Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/11/05
By Boo
Buzz: Oh.
Lizzie: You're here. I thought we were short handed.
Buzz: I was just part of the plot to lure you down here. It's game night. You're invited.
Lizzie: Game night? I didn't approve of anything like that.
Buzz: Well, you're on the guest list. Both of you.
Lizzie: Great.
Frank: Hey, is everything, okay?
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: What did danny do now?
Marina: Nothing. I took a break. I just took a step back. I figured that we both needed some time to figure things out. And I miss him already.
Buzz: Danny, it's buzz. Super. Listen, we're having a little family gathering here and... I don't care what marina said. Just get down here and make my granddaughter happy. The more the merrier. Right? Well, let's hope so.
Gus: She's gone. She's gone. How much more proof do you need?
Bill: Well, she just want to get away from you and your crazy accusations.
Gus: She locked me in this room for over a week to stop me from finding phillip's killer. And now she's gone.
Bill: She probably went home to tuck in emma.
Gus: Bill, wake up.
Bill: No, you wake up, gus. She's home. Which is exactly where I'm going.
Gus: Not yet. Not yet!
Mallet: Well, listen, I don't care what the paperwork says, harley cooper is not in my prison system anymore. Okay. She was transferred out days ago.
Guard: But the memo from the office said--
Mallet: Listen not my prison, not my problem.
Harley: Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? You do this, we're going to be cellmates.
Mallet: I could think of worse ways to spend my days.
Harley: How could you joke around?
Mallet: Harley, just one thing at a time. Right now just focus on making to hellis correction.
Harley: Hell house. How long do you think I'd last once they find out that I used to be a cop? That long.
Mallet: You're not going, okay. You have my word.
Lena: Alan, I want to know now. When? When am I going to see my daughter?
Alan: Well, lena, that's up to you. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know. I want details.
Lena: She was suppose to be transferred to hellis correction. Do you know about that place?
Alan: Oh, you might say that.
Lena: So you set it up, didn't you?
Alan: Harley's become much too comfortable. But why hasn't she already been transferred?
Lena: I told you. The warden is hiding her. He's saying that she's been sent somewhere else already.
Alan: Thank you. I'll take care of it.
Mallet: What?
Harley: I spent eight years of my life hating you. Do you know how long it took for me to trust anyone after you? And now you just show up. And my life is in your hands. Hello, my darling. Your lush blossom beckons.
Coop: Here you go.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Coop: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: So where are all the party people at?
Coop: Well, we're right here.
Lizzie: Okay.
Coop: Well, maybe party is wrong word to use. It's more of a family thing tonight. That's not a problem is it?
Lizzie: You don't get enough target practice during working hours?
Coop: Lizzie, it's just game night. Okay, I thought it would be kind of fun. But if you're going to get an attitude about it--
Buzz: Hi. Can I see you for a minute?
Coop: Yeah.
Buzz: Yeah. Hi.
Coop: What's up?
Buzz: Why did you invite lizzie here?
Coop: I just wanted to be nice.
Buzz: And she's being so responsive.
Coop: Dad. Now, dad, look she's got a lot of negative stuff going on in her life right now, okay. And you know how hard it is for her to trust people. I thought that this might be a way of having fun and lightening up. Maybe hang out for a little bit. Be normal for once.
Buzz: I think normal reaching a bit high, but okay.
Coop: Look when it comes to lizzie spaulding, I just feel sorry.
Lizzie: You feel sorry for me? That's why you invited me?
Frank: It really kills me seeing you hurting like this, okay. But I hope that this guy is out of your life forever.
Marina: And I hope that when danny makes his decision, he chooses me.
Frank: That's just the whole point, honey. He should be really appreciating you now. ( Phone rings ) hold on a second. I'm sorry. Yeah, cooper here. What? All right, I'm on my way. I'm sorry, honey. I have to get going. Just do me a favor. Spend a lot more time with just your family. Forget about danny, okay. Because there's a lot of guys out there. A lot of really good guys. Just... just let him go.
Marina: Bye, dad.
Frank: I love you, sweetie.
Mallet: I have put calls into everyone I could think of, all the way to governor's office. If I could just figure out why the transfer came through then i could get it tossed.
