GL Transcript Tuesday 4/12/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/12/05



By  Amanda

Olivia: Bill? Bill, are you here? Hi. Hi.

Bill: Hey.

Olivia: I'm glad you're okay.

Bill: Hey, olivia. How are you doing?

Olivia: I've been looking everywhere for you. I... I'm sorry. You have every right to be upset with me. I... and I heard about harley's sentence, and I feel terrible for her. I do, I do feel terrible for her. I am sorry about everything.

Bill: So am I.

Olivia: But we can... we can get past this, right? I mean, come on. You believe that, right? Please? ( Knocking on door )

Gus: Lewis, you in there?

Bill: Aw...

Olivia: What? Gus, hey. ( Screams )

Gus: That's for sleeping with my girl, you son of a bitch.

Holly: Alan.

Alan: Oh, holly. Excuse me just for a second. Holly, you look lovely.

Holly: Thank you. Nice tie.

Alan: Thank you.

Holly: Important people? Is that why you brought me here, to do a story on the local moguls?

Alan: No, no, no, not at all. You are my guest. No work allowed.

Holly: Thank you. Refreshing.

Alan: Although there is a little something I would like to discuss with you.

Holly: Of course there is.

Alan: I have my eye on the "journal." To buy it, that is.

Holly: What? Phillip bought me out of the tv station and you want to buy my paper? What have I ever done to you?

Alan: Well, you devoted your life to my nemesis, mr. Thorpe. But besides that, I thought your coverage of harley's trial and conviction was biased.

Holly: Hm. I didn't know you cared. The paper's not for sale, alan. Good-night.

Alan: Holly. Holly, this... this doesn't have to be adversarial.

Holly: Fine. You have a minute. Convince me.

Josh: Wanda, just stop talking for a minute, okay? You need to talk to the pilot, tell him to fuel up the jet and have it ready to go tonight. He knows the destination. No, it's just going to be me and reva, that's all. It's a surprise. A good one, though. Okay, thank you very much. Hi.

Tammy: More surprises for aunt reva? Some men never learn.

Josh: I thought I scared the two of you off earlier.

Sandy: You did. We left so fast I didn't realize that I forgot the material you wanted me to look over for the hanover project.

Josh: Yes, you did, and it's right there.

Sandy: All right.

Josh: Now, I'm off to find my wife, so lock up the house when you leave, okay? You have keys, don't you?

Sandy: Obviously.

Josh: Oh, and feel free to eat whatever is in the fridge, whatever we didn't get to earlier because reva and I are not going to be here for it.

Tammy: Cool. We'll be gone before you get back. And good luck tracking her down.

Josh: Thank you.

Tammy: Cool. We'll be gone before you get back. And good luck tracking her down.

Josh: Thank you. I appreciate that. Good-bye.

Jonathan: Look, reva's not going anywhere, okay? The situation is under control. You don't need to come here. Yeah, everything's cool. She's not going anywhere, so stop checking up on me. ( Laughs ) you're back.

Reva: Yeah, I'm back. Bad night?

Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Edmund: Cassie, this is our home.

Cassie: No, it's no not anymore. I want you to go.

Edmund: Cassie, I know you're shocked by what I've done, but we're going to have our dream, our child.

Cassie: My only concern is for that unborn child. I have no idea how the two of you could have been so irresponsible, but that doesn't really matter, does it? Because now there's a new life that needs to be protected.

Edmund: Good, and we'll protect it together.

Cassie: I don't need you, edmund. I protected my own kids from day one.

Dinah: Look, the two of you, I think, need some time alone. I will go.

Cassie: No, you're not going anywhere because, dinah, I'm making the rules now, okay? You go or I will take her somewhere far away.

Dinah: You will?

Cassie: Yes, I will, because like it or not, we're stuck with each other, because that's my baby you're carrying and I will decide how he or she is cared for. I want you out of here.

Edmund: All right. I'll go, for now. I love you, cassie, and I'm not going to give up on us.

Dinah: He loves you, you know? Are you okay?

Cassie: I'm peachy, dinah.

Dinah: Well, hey. You know, this may not be so bad. I've never had a roommate before. It's going to be fun, just us girls together.

