GL Transcript Thursday 4/7/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/7/05



By Suzanne

(missed a few minutes at the beginning)

jeffrey: Back then lost at sea back then... Oh. Sorry, guys. I'll be right back.


Cassie: Thanks for meeting me. I know it's late.

Jeffrey: No problem.

Cassie: So you got them, huh? Wow.

Bill: What are you talking about? What are you...

Harley: ( Laughs )

bill: No. I didn't mean it...

Harley: Does that line usually work for you, bill?

Bill: No. No, no, no. Come on. That's...

Harley: ( Laughs ) okay. I understand what you meant. So i know why I'm here, bill. I'm going to prison tomorrow, so i'm saying good-bye to my whole life. What's your excuse?

Bill: I don't know. Maybe... Maybe i'm saying good- bye to part of my life, too, you know? I don't know, harley. I thought it would be different being in love with a beautiful, fascinating liar, but... I thought if i loved her, i could change her, save her. I...

Harley: Loving olivia? You mean, like, really loving her? Like in love with her? Like the real deal?

Bill: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The real deal. That's right. Ber at it.

Bill/harley: Love stinks.

Harley: Sometimes, I'll tell you something, it just makes things so much harder. Like with gus. Every time i push him away, he does something so great for me, proves to me that I shouldn'T. But I have to. I know i have to.

Bill: Well, harley, he doesn't understand. I mean, the guy loves you.

Harley: Enough with the "l" word. I can't take it. I'm not kidding. I can't handle the pressure anymore. I wish that I could forget about everything: Him, me, us, all of it, everything, for just one night.

Alan: You've thrown your life away for harley. There's nothing more to say, gus. And to think i thought you were going to be a true spaulding, would amount to something. Boy, was i wrong, because you have proven to me you are nothing but a loser.

Gus: Well, then, I have nothing to lose. Feel that? Is your stomach sinking? Maybe that's what phillip felt. Maybe it's the last thing he ever felt.

Alan: Put the gun down, gus.

Gus: You don't care what phillip felt? Is revenge the only thing you care about? Then maybe we're not so different, you and me.

dinah: "To function properly, do not risk any additional building until the foundation is solved."

Edmund: Oh! God!

Dinah: Oh. Are you all right? ( Screams ) do you need help?

Edmund: No!

Dinah: No. No. Because this is all you. And you have it under control. My only job is to carry your child.

Edmund: Oh, dinah, please. Enough of the snide remarks. You just have to understand the magnitude of what I'm facing here. I'm trying to show cassie that i'm securing the future.

Dinah: Good luck.

Edmund: Which means all i need from you is no tricks. No hidden agenda. Just be happy you're doing all of this for the right reasons.

Dinah: I am. I am very happy. This is going to be a whole new start for me.

Edmund: Imagine how happy your father's going to be when he finds out what a generous thing you're doing for me and cassie. And think about how proud bill will be.

Dinah: I do. I do. And actually think this whole thing might really work out like gangbusters for both of us. But if cassie doesn't buy this, what's your plan "b?"

Edmund: I'll have the whole child's life to win cassie back. And I will win her back. What?

Dinah: Nothing. I just... I think I see something in you, something I recognize and that recognizes me. I think that's exactly why i am carrying your child. You know me. And on some level you trust me. But cassie is about this close to hating your guts. So i don't know if it's a very good time to break the baby news to her right now.

Edmund: I think i'll know what to say when the time comes.

Dinah: I'm thinking you should practice.

Edmund: Just take a few minutes to myself before i see her.

Dinah: I want this to go over well, believe me. So come on. Pitch me your best story. You convince me why I should love you more than ever before.

Jeffrey: Cassie...

Cassie: You know what happened between us the other night, we just got caught up in the moment.

Jeffrey: You think so?

Cassie: I know you, mr. O'neill. You go through women like a farmer shucking corn. I was just the girl of the moment. I'm okay. It's over. It happened. And it didn't mean a thing to either one of us, all right?

Jeffrey: You don't really believe that, do you?

Cassie: No.

Sebastian: Nice digs. Hubby's office.

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Sebastian: Emma, your mama doesn't seem to pysched to see me.

Olivia: Just get out.

Sebastian: Seriously though, I was looking for you.

Olivia: No, you're looking to snag lewis.

Sebastian: It's late. Isn't it past her bedtime?

Olivia: Don't try and tell me what to do with my daughter.

