Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/4/05
By Boo
Reva: Look at you. Solid. Reliable. Old. We're moving in a new direction. We're looking for something newer, sleeker, not so many miles on it. ( Mirror breaks )
Josh: Reva? What are you doing? Was there some kind of an accident here?
Reva: No. I, um... uh...
Josh: Whatever it is, reva, you can tell me. You know that.
Reva: I was clipped. A car came out of nowhere, did this and just drove off.
Josh: Okay. I'm glad you're all right.
Cassie: Well, you know what, you don't have to be here. Edmund and I can handle it because you... you know, I just can't keep asking you to spend your time trying to help me.
Jeffrey: Cassie, you know, maybe one day you'll come to me not just because you need my help but, I don't know, just because you want to.
Cassie: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: But until then, I'm going to help, okay, because i said I would. And I also said that if I found out anything, some information about alonzo, I would tell you. And I have.
Edmund: Of course, alonzo, of course. Will is your son. No, no, no.
Dinah: Wow, interesting conversation.
Edmund: Was it?
Dinah: Yeah. It was kind of funny. I mean, one minute you were sounding like you were saying to alonzo that you were going to fight to the end to make sure that cassie's son stays here, and then it sounded like you were on his side. It almost sounds like alonzo really isn't onboard with the first part.
Edmund: Stay out of it, dinah.
Dinah: You know, I'm a part of this odd little family now, edmund, so I'd like to know what's what.
Edmund: Leave it alone, dinah, and cassie will not lose her son.
Dinah: I know what you're doing. You're making this problem real bad so you can save the day. Quite a hero.
Bill: Hey, that's my job.
Olivia: Hey.
Bill: My goodness, I'm an animal. I'm sorry. What...
Olivia: No, you didn't do this. It's nothing.
Bill: Well, now I'm curious.
Olivia: Really, it's nothing. I'd rather talk about what did happen last night.
Bill: Yeah, me too.
Olivia: So, was that a new beginning for us or...
Bill: Well, I think it's a start.
Olivia: Look, I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I really want to make up for them. And I know I've made things difficult for myself, but i really believe that with your help, I can find my way out.
Gus: How's your leg, you sick freak? Did I scare you? ( Knocks on door ) open the door, I want to talk to you. I know that you killed phillip. And you know that you can't keep me in here forever. ( Breathes hard ) feel my breath on your neck? When I get out of here, I'm going to spend the rest of my life hunting you down.
Josh: Have you been drinking?
Reva: The car was here in the garage. I wasn't in it when this happened.
Josh: I'm not suggesting that this was your fault. It's just that I don't think a broken mirror is what's got you so upset, is it? There's something else.
Stephanie: We've decided to
take your show in a new
We're going to have to let you
Reva: Something happened at work.
Josh: Let me guess: Alan spaulding pulled the plug on one of your show topics.
Reva: Well, you know, I mean, I fought the good fight, but that's enough. I've had it, you know. I quit.
Josh: Terrific.
Reva: It is?
Josh: That's great, yeah. Think about it. You're free now. We can do whatever we want. We can sleep late, we can go out to breakfast, then go to an afternoon movie, maybe get in on a senior discount.
Reva: What?
Josh: It's a joke, sorry. If anything, it'll be just the opposite. We'll be like little kids, like we're playing hooky, reva. We can do whatever we feel like doing.
Reva: What if I want to just keep doing what I've been doing.
Josh: I thought you said you were sick of the struggle.
Reva: Well, I am, but that doesn't mean that I'm ready to go riding off into the sunset, you know? In fact, I left there so quickly that, you know, I didn't have the chance to tie up loose ends, you know? I need to make sure that things are left in the right hands, you know? You can understand that, can't you?
Josh: Yeah. I'll tell you what, I'll take care of this. You go on and wrap up what you need to at work and then call me, okay?
Reva: Fine.
Josh: Honey? You okay?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah. I am. It's just... I'm wired, you know? That's the bourbon. ( Laughs )
Josh: Uh-huh.