Jonathan: What are you drinking?

Jonathan: What are you drinking?

Reva: What else. Bourbon.

Jonathan: Double. ( Laughter ) could I have a double bourbon for the lady and another shot for myself, please? What else do you need?

Reva: Breathing room. Not you.

Jonathan: Well, I know you've been trying really hard to cool the mother-son thing lately.

Reva: Yeah, well, not tonight.

Jonathan: Whatever you say. Thank you.

Reva: Keep them coming. ( Laughter )

Josh: How are you doing?

Edmund: I've been better. Cassie kicked me out.

Josh: Really? For good?

Edmund: She needs some time.

Josh: Hm. So you need a drink.

Edmund: Yes, I do.

Josh: I take it she doesn't want to forgive you about the fire in the barn.

Edmund: You could say that.

Josh: Well, it's a pretty big deal. I could see why that would take some time.

Edmund: She still loves me, josh, and I love her. We have a lot to live for, especially now.

Josh: You mean now that you're married.

Edmund: Yes, that. And the child we're hoping is on the way.

Josh: Wait a minute. I thought cassie had decided against the in vitro.

Edmund: Josh, what would you say if I were to hire a woman to carry cassie's child as sort of a present to cassie?

Josh: With or without cassie's consent?

Edmund: Let's say without.

Josh: Edmund, this is an incredibly bad idea.

Edmund: Josh, just hear me out.

Josh: No, this is a bad idea. I have done a lot of crazy things in the name of love. I know what I'm talking about, all right? You cannot use a child to manipulate cassie. I will backfire.

Edmund: I don't know what to do. At this point, josh, I'm willing to do anything. I just want cassie back and I'm going to do whatever it takes.

Josh: Yeah, that makes me very nervous.

Cassie: We need to get a few things straight, dinah.

Dinah: Okay. Well, can we eat while we talk, c, because I'm starving.

Cassie: Did you just call me "c"?

Dinah: Pizza. Hart and I knew of a great pizza joint down the street.

Cassie: No pizza. It's high in fat and sodium, okay?

Dinah: Are you on a diet?

Cassie: No. I'm thinking about the baby.

Dinah: Right, the baby.

Cassie: That's why we're here, okay, so let's not forget about that.

Dinah: Okay. I'm still hungry. What about chinese?

Cassie: We've got to go over our schedule for tomorrow, okay? First thing in the morning, we're going to see dr. Sedwick.

Dinah: I just had a check-up.

Cassie: I don't really care, because that's my baby you're carrying, dinah, and i need to be brought up to speed on everything.

Dinah: All right, could we please choose another doctor? I don't think she likes me.

Cassie: Imagine that. I'm going to make us something to eat.

Dinah: You're going to cook?

Cassie: Yes, I'm going to cook.

Dinah: I just thought, you know, you haven't been here in a while, so...

Cassie: There's no food.

Dinah: Exactly. So I think we should go with the pizza we talked about orders.

Sandy: Mm-hmm.

Tammy: I guess we should clean up and get out of here before they get back.

Sandy: People seem to want us to do that. Leave, I mean.

Tammy: You noticed that, to

Sandy: Mm-hmm.

Tammy: Yeah, I'm starting to get a complex. Are we just too weird?

Sandy: Maybe.We can entertain our own weirdlves, right? We don't neends and family.

Sandy: This is the perfect we've never done together.

Tammy: Uh, sandy...

Sandy: It's time.

Holly: I'm not uninterested in what you're offering.

Alan: Is that so?

Holly: In fact, I would conser selling you half my stake in the paper as long as i keep running the show. In return for a hefty chunk of

Gus: She's on her way to prison and the two of you helped her get there. You know, you're both sick. You're both twisted. You dese

Bill: I'm telling you that's what harley wants.

Gus: She's on her way to -prison and the two of you helped her get there. You know, you're both si. You're both twisted. You deserve each other.

Bill: Let me explain.

Olivia: I knew.

Olivia: What is wrong with me? Why can't I learn? You know, this has probably been going on for months, right? I mean, every time I came in, the two of you were huddled

Bill: That is not true.