Sebastian: Your mama seems a little cranky to me. Does she sound a little cranky to you? You know... Oh, emma, hey, sweetheart, I brought a friend who wants to meet you. Yeah, it's one of my secret talents. Kids like me. Mommies, too, once they relax and start to realize what's good for them.

Olivia: You don't say.

Sebastian: And what's bad for them. Like marriage, for example.

Olivia: I love my husband.

Sebastian: Your marriage was doomed from the start because someone like bill, he'll never get who you are, never. Which is why i was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in a more solid partnership: You and me.

Bill: Harley, why do you want to do this on your last night?

Harley: Because what else i am going to do? Okay? My kids are asleep already.

Bill: Well, don't you want to be with them?

Harley: Yeah. Hovering over them, watching them sleep. That would be heartbreaking.

Bill: Well, then how about with gus?

Harley: Yes. But I can'T. I won't do it to him. I won't do it to myself. And I don't like having all this stuff just sitting around here, you know? It just reminds me of all the good stuff i was doing before.

Bill: So what is wrong with that?

Harley: Because there is no good stuff after tomorrow. I'm going to be a convict. I'm going to be a prisoner. Remember?

Bill: Okay. Harley, listen. All this stuff, this junk, you're going to want it when you reopen the place.

Harley: You mean in 20 years when i get out?

Bill: Yes.

Harley: No. Thank you.

Bill: Okay, well, what about the other angels, huh?

Harley: They don't want to do it without me anymore. I mean, it's not like I was such big help to them in these past few months anyway, but...

Bill: Oh, come on.

Harley: I don't know what i was thinking when I opened this stupid place anyway.

Bill: All right. All right. All right. Hey, hey. Come on. What are you doing? Is this what you want to teach your kids? That you pour heart in something just to give it all up once things get rough?

Harley: Things have moved a little past rough, bill. I'm going to prison tomorrow. So think about that for one minute. Think about what that means and let it sink in.

Alan: You don't want to shoot me.

Gus: Maybe I'll start with your arms. Maybe I'll shoot you in the leg. Huh? Or maybe i'll just do the whole town a favor. I'll shoot you in the chest.

Alan: Gus, you're not thinking clearly now.

Gus: You destroyed harley's life. And my life. And I don't know, I got the funny feeling you're not going to stop there. Who's next, huh? Olivia, the lewises, the coopers. You do it for sport, don't you?

Alan: You act as if no one should pay for what happened to phillip.

Gus: You're not god, alan! You're not god! You don't get to decide that.

Alan: The hell I don'T. Wait! Wait, wait, wait.

Gus: Harley was my life.

Alan: I know she was. I know, I know. Tell me... Tell me what you want from me. Tell me.

Gus: Pretty much now, just to say good-bye.

Alan: I'll do anything. Anything.

Gus: I was hoping you'd say that.

Cassie: Okay. So maybe there is something, all right? And maybe I do feel it a little bit. Maybe, kind of.

Jeffrey: Wow. Those are strong words.

Cassie: This is such a bad time. You know, I have a lot going on. I have to deal with my feelings for edmund. And you know this, jeffrey.

Jeffrey: And? And what else? If you keep trying hard enough, I'm sure you'll be able to talk yourself out of it.

Cassie: That's not what i'm doing. Why does this keep happening? Why? I mean, ever since you have come into town looking like him, you are always around. Always. You drive me crazy. Do you know that? You're obnoxious, you're rude and you're always there.

Jeffrey: So what's your point?

Cassie: I don't know. You're just always there.

Jeffrey: Look, cassie...

Cassie: No. No, see this is where you're suppose to call me mrs. Winslow.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, things don't seem to be working out with the winslow boy. So maybe you should go back to your maiden name. Look, all I'm trying to say is you don't bother me so much anymore either.

Cassie: Gee, mr. O'neill, how did the girls ever keep their cool around you?

Jeffrey: They don't. They don't. And I'm not sorry that i kissed you the other night.

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: And I'm not going to send you back to your husband again, because i have spent so long pushing you away, trying to do the right thing, trying to be the noble thing. And it wasn't right, and i should have listened to you the day of your wedding when you came to the park to talk to me. I should have...

You made me love you i didn't want to do it... We just thought we'd give you a little help, boss.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Edmund: I don't need practice.