Reva: But don't you worry. Nothing this kid can't handle. Senior discount. I don't think so.
Sebastian: Aw. Has anyone ever told you what a delightful couple you make? ( Laughs ) I'm glad I've bumped into you kids.
Bill: Well, I get the feeling it wasn't by accident.
Olivia: What do you want?
Sebastian: Gus. Have any of you seen him?
Olivia: No. I can't say that I have.
Bill: No, me neither. Why? What's going on?
Sebastian: Well, junior seems to have gone missing.
Bill: What do you mean, he's missing?
Sebastian: No one's heard or seen from him in days.
Olivia: Well, why would i know? I'm not his social director. I'm not even his friend. Look, I can take an educated guess. Maybe you should go up to the state prison. He's probably camped out front waiting for his next visit with harley.
Sebastian: All right. Thanks for the input.
Olivia: I don't trust him.
Bill: Well, I don't either. What about me, huh? Do you trust me?
Olivia: It's not you, it's me. I'm just trying to get out of this hole that I'm in.
Bill: Okay, listen to me...
Olivia: You have no idea...
Bill: Listen to me. You don't have to sell me, okay? I know you're tough and ambitious and a little paranoid. But deep down, you're what we lewises call "good people."
Olivia: Do you really think I'm good?
Bill: Well, I wouldn't be with you if you weren'T. Why? Don't you think you're good?
Olivia: I just remembered that I have to go back to spaulding to take care of something, okay?
Bill: All right. Well, fine. I'll go with you.
Olivia: No, it's okay. I... I'll do it quick and then I'll come back and we'll just pick up where we left off, okay? Okay.
Bill: Okay.
Edmund: I don't have to defend myself to you, dinah.
Dinah: Okey-dokey, artichokey.
Edmund: Do you think i concocted this entire crisis? Alonzo summoned will back to san cristobel. That wasn't my idea.
Dinah: Just a lucky break, huh? Edmund, come on. Who are you trying to kid? We both know that everything you're doing, you're doing to get cassie back.
Edmund: She's my wife.
Dinah: Yeah. And you've been good. You've been good. I have to give you some credit. I thought, actually for about five minutes, you were going to get on that plane and fly away and leave cassie and me to deliver the child by ourselves in this world.
Edmund: But I stayed. I stayed. She asked for my help. I said yes. That's it, end of story, simple as that.
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And you know what? I think it'S... I think it's kind of noble, the way you've laid this whole thing out. I mean, you hold her hand, telling her you're going to move heaven and earth to keep her son here, and in the meantime, you're making sure that alonzo is still putting on the pressure. I think it's perfect, actually, the way it's working out. It's going to be a glorious opportunity for you to show her how much you care for her.
Edmund: I'm trying to help her, dinah. I'm trying to help her.
Dinah: Help her? No. You're helping yourself. And I wonder if she's going to appreciate how much you're milking this problem, you know, to the fullest. Using her son just to get her back.
Cassie: Look, jeffrey, why don't you just go, okay? I can handle this. I can't make you any promises.
Jeffrey: Well, just try being honest, cassie. That's the only promise that i would ask you to make is that you be honest with yourself.
Cassie: I can't do this.
Jeffrey: Hey, look. The important thing is that we keep will here, right?
Cassie: Yes.
Jeffrey: Okay, so let me tell you what I know. I got in touch with my contacts in washington. I called in a few favors and they discovered that alonzo was trying to call in a few favors of his own, trying to get help just in case you refused his request to send will back.
Cassie: From the government?
Jeffrey: The good news is that we have advance warning and three things that alonzo doesn't have.
Cassie: Okay, what?
Jeffrey: Motherhood, the flag and apple pie.
Cassie: Thank you. You know, you really are such a good friend. I can't tell you how much that means to me.
Dinah: Jeffrey, what a nice surprise.
Edmund: So, what brings you here, mr. O'neill?
