GL Transcript Friday 5/6/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/6/05



By Boo

Dinah: Six glasses today. Six.

Cassie: How can alonzo take will from me now?

Edmund: You have to understand, cassie, will is the only heir to the throne.

Cassie: Why now, edmund? Why?

Edmund: I don't know.

Cassie: Okay, how can he take a child from his mother? How?

Dinah: What do you guys think about a movie? I can make some popcorn.

Edmund: I will not let will be taken from you. I won'T.

Dinah: Has anyone seen my vitamins?

Cassie: You know what? I'm going to talk to alonzo myself. I need to.

Dinah: Cassie.

Cassie: They're on the counter, dinah.

Dinah: Well, they're not there now.

Edmund: I'll help her look. Maybe they're upstairs.


Cassie: Hi.

Jeffrey: Alonzo's in D.C.

Cassie: Okay. Now?

Jeffrey: Yeah. He's meeting with some government officials there. But he can't fly out. Something about an electric storm. So if we start driving right now.

Cassie: Okay. I got to tell edmund.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Edmund: I heard. Cassie, you're not going anywhere.

Alan: Gus?! Gus?! Gus?! Let me out of here. Gus?! Gus?! Gus?! Let me out of here. Please.

Buzz: Gus? What happened?

Gus: That's all right. It doesn't matter. It's your daughter. She's in trouble.

Buzz: Lizzie, get a glass of water.

Mallet: Harley, come on. Wake up. Harley?

Harley: I'm awake.

Mallet: No, come on. You've suffered a concussion. You have to stay awake. Come on. You can't sleep. You can't sleep.

Harley: I won't sleep.

Mallet: Harley? Hey, hey, harley? Harley?

Harley: Ow! My head hurts. What happened?

Mallet: A couple of guards roughed you up pretty bad. But you're safe now.

Harley: You've always made me feel safe, haven't you?

Mallet: Not always.

Harley: No, you have. You've always made me feel safe. I missed you.

Mallet: I missed you, too.

Harley: I want to go home. Will you take me home, gus?

Buzz: You need to sit down.

Gus: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Cooper: Oh, yeah, I can see that. Want to go across the street see some doctors?

Gus: I'm not seeing any doctors. No, have you seen your daughter?

Buzz: Of course I have.

Gus: How is she?

Buzz: Well, she's okay as she can be. She asked to see you.

Gus: She did?

Buzz: Yeah, I've been looking everywhere for you? Where the hell have you been?

Gus: I was locked up.

Buzz: You've been, by whom?

Gus: Alan, he locked me up in the basement of spaulding.

Buzz: Why?

Gus: Because he doesn't want me working on your daughter's case.

Buzz: Alan locked his own son up?

Gus: Yes, he wants to keep me behind bars. Obviously.

Buzz: Oh, well, enough is enough.

Gus: Buzz, buzz, you don't have to bother. I'm ahead of you. I pulled a switch. He's in lock-up now.

Buzz: Well, good.

Lizzie: Come on!

Cooper: Hey, lizzie!

Lizzie: Come on, henry. I need your help. Come on.

Edmund: I'm the one who should be meeting with alonzo cassie. I've been speaking with him on the phone, I'm his ambassador, he's my brother. Makes sense that I continue the dialog personally.

Jeffrey: No offense, mr. Ambassador, but I think that cassie should be allowed to plead her own case being that will is her son.

Edmund: Well, thank your opinion, mr. O'neill. But you don't quite understand the situation.

Jeffrey: Well, what's to understand, mr. Ambassador. It's a mother's love for her son. Certainly the good prince could understand that.

Edmund: I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Cassie: Well, it should be that simple, edmund. Alonzo knows how much I love will.

Edmund: But it's not question of how much you love your son, cassie.

Cassie: No, it's a question of politics.

Edmund: Exactly.

Cassie: Well, you know what? Alonzo used to be my friend. And I think he'll listen to me.

Edmund: I don't mean to discourage you, cassie. It's just that a lot has changed since we last saw alonzo.

Cassie: He's that different?

Edmund: Well not just he, we. Our situation. Our living arrangements. Dinah.

Cassie: He knows about that.

