Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/26/05
By Boo
Cassie: Dinah! You’re supposed to be drinking these, not hiding them.
[knock on door]
Cassie: Hi
Edmund: hello
Cassie: Thanks for coming.
Edmund: thanks for calling me.
Cassie: okay, well you know we need to get a few things straight.
Edmund: all right, what ever you need. Whatever I can do to get us back on track.
Cassie: that’s um, that’s not what I’m talking about.
Edmund: all right, then that’s not something I’m necessarily thinking.
Cassie: the boys are coming back today.
Edmund: that’s a good thing.
Vanessa: So, can you imagine Cassie threatening us with a restraining order? I was so mad I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.
Ross: she just trying to protect her child.
Vaness: We're just trying to protect our child.
Ross: Listen, I have days when i just want to wash my hands of the whole situation.
Vanessa: You don't mean that?
Ross: When do we stop running interference.
Vanessa: When she starts making smart choices.
Ross: Which will be when?
Vanessa: I don't know.
Ross: In any case, we have an uphill battle, especially if cassie makes good on that restraining order.
Vanessa: That's not going to stop me.
Ross: I didn't think so.
Vanessa: What is it?
Ross: Look at that.
Vanessa: Lets go.
Dinah: Yeah, I'm looking at it right now. It's absolutely fabulous, you did excellent work, brody. If i think of anything else I'll be sure to let you know. No, thank you. Bye.
Danny: Hey.
Marina: Hi.
Danny: How you feeling?
Marina: Much better. Have you been away this whole time?
Danny: Yeah morning. So, what did you think?
Marina: Of the sunrise?
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: Oh, it was beautiful.
Danny: Yeah, I told you.
Marina: I'm just surprised that you wanted to share it with me here. This was such a special spot for you and michelle.
Danny: Yeah. You're right. That's why I brought you here.
Michelle: Hey, danny, it's me. Listen, I've been looking for you all over town. I need... what are you doing?
Tony: Keeping you from making the biggest mistake of your life.
Michelle: I have to find danny.
Tony: Listen, hey, please. Just wait. Okay, please? Wait one second. Please.
Michelle: Look, I know this is hard for you...
Tony: It is hard. It is. I'm looking out for you, okay? I'm thinking about what's best for you.
Michelle: Did you hear what i said to you in vegas?
Tony: I did, michelle. I just... I think you didn't mean any of it, you know? I think you were... I think you were stressed out, I think you were confused, and part of that's my fault for pressuring this wedding on you right after the divorce. I'm sorry for that, but if you need me to back off, I can. Okay, I can give you some space and give you some time.
Michelle: I don't need time to know how I feel.
Tony: ( Sighs ) I know that you and danny, okay, you've been through hell and back and robbie's your son. I understand that.
Michelle: And I love him.
Tony: I love danny, too. That's what makes this so hard.
Michelle: Tony...
Tony: Don't you understand that? We've been struggling with this from day one.
Michelle: Tony, I don't want to hurt you. I don'T.
Tony: Okay. Then don'T. You and me, let's just... can we get out of here? Go someplace? Okay? Think and we'll clear our head. Please, let's go.
Michelle: Tony...
Tony: Michelle, don't do this. Listen to me. The only reason you came back here was because you're stressed and you're scared.
Michelle: I came back here because I'm looking for danny, and I need to tell him that i love him.
Tony: What about me? Hmm? Do you love me?
Danny: I brought you here to show you that I'm moving on.
Marina: You don't have to show me anything.
Danny: I know. I know I don't have to. I want to.
Marina: Danny.
Danny: Marina. I don't want you to have any doubts.
Marina: I wish I could say that I didn't have any. But just having you here helps that go away.
Danny: I am here with you.
Marina: Pretty big talk for a guy who just got divorced yesterday.
Danny: Well, that's me. Mr. Big talk.
Marina: Yeah, I noticed.
Danny: What? You don'T... you don't believe me?
Marina: I am working on it. I don't know. I believe that you want it to be true, and that goes a long way. I just... I also realize that this "us" is going to take some time.
Danny: Mm-hmm
Marina: And it was very sweet of you to get up before the crack of dawn to show me how you feel.
Danny: But?
Marina: Danny, I just... i believe that you really like me a lot, and I know that we get along great together.
Danny: We do.
Marina: And we have a great time.
Danny: We do.
