GL Transcript Thursday 4/21/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/21/05



By Boo

Buzz: Zach! Come on, zach... zach... it's your bedtime.

Marina: One, two, three, ur, five, six, seven eight, nine, red light. Freeze.

Buzz: Zach! Come on, what is it? Tell us, what is the special, secret thing you have to do before you go to bed?

Zach: Only mommy knows it.

Buzz: Great!

Tony: Okay, hold on, michelle. Slow down. Where are you?

Michelle: We're in las vegas. We're just, you know, trying to get the divorce finalized.

Tony: You and danny are in vegas.

Michelle: I hope you're okay, because I did this for you.

Tony: I don't understand what that means, you did it for me, michelle. I mean, come on.

Michelle: For us. For us. I mean, you know, so we can get married as soon as possible. That's the only reason why danny and I are here.

Tony: ( Sighs )

Michelle: Tony?

Tony: Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

Michelle: Are you okay?

Tony: No, actually, I mean, I'm here, you're there, so...

Michelle: Look, I'm sorry. But it doesn't really matter where I am, right? Because I'm still going to be your wife tomorrow.

Tony: All right. Well, I can't wait. You just do what you have to do, okay?

Danny: Okay? Is everything okay?

Michelle: Yeah, he's fine.

Marina: Hey, tony.

Tony: Hey.

Buzz: Hey, tony.

Tony: Hey, buzz. How are you doing? I need you to come with me. Let's go.

Marina: Wait. Have you talked to...

Tony: We're going to vegas.

Marina: Where are we going?

Tony: We're going to vegas.

Gus: Come on, drisco, calm down...

Guard: Brisco, brisco.

Gus: Look, I'm going to lie to you, although that probably doesn't mean a lot to you, 'cause I lied earlier. But I don't exactly have permission to be here.

Mallet: You don't say.

Gus: Warden.

Mallet: Can I help you?

Gus: Yeah, my name is gus aitoro, and I used to be a federal agent. And now I'm an attorney.

Mallet: It's okay, brisco.

Guard: Okay.

Gus: Durrell? Warden durrell?

Mallet: What do you want?

Gus: Well, I'm actually here to make an appeal on behalf of one of your inmates.

Mallet: Yeah?

Gus: Actually, a former client of mine as well.

Mallet: Is that right? Who's that?

Gus: Her name is harley cooper. Do you know her?

Mallet: Ah, yeah. The name's familiar.

Harley: Okay, harley, you can handle this. So it's a prison. So you're locked in here with your ex-husband, who cheated on you. Things could be worse.

Lena: Mr. Spaulding, I don't have much time. You set me up as harley cooper's roommate, and you asked me to watch every move she made, and I'm telling you, you need to get over here right now.

Alan: Lena, do I have to remind you again that I am the one calling the shots? Now, if you want me to find your daughter and bring... hello? Hello?

Harley: Hey, roomie, you have something you want to tell me?

Marina: Tony, there is no way I'm jetting off to vegas with you just because you don't trust michelle.

Tony: That's not what I said. I told you that it's danny that I don't trust. Do you? After he lied to you.

Marina: He didn't lie to me.

Tony: Oh, really?

Marina: He said he had to take care of something, and that's what he's doing. Tony, you know what? Go to vegas, play the slots, see a show.

Tony: Marina, this is not a game, okay? Did danny call you?

Marina: Yes. He said that they got hung up with the divorce papers. Something about the judge getting sick.

Tony: Oh, I see. Just bad luck then, right?

Marina: Sounds like it. Everyone has moved on.

Tony: Okay. You know what?

Marina: Especially you and michelle. Come on. Especially you and michelle. Come on! She wants to marry you. Don't you trust that?

Tony: I wish I could. But I can'T.

Marina: ( Sighs ) ( groans ) do you believe that guy? He's about to go marry a woman that he can't trust to be away from for more than a day.

Buzz: Maybe you should have gone.

Danny: Oh, yes, free booze. Now it's feeling like las vegas. Wait a minute. This is...

Michelle: Yep.

Danny: This is the bottle that rick gave us as a wedding present to be opened on our tenth anniversary.

Michelle: Well...

Danny: What the hell?

Michelle: I figured it was the last, you know, asset that we had to split.

Danny: Let's split it.

Michelle: Most people would try to hold on to only the best memories that they have. But I swear, after having no memories at all...

