GL Transcript Friday 5/13/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/13/05



By Boo

Josh: If I didn't know better, I would say you were hiding out.

Reva: Hiding out? No. This is a public bar.

Josh: Outside of town-- a place I'm assuming you've never been before.

Reva: You know me. I'm always looking for a new adventure, and I heard someone mention this place, and I was thirsty, so...

Josh: So here you are.

Reva: Here I am. Fancy meeting you here.

Josh: Well, I was on my way to my next meeting, and I saw your car in the parking lot, so...

Reva: Have a drink. I'll buy. Come on, they make great martinis. Come on.

Nate: What's this?

Reva: Cold, hard cash. I'm buying a round of drinks.

Nate: Reva, my angel, your money's no good here. Or haven't you heard of the employee discount?

Coop: What have you got there? You got some letters from some old girlfriends, maybe?

Frank: These are harley's letters. I've been holding onto them for a while.

Coop: Oh. All right, come on. Spill it, frank.

Frank: Coop, I made a really big mistake, and I don't know if I can fix it. I kept these letters from harley. I was trying to protect her from someone who was hurting her, and you know what the funny thing is, is that if I'd just given these letters to her in the very beginning, maybe she wouldn't be in the mess that she is right now.

Coop: So it's your fault that harley's in prison?

Frank: Maybe.

Coop: No, frank. That's nuts.

Frank: Right now, she's face to face with the person I was trying to protect her from. And right now he's the only one that can protect her.

Alan: He's not going to hand over harley cooper easily. No, and that's why I've taken steps to handle this differently. Just make certain that you have the bus, the transfer bus, there at the prison to whisk her away to that miserable place called hellis correctional, where she will live unhappily ever after.

Mallet: I have called everyone about your transfer who's ever met the governor.

Harley: Obviously nobody wants to talk to you.

Mallet: Just don't give up, okay?

Harley: Never. I will never give up.

Mallet: Are you hungry? You've got to be hungry. When's the last time you ate? Let me go get you something.

Harley: I'm fine, I'm fine.

Mallet: Are you sure? Because the last thing I need is you passing out on me. Of course, you'd be easier to hide. I could just shove you under the couch. What are you doing, cooper?

Harley: Let's talk about the letters.

Mallet: Why? Why? I wrote you letters, you never got them, we both eventually moved on with our lives. Now we're sitting here catching up. Right? End of story?

Harley: Hey, hey. Don't do that. Don't make light of this. You wrote me letters, lots of letters, asking for a chance to fix our marriage. I have to believe you meant that. And believing that, that changes everything.

Josh: You seem to be very well-acquainted with my wife.

Nate: You're the husband.

Reva: ( Laughs )

Josh: Last time I checked, yes.

Nate: You're a lucky man.

Josh: Yes, I am. See, the thing is this, though. You seem to know a lot about me and reva, but I don't recall her ever mentioning you or this place.

Reva: Uh, nate and I didn't meet here.

Josh: So, how did you two meet?

Reva: You remember the story, the funny story I told you about the guy who sent the room key and the note, and I assumed it was coming from you, that you wanted to do something funny and crazy to make me feel better, so I went up to the room, I took off all my clothes, got into the bed and waited for you to come out of the bathroom, only it wasn't you who came out of the bathroom? It was nate. Remember? I told you that whole story.

Nate: She told that whole story without taking a breath. ( Laughter )

Josh: Yeah. I didn't realize it was true.

Reva: I told you it was true.

Josh: And you're the guy. Nate.

Nate: Heard a lot about you, josh. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Josh: Thank you.

Nate: Almost as much of a pleasure as meeting reva.

Josh: Oh, yes. Well, very few experiences in life can possibly top meeting reva shayne.

Reva: Thank you, bud.

Josh: Yes.

Nate: I told reva if she was ever in the area, she should drop by and the drinks would be on me, because she was such a good sport about the whole hotel room mix-up.

Josh: ( Laughs )

Nate: Me seeing her almost naked and that.

Josh: Yes, well, that's our reva. She's nothing if she's not a good sport, huh? ( Laughter )

Gus: Am I interrupting something?

Alan: I was on the phone. Didn't you hear?

Gus: No, I just got here.