Marina: Okay, so here's the "but." I just don't think that you can shove aside your life with michelle.
Danny: I'm not shoving it aside. I'm just making room for something else-- for you.
Marina: Okay. I guess I can buy that.
Danny: Yeah?
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: Good. You were so cute earlier when you couldn't keep your eyes open.
Marina: ( Laughs ) even this company waitress can't get up that early.
Danny: I mean, you did enjoy it, right? The sunrise?
Marina: Of course. It was beautiful. I have a question.
Danny: ( Groans ) what?
Marina: ( Laughs ) okay, so you've been so strong and "let's keep looking to the future," but isn't it just a little weird for you to be here with me like this?
Danny: You're too honest.
Marina: You're pretty honest, too.
Danny: I don't know, there are a string of prosecutors who would disagree with you.
Marina: You're not answering my question.
Danny: Is the question still on the table?
Marina: Oh, yes. Yes, it is.
Danny: I thought we had moved on.
Marina: No. Spill it, santos. Come on. Isn't it just a little weird for you to be here?
Danny: Yeah. A little.
Sebastian: I'm glad you came.
Holly: I wasn't going to, but since it's business...
Sebastian: Strictly. Here is the agreement our legal department drafted for the merger.
Holly: You work fast.
Sebastian: No, darling. Alan spaulding is fast. He wants to close this deal as soon as possible.
Holly: Well, we'll see.
Sebastian: I think you'll find everything we discussed.
Holly: I'm finding a lot that alan discussed. Not that that surprised me. This isn't a deal, this is a mugging.
Sebastian: We're open to suggestions.
Holly: How about a complete rewrite?
Sebastian: ( Laughs ) holly, between you and me, it's not going to get much better than this.
Holly: Well, at least you're honest.
Sebastian: If you don't like the terms, walk away. That's what I'd do.
Alan: Well, that was quite a sales pitch, sebastian.
Sebastian: Alan.
Alan: You know, if I didn't know better, I would think you were trying to thwart my deal here with holly.
Sebastian: Oh, of course not. Ms. Reade seems a little dubious about our offer, as generous as it is, so I was simply suggesting she walk away and give it some thought.
Alan: Hmm, I see. Well, why don't you let me take it from here, hmm?
Sebastian: Absolutely. Holly, I leave you in the capable hands of our fearless leader.
Alan: Well, this is quite a surprise.
Holly: You didn't know about this meeting?
Alan: No, I didn'T. Believe it or not, I don't follow the day-to-day anymore.
Holly: I don't believe you.
Alan: Don't believe what?
Holly: I don't believe you. It's not your style, especially when a deal is this personal.
Alan: I can see this is going to be quite a challenge.
Holly: That's an understatement.
Blake: Sebastian.
Sebastian: Chrissie. Hi.
Blake: You got time for coffee?
Sebastian: Um... yeah, why not?
Blake: Hmm. Jealous?
Sebastian: Of what?
Blake: Well, alan and my mother over there having a grand old time right underneath your nose.
Sebastian: Hmm. Didn't you write romance novels?
Blake: Not this week. So tell me... tell me exactly what is going on between you and my mom?
Cassie: We need to be clear about what we're going to tell the boys about our separation.
Edmund: Yes, they deserve it. Cassie, I don't know how to do this.
Cassie: Well, unfortunately i do. So, we're going to tell the boys that you don't live here anymore, and that you may never live here again.
Edmund: Oh, god, cassie, look...
Cassie: I'm not going to give the boys false hope, edmund. Okay? So, we're going to reassure them that we care about them and i will make sure that they know that they can still care about you.
Edmund: I will always love them.
Cassie: There's also the situation with dinah.
Edmund: And the baby.
Cassie: Yeah, that's going to be a tough one to explain.
Edmund: Cassie, dinah isn't that far along. We can always wait.
Cassie: How will we do that?
Edmund: By just not saying anything.
Cassie: Dinah is going to be living here, edmund. I have to explain that to the boys.
Edmund: They're young. They won't understand.
Cassie: Well, that's something the boys and I will have in common.
Dinah: Maybe I can help.
Cassie: You can help by keeping your nose out of it and drinking your milk, dinah.
Dinah: Look, I meant that i could probably talk to rj.
Cassie: No.
Dinah: We're buds. It might be easier if he heard it from me.
Edmund: Dinah, this is something cassie and I need to do.
