GL Transcript Wednesday 3/30/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/30/05



By Suzanne

jonathan: Hey, man. I'll have whatever's on tap. Here's to swimming with bow- legged women. And a painless night.

Tammy: Why don't you just go outside and run head-first into traffic? You saved my life. I won't let you throw yours away.

Reva: I took a pregnancy test. I believe I saw the little blue line. I just want to be sure. Yes, i want to be sure, so that's why i'm calling, because i want to check my schedule and then make an appointment, so... Okay. Thank you. Hey!

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: Wow. That's the kind of homecoming i like. That's great. Are you okay? Everything all right?

Reva: Now that I see you, i'm fine.

Josh: Good. Good, good. Did I miss anything exciting?

Reva: Well, there's something that i couldn't wait to tell you.

Josh: Oh. Good, good, because there's something that i want to tell you, too. Who goes first?

Reva: Me.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Of course. You know how you make plans for the rest of your life? You know, you have it all in line. The business, the house, you know, how we test our love all the time, and there's the kids, and then something amazing happens that changes everything.

Josh: You know what? I have been thinking about exactly the same thing. We have to do something, something that will shake up our lives.

Reva: Yeah, well, i think we may have already done it.

Ross: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on a plane to italy with dinah sitting right next to you.

Rufus: The plane took off, but your daughter wasn't on it.

Edmund: Cassie? Please don't hang up. Please just say something, darling. Anything, please. I'm begging you.

No matter what i've done,

cassie-- and my mistakes have

been legion, they've been epic, but so has my love for you. I love you, cassie, and my love is never-ending. It's good, it's pure, it's true. You have to know that.

Please let me come to you,


Now, tonight, whenever.

Please. Just let me be with you.

We can make our whole life right again, cassie. I've made sure of it. Our miracle can still happen.

edmund: Cassie, i want you to listen to me.

We are going to be... ( Hangs up ) cassie, are you still there? Cassie?

Jeffrey: Cassie? You all right?

Cassie: Edmund just called.

Jeffrey: What did he say?

Cassie: I don't know. I was trying really not to listen, and he just sounded so kind and sweet and hopeful, like everything was just going to be fine.

Jeffrey: And you didn't want to talk to him? ( Chuckles ) yeah, well, that's not going to keep him from calling. I brought your blanket.

Cassie: Well, did you bring those separation papers that i asked you for earlier? Did you?

Jeffrey: Okay, you want to get mad at me, that's okay. Go ahead.

Cassie: I'm not. I'm not mad at you.

Jeffrey: Why don't you just sleep on this whole thing? If y/7qtant to leave the guy, you can do it in the morning, okay? I'll put you in touch with someone who can handle the paperwork, a nice, neutral lawyer.

Cassie: You are a lawyer, jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'm not exactly neutral, am I? The place is yours for tonight.

Cassie: Hey. Where are you going?

Jeffrey: My room at the beacon, where else?

Cassie: No, please. Please don't leave, okay? Just... Jeffrey, i... ( Sighs )

jeffrey: Look, you see, the fact that you can't tell me what you're feeling right now, that's why me staying, not a good idea. Excuse me.

Cassie: So, what if edmund calls back?

Jeffrey: You'll answer the phone.

Cassie: I don't want to. Please. Stay here. Jeffrey, please help me.Ok

dinah: Did cassie say where she was?

Edmund: She didn't say anything. I could hear her breathing. God, she couldn't even bring herself to speak to me.

Dinah: That will change once she finds out about the baby.

Edmund: Oh, dinah. Dinah, what if... She has people whispering in her ear, telling her not to come back. I can'T... I can't make things.... I can't make things right.

Dinah: You know cassie. You cannot force her to come back until she's ready. That's why we decided to go ahead with this. I know that it's been drastic.

Edmund: Drastic.

Drastic?R dinah, it's insane. You're carrying her child.

Dinah: It's the only way for you to have a chance with her. We don't know how she's going to take this news at first, so i think we need to slow down.

Edmund: No, we don'T. We don't have to slow down. We can't wait any longer. Cassie's drifting further away. I can feel that I have to find...

Dinah: We just found out that i'm pregnant.

Edmund: And that's good news. It's something i can tell her.

Dinah: No, it is bad luck, especially during the first trimester. What if, god forbid, i lose this baby?

Edmund: You won't. You won't lose this baby, dinah. You're not going to.

Dinah: New parents cannot think like that. I know i'm being a little superstitious, but...

Edmund: No, dinah, you... You can't think like that. This baby is the only chance i have to get cassie back.

Dinah: That is exactly my point. Can we please just make sure everything is on track with this baby? Edmund, I am only thinking about what is best for you. And what is the best way to win cassie back?

Tammy: Can we get two sodas?

Jonathan: What is this, some kind of karma thing? I saved your life, so now your life belongs to me?

Tammy: I think it's one of those things-- and maybe for the first timm vn your entire life-- where someone truly is grateful for something that you've done and you're just too afraid to let them get close enough to say thank you.

Jonathan: You're welcome. Thank you for coming to check on me.