Edmund: Well, I'm sure his advisors have been keeping abreast of the situation.

Cassie: Well, then there's even more of a reason for me to go down there and talk to him myself.

Jeffrey: All right, kids. Clocks ticking. Got to go.

Cassie: Jeffrey's right.

Edmund: I just wish you'd let me handle this.

Cassie: Well, I thank you for wanting to help me, edmund. But this is something I really need to do.

Edmund: All right, then we could wait till tomorrow morning.

Jeffrey: I'm afraid that's going to be too late.

Cassie: Edmund, I can use all the help I can get.

Edmund: Are you saying you want me to go with you?

Cassie: I'm saying I think we all should go.

Cooper: What makes you so

sure that your grandfather's

even down here?

Lizzie: Because gus said he

locked him up down here.

Cooper: Oh, after alan

locked him in?

Lizzie: Yes.

Cooper: All right.

Lizzie: Okay, we've got to find a light in this place.

Cooper: All right, lizzie, there's one thing I don't understand. I don't get this. I mean, why would he even do something like this in the first place?

Lizzie: Why does my family do half the crazy things they do?

Cooper: ( Laughs ) you're actually admitting that your family...

Lizzie: You quote me, I'm going to deny it.

Copper: Okay. All right. Wait. Here's the lights.

Lizzie: Oh.

Cooper: All right. That's better. So... now you're sure that this is the right place?

Lizzie: Yes, I'm sure.

Cooper: All right. So where is he?

Lizzie: Well, this is big building. There's lots of rooms.

Cooper: Okay.

Lizzie: What? Why are you looking at me like you don't believe me?

Cooper: I'm not so sure that I do believe you. That's all.

Lizzie: Why would I lie to you?

Cooper: Look, hey, you were the one that told me that your family sometimes has a tendency to do some crazy things.

Lizzie: You know, I wish you had been able to see gus. So you'd know I was telling you the truth. He was a mess. He hadn't taken a shower in weeks.

Cooper: This door is locked.

Lizzie: What are these?

Cooper: What are you doing?

Lizzie: I'm trying to figure this out, okay?

Alan: Someone... someone please let me out. Please?

Gus: I need to get to see her.

Buzz: They're not going to let you in.

Gus: Yeah. That's where you come in.

Buzz: It's going to take a lot more than my help to get you in that prison.

Gus: Do you believe in divine intervention?

Mallet: Harley, come on. Come on. Harley, wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Harley: Stop it. Stop. I want to sleep.

Mallet: Get with the program, cooper. You can't sleep.

Harley: My head is killing me.

Mallet: Well, that's what a concussion will do for you.

Harley: Oh, right. Yeah, remind me to give your staff an extra $100 bucks for christmas.

Mallet: Hey, at least they didn't knock out your sense of humor.

Harley: No, still have that. Still able to form a sentence. Those guys were pretty mad at me. I wonder why.

Mallet: ( Sighs ) here we go.

Harley: Oh, that's right. Because I warned you that if you fired that guard, he and his buddies would blame me.

Mallet: Yeah, you're right. You're always right, harley.

Harley: Even though I'm always right, I'd give anything not to be right this time. But we don't want to give the natives any other reason to be unhappy. Right?

Mallet: Where are you going? Whoa, whoa, where are you going?

Harley: I'm going back to my cell...

Mallet: No.

Harley: Because my lumpy old mattress is better than your stinky couch. And my roommate lena better company than you.

Mallet: Come here. Hey. Whoa, whoa. You're staying here.

Harley: Okay, but only for five minutes.

Mallet: No, you're going to stay here till a nurse calls me back and then you going to the infirmary.

Harley: ( Groans ) you know, I could wait in my car.

Mallet: Harley. Harley. Harley. Look at me. Hey, hey, look at me.

Harley: Shhh.

Mallet: Harley.

Harley: I just want to sleep.

Mallet: No, no, you can't sleep. Harley, look at me. Open your eyes.

Harley: Do I have to?

Mallet: You know you love this mug.

Harley: I'll look, but i don't have to like it.

Mallet: Just stay awake. ( Phone rings ) hello? Yeah. Oh, come on, you've got to be kidding me. No, no, no. It's all right. I can handle it. Thanks. Oh, man. That's just great. That's great.

