Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/1/05
By Suzanne
gus: This is what you want? Are you okay with this?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: Are you sure?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: Wait a second.
Harley: No.
Gus: Now I feel like I'm rushing. I'm rushing it, so... We have all night, all right? Don't we? So, I'll open some wine because i brought a bottle, just in case.
Harley: ( Laughs )
gus: And you want to light some candles? I got two. So go ahead, light them both.
Harley: Okay. Whoa. That light is bright. Where is that coming from?
Gus: That's the... That's the prison, where you're going to be. That's why i picked this place, you know? So i can be close to you.
Danny: Marina? No, I'm at company. I'm waiting for you. What are you... Oh, yeah? What kind of errand? ( Laughs ) okay, actually, you know what? That's perfect, because I have to run over to one of my job sites. So why don't i go do that, and then i'll meet you back here and then we can take off for chicago? All right? Me, too. All right, i'll see you later. Bye.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: You got a minute?
Danny: Actually, no, I don'T. I've got to get all the way over to the west side to that townhouse I'm renovating. My crew's working overtime right now.
Michelle: Oh, yeah. Tony said that the lumber delivery was late?
Danny: Yeah, and I've got an inspection first thing monday and... ( Cell phone rings ) sorry. Hold on. Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I'm getting in my car right now. All right. Listen, if you want to talk, i mean, you can ride over there with me. We can talk on the way.
Michelle: Yeah, all right. All right, yeah.
Danny: You want to do that?
Michelle: Was that marina on the phone before?
Danny: Yeah. We're going to chicago for the weekend.
Michelle: Oh.
Danny: Yeah. Are you okay with that?
Michelle: Yeah. Why wouldn't i be? Yeah, you go ahead and get close to marina, because then maybe you won't be so upset when you find out i'm going to marry tony. ( Music playing )
olivia: I love this song.
Bill: What?
Olivia: I said I love this song! I can't wait to get you out on the dance floor and remind you of what we're really good at.
Bill: Listen, baby, dancing has never been our problem. Just honesty, right?
Olivia: What is that?
Bill: You heard me. Yeah.
Olivia: Hey.
Olivia: Could you get me a drink? How are you doing?
Jonathan: Aunt liv, you party girl, you?
Olivia: How would you like to do me a favor? Just a little one, on the qt?
Jonathan: Oh, are we keeping another secret from hubby? You naughty girl.
Olivia: I need an answer, jonathan. Yes or no?
Jonathan: Count me in. ( Laughs )
edmund: I saw this and i thought she was still here.
Dinah: I know this baby will be right for everyone. I know it will be.
Edmund: Dinah, let's get something straight. You're staying here because you're carrying cassie's and my child.
Dinah: I know that.
Edmund: And that is the only reason. You're not here to wear her clothes. You are not here to borrow her jewelry. You are not here to take over any part of her life because if i thought that's what you were doing, i'd see you as a threat to cassie and my child, and then i'd have to do something to stop that. Are we clear?
Dinah: Yes, we're clear.
Edmund: Good. Then please take off cassie's clothes and put on your own. Now.
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: Jeffrey, this feels...
Jeffrey: This feels right, cassie. It feels right.
Cassie: No. I'm hurt and i'm angry with edmund, and I don't want to hurt you, too.
Jeffrey: Okay, so what are you saying, cassie? What, that you think you're using me?
Cassie: Yes.
Jeffrey: That's okay. Use me. I don't care.
Dinah: I'm sure you want to keep tabs on me because of the baby. As soon as i know where I'm going to stay, i'll be sure to call you.
Edmund: Dinah, slow down.
Dinah: No. No, no. Don't worry. You know what? I'm going to be fine on my own.
Edmund: Dinah, I wasn't throwing you out.
Dinah: Well, it sure sounded that way.
Edmund: Well, then I'm sorry. I'm sorry, really. That wasn't my intention. You are giving me an incredible gift by carrying the child i'm having with cassie. You are. But more than that, you've been a friend to me.
Dinah: And you've been a friend to me. Probably a better one than i deserve. But I told you, this house isn't good for me. It brings stuff out in me. I'm not the best person I can be, which you've just pointed out. So i have to go. But thank you for getting me off that plane and taking care of me. I have felt so safe here with you. And taken care of. And I think my hormones are already kicking in.