Alan: Oh.

Gus: What did I miss?

Alan: Well, I've got you a lead here on where to find olivia. It seems she's taken emma and gone to san cristobel.

Gus: San cristobel?

Alan: Yeah. Her homeland. She's hiding out there. Now, I'm going to call the airport, get our pilot ready to take you down there.

Gus: Okay, and then what?

Alan: And then I want you to interrogate her. Get her to confess of killing phillip. Then bring her back, and we will make sure that she pays for what she did to your brother.

Gus: Good. And then harley goes free.

Alan: I think harley has suffered enough, gus.

Gus: Well, all I can say is thank you.

Alan: You see, when we have a common goal, we make a good team. Good luck, son. Well, things are going pretty well on my end. How about yours?

Lena: Fine, I guess.

Alan: Lena, don't go soft on me now. You were aware of my goal from the very beginning, and it's too late to turn back now.

Lena: I'll call when I have more to report. Harley. God, I wish I could help you.

Lizzie: Wow. You certainly got gus out of here fast, didn't you?

Alan: Elizabeth, have you been eavesdropping?

Lizzie: How else am I going to find anything out in this house?

Alan: Well, gus and I have a little project we're working on together.

Lizzie: Yeah. Like sending him on a wild goose chase that so you can send harley away to some torture chamber? Right. Maybe I can find gus and let him know what's going on before he leaves.

Alan: Elizabeth. Elizabeth. That would not be a good idea.

Harley: Mallet...

Mallet: Frank had no right-- no right-- to make that decision for you.

Harley: Frank was protecting his little sister from the guy who broke her heart.

Mallet: Did you ask him to?

Harley: I was a mess when i came back to springfield after we split up. Frank was just helping me get through those days.

Mallet: Frank helped you put me in the past.

Harley: Yes, he tried. And yes, eventually... eventually I moved on. Hey, what choice did I have? I married phillip, and we had zach, and... and so on, and so on.

>&gtAlt: Wl, have two lioythg od camout of leaving me. And I'm happy for you, I really am. I know how much you wanted more kids.

Harley: So you... you wrote these letters and you wanted me back. When did you stop writing the letters?

Mallet: ( Sighs ) not for a really long time. I kept writing. I kept hoping. I pretty much wrote the same letter over and over again. Every once in a while, there would be something new to tell you, like with piper.

Harley: Piper. That's right, piper.

Mallet: Yeah.

Harley: My dog. ( Laughs )

Mallet: Yeah.

Harley: I kept meaning to ask you about little piper.

Mallet: Piper, she... she died. I'm sorry. She died about two years after you left. And I think that's when I felt like I'd really lost you for good. That was le our one last tangible tie, you know? And that's when I wrote you the last letter.

Harley: Two years. All this time, I kept... I kept thinking, I can't believe he hasn't apologized to me, never. And it turns out that you did. Over and over again.

Mallet: Does that make a difference?

Harley: Yeah, it makes a difference. It makes a big difference. I can look at you, and I don't have to feel so angry anymore. It was exhausting, having all that anger in me. I wish I'd read those letters.

Mallet: Well, here it is. The last letter. I never mailed it.

Harley: You carry it around with you?

Mallet: I think with the job I have, and I think with the life that I have, I just... I go for really long periods of time where I just function on auto- pilot. I just don't have feelings. And so sometimes I get out the letter and I read it, just to remind myself what my life was like when I could feel something and when I had everything a man could ask for.

Reva: Joshua lewis, what is that look on your face? Are you jealous?

Josh: Do you want me to be jealous?

Reva: Of course not. However, it is nice to see that you notice that other men find me attractive.

Josh: Reva, I have never not noticed that. In fact, you're constantly surrounded by more than your fair share of admirers.

Reva: As long as you're one of them.

Josh: I kind of like to think of myself as the president of the club.

Reva: Aw.

Josh: With certain, uh, privileges, of course.

Reva: Unlimited privileges. Nothing happened with nate, joshua. I told you that the first time i explained it to you. Now you have that serious look.

Josh: Reva, I don't know what I am right now. It's just been a little tough to keep up with you lately. One minute you're upset and no one understands; the next minute, you're so damn cheerful it's almost scary. So why don't you tell me what's going on? Or better yet, tell me what i can do to make it stop?