Harley: Great.

Mallet: That's the infirmary. They don't have a bed.

Harley: No?

Mallet: No. A bunch prisoners came down with food poisoning.

Harley: That's nice. So what now?

Mallet: You're spending the night here with me.

Cassie: Jeffrey has the information about where alonzo is staying, edmund.

Jeffrey: That's right, and the contacts that will get you in.

Edmund: I am his ambassador.

Jeffrey: Well, mr. Ambassador, did you know he was staying in D.C.?

Edmund: Well, I hadn't heard yet but I'm sure I was going to.

Jeffrey: Right. Now, the storms are going to be causing problems with the flights so we'll take my van, okay?

Cassie: Okay, great.

Edmund: Why?

Jeffrey: Well, because your car has diplomatic plates. We want to surprise alonzo, remember?

Edmund: Oh. You're right.

Cassie: Then it's settled. We're not going to be going anywhere if I can't get in touch with mrs. Chitwood.

Dinah: Going on a road trip?

Cassie: Dinah.

Dinah: What should I pack?

Edmund: Dinah could stay with the boys.

Cassie: I don't think so.

Edmund: You're right.

Cassie: Mrs. Chitwood. Yeah, hi. It's cassie. How are you?

Dinah: Well, I don't think it would be a very good idea to leave me here alone. My parents could find out and whisk me away until the baby's born.

Edmund: You're right.

Cassie: Okay. She's going to stay with the boys.Ņi it's great, it's done.

Dinah: Where are we going?

Cassie: She's coming with us?

Edmund: Ross and vanessa.

Cassie: She's coming with us. All right. Go get packed.

Dinah: I will. But why don't you tell me where we're headed?

Jeffrey: We're going to D.C.

Dinah: Oh. For what occasion?

Jeffrey: To see a prince.

Dinah: Alonzo?

Edmund: Yes.

Dinah: Shotgun. Are we there yet? ( Laughs )

Lizzie: Granddad?

Alan: Eliz... elizabeth! Elizabeth, I'm in here. Let me out.

Coop: What's wrong with him?

Lizzie: He's claustrophobic.

Coop: Oh. Right. You happen to have the key, right?

Lizzie: Yes. Yes.

Coop: Well...

Lizzie: Granddad. Gus told me you locked him down here.

Alan: I didn't lock him in. I found him here and I let him out. Now just open the door and let me out of here.

Lizzie: What about harley?

Coop: What are you doing?

Alan: What about her?

Lizzie: Gus said that you did this on purpose so he couldn't prove her innocent.

Alan: Harley is guilty, damn


Now let me out.

Coop: Lizzie, come on.

Lizzie: Would you be quiet, please? Is it true? Did you do what gus said you did?

Alan: No, I just told you i didn'T.

Coop: Lizzie, you know what? This is ridiculous. Don't do this. This is painful to watch, okay? I can't listen to this anymore.

Lizzie: Okay, I know it is. That's why I'm not letting him out of here.

Buzz: Do you believe in divine incarceration? You could barely stand wn you walked in here. I mean, how are you going to...

Gus: Because when it comes to harley, there's not much I can't do.

Buzz: Yeah, me too.

Frank: See if you can get rid of those people.

Gus: Now you're talking.

Brisco: I didn't order that.

Buzz: It's on the house.

Brisco: Why?

Buzz: I'm a big supporter of our boys in blue. My son's a cop.

Gus: Sorry about that. Okay.

Brisco: I'm not a cop.

Buzz: But you do work at the state prison, though.

Brisco: Wrong. Got fired today.

Buzz: Oh, I'm sorry about that.

Brisco: I'm not. Hell, I'm celebrating.

Buzz: Celebrating for what?

Brisco: Why, you going to cut me off?

Buzz: No, I'm going to just have one with you.

Brisco: That damn warden thinks he's cleaning up the place.

Buzz: One of those guys, huh?

Brisco: Yeah. Thinks he's some kind of big crusader. Let me tell you something, he's got another thing coming.

Harley: Well, it'S... I just need to lie down and get some sleep.

Mallet: No. No sleep.