Cassie: Jeffrey found out that alonzo has put pressure on the officials in washington to take will from me if I refuse to give him up.
Jeffrey: Yeah, apparently he's trying to make a federal case out of it, literally.
Dinah: That's terrible.
Jeffrey: But the good news is that now that we know that alonzo is willing to bring in the big guns, we can assemble a team of our own heavy hitters to help cassie fight for her rights with will.
Edmund: Yes, we can do all this.
Cassie: Edmund, jeffrey can help.
Edmund: Of course. That's very generous of you, mr. O'neill, and of course the only thing that matters right now is helping will.
Jeffrey: I'm so glad you agree.
Dinah: You know, jeffrey is not the only person who has contacts in high places. I mean, edmund here is the ambassador of san cristobel.
Edmund: Dinah.
Dinah: What? You are a heavy-hitter yourself. I just saw you in action.
Cassie: What do you mean, you just saw him in action.
Dinah: Edmund, don't be modest. Come on. Tell them.
Cassie: Wait a minute. I didn't get to hear the end of that conversation. What were you guys saying, edmund.
Edmund: Cassie, there's really nothing to report.
Dinah: Don't be modest, edmund. You were wonderful. Now, come on. Tell them. If you won't, I will.
Reva: Whew.
Bill: Well, what is a gorgeous babe like you doing all alone?
Reva: Waiting for guys like you to try out their lamest lines on me.
Bill: I'm serious. Where's josh? Doesn't he know not to leave you unattended?
Reva: You are doing wonders for my ego.
Bill: Well, you know, I'm just calling it like it is.
Reva: But no, I am flying solo tonight. By choice.
Bill: By choice?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Is something going on?
Reva: You mean something bad?
Bill: Well...
Reva: Oh, no, no, no, no. I quit my job today. That's good. That's a very, very good thing.
Bill: Reva, I had no idea. Are you sure you...
Reva: Hey. You know what? Get that tone out of your voice and that look off your face. I am fine. I am finer than fine. So you just go on and take off. Go on, little boy, you take off. I'm sure you've got better things to do than baby-sit your auntie reva. In fact, I would prefer to be alone tonight.
Bill: ( Laughs ) oh, is that right? Behave yourself. And have fun.
Reva: I always do. Oh. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was drinking shots of bourbon before.
Bartender: I know. Compliments of the gentleman at the bar.
Reva: What gentleman at the bar? "We can do whatever you want." ( Laughs ) joshua lewis, you sly dog, you.
Sebastian: A man of many talents. Hey, joshua. Good to see you again.
Josh: Something tells me this is more of a follow-up meeting than a chance encounter.
Sebastian: ( Laughs ) caught me. I was wondering if you've given any more thought to that little discussion that blake and I had with you.
Josh: Yeah, see, here's the thing. I don't think that at this time I really want to commit anything to a fight with alan spaulding.
Sebastian: What if I told you the fight's already begun?
Josh: How is that?
Sebastian: Well, I just bumped into your nephew and his lovely bride.
Josh: And?
Sebastian: Bill heads up lewis construction and olivia, a spaulding president while she's sharing his bedroom. Do you really trust her in that sensitive position?
Josh: ( Laughs )
Sebastian: ( Laughs )
Josh: Let me give you a word of advice, okay? Manipulation is much more effective when it's subtle.
Sebastian: Why bother with subtlety. You'd see through it anyway.
Josh: Yes, I would.
Sebastian: Well, you just give us a call if you are interested in protecting your interests. And don't worry, from now on I'll leave the motivation up to you, okay? Good-night.
Gus: Can't go to sleep. Can't go to sleep. I have to stay strong.
Stay focused.
Stay strong.
Do it for harley.
Do it for her.
Bill: Okay, so you're tough and ambitious and paranoid. But deep down, you are what we lewises call "good people."
Olivia: Gus? ( Distorted ): You've been in
there long enough. ( Normally ): This has got to end. Tonight. Right now.
Coming up on "guiding light."