Harley: Well, it'll be okay. You'll stall them for a couple more days. And in the meantime gus will find out who really killed phillip and than I'll get out of here.
Mallet: Hmm. You really believe in him, don't you?
Harley: Yes, I do.
Mallet: Even through everything he did? The lies, the spaulding connections.
Harley: Well, gus never stopped loving me.
Mallet: Well, you're very forgiving. Sometimes.
Harley: Well, you should be happy. Soon you won't have to look after me anymore and you can go back to your life.
>>Al mli ihere.
Harley: I can't stay in here. I can't breathe in here. Can I just go in the hall for a minute just to breath? Please?
Mallet: Just hold a second. I want to check to see if it's clear. I don't want anyone seeing you, okay.
Lena: Alan, come on. My god, I've given you everything you want. You know, I've served up this poor kid up on a platter to you. You need to tell me that... it can wait. Good bye. Hi. What are you doing here?
Harley: I'm just taking a break.
Lena: From the warden.
Harley: Yes, from the warden.
Lena: Wow. You know he's put on the line, you know, to protect you. He could go to jail for this. Some ex, huh?
Harley: Yeah. Well, he owes me.
Lena: Oh.
Harley: That's all. Gus is the one who's got everything riding. I mean, he's the one who has to prove I'm innocent.
Lena: I sure hope he can do that, harley. I mean, gus knows that that clock is ticking, doesn't he? Oh. You know what? You know, you've got to look on the bright side. I mean, most women don't even have one hero in their lives. You have two.
Harley: They're going to come through for me.
Lena: Yeah.
Harley: They will. I have to believe that I will get out of here and get home to my kids. I have to believe that I will get out of here and will never see this place again. I have to believe that.
Gus: How do you like it in that little room, huh? ( Knocking )
Bill: Open the door up, aitoro.
Frank: What the hell is going on here?
Gus: Oh, frank, thank you very much for showing up. The long and short of it is olivia kept me in this room prisoner for a week.
Frank: Why would she do that?
Gus: Because she didn't want me working on harley's case. I was getting too close. I was putting things together. ( Knocking )
Bill: You've proved your point. Now open the door.
Frank: Who's that? Is that bill lewis? Get him out of there.
Gus: I just asked him, frank. He won't admit it. But he knows that olivia's up to something and she's guilty.
Frank: Bill.
Bill: Thank you, frank.
Frank: Sorry. Listen. Gus was just telling me about...
Bill: What do you think you're doing?
Frank: Back off!
Bill: Gus invented this whole story about olivia.
Gus: Please, I have been on to olivia for months, pal.
Bill: Oh, what are you--
Frank: Hold on one second. Exactly where is your wife?
Bill: She's probably home with her child, frank.
Gus: And why don't you call her. Call her.
Bill: You want to know what this is about? This is about revenge. Gus found harley and me in bed together the night before she went to prison.
Frank: He did what?
Bill: And now it's payback. I'm sorry. But now it's payback. You are after olivia. And that's what's going on here. She didn't do anything and she didn't go anywhere, gus. And you know it.
Bill: Frank--
Gus: Hey, get back here.
Frank: Listen to me. Do you know what you're doing right now? You're doing the same thing that you did at the trial. Harley's trial. You're all over the place. You're grasping at straws. And let me tell something. You blew it once. What makes you think you could fix harley now?
Lena: I really hope that gus can do this for you. I do.
Harley: Thank you, lena. That means... that means everything to me. You mean everything to me, lena. Thank you. Thank you.
Lena: Harley, I want... i want you to take good care of yourself.
Harley: You, too.
Bill: ( Clearing his throat )
Alan: How did you get in here?
Bill: Your staff has taken a real shine to me.
Alan: Really?
Bill: Yeah.
Alan: What do you want?
Bill: Olivia. Have you seen her?
Alan: Is there a problem i should know about, bill?
Bill: No.
Hilda: Excuse me, mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Hilda, can it wait?
Hilda: Kathleen, the nanny you hired, sir?
Alan: Yes.
Hilda: She wants to know if you'll still need her services.
