Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/15/05
By Suzanne
danny: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.
Michelle: We both did it.
Cassie: I want to know exactly what she said, edmund.
Edmund: She said to meet her here.
Cassie: Did she say why?
Edmund: No.
Cassie: She's up to something.
Edmund: Let's just wait.
Cassie: She disappeared from the hospital.
Blake: Hey, cassie. So, we got your message. We're here. What's up?
Cassie: I didn't leave a message. What message?
Ross: My secretary said you left a message.
Cassie: It wasn't me.
Dinah: It was me. Hello, everybody.
Cassie: What are you up to, dinah?
Dinah: Well, I wanted to apologize for the amount of pain that i've neused all of you. But more importantly, I want us to celebrate today.
Blake: Okay, I'll bite. Celebrate what?
Dinah: The miracle of life.
Fitzsimmons: Hey, aitoro.
Gus: Fitzsimmons. Thank you very much. I owe you one. You're a lifesaver.
Fitzsimmons: Yeah, you know, this could just be somebody playing with you.
Gus: Or it could be the real killer, or it could be somebody who knows who the real killer is. Either way, I have to check it out.
Fitzsimmons: Yeah. I'll see what I come up with.
Gus: I owe you a big one.
Fitzsimmons: You owe me more than one, all right?
Gus: Just call me if you hear anything.
Fitzsimmons: Yeah, all right. Don't worry about it, man. I'm on it.
Gus: All right, thank you. So, I hear you're back at the big house.
Olivia: What are you drinking, gus?
Gus: Is that how you treat all your customers?
Olivia: No, just you.
Gus: Hm. I figured since we're in the same boat, you know, misery... Misery likes company.
Olivia: You figured wrong.
Gus: I moved back into the house, too. Isn't that cozy?
Olivia: Why don't you cut with the chitchat? What do you want from me?
Harley: Are you done with that yet? Sorry. You've just been reading it since last night. I thought maybe we should get to know one another. Girl talk. Okay, well then, i'll just... I'll tell you about myself, okay? I'm in here for killing my ex- husband, only I didn't do it. But then, I guess everybody says that, huh?
Lena: I don't do girl talk.
Harley: Okay.
Guard: Cooper's in there, sir.
Mallet: Good. Now get rid of the other prisoner. I want to be alone with her.
Guard: Warden mallet...
Mallet: Just do it, okay? I'll take full responsibility.
Guard: Yard time. Let's go. Not you.
Harley: Well, isn't everybody supposed to go out? You just said...
Guard: Everybody except you, step.
Mallet: Hello, harley.
Harley: Mallet?
Mallet: Actually, it's warden mallet, but I'll let it pass this time. One of the perks of having been my wife.
Gus: What is it with people not trusting me, hmm?
Olivia: I can't imagine why that would be.
Gus: I just thought that, you know, for once we had something in common.
Olivia: Mm-hmm. My husband slept with your girlfriend.
Gus: That's something.
Olivia: ( Scoffs ) it's something i'd like to forget.
Gus: I just thought that since we're in the same house and everything, you know, we could watch each other's back just a little bit.
Olivia: I'll watch my own back, thanks very much.
Gus: ( Laughs ) okay. I was just trying to be nice.
Olivia: People are only nice when they want something.
Gus: Whoa. Listen to you.
Olivia: Listen to you. This is about harley. Everything, for you, is about harley.
Gus: Harley is in jail.
Olivia: I'm sure you blame me for putting her there.
Gus: Well, you did help blow my case. Why did you do that, by the way?
Olivia: Does it matter at this point, gus?
Gus: Well, I'm just... I'm curious.
Olivia: I'm sure you are. Look, harley is gone. Bill probably is, too. Life goes on.
Gus: Hm. Life just goes on, huh? So you wash your hands of it... Phillip, the murder, your husband bill.
Olivia: Why not?
Danny: Michelle, what the hell is going on here?
Michelle: Danny, I really...
Tony: Oh, oh, oh. Look, little man. Look who's out here on the patio.
Robbie: Daddy and mommy.
Danny: Hey, bud.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: What's going on? Did you have a good time with jude and leah?