Coop: All right, frank, this is what we're going to do. We're going to get harley out of there. We're going to use our connections, we're going to do whatever it takes, but we are going to get her out of there.

Frank: What connections do you have?

Coop: There are people that have some connections that maybe if they help us out...

Frank: Oh, no. Please, no.

Coop: Frank, hear me out. Lizzie might be able to help us now.

Frank: Oh, great. Another cooper has a weakness for a spaulding. That's worked out real well for us in the past, hasn't it? Get out of here, coop. Go talk to lizzie before I think of something else to say.

Coop: All right.

Lizzie: I just don't know when it's going to stop.

Alan: What's that, sweetheart?

Lizzie: Persecuting the cooper family and every other family in this town. Harley's in jail, okay? If she killed dad, she's paying for it. I don't get why we can't just drop it and move on.

Alan: Nothing will ever make up, elizabeth, for what happened to your father. And the people who are responsible for hurting him and pushing him over the edge will never be able to pay what they owe us and what they owe him.

Lizzie: They can't bring him back, okay? That would be the only thing that would make things better. And they can't do that. Wouldn't dad want us to just move on and go on with our lives?

Alan: Of course he would, and that's exactly why I'm helping your uncle gus.

Lizzie: Helping him?

Alan: Yes.

Lizzie: By lying to him? By sending him after olivia so that you can throw harley in some horrible place?

Alan: I think you know better than anyone that your uncle gus is obsessed with harley.

Lizzie: He loves her!

Alan: Yeah.

Lizzie: He's your son! You're his father! Don't you want him to be happy?

Alan: Well, of course I do. But I want him to be happy where he belongs. Now, listen to me. No matter how grown up we get, we all need a little parental guidance at times. Now, I missed a lot of parenting with gus, and I'm trying to make up and help him.

Lizzie: Sometimes your help makes things worse. I mean, look at when you tried to separate my mom and my dad. What help did that do?

Alan: Look, I will be the first to admit that was a terrible mistake on my part.

Lizzie: All right, so what about harley and gus? How is that any different?

Alan: Harley cooper has done terrible things to this family, elizabeth.

Lizzie: Granddad, that is zach's mother.

Alan: Yes, she is his mother, but thank goodness he will be spared all of her self- righteousness and bad judgment during his formative years. Sweetheart, what is it? What?

Lizzie: You know, I don't like being a grownup in this house. When I was little, we used to have so much fun. We would listen to the opera. You were my best friend, and we used to talk about how I was going to carry on the spaulding legacy, and I just could not wait to grow up. But now that I am, I hate it.

Gus: Frank? I'm glad I caught you. What the hell are these?

Harley: "Dear harley, I keep

telling myself this is a waste

of time, but trying to get in

touch with you and fix the

mistake I made is the only

thing that makes sense to me.

I've said it a million times

before and I'll say it again.

I'll say it until the day i


I would give my life..."

Harley and mallet: "...To go

back and erase the hurt I saw

in your eyes.

The hurt I caused."

Mallet: "I don't know if i

deserve another chance, but i

can't give up trying to win

back the best thing that's ever

happened to me.

If you were to give me another

chance, just one more chance, i

know I could prove to you that

we were meant to be.

I still have so many dreams. We still have so many dreams.

I drive by that houseboat every

day and I think about how we

imagined ourselves living

there, always moving but always

grounding each other.

And I think of the family we

wanted to have, and I know if

we took a shot at those dreams,

if we took a shot at the

happiness we had..." well, it's like I said, I'm not a great letter writer.

Harley: It's a good letter.

Mallet: Just a little late.

Harley: Well, that's not your fault. I just... I wish I'd known.

Mallet: Let's say you had known. Say you had read those words all those years ago. What would you have done?

Coming up on "guiding


Nate: I was glad to meet the infamous mr. Lewis. Interesting, though.

Reva: What is?

Nate: That you have no problem telling your husband that I saw you almost naked, but you don't want him to know that you work for me.

Harley: What if I had gotten the letters? What if I decided that i couldn't live without you, that I could get past all the hurt and all the betrayal? What if I had come back?