Olivia: ...In a little bundle of cuteness.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Olivia: If I hadn't been so blind, I would have seen it coming months ago.

Bill: You sound crazy right now. You sound crazy.

Olivia: No, you're the one that's crazy!

Bill: I sound crazy? What are you talking about? We're talking... we are talking about me, here. I stood by you from day one. I defended you when the press called you a murderer. I married you to keep you in the country. Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Olivia: Yeah, it means you get to pat yourself on the back because you're a good old lewis boy, always there for a damsel in distress, right? At least until the next damsel comes along.

Bill: Yeah, that's me all right. That's me.

Olivia: It's always been harley, hasn't it?

Bill: What are you talk...

harley? What are you talking about?

Olivia: Never mind. Forget it! Okay? I slipped up once and you're off to the next damsel.

Bill: Once?

Olivia: Once, twice, 50 times, I messed up! The bottom line: You don't care

Alan: What are you doing here?

Gus: Third string, reporting for duty.

Alan: You're inappropriately dressed for this party.

Gus: You're not going to start on me. Please, don't be a fusspot, okay? My chick is in prison. Have some compassion. She might be there for life, too, and anything I did I just made things... did I thank you for coming through for me? I did, didn't I? In court? I said, "thank you."

Alan: What happened to your hand?

Gus: Please, it's nothing. I had a little bill to pay. ( Laughs ) what were we talking about again? Because I have add lately. The deal, the deal. Thank you. And you came through on your part and I'm going to come through on my part. I'm going to put my nose to the grindstone for...

Alan: Let'S... let's go outside and talk.

Gus: We don't have to keep anything in private.

Alan: Gus, come on.

Gus: I have no secrets. Just tell me who to schmooze. I'll schmooze. That's what I'm here for, right? Schmoozing.

Sebastian: That newspaper is your life. Why would you sell even a page of it to alan spaulding?

Holly: He made me an offer i couldn't refuse. Besides, we have certain nancial pressures at the paper. It would be nice... but you know what really surprised me was his approach. It's as if he has a real personal interest in the paper.

Sebastian: Or in the owner.

Holly: You think so?

Sebastian: Yeah. Strange way of seducing someone, trying to buy their business from them.

Holly: It beats locking them in a cage.

Sebastian: Touche.

Holly: Alan can be quite charming if he puts his mind to it.

Sebastian: Don't trust him, holly. Don'T. Or you'll regret it.

Reva: I'm not done with the mother and son relationship thing. I just need to find the right way to handle... well, everything in my life. That's all.

Jonathan: That's a lot.

Reva: Mm-hmm. I wasn't really the world's greatest mother to any of my children. Not that that's any consolation. And it wasn't always my fault. I mean, there were problems along the way.

Jonathan: Relax, reva. I don'T... I don't want you to be my mother. It's too late for that, okay? I don't need you to...

Reva: To what? To care about you?

Jonathan: We're good drinking buddies, okay? So let's leave it at that. It's clean and simple.

Reva: No, don't do that. Don't, don't, don'T. Relationships are never clean and simple. And I was wrong to say that i wanted to put distance between us. It just... I don't want that. I want... I think that what's best is that we spend some time together.

Jonathan: No. No. I like this how it is, okay?

Reva: Where are you going?

Jonathan: I'm going out.

Reva: No. Jonathan, just...

Jonathan: Rev, chill, okay? Order another drink or something.

Reva: I don't think so. Bartender? Sweetie, can I have my check, please? ( Trash cans crashing )

Jonathan: Get the hell away!

Cassie: What were you thinking? What was going through your head when you decided to do this to me and edmund?

Dinah: Edmund was desperate when you left town. All he could think of was how to get you back. I was there, time was running out. You know edmund, cassie. He gets a certain way when he wants what he wants.

Cassie: Yeah, well, I think I've heard enough.

Dinah: I did this to help the both of you.

Cassie: If you want to help, then I think that you should set the table, dinah.

Dinah: A child needs a mother and a father. I didn't grow up with my parents. I have a vested interest in how this turns out...

Cassie: My child...

