GL Transcript Tuesday 4/19/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/19/05



By Boo  

Cassie: Can you please go faster? Can you go around this guy, jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Cassie, if I arrive any faster, you'll arrive at the hospital but you'll be the patient. Do me a favor, call edmund back and see if he can make it more clear as to what exactly is wrong with dinah.

Cassie: His phone is off. They must already be at the hospital. Why did I go out tonight? Why did I go out tonight jumping around in a bar with your band like I'm a teenager?

Jeffrey: You needed to do that.

Cassie: I was selfish and wrong and it was stupid. Can you please hurry up, jeffrey? My baby's life could be at stake.

Dinah: I don't mean to be a buzz kill but I don't think this whole thing is going to work.

Edmund: It's going to work. Nothing is more important than cassie to her children. She's going to be here, now lie down.

Dinah: Hey, I'm not a dog. I do want to help you but I'm getting a little tired of this give, give, give. It's got to be a two-way street, edmund.

Edmund: Dinah, if you do in this for me, I will be in your corner 100%.

Dinah: You know what? I'm going to hold you to that because I need you. I really need you to be on my side on this. The thing I need most now are good friends. That and immediate medical care because I am not feeling so well. In fact, I'm feeling awful.

Tony: So, robbie asleep?

Michelle: They went right out. Of course, I'm going to be up all night packing for this trip.

Tony: No, no. Come here. Look, I don't care if you and i get up in the morning, get on a plane with nothing but a credit card and a toothbrush. We're getting married, right? We're getting married.

Michelle: You're so excited. It's cute. It really is.

Tony: I am. What do you mean cute babe? What's that?

Michelle: It's incredible. I'm really lucky to have you, you know that? I'm sorry that I've been... I've been really overwhelmed.

Tony: Don't be. Look, it's simple, okay? When you walk out of that courtroom in the morning, you're going to be free, this is final. We're getting married. We're going to be married, okay? We're going to be married.

Marina: Hey, didn't you have a meeting with your lawyer.

Danny: Just had it. Good news. The divorce hearing is set for tomorrow morning.

Marina: Are you okay?

Danny: Yeah. Don't I look okay? I'm great thanks to you.

Marina: Me?

Danny: Uh-huh. Because you have been so great throughout this entire roller coaster ride with michelle.

Marina: Well, what can I say? I am just a great girl! And I kind of like you.

Danny: I kind of like you.

Marina: Oh, yeah?

Danny: What do you say? There's nobody here. Why don't you ditch your job? Let's go to the movies.

Marina: Really? All$right. Lynn, the place is yours.

Danny: Hello? Speaking. Uh-huh. Why? You're kidding. Okay. Yeah. Thanks.

Marina: Let me guess: No movie?

Danny: No. I just have to go deal with something and then I will be right back. I promise.

Marina: Okay.

Danny: Okay?

Gus: What's up?

Cooper, out of line. This is where you get off.

Harley: I thought I was assigned to kitchen duty.

Lena: What are you doing? You just hit pay dirt.

Mallet: An opening in clerical just came up. You're going to be working in my office.

Harley: No freakin' way!

Gus: Are you following me?

Olivia: I am now. No, I'm not following you.

Gus: We didn't have a great talk, then I show up here and you show up here.

Olivia: You're paranoid, you know that. Not everything is a conspiracy. I'm here because I'm hungry. Lighten up on the caffeine. You scared me.

Gus: You're not wrong. I've been on edge.

Olivia: It shows.

Gus: It's not my plan to let my life go down the toilet.

Olivia: It happens when you lose the person you love.

Gus: Yeah.

Olivia: You've got to focus on something else, you know? Something else that matters to you. Gus I wish I could but I don't think there is anything.

Olivia: There is. There's always something. I understand how devastated you were. You were so sure that harley was innocent.

Gus: I'm not as sure as you think.

Mallet: Go, bring her in.

Harley: I'd rather spend a month in solitary than work in your office.

Mallet: You've been assigned.

Harley: I should be on kitchen detail.

Lena: Screw that. This is the cushiest job in the place go. For it.

Harley: Now how many times do I have to say forget it?

Mallet: I've got it.

Harley: Put me down.

Harley: Put me down. I need someone I can trust with confidential material and around here that's you.

Harley: That is such bull. You want to be able to boss me around all day.