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: I really appreciate everything's that's happened, you know, the good and the bad.

Danny: Here's to the good. Here's to the bad. Which I'm very sorry for, since most of it was probably my fault.

Michelle: No. Well, not really.

Danny: Yeah, it was.

Michelle: We loved each other a lot, danny, you know.

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: We've got an amazing kid together.

Danny: Mm-hmm. We've been very lucky.

Michelle: Yeah, we've been blessed.

Danny: To us.

Michelle: To you. To you.

Danny: To you. To... to what we had together.

Alexandra: Got a minute?

Alan: Not really.

Alexandra: I thought you might want to compare notes.

Alan: On?

Alexandra: The fox in the hen house.

> Alan: Olivia?

Alexandra: Good guess. I've been keeping an eye on her.

Alan: I'm sure you have.

Alexandra: Yes. Well, after gus' little welcome- home dinner party, she took it upon herself to warn the entire family. Seems she's just slightly terrified that gus is still investigating phillip's murder.

Alan: Would you please get to the point?

Alexandra: All right! My point is she feels... well, i think she's unduly frightened. And I wonder why.

Alan: I don't know. But I'm sure you're going to tell me.

Alexandra: Because it's not totally unlikely that the wrong ex-wife is behind bars.

Harley: Where did you get a cell phone?

Lena: Um, you know, uh, I'm not... I'm not sure.

Harley: I know it's not prison-issued, lena. You can trust me. Come on.

Lena: Okay. Okay, you caught me, okay? I'm paying off a guard.

Harley: With what?

Lena: Well, not with that. I have a little bank account on the outside, and he makes withdrawals, and for that he let's me use this once in a while.

Harley: That's cool. To call your daughter?

Lena: How do you know about her?

Harley: Note to the old timer: I know how to find stuff, too.

Lena: Yeah, okay. I call her. She moves around a lot. And in truth, she really doesn't want to talk to me.

Harley: Sorry.

Lena: Yeah.

Harley: So, who were you talking to?

Lena: Ho, ho, ho, you...

Harley: What?

Lena: How much did you hear, huh?

Harley: Enough to know that you're in a little bit of trouble. Do you need some help?

Lena: Oh, come on. I can handle it. Don't you have something a little better to do here?

Harley: I'm in prison for murder, lena. I've got nothing but time to hunt for something better to do. What else is there? Watch the clock? Oh, yeah, it'S... oh, it's noon. Yeah, so that would be zach sitting down for lunch. 3:00 is when jude watches his favorite program. 5:30, oh, got to start getting dinner ready. If I think about all the seconds of day that I'm missing with them, I'm going to lose it.

Lena: Yes, I know.

Harley: Help me out here. How do you... how do you cope?

Lena: Well, when I can't stand it one more second, which is every moment of every waking day, I... I dream. ( Laughs ) I dream. I dream of all the starring roles in all the big movies. And I.. and I try to imagine, you know, what my life would have been like when I had gotten my big break, when I... when i got to hollywood.

Harley: Or what it would have been like if you'd spent maybe a little more time with your daughter.

Lena: Yeah, right.

Harley: Lena. Sorry. It's just that when you talk like that, you sound like... someone else. Anyway, all that stuff about, you know, fantasies and dreams, that's not my thing.

Lena: Well, don't knock it till you try it. You know what I mean?

Harley: Lena, I'm really grateful to have you here.

Lena: Yeah. Me, too. Okay? Okay.

Gus: Look, warden, I know that you hear this kind of thing all the time, you know, but harley cooper doesn't belong here in your facility.

Mallet: She's innocent?

Gus: Well, I know that's hard to believe.

Mallet: Especially coming from a defense attorney.

Gus: Yeah. And I'm not just that. We were engaged. And we were meant to be married at one point.

Mallet: You're not helping your case, mr. Aitoro.

Gus: Yeah, no, I know, i know, I know. But you need to understand, and you don't know this woman like i do. She was an excellent cop, an excellent cop. She was a great detective, a great mother, a pillar in the society.

Mallet: Why don't you save all of that for the parole board?

Gus: See, that's just the point. I ain't waiting for a parole hearing. She's not a murderer. And she's in here because of me. Because I failed her. So I'm desperate. And if you understand that, then you'll understand that I'm not going to rest until I get her out of here. You see, warden?