Dinah: ...For the baby I'm carrying.

Cassie: ...Will have a wonderful life and I will do it alone.

Dinah: You don't need to do this alone. I know that you love edmund. I know that you still love him.

Dinah: Yeah, but you know what, dinah? Love just doesn't stop because somebody does something you can't live with. Maybe I will never forgive edmund for what he's done, but I'll probably always love him. I mean, is that what you want to hear?

Coming up on "guiding light."

Alan: Go home, gus. Get some rest. I will be home shortly, all right?

Gus: I'm not going to rest until I find phillip's killer. Because he's out there and he's ruining my life.

Edmund: I will always love you. I'll love you forever.

Edmund: Hello.

Cassie: I guess you heard that.

Dinah: Why don't we talk about this over dinner? Cassie has made some wonderful soup. Maybe not.

Edmund: So, cassie, what are you more afraid of? Me or your feelings for me?

Cassie: I don't want to talk about this right now, edmund.

E und: All right, let's not talk, then. Let's just spend time together. Things have a way of working themselves out.

Cassie: I just want you to go. Please.

Dinah: I know that this baby doesn't seem real to you yet, but if I could tell you how it feels to have this life inside of me...

Cassie: Just stop, dinah, please. Just... both of you have really got to stop.

Edmund: Cassie.

Cassie: ( Sobs )

Edmund: Cassie.

Reva: What's going on?

Jonathan: Nothing. I thought you were somebody else.

Josh: The boston strangler?

Jonathan: I have more enemies than friends in this town, in case you haven't noticed.

Ra: Are you in some kind of trouble? Jonathan?

Jonathan: Later.

Josh: Heartwarming scene. Mother and son together in a bar throwing back shots.

Reva: You know, I'm sorry that I left the house the way i did. I just was feeling jumpy in my own skin. And I'll be sure to apologize to sandy and tammy.

Josh: Don't worry about it. They're fine.

Reva: They're good kids. They make a cute couple.

Josh: Just like us. I was thinking that maybe it's time for us to take that trip we talked about, you know? To aspen. In fact, maybe we could get on a plane tonight and fly. Take a look at that property that the realtor showed me. So, I figure we can look at the property. If you like it, great, we'll start making some plans. And if you don't, that's fine, too. We'll hang out at the hotel, sit in the hot tub, drink some champagne and enjoy the view of the mountains. What do you think?

Reva: I think that sounds wonderful. I do.

Jonathan: Look at you two, all cozy.

Josh: We were just talking about going away together.

Reva: I mean, that's if you don't need me to stay. Because I can do that for you. Just say the word.

Holly: Great party.

Gus: Holly. She's kind of cute for you. Why don't you go talk to her and I'm going to mingle with people. I'm a good mingler.

Alan: Gus. Gus.

Gus: Hey, how are you doing? Welcome to the party. Big night for spaulding enterprises.

Alan: Gus...

Gus: Because... why is it a big night again? Because we're celebrating.

Alan: Don't do this, gus.

Gus: You should keep on celebrating. Have anything you want. I'm here. I'm number one guy. I'm on the team.

Alan: You'll have to excuse my son. His brother's death has been very hard on him.

Gus: You wanted me back on the team. I am mingling. Can you let...

Alan: Come wiE.

Gus: And my girlfriend killed him. But not really because we're going to handle that.

Alan: I am not going to let you insult the family like this.

Gus: Nobody seems to care, you know, because there's a killer out there.

Alan: I want you to go home, gus. Get some rest. I will be home shortly, all right?

Gus: I'm not going to rest until I find phillip's killer. Because he's out there and he's ruining my life.

Sandy: You are amazing.

Tammy: You're not so bad yourself.

Sandy: Tammy winslow, you are a card shark.

Tammy: Well, I only beat you one game out of four.

Sandy: First pool, now cards. You are the queen of my world.

Tammy: Mm-hmm. Well, deal the deck again, foster. You know, we really are freaks. Here we are all alone and we can't even play strip poker.

Sandy: Ooh, ooh. Put that on the list of thing to look forward to.

Tammy: You're such a grownup.

Sandy: Sometimes.