Gus: When were these letters written, frank?

Frank: It doesn't matter.

Gus: When were they written?

Frank: Those letters are the least of your worries.

Gus: You think he's still in love with her?

Frank: I don't know. But she really needs him right now.

Gus: Excuse me?

Frank: And she needs you, too.

Gus: I got a lead on olivia. Now, I know that you're thinking I'm grasping at straws...

Frank: I don't think you understand how much trouble harley's in right now. Mallet just got orders to transfer her to hellis correctional.

Gus: Hellis? She can't go to hellis, frank.

Frank: I know that.

Gus: Well, how do you know he didn't send her there already?

Frank: Because he's leading everybody to believe that he's already made the transfer.

Gus: So she's still with him?

Frank: She's in mallet's office. He's hiding her until he can make the correction on the transfer.

Gus: Yeah, or until we can clear her, right?

Frank: Exactly.

Gus: You think she's safe with him, frank?

Frank: You know, I think right now he's probably saving her life. Isn't that worth something?

Gus: You think he's still in love with her?

Harley: If I had gotten the letters, if frank hadn't stopped them, who knows? I was so stubborn back then. Not that I've changed that much.

Mallet: That's okay.

Harley: I think I would have ripped up the first few or burned them.

Mallet: Uh-huh. And when they kept coming and kept coming?

Harley: I don't know. I don't know. Mallet, this was such a long time ago. I have worked so hard to bury this.

Mallet: Yeah, but come on. You must have thought about it, what you would have done if i came to see you?

Harley: All right, let me give you a scenario.

Mallet: Okay.

Harley: Okay? What if I had gotten the letters? What if I decided that i couldn't live without you, that I could get past all the hurt and all the betrayal? What if I had come back?

Mallet: I would have worked every second of every day to prove to you that that was not a mistake. I would have made it up to you. I would have made it up to you and made you feel safe and wanted and loved.

Harley: And I would have worried every second of every day that you were cheating on me.

Mallet: ( Sighs )

Harley: Every time you walked out the door, every time i picked up the phone and there was nobody there. It would have been horrible for both of us. Not that I made any better choices after that. Phillip certainly wasn't a great choice.

Mallet: I'm not phillip spaulding. It never would have happened again. I would have made you trust me.

Harley: It's too late for that. It's too late. ( Telephone rings )

Mallet. Yeah. Yeah, no I'm ready to discuss it if you are. When? Okay. Great, I'll see you then.

Harley: You're leaving?

Mallet: I got a meeting with a supervisor from the corrections department. It's good news. We're going to have a meeting about you, and I think I can figure out a way to keep you from being sent to hellis.

Harley: Do you think you can do that?

Mallet: Well, I can be very convincing.

Harley: You should write them a letter.

Mallet: It would have worked, right? If you would have gotten my letters, you would have come back to me, right?

Harley: You should go to that meeting.

Mallet: Yeah.

Alan: Family happiness is why I do what I do for the people i love.

Lizzie: No, I understand what you think you're doing.

Alan: Of course you do.

Lizzie: I remember I used to get so mad when daddy would tell me, "you're just like your grandfather."

Alan: Don't you want to be like me anymore?

Lizzie: I don't want people to hate me. I don't want people to not understand.

Alan: Look, it doesn't matter what people think.

Lizzie: It does matter what people think, okay? It does to me. I want friends. I want people to care about me.

Alan: Mm-hmm. Well, people do care about you. I care about you. Your mother, your aunt alex.

Lizzie: No, that's not enough, okay? I know that there is another way now, okay?

Alan: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. Where? Where? Where? What are you talking about? Are you... are you referring to the coopers?

Lizzie: Maybe.

Alan: Elizabeth, do you really believe that you can count on coop?

Lizzie: I don't know, okay? But he is different.

Alan: He will ruin you, elizabeth, just like harley ruined your father and gus.

Lizzie: No. I don't believe that. I'm sorry.

Alan: Yes, you believe this, darling, because I know what I'm talking about. Now, losing your father was the worst thing that ever happened to you and me. And believe me, sending harley away to some place where she can never hurt this family again is the best thing we can do. Now, you have got to trust me on this. Trust me.

Coop: Lizzie. Come with me.