Mallet: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think I do.

Marina: Do you think I need to keep tabs on danny?

Buzz: Absolutely not.

Marina: Okay, so I don't need to keep tabs on him, but you do think it's a good idea for me to run off.

Buzz: I'm just reminding you how much you care for that fellow.

Marina: You're reminding me? Since when did you become the guardian angel of my relationship with danny?

Buzz: Well, I don't let on about it, but I'm a sucker for romance. I see things.

Marina: Oh, pray tell, o wise one of the greasy spoon.

Buzz: Look, everything is complicated except love. Love is the most basic human emotion. You'd have to screw up to complicate that.

Marina: Love. Please. Don't get carried away.

Buzz: No, that's what I'm saying, the opposite: Get carried away. Let yourself go. There's nothing like it.

Marina: What if...

Buzz: Oh, come on. Then you see where you learn it. You're like your old man. He'd rather chew glass than let his heart go. The heart is a muscle. It needs exercise to make it strong. Come here. You see? Up! He leaped without looking, and he landed just fine.

Marina: That's because you caught him.

Buzz: True happiness is making the leap of faith.

Marina: Hi. Yeah. I need to book your next flight out to vegas.

Michelle: That was a good bottle of wine.

Danny: Yeah, obviously. Merlot, michelle.

Michelle: ( Laughs )

Danny: ( Sighs )

Michelle: ( Sighs )

Danny: I'm drunk.

Michelle: ( Laughs )

Danny: All right, I'm going to go catch a nap on the floor out there and wait for the judge to come back.

Michelle: Yeah. And you're not going to be able to stand up in the morning. I mean...

Danny: I'll be fine.

Michelle: ...We're adults. We can sleep in the same room... bed.

Danny: I don't know.

Michelle: Okay, I promise i won't take advantage of you.

Danny: Really? Is that right?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Denny: You really think you'd be able to resist me?

Michelle: Yeah, you're a funny guy. Funny guy. Lay down. ( Grunts )

Danny: What are you doing?

Michelle: I know you like to sleep on the left.

Danny: Well, yeah, I do.

Michelle: But there's something about this room that creeps me out, so...

Danny: There's a lot about this room that creeps me out.

Michelle: ...I've got to sleep over here. Okay?

Danny: Hold on, hold on. I'm not sleeping on this pillow.

Michelle: Remember when i first came home after the accident? I had no idea whose side of the bed I slept on.

Danny: Yeah. You were so nervous. What? What? ( Snorts ) yes?

Michelle: I just can't believe that there ever was a time that I didn't feel comfortable, you know, like, in your arms. Safe. Loved.

Danny: You are loved.

Michelle: I know.

Danny: Oh, what the hell? Mmm...

Alan: Alexandra, believe me when I tell you that nothing would make my year happier than to see olivia behind bars with harley.

Alexandra: Yes. Well, of course, you'd like to see half the town behind bars, wouldn't you?

Alan: Well, believe me when i tell you I'm also working on that. I'll take whatever I can get.

Alexandra: Mmm. Whatever happened to justice, alan? I mean the true kind of justice, in searching out your son's murderer, huh? We've gone from being an honorable family looking for the truth to some clan willing to hang anybody within town limits to the highest tree.

Alan: I don't give a damn about honor. My goal is to see that every person who hurt phillip and caused him pain pays for that.

Alexandra: Oh. So we're just starting with harley.

Alan: Harley hasn't even begun to pay.

Gus: Baby.

Harley: Hi!

Zach: We're here to take you

home, mommy.

Harley: And I want to come


I miss you so much.

Gus: Baby, didn't I tell you

I'd never give up on you?


Harley: Yes.

Gus: Well, have I ever lied

to you?

Harley: Well...

Gus: Well, I'm not lying this


I went to your buddy, the

warden, and we cut a deal.

Harley: You mean I'm free?

Gus: Baby, you're free. ( Laughter ) come here.

Harley: Sweetie!

Gus: Yes, of course!

Harley: Thank god you didn't

leave me here.

Oh, I miss you so much.

And I'm so sorry I had to push

you away.

I hated that.

I didn't want to ruin your


Gus: Okay, can we just agree

that that type of logic is

idiotic, okay?

I love you.

This is what's important to me

right here.


And I've never stopped loving

you, and you've never stopped

loving me.