Dinah: Okay, all right. If you two change your mind, just know where I stand.
Cassie: I won't change my mind, okay? Drink this, please, and stay in here.
Dinah: Okay, I can take a hint. Fine.
Edmund: Cassie, maybe there's some way we can lessen the blow. We don't want to burden the boys with too much.
Cassie: Wow. Maybe you should have thought about that before all this.
Edmund: Cassie, may we give them some sort of hope?
Cassie: I'm sorry, edmund, I...
Ross: Ah, good. All the players are here.
Dinah: Mom, dad.
Cassie: Ross, vanessa, you guys should not be here.
Ross: Cassie, I think you should call the police. We'll probably need them before this is over.
Vanessa: You must be edmund. We haven't had the pleasure. I'm vanessa chamberlain reardon. I'm dinah's mother.
Edmund: It's a pleasure, mrs. Reardon. I had heard you were in town.
Vanessa: Yes. I got an earful about you.
Ross: This is a nice piece of work, edmund. A good hatchet job. But you should know something: I can take bad publicity, but you and this situation, that's something I'm not going to tolerate.
Cassie: "The former prince swooped in and carried miss marler off the plane just as her father was about to have her banished to italy?"
Edmund: ( Scoffs ) you think i did this?
Vanessa: Who else would?
Edmund: Forgive me, but I was addressing ross.
Ross: Yes, I think you did it. It's exactly the kind of stunt that you would pull.
Edmund: Think, ross. Why would I do this to you?
Ross: Because you know i don't like what you're doing to my daughter.
Dinah: Dad, edmund has been more than wonderful.
Vanessa: Dinah, this man is using you.
Dinah: Mom, I know what I'm doing.
Vanessa: The restraining orders weren't enough?
Edmund: Restraining orders?
Ross: Oh, that's right. You probably haven't heard. You and cassie are still on the outs, right?
Edmund: Cassie, what is he talking about?
Vanessa: I told you I'd be back.
Cassie: And I told you i didn't want you in my house, vanessa.
Vanessa: I know that both of you are involved in this smear campaign.
Cassie: I had nothing to do with this.
Edmund: Mrs. Reardon, neither cassie nor I had anything to do with that article.
Vanessa: I don't believe you.
Dinah: Okay, can we please stop this? Let's just stop doing this.
Ross: You have to understand something. Edmund does not care what happens to you so long as you bring this baby to term. Once he's back with cassie, he's going to toss you on the scrap heap.
Holly: I want a seat on the board.
Alan: Holly, I am buying control of a small town paper. Now, I don't think that merits you sitting on...
Holly: You are buying the most well-respected newspaper in this state. That is invaluable.
Alan: You drive a hard bargain. All right. A seat on spaulding board in exchange for controlling interest in the "journal." Do we have a deal?
Holly: I'm not finished. I retain editorial control.
Alan: Oh, no, no, no. That's out of the question.
Holly: I will not be reduced to running a corporate newsletter.
Alan: Holly, you have such little faith in me.
Holly: You are not a journalist. I am. Let me do my job.
Alan: Oh, like the job you did covering the investigation and trial?
Holly: We were more than fair with that. If you weren't so damned pigheaded, you'd admit it.
Alan: Oh, you don't hold back, do you?
Holly: I have something you want.
Alan: Well, you know, I could just take it.
Holly: Unsportsmanlike. Isn't the game what you enjoy the most?
Alan: Well, I don't seem to be the only one.
Holly: I'm having a good time.
Alan: Well, then you can appreciate me standing very firm on this issue. After all, I will be buying the ink.
Holly: It's nonnegotiable.
Alan: Well, it seems that we have reached a stalemate. Hmm. Now, with that figure, I agree.
Holly: I'm willing to take a hit on the price if I get what i want.
Alan: Now do we have a deal?
Holly: I just want to ask you one thing: What is the real reason you hired sebastian?
Sebastian: Let me explain something to you. Alan's over there trying to buy the "journal."
Blake: I know all about it.
Sebastian: No, you don'T. If he hadn't shown up here today, I would have been able to kill it.
Blake: You want to sabotage your own deal?
Sebastian: You want to see your mother getting into bed with alan spaulding?
Blake: Well, the question is, who do you want to see her getting into bed with?
Sebastian: ( Chuckles ) chrissie.
Blake: You set yourself up for that one, sweetheart.
Sebastian: I don't want her involved with spaulding at all. It's a bad move.