Josh: You have to tell me what you want.

Reva: Yeah, well, when i figure that out, you'll be the very first to know. It's just that my emotions change from one second to the next, you know? One minute I feel like, who could have a better life than me? And then the very next minute, i feel like my head is going to explode. I know that this has been a roller-coaster ride for you, and I'm really sorry about that, but I'm also glad that marah, shayne, and dylan aren't around to watch me go through this.

Josh: The kids love you. They would want to help you.

Reva: Yeah, I know. I know that'S... everybody wants to help me, and it's just that sometimes that makes it worse, you know? I mean, you and cassie and sandy and tammy, and I mean, even jonathan, you all look at me like you want to handle me, and sometimes it's just easier for me to be with people I don't know, you know? People who can just jump on that roller-coaster and take a ride. I'm making you feel worse.

Josh: No.

Reva: Come with me. Come and take a ride with me. You know? Have your drink, and then...

Josh: I can'T. I... I have a meeting. I'm already late.

Reva: Because of me. I'm sorry, I don't mean to screw up your life, too.

Josh: You are my life, reva.

Reva: But business is, too, and I know that, and I'm fine, really, I am. You go, and I'll meet you at home later, and we'll talk some more.

Josh: Okay. If you need a ride, you call me, okay?

Reva: Well, I won't, because I'm going to cut myself off. I'm going to finish this drink and I'm going to enjoy my new surroundings a little bit more, and then I'm going to go home like the good girl that I am. Or the bad girl. ( Laughs ) whatever you're in the mood for.

Josh: I'll take both. ( Laughs ) I'm sorry that I haven't been able to keep up with you lately. I will try harder, I promise. You're just full of surprises.

Reva: Well, that's the way you like me, isn't it?

Josh: I'll see you.

Nate: Break's over.

Reva: ( Sighs )

Nate: I've missed you.

Reva: ( Laughs ) thank you for not blowing my cover.

Nate: No problem. I was glad to meet the infamous mr. Lewis. Interesting, though.

Reva: What is?

Nate: That you have no problem telling your husband that I saw you almost naked, but you don't want him to know that you work for me. It's no matter. A secret's a secret. And now we've got one together.

Reva: My husband is a really good man.

Nate: But he probably thinks you're better suited to something a little more respectable than bartender.

Reva: Ha! Respectable. Hardly. He just knows me well enough to realize that this is the perfect place for me. But he's probably worried that I'm slipping away.

Nate: Are you?

Reva: I don't want to, but i just need something right now, something that's mine alone.

Nate: Is that a marriage no- no?

Reva: That depends.

Nate: On what?

Reva: On what the something is.

Nate: You mean, when is the job not just a job? Reva, look, I'm just trying to understand what you're doing here.

Reva: I'm working.

Nate: Is that all?

Reva: And having fun... fun that I haven't had in a long time, just good old fun, thanks to this job and you.

Nate: Glad to oblige.

Reva: You know, it's just nice to be somewhere where I'm not somebody's mother or sister or... aunt. I might have spoken too soon.

Lena: Oh, for god's sakes.

Harley: What are you doing?

Lena: Geez, I was just checking on you.

Harley: Lena, you scared the crap out of me!

Lena: I only wanted to just see how you were holding up.

Harley: I'm fine.

Lena: Okay.

Harley: I'm just kind of waiting here, you know. And I've just been thinking a lot about stuff.

Lena: About what? About you and the warden, you know, when you were married before? Like that kind of stuff? You know, I really think this guy is in love with you.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Lena: No, don't laugh. I think he is. I think he even maybe got himself this job so he could, you know, be near you and protect you. It's very romantic, harley. It is.

Harley: Yeah, that's me, the romantic heroine.

Lena: You are. You have two great guys in love with you, for god's sake. I never... I never was that lucky, ever.

Harley: Let me tell you something: Neither was I. There's a first time for everything.

Lena: Well, I don't care. You're a wonderful girl, you are. You're wonderful, and you should have a happy ending. You should.

Harley: Well, you know what, lena? Maybe I just will this time.

Mallet: What the hell is going on here? Oh, man, where is everyone?

Alan: What are you doing here?

Coop: I came here to see her. Lizzie, is there someplace we can go to talk?