Edmund: Hey, hey, hey.
Tammy: Edmund? What's going on here? ( Music playing )
olivia: So here's the thing. I kind of did something that bill isn't real happy with me about, and i think he's almost forgiven me, but i'm afraid that if i cross the line again...
Jonathan: Bye-bye bill.
Olivia: Yeah. See, his father hates me, you know? And he's declared war on me, so...
Jonathan: Well, those lewis boys are so welcoming, aren't they?
Olivia: Tell me about it. I just need a little leverage against him, okay? Just to keep him in line, and i think I have something. Billy hired some guy to do some shady thing last fall. I don't know what the job entailed, and I need to find out.
Jonathan: And you don't want to get your hands dirty? So enter your favorite nephew?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Jonathan: Okay. Who is it that billy hired? What's his name?
Olivia: He's a guy named jed harris.
Jonathan: I know this guy. He hangs out at farley's bar. Hasn't been there for, like, a month, but the last few days i saw him there playing pool.
Olivia: You're kidding.
Jonathan: No.
Olivia: If you could find out what billy hired this guy to do...
Jonathan: It's a no-brainer. The question is, if I do it, what do I get in return?
Olivia: Baby, you get my undying loyalty and that is very valuable.
Jonathan: I will be right with you. Oh, watch where you're... Oh. I'm sorry, uncle bill.
Bill: Yeah, whatever.
Jonathan: Hey, uncle bill, you dropped your wallet. Into my hand.
Bill: I opened a tab up at the bar, so are you ready to have some fun?
Olivia: Oh, you know it!
Danny: Yes, yes, I did get your bid, but listen, I need to... I'm waiting on a couple others and i need to go over all of them with my architect. So listen, why don't you check back with me on tuesday? Okay? All right, thanks. Sorry. I am. Work's been crazy, obviously.
Michelle: Yeah, i can see that. I'm surprised you even have time to get away with marina to go to chicago.
Danny: Well, I'm making the time. I need the break and marina definitely needs it, especially with what's going on with harley... ( Cell phone ringing ) I'm sorry.
Michelle: Danny, could you wait... Wait before you answer that. Please.
Danny: Hold on. Hold on, hold on.
Michelle: Tony asked me to marry him and I said yes.
Danny: I have to call you back.
Gus: Okay. It's good, right? I mean, so close i can see you every day. I can focus, thinking "she's right there," and I can work on the appeal and get you out of there. And visiting, that's cake. Cakewalk, literally.
Harley: You did this for me? You moved here for me?
Gus: Yeah. It's great, isn't it?
Harley: No. It's terrible.
Gus: Well, now, "terrible" is a little harsh, right? You don't have to be mean about it. The place, you know, a lick of paint, better lighting. I'll buy, like, a nice lamp.
Harley: I don't want you living here.
Gus: Well, it's too late for that, I'm sorry. I put down first, last and security on this place. And I can't eat that. I don't have that kind of money.
Harley: Listen to me. You have put your life on hold enough. Okay? Ever since i was arrested, you have been living and breathing this case.
Gus: Well, that's what lawyers do.
Harley: Yes. But it's over.
Gus: No.
Harley: You can stop now, okay? They found me guilty.
Gus: No, it is not over until i get you out of that place and back in my arms. That's what... I love you. Do you get it?
Harley: Okay. Try to follow me here, all right? While I'm in that prison, the only way that I will survive is if i know that the people I love and care about have moved on with their lives. I don't want to think about you collapsed from exhaustion and a bleeding ulcer. That doesn't help me.
Gus: I'm fine. I got... I went to the hospital and rick fixed me all up, and, like, I swear, i feel like a million bucks.
Harley: But see, that's a lie.
Gus: No.
Harley: Because you checked out of the hospital without any treatment. And look at you. You look like you've been hit by a truck.
Gus: You weren't saying that a few minutes ago, were you? Come on, now. Let's get back to that place, hm? Please?
Harley: Honey. Honey, honey, honey. You're just doing this because you don't want to talk.
Gus: No, talking is overrated. I'm so sick of talking. Please. It's overrated.
Harley: Okay, but wait. When was the last time you shaved. Ow. Ow, seriously. Please, could you shave? At least shave for me? And take a hot shower. You'll feel better.
Gus: What, now?