Mallet: I can boss you around no matter what job you do in this prison. Warden. Warden. It says so in the title.

Harley: I'm not working for you. What is the duty that the inmates hate most?

Mallet: Laundry. Gets hot it in there.

Harley: Laundry it is. The hotter the better. My cellmate is on the duty so we can bond.

Mallet: Why do you make things hard on yourself?

Harley: You haven't seen anything in eight years. How do you know?

Mallet: It feels so familiar.

Harley: You're making things harder for me. Your visit earlier, I almost got sliced and dice bid a bunch of the girls. Thank you very much for nothing.

Mallet: Okay. Cooper, okay. Guard. Laundry it is.

Harley: Good. Oh, sir?

Mallet: Yes?

Harley: One more question. Tide or cheer?

Edmund: Where is cassie? She should have been here by now.

Dinah: Edmund, does this not bother a bit that you're using this child to get her back. I know it's kind of giving me the creeps. Making me feel like I'm tempting fate.

Edmund: Of course it bothers me, dinah. If it brings cassie back, so be it. Besides, it's in the child's best interest as well.

Dinah: How do you figure?

Edmund: The most important thing for any child is to be raised by two people who love one another and want to be together.

Dinah: That would be wonderful, granted.

Cassie: Hi. So what'S... what's happening? Has she seen dr. Sedwick?

Edmund: She's on her way.

Cassie: Okay. How are you feeling?

Dinah: I...

Edmund: Her head hurts and she was having abdominal pain. I hope I did the right thing to have her checked out, cassie.

Cassie: You did the right thing.

Edmund: I didn't want to alarm you. I thought you'd like to know.

Cassie: It's fine, edmund. It's okay. So you're having abdominal pain. Is it cramping, pressure, do you feel dizzy, dinah?

Dinah: I think a little of all three.

Tony: All you've got to do is pack your bags tonight, wake up in the morning and that's it. I've got everything else taken care of. Really, I do. I've even got a justice of the peace lined up who will marry us tomorrow night at sunset.

Michelle: Wow. Okay, you work really fast.

Tony: I am excited. I am. I can't wait to be your husband. I'm sorry.

Michelle: So we're going to have a wedding on the beach.

Tony: That's right.

Michelle: At sunset?

Tony: Uh-huh.

Michelle: That's like... that's like a fantasy come true. Are you really sure that's what you want, though?

Tony: Well, yeah. What do you mean? Yeah, of course.

Michelle: You're never been married before, tony. You don't want to have your friends there, your family, ray, at least?

Tony: All I want is you. I don't care about anything else. Okay, look, I'm going to go and let you say good-bye to robbie and I'll see you in a bit. Get ready to pack your bags, we're getting married.

Michelle: Let me guess, you forgot to tell me that you love me. Oh, danny, sorry. I thought that you were...

Danny: Tony. Yeah, I figured. The.

Michelle: I'm glad it's you, though. I have something that I want to tell you.

Danny: Okay.

Michelle: Tony and I are going to elope tomorrow night.

Danny: No, you're not. You can'T.

Michelle: Why can't tony and I get married?

Danny: Because I just got a call from the family court clerk and our judge was admitted to cedars to want for an emergency appendectomy. Yeah. So family court is not going to be back in session until next week and you will not be marrying anyone tomorrow.

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: It's one of those things, michelle, what can we do?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah.

Danny: Look, I'm sorry if it screws up your plans.

Michelle: Well, tony won't be very happy.

Danny: Well, you can get married next week when the divorce is finalized and court's back in session.

Michelle: Right. Right.

Danny: I'm sorry. I am. I'm really sorry if this gets in the way of you getting what you want. I mean, obviously I should not have postponed the hearing last week if I had just left it alone then you'd be free right now.

Michelle: And is that what you want, danny? Do you want me to be free?

Olivia: Wow. So you think harley filled philip?

Gus: I used to think it was impossible but then towards the end of the trial...

Olivia: Just that it's quite a change in outlook.

Gus: I know everybody who's accused of a crime defenses a good defense. But I turned myself inside out for that girl. I manufactured a witness and i risked tampering, disbarment, you name it just to keep her out of prison and look for the thanks I get.

Olivia: She sleeps with my husband.

Gus: I love her. I should always love her. But I should do what you said, focus on moving forward but it's difficult after what she did to me.

Olivia: And to phillip, too, right?

