GL Transcript Thursday 3/31/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/31/05



By Suzanne

jeffrey: Are you calling someone?

Cassie: Reva said i should call edmund.

Jeffrey: Well, reva is your big sister. So i guess you'd better listen to her, huh?

Cassie: Maybe. I need to see him.

Jeffrey: Okay, good. I mean, if that's what you need to do, then that's what you need to do.

All: Surprise!

Alan: Well, you shouldn't have.

Buzz: Well, we didn't. We thought you were harley.

Lizzie: I didn't authorize a party.

Marina: We didn't ask.

Lizzie: That's great.

Coop: Lizzie, could you come here for a second?

Lizzie: Coop, what are you doing?

Coop: Maybe you could take your family somewhere else tonight, huh?

Lizzie: I don't think so. And have to pay for dinner? No.

Coop: Oh, come on, you're loaded.

Lizzie: Oh, come on, you're supposed to be working.

Marina: Ssh, you guys. She's coming.

Alan: I don't want any part of this.

Lizzie: Marina, turn the lights back on.

All: Surprise!

Harley: Wow. Did you know about this?

Gus: I'm not telling.

Harley: You guys shouldn't have. You really shouldn't have.

Tony: Hmm.

Michelle: Okay, cough it up.

Tony: Cough up what?

Michelle: Tell me why we're here. Come on.

Tony: I'm going to tell. All right, what I need you to do... Right here. Turn this way.

Michelle: I don't like waiting.

Tony: Hey.

Michelle: You know I don't like waiting.

Tony: I just need you to stand right here and turn around.

Michelle: Okay. This better be really good.

Tony: You stay right there, all right?

Michelle: Tony? Tony?

Tony: I'm here.

Michelle: What are you doing?

Tony: Will you please relax, okay? Everything's going to be fine.

Michelle: Okay. Waiting.

Tony: Okay. Turn around.

Michelle: Wow. So what's this?

Tony: This is our place. This is where it all began. What do you think? ( Laughs ) hmm?

Reva: I know, joshua. I was just as surprised about this as you are. But we're going to have a baby. Come on, reva, you can do this. You can do this. ( Laughter )

josh: I'll take another one of these, please. Thank you very much.

Bartender: No problem.

Josh: Hey, there she is. Hello, sweetheart.

Reva: Hi, honey.

Josh: How about a beer, huh? No.

Reva: No.

Josh: Bourbon and branch?

Reva: Oh, no.

Josh: You're going to make me drink alone? Huh?

Reva: I'll have some ice water.

Josh: Okay. This is my beautiful wife and she will have some ice water.

Bartender: Oh, we know who each of you are. How are you doing, mrs. Lewis?

Reva: I'm good, thank you.

Josh: That's right. Of course you know each other. So you want to sit down?

Reva: No. Why don't we get a table?

Josh: Okay. All right. We're going to get a table. Listen. We are... Thank you. We are empty nesters now. Which means it's time for us to have fun. And I am the luckiest man in the world because no one knows how to have fun better than this one right here.

Bartender: Oh, you've got that right.

Josh: Isn't that right, darling?

Reva: That's right.

Dinah: Hey. She'll come home. Would you mind if I took a shower?

Edmund: Of course not. Towels are in the hall closet.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks, josh.

Josh: Good-bye.

Edmund: No, really, thank you

for the phone, josh. ( Cell phone rings )

cassie: Hey, josh. What's up?

Edmund: Cassie, it's me. Don't hang up.

alexandra: I'm sorry. We didn't know.

Buzz: Lizzie owns the joint.

Alexandra: Right. And still we shouldn't be here. And by the way, in case you didn't already know...

Buzz: What?

Alexandra: I don't believe harley did it.

Coop: ( Clearing throat ) I thought you couldn't stand to be near me?

Lizzie: I can't.

Coop: So why are you still staying here?

Lizzie: Oh, i'd better say it again. Because I own this place.