Tammy: What else are you?

Sandy: What kind of question is that?

Tammy: Well, you know everything there is to know about me.

Sandy: Not true.

Tammy: Almost everything. And what do I know about little old you?

Sandy: My name, address, place of employment, favorite color.

Tammy: I so don't know your favorite color.

Sandy: Well, I guess I'll have to let you in on that deep, dark secret. My favorite color is... blue.

Tammy: ( Gasps ) all that drama for blue?

Sandy: It's quite a complicated color.

Tammy: It's such a guy color.

Sandy: I'm a guy. What's your favorite color?

Tammy: Pink.

Sandy: Oh, yeah. See, that's not girly at all.

Tammy: Oh, so maybe it is boring, but I don't care. I could have normal and straightforward for the rest of my life and be a happy girl.

Sandy: I don't buy that for a second.

Bill: What... what are you doing? Hey, hey. Don't walk out now.

Olivia: Nli you're the one who walked. All right? Thanks for everything, bill. It's been great, it's been fun.

Bill: Olivia, con. We can't leave things like this.

Olivia: No, just get out of my way. And you stay away from me and emma.

Bill: Where are you going to go?

Olivia: None of your business.

Bill: Well, are you going to come back?

Olivia: I loved you. God, I really loved you. ( Sobs )

Jonathan: You'd cancel your vacation with joshua to hang out with me? I'm flattered.

Reva: Well, you're my son. And I saw the look on your face. If there's something wrong that could get you hurt... ( cell phone ringing ) don't you want to get that?

Jonathan: No. No, it's nothing.

Josh: Jonathan, if you're in some kind of trouble...

Jonathan: What?

Josh: ...We're going to find out about it eventually. You might as well just tell us right now.

Jonathan: Always assume the worst with me? Is that your stand with me?

Josh: Yes.

Reva: No, okay, stop. Really, both of you. Do you want me to stay or not?

Jonathan: Not. I want you to go.

Reva: Are you sure?

Jonathan: Go. I'll earn me some points with joshua. No, you go. You take this vacation. Have some time for yourself and... probably good for you to get out of here for a while, anyway, right?

Reva: Thank you. I'll call you as soon as we get there.

Jonathan: Take your time, okay? And do whatever you need for yourself.

Reva: You be good.

Jonathan: Are you kidding? ( Laughter )

Josh: Let's go.

Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Edmund: Cassie, I wish i could just scoop you up in my arms and take you away someplace we could just be together. Someplace where you could never run away from me again.

Cassie: You never learn, do you?

Edmund: No, I do, casE. And that's the point because I'm not going to give into that fear again. The fear that says that I have to lock you away, the fear that says that it's the only way i can keep you. I don't want that. I want you to love me freely.

Cassie: Is that why dinah is in there carrying our child, edmund? Do you have any idea how twisted that sounds? It's as obsessive as hitting jeffrey, as lying about the fire. Everything y do just to get what you want.

Edmund: What we want, cassie.

Cassie: No, I never wanted


Edmund: Cassie, maybe I don't know how to love you the way you want, maybe I don't know how to love you the way you deserve, but cassie, you cannot deny that my feelings for you are love. I love you, cassie. I love you. And my love is real. My love is real, cassie, and it is not going anywhere. I will always love you. I'll love you forever.

Sandy: I still say we could have convinced reva to play a late-night card game.

Tammy: I think uncle josh had other plans. We should probably go.

Sandy: Yeah. How come the coat's not pink?

Tammy: The purse is.

Sandy: So predictable.

Tammy: Go get the door for me. I'm the girl. ( Giggles )

Olivia: Could I have a drink?

Sebastian: Olivia?

Olivia: Don'T. What... don'T. Not now. T now. Don'T.

Sebastian: What's the matter? Can I help?

Olivia: No one can help me. ( Sobbing )

Sebastian: Hey, hey, hey.

Bill: Hey, it's bill lewis. Listen, I want to schedule a meeting with all lewis construction employees. Yes, yes, I have the authority. I am back and there's going to be some changes.