Gus: Women, they're hard to trust.

Olivia: Try being one.

Gus: Maybe that's my problem. I should never have trusted her, ever.

Frank: You bastard!

Harley: God. The mallet was right, that drying room could double as a sauna.

Lena: God knows I tried to warn you, didn't any.

Harley: Thank you for reminding me.

Lena: I never in all the history of this joint have ever heard anybody turning down a desk job for the drying room.

Lena: Lena, there are all kinds of torture.

Lena: Listen to me. There are windows in there. There's a coffee machine. And the air isn't full of lint and steam.

Harley: What do you care what I do? You wouldn't even talk to me when I got here.

Lena: Because I need to get by in this place, too? You got that? You understand that.

Harley: Meaning what?

Lena: If you have an in with the big guy, that makes things smoother for me. I deserve a good ride here. I've been here a long time. And if you'd just take a pass on a job like this, it hurts me, you get that? It's like a slap in the face and nobody likes it. I've got to tell you, you think the drying room is hot, honey? Oh, boy, just wait until july and august.

Guard: Is there a problem here?

Harley: Yes. Would you tell warden I'm unhappy with my work detail and I'll take his... the transfer to his office, please? I help you; you help me, right?

Lena: Right. That is how it works. Good. Good.

Jeffrey: You made the whole thing up, didn't you?

Edmund: You don't belong here.

Jeffrey: You would do anything to get cassie back. Literally anything.

Edmund: I used to be very much like you, mr. O'neill: Single, ambitious with no responsifility to anything or anyone except myself and my own needs. But I'm about to be a father. And you don't know what that means. It changes one's priorities.

Jeffrey: We'll see how much it's changed, won't we?

Edmund: I'm going to get coffee. Be gone when I get back.

Cassie: Is the baby okay?

Dr. Sedwick: The baby's perfectly fine.

Cassie: Thank god.

Dinah: What about the mom?

Dr. Sedwick: I think that you've been under quite a bit of stress lately, dinah. You've just got to relax more.

Cassie: Is that it?

That's it for now. I'm waiting for some lab tests to come back. You can go ahead and get dressed.

Cassie: Thank you. Thanks, dr. Sedwick.

Dinah: Well, I'm sorry that i had to make you rush for nothing.

Cassie: No. No, I'm glad you did and I'm really glad that you're okay. I am.

Dinah: Me, too.

Cassie: I think it's great that you came here.

Dinah: I don't want anything to happen to this baby, okay?

Cassie: I know. And you did the right thing. I'm going to let you get dressed.

Dinah: Cassie, wait. I can't do this. Make you worry for no reason.

Cassie: But there's nothing to worry about. Dr. Sedwick says everything is fine.

Dinah: There never was because there wasn't a problem tonight. Edmund made me fake it.

Coming up on "guiding


frank: You go ahead and walk away. I will find who killed phillip.

Gus: You can ask me right now. She's in a cell and her name is harley cooper.

Harley: Why do you want me to work here? And don't give me that crap about me being reliable. You have no idea who I am anymore.

Mallet: I remember who you used to be.

Dinah: Edmund wanted to get you back so desperately he made this all up.

Cassie: I don't believe this. Dinah...

Dinah: You can't tell him i told you.

Cassie: Get out of the way.

Dinah: If you go out there and go off on edmund, he's going to know I told you. Imagine the tension that would cause between the three of us. Look, it's not worth it. Besides, edmund meant well in his own way.

Cassie: Really?

Dinah: He did it because he loves you. It's a little icky to use a baby as a tool to get you back, but we both know that edmund is extreme at times.

Cassie: Why are you telling me this?

Dinah: I have lost two babies myself and I wouldn't want you to go through that kind of fear again.

Cassie: Thank you.

Dinah: So we'll keep this between us?

Cassie: Finish getting dressed. Where's edmund?

Jeffrey: He went to get a coffee. How's the baby?

Cassie: Fine. Fine.

Jeffrey: All right. Listen, I think I'll go then unless you need me for something else.

Cassie: No, I'm okay. Thank you. Thank you for tonight. I really had fun.

Jeffrey: Okay. See you later.

Cassie: Bye.

Edmund: Hey, there you are. What did the doctor say? Is it serious? Cassie? Cassie, come on, you have to tell me.

Cassie: The baby's fine.