Harley: Yes, now. You'll feel better, I'll feel better. Please.
Gus: All right, so you'll sit here?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: And drink your wine?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: Don't drink mine.
Harley: ( Laughs )
gus: Okay.
Michelle: Sorry i blurted it out like that.
Danny: No, it's okay.
Michelle: You know, i could see you just getting another call after another call...
Danny: It's fine. I'm sorry I didn't let you tell me sooner.
Michelle: You're surprised.
Danny: Should i have seen this coming?
Michelle: I mean, it's like me at company earlier, you know, when you were telling me that you were going away with marina. I mean, you seemed like you were a little nervous, right, and you shouldn't be. I guess that's how i felt right now. I...
Danny: Look, I don't know what you want me to say. I just got our divorce papers today, so the timing-- not that i expected us to get back together or anything-- it's just... Wow.
Michelle: You're okay with this?
Danny: That depends. Are you... Happy? Does tony make you happy?
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, he does. I really love him, danny.
Danny: Then i'm happy for you.
Michelle: Thanks. Thank you.
Bill: Miss, can we get a bottle of champagne over here, please? A bottle of your finest stuff? I have a tab at the bar. The name is lewis. Bill lewis.
Waitress: A bottle of champagne it is.
Bill: The best, the best.
Olivia: Wow, big spender. Are we celebrating something i don't know about?
Bill: We are celebrating your brilliant idea to get out of the house and have some fun. That's what we're doing. And me being smart enough to take you up on it.
Olivia: I'll drink to that.
Bill: All right. We just needed a change of pace. Stop dwelling on stuff, you know?
Olivia: You're dwelling on it. You're dwelling on it, i can see. You're still mad at me for the picture that i took that ruined harley's case. You are.
Bill: Well, not tonight. Tomorrow, yeah, maybe.
Olivia: I'll take what I can get.
Bill: Oh. Oh, oh, oh. Speaking of pictures, my dad emailed me a picture that's going to crack you up.
Olivia: What's wrong? What?
Bill: Someone stole my wallet.
Jonathan: Want to play a game? Eight ball? Best three out of five, loser buys the winner a beer.
Harris: Yeah, why not?
Jonathan: You break. So, the owner said they're going to get some new pool cues next week.
Harris: Oh, yeah?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Harris: Three in the corner.
Jonathan: Wow. Looks like i picked the wrong guy to play with me.
Harris: You know, some things you've got to learn the hard way, my friend.
Jonathan: Like clockwork.
Harris: Seven in the corner.
Jonathan: Oof. Oh. Sorry, man. Close... Close quarters. Nine ball, that corner.
Harris: That's an impossible shot. There's no way you're going to make that. It looks like I'm the one who picked the wrong guy to play with.
Jonathan: No, you didn't pick me. I picked you.
Harris: So, what is this? A shakedown over a lousy brew?
Jonathan: No. Stakes are higher than that. You know my uncle, billy lewis?
Harris: Nope. Never heard of him.
Jonathan: Well, that's really weird since you worked for him last fall. What did my uncle billy hire you to do, jed? Hey. Mr. Harris, leaving would be a very bad idea right now.
Harris: And why's that?
Jonathan: Why? Because I'm going to call that cop over here. He's going to look in your right jacket pocket. He's going to see that wallet. He's going to wonder why it says "william" and not "jed."
Harley: Wallet. What wallet?
Jonathan: Some things you've got to learn the hard way, my friend.
Edmund: Tammy, I'm so glad to see you.
Tammy: What is she doing here?
Edmund: Well, it's a long story, tammy.
Tammy: Well, I have time. This is the second time I've caught you here with dinah.
Dinah: Well, let's not be impolite. Hello, tammy.
Tammy: What is she doing here?
Edmund: Tammy, really, it's not what you... Dinah's been staying here.
Tammy: What? What? Does mom know?
Edmund: It's complicated.
Dinah: Edmund took great risk in inviting me here, and i am very grateful. I had a blow up with my father tonight and things got a little messy, and quite honestly, i don't have anywhere else to stay, and edmund said it was okay to crash, and then we got to thinking it was not a very good idea, so I'm leaving.
Tammy: Is that true?
Edmund: Tammy, I love your mother very much, and all I care about is putting our marriage back together again.