Dinah: What are you going to do? You're going to wing it? Cassie, come on board to the baby-making express. And, by the way, your worst enemy is going to be carrying the child. Isn't that great news?

Edmund: I think i can do a bit better than that.

Dinah: Come on. Edmund, you even said yourself you don't want to leave this to chance.

Edmund: Dinah...

Dinah: So come on. We should practice.

Edmund: Dinah...

Dinah: Just do it.

Edmund: Cassie!

Dinah: Good start.

Edmund: All right. I'm going to do this. Sit. Cassie, um... I'm a man who's made many mistakes. I love blindly and too deeply, and... Well, i'm not asking you to forgive me for that. I'm just... I'm asking you to forgive me because the... Because the...

Dinah: No, no, no. Keep going.

Edmund: All right. Cassie, I'm asking you to forgive me because you have never let go of the dream we've shared to have a child together. And you know that the child is the only thing that matters, not how we came to have a child. And... And that... Dinah, this is not working.

Dinah: No, it's... It's going great.

Edmund: No, dinah. I mean, you are not working. I can see it in your eyes. You're hoping with everything you have that you're not only going to get redemption, but you're going to have a readymade family.

Dinah: Edmund, that's not what i'm hoping for. I just want to make things right. Now, come on. Just try it again.

Edmund: All right. All right. Cassie, everything i have ever said about how much I love you has never been truer than it is right now. I would do anything for you and submit to anything for you, because my life is made whole by my loving you. All I want with you is a child. I want a family of my own that i can love and i can grow old with. Cassie, all I want is you. I love you.

Olivia: Partners, you and me?

Sebastian: Uh-huh. A dynamic duo versus alan.

Olivia: I really don't want to discuss alan right now.

Sebastian: Oh, I see. Is that what you and bill have been fighting about? Sort of a red versus blue kind of thing?

Olivia: Can we not do this in front of my daughter, please?

Sebastian: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Olivia: Don't get any ideas to exploit my personal relationship at work.

Sebastian: Never. I suppose you've noticed by now, olivia, that you and i are cut from the same cloth.

Olivia: And how's that?

Sebastian: People don't trust us. They expect to be hurt, betrayed, or at the very least disappointed. But what they don't stop and think is that we are who we are because we're the ones who suffered, we're the ones who've been betrayed, we're the ones who've been stepped on over and over and over again. Why else would we hurt the ones we profess to love?

Olivia: Why are you telling me all this?

Sebastian: Because I am not who I say I am.

Alan: You will pay for that little stunt.

Gus: I had to open these negotiations with a bang. That's the only thing that you respect, the only thing that you really know, is fear. I think you cuddle up with it at night and it kicks you out of bed in the morning. Well, let me tell you something, big al. You will never know the kind of fear that I will unleash on you if you don't help me out, if you don't do what I say.

Alan: Which is what?

Gus: You're going to be helpful at harley's hearing tomorrow. You're going to help me find phillip's real killer. I need resources. I need all your resources. And you're going to stop trying to bury harley alive. You understand me? And you're going to do it for phillip's sake and you're going to do it for the children's sake.

Alan: You threaten me with a fake gun. Should i agree to help you so that you won't hunt me down with a real one?

Gus: If you loved phillip, why don't you prove it?

Alan: All right, I will. But I want something from you as well.

Bill: Don't throw the stuff away.

Harley: ( Laughs )

bill: Hold on to it. I'm telling you right now.

Harley: You are such a sentimental fool. Give it up.

Bill: I wish I could.

Harley: All right, enough talking about me, okay? Okay, you've obviously had a bad night too.

Bill: I don't know. I guess I'm just surprised. I just keep messing up the love thing. You know, I thought that i would have the wife and the kids by now, and... I don't know. It's just like wrong place, wrong time. You know, michelle, beth, eden, now olivia. I don't know.

Harley: It's not too late to fix it with olivia if you want it.

Bill: Well, first thing's first. What are we saving here, huh?

Harley: Well, you can start by throwing this away.

Bill: This is a harley davidson calendar. Are you kidding me? No way. No, no, no. You are saving this. Definitely.

Harley: No!

Bill: All right, this is what you need. Two containers. This will be your trash stuff and this box right here, that will be the stuff you're saving.

Harley: All right, what about all the office supplies? The envelopes and the clips and all that stuff. I mean, we should really keep this, don't you think?

Bill: Toss it. Yeah, toss it.