Coop: Yes, you own this place. That's right. And you've turned everything in this place pink, haven't you?

Lizzie: Well, coop, has your family found a place to live yet? Hmm?

Harley: Don't be so gloomy. Put a smile on that face. I still have a week.

Frank: That's just the point, sis. A week.

Harley: Don't do this. Do you think this is how i want to remember this time with you?

Frank: I'm sorry, sis, that we're even in this position now.

Harley: Ssh.

Frank: I'm sorry.

Harley: Don't apologize to me. If you want to apologize to someone, maybe it should be the guy you hit.

Frank: Oh, come on. I'm not going to do that.

Harley: All right, fine. If you're not going to apologize for me, than do it for your daughter. Baby steps.

Frank: Ow! Fine. Hey, honey, it's a great party.

Harley: ( Clears throat )

marina: Is aunt harley having a good time?

Frank: She loves it.

Harley: ( Clears throat )

frank: Look, danny, there's something I'd like to say.

Danny: If it's about what happened at J. Farley...

Frank: Yeah, that would be it.

Danny: Don't worry about it, man.

Frank: I should not have hit you. And I'm sorry about that, but you've actually saved me from making a bigger mistake. So thank you.

Danny: You're welcome.

Marina: Thank you.

Danny: That was a nice trick. It meant a lot to her. Listen, I'm really sorry about everything.

Harley: Well, you mean a lot to her. Which is why it's hard for me to ask this little favor.

Danny: Okay. Sure. What?

Harley: Break up with marina.

Tony: Do you remember the fourth of july?

Michelle: Yep. How can I forget? You bought me here after that fiasco of a barbecue.

Tony: Well, you said it was your... Well, we said it was your birthday.

Michelle: It was my official rebirth. See, that was the day I started fresh. I started over.

Tony: True. Either way, I think part of me... I think part of me fell in love with you that day.

Michelle: Really?

Tony: Yeah, i think so.

Michelle: Hmm.

Tony: ( Laughs ) that's why i wanted to bring you back here, you know? This is our place.

Michelle: Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is like... This is like our eight-month anniversary? Something like that?

Tony: Close to it. Yeah, close. I just figured, you know what? You and I, we could have a little birthday party.

Michelle: Hey, just like we had that day.

Tony: That's right. Wait. Hold on. Hold on.

Michelle: What?

Tony: Put it down. It's not time to eat quite yet. So...

Michelle: I'm sorry.

Tony: I'll set these right here.

Michelle: ( Laughs ) okay.

Tony: Right here. Wait. You know what? Hold on. Okay. Hold on. I got them in here somewhere. Close your eyes one good second, will you? I have to get them all set up. Okay. There we go.

Michelle: That's funny.

Tony: ( Laughs ) what do you think? I mean, kind of looks like us a little bit. Don't you think?

Michelle: It's a bride and groom.

Tony: It is a bride and groom. But what do you think? Look like us?

Michelle: Should it?

Tony: I don't know. I'd like it to. If it was up to me.

Josh: You know what? Let's dance. You want to dance? Come on.

Reva: No, no, no.

Josh: What? You don't want to dance?

Reva: We could chat.

Josh: Yes, we could. Let's chat.

Reva: You know that house that you're planning on building?

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Reva: How firm are those plans?

Josh: Not very. It's all up in my head. So why do you ask?

Reva: Well, i just thought we might be making some changes to those plans soon.

Josh: What kind of changes did you have in mind?

Reva: Well, i don't know. For starters, I...

Josh: You know what? Listen. Listen to this. We can't not dance to this. Come on. Let's just dance, reva.

Reva: No, honey. No, honey.

Josh: Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Trust me. It's going to be fun. See. Isn't this nice, huh?

Reva: ( Laughing ) yeah, it's great.

Josh: Yeah. This is the way it's going to be from now on, darling.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: You mean dancing. Going out dancing.

Josh: No, not just dancing. We can do anything we want. We can go anywhere we want. We've got no strings attached. We can do anything. This is the way life is going to be from now on, okay?