Harley: I am so tired.

Mallet: Well, you know what? That makes two of us.

Harley: Oh, good. Then let's take a nap.

Mallet: Stay here, stay here, stay here. No, no naps.

Harley: You and me.

Mallet: This way. This way. A little fresh air. Come on. Up, up. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Harley: Okay, you are really starting to get on my nerves now.

Mallet: Well, I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time. Actually, you know what? It's not the first time I've had to do this, either.

Harley: Do what?

Mallet: Keep you awake for your own good.

Harley: What are you babbling about?

Mallet: The weatherall case. Don't you remember? You chased after-- what was her name-- holly lindsay and her psycho boyfriend?

Harley: I cracked that case.

Mallet: You got yourself locked up in a root cellar. You would have frozen to death down there if I hadn't saved your butt.

Harley: As I recall, I have saved your butt many times.

Mallet: Uh, not that time you didn'T.

Harley, come on.

Imagine you're in... you're

lying on the beach, okay?

It's, like 90 degrees.

You're lying in the sun.


Harley, come on, come on.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.

Harley: This is nice.

Mallet: Yeah, yeah.

Harley: Even if I'm going

nuts, this is a nice way to go.

Mallet: ( Laughs )


Harley: I can't feel my feet.

Mallet: It's okay.

Harley: I feel cold.

Mallet: It's okay, we'll get

them warm.

We'll get them warm.

Harley: I feel like I'm

losing my mind.

Mallet: Now, listen to me.

Listen to me.

Help is on the way, okay?

Harley: No, it's not.

I'm going to die down here


Mallet: No, I'm not going to

let you die down here.

Help is coming.

Harley: No, it's not.

Shut up.

Hold me.

Mallet: Okay, yeah.

I am, honey, I am.

Harley: I'm so tired.

I have to go to sleep.

Mallet: No, no, no, no.

I know you're tired, but that's

how it gets to you, okay?

Now, whatever you do, you have

to stay awake, harley.

Harley, stay awake.

All right?

You've have to beat this thing.

Now, I know you've been down

before and you survived, okay?

You can do it again.


All right?

I'm right here.

I'm going to stay right here.

I'm going to stay here, I'm

going to help you, okay?

Help is on the way.

All right?

You've got to stay awake,



Stay awake.

Harley: I love you.

Coming up on "guiding light."

Gus: Do you know where she is? Because I went by her cell and she's not...

Lena: No. I haven't seen her since this morning, and... well...

Gus: Well what? What?

Lena: I mean, I could take you there. I just don't think you're going to like it very much.

Harley: Well, what was that? I mean, was that just some kind of thrill for you, punishing me like that in front of everybody?

Mallet: No, I didn't do it to punish you. I did it because I loved you. Oprah: Inside the secret lives of hoarders.

Buzz: Oh, gosh, so sorry. Oh, my goodness. Oh, look. Look, I...

Brisco: It's all right. You didn't get me.

Buzz: No, you got it all over.

Brisco: Where?

Buzz: My goodness, here it is. It's all over you. We've got to take this out to get it dry cleaned.

Brisco: It don't matter. I'm never going to wear it again. ( Laughs ) burn it.

Buzz: If you say so.

Brisco: You know what? You can have it, I don't want it. How about another, though?

Buzz: Well, sorry, we're closing up.

Brisco: Closing? The place is packed. Where'd everybody go?

Buzz: They ate and left.

Brisco: How long have I been in here?

Buzz: Oh, gee, a while now. Two or three hours. Maybe three hours.

Brisco: Are you sure?

Buzz: Oh, yeah.Lp

Brisco: Well, better call me a cab.

Buzz: Well, that's a good idea. I'll do that.

Gus: How'd you get that to happen?

Buzz: Divine intervention. Here. Take these. Go out the back way.

Gus: Thanks.

Buzz: Hey. You take care of our girl.

Dinah: Very good, thank you very much. I should have super-sized it.

Jeffrey: Don't tell me you're still hungry.

Dinah: Mm-hmm. I'm eating for two. Edmund? Can you hand me my pringles, please?

Edmund: Which flavor?

Dinah: I don't know. Surprise me.