Michelle: You went to the park? Did you go on the slide and the jungle gym? Come here. The slide. Woo-hoo! Come up here. Guess what mommy remembers? Hm? ( Blows raspberry ) you see? Eskimo kiss, butterfly kiss, hang like a bat, and nurfle the belly. I remembered. I'm remembering a lot of things these days, especially things about my favorite guy. Oh.
Tony: When I saw you guys out here, I figured I would surprise her.
Danny: Yeah? When did you get here?
Tony: What?
Danny: When did you get here?
Tony: Couple of minutes ago. Why?
Danny: No reason. Buddy? Catch.
Michelle: He caught it.
Danny: Good one.
Michelle: Jump.
Dinah: I want to share some good news with all of you.
Edmund: Dinah, this is neither the time nor the place.
Dinah: I know. I should have discussed this with you all at first, but...
Cassie: Yes, you should have.
Dinah: I don't want anybody to get upset.
Blake: ( Scoffs ) please.
Dinah: This is good. This is a very good thing. Now, sooner or later you're going to be hearing things, and we all know the nurses at the hospitals-- they're gossip queens, except for lillian, of course.
Ross: At the hospital? Are you okay?]5g
dinah: Mommy and baby are doing just fine.
Ross: You're pregnant?
Dinah: Yes. I am carrying cassie and edmund's baby. I am the gestational carrier.Cnb
ross: What?
Blake: Oh, dear lord.
Dinah: Now, i know this could be upsetting. I knew that you were going to react like this, but i want you to know, for the first time in my life I am doing the right thing.
Ross: Oh, now, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Cassie, what is going on? Dinah is carrying your child?
Tammy: Oh, my god.
Edmund: Tammy, wait. We can explain this.
Cassie: No, no. I'll explain it to her.
Tammy: Are you kidding me? There's no explaining this.
Dinah: I know this is big news for you...
Tammy: It's nuts. You're nuts.
Dinah: Which is why i'm glad that we're processing this all together.
Ross: Dinah, I'm never going to be able to process this.
Dinah: Daddy, i know that you're upset about this, i can tell. But I want you to stop, I want you to think, and just know that we're here to celebrate. We're all family now.
Cassie: We're not family, dinah.
Tammy: How did this happen? Mom, how did she...?
Cassie: Baby, it happened when i was away.
Edmund: Tammy, I asked dinah to carry the baby.
Tammy: What were you thinking, edmund? How could you do this? Why?
Cassie: Hey. Hey. You know what? I wasn't happy about it, either. I wasn't. But it's my baby, tammy, just like you were.
Tammy: But dinah, of all people. That's disgusting.
Cassie: I know, i know. But you know what? It is what it is. And we were just at cedars and we saw the baby on a sonogram, so...
Tammy: You know, you can't trust her.
Cassie: I know.
Tammy: She is so going to double-cross you. She's going to hurt you with your own baby, mom, I just know it.
Edmund: Tammy, tammy, i am not going to let that happen. I promise.
Tammy: Don't talk to me. This would never have happened if it weren't for you. How could you do this to my mom?
Dinah: I'm doing a good deed, daddy.
Ross: Oh, dinah.
Dinah: Stop. I am helping someone have a baby. How could that possibly be bad?
Blake: Question: Do you think you're capable of carrying this child for nine months and then giving it up?
Dinah: I don't have a choice, blake. But yes, i do, because i'm doing this for the right reasons. You're going to see. I've changed.
Blake: Yeah, right. ( Laughs ) fat chance.
Dinah: You want to see me fail, don't you?
Blake: No, I don't, dinah. No, I don'T. In this case, I pray to god you're on the up and up. I'm checking on cassie.
Dinah: Where's bill? He was supposed to be here. I need the support of my brother.
Ross: I don't think he'll be all that enthusiastic about this, so don't get your hopes up.
Dinah: Daddy, come here. Come on. Be happy for me. I am finally becoming the person you've always wanted me to be.
Blake: How's tammy?
Cassie: Upset. She took off. Like that kid hasn't been through enough.
Blake: Life. This is almost as bad as thinking two different guys fathered your twins.
Cassie: I cannot believe edmund did this.
Blake: He is acting pretty desperate. He reminds me of my father.
Cassie: Oh. Great. There's nothing I can do about it.