Harley: Now look who's throwing everything away.

Bill: I don't know. Now that you mention it maybe you should get rid most of that stuff.

Harley: You are no help. You saw the stuff that i've already thrown away. That's gus' tie. I would give anything to be in his arms right now. For him to hold me and keep me warm and safe. Drown out the noise and the fear, and the knowing that tomorrow...

Bill: Well, if you go to him, no one will blame you.

Harley: I can't. Because I would ruin his entire life. He's supposed to wait 20 years for me? Who am i to ask that of somebody? And I couldn't live with myself knowing I had. And even now... Even saying all that to you, i still want to pick up the phone. I just want to lose myself in him, in us, in what used to be, to be safe, to forget, feel safe.

Bill: I wish I had what you and gus have, you know? I mean, I know you feel like you have to push him away, but you two love each other, you know? I wish i had someone who felt as strongly about me as you do gus, somebody who felt that the safest place in the world was in my arms.

Coming up on "guiding


Jeffrey: Well, last i checked you were signing your official separation papers.

Cassie: What are we doing?

Cassie: This is weird.

Jeffrey: What do you mean?

Cassie: I don't know. I feel like I'm in high school and this guy that I'm dealing with has a band and a garage.

Jeffrey: Dealing with?

Cassie: What are we doing?

Jeffrey: Well, last i checked you were signing your official separation papers.

Cassie: Jeffrey, I still love edmund.

Jeffrey: Do you?

Cassie: Have a good rehearsal.

Dinah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Edmund: This cannot happen. You cannot blur the lines of what we're trying to accomplish here.

>>Inah: Yeah, I know. I know.

Edmund: You do? Because your purpose is to give me and cassie a child. And I don't care whether you call yourself an incubator, i don't call yourself a surrogate or even cassie herself. It doesn't matter to me, because once you have this child, you will give it to me and cassie, and then you'll go away. And I don't care where and i don't care what you do. Are we clear about that?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't help myself. You were pretty convincing there. And you know what? Cassie's not going to be able to help herself either. Are we okay? I'm awfully sorry, edmund.

Edmund: Fine. Just... Why don't you go to bed? I've got some work to do.

Dinah: All right. I am sorry. And it won't happen again.

Gus: I didn't say the terms were negotiable.

Alan: Ah, you see the first thing about negotiation is that you keep the pressure on until you get what you want. Now, you show up at a live ammo fight with a fake gun. But you'll learn in time.

Gus: Don't you just want to know who phillip's killer was?

Alan: Why would i assume that it's anyone other than harley?

Gus: You're just going to have to trust me.

Alan: All right. But that has to be reciprocated.

Gus: You're asking for my trust?

Alan: This is my offer. I will show up at the sentencing hearing. I will get on the stand and tell the court that harley is an honorable, decent, loving person and that her sentencing should be as light as possible. And you will come back to spaulding and the family.

Gus: You want that even though i... I told you to take a hike and you called me the enemy and you said i was a traitor.

Alan: Yes. That's what I want. Because I think you know one thing about this family. We forgive each other no matter what.

Gus: Forget it. No deal.

Alan: You know, life is not black and white, gus. It's not all winners and losers. Life changes, and you've got to change with it or you die. Now, if you're going to walk out of there, I want you to do one thing. I want you to get zach his mother's address in prison, so he can her his college graduation pictures, his wedding pictures, his children pictures to her...

Gus: All right. All right.

Alan: ...Because she is going to be...

Gus: All right. You've got a deal. I'll see you at the sentencing.

Alan: And i will see you at spaulding monday morning.

Olivia: So if you're not who you say you are, then who are you?

Sebastian: Well, olivia, everyone says that a near-death experience changes you forever. So i let everyone believe that. But the truth is, I don't feel that different at all.

Olivia: Oh. So you haven't really changed?

Sebastian: Yeah. And if you tell alan or anyone else about this little chat we're having, I will flatly deny it, and I think that everyone would probably believe me, because everyone knows that you're an even bigger liar than i am.

Olivia: Why are you telling me?

Sebastian: You and I, we get each other. If you beat me at spaulding it's because you were better than me, not because we got the dirt on each other.

Olivia: You were serious about teaming up, weren't you?

Sebastian: Oh, wow, look at that. It's says your husband's insane if he can't see the treasure he has... In you. See ya!