Olivia: You've brought this on yourself, gus! Because you just can't let go, can you?
Reva: Room service! Your order's here. Get it while it's hot.
Cassie: Edmund, did something happen in the conversation with alonzo that you don't want to tell me? What's going on?
Edmund: I really don't want to get into this now.
Cassie: Why don't you want to get into it now?
Jeffrey: No time for secrets, edmund.
Edmund: There's no secret. He pressured me, I pressured him, he wouldn't cave, that's it.
Jeffrey: Hm. Well, dinah seems to be suggesting that there was more to it than that.
Cassie: Yes, dinah, is there?
Dinah: Well, I think jeffrey's right. We don't need to keep secrets, especially with will's future at stake. He had a conversation with the prince. He basically said "secure my son, make sure you get him back and if not, there are consequences."
Cassie: What did... what did you say?
Dinah: He told him off. He told him that he was going to be with you and he was going to stay with you, and that's it. He risked his entire career for you and will.
Cassie: Is that true?
Edmund: Alonzo was bluffing, of course. He thought I'd give in. I didn'T.
Dinah: Isn't he something?
Cassie: Thank you, edmund.
Dinah: Well, edmund did it. He proved that some things are worth fighting for. It's just how you do it. Ugh. Ow.
Cassie: Are you okay? Is there something wrong with the baby?
Dinah: No. I just have a craving for something. I'm going to go out and get my own thing. Can I get you anything, cassie? What the heck am I talking about? You're a girl with everything. Not just one hero, but two. Hello. Get me one of those and you can turn the other way.
Bill: Not a chance. Get her a milk. In fact, make it a double.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) milk?
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: What?
Bill: You're carrying a baby.
Dinah: Yeah, I know that. That's generally what pregnancy means.
Bill: Yeah, well, why blake? Why is she the one who had to tell me this? And I'll tell you, when she did, I literally fell out of my chair and I wasn't even sitting down. It's true.
Dinah: ( Blows raspberry ) now, okay, look. If you have a lecture cooking, you can let that go, because mom and ross, they filled the quota.
Bill: Oh, yeah, I'm sure they did. I'm sure they did. But I have no lecture. There's no need for me to tell you how nutty this whole thing is. I mean, you really think that it's going to work out all right?
Dinah: Look, bill, I was this close. Edmund was ready to leave the country, I was waiting on the plane to go with him. If we had taken off, I would have had him. I know it.
Bill: Dinah, do you really think that cassie would let you leave with edmund and her baby?
Dinah: Bill, she does not love him, not the way I do. I want him for who and what he really is.
Bill: I wish I could find comfort in that. Really. Dinah, I would try to talk you out of it if I could, but it's too late. Okay? But I want you to know whatever happens, I'm going to be here for you. Okay? But before you do something... something else crazy, will you at least come talk to me. Talk to me.
Dinah: Okay, I will. Okay.
Bill: Please? Will you? All right? Please.
Dinah: I will. Now.
Bill: Hm?
Dinah: A bottle of wine for olivia? Are you two back together?
Bill: Uh, well, not exactly. But we're not exactly apart, either.
Dinah: Okay, could you please explain that a little bit further?
Bill: We hit rock bottom is basically what happened. But things are starting to look up. I mean, you know olivia. She has such a hard time trusting and understanding that I am on her side. But I think... I think she's really starting to come around.
Gus: What are you going to
do, kill me?
The way you killed phillip?
What are you waiting for?
Olivia: I can open this door and I can let you out of here, but you have to do one thing.
Gus: You want me to beg you? Hm? Grovel?
Olivia: ( Distorted ): Just
get on with your life.
Just forget about phillip's
Gus: You mean forget about harley, right?
Olivia: It's what she wants. Isn't it? Harley cooper has accepted her fate and if you loved her as much as you say you do, you would accept it. You would just leave her in peace.
Gus: You don't know the first thing about love.