Blake: There might be.
Michelle: See, now that mommy remembers a lot more, I'm going to be a lot more fun. You'll see.
Danny: Oh, come on. Mommy's always been fun. Right, bud?
Michelle: Well, look, there's fun and then there's fun, right?
Tony: You've been a great mom, babe.
Robbie: Are you going to live with me and daddy again?
Michelle: Um, no. No, honey. I'm still living with tony.
Danny: Yeah. Your mom and tony are getting married, remember?
Tony: But you will come and visit a lot. That's guaranteed.
Michelle: That's right, definitely. Hey, you want to go play on the swings? Come on.
Danny: What, you didn't get enough of the swings at the park? Huh?
Michelle: You can never get enough of the swings. I'll race you. Ready? Go.
Tony: She's happy.
Danny: Yeah.
Tony: So I assume you heard.
Danny: What's that? About you rescheduling the divorce hearing? Yeah, I heard, tony. Michelle told me.
Tony: Well, is that okay with you?
Danny: Oh, well the next time you decide to fix things...
Tony: What? Like what, danny?
Danny: ...That don't involve you...
Tony: What are you going to do?
Gus: It's getting awful chilly in here.
Olivia: What did you expect to happen, gus? You'd waltz intere, we'd have a couple of drinks and become the best of friends?
Gus: No, I just thought it would be good to have an ally in the old big spaulding mansion.
Olivia: You don't want allies, you want suspects. You're on your one-man quest to save harley.
Gus: I told you, she is in jail.
Olivia: You know what? I can read between the lines. You're just feeling guilty.
Gus: Guilty? Look, am i feeling bad she's in jail? Yes. Did I want her there? Of course not. I'm off the case, though. It is over between us.
Olivia: Stop it. I'm not buying your act.
Gus: I'm not acting. What are you talking about? I'm trying to move on with my life, here. Why do you think i moved back into the house in the first place?
Olivia: I don't know, gus. You tell me.
Gus: Didn't i just tell you?
Olivia: Don't. I will not be your scapegoat.
Gus: Hey, what are you, just feeling guilty that you ruined her life, huh? And you drove your husband into her bed? Is that your problem?
Olivia: You know what? Just leave me alone! Leave me alone!
Bill: Working on a new acquisition?
Harley: You're the warden?
Mallet: Haven't been here much longer than you.
Harley: This isn't happening. Somebody wake me up.
Mallet: You're not dreaming.
Harley: I'm having a nightmare. This is a nightmare.
Mallet: So, i take it you're not happy to see me? Can't say I'm surprised.
Harley: Ten years.
Mallet: I think it's only been eight or nine.
Harley: Ten years and you... You end up here? I mean, what is worse than being in prison? Being in prison with your ex- husband who cheated on you.
Mallet: God, cooper, nobody can hold a grudge like you.
Harley: A grudge? A grudge?
A grudge?
Mallet: What do you want me to say? That i'm sorry? I can't change what happened.
Harley: Well, if you came here looking for sympathy, you are in the wrong place. There couldn't be a wronger place in the world!
Mallet: You know what? This isn't how i pictured it.
Harley: What?
Mallet: Seeing you again. In all the times i thought about it, this was never how it went.
Harley: Really? Because this is exactly how i pictured it. I figured you'd come visit me in prison, you'd flash me that smile, sure I'd forgive you, and the next thing you know, it's lockdown.
Mallet: It's really good to see you. You look good, considering. What? What? I just wanted to see you. I wanted to see how you're getting along.
Harley: I'm in prison. It pretty much sucks. But hey, i look good. I guess that's all that matters, right?
Mallet: I shouldn't have... Okay, I guess we have to keep this professional.
Harley: Professional? I'm a prisoner. This isn't a job for me. This is my life.
Mallet: That's not what i meant.
Harley: I don't care what you meant.
Mallet: I should get out of here.
Harley: I hate you. I wouldn't even be in here if it wasn't for you.
Coming up on "guiding
Cassie: I need a little distance.
Jeffrey: Do you mean that?
Cassie: Yeah, i do.
Jeffrey: Then come with me.
Harley: I can't think about what i lost when you slept with some chick in your surveillance van ten years ago, okay? I'm too busy thinking about what i've lost now, in the present.