Edmund: There you go.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) thanks. Okay. Jeffrey, try it. Try it.

Jeffrey: No, thanks.

Dinah: All right, cassie, did you ever have cravings like this when you had rj?

Cassie: Not like that. Hey, are you drinking your milk, dinah?

Dinah: Yes, I am. Yes, I am. You guys, how far until the next rest stop?

Cassie: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Dinah: Well, I might have to...

Jeffrey: We just stopped.

Dinah: I might have to go again.

Cassie: ( Sighs ) it's a few miles up. We'll stop again for dinah.

Jeffrey: ( Groans )

Dinah: Thank you.

Edmund: Dinah? May I have one of those, please?

Dinah: A pringle? Sure. Yeah. I didn't think you were much of a pringles kind of guy, though.

Edmund: Thank you.

Jeffrey: Once you've popped, you can't stop. ( Laughter )

Edmund: What's that supposed to mean?

Cassie: Never mind.

Dinah: Okay. You guys, seriously, how far is this trip going to be?

Jeffrey: Too far.

Dinah: Well, th isn't much help. ( Thunder crashes ) edmund, do you know?

Edmund: I have no idea. This is my first american road trip. These are good.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) okay. All right. Anyone have a preference? Music? ( Country music on radio ) okay, not that. ( Dance music on radio ) all right, not that. ( Laughs )

Cassie: Will you please stop it, dinah? Please.

Dinah: Well, if you wanted to be the copilot, you should have said something.

Cassie: I want some peace and quiet and you haven't stopped. ( Grinding noise )

Edmund: What was that?

Jeffrey: It's nothing.

Dinah: When was the last time you had the oil checked in this thing?

Jeffrey: The oil is fine, okay? ( Loud grinding noise )

Cassie: What's wrong with us?

Dinah: You guys? I think I really need that rest stop. Soon.

Lizzie: I'll let him out when I'm good and ready.

Coop: Let me see if i understand this, here. Your claustrophobic grandfather is locked behind this door right here and you want to leave him in there?

Lizzie: No.

Coop: No, but what, lizzie? I mean, look, I don't even like the guy, and I'm not even that cruel.

Lizzie: I'm not being cruel.

Coop: You're not. Well, then what would you call it?

Lizzie: I'm scared, okay?

Coop: You're scared.

Lizzie: My grandfather is out of his mind. He locked gus in the basement. It just reminds me so much of something that...

Coop: Something that your father would have done?

Lizzie: Yep, in the end he would have.

Coop: ( Sighs ) yes, that is pretty freaky.

Lizzie: Especially if gus is right about harley. What? Don't look at me like that. Anything is possible.

Coop: Wow.

Lizzie: What just makes me so mad is that it's like my granddad doesn't even care who killed my dad, just... he just wants someone to pay.

Coop: Yeah. That someone seems to be my sister.

Lizzie: Today, yeah. He's going to be so mad when we let him out of there.

Coop: Yeah, he is. But we have got to let him out of there. I mean, doesn't he have a heart condition?

Lizzie: Yeah. Here.

Alan: You.

Lizzie: No, wait. Don't touch him! I'll lock you back in there!

Alan: What did you say?

Mallet: Harley? You've got to ke up.

Harley: Well, your little walk down memory lane put me to sleep. It must not have been too exciting a story.

Mallet: No, I guess not.

Harley: Mallet, look. That was different, okay? We were different.

Mallet: Not so different. Don't you ever think about it at all?

Harley: What?

Mallet: Us. What it used to be.

Harley: No.

Mallet: Yeah. Me, either.

Harley: I want to go back to my cell.

Mallet: Okay. Okay, go back to your cell. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Ssh. I got you.

Harley: Why do I get the feeling that you are enjoying this?

Mallet: What kind of a feeling is it?

Harley: Don'T... don't do that, okay?

Mallet: Uh, do what?

Harley: The banter thing.

Mallet: Ah, you mean flirting for trying to keep you from lapsing into a coma?

Harley: That's just obnoxious. But you always were obnoxious.

Mallet: ( Laughs ) okay. Uh, like when?

Harley: Like when we were at the academy and you were my teacher.

Mallet: Yh?