Alan: Well, of course. Why would you ask that?
Hilda: Well, since miss lewis left with little emma, she just thought that...
Alan: Olivia's gone?
Hilda: Oh, dear. I thought it was strange, but she told me that you knew. She and emma are gone, sir.
Danny: Marina. I know you told me to leave you alone, but I got a phone call.
Marina: From who? Still. It doesn't mean you had to come here.
Danny: Well, I did. So... your eyes look red.
Marina: Yeah. Well, it's allergies, danny. Hello, pollen.
Danny: Marina, come on. I hate that you're upset and that I'm the reason. But really is staying away from each other the answer?
Marina: Yes. It is, danny, because I want space. Because you need it. Even though you may not think it's the best thing right now, it is.
Danny: Okay. You want space. How's this?
Marina: You're going to have to go further than that.
Danny: You know, I'll go to the edge of the universe if you'll just change your mind.
Coop: Don't you ever get tired of being offended by everything?
Lizzie: Don't you ever get tired of being offensive?
Coop: No, because you were wrong here, okay. I don't feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the way your family treats each other.
Lizzie: Well, you threw me a pretty party and everybody came. I can't wait to write this down in my journal. Find yourself another pet project. Come on, roxy. Let's go.
Coop: Lizzie, listen. Please? Okay.
Marina: Will you let her go, coop? Gosh, why are guys are so good at making up and being all wonderful after they've screwed up?
Coop: Can you please just stay out of this? And besides who are you to give advice, okay?
Lizzie: Don't talk to her like that. You're just kicking her heart after it's obviously been stomped on.
Danny: What? Excuse me?
Lizzie: You know what, danny? It's all obvious. I don't even know the details. You keep dragging your life around here like it's some ball and chain.
Marina: Oh. That's pretty good.
Lizzie: Yeah. And then here comes marina with the key to undo your shackles. What do you do? You make her cry. I'm completely on her side.
Coop: Wait. Her side? What are you talking about?
Lizzie: You know what? Coop, knowing you, lizzie probably deserves the benefit of the doubt here.
Coop: Wait. What the hell is going on here? Is this recess or something? Or is this boys against the girls?
Danny: Apparently.
Coop: Look, lizzie, I invited you here because I wanted you here, okay. Because you... because I need... ( laughs ) wow, is this hard. Look, what if I just wanted you here, okay? I wanted you to hang out, you know. Look nothing... everything aside... put the dog down. Just hang out with me for awhile. That's it.
Danny: Me, too. What do you say? Minus the stuff about the dog.
Alan: Olivia has taken emma and left?
Bill: Did she say where she went? Did she give you a clue? Anything at all?
Hilda: Nothing.
Bill: I got to find her.
Gus: Hey, bill. So what's up?
Bill: Get out of my way, aitoro.
Gus: Oh, I thought maybe olivia was bathing the baby. Or.. dad, listen...
Alan: Look...
Gus: I want to apologize for putting you...
Alan: I don't have time to discuss anything with you right now, because olivia has taken emma and they have left.
Gus: She skipped town because she doesn't want to go to jail.
Alan: Go to jail for what?
Gus: For killing your son. Olivia killed phillip.
Mallet: Okay, let's restrict that entire cell block and then I'll deal with the major infractions later, okay. Until then I don't want to be disturbed.
Guard: Okay, sir, but things are getting pretty tense in that block. Should I come back to...?
Mallet: Listen to me. I don't want to be disturbed, okay. Do you understand?
Guard: Sure.
Mallet: Okay.
Harley: Keeping me safe is getting harder and harder.
Mallet: I can handle it.
Harley: Mallet, I... i haven't even thanked you and you're going through all this trouble for me.
Mallet: Hey, I would think the earth has stopped spinning unless you were causing me a little trouble.
Harley: What does that mean?
Mallet: Well, no offense, but trouble is in your nature.
Harley: No, it isn'T.
Mallet: Should I run down the list?
Harley: What list?
Mallet: The list I keep in my head of all the things you've ever did.
Harley: You mean like the time that I slept with the tramp in the surveillance van. Oh, no, that's right. That wasn't me. That was you.