Blake: Why? What are you not telling me?
Sebastian: I don't want holly caught in the crossfire when i wipe out alan spaulding like the plague he is.
Danny: You're right, this place was very special to me and michelle.
Marina: You guys got married here. This is where you were going to build your dream house and grow old together.
Danny: Yep. Yep, yep, yep. I know.
Marina: So don't go downplaying it for me.
Danny: I'm not. But I'm also moving on. I don't know, I'm just not totally used to the change.
Marina: It's a big change.
Danny: A good change.
Marina: Old role, new face.
Danny: What? No. No, no, no. No. No. This is different. This is totally different from anything that I had with michelle. But you're right, it's going to take some time.
Marina: Yeah. I'm always right. You should get used to it.
Danny: If you say so.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Danny: You want to go for a hike?
Marina: I have a better idea.
Danny: Yeah?
Marina: Mm-hmm. I think you should do it alone.
Danny: Why is that a better idea?
Marina: Because it is. I think that you need to take some time to say, "goodbye."
Danny: No, I don'T. I don't need to do that.
Marina: What were we just saying about me being right all the time?
Danny: Well, marina...
Marina: Well, danny.
Danny: ( Laughs ) you're going to leave me out here in the middle of the woods all by myself?
Marina: Yes.
Danny: There are wild animals.
Marina: Oh, you'll be okay. You're strong. Stephanie needs some help today, anyway. She's shorthanded this morning, so I will go back to company and help her out with the breakfast rush...
Danny: Come on.
Marina: ...And then you give me a call when you're ready for me to come get you. On, come on.
Marina: No, no.
Danny: You don't have to go. Come on.
Marina: Goodbye. Call me.
Michelle: Tony, of course i love you. It's just...
Tony: Hey. Okay, hey, not here. Don'T. I'm asking you for one thing. Can I show you?
Michelle: Show me what?
Tony: I want to take you to the place where it all started. Can we go? Please?
Danny: How can I say good-bye to you, michelle?
Coming up on "guiding light."
Vanessa: I'm really worried that before this is over with, somebody is going to get very hurt.
Ross: I'm afraid you're right. And I'll be damned if it's going to be dinah.
Cassie: I want you to go, too.
Edmund: I will. In fact, I think I'll leave town altogether.
Blake: You're going to take down alan spaulding? Like father, like son.
Sebastian: That's why I came back to springfield-- besides wanting to spend more time with you, of course.
Blake: Hmm. Spaulding enterprises.
Sebastian: Mm-hmm. Chrissie, this is just between you and me.
Blake: Who am I going to tell?
Sebastian: Ross, holly. They can't know anything about this.
Blake: ( Sighs ) fine, all right.
Sebastian: You don't have a problem with it, do you?
Blake: No. I mean, I don't think so.
Sebastian: That's a pretty lame answer for the daughter of roger thorpe. I would have expected more.
Alan: I hired sebastian because he's smart, very ambitious and it's always good to keep someone on the payroll who will do anything to get ahead.
Holly: If that's what you wanted, you could have hired any hungry kid fresh out of business school. But you hired roger thorpe's son.
Blake: I'm very much roger's daughter, just as you are very much his son.
Sebastian: I want to finish what he started, chrissie.
Blake: Well, spaulding... taking over spaulding was always his dream.
Sebastian: Mm-hmm. Even at the end.
Blake: He and alan were mortal enemies.
Sebastian: Why do you think it's so hard for me to see him with holly?
Blake: I have to admit it's awfully sickening watching those two hook up together.
Sebastian: Yeah, not as sickening as having to pretend to be his faithful employee.
Blake: Well, I was wondering why you took that job.
Sebastian: A mere ruse. That's all. But regardless, you know what? I think that you should stay out of it until the deed is done.
Blake: No, no, no. You're not doing this alone.
Michelle: I don't think we should have come here, tony.
Tony: Well, I disagree. I think this is where... this is where we need to be.
Michelle: Well, it's not really going to make me change my mind.
Tony: I'm not trying to change your mind. Babe, I'm just trying to get you to see.
Michelle: I'm actually seeing things pretty clearly right now.
Tony: I don't think so. How could you? You know? Getting your memory back. I know it's thrown you for a loop, and you're questioning everything, everything around you, what's right, what's not right. But you knew how we both knew that if this were to happen, that this is something that we would get through, and it would be tough but we'd get through it.