Edmund: Oh, thank god. Thank god, I was so worried there was something wrong with our baby.

Gus: Let go of me, frank.

Frank: Stop trashing my sister.

Gus: I believe facts. I'm a cop at the end of the day. Get off me!

Frank: I believe in harley.

Gus: Stop dreaming.

Olivia: He has a point.

Frank: Do me a favor, stay out of this.

Gus: Think what you want to think, frank, I'm done. I'm walking away. She put a lot of effort into pushing me away, that's it. I'm out, okay?

Frank: That's fine by me. You walk away but I will find who killed phillip.

Gus: You can ask me, she's in a cell at vailsburg and her name is harley cooper.

Frank: Is she really?

Mallet: And these are the intake files I want arranged chronologically instead of alphabetically. It will speed up processing.

Harley: Fine.

Mallet: Any questions?

Harley: Yeah. Why do you want me to work here? And don't give me that crap about me being reliable. You have no idea who I am anymore.

Mallet: I remember who you used to be. I mean, you know, you always had super neat handwriting, you were always great with details and people like that are in short supply in this place.

Harley: I'll bet.

Mallet: The you're not buying anything I'm telling you, how come you're not still in the basement slinging cheer?

Harley: Let's just say i rethought my position.

Mallet: Hey, does your dad still have that bike?

Harley: My dad? Yeah, he still has it.

Mallet: And how are frank and eleni?

Harley: Divorced. Actually, eleni lives in california.

Mallet: Wow, with marina?

Harley: No, we have her. I mean my father and frank have her.

Mallet: Along with the boys?

Harley: With my boys, uh-huh. You know what? Can we not pretend you didn't read my file? You know everything you need to know.

Mallet: About the shooting. Not about your life. What were the names of your boys again?

Harley: Zach and jude. They're sweet. I think they're smart. And cute, obviously. And everyday I wonder how that happened.

Mallet: Wow. That's so weird that you have these kids that I don't even know.

Harley: I know. No, it's not weird. You weren't around, remember? Let's just bag this little chat.

Mallet: Come on, harley. It's just...

Harley: I don't want to think about my life out there. I don't want to be reminded of what it used to be or how is it now. I just want to do my job and do my time, okay? Don't you have work that you have to do, warden?

Danny: Michelle, I want you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted. That has never changed.

Michelle: Yeah, well, marrying tony would change things, you know.

Danny: That's true. Hey, you deserve whatever you want. Fit's tony, then it's tony.

Michelle: You know, tony is a really good guy.

Danny: Must be that santos charm.

Michelle: And he makes me happy.

Danny: Then marry him, michelle. Marry him. Look, I'm really sorry that i kissed you before.

Michelle: You are?

Danny: Uh-huh. Yeah. Obviously it wasn't fair to any of us: You, me, tony, marina. Not when things are going to change.

Michelle: Yeah, well I guess we should just consider it a good-bye kiss, then, right?

Dinah: Well, you're too late. I'm already dressed.

Jeffrey: What happened here tonight, dinah?

Dinah: Actually, the baby got a good clean bill of health. I'm very relieved.

Jeffrey: Well, that's the press release. Now how about the real stories? As a matter of fact, why don't you back it up as to how you got pregnant in the first place and why?

Dinah: Because I finally found something I'm good at, something that I can do good with.

Jeffrey: That's a nice sound bite but somehow the idea of dinah marler carrying cassie winslow's child doesn't quite strike me as the kind selfless act that you make it out to be.

Dinah: I must have an ulterior dark motive, is that it?

Jeffrey: Yeah that's it.

Dinah: Why is it so hard for you to believe that I've turned a coroner my life?

Jeffrey: Because I know you, dinah. And I know for a fact you don't want cassie and edmund together so why would you carry their child?

Dinah: You must have a theory. Why don't you run it by me.

Jeffrey: You know what you did was illegal, right?

Dinah: Edmund and I have a signed agreement.

Jeffrey: You didn't inform cassie.

Dinah: We tried to reach her, but she was unavailable.

Jeffrey: Oh, here we go. Well, you've got a comeback for everything.

Dinah: It's called the truth.

Jeffrey: Here's the truth. If you hurt cassie in any way, shape or form I will make your life more hellish than the most difficult delivery ever.

Dinah: You don't have to worry about me.

Edmund: Tonight's been a wakeup call for me, cassie.

Cassie: Yeah, for me, too.