Mallet: So it's my fault you got sent up for murder?
Harley: I wouldn't have been with phillip spaulding if you hadn't cheated on me, or anybody else, for that matter. My whole life would be different.
Mallet: Yeah. You wouldn't have had kids.
Harley: We would have. Somehow.
Mallet: Probably not. So you're telling me you would have traded your boys to keep things status quo with me? You would go back and change everything?
Harley: If it meant not ending up here? No. Of course not. I still hate you.
Mallet: You should. What i did was just rotten.
Harley: You have no idea.
Mallet: What happened to get you in here, cooper?
Harley: Are you asking me if i killed phillip?
Mallet: ( Sighs )
harley: What do you think?
Mallet: I don't know. I've seen you angry enough, like that time with your dad.
Harley: I was hurt.
Mallet: And you wanted to hurt him.
Harley: I wouldn't have killed him.
Mallet: So, phillip took your kids. Huh? I mean, it's understandable if that...
Harley: I didn't kill phillip, okay? Did I think about it?K hell, yeah. Hell, yeah. You know, I've only felt that way one other time in my life. Any guesses when?
Bill: What do you want?
Gus: I don't really know. I just went a couple of rounds with your wife. I think maybe I'm a glutton for punishment.
Bill: Yeah, i guess you are.
Gus: But she is special, isn't she? A special lady. I'm surprised that you lasted as long as you did.
Bill: You know, trashing olivia is not going to make us good buddies. We loved each other.
Gus: Oh, you loved each other? See, because i thought it was, like, an arrangement of some sort.
Bill: Well, at first maybe it was.
Gus: Doesn't really matter, though, as long as you parted ways, with my girl.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. Harley had her reasons for doing what she did.
Gus: And you, bill, are completely innocent in the whole thing, right?
Bill: You know what? I came here to unwind, so if you don't mind, I don't need this right now.
Gus: But I... I don't need it.
Bill: Gus? Olivia... How did... How did she seem?
Gus: Well, besides being her wonderful, charming self, I'd say paranoid.
Bill: Well, cut her some slack. She's had a tough time of it.
Gus: No more than anybody else.
Bill: Well, you know what phillip did to her.
Gus: Phillip was not a nice person. I guess it runs in the family.
Gus: Oh, that i've heard. Yeah.
Bill: Look, olivia ght seem tough, but things get to her, and phillip, he got to her.
Gus: He got to a lot of people, bill.
Bill: No, i mean he really got to her. She was having nightmares about the guy.
Tony: What? What's wrong, danny? You don't seem too happy.
Danny: Don't push me, tony.
Tony: Oh, come on. What, your divorce is going to go through, but what? You can't get on with your life?
Danny: Yeah. My life. Rescheduling my divorce hearing isn't your business.
Tony: Oh, there you go again, forgetting about michelle. This is your thing, man.
Danny: Oh. Oh, did michelle ask you to do this?
Tony: No, she didn't, but we got a wedding to plan, all right? How long am I supposed to sit around and wait for you to handle your end, huh?
Danny: She just got her memory back.
Tony: It doesn't change anything, danny.
Danny: Yeah? Then why do you seem so nervous?
Michelle: What's going on?
Danny: We're just talking about the divorce.
Michelle: Is that it?
Danny: That's it.
Tony: Babe, i think we should go.
Michelle: Where?
Tony: You got another document to sign before... Before tomorrow.
Michelle: Yeah, but i told robbie...
Tony: It's got to be done by 5:00 or else the hearing cannot happen, okay?
Danny: Do you need my signature?
Tony: No, just michelle's.
Michelle: All right, let me go say goodbye to robbie.
Tony: Babe, listen to me. There's not enough time. Let's just go.
Michelle: There's time, okay? Robbie?
Blake: Dinah's pregnancy, i mean it is early on. You do have choices.Y6Ñ
cassie: Blake.
Blake: No, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to tell you anything to do. I mean, that is not my job to tell you anything. I'm just... If you don't trust dinah, if you have a problem with this, it's just that it's still early on.ç
Cassie: I couldn't do that.
Blake: It's just an option. For some people, it's an option.
Cassie: I know.
Blake: Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I'm so sorry. I don't want to make this worse for you.