Reva: Oh. Oh, oh.

Josh: Reva? Honey?

Edmund: Cassie, are you still there?

Cassie: I'm here.

Edmund: Good. Please don't hang up.

Cassie: How did you get josh's phone?

Edmund: I tricked you, cassie. I'm sorry. I just needed to hear your voice.

Cassie: How are you?

Edmund: Lost. I'm completely lost without you, cassie. I miss you so much.

Cassie: I miss you, too.

Edmund: Then come home. Come home now. Tonight.

Cassie: I want to.

Edmund: Would you rather i come to you? I can.

Cassie: I don't know. I thought I could do this edmund, but I don't know.

Edmund: Cassie, we need to talk. Even if it's just over a cup of coffee. I love you. I hope you give me the chance to prove that to you.

Cassie: I'm afraid, edmund. You broke the trust that took us so long to build. How do i know you won't do that again?

Edmund: Cassie, i've learned from my mistakes.

Cassie: Have you?

Edmund: Cassie, almost losing you showed me that we could accomplish anything as long as we're together.

Cassie: This isn't just between us, you know?

Edmund: I know. The baby.

Cassie: I mean the children, edmund. I can't even think about bringing a baby into this world right now.

Edmund: No. No. Of course not. Just some day.

Cassie: I can't do this right now.

Edmund: Cassie, wait. Please.

Cassie: Look I'M... I need to find tammy. Because reva told me about the fire. I'm really worried about her.

Edmund: Tammy's with me.

Cassie: What?

Edmund: Tammy's right here at the house. You can see her if you come home.

tony: Will you marry me? Say something. Please.

Michelle: ( Sighs )

tony: What? Want to show you first, okay?

Tony: Is that divorce papers?

Michelle: Yeah, i got them today. Now all I do is file them, go before the judge, and danny and i are no longer married.

Tony: I mean, i wasn'T... ( Laughs ) I wasn't thinking about this. I guess that's why i should have... I should have waited.

Michelle: Waited for what?

Tony: For you to be free. Have some time to yourself. Do what you want to do.

Michelle: Sow my wild oats.

Tony: Do you have any wild oats to sow?

Michelle: Oh, you know me.

Tony: So it's a yes?

Michelle: Yeah. That's a yes to your first question about marrying you.

Tony: Yes.

Michelle: Yes. ( Laughs )

michelle: Yeah. That's a yes to your first question about marrying you.

Tony: Yes.

Michelle: Yes. ( Laughs )

tony: Yes, you'll marry me?

Michelle: Yes.

Tony: Really? Oh, I love you.

Danny: I'm a little confused. You want me to break up with marina.

Harley: Okay, let me rephrase what i just said. If there's any chance that down the road you'll break marina's heart, don't wait. Just do it now.

Danny: No. Harley, I don't plan on breaking marina's heart.

Harley: I know you're not planning to do it. I know that. I also know that michelle is the love of your life.

Danny: Michelle and i are divorced. I just got the papers today.

Harley: I'm sorry. Divorce is terrible. But you guys have been that before.

Danny: That's true.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Danny: That's true.

Harley: So what if, you know, it didn't stick and you guys got back together again?

Danny: I really, really, really doubt that's going to happen. Michelle and i are over.

Harley: Okay. But what if you're not? Marina's the one who's going to pay for that. And I don't want her to have to have a broken heart. I mean, that stinks. I've been through that.

Danny: I understand. Harley, I... Look, I can't predict the future. All I can tell you is that right now marina and i like spending time together.

Harley: That's very reassuring.

Danny: I will not break her heart.

Harley: Thank you. I just needed to hear you say it.

Danny: Okay. I'm not just saying it. I mean it.

Harley: Okay. Good.

Coop: My sister's about to go to jail right now. Is that even registering with you?

Lizzie: I don't care. She killed my father.

Coop: She did not kill your dad.