Edmund: I just can't take for granted that our baby is going to be fine for the next eight months.

Cassie: Yeah. You never know what issues might pop up.

Edmund: Exactly. That's why it's so critical for us to be there for the baby. Together. It really is our solemn duty. Cassie, if you think about it, it's why I'm sorry, I just can't sign the separation papers.

Cassie: Yeah. The baby needs the best of both of us, right?

Edmund: Exactly. And that's us together. I'm glad you understand that. So I'll keep you abreast of my schedule and I hope you'll do the same for me. The closer we keep tabs on one another, the better, I think. For baby, anyway.

Cassie: Stop it.

Edmund: Sorry?

Cassie: Stop it. How could you do this to me?

Danny: You're still here?

Michelle: Yup. Yeah, I was just sitting here thinking. Is robbie awake?

Danny: No. No. He's out cold. He's starting to sleep now the way you do: With his left arm sticking straight out.

Michelle: That's my boy.

Danny: So what were you thinking about?

Michelle: Just how I'm going to break it to tony that we're not going to get married tomorrow night.

Danny: Well, michelle, you don't have to break it to him. Not if you can get married.

Michelle: I thought you said the judge...

Danny: I know, it's postponed until next week, but there could be a way around it.

Michelle: Oh, yeah? How?

Danny: Well, if you really want to marry tony tomorrow, you and I can hop on a plane to vegas, get a quickie divorce, you can be back by first thing tomorrow so you can marry tony.

Michelle: That is crazy!

Danny: But efficient.

Michelle: I would never make you go through all that trouble.

Danny: It's not trouble. And, look, to be honest I would rather get this over with myself ... rind ianawr w ysveomn. We're due.

Michelle: Okay. Yeah. Great then.

Danny: So, is that what we want to do? Do a divorce vegas style? It would be an adventure.

Michelle: Great. Let's do it.

Tony: Hey, marina. Hi, this is tony santos and I am checking in tomorrow. I need a favor. I need a bottle of champagne on ice in my bedroom, a lot of chocolate because she... well, she loves chocolate. Can you do that for me? All right. You're the man. Thank you.

Marina: Chocolate and champagne? Count me.

Tony: ( Laughs ) maybe next time there, scooter. This time around it's me and michelle on the beach in sunny hawaii.

Marina: But isn't tomorrow...

Tony: It's the hearing but tomorrow it's final we're eloping, getting this over with.

Marina: Whoa, drastic.

Tony: Romantic would be the word. Remember, I told you that i would do anything to hang on to michelle, didn't I? Well, this is it.

Marina: Well, there's no rush danny and michelle are getting their divorce, okay? They're done.

Tony: Well, I'll tell you what, marina, you believe that, okay.

Marina: I believe in danny.

Tony: You do, huh? Then you ask him why he was kissing michelle tonight.

Olivia: Frank doesn't understand how hard you fought for harley.

Gus: I don't blame him. He loves his sister.

Olivia: So do you.

Gus: I don't blame harley, either, for killing phillip.

Olivia: Well, it's a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.

Gus: Phillip did a lot of horrible things to people. I... it's like he wouldn't give up, you know? He just kept asking for it and asking for it.

Olivia: You think?

Gus: I that what we should do is what you said. All this misery that he created and left us all in, we should get past it, we should move on.

Olivia: Yeah, it's a fat chance.

Gus: You said it. You said we should...

Olivia: I know what I said. It's a good idea in theory but it just shows you how malignant phillip was. He's been dead for so many months and everybody who had contact with him is still down in this muck he left behind.

Gus: It's good that you're not bitter.

Olivia: You can joke all you want but your life isn't exactly humming along, is it?

Gus: You think that was phillip's fault?

Olivia: It's all phillip's fault. Don't you understand? He set all of this in motion, even harley and bill, this fling or whatever it was that they had. They would never have been together except they tried to bring down phillip. It's like it's his parting gift from the grave, you know? If he were alive he would be laughing his head off. But he's not. He's dead and he deserves to be dead. I'm sorry it didn't happen sooner.

Harley: ( Sighs ) well, well, well. Once a liar, always a liar.

Cassie: This was a setup.

Edmund: What?

Cassie: There's nothing wrong with dinah. She doesn't have a hang nail, much less a headache or any abdominal pain.

Edmund: Cassie, how could you think that?