Harley: Yeah. And you would always put me on the spot and you'd try to embarrass me. You were way too tough on me.

Mallet: I was. I was?

Harley: Yes. You were a jerk to me then, just like you're a jerk to me now.

Mallet: Well, I wasn't about to give you special treatment.

Harley: Well, what was that? I mean... was that just some kind of thrill for you, punishing me like that in front of everybody?

Mallet: No, I didn't do it to punish you. I did it because I loved you.

Lena: Hey, wait, wait, wait a minute. It is you.

Alan: Elizabeth, did I hear you just say that you would lock me back up in there?

Coop: She was upset, okay?

Alan: Not a word out of you, mr. Bradshaw. This is a family matter.

Lizzie: You were out of there for two seconds and you were going to hurt someone. What is wrong with you?

Alan: Nothing is wrong with me now; I am out of there. But you tell me why, when I was hollering for you, you would not open the door.

Lizzie: I'm sorry.

Alan: I know why. Because he put you up to it, that's why.

Lizzie: No! It was me, okay? I did it because I was scared to death. I was scared of you. I mean, you locked gus in that basement...

Alan: I told you, I'm not the one who locked gus in there, elizabeth.

Lizzie: ( Exasperated sigh ) this is ridiculous. No wonder everybody hates us; we hate each other.

Alan: Nonsense. I know why you're doing this. You're doing this all because of him, isn't that right? Admit it.

Lizzie: You know what? You're right. And it's about time. You know what? Somebody had to showur family what they were doing, and I'm glad coop opened up my eyes.

Alan: You don't mean that, elizabeth.

Lizzie: I do mean that. I don't want to end up like dad. Or like you.

Harley: Do you have any coffee?

Mallet: It makes you uncomfortable.

Harley: Prison coffee? Well, you know, it's not always pleasant, but...

Mallet: No, I mean when i talk about our past.

Harley: Uncomfortable, no. Angry maybe.

Mallet: Is that all?

Harley: Most of the time.

Mallet: Well, what about the rest.

Harley: Why are you doing this?

Mallet: Because I don't like lying.

Harley: Well, that is pretty funny coming from you, now.

Mallet: See, that's what I'm talking about. You say over and over again that the past means nothing to you, that you've moved on, and then every time I bring our past up, you look like you're going to rip my eyes out. That's not moving on.

Harley: Then what is it?

Mallet: That's raw. That's still hurting.

Harley: You sure about that?

Mallet: Hell, yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Harley: Well, you said... you said that you were hard on me when I was in the academy because you loved me. Why are you being so tough on me now?

Lena: Wait. You were the guard that told me my daughter was visiting today. I just... is she here yet?

Gus: Well, actually I just got that call. I was on my way to get you.

Guard: She's supposed to finish up in the laundry.

Gus: I got special orders from the warden himself.

Guard: But visiting hour time ended an hour ago.

Gus: Yeah, I know, I know, i know. But it'S... what can I say? Special orders.

Guard: Do I know you?

Gus: Well, no. Augustino. I juts got transferred two days ago from jackson.

Lena: Could we go? I'm a little anxious.

Gus: Yes, absolutely. You know what? I'll take it from here. Thanks.

Lena: Thanks. Quite an outfit.

Gus: Yeah.

Lena: How'd you get it?

Gus: Who are you?

Lena: Oh, harley and I are roomies. I've seen your picture. You don't smell so good. You know you're actually cuter in person.

Gus: Wait, wait, wait. She's got a picture of me?

Lena: Yeah, of course. She loves you.

Gus: Well, do you know where she is, because I went by her cell and she's not...

Lena: Oh. No, I haven't seen her since this morning and... well...

Gus: Well, what? What?

Lena: I mean, I could take you there. I just don't think you're going to like it very much. Come on.

Cassie: Do you have a signal?

Edmund: Nothing. Dinah?

Dinah: Uh-uh. Sorry.

Edmund: Why did I ever allow him to drive us in this pimp- mobile?

Dinah: ( Laughs ) pimp-mobile? Well, who knew?

Cassie: Come on, guys. It's not jeffrey's fault.

Edmund: It most certainly is.