Lizzie: Well, my granddad said she did.

Coop: Oh, your granddad said that. Well, what do you say, lizzie? And do you even have a mind of your own?

Alan: Well, harley, are you enjoying this party of yours?

Harley: I was... Alan.

Alan: Why are you always so suspicious when I come talk with you about anything?

Harley: Because i think i have good reason. Cut to the chase. What do you want?

Alan: My grandson. Zach should be with me.

Cassie: Tammy's with you?

Edmund: She's asleep on the sofa. She's been very upset ever since the fire.

Cassie: Really?

Edmund: I've done what I can, but she needs her mother. We all do.

Cassie: Wake her up.

Edmund: What?

Cassie: Wake her up. I want to talk to my daughter.

Edmund: Well, i can't wake her up.

Cassie: Why not?

Edmund: Well, because she's just so peaceful. But cassie, you can see her if come home.


Cassie: I'm here.

Edmund: I have a wonderful surprise for you, cassie. But I can't tell you over the phone.

Cassie: Good-bye, edmund.

Edmund: Cassie, wait. Cassie... Cassie, I love...

Josh: You really are sick, aren't you? ( Laughs )

reva: I don't know how this happened.

Josh: What, reva? What are you talking about? What happened?

Reva: You know, you make all these plans, and then something happens that really screws everything up.

Josh: What did I miss?

Reva: I'm pregnant!

Coming up on "guiding


Cassie: I'm losing sight of realty.

Gus: You are my reality. Just you.

Josh: You know, most couples our age, they're planning a world cruise or working on their golf game or they're...

Reva: Building houses.

Josh: Building houses. Exactly.

Reva: You're not happy about this, are you?

Harley: Are you trying to finish what phillip started, alan?

Alan: Harley, why don't you not be so melodramatic?

Harley: You want to take my son.

Alan: Zach lost his father and he's about to lose you. Don't you think that is enough loss for that little boy to take?

Gus: Is everything all right?

Harley: Yes. Yes, your father was actually making a very good point.

Gus: Really? What's that?

Harley: He said that he wants zach to know both sides of his family. And I agree with that.

Gus: That's what you want too?

Harley: Yes. I also want him to know that his home will always be with the coopers.

Alan: You may not have a choice in that.

Harley: Well, i think we all want what's best for zach, don't we, alan?

Alan: And what's best for zach is that he is...

Gus: That he lives with the coopers and he spends some quality time with his grandfather and his aunt.

Harley: Now that that is settled, there is only one more thing that i want.

Gus: What's that honey?

Harley: I want you working at spaulding again. What about it, alan? Does your offer still stand?

Lizzie: You know, coop, if you want sympathy, you're not going to get it from me.

Coop: Actually, it didn't even cross my mind. What did, though, is the fact that i don't think i've ever met anyone as coldhearted as yourself. Well, next to your...

Lizzie: Next to who?

Coop: Next to your dad.

Buzz: You know, if you're trying to get us a reprieve, you might want to rethink your strategy.

Marina: Hey. I saw you with harley. What were you guys talking about?

Danny: You. She really cares about you a lot.

Marina: You didn't get the speech again, did you?

Danny: Hmm. Slight variation on it.

Marina: I am so sorry.

Danny: No, no, no. Don't be. It was good actually. Gave me an idea.

Marina: Yeah.

Danny: Mm-hmm. I think we should go away for the weekend. Just the two of us.

Tony: Did you hear that, springfield? Michelle's going to marry tony santos, baby! Whew! ( Laughs )

michelle: I say yes, but you know there's someone you've got to clear it with first. You know that, right?

Tony: Who danny?

Michelle: No, not danny.

Tony: Rick? Your dad? Who? Come on, tell me. Tell me. Tell me.

Michelle: Um, the other important guy in my life.

Tony: Ah, the little man.

Michelle: Yeah.

Tony: Ah, robbie. Well, you don't have to worry about him. Look at me. I'm shaking. I'm excited. You don't have to worry about him, because listen, i'm not going to... I'm not going to marry his mom without his approval, without him liking this.