Michelle: Except I didn't realize how strong my feelings were going to be.
Tony: It's okay. It's okay. Honestly. It's a lot to sort out, that i know. Okay? But you have me here to help you get through it. You've got me, michelle.
Michelle: Tony, I can't rely on you. Not right now.
Tony: Michelle, please don't do this. You've made memories with me, too, okay? That's got to count for something.
Michelle: I am not saying that they don'T.
Tony: It sounds like it to me.
Michelle: Tony, for god's sakes, it's not a competition, okay? I am not comparing what you and I had to danny and me. I'm not.
Tony: "Had"?
Michelle: What?
Tony: You just said "had." What you and i had.
Michelle: I didn'T. I didn't mean...
Tony: What? You didn't mean what? Danny was no good for you, michelle. He never was good for you.
Michelle: Oh, tony.
Tony: Okay?
Michelle: Listen to me. I love you. I do, okay, but I want to go back to town.
Tony: Why do you want to go back to town? So you can give up the best thing that's ever happened to you, to happen to us?
Michelle: Tony, just stop. Please stop.
Tony: Michelle, listen to me. Why do you want me to stop? You came here. This place, you came here, okay? To break free and become that person that you wanted to be. That's what this place was about.
Michelle: But I had no perspective then. I wasn't whole, right?
Tony: Michelle, you had a pure perspective. Right here, you broke free from that person that you were.
Michelle: Yeah, but tony, i didn't have a choice.
Tony: Damn it.
Michelle: Now I do.
Tony: Damn it, michelle, getting your memory... what is going on? Getting your memory back was the worst thing that has ever happened to you!
Ross: "Mayor marler told his daughter in no uncertain terms, 'leave town or suffer the consequences.'" Oh, please. It makes me sound like an ogre.
Dinah: Dad, come on. You know the people who read that, they know it's just trash.
Vanessa: Dinah, have you thought what this might do to your father's career?
Cassie: Can we stop talking about the article, here? You guys just used it to have a reason to come over here.
Vanessa: Our daughter is reason enough.
Cassie: Your daughter is carrying my child, and there's a legal document that spells everything out.
Ross: Legal documents are overturned every single day.
Cassie: Get out! Please.
Dinah: Is that it? Is that all you're going to say, cassie? I mean, edmund has practically been accused of a crime here and you're not even defending him.
Cassie: This is about the baby, dinah.
Dinah: This is about doing right by the father of the baby.
Edmund: Dinah, it's all
Dinah: No, it's not, because you've been accused of something that you didn't do and no one is caring.
Vanessa: Why are you defending this man?
Cassie: I want everybody out, right now. Vanessa, ross, get out of here.
Edmund: Look, she has a point. And ross, I find...
Vanessa: I told you, I'm not going to go.
Cassie: I'm calling the police. I've had it.
Vanessa: We need to get this settled. ( Loud arguing )
Dinah: I'm going. I can't even stand to stay in the same room with all these freaks.
Edmund: You don't know me at all.
Ross: She is not staying...
Cassie: Okay, fine.
You know what?
Do you see what you two have
just done?
Cassie: Don't, because you
are the last person she wants
to see right now.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) oh, isn't it wonderful? They're fighting over us. ( Car accelerates away )
Cassie: Great.
Vanessa: So, cassie, do you still think this arrangement is going to work?
Cassie: I'm going to make it work, so I don't need your negativity, vanessa.
Ross: Cassie, deny it all you want, but dinah's little outburst is just the beginning.
Edmund: This little outburst would have been avoided had you minded your own business.
Vanessa: Dinah is our daughter.
Edmund: And a grown woman.
Vanessa: She's a grown woman with a lot of child in her, and she's our child. Not that I would expect you to understand any of that.
Edmund: I will. Soon enough. And now cassie has asked you to leave.
Ross: You heard dinah defending edmund. There's a reason for that.
Cassie: Go. Please go.
Vanessa: Stay away from my daughter.
Cassie: I want you to go, too.
Edmund: I will. In fact, I think I'll leave town altogether.
Blake: If you're going to take alan down, I want in.
Sebastian: Chrissie, i appreciate the offer, but you know, this is something I have to do on my own.
Blake: Why? You have me.
Sebastian: You have a family, a career.
Blake: I have seven or eight careers, none of which holds my interest very long. Spaulding, I'm interested in. I've been out of the game for a long time.