Tammy: Well, I don't think
this is the best way of going about that. I have to get some stuff.
Edmund: Thank you. ( Cell phone ringing ) that's tammy's cell. Maybe it's cassie. No, it's reva, but reva's going to know where she is. Answer it. Pretend you're tammy. Come on, come on.
Dinah: Hey. Where's mom? Uh-huh. ( Whispers ): Get a pen. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's cool. Mm-hmm. Thanks.
Tammy: Where's dinah?
Edmund: She left.
Tammy: Where are you going?
Edmund: Tammy, there's something I have to do. But... Look, i love your mother very much. Very, very much, and i am truly doing everything i can to make things right between us. Excuse me.
Cassie: Jeffrey, be serious.
Jeffrey: I am serious. I'm very serious.
Cassie: You want me to use you.
Jeffrey: If that's going to make it easier for you, cassie, yeah. If that's what you believe that you're really doing, instead of the truth, which is you're here because you want to be, and you kissed me because you want to kiss me.
Cassie: I'm confused, and my marriage is ending, jeffrey.
Jeffrey: So, there's nowhere else you could have gone? No one else you could have gone to?
Cassie: Stop confusing me with all this, okay? ( Sighs )
jeffrey: You know, I don't want to confuse you and I didn't want to confuse you, and i said to myself, "just stay clear of it. Stay clear of that mess, and if she wants to go back to eddie boy again, let her go. So be it." But then you came back to me again, because he hurt you again, and i can't take it anymore, cassie, and i can't deny how i feel. You're an amazing, beautiful woman, cassie. And I want you.
Coming up on "guiding light."
Announcer: The friday night hot bods contest. Yeah!
Bill: That hot bod contest, you can win that hands-down.
Olivia: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not me.
Bill: Yes.
Gus: Okay, babe. I'm all showered and shaved up. And I'm all yours. What are you doing here? Where's harley?
Alexandra: Get dressed, gus. We need to talk.
Harris: I never saw that wallet before. You planted it on me.
Jonathan: That's your story. Want to hear mine? I was at a club with my uncle bill and aunt olivia. I saw you pick that wallet off of him, so i followed you here to confront you. Now, i wonder who that cop is going to believe?
Harris: I tell you, it doesn't matter now, anyway.
Jonathan: Why is that?
Harris: Because the dude is dead. I was worried, because the night he bought it, I was supposed to introduce him to my fist, courtesy of billy lewis. But I never followed through. And then i heard that somebody wasted him, and I was afraid the cops would come after me, but well, then they got the chick who killed him, so...
Jonathan: Wait, wait, wait. You were hired to work over phillip spaulding the night that he died? Is that what my uncle billy hired you to do?
Harris: Yeah. We done?
Jonathan: Yeah. Uncle billy's done, too.
Bill: He doesn't believe me that my wallet was stolen. He thinks I'm trying to stiff him on the tab.
Olivia: Well, why would he think that? You gave him a credit card, so the tab is paid, right?
Bill: The card was expired. Can you believe that? My goodness. I don't suppose you have $189 on you, do you? Please? Come on.
Olivia: No, i don't have my purse.
Bill: Check your...
Olivia: Why don't we go... Why don't we go home? We'll just go home and we'll get it.
Bill: He told the bouncer not to let us leave. The bouncer's name is killer. I think we'd best stay here.
Olivia: How are we supposed to get the money if we can't leave?
Bill: You ever hear of washing dishes?
Olivia: No, i haven't.
Bill: You've never heard of washing dishes?
Olivia: I'm not washing dishes!
Bill: You got a better idea?
Announcer: All right, it's time! It's time, ladies and gentlemen, for our weekly tradition here at plaid: The friday night hot bods contest. Yeah! ( Cheers and applause ) all right. So, ladies, come on up here and strut your stuff. Because if you get voted the hottest bod, you win $200 cash. That's right. $200. So, what do you say? All right.
Bill: That hot bod contest, you can win that hands-down.
Olivia: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not me.
Bill: Yes. Yes.
Olivia: Keep dreaming. I'm not getting up on the stage. I'm not getting up on the stage and shaking anything.
Bill: Shake it and bake it.
Olivia: You do it if it's such a great idea.
Bill: Would you rather wash dishes?
Cassie: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Ssh.
