with me.

Mallet: You may have your orders, but I've got filkin and minetti and 60 more like them inside there walls.

Hatchet: What are you trying to say?

Mallet: I'm saying if you don't turn over that prisoner, you may end up one yourself. We got a nice dark cell for the lieutenant, don't we, boys? Don't test me. You won't ke how it ends up. I guarantee it.

Hatchet: Harley cooper's been ordered transferred to hellis. Prison authority's just going to send somebody else to come get her.

Mallet: Give me the keys.

Hatchet: If you do this, it's the end of your job. You know that.

Mallet: Keys.

Hatchet: Is she worth it?

Mona: Hey, hey, while you're at it?

Hatchet: You're finished, warden, you hear me? You cut your own throat.

Harley: I can't believe you did this.

Mallet: Not now, sweetie. Get this bus out of my prison yard, now.

Ross: ( Gasps )

Dinah: Dad?

Ross: Oh.

Dinah: Come here. Come here. Just sit down. Sit, sit, sit. What's up? What's wrong?

Ross: A little worse, but about the same that... the same thing that happened at the farm.

Dinah: What, a muscle spasm?

Ross: Yeah. You give it a few minutes, it goes away.

Dinah: Dad, I think this is more than a muscle spasm. You can barely walk.

Ross: Dinah...

Dinah: You'd have been on the floor if I hadn't come along.

Ross: That's probably true.

Dinah: Yeah.

Ross: And the truth is, I've been having a few problems.

Dinah: Please don't be vague. Could you please talk to me? What is wrong?

Ross: Don't make a big deal out of it. This is why I didn't want to get into it with you.

Dinah: Okay. I'm sorry.

Ross: The truth is I have a couple of herniated discs in my lower back, and I've known that for quite a while. But it used to be, they only bothered me at the end of a long day. And now it is nearly every day, and the pain has gotten a little worse.

Dinah: Dad, have you talked to a doctor?

Ross: Yes, I have. I'm seeing a surgeon, dr. Miller royal, who's one of the best in the business, and he tells me that I can't put it off any longer.

Dinah: Put what off, surgery? What...

Ross: Yes. He says it is a fairly straightforward procedure.

Dinah: On your spine? Daddy, no, no, no, no.

Cassie: How did we get here?

Edmund: I wish I could answer that, cassie, but I can'T.

Cassie: If we do this, we're going to have to say good-bye to everyone, everything. Rj and will are going to have to find new schools. I'd feel like a criminal, edmund.

Edmund: You will be, because what I'm proposing is completely illegal.

Cassie: So detectives and police and interpol, they'll all come after us, huh?

Edmund: Yes, they will. But they won't find us. Cassie, I have contacts all over the world that will make sure of that. I'll also make sure we live very, very comfortably.

Cassie: In hiding.

Edmund: In hiding. And I'm not going to kid you, cassie. You won't be able to tell anyone where we're going.

Cassie: Not even reva?

Edmund: Not reva. Not josh. Not friends, and especially not jeffrey o'neill. He's an officer of the court, cassie. He is obliged to tell the authorities that we're leaving and where we're going if he knows.

Cassie: You know, you say that you want to change, edmund, and that you have changed. But here you are, coming up with a plan to grab will and take him somewhere far away overseas. That's dark. This reminds me of when you locked me away in a tower.

Edmund: Cassie, there's one huge difference. In the past, when I took action, I did it to benefit me and me alone. And these days the only thing i care about is getting you what you deserve. Cassie, I may be the only man in the world who can promise you that you can keep your son, who knows how to do it. But the choice has to be yours whether I do or don'T.

Gus: Well, I think you're lying.

Lizzie: I'm not lying. Coop, would you tell him, please?

Coop: What makes you think she's making this up?

Lizzie: Coop!

Gus: Because I know this family, and the truth is whatever people need to hear.

Alan: Don't forget, gus, you're one of us.

Gus: Oh, please. I've been burnt so many times by my own family, the mighty spauldings. You got to double-check when they tell you that the sky is blue or the ocean is salty, okay? ( Cell phone rings ) hello?

Mallet: Hey. It's over. It's over. She's okay.

Gus: Can I talk to her?

Mallet: Not right now, man, okay? I'll give her your best, all right?

Coop: Who was that? Was that mallet?

Gus: That was bad news for whoever set this up in the first place. The transfer did not go down.

Coop: So harley's okay then, right?

Gus: She's not going to that hellhole, at least not today.

Coop: Yeah! Gus, thank you so much. You know what? I'm so out of here.

Lizzie: Coop, wait! No!

Gus: I don't know, dad, what do you think? Maybe I can catch the last flight to san cristobel, huh? But then again, if I did, then olivia would probably just magically vanish the minute i got there, wouldn't she?

Mallet: You stay here. Ll make sure no one's in here.

Lena: Harley? Are you okay?

Harley: Yes. Did you see what happened?

Lena: The whole thing. I just couldn't believe it when I saw them drag you onto that bus.

Harley: I couldn't believe it that mallet got there in time to drag me off. If he hadn't, I'd be on my own way to hell house right W. But I'm not.

Lena: Oh harley. He had you at hello.