Sebastian: When were you ever in the game?
Blake: I used to do pr for spaulding. I know all about the business. And more importantly, I know about the people who run it.
Sebastian: Hmm, now you're talking. Well?
Blake: So you want a partner?
Sebastian: I'll find some space for you, yeah.
After I've dealt with alan.
Blake: Don't do this.
Sebastian: Do what?
Blake: Don't treat me as if i have nothing to offer.
Sebastian: Chrissie, alan knows who you are. You'll never fool him.
Blake: You want to bet?
Sebastian: No.
Blake: Come on. Just give me a chance. Alan will never know what hit him.
Sebastian: Well, it looks like a deal has been struck.
Alan: Indeed, one has. You may welcome holly to the spaulding family.
Sebastian: Welcome aboard, ms. Reade.
Holly: Thank you.
Blake: Don't do this, mom. And you... you're a traitor.
Holly: ( Gasps )
Sandy: Lucky guy.
Marina: Hey, sandy.
Sandy: Hey.
Marina: What did you say?
Sandy: Lucky guy. The one you're thinking about right now. You had that happy, dreamy look on your face.
Marina: Oh. So, obviously that means I must be thinking about a man.
Sandy: Maybe not. Maybe you're just thinking about what you want for breakfast.
Marina: No, you were right the first time.
Sandy: Danny?
Marina: Yeah, I just left him. You need to give him some time to say his goodbyes to michelle and the past.
Sandy: You left him alone to do that?
Marina: Why not? Hey! No, don't say a word. I know I did the right thing. You know, michelle and danny both want to start over, you know? Separately. I know they have robbie, and of course they'll always care about each other, but the whole "danny and michelle" thing seems to have played itself out. I just want danny to be able to say his goodbyes without me in his face all the time, you know? I want him to come to me when
he's ready, because I'm the one he wants.
Sandy: Marina, danny would be nuts not to want you.
Marina: I know. I just don't want to be one of those girls that's all "be mine or else." ( Laughter ) you know? We both had a lot of that in our past, and I think we both just need the same thing right now, something simple and, I don't know...
Sandy: Uncomplicated?
Marina: If there is such a thing. Are you and tammy uncomplicated?
Sandy: Let's stay on point: You and danny.
Marina: I don't know, sandy. It's just when I look at him, everything just seems so simple and fun and safe.
Sandy: Danny is a lucky guy.
Marina: Yeah, well, feel free to tell him that the next time you see him.
Sandy: You got it. I'm headed off to work. What are you up to?
Marina: I told danny that i was going to come back here and help stephanie out for a bit, and he could call me when he's ready.
Sandy: Well, if danny's the smart guy I think he is, you won't be here for long.
Marina: Thank you.
Danny: You're my home, baby,
and I will always find my way
back to you.
Michelle: We can't help but
find our way back to each
I mean, there's no fighting it,
really, because in the end,
there's nowhere else that we
could be but together.
Tony: Look, babe, the judge i
found is ready to finalize the
divorce tonight and then turn
around and marry you and me.
Let's do this.
Judge: I just need your
signatures, and everything will
be in order.
Danny: I'll go first.
Judge: You are officially
Michelle: I'll always wait
for you, danny.
You remember that, okay?
Judge: I understand that
someone also wants to get
Danny: Congratulations.
Have an amazing life.
You deserve it. Okay, michelle. I'm ready to let you go.
Tony: Have you ever been happy with me?
Michelle: ( Sighs ) tony.
Tony: I'm asking.
Michelle: Tony, you know that I have, okay? But I just can't turn my back on who I was.
Tony: But you can give me... but you can give up on the life that we have now? I don't understand.
Michelle: No, no, no. I love our life together. I do. But I also love what I had, and I... I don't know, I kind of want that back.
Tony: You're saying to me that you want danny back? That's what you're saying?
Michelle: No, I'm not... that's not what I'm saying. I don'T... tony, I don't even know what I want. I don'T. I just know that I have to figure it out. And that's why...
Tony: Michelle, what's going on with you!
Michelle: ...With danny. I have to...
Tony: What is going on with you? Huh? You would not have lost your memory, michelle, if it weren't for danny. Danny tried to kill you.
Michelle: It was an accident.