Michelle: Good. Good. Because if it upsets him, it's all over.

Tony: Well, him and i are pals. He loves me. You know, kind of cute to see him in a tuxedo at our wedding, don't you think?

Michelle: I've been married how many times.

Tony: I know. But you don't remember any of them. You'll certainly remember this one with me.

Michelle: Honestly though...

Tony: Honestly what? What?

Michelle: All i need is you.

Tony: Too sweet.

Reva: You're not saying anything.

Josh: I... I don't really know what to say. ( Laughs )

reva: A little hard to believe.

Josh: Yeah, it's a baby. How far along are you?

Reva: Well, i don't really know. I haven't been to see dr. Sedwick.

Josh: You took like a home pregnancy...

Reva: Yeah, inconclusive.

Josh: You took it once?

Reva: Well, yeah, but i mean, all the signs are there.

Josh: Right. Nausea.

Reva: And the mood swings.

Josh: Sure. ( Both laughs )

reva: It's not like we haven't been through this before.

Josh: Yes, we have been through this before. I guess... I just figured it was the last time. ( Laughs )

reva: I guess not. It's a shock. I know. Because we didn't plan for this.

Josh: No, we didn't.

Reva: Well, i think that's what makes it even more incredible though.

Josh: Incredible? Yes. ( Laughs ) very much so. You know, most couples our age, they're planning a world cruise or working on their golf game or they're...

Reva: Building houses.

Josh: Building houses. Exactly.

Reva: Well, we haven't always been like most couples. Why should we start now?

Josh: I just figured, you know, this one time.

Reva: You're not happy about this, are you?

Dinah: Edmund, are you okay?

Cassie: It hurts. It hurts so bad.

Jeffrey: I know. It's hard when you love someone and you can't have them.

Marina: You$think the two of us should go away for the weekend?

Danny: Yeah, I'm thinking maybe chicago. I've spent a lot of time there when i was growing up and I know the city pretty well.

Marina: Sounds like a lot of fun.

Danny: So you up for it?

Marina: Yeah. Definitely. I love chicago.

Danny: Great.

Marina: You do know what that means, don't you?

Danny: Should i?

Marina: It'll be the first time that we're actually alone together.

Danny: Well, there was santa domingo.

Marina: No, no. That doesn't count. Tony was there and michelle.

Danny: First time alone together. You ready for that?

Marina: I am more than ready.

Alan: Welcome back, son.

Harley: Gus.

Alan: Are you going to accept the offer?

Gus: No.

Alan: Don't be a fool.

Gus: I don't need the job.

Alan: What do you mean, you don't need the job? You're in debt up to your eyeballs. You can't practice law. Frank's not going to take you back on the force.

Harley: He's right. You should take this opportunity, gus.

Alan: Is it a deal? You can come home and be with the family again.

Gus: I don't know. My loyalty is with harley, okay. So let's not...

Alexandra: Harley's not going to be here. You have to think about what's going to best for zach and you.

Gus: I'm all set. I got a job lined up, people. Right down at the dock. I'm going to be the head of security down there.

Alan: Security. You call that a career?

Gus: It's absolutely fine. It's blue collar. I'm used to that. I'm going to get back to my roots. I'm fine with it.

Alan: Oh, this is sheer lunacy, gus.

Gus: I'm fine with it. This way i know I know who my friends are, i can count on a paycheck. I know that there are no strings attached. That makes me happy.

Alan: Can you believe this?

Alexandra: Frankly, yes.

Alan: Elizabeth, get your coat. We're leaving.

Lizzie: What? Why?

Harley: Alan...

Gus: Why? Because your granddaddy's not happy about the fact i won't be his cooperate puppet.

Lizzie: You offered his job back?

Alan: Yes. And he once again slapped me in the face.

Lizzie: Well, he's an idiot.