Alan: Elizabeth and I are having a discussion.

Lizzie: I really don't think we have anything more to talk about, granddad.

Coop: Let go of her, alan.

Lizzie: It's okay. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll be right out.

Alan: What I just told you about harley will remain our secret. Do you understand? ( Telephone rings ) now, I've got to take this call, but remember what I said.

Coop: Hey. Are you okay?

Lizzie: I'm so glad you're here.

Alan: Tell me some good news.

Lena: Yeah, the warden's gone. Harley's alone.

Alan: Ah, that's music to my ears.

Lena: I hate this, alan.

Alan: Well, you know, we all do what we have to do for our children, lena. And you're going to be seeing your daughter very soon.

Lena: You keep promising. But you know I have... I have to call you back.

Guard: Harley cooper? It's okay. Warden mallet sent me.

Harley: He told me not to leave the office. I didn't know he told any of the guards about me.

Guard: Warden mallet said we need to move you now.

Harley: All right. All right. If the warden said so.

Reva: That's weird. I mean, what would my niece be doing here, especially without sandy.

Nate: Who's sandy?

Reva: Never mind. I really need to go and talk to her, though. Oh, where'd she go? I have to stop her.

Nate: You missed her?

Reva: Yeah. I mean, why would she be here?

Nate: Why not? You're here.

Reva: Because tammy and i aren't the same person, you know? I mean, we're different. This isn't her kind of place.

Nate: I didn't even notice her. How could I with you in the room?

Reva: You are shameless.

Nate: I can't deny that.

Reva: It's nice.

Nate: Lack of shame?

Reva: No, it's nice to spend time with someone who accepts you, who doesn't have any preconceived notions or expectations.

Nate: I never said I don't have any expectations.

Reva: There is a limit.

Nate: You tell me when i reach it.

Reva: As long as you promise to do the same thing for me. ( Laughter )

Alan: Gus is off hunting olivia. The warden is at company, waiting for someone who he thinks is going to help him save harley. And harley cooper is having an all-expense-paid vacation at hellis correctional. ( Chuckles ) soon, all will be well with the world.

Lizzie: So you want me to help you?

Coop: Yeah, well, frank thinks I'm pretty crazy for asking you.

Lizzie: Why?

Coop: Well, he said that you'd probably laugh in my face, but I think that... I don't know, but I just believe that you'll want to help me.

Lizzie: You do?

Coop: Look, I see something in you. I've seen something in you. I have seen you try and do good. I've seen you try and be different from alan, from your father.

Lizzie: Well, I am different.

Coop: I know that. No, I know that you are. I know that you're different from them.

Lizzie: Okay, so what do you want?

Coop: Look, I know that your family is friends with the governor and people like that. Something's happened. Right now, they're trying to transfer harley to a very, very bad place, a place that... i can't even talk about it.

Lizzie: Is that bad?

Coop: Well, frank says it's a pretty dangerous place, and so what I need from you is to make some phone calls for me. I need you to call anybody, call everybody you know who might be able to help me out. Pull some strings, any connections that you might have, lizzie. Please.

Lizzie: Henry...

Coop: What? Yeah?

Lizzie: I want to help you...

Mallet: Yeah, this is warden mallet. Where in the hell is supervisor burrell? What? What? Oh, no. Damn it.

Gus: What are you doing here, man?

Mallet: Get out...

Gus: You're supposed to be at the prison protecting harley.

Mallet: Hey, why don't you get out of my way?

Gus: I've been staying out of your way because frank said you had harley's back.

Mallet: Yeah. Hey, I'm trying, all right?

Gus: If she gets hurt because of you, man, I swear to god i will come after you.

Mallet: Aitoro, get the hell out of my way, man.

Gus: Oh, no. No, not yet, I won'T.

Harley: Wait. Where is warden mallet?

Guard: He's not here, but your ride is.

Harley: My ride?

Guard: Right there. It's your one-way express ride to hell house.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Edmund: Cassie, the only way you can hold on to will right now is to pack up, take the children, and leave springfield for good.

Harley: Where's warden mallet? If you call him, he will straighten this out.

Guard: Oh, you'll get straightened out, once you get to hell house.

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