Harley: No.

No, I haven'T.


Listen, I... I didn't sleep

with bill.

I only told you that because i

wanted you...

Gus: Okay, listen.

It doesn't matter.

Scratch that, it was killing


But you have the rest of your

life to make it up to me.

Harley: And I want to spend

the rest of my life with you.

Gus: So, I'll take that as a

yes, you will marry me.

And this time we're going to

get it right.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Oh, good.

Harley: I want nothing more

than that except to get out of


Gus: Let's do it.

Let's get out of here!

Come on!

Harley: Whoo!

Gus: Open those gates! ( Applause )

open those doors!

Lena: Wake up, honey!

It's time to face reality! Harley, break is over. Come on. Come on. Guard is here to take you to work. Come on. You don't want him to drag you out. Let's go.

Harley: It worked. What you said about imagining something else. I mean, it was just a minute, but it worked, it worked. Thank you.

Lena: You're welcome.

Mallet: It's not my responsibility to help you make things right with your prisoner girlfriend. So what do you want from me?

Gus: Warden, I'm sure that you take into consideration the safety of each and every one of your inmates, right?

Mallet: Ah, so you're worried about what happens when the inmates find out cooper used to be a cop.

Gus: They already know she's a cop. So she's going to need special protection.

Mallet: Okay. That's my job. Nothing more you can do here, mr. Aitoro.

Gus: Clear her.

Mallet: What makes you think you can do that?

Gus: Let me tell you something, warden. If anything happens to harley cooper when she's under your watch, I am going to slap you with so many lawsuits you'd be lucky if you ran a dog pound.

Mallet: ( Laughs ) hey, you know, you're very determined. I appreciate that. But, you know, this woman is in for murder. Is she really worth all you're doing?

Gus: Well, if you knew her, you wouldn't have to ask that question.

Coming up on "guiding


Alan: State your business. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.

Lena: That makes two of us, alan. I want out.

Mallet: This is my private phone line, which you are never, ever permitted to use, even when I go out and I lock the door so no one could even come in and see you using it. You hear me? oprah: The woman who saved steven coj

Gus: Just think about what i said.

Mallet: You've done all you could. I'll take it from here. Guard, front gate.

Gus: Right.

Harley: Reporting for duty again, your highness.

Mallet: It's okay, brisco. Shut the door. Is there a problem?

Harley: Only one? Come on, what's the fun in complaining if I don't get to run down my whole list.

Mallet: List. Speaking of lists, would you do everything on this one?

Harley: You're kidding, right? Look, I know this job entails lack of sleep, but do you do anything for yourself?

Mallet: Why should I? I have you. Actually, I'm a little backed up today. Unexpected guest kept me busy, so let's just get to work.

Harley: Hm. Entertaining guests. Must be nice to be the boss.

Mallet: Not really. But that's okay. He won't be back.

Michelle: I haven't felt that... that way in a really long time.

Danny: Me, too. I'm sorry.

Michelle: It's nobody's fault.

Danny: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We can'T. No, we can'T. We shouldn'T. We can'T. Oh, god. We can'T. We've been drinking, and i mean... it felt good, but...

Michelle: Danny, it felt good, okay?

Danny: Yeah, it did.

Michelle: It felt right.

Danny: But it's not right. Michelle, we're getting divorced any minute.

Michelle: I'm not arguing with you. I'm just... I'm saying...

Danny: I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. Hi.

Michelle: Hi.

Tony: Michelle?

Michelle, it's tony. Hey.

Danny: Hey.

Tony: Come here. Listen, don't say a word, all right? I have got everything under control, okay? I found a judge. I found a judge that will divorce you and danny tonight, turn around and marry you and me. Okay, let's do this. Let's get married tonight, okay?

Lena: Harley's not here so, you see, we have a little time together.

Alan: I hate being summoned, especially to a prison.

Lena: Well, when you sleep with dogs, you have to expect fleas.

Alan: Just state your business. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.

Lena: That makes two of us, alan. I want out.

Mallet: And after you polish the desk, call the guard so he can take you to the paper shredder. You're not looking very perky.

Harley: Do I have to do this job with a smile?

Mallet: No.

Harley: Fine. Then mind your own business and finish telling me what to do. I'm sorry. I miss my kids. Okay? I'm trying hard not to think about it.