Cassie: You knew a good scare about the baby would bring me to the hospital where you'd be.

Edmund: Cassie, what has dinah been saying?

Cassie: Dinah didn't say anything to me, edmund, except how relieved she is that the baby is fine. I came up with this on my own.

Edmund: Why do you think I'd do something so...

Cassie: Manipulative. You panicked when I didn't come to your room so you hit on this as a way to keep me close by.

Edmund: Actually, that's not the way it happened at all. Although it would have been nice that you told me you weren't coming to my room.

Cassie: I left you a message.

Edmund: I never got a message.

Cassie: I didn't come by your room because I wasn't ready yet.

Edmund: It's all right, cassie.

Cassie: Edmund...

Edmund: It's all right. I'm sorry. I love you. I love you and I don't want to pressure you anymore.

Cassie: If you love me, then I want you to tell me the truth. Look at me and tell me the truth. Did you set this up?

Edmund: Cassie, I brought dinah here unnecessarily. But it was because I overreacted and I was worried that there was something wrong with the baby. I'm sure you can understand.

Cassie: Yeah. I understand everything perfectly.

Marina: You saw danny kissing michelle?

Tony: I did. A couple hours ago and I know how it happened. They got caught up in the past, it's not real, but I will not sit around and wait for them to get back what they had. Now, I may be setting myself up for a fall, I don't care. But I will fight for her until the day I die.

Marina: And I will fight for danny, but in the end it all comes down to whether you trust the person you love. If you don't, there is nothing worth fighting for. ( Cell phone rings )

Marina: Hello?

Danny: It's danny. Look, I'm really sorry I won't be able to make the movie. This thing I need to take care of looks like it's going to be most of the night. We still on for tomorrow if that's okay with you?

Marina: Sounds good. Are you okay?

Danny: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'll call you in the morning. Did you call tony?

Michelle: No, I'm going to wait until we get to vegas. If I talk to him now he's going to want to come with us and i think it's should something we should do ourselves.

Danny: We'll be back before anyone flows we're gone.

Michelle: So you nervous about flying since the whole incident on sebastian's island?

Danny: Not until you mentioned it, thank you very much.

Michelle: I'd be white knuckling it all the way to nevada if$I were you.

Danny: No, wow you wouldn'T. Remember the trip we took to vancouver with the tray crazy turbulence. It didn't bother you one bit.

Michelle: That turned out to be a great trip, didn't it?

Mallet: I'll get back to you. Problem?

Harley: Question. Do opportunity parolee and the inmate files in separate sections?

Mallet: Yeah, if you think it will work. Use your judgment.

Harley: Okay. Something else?

Harley: Yeah. Sorry to keep bugging you, I'm just still a little disoriented, that's all.

Mallet: That's understandable.

Harley: It's weird enough to be yanked out of my life, taken away from all the people that i love, my family, forced to learn to live behind these walls, and then to top it all off, the ex- husband shows up. How did that happen, anyway?

Mallet: It's like I told you, I was assigned here.

Harley: Really? Not according to this. You weren't just assigned here. You requested this position. So you answer one more question for me: Did you put in for this job so that you could be close to me?

Gus: You had every right to hate phillip's guts.

Olivia: I didn't just hate him. I despised him. But not enough to pull the trigger myself. Harley apparently didn't have a problem with which that, which makes her my hero. But anyway, it's over, case is closed.

Gus: Right.

Olivia: Take care of that lip. ( Phone beeps )

Gus: "The spaulding house is the right place to find what you're looking for."

Csie: I think we should get you home and you need to rest.

Dinah: Okay. Um... on the way home I want to make sure that we pick up a pint of chocolate mint ice cream and some pringles. I'm into this sweet/salty thing.

Cassie: Fine.

Dr. Sedwick: Good, you're still here. I want to talk to you about these test results.

Cassie: Wait a minute, you said everything was okay with the baby.

Dr. Sedwick: With the baby, yes. But I'm afraid there's a problem with you, dinah.

Next on "guiding light"...

Harley: My ex-husband just happens to show up to run the prison where I'm sent? Uh-uh. I am sorry. I do not believe this is a coincidence.

Mallet: Then what do you call it?

Cassie: I went for a ride with jeffrey. Nothing happened. And I wasn't running away.

Edmund: You did. And you ran not because you stopped loving me. You ran because you still do.

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