Dinah: You guys, did I drop my beef jerky on the floor back there? Have you seen it?

Cassie: Come on.

Edmund: Cassie, I will get you to alonzo, I promise. Now, let me talk to jeffrey.

Cassie: No, no. I'm going to talk to jeffrey. I don't want to hear anything else she has to say.

Dinah: Come on, you don't want us to get to dc tonight.

Edmund: No, but nor do I want to spend the night with the likes of jeffrey o'neill.

Dinah: What you really mean is you don't want cassie to spend the night with the likes of jeffrey o'neill.

Edmund: No, what I mean is we're going to go for help.

Dinah: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We, who?

Edmund: Cassie and I, of course.

Dinah: No. You're not going to keep me alone here with jeffrey.

Edmund: You'll be fine.

Dinah: No. You know how he is. He's going to start asking me questions.

Edmund: Questions?

Dinah: Yeah, questions about will, about what you've been saying about alonzo. Those kinds of questions.

Edmund: Are you threatening me, dinah?

Dinah: Listen, you know how suspicio jeffrey is, especially of you.

Edmund: Don't play games with me.

Dinah: I am hormonal, and i cannot control what comes out of my mouth all the time, but I am not going to blow your cover. How's it going over here?

Jeffrey: It'S... it's nothing but I think I might have to go get some help.

Cassie: Well, you can't go by yourself, jeffrey.

Dinah: Well, I'll go with him.

Cassie: No, you're not going to go with him. You're pregnant. You need to stay here, keep your feet up. You need to rest, okay? I will go with him.

Edmund: Absolutely not.

Jeffrey: Well, what do you suggest, edmund? That we leave the girls here all by themselves?

Cassie: I will be fine, okay? There was a rest stop a few miles back. Come on, let's go.

Jeffrey: Don't worry, edmund. I won't let anything happen to her.

Cassie: Let's just do this.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Dinah: Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun. This is going to be good. Any more pringles?

Coop: Why didn't you wait for me?

Lizzie: Because.

Coop: Because why?

Lizzie: Never mind. Just leave me alone, okay?

Coop: Here. Lizzie, just take it.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Coop: Listen, I'm sorry about all that back there.

Lizzie: Why are you sorry? For the first time, you actually didn't do anything wrong.

Coop: I don't know. I just felt bad for you.

Lizzie: You don't have to pretend with me, coop. I know what you're thinking.

Coop: What am I thinking?

Lizzie:Hat I'm going to end up just like them, like my family. Who knows? Maybe I will.

Coop: Lizzie, look at me. You don't have to be like them.

Alan: It's time. Harley cooper needs to disappear.

Harley: Why are you here?

Mallet: It's my office.

Harley: Why are you here-- in this prison, where I am now?

Mallet: Does it matter?

Harley: Yes. I don't know. Does it?

Mallet: Not as long as you're safe. Listen, harley, that's all i ever wanted. All right, all I wanted was to be able to keep you... harley? Harley?

Harley: What? What?

Mallet: Come on, stay with me here. Come on, stay awake.

Harley: Mallet, I am not kidding. I need to sleep.

Mallet: No. No. No, no, no, no. You're not in the clear yet.

Harley: Can't I at least rest my eyes?

Mallet: That sounds like cheating to me.

Harley: ( Laughs ) I won't sleep, I promise.

Mallet: All right. Why do you always get what you want?

Harley: I'm not sleeping.

Mallet: I'm not asleep either. ( Door slams shut ) not anymore.

Next, on "guiding light."

Gus: Alan locked me in a boiler room at spaulding.

Harley: Your father is crazy. Who does that?

Gus: He doesn't want me working on your case. He doesn't want me to clear your name. It's you he's after, not me, and I think he can do it from in here.

Marina: Don't worry about rushing things on my account, okay? I'm not going anywhere.

Danny: Are you sure?

Marina: I promise.

Danny: Sounds good.

Marina: Okay.

Cassie: We're never going to make it.

Jeffrey: Well...

Cassie: We're never going to make it in time to catch alonzo.

Jeffrey: Hey, I'm not going to let you lose him.

Cassie: So, let's go. Ow.

Jeffrey: Oof. Oh.

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