Mallet: Piece of advice: Keep thinking about the life you wish you were living and little by little, you'll lose your grip on the life you have.

Harley: The life i had. Can we finish?

Mallet: Sure. Thers a mop and cleaning products in that closet. And, um... one more thing. This is my private phone line, which you are never, ever permitted to use. Understand? Even when I go out and I lock the door so no one could even come in and see you using it. You hear me? Good. So, you know, I'll be out for, like, the next hour or so, so you know, if anyone asks.

Gus: I blew it with the warden.

Buzz: I thought you were going to see harley.

Gus: I actually ran right into the warden, this warden durrell, and I thought, hey, i could cut a deal with him, you know? Sort of talk to him cop-to-cop and work out a program where i could protect harley until I got her out of there, but he just wasn't having it.

Buzz: So, how is she doing?

Gus: ( Sighs ) I didn't get to see her. ( Telephone rings )

Zach: Hello?

Harley: Zach?

Zach: Mommy.

Tony: Look, babe, the judge i found is ready to finalize the divorce tonight and turn around and marry you and me. Let's do this.

Michelle: Look, tony, I'm really grateful to you for going to all that trouble, but i can'T. I can't do this.

Tony: What does... what does that mean, you can't do this? I don't understand that.

Michelle: I don't want to get married in vegas. I want to stick to what we already planned.

Tony: Michelle, what does it matter if there's a wedding or not as long as we're married, right?

Michelle: Because a quickie wedding in vegas, I don't feel does justice to the way we feel about each other.

Tony: Hey, hey, hey. I want you to listen to me. Look at me. I'm going to love you tonight, tomorrow. It doesn't matter if we're in a tacky chapel or if we're in a beach, I don't care.

Michelle: Okay, look, a quick divorce from danny is no way to end what we had, either.

Tony: Michelle, it didn't stop you guys from coming down here to get a divorce.

Danny: Tony, we were trying to move things along so that you two could get married.

Tony: I know, that we could get married. Yes, I know that, danny. What's the problem, here? I don't understand. Everybody gets what they want, right, out of this? Listen, babe, this is a chance that we deserve. Can we take this? Please.

Alan: We have a deal. I send your daughter money and try to get her to come see you and you are my eyes and ears around harley cooper.

Lena: Yes, alan. But you just never told me that harley was starring in her own soap opera 24 hours a day. I mean, god, I can't even keep track of her. Not to mention what she's doing with that warden, and let's not even get me started about the lawyer.

Alan: Gus aitoro? What about him?

Lena: Oh, I don't know. I know she was married to the warden and she was supposed to marry the lawyer. They both really still have a thing for her. And the warden, he's got her on a special work detail, and oh, the lawyer came storming the gates in here today.

Alan: The warden, is his name mallet?

Lena: So you know him.

Alan: I know of him. So, gus came to see harley today, huh? When? I want details.

Lena: Yes, alan, I'm sure you do, but I have to tell you, it's exhausting keeping track of all these details. And I have to admit, I really like harley. I do. She's the best person I've met since I've been here. So you can see how hard this is for me.

Alan: Mm-hmm. I knew you were in here for murder, but I didn't know extortion as well.

Lena: I've picked up a few little tricks during my stay. Now, you sweeten the deal or you get nothing.

Da da da dum.

Harley: Keep talking, sweetie pie. I love hearing your voice.

Zach: Grandpa doesn't know the bedtime secret. I'll stay up forever.

Harley: You and grandpa are having so much fun, aren't you?

Zach: Sometimes. When are you coming home? I miss you. I have a soccer game tomorrow.

Harley: I know, baby. I miss you, too.

Buzz: Can I talk to your mom? Hey. How are you doing, kiddo?

Harley: Daddy.

Buzz: Look, things are pretty much as you expect them, here. We're just trying to figure a way to get you out of there.

Harley: Thank you.

Buzz: Frank is putting jude to sleep, but there's somebody here that is dying to talk to you.

Harley: No.

Buzz: Harley.

Harley: Daddy, I can't handle it. I mean, seeing him, hearing his voice. It hurts too much. Please. I can't handle it.

Buzz: I understand. ( Door closes ) ( keys rattle )

Harley: Okay, I can't talk much longer. Zach's bedtime secret?

Buzz: Yeah, what is that?