Tony: It was not an accident. You know something? I ask myself every day why he can't just leave you alone. You know that ever since you've gotten your memory back, he's been hovering around constantly reminding you, every single day, of the life that you two had? I saw you kiss him, michelle.
Michelle: What?
Tony: I didn't say anything. It hurt. But I didn't say anything at all. Do you know why? Because I thought that it was just a kiss, that it didn't matter.
Michelle: No. Actually, tony, it was more than just a kiss.
Holly: Blake, what are you doing?
Blake: I'm speaking the truth.
Sebastian: That truth about what?
Blake: You're trying to get my mother to sell her newspaper to the spauldings.
Holly: No, no, no, no. He's not trying to make me do anything.
Blake: Look, working for alan is bad enough, but this... i mean, dad is going to be rolling over in his grave.
Alan: Your father is dead. This is a new time, blake.
Blake: You're trying to tell me that you've changed, alan? Because what you did to phillip...
Sebastian: Chrissie, chrissie, stop it. That's enough. Alan's my boss. You have no right to speak to him this way.
Blake: And you have no right to call yourself my brother. You, do not sign this contract.
Holly: Honey.
Sebastian: Chrissie. Come here.
Blake: I was so good.
Sebastian: You weren't half bad.
Blake: I know. I deserve an academy award. Now, watch this. You leave me alone!
Sebastian: Ow. I'm sorry.
Holly: Where did that come from?
Sebastian: Apparently she's still upset about our father.
Alan: Well, I want to thank you for standing up for me.
Sebastian: Are you kidding, alan? You've been very good to me. You didn't deserve that.
Blake: Dinah? What are you doing here?
Dinah: Well, I'm getting some fresh air.
Blake: This is a bar. You're pregnant.
Dinah: I am not going to drink, blake. You're as bad as my parents are.
Blake: Well, you're lucky to have your parents. They happen to love you very much.
Dinah: They do. Even when they're driving me nuts, I still can't help but think how good they are together. You should have seen them today. They were a fabulous team.
Vanessa: Edmund is dangerous. He reminds me...
Ross: Of roger?
Vanessa: Yes, he does.
Ross: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: You remember everything that she went through with him? I'm really worried that before this is over with, somebody's going to get very hurt.
Ross: And I'll be damned if it's going to be dinah.
Edmund: Ross and vanessa seem to think I'm the problem. Perhaps with me gone, they'll back off.
Cassie: You would do that? Miss being here while dinah is carrying the baby?
Edmund: Cassie, I would do anything just to take the stress off of her and you.
Cassie: Well, that's a huge sacrifice, you know. It's not really fair to you.
Edmund: Cassie, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, for the baby.
Cassie: Well, then you know what? You're right. You should go.
Tony: Forget the kiss. It may have meant something in the moment...
Michelle: Tony.
Tony: ...But it's okay. It's okay.
Michelle: Listen to me. It was more than just the moment, okay?
Tony: No. No, michelle.
Michelle: Listen.
Tony: You don't love danny. You can't love danny.
Michelle: Listen. Danny and I made love.
Tony: What?
Michelle: We made love and i didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you.
Tony: No. No. You know what?
Michelle: It happened when i got...
Tony: I don't believe this. No.
Michelle: It happened when i got my memory back, okay? It was just a pure instinct. It was like we'd never been apart.
Tony: No, it's okay. Hey, it's okay. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake. It's okay, michelle. I can let it go.
Michelle: Tony, listen to me. I love you...
Tony: Michelle, you can't love danny!
Michelle: ...And I love danny.
Tony: No, you can'T. No, you can'T.
Michelle: No, I do.
Tony: You love me. You can't love danny.
Michelle: Please, tony, you're hurting me.
Tony: No, you can'T.
Michelle: You're hurting me. Stop. Tony, please stop.
Tony: No.
Danny: Tony. Let her go.
Next, on "guiding light."
Mallet: I was thinking about last night, you remembering something about the night of phillip's murder?
Harley: Yeah?
Mallet: I'm going to get you out of this place.
Bill: Olivia, that property we were fighting over? It seems that pierce got a last- minute bid from spaulding.
Olivia: Yes.
Bill: He did. You're so surprised. Nice work.
Olivia: No, no, no. I didn't do this.
Bill: Yeah, yeah. Nice work.
Olivia: I didn't do this. Alan must have placed the bid.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. And you just ended up in my bed. How convenient. Well, it was great. Why don't you go find alan and celebrate?
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