Announcer: Yeah, all right, ladies. Come on, don't be shy. If you got it, flaunt it! Let's go!
Bill: Come on, olivia. What else are we going to do? Get in there. Come on.
Olivia: I've got a hot body right here.
Announcer: We've got another contestant right here. Come on up.
Olivia: Actually, i'm not talking about me, I'm talking about this hot body. You said it. Ladies, I need your support. Isn't it about time that the men earned the money by shaking it a little and breaking it a little? ( Women cheer )
bill: No.
Olivia: Come on.
Bill: No. I am not getting up there. No.
Olivia: You want to wash dishes? Go on. Go on. Come on. Show them what you got, baby. Show them what you got. Show them what you got.
Announcer: Sir. Sir, sir, you can't do that. You can't do that.
Olivia: Show some skin. Take it off! ( Women cheering and hooting )
announcer: That's enough, that's enough. Time to declare a winner. Let's hear it for those lovely ladies. ( Cheers and applause ) let's have a hand for this beautiful redhead right here. ( Cheers and applause ) come on. We have this gentleman here. ( Loud cheers and applause ) well, I guess that's that, huh? The people have spoken.
Bill: Thank you! Thank you very much, people. Harvey, keep the change.
Olivia: You made $20.
Bill: You can't buy much with $20.
Olivia: Honey, the rest is on the house.
Gus: How did you get in here?
Alexandra: Harley left the door open for me. She called from her car and asked if i would come by.
Gus: Where did she go?
Alexandra: I don't know, but obviously she left for a reason, a reason she tried to explain to you. Apparently you didn't want to hear it. She knows how far you'll go for her, gus. So do I. And personally, I find that kind of love inspirational.
Gus: I'm touched.
Alexandra: Yes, yes, yes. But to harley, you see, to harley right now that is a burden, because showing her this kind of love in this kind of a way, all that's going to do, gus, is really make her time in prison that much more difficult. And believe me, take it from me, I know how tough that time is going to be in a teeny cell.
Gus: All right, dr. Phil.
Alexandra: All right.
Gus: I really appreciate it, but I've got to go and i've got to find her.
Alexandra: You probably don't want to hear this, but i'm going to say it anyway. You know something? I am family. Alan is family. And we're going to be here for you. You are going to need us.
Gus: Like hell I'm going to need you.
Alexandra: Don't you understand? I do realize how crazy this family is, how very dysfunctional we are. But there's one thing we're very good at. You know what? We know how to forgive.
Gus: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Bill: Oh, you are crazy. You are crazy. I'm just glad I had this sweater in the car, that's all.
Olivia: I wouldn't mind taking it off of you.
Bill: Easy, easy. Easy. See? Now, a lot of wives would have gotten a little upset with their husband if he went up onstage and showed his thing.
Olivia: It's such a good thing, though.
Bill: It is, it is. And I'M...
Olivia: It's a nice thing.
Bill: Let's go inside. Come on, it's a party. We have to go in. Come on.
Olivia: Why?
Bill: It's harley's last night of freedom. We've got to see her.
Olivia: You're right.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: Would you... Why don't you go, because I just want to check on emma.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Olivia: Okay?
Bill: Yeah, yeah. Come here. Okay.
Olivia: Okay?
Bill: All right. I'll keep my clothes on.
Olivia: That was fast. Any luck?
Jonathan: Pay dirt. You won't believe what billy lewis hired jed harris to do.
Olivia: Okay, tell me.
Jonathan: Are you sure you want to know?
Bill: Hey. I can't believe I missed the party.
Harley: Yeah. Well, the evening didn't turn out so hot. I mean, not the party itself-- that was actually okay-- it's just, what happened afterwards was not.
Bill: Why? What's wrong?
Harley: It's gus. He is never going to let go of me. Never. So, don't you see? He is going to end up as trapped on the outside as I will be on the inside, and I can't let him do it. I won'T. I don't care what it takes. Bill, I have to push him away. I just wish I knew how.
Bill: Come here. ( Pounding on door )
cassie: Who's that?
Jeffrey: It's probably one of the guys from my band. I'll get rid of him, okay?
Edmund: Cassie, it's me!
Cassie: Oh, my god. That's edmund.
Edmund: Cassie, I know you're
in there! Please let me in. I need to talk to you. Please.
Cassie: I can't see him. I can't see him.