Cassie: You're not. You're not, okay? I know you're trying to help me.
Blake: I just want to make sure that you're okay.
Cassie: Oh. ( Laughs ) I don't even know what to feel.
Edmund: Dinah? May I have a minute alone with your father?
Dinah: I actually don't think that speaking...
Ross: No, dinah, I would like to speak to edmund alone. Okay, go ahead. Convince me that you have not stuck a fuse into a walking time bomb.
Edmund: Ross, your daughter is not a walking time bomb.
Ross: And you apparently are not as astute as i thought.
Edmund: She is doing this because she genuinely wants to change.
Ross: This is not the way to go about it. Dinah is a very troubled young woman.
Edmund: With the support of me and cassie.
Ross: Your support? And what happens to dinah at the end of this pregnancy, when she gives birth and she sees the baby and holds the baby, and then has to give it up? Will you be there to pick up the pieces, you selfish, arrogant fool?
Edmund: Be careful, mr. Mayor. Don't come between a man and his child.
Dinah: It's okay. It's okay.
Cassie: God, I wanted this baby so much.
Blake: I know you did. I know you did. But that was before the gestational carrier from hell signed on for duty.
Cassie: It's not just dinah.
Blake: I know.
Cassie: Blake.
Blake: I know.
Cassie: This is not where edmund and i are supposed to be in the first four months of our marriage.
Blake: Honey, you guys have been thrown so many obstacles, it's amazing that you're still standing.
Cassie: Barely standing.
Blake: You're going to get through this, okay?
Cassie: Yeah.
Edmund: Cassie? I'm sorry. Did you speak with tammy?
Cassie: She left before i could really talk to her.
Blake: I'm going to go inside.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie, i'm sorry. Dinah just wasn't thinking.
Cassie: Yeah. Clearly. You know, blake just pointed out that, you know, we do have some other options, you know.
Edmund: Cassie, is... Is that what you want?
Cassie: No. No, I couldn't do that.
Edmund: Cassie, it's your child.
Cassie: Edmund, it's our child.
Edmund: Cassie.
Cassie: ( Sobs )
edmund: Cassie, i know I've been pushing.
Cassie: There's just a lot going on, edmund. And now...
Edmund: Cassie, listen, i wouldn't... I wouldn't have done this if I didn't love you so much, and if i didn't know that you loved me, too.
Cassie: I do love you.
Edmund: Cassie, we saw our baby today for the very first time in the hospital. That... It was the most amazing experience of my life.
Cassie: I know. I know.
Edmund: I want to be with you tonight.
Cassie: Oh, edmund, i don't know, okay? I don't know.
Edmund: No, nothing will happen, cassie. Nothing will happen. We'll send dinah back to the farm and we'll just go upstairs. What do you think?
Cassie: That would be nice.
Edmund: So that's a yes?
Cassie: You have to sleep in tammy's room, okay? You have to. I'm sorry.
Edmund: Of course. Of course. You won't regret this. You won'T. Come on, let's go.
Cassie: You know, i really need just a few more minutes out here by myself, okay?
Edmund: Yeah, that's fine. I'll just... I'll be inside, waiting. Okay.
Jeffrey: ( Whistles ) wow. You're not really going to go upstairs with him, are you?
Cassie: What, are you spying on me?
Jeffrey: I've been here about two seconds. Well?
Cassie: He's the baby's father, you know.
Jeffrey: Hm. So it's about the baby, not him.
Cassie: I don't know.
Jeffrey: You think you can trust him again, cassie? You think you can forgive him again? You know, maybe it doesn't matter as long as it's about the baby.
Cassie: I don't know, jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Well, you better figure something out real quick, because he's up there, waiting.
Dinah: Why is everything so difficult? ( Groans ) ( telephone ringing )
cassie: Hey, it's cassie.
Leave me a message or try me at
the farm. ( Answering machine beeps )
edmund, it's me.
I guess you're not there yet.
( Sighs )
look, I know that I said that i
would come up, but i'm just not
ready to do that, and I'm
I'll talk to you tomorrow. I feel bad leaving that on a message.
Jeffrey: Well, then maybe you should go inside and tell him yourself.
Cassie: No. No. I need a little distance.