Mallet: Wow. You're a dirty fighter.
Harley: Well, you did it, didn't you?
Mallet: Yes, and i apologized.
Harley: And that's suppose to make everything okay?
Mallet: No.
Harley: You're damn right it doesn'T.
Mallet: Harley, I hate the fact that I hurt you. It made me physically ill. But you ran. You bailed on our marriage. You never gave me a second chance.
Harley: Maybe what I wanted was for you to come after me. If you wanted to feel like you were trying to get me back... that you stilled loved me. And I'll tell you something. In the end that what killed me. Your silence. You didn't call me, you didn't write me. Nothing.
Mallet: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? That's all I did.
Harley: Okay, now you're going to start lying. That's great.
Mallet: I wrote you till my fingers bled. I wrote you until I ran out of things to say. You ignored my letters.
Harley: What letters?
Mallet: My letters. All my letters. You must have them. The stack of my letters must be as thick as two phone books.
Harley: You wrote me letters?
Mallet: Did I write you? I begged you to please let me back into your life. What? Don't tell me you didn't get those letters?
Lizzie: Coming up on "guiding light"...
Vanessa: Well, why would olivia...
Bill: Don't go there, mom, all right.
Vanessa: You think she did it.
Mallet: And then I kept sending them every few days. And then after awhile it's one week.
Harley: Wait a minute. For how long?
Mallet: For how long? Well, after the first year or so.
Harley: For years? You wrote me letters for years?
Mallet: Yeah. oprah: In love with a child
Buzz: Can you stay with zach for a second? Do you mind?
Danny: Yeah. Sure. Hey, zach. How are you doing, buddy?
Zach: Good.
Danny: Good. What's going on?
Zach: Can you help me cut my burger?
Danny: Sure. You know, I do this for robbie, too.
Marina: My own grandfather is working against me.
Lizzie: How?
Marina: Well, he knows that danny is great with kids and he knows that I love the fact that danny is great with kids. So he sends zach in. No, I will not cave. And I really can't believe I'm talking to you about this.
Lizzie: ( Laughs )
Vanessa: Bill. Oh, good. Come here, honey. Quick.
Bill: Mom, what are you--
Vanessa: Hi. I know it's late at night, but i have been trying to reach your sister all day long. I can'T. Have you seen her?
Bill: Dinah. No, I haven'T. In fact, I'm looking for olivia. You didn't happen to run into her, did you?
Vanessa: No. Why?
Bill: Oh, well, she may have skipped town. Alan's son gus thinks she had something to do with phillip's murder.
Vanessa: What?
Bill: He said that she locked him up in some room because he was getting too close and too much. And then I go over to the spaulding mansion and the maid says that she left town with emma. I... I don't know.
Vanessa: Well, why would olivia--
Bill: Don't go there, mom.
Vanessa: You think she did it.
Alan: You really believe that she killed him?
Gus: Does that sound crazy to you?
Alan: No, but tell me why?
Gus: I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for throwing you in the room. I thought it was you but now i know it was olivia that put me there. I now know nobody would go through machinations and keep somebody prisoner unless they were guilty. Now she's gone and I'm asking for your help.
Alan: For phillip's sake or harley's?
Gus: For both. I know off problem with harley but the bottom line is you and alexandra drove me away. Whatever it is, we both want the same thing, right? To bring phillip's killer to justice.
Alan: You know I want justice for phillip. And you know also, gus, that i want you back in this family.
Gus: Well, thank you. As far as harley is concerned, okay, I love her and it's never going to change and when I clear her name I'm going to marry the girl and she's going to become a spaulding again. Look, you and I, we'll be fine as long as you don't stand in our way.
Alan: I'm not the one who will be standing in your way.
Mallet: Of course I wrote to you. I poured everything I had into those letters. Are you telling me you never read them?
Harley: I'm saying I never got them. Not one letter.
Mallet: Not one? I sent one right after our last phone call. And then I kept sending them every few days. And after a while it was one a week.
Harley: Wait a minute. For how long?
Mallet: For how long? Well, after the first year or so...
Harley: For years! You wrote me letters for years?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. At first I thought, well, she these some time. And then I didn't know what to think. Your silence just... it killed me.