Coop: It's called integrity, lizzie. You might learn a thing or two from him.

Lizzie: Speaking of idiot...

Alexandra: All right, lizzie. It won't do any good calling names. It won't help anything.

Alan: Please, alexandra, this kinder, gentler you is not working. Don't you see what this man just said? He just said that this... ( All talking at once )

gus: I want to show you why i believe I made the right choice.

Buzz: Let him do what he wants to do.

Josh: Reva, it's not... It's not that i'm not happy.

Reva: Okay, then what is it? What are you thinking?

Josh: I just wasn't expecting that we were going to go through this again.

Reva: Well, you know, think of it this way. You still got the stuff, bud. ( Laughs )

josh: Lucky me. ( Laughs )

reva: And you're going to be a terrific daddy. You are. Think about all of the things we could learn from past mistakes.

Josh: Hey, speak for yourself.

Reva: And the other good thing is that we can finally raise this child together with no interruptions.

Josh: I think i might like that.

Reva: You would?

Josh: Hey, you know, they'll be having a hip replacement, I'll be coaching softball. ( Both laugh ) and you. You will be the coolest, sexiest, hottest gray-haired mom on the planet.

Reva: Gray hair? No, I don't think so. No, on the gray hair.

Josh: This... This could be fun.

Reva: It could be a lot of hard work too, though, you know. I mean, don't forget about the early morning feedings and crying and the diapers. ( Crying )

josh: Hey, you know what i say?

Reva: Hmm?

Josh: Bring it on. I'm ready. ( Both laugh )

reva: Me, too.

Josh: ( Laughs ) a baby. Hey, everybody, I'm going to have a baby. Excuse me. Sorry. Scratch that. My wife, we are going to have a baby. ( Cheers and applause )


Way to go, josh. ( Reva and josh laugh )

edmund: I'm keyed up. I just got off the phone with cassie.

Dinah: You did?

Edmund: Yeah. I was in the midst of persuading her to come home and she hung up on me.

Dinah: I'm sorry. I guess she just isn't ready yet.

Edmund: Yeah. Is that cassie's?

Dinah: Yeah. I hope you don't mind.

Edmund: No, i want you to be comfortable.

Dinah: I want you to be comfortable, too. Why don't you sit on the couch and I'll make you something to eat?

Edmund: No. Thank you. I'm going to take a walk. Clear my head.

Dinah: You know what? That's a good idea. I'm going to join you.

Edmund: No, no, no. Stay here. Stay here. Take a shower.

Dinah: Are you sure? I think the fresh air might be good for me. I could get some nice relaxation in. What's that?

Edmund: It's one of cassie's earrings. What's it doing...

Dinah: Edmund, I have a confession to make to you.

Cassie: I can't do this anymore.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted things to work out. So, look, I'll do it. I'll arrange the separation papers for you. Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah? What? Thanks. Okay. Thank you.

Jeffrey: That is what you want, isn't it?

Cassie: I don't know. I mean, yes. Of course. Yes. We just need to talk about this in the morning.

Jeffrey: Okay, okay.

Cassie: You know, i'm just...

Jeffrey: Okay. No. You know what? No.

Not okay. You're changing your mind again. You're going to let this guy back into your life again?

Cassie: Maybe he deserves a second chance.

Jeffrey: A chance? A chance to do what? To hurt you again? Are you a masocht or something?

Cassie: No. That's not it. You don't know, jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Oh, I know plenty. Trust me. I know plenty. I've seen plenty.

Cassie: You see everything in black and white! You don't even let yourself feel! If you did maybe you'd know, okay?!

Jeffrey: Don't tell me what i feel. You don't know what I feel and what i don't feel.

Cassie: Well, why are you so upset?

Jeffrey: I'm not upset, okay? I don't care. I just... I just don't want to see you like this, okay? You need to make a decision. You can't go on like this.

Cassie: Okay, but i just want a life! Do you understand that?

Jeffrey: Well, then get a life! Have a life! You know, take the blinders off and get a life!