Jeffrey: Do you mean that?
Cassie: Yeah, i do.
Jeffrey: Then come with me.
Gus: So, olivia's having nightmares about phillip?
Bill: Well, like I said, he really got to her. But your whole damn family really gets to her. I thought you'd get it.
Gus: No, I get it. The part that I don't get is why you keep defending her.
Bill: Olivia always gets the bum rap. I just think you should hear another side of it, that's all.
Gus: How is she now? I mean, is she still having these nightmares?
Bill: Well, she was when we were together, and they were freaking her out. Something about phillip coming after her, a hand coming up out of the grave.
Gus: Well, that's understandable.
Bill: Just don't say anything about it, all right?
Gus: No, I would never. ( Laughter )
michelle: All right, just one drink, and then I've got to back and check on robbie, okay?
Tony: All right, one drink is fine. So, what... What were you and danny talking about before i got there?
Michelle: Robe, mostly. We both had the same idea to spend some time with him today.
Tony: I guess great minds think alike, huh?
Michelle: I guess so.
Tony: What's really going on, michelle?
Mallet: I expected you to hate me. It's no surprise.
Harley: Good, because i would hate for you to be surprised. I would hate for you to be as devastated as I was.E
mallet: I am so sorry.
Harley: I can't. I can't do this.
Mallet: What? Do what?
Harley: I can't think about what i lost when you slept with some chick in your surveillance van ten years ago, okay? I'm too busy thinking about what i've lost now, in the present.
Mallet: Okay.
Harley: My god. I don't belong here. I belong with my kids. I belong with my family. I belong with the man that i really do love. ( Sobbing ) I don't belong here with you. Not here. Anywhere but here.
Mallet: Ssh.
Harley: ( Crying )
mallet: It's okay.
danny: Okay, champ. It's getting kind of late. It's getting chilly. We should go.
Robbie: Daddy, does tony love mommy?
Danny: Yeah, he does.
Robbie: Do you love mommy?
Danny: Well, yeah, of course i do. I do.
Tony: I mean, i don't know. The wedding? You don't want to do it again?
Michelle: That's silly. No.
Tony: Well, i mean, you wanted something different, right?
Michelle: Where are you getting this from?
Tony: I don't know. Instincts, i guess.
Michelle: Well don't, okay, because I want us to have a wedding.
Tony: You do?
Michelle: Yes.
Tony: You're sure about that? All right. Because I have a much better idea. Why don't we just elope?
Michelle: ( Laughs )
tony: I'm serious.
Michelle: Elope? Really?
Tony: I'm serious. Why not? We both want to get married. Let's just do it.
Michelle: Oh, okay. When?
Tony: When? Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Let's do it tomorrow, right after the hearing. What do you say?
Michelle: That soon, huh?
Tony: Why not? I can't think of any other reason why we shouldn'T. Can you?
Michelle: Why not?
Jeffrey: Come with me.
Cassie: Hey.
Ross: Have you seen dinah?
Cassie: No. No. She hasn't been out here.
Blake: We'll look for her inside, then.
Ross: Cassie, we need to talk about this.
Cassie: Okay, all right. Yeah, we do, but can we do it some other time?
Ross: All right.
Cassie: Where are you going to take me?
Jeffrey: Ah, well, that's a surprise.
Cassie: I've had my share of surprises lately.
Jeffrey: But this is a good surprise.
Edmund: Cassie? Cassie, it's me.
Olivia: Well, you go ahead
and you wring your hands and
you cry over this horrible
thing, but as for me, I hope he
You had it coming, you son of a
When do I get to tell the world
how much i loathed you?
Harley: I lost everything. I used to have everything, and i've lost it all. It's all gone. And I'm alone. I'm all alone.
Mallet: Hey. Wait, harley. Harley. Come here. Come here.
Harley: No, no, no.
Mallet: Ssh.
Harley: ( Crying )
mallet: Come here.
Harley: ( Sobs )
next, on "guiding light"...
Jeffrey: I wouldn't want you to miss your big break.
Cassie: Big break?
Jeffrey: Yeah. I forgot to tell you, my backup singer, she's sick, and you're taking her place tonight.
Harley: You stay away from me. Haven't you done enough?
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