Harley: Mallet, I... you know that I would have... I would have written you back. I would have answered you. At the very least I would have sent it back to you ripped to pieces.
Mallet: I don't understand. I don't get it. What happened?
Frank: I'm telling you, there must be some mistake, I know harley cooper's in this prison.
Guard: Warden, I keep trying to tell him....
Mallet: I've got it.
Frank: Mallet, I don't have time to play games. What is going on here? Mallet, what is going on?
Harley: Hi, frank.
Frank: Sis! Oh, my god.
Harley: It's so good to see you.
Frank: Are you okay? What's going on.
Harley: I'M... can we have a minute?
Mallet: Are you asking me to leave my office again?
Frank: Um, what's going on here? Is there something going on with you and mallet? Harley?
Harley: He's taking care of me, frank, but something did happen, the most incredible thing happened. We realize that after we broke up he wrote me letters and i never got them, frank. Can you imagine? I mean, it'S... it's this huge misunderstanding about our... breakup. Frank? Frank! Frank, you were the one who kept those letters from me?
Danny: All right. You go first.
Buzz: What are you doing?
Coop: Dad, say what you're doing to say about lizzie and leave it at that.
Buzz: I offered to help.
Coop: Nothing would have helped. I should haven't invited her in the first place.
Buzz: Go over there. Fly over there. Crawl over there. Use whatever pathetic tools you have to fix that.
Coop: Why doesn't she come over here?
Buzz: Enough! There are very few true accomplishments a man can claim in his lifetime. One of the most important is to be truly humble in front of a woman no matter who's at fault.
Coop: What are the other ones?
Buzz: Suck it up. She looks hungry. Start there.
Coop: Fine. Fine. Uh-huh. The truce? Look, I really want it to be okay.
Marina: Lizzie...
Lizzie: Is that there ketchup on the burger?
Coop: Do you like ketchup on your burger?
Lizzie: No.
Coop: Then why would you think I'd put ketchup on your burger?
Lizzie: That is so sweet!
Danny: Yeah, I know, zach. But you know what the problem is I don't know what to do with all this space between me and marina so much space.
Buzz: Sell it. Put a billboard there there's so much space.
Danny: There's so much space. There's so much space, zach, that I can't tell marina how special she is and how grateful I am that she's in my life and how sorry I am that I made her feel bad.
Buzz: This is such a sad story.
Danny: Isn't it? I know. But what can I do, buzz? Marina told know stay away?
Buzz: She told you to stay away and you're going to accept that? Why don't you go check in and come away understanding what "stay away" really means, you know? I've got to clean you up.
Bill: Of course that I don't want to believe olivia had anything to do with phillip's murder.
Vanessa: Well, of course not. But, you know, some mothers will do anything to protect their children. I mean, case in point. You know, what I did for dinah after she killed hart. Now I'm not... I... I don't knowing olivia well enough to know whether she would kill for her child, but the point is, honey, what will you do if she did?
Bill: I don't know. Maybe phillip got what he deserved. He push so many people, threatened so many people. I just wish she had come to me, that's all.
Vanessa: Well you can't wait for her to do that. You've got to go to her. You've got to let her know that she's not alone.
Alan: I spoke to A.C. Mallet, gus. You know he still loves harley very much. She's literally his captive audience as we speak.
Gus: I have faith in harley and in us. In fact, the matter is when things get even harder and more difficult I have even more faith. So what do you say? Can you stand helping me out with harley if it means getting to the truth?
Frank: That's right, harley. I intercepted the first letter that mallet sent you. I kept it from you.
Harley: Those were my letters!
Frank: Those letters would have hurt you, and you needed time to heal.
Harley: No, frank. I needed to fix things! Healing means fixing something. Salvaging something, like my marriage, frank! You couldn't just amputate this part of my heart. Yes, okay, yes, I needed to move on. But how am I supposed to do that without at least talking to that guy?
Frank: It worked, didn't it?
Harley: No, it didn'T. Because I am here! I am stuck in this place with him with all this unfinished business between us. I can't even talk about this with you right now. Let's just talk about what's really going on here.