Olivia: I know about love and all the crazy things it can make you do. Maybe too much. ( Sobbing ) see? If I didn't have so much to lose, if I didn't care so much, I would never, ever...
Gus: What, you wouldn't do something crazy like lock somebody up? Or kill somebody? Hm?
I'm the one who's desperate.
You're the one who's trapped.
Reva: Room service! Your order's here. Get it while it's hot. So, is that the way you're going to play it, bud? ( Laughs ) okay, you're on. ( Romantic music playing ) ready when you are, jl. ( Gasps ) who the hell are you?
Reva: You're in the wrong room, whoever you are.
Nate: I hate to contradict a beautiful woman when she's in my bed, but this is my room. You can check with the front desk.
Reva: But I was at the bar. And my husband sent me a drink and a room key and a note.
Nate: Suggesting we can do whatever we want.
Reva: Did you see him write it?
Nate: No. As a matter of fact, I wrote it. Your husband and I must share similarly dirty minds. I'm nate. Welcome to my bed. You're a rough one, considering. Look, why don't we just start over?
Reva: We can start over. You can clear out before I call security.
Nate: And tell them to kick me out of my own room?
Reva: Good point.
Nate: Look, um...
Reva: Reva.
Nate: Reva. This is obviously a case of crossed wires, mixed messages, that sort of thing. You thought I was your husband and I thought you were looking for something else. Wishful thinking, perhaps. We both got it wrong. I'm terribly sorry about the misunderstanding, no harm done, amusing anecdotes all around. And I'll let you get dressed.
Reva: Wait.
Nate: Rethinking the security idea?
Reva: We'll see. I have a question for you. You see a girl in a bar, you send her a drink and a room key and a note, and you just expect her to show up in your room?
Nate: Call me an optimist.
Reva: ( Laughs ) why am I laughing? I'm half-naked in your bed.
Nate: See, a pessimist would say "half-dressed."
Reva: I have another question.
Nate: Lucky me.
Reva: Isn't a little bit unusual, you know, to see a girl at a bar and invite her up to your room before you've even really met her? I mean, there are customs, right? I mean, you have conversation first. You ask her what her sign is, what her favorite color is.
Nate: No offense, but your sign and your favorite color, i really couldn't give a toss about either. It's a waste of time, all this small talk. Time that could be better spent on-- ooh- comfortable beds here, no?
Reva: ( Laughs ) I hadn't noticed. Nate, right? Nate. I have to say that I admire your guts.
Nate: You're the first woman in my bed to ever tell me that she admires me.
Reva: What do they usually say?
Nate: Well, why do you ask?
Reva: Never mind. I really should be going.
Nate: I figured you might. You don't just wear a wedding ring. You're one of the few people that really acts married.
Reva: Well, i am married. Happily.
Nate: Well, for the record, I'm sorry I'm not your husband. But I'm not sorry I sent you the room key.
Cassie: Okay, this is awkward. We know it's awkward. The three of us have been through some things, but we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for will, facing a serious threat from alonzo.
Jeffrey: Well, that's why I'm here.
Cassie: Well, that's why you're both here. It's very important to me that you're both here because it means that you both care about my son. So can we please focus on keeping will here with me and just forget about everything else right now? Please?
Jeffrey: We're adults. I think we're capable of working together.
Cassie: Okay. So, where do we go from here? What do we do?
Edmund: We turn up the heat on alonzo.
Jeffrey: I agree. So, I'll work on my contacts in washington, see what they can discover about alonzo's maneuverings.
Edmund: And I can work on things on the san cristobel end.
Jeffrey: Okay, so here's to keeping that boy right here where he belongs.
Edmund: That's exactly what i intend to do.
Jeffrey: I'm glad you agree.
Cassie: I have to say, for the first time I think I am going to agree with dinah. I am really lucky to have both of you on my side.
Jeffrey: Well, you must be very tired also. It's been a long day, so I guess I'll be going.
Edmund: Of course. We'll be in touch.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Sleep well.
Cassie: I'll walk you out.