Jeffrey: All right, all right, all right. I'll get rid of him.
Edmund: You. Where's cassie? What have you done with her?
Jeffrey: She's not here, okay? She was here, but she's not here anymore.
Edmund: What, you expect me to believe that?
Jeffrey: I don't give a damn what you believe, edmund.
Edmund: You should. Cassie's everything to me. She's my life, which means i'm going to stop at nothing to find her and bring her home. Do you understand that?
Jeffrey: What, have you got a shovel and a can of kerosene?
Edmund: There are reasons you don't know, mr. O'neill. Reasons I need to see her. Reasons we need to be together. Cassie!
Danny: I have a confession to make. When you first lost your memory, you know how you accused me of holding you back, trying to control you, and i denied it? You were right. I was trying to control you. I just... I was so worried that you'd get hurt.
Michelle: And you didn't want to lose me.
Danny: ( Sighs ) I undermined you sometimes so that you would keep needing me.
M michelle: You know, that's a lousy thing to do, to love somebody that much. You should be ashamed of yourself. I don't think that it was as selfish as you're making it out to be. Or as I thought it was at the time. Yes, you wanting to hold on to me was part of it, but you were also worried about me and you didn't want me to get hurt.
Danny: I don'T. And you won'T. Tony loves you. So... Okay. I guess we will both be making new memories now.
Michelle: Thank you. Really. Thank you. For all the stuff I don't remember, too.
Danny: If you remembered, you might not be thanking me.
Michelle: ( Laughs ) ( creaking noise ) did you hear that?
Danny: What? ( Creaking noise )
michelle: That.
Danny: Yeah. ( Louder creaking ) sounds like it's coming from up there. ( Crashing ) sounds like it's going to give. ( Loud creaking ) ( crashing )
olivia: What do you mean, do i want to know? Of course I want to know. Cough it up.
Jonathan: Well, i saw you being all cozy with bill, and sometimes I think you really love the guy.
Olivia: I do, jonathan. I love him.
Jonathan: Well, then you need to give this a lot of thought, auntie o, because you'd be blackmailing your husband's father. If bill finds out...
Olivia: If I don't take the risk, jonathan, I might lose him anyway, so you have to tell me. What happened. Why did he hire jed harris?
Jonathan: He hired jed harris to work over phillip spaulding the night that phillip spaulding died. Yeah. Talk about a bomb. And by the way, tell your husband he needs to be more careful.
Bill: I don't know how you're going to push gus away. I mean, the guy's crazy about you.
Harley: There has to be a way. I mean, he is killing himself over me and I can't bear it.
Gus: Baby, what's wrong?
Harley: I can't... I can't talk to you right now. Please go away. Please.
Gus: What?
Bill: Gus, it's really not a good time right now, i think.
Gus: What are you, her bodyguard all of a sudden? Just mind your own business.
Harley: Bill just listens to me and honors my wishes, which is more than i can say for you. And you know what? If you're not going to go, then i will.
Jeffrey: Edmund, if you care about cassie as much as you say you do, you'd back off and give her some space.
Edmund: What, so you can fill the void, mr. O'neill? No, I don't think so.
Jeffrey: Edmund, I'm warning you, okay? I'm going to have you arrested for trespassing.
Edmund: Fine. You do that.
Jeffrey: Edmund.
Edmund: Cassie! Cassie!
Cassie: Dinah, answer me. How did you know i was there? And how is it you showed up the exact same time edmund did?
Dinah: Woman's intuition.
Cassie: Yeah, right.
Dinah: I'm feeling a very strong connection to you lately. Stronger than I ever thought possible.
Danny: Michelle, are you okay? Hey? Michelle, talk to me. Michelle?
Michelle: ( Groaning )
danny: Michelle, it's me. It's danny. Hey. You okay? Michelle, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Can you? Michelle? Hey. The ceiling collapsed over us. Are you all right? Are you hurt? Can you move your toes? Huh? ( Echoing ): Wiggle your
Michelle: Danny.
Next, on "guiding light."
Danny: Oh, god. Do you know how much i've missed you? I've missed you so much.
Michelle: Oh, did you? Oh, you feel so good. Oh, god, i remember this. Oh, I remember this feeling. I remember.
Cassie: If you are pregnant, I feel so sorry for that baby.
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