Frank: Exactly what is going on here now? Why do the guards think you're not here?
Harley: Because I got transferred to hellis correctional.
Frank: That place is a war zone.
Harley: That's why he's working to get me out of here. But gus needs some piece of information to get me out.
Frank: Gus needs a lead, I'm on board.
Harley: No, thanks, frank, really, I think you've done enough.
Frank: You said this wasn't the time or place for this.
Harley: You don't feel bad. You're not going to say you're sorry, nothing.
Frank: I will never say I'm sorry for protecting you, ever.
Harley: I don't need your protection, frank.
Frank: You've never lived without it. Whether you admit it or not, somebody's always protected you from something whether it was me or gus or phillip or me.
Harley: Since I got here it hadn't been you protecting me or gus protecting me. No. The only person protecting me has been mallet.
Lizzie: I'm sorry for being a little mean to you earlier.
Coop: Apology accepted. And I know that it wasn't cool for making you feel like you were a charity case tonight.
Lizzie: I know you didn't mean to. It's just weird to be around a family that likes each other so much. My family's pretty low on the warm and fuzzy scale.
Coop: Well, you know you've always got a place here.
Lizzie: Well, like you have said, I do own the place.
Coop: No, I meant that you've always got a place here with me, you know, as friends.
Lizzie: Yeah, but, coop...
Coop: No, don'T. Please, you have to.
Lizzie: Seriously. Why would I say no to that? You're, like, my only friend besides roxy. Beggars can't be choosy.
Coop: Since when have spauldings ever had to beg.
Lizzie: Never. They don'T. What?
Coop: Nothing. I'm just thinking that you're a lot prettier when you're laughing. Right. Well, I tell you what? I'm going to get roxy some water. She's looking a bit thirsty.
Lizzie: Okay.
Buzz: Well, one down. One to go.
Marina: I can hear you.
Danny: Okay. This is as close as I'm gonna get. Not as close as I want to be, but...
Marina: I am standing by my decision, danny. I can't be with you until you take some time to decide if that's really what you want.
Danny: Are you telling me to take a timeout? Okay.
Marina: Danny, no. No!
Danny: You know I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to win you over. ( Laughs )
Buzz: You see hope is always out there, you've just got to go looking for it. Look.
Mallet: I'm sorry, guys, but frank, I've got to get you out of here now. We've got to keep harley hidden. People will start asking questions if they see you hanging around.
Harley: Frank, I love you.
Frank: Yeah, I love you, too. You'll be okay.
Harley: Tell gus what's happening, okay? Kiss the kids for me.
Gus: Can you stop working for a second, please, and just answer me?
Alan: You know, gus, maybe i was wrong about harley. And you know more than anything in the world I want to get to the truth.
Gus: Well, there's only one way to do that.
Alan: Find olivia.
Gus: Yeah. And work together.
Alan: Father and son.
Bill: Olivia, it's me. Listen, I don't know to what to say except come home. I don't know what you're running from. I don't know what you're afraid of. And I don't know what you've done. But I want you to know that I am here for you and I love you and I want you to come home.
Gus: I'm glad we're finally working together because i really think it's the only way to get harley out of prison. I'll be in touch.
Alan: There's more than one way to get harley out of prison. Yes, I'm looking for confirmation of my plan. My son wants harley out of prison and so do I. No, no, no. No, no. Because if my plan goes through, harley will be sent away someplace from which she will never ever return. Olivia, you're next.
Mallet: So you believe me now about the letters?
Harley: Oh, yes. I believe you.
Mallet: Okay.
Harley: As if my life couldn't get more complicated.
Mallet: It's okay. We can talk about it later. Why don't you get some rest?
Harley: I don't know if i could.
Mallet: No arguments, okay? I know how hard that is for you. All right. Close your eyes.
Harley: Mallet? Thank you for saving me.
Mallet: I'm sorry it had to come down to this. I just wish...
Next on "guiding light"...
Sandy: She doesn't use chocolate chips. She breaks bars and... hmm.
Tammy: I've been wanting to do that all day.
Jeffrey: Cassie? Hey...
Cassie: Oh!
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