Gus: What's the matter? You can't handle the truth? You've already lost. You can't win.
Olivia: Shut up!
Gus: No matter what happens
to harley or what you do to me,
you'll never be able to get
away with this.
Olivia: Stop! You don't understand. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a bad person. You brought this on yourself, gus! Because you just can't let go, can you? ( Distorted ): You're just like
your brother phillip was.
Just... ( normal voice ): Even if everyone told him to, he just kept pushing and pushing and pushing! And you saw what happened to him!
Reva: You know what's reay's bizarre about all of this, is that my nephew was in that bar and he saw me drinking alone and he was concerned that I was going to do something to embarrass myself.
Nate: You? It's hard to imagine.
Reva: ( Laughs ) but I did embarrass myself. I do it all the time, though. If I got paid for it, it would be one hell of a career. ( Laughs )
Nate: You have a great laugh.
Reva: Yeah. I haven't had much to laugh about lately. Especially today.
Nate: What?
Reva: The short version? There's this girl who is barely old enough to even wear eye shadow? She thought that television journalism was about "mtv news." She sent me to the glue factory.
Nate: Well, that's the difference between girls and women.
Reva: What? Kids don't have cellulite or a conscience?
Nate: Kids don't have class. Or beauty. Or substance.
Reva: Say that again.
Nate: Women-- adult women-- have class and beauty and substance. When you go home, you tell that husband of yours that he's a lucky guy, because the next time I find myself in a hotel room with you, I might not be such a gentleman.
Reva: Who said anything about going home? The night's still young.
Josh: "This severance check confirms that your services have been terminated by the management, effective immediately."
Jeffrey: Whiskey, neat. Make it a double.
Dinah: Aw.
Jeffrey: Whiskey, neat. Make it a double.
Dinah: Aw. Does somebody need a hug?
Jeffrey: Not from you, i don'T.
Dinah: Wow, it's really that bad. Well, hang in there. Just remember that love chooses you so you really have no choice.
Jeffrey: I didn't know you could get drunk off of a glass of milk. Well, I haven't seen eddie boy and cassie as close as this in a long time.
Dinah: For now. There's something that you don't understand about the phone call that edmund made to alonzo.
Jeffrey: What about it?
Dinah: Let's just say that edmund is going to do what he has to do, and I think that we both know he's going to use this emergency to make sure that he has cassie where he wants her.
Jeffrey: All I want is to help cassie hang on to her son.
Dinah: Jeffrey, come on. You know more about san cristobel and more things about how it works better than anyone, including edmund. Now, use that. Make sure that will stays with cassie before edmund even finds a way to do that. And you solve a crisis and you get to live the dream. It's really simple. If you are man enough to do it.
Edmund: Edmund winslow. Put me through to alonzo, please. Will, buddy. Hey. What's the matter? Oh, no, did you have another bad dream? Did your bear have a bad dream? Okay, well, let's sit down. Let's sit down because fortunately the best way to get rid of a bear's bad dream is to tell a good story about a bear. Okay? Let me think. See if I can think of any good stories about... oh, bebo the bear. This is the story of bebo the bear. Bebo, more than anything in the world, wanted his own family. But bebo was kind of different from all the other bears and he was afraid that he'd never have any friends, that he'd be alone his whole life, and that's how kind of things were going. Until one day, bebo met a lady bear, and the lady bear loved bebo very much and then the lady bear married bebo and they had lots of kids, cute little kids named will, all of them named will. And bebo finally had his family. Close your eyes. Close your eyes.
Olivia: I'm going to give you one more chance. All you have to do is just forget about phillip's murder and I will let you out, and i won't hurt harley. But I'm warning you, you are running out of time and so is she.
Next, on "guiding light."
Harley: Gus could be in real trouble so pick up the phone and call alan.
Mallet: Gus is not my priority right now, okay? You are.
Reva: I've still got it, so life's not so bad after all.
Josh: So what happened? What finally changed your mind?
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