Cassie: Thank you so much for being supportive.

Jeffrey: Well, is this the life that you wanted? Is this the happy life that you imagined? That you wanted...

Cassie: No, it's not, okay? It's not.

Jeffrey: You know why? Because you're compromising, cassie. You're settling. You're settling for something far less than what you deserve. And why? Why are you doing that? Just because you put the time in with this guy?

Cassie: No. No, that's not it.

Jeffrey: Well, then cut it off. Cut your losses, okay? Cut your losses, get away from this guy and go for it. Have a life! Reach out for what belongs to you, what you have coming to you.

Cassie: And is that what you would do?

Jeffrey: You're damn right.

Michelle: Is that my engagement ring? It's very earthy.

Tony: It's very earthy? Well, I just didn't want to... I don't know. I didn't want to get one you were going to wear now. I didn't want to get one. You know, I just... I didn't know if you'd want to pick it out.

Michelle: No, i want you to pick it out. You've got great taste.

Tony: Well, i don't know about that. But robbie could do it. What do you think? Once i get his blessing he could come with me, we'll pick it out together.

Michelle: Thanks for being so cool about my boy.

Tony: Well, you don't have to thank me. I love him. I would never... I would never, ever do wrong by him. I promise you that.

Michelle: I think i want to celebrate.

Tony: Again? I thought we just did.

Michelle: Yeah, i want to celebrate some more.

Tony: More?

Michelle: I want to do something really wild and free.

Tony: Once again, i thought that we just did.

Michelle: I know what i want to do.

Tony: What do you want...

Michelle: I want to...

Tony: No. No, no, no. No, no. Don't even think. Hey.

Michelle: Oh, yeah.

Tony: Oh, no.

Michelle: Oh, yeah. Whoo!

Tony: No, no, no, no. This cliff i already... ( Water splashes ) she's crazy. All right. I'm coming. Here i come, michelle. You know, you think that you you know, you think that you have to take care of everybody all the time. But I can look out for you sometimes, too.

Alan: Alexandra, elizabeth, the car is waiting.

Gus: Great. Please do.

Alexandra: ( Laughs )

harley: Wow, it's nice.

Gus: Not bad, right? And it came with the furniture.

Harley: Oh.

Gus: So, yeah. I figured, you know, what the heck? I'll spend most of my time by myself working on your appeal. So this is fine.

Harley: You know, gus...

Gus: And I'll take the kids, you know, since I'll be spending a lot of time with the boys. I think they would like a place like this. This is like a boy's kind of place.

Harley: Remember the doctor said that you really need to take it easy.

Gus: I'm fine. I'm fine. I feel great.

Harley: You're not fine.

Gus: ( Laughs nervously )

harley: You're pale. You have bags under your eyes. And you're working yourself into a frenzy, sweetie.

Gus: No, no, no. But, you know, i could. I can work myself right up into a frenzy. Oh, yes, i can.

Harley: I don't... I don't want you doing that. I want you to take care of yourself, okay?

Gus: Taking care of myself would be getting you and me together again. That would be taking care of myself.

Harley: You're losing sight of reality.

Gus: Maybe you're my reality. Just you.

Josh: Here's to my beautiful wife. And here's to our beautiful baby. ( Both laugh )

dinah: I borrowed cassie earrings and one must have dropped.

Jeffrey: You?

Dinah: Look, edmund, I think, you know, being here around her things and stuff, it just brings up old stuff for me. But it's okay. It's okay. And I really just want to be as happy as cassie is with you. That's all.

Edmund: Was. As happy as cassie was with me.

Dinah: You'll be happy once again, all right? I think that this baby is going to bring more happiness than you can ever imagine. I know it.

Next on "guiding light"...

Harley: You did this for me? You moved here for me?

Gus: It's great, isn't it?

Harley: No. It's terrible.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: Jeffrey, this feels...

Jeffrey: This feels right, cassie. It feels right.

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