Gus: Hello, my brother. Well, how did you end up here? I'm sure this is not exactly what you had in mind. You had a lot to live for. Remember my wedding day that never happened? You gave me those fancy little cufflinks and you said that you felt harley finally met the guy that she could trust? But you didn't know that i already broke her trust. Well, I did it again. I did it again. And I need you to help me. I need you to help me make it right. Wherever you are, phil, you know what happened that night and you know who the shooter was, and you know it wasn't harley. So, I don't think that she should have to pay for something she didn't do, you know? So if there's any way that you could reach out from the other side and help me, any way at all...

Alan: Phillip can't help you, gus. But I can.

Dinah: Oh, no. This isn't going to do at all. ( Coughs ) ( smoke alarm shrilling )

Cassie: Dinah.

Dinah: Everything fine.

Edmund: I'll get it.

Dinah: No, everything is under control. It's fine.

Cassie: Bad things happen when you're here. You need to go.

Edmund: Cassie, no.

Cassie: A baby's life, edmund, depends on everything we do from here on out. And I'm going to do everything i can to protect that life.

Edmund: Protect it from what? From me?

Cassie: You need to go.

Dinah: It's all right. Everything's fine, cassie. Everything's fine.

Josh: Are you sure you need all this stuff?

Reva: I'm just... you know, i don't want you to get bored with my night wear.

Josh: You're planning to wear night wear? Huh? Huh?

Reva: Ooh. ( Laughs )

Josh: Okay, let's go. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. What?

Reva: I'm just a little worried.

Josh: Reva, you heard what jonathan said. He doesn't need you right now. But I do. I need you. I need romantic time alone with my sexy wife, okay?

Reva: We can have time alone here.

Josh: No, we can'T. Things happen here that are beyond our control. We need to go away, for us.

Reva: What is this, the magical menopause tour?

Josh: Sure, if that's what you want to call it, that's fine with me. It's just you and me getting away to have some fun, darling. Just like we've always done.

Reva: ( Groans ) okay, but if this is your way of making me feel young and vital again...

Josh: No, I have no doubts about that.

Reva: Really?

Josh: Really.

Reva: Hm.

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Prove it. ( Laughter )

Josh: Right now?

Reva: Yeah. I'll race you upstairs.

Josh: No, we... I want to do that, but we can'T. We have a pilot waiting for us. Everything here will be fine. We will be fine. I promise. Always.

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, I know I told yo that everything's okay, but the situation has changed. First of all, that's my mother you're talking about and she's leaving town. No, no. I'm going to be on my own. Look, I tried. I couldn'T. I don't know. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm real sorry about that, too.

Bill: What the hell am i doing?

Sebastian: Drink up. Calms the nerves.

Olivia: Thanks.

Sebastian: Trouble at the homestead?

Olivia: No, I just had to get out of the apartment for a while, that's all.

Sebastian: Oh. I didn't mean to pry.

Olivia: Sure you did.

Sebastian: No business deal did this to you.

Olivia: No. It was bill.

Sebastian: I'm sorry.

Olivia: No, really. Are you?

Sebastian: I'm sorry that you've been hurt, olivia. That's all that matters. And you know what? I'm here now. And you're going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay.

Gus: Yeah, you could help me. You could help me if you know that something happened and you never told me, something aetut that night, something that would help harley out.

Alan: Harley's fate is sealed, gus, and you've got to face that.

Gus: Every second of my life, I'm thinking of her in that hell hole, missing her kids, and it doesn't make me prejudiced, it just makes me hate everybody. And you know what makes it worse? What makes it worse is there is a killer out there and he's laughing at us. He's laughing because he thinks he's scot-free.

Alan: Don't do this to yourself. It's over.

Gus: It isn't over until she is home taking care of her boys. I can't stop fighting for her. I can'T.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Sebastian: Your husband wasn't too good to be true, olivia. You are too good for your husband.

Olivia: And what about you? Am I too good for you?

Harley: Why don't you get out of here?

Gus: I am. I'm done with you. I'm done.

Harley: Guard!

Gus: You had your shot. Now you can go to hell, all right?

Harley: Good. I hear the food's better there, anyway.

Gus: You lock her up.

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