Harley: Yes, well, we change it every week, but the thing is, you can't change the secret unless you know the password.

Buzz: And what is that?

Harley: Who loves you, baby.

Buzz: Well, you know who that is. He's about a foot away from me and he's going to fight with all his might to get you free and keep on after that.

Harley: Thank you for saying that. ( Pounding at door ) ( keys rattle )

Guard: Cooper!

Harley: Okay, I have to go. I'm doing okay here. Everybody's pretty nice to me. I've got a job working in the warden's office. Daddy, you will never guess who the warden is.

Gus: ( Sighs ) she doesn't want to talk to me? Warden? Warden durrell. What are you doing here?

Judge: I just need your signatures and everything will be in order.

Danny: Okay. I'll go first. Thank you. Right here.

Judge: You are officially divorced. I understand that someone also wants to get married?

Michelle: Actually, could you give us a minute, your honor? Do you mind?

Judge: Sure.

Michelle: Thanks.

Tony: Thank you.

Danny: All right. I'm going to head back to springfield. Congratulations. And I mean that.

Tony: Danny, listen. I know this all seems very strange. A little, right?

Danny: Understatement, yeah. Mm-hmm.

Tony: I'd like it if you stuck around for a while.

Danny: Why? What for?

Tony: Because I do need a best man.

Danny: Tony...

Tony: Danny, please.

Danny: Look... listen, we're all adults here and we're moving on, but I can never watch michelle marry someone else, anyone else.

Tony: All right. I understand.

Danny: All right. So... have an amazing life. You deserve it.

Michelle: You, too.

Danny: See you back there.

Tony: You ready? Hm? You ready?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Buzz: I thought you'd be halfway to vegas by now.

Marina: Yeah, well. I made it to the airport. I just couldn't get on the plane.

Buzz: Second thoughts?

Marina: And third. And fourth and fifth ones, too. I had to go with my original feeling. You know, if I went to vegas, it would show danny how much I care about him, but it would say how little I trust him.

Buzz: I am a firm believer in the power of good people to find a way to get to each other, no matter what stands in their way. ( Cell phone ringing ) oops. Danny?

Marina: Yeah.

Buzz: Listen, don't tell him I approve of him. I kind of like to see him jump through hoops.

Marina: You are terrible. Danny?

Danny: Hey. Can I tell you how good it is to hear your voice?

Marina: As much as you want.

Danny: So, I'm coming home and we need to talk.

Marina: Okay. Can't you just tell me whatever you want to talk about now?

Danny: No, it needs to be in person. I'll see you soon.

Marina: Okay.

Alan: We already have a deal, lena.

Lena: Yes, but alan, I do like her, and so it's going to cost you a little extra money if you want information harley and gus, and the warden.

Alan: If you want more, you'll have to give me more.

Lena: Deal.

Alan: You know, I hate to be disappointed. You're a very charming lady. I'd hate to see anything happen to you.

Lena: Like what?

Alan: Oh, like... oh, I don't know. Accidents happen, don't they? Especially in prison. ( Laughs )

Harley: All right, all right. You don't have to be so rough. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is not the way to my cell.

Bad guard: Who says you're going back to your cell?

Gus: Wait, wait, whoa. Warden. I don't even care why you are here. I just... let me apologize for snapping at you earlier. Let me buy you a meal. Come on. Yeah, I just wanted to tell you I'm going to be working on harley cooper's case. I'm trying to get her out and i just... the last thing I wanted to do was end up on your bad side.

Mallet: I just don't have time to be social.

Buzz: What the hell are you doing here?

Gus: Hey, buzz. This is warden durrell I told you about. Remember?

Buzz: I know who he is. So, it's durrell these days? How many names can one man have?

Mallet: Is that harley's little boy?

Buzz: You stay away from him.

Gus: Buzz, what'S... what'S...

Buzz: Are you actually dumb enough to think you're welcome here? I didn't think so.

Gus: Buzz?

Buzz: The warden is harley's ex-husband. Gus, meet ac mallet.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Alan: You destroyed phillip and I am not going to allow you to destroy gus. You stop hurting my son or i promise you that I will make your stay here in prison more painful than you can possibly imagine.

Gus: You knew exactly who i was, but then you pretended to be somebody else.

Mallet: I thought it would be easier.

Gus: Easier than what? Admitting that you're at that prison just so you could be closer to her?

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