Mallet: Harley? Come on. Come on.

Harley: I'll see you around, okay?

Lena: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thank god you're safe. Thank god.

Harley: That guard was right. They will come after you now.

Mallet: Maybe.

Harley: No, definitely. You crossed the line. There's no way you won't get busted for that, mallet.

Mallet: If you say so.

Harley: You really don't care, do you?

Mallet: I care about a lot of things. Just not that. You wouldn't have liked hellis. The food sucks.

Harley: It was one thing to hide me, but this is war, between you and the prison authority and whoever is coming after me.

Mallet: Okay, it's a two- front war. I'll just have to fight twice as hard.

Harley: You didn't have to stick your neck out for me like this. You knew the risks, and you did it anyway. Why?

Mallet: You know why.

Cassie: Can I walk away from this house, this town, my family and friends?

Edmund: Actually, the real question is, can you give up, will?

Cassie: Hey there, handsome. How are you?

Will: Good.

Cassie: Yeah? You're upstairs eating pie with ms. Chitwood, aren't you? Will you go upstairs and tell her that mommy will be up there soon, and can you promise to save me some pie? Come here. All right, go ahead. I'll be up in just a minute. Go on. I... I always knew that alonzo was going to want will to come to san cristobel. And will loves san cristobel, edmund, and he loves alonzo. I just... this is just happening too soon for me. I mean, that little boy is upstairs eating pie with his big brother.

Edmund: Which is why...

Cassie: Which is why you want me to run, but do you realize what we would be giving up? Do you?

Edmund: Can you give up will?

Cassie: I just wanted... you know what? A normal life. That's all I want here, is a normal life, edmund. I want some stability. That's it.

Edmund: Can you give up will?

Cassie: So when do we leave?

Edmund: As soon as I can make it happen. Cassie, I just have to make a few calls, talk to a few people, make some arrangements. But I'll be back as soon as i can, all right? I love you. I love you very much.

Ross: Dinah, sweetheart, calm down. It's back surgery. It's not the end of the world.

Dinah: I know.

Ross: Well, then, why are you so upset?

Dinah: Because nothing ever is supposed to be wrong with you.

Ross: Well, I'm perfect in every other way.

Dinah: Stop, stop. I know you are. I know you are. You're great. You're great. Gosh, dad, you are my rock, and you know when I was in europe, there was one thing that I could always count on.

Ross: Your old dad?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. No matter how long I'd been gone for, no matter what terrible thing I'd been through, I knew that you would be there, that you would be exactly the same way when I last saw you.

Ross: Well, dinah, nobody stays exactly the same, you know?

Dinah: But you're dad. You're dad. You're not supposed to get sick. You're not supposed to have surgery. It just doesn't fit in with the way everything else should be, you know? You got to go to the hospital?

Well, that's where doctors congregate. I've decided against having major surgery on my desk at city hall.

Dinah: But what if I leave or something, you know, and there's, like, a complication and you get an infection and stuff?

Ross: Wait a minute. What do you mean, if you leave? Is this why you are so upset? Are you going somewhere?

Lizzie: Coop, wait. Don't leave like this, please.

Coop: Lizzie, do you words "you lied" mean anything to you?

Lizzie: I didn't lie.

Coop: Oh, come on. All that junk in there about the conference call? You made that up on the spot, all right? I saw it in your eyes.

Lizzie: You don't understand.

Coop: I'm beginning to understand more and more every day. All right, you had a choice in there: Either a, you cop up and tell the truth, or b, you stand right beside your grandfather while he pulls the newest stunt and try to tear the hell out of my family. And what did you do? And you walked the spaulding line, as always.

Lizzie: Just let me explain it to you, okay?

Coop: What for, lizzie?

Lizzie: I lied to save you.

Alan: I'm going to tell you something, but you won't believe me.

Gus: I don't believe anything you say.

Alan: Olivia did go to san cristobel.

Gus: Really? What's the problem? She's not there anymore?

Alan: As soon as you left, my private investigator called and said as soon as she landed, she got in a private jet and flew off, without a flight plan logged.

Gus: I get it. I get it. The old "untraceable jet up the middle" trick.

Alan: Well, it's the truth. You know, I know you want olivia behind bars as much as I do.

Gus: Yeah, but you're want to make sure harley suffers right along with her, don't you?

Alan: I don't think harley's in harm's way anymore. No, not anymore, because she's behind bars, and she's with someone who is 100% on her side: Warden mallet. And I guarantee you, gus, he will do anything to keep her safe.

Harley: You did this and everything else because you love me. Going after the warden's job? Giving my case personal oversight? Disappearing me into the system so that the transfer to hellis wouldn't go through. It's all about love, isn't it? In this letter, you say that you love me and that you never stopped. That's still true, isn't it?

Next on "guiding light"...

Bill: Gus, there's got to be another way.

Gus: There is no other way. I need you to help me find olivia, okay?

Bill: I can't, okay? I'm not going to turn in my wife.

Cassie: It's not about you and it's not about edmund.

Jeffrey: Why not, huh? Why not? You know how I feel about you. You know that, right? So how do you feel about me?

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