Olivia: Bill? I know we're having problems and i'm sorry. I'M... I really want to work this out, so just meet me at home. We miss you.

Harley: ( Crying )

bill: Harley? Harley? Harley?

Harley: ( Sobbing ) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Bill: It's okay. It's... Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. No. No, no, no.

Harley: Bill...

Bill: Listen. Listen. No, no.

Harley: You love your wife.

Bill: Yeah, i...

Harley: And i... I love...

Bill: I know. Shh... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Harley: ( Crying )

edmund: Something smells wonderful. What is that? Pancakes.

Dinah: Good morning! Hi! Okay, I got some coffee for you. It's a little strong. There you go.

Edmund: That doesn't sound...

Dinah: Well, you know what? Put some milk and sugar in, it'll taste wonderful. I'm just trying to make up for last night that's all.

Edmund: What's this? What is that?

Dinah: Very potent pregnancy drink that i've been reading up about. It has tree bark, tofu, some other things-- pretty strong. Well, I'd say all is forgiven.

Dinah: Yeah, mission accomplished.

Alan: Well, look who is here. It's granddad's emma. Are you being a good little girl?

Olivia: Oh, alan, she's fine. She's not a dog, for pete's sake.

Alan: Well, emma, it looks like somebody's very tense this morning. Also looks like she's been up all night.

Olivia: I was.

Alan: Why? Having problems with little bill?

Olivia: No, no. That's too big of a bite. You're going to make a mess.

Alan: My guess is that bill didn't come in last night, and you're feeling...

Olivia: Like... Like killing sebastian.

Alan: What does sebastian have to do with it?

Olivia: Nothing. I just find him very irritating.

Alan: Olivia, sooner or later you're going to have to realize that bill lewis is not...

Olivia: I know, alan. I know. He's never going to love me for me, and he can never understand a woman like me.

Alan: Exactly. And I think that you deserve the love of a decent man. I truly believe that, and I feel for you now.

Olivia: You realize you're being nice, don't you?

Alan: Olivia, you can be ambitious in your professional life and your personal life as well. It's hard to obtain, but it's possible. I've been there. But I have to tell you, it's lonely at the top of the heap.

Olivia: Is this for real?

Alan: No catch. And we have to stick together when we're at the top. And that's why i want you, emma, to know that you are always welcome at granddad's house. And you know what? And you can bring your mom with you too if you want to.

Alan: You and bill are having problems, know that you can bring emma home.

Olivia: Home?

Alan: Yes. The spaulding estate is home to you.

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, until the air clears between me and bill.

Alan: No, no, it's permanent if need be. I have to admit you're one of us, olivia. And I think you and emma moving back into the mansion would really get bill's goat.

Olivia: No, i'm not going to stoop to something so low just to get bill back.

Alan: Of course not. Of course not. Bye-bye, darling.

Olivia: I meant what I said. I don't want to get back at bill, alan. I just want to get him back. Spaulding owns me at work, but at the end of the day I am still mrs. Bill lewis, and i love my husband very much.

Alan: Ah, love. Be careful, olivia, that it doesn't cloud your judgement. You've had trouble with that in the past.

Gus: I'm not seeing this.

Harley: Gus...

Gus: I am not seeing this.

Harley: Gus... Let's go outside. Don't wake up bill.

Gus: Are you serious? Don't wake up bill? Don't wake up bill? Is that what you have to say to me?

Harley: What time is it? What time is it?

Gus: Who cares what time it is.

Harley: Oh, my gosh, the kids are probably awake by now.

Gus: And that's what you're worried about at this second? About the kids?

Harley: Gus, listen. I'll explain...

Gus: No! So this is why you came over here? He's your friend. He laid down next to you. He wanted to comfort you. Is that what happened? Please tell me that's what happened.

Harley: Okay, please, gus...

Gus: No. Please, no. No, I'm talking to you. Is there something else that you want to tell me? What?

Harley: All right, just let me catch up here. I just woke up. Wait! I'll explain. Give me a second.

Gus: What do you have to explain to me? What? That you slept with him? Did you sleep with bill last night?

Harley: Yes.

Next on "guiding light"...

Edmund: Cassie, you're back.

Cassie: Edmund, what's going on?

Edmund: It's for our baby.

Harley: And i'm sorry that you had to see it, okay? I'm sorry...

Gus: You're not sorry about anything. You set this up. You did this on purpose. Because you finally figured out a way how to push me away forever, right?

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