Tammy: Actually, I came to meet sandy.

Jonathan: Oh. Aren't you two as cute as a pair of neutered puppies?

Tammy: I could check up on you, but why should I? Why should anybody, when any time anyone tries to do anything remotely kind for you, you just shove it back in their face? You don't want anyone to care about you. Or maybe you want everyone to care but you're just too chicken to admit that you have a heart.

Jonathan: You're right, tammy. I don't want to be this way. This is just the way that I am.

Tammy: Then why don't you change?

Sandy: Hey. There you are, gorgeous.

Tammy: Hi.

Sandy: Hi.

Josh: Okay, i don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you've done, but I know what I've done, and it's very cool. Now, i don't know how to start. Let's see. We are at this place in our lives, right? We are at whatever age we're at.

Reva: Well, yeah, we've lived a little.

Josh: Yes, and we both want to live a lot more, right?

Reva: I do.

Josh: Good. Turn the page, start a new chapter, that kind of thing.

Reva: Definitely.

Josh: Yes. So do I. Now, what I've got... What is this? Baby magazine?

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: ( Laughs )

reva: You'll never believe this.

Josh: Oh, i know. You've been thinking about cassie, haven't you, and the fact that she wanted to have a baby with edmund so badly and it didn't work out that way?

Reva: Yeah, but...

Josh: Because that would have been a lot of fun for you. I mean, two sisters going out shopping together, laughing together, and buying maternity clothes and baby clothes. All the joy of having a baby but not having all the responsibility, not having to stay up late at night and not having to go without sex, and being thrown up on all the time. Things like that.

Reva: Oh, who are you kidding? You know you'd do it again in a minute.

Josh: Do what? What, go through a pregnancy? Again? Together? You and me?

Reva: You wouldn't?

Josh: Well, uh, i would, of course. It's just that that's not where we're at in our lives right now. We're far away from that.

Reva: Right.

Josh: In fact, we're at the place in our lives where we need to reclaim life a little bit, maybe even... Maybe even do something selfish. Look. Look at that.

Reva: Put an addition on our house?

Josh: No. Build a new house, entirely new, a grownup house just for you and me.

Reva: I like the home we have.

Josh: Well, so do i, but I'm talking about someplace new in the country, you know?

Reva: But what about when the kids come back?

Josh: Well, the kids would be welcome to visit any time.

Reva: But not stay?

Josh: No. Because there wouldn't be a guest room. But we would have a big patio and a place to barbecue and a pool. In fact, even jonathan could come and visit us, as soon as he's house-trained. But ultitely, it would just be... It would just be you andjf me, reva. Like we've talked about. Like a newly married couple starting out fresh in l and all of our problems, all of the things we've been going through, they would just fade away. Into the dust. Reva, listen to me, okay? I've already... I found a great spot, a site that I picked out. It's on a hillside. It's in aspen.

Reva: Aspen?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Colorado?

Josh: Yeah. And look. I've already done some sketches here. Wait a second. Here we go. Spiral staircase and all the walls would be pretty much just glass, so it would be like...

Reva: ( Laughs )

josh: ...360 degrees of view, you know? And a loft right up here, so we'd have a big bed. What are you laughing at? What?

Reva: Spiral staircase and a loft...

Josh: Yes.

Reva: ....And walls full of glass. It's not exactly baby-friendly.

Josh: Who said anything about a baby?

Josh: A baby? What... What are you talking about? I don't understand.

Reva: Well, you know, you can never really predict things. You know the saying that children come when they will.

Josh: Yeah, i know that saying. It's a saying for people who are trying to have a baby.

Reva: Well, you know, my point is that you make blueprints, you know, for the rest of your lives, and you can make all the plans that you want and when you least expect it, a child comes along.

Josh: Reva, jonathan is not a child anymore. You've been hanging out with him again, haven't you?

Reva: No.

Josh: Yes, you have.

Reva: Well, no.

Josh: I thought you said you were going to steer clear of him...

Reva: Yes, yes. I'm trying, okay?

Josh: Okay. All right. That's all i can ask. Reva, we built a family together. In fact, we've rebuilt our family a couple of times over, and the business is running very smooth. I think it's time. It's time for us to cut the cord, you know? Think about it. We could go fishing.

Reva: Fishing?

Josh: Yeah. Picnicking together in a field of wildflowers. Are you with me on this at all?

Reva: You know, i'm trying to be. I really am. I mean... You're saying you really want to uproot?

Josh: We'll still have our roots here, reva. I'm just talking about a place where we could go and plant new seeds, that's all. Look, let me...

Reva: ( Laughs )

josh: Let me take you there and show you, okay? I think there's a festival going on right now. It's the pork and apple festival, or whatever. I'll buy you pork on a stick. I'll buy you baked apples and...

Reva: Ugh.

Josh: Honey?

Reva: No.

Josh: Honey?

Reva: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Please.

Sandy: So, how long have you guys been here?

Tammy: Not long.

Jonathan: It's okay, sandman. Nothing for you to worry about.

Sandy: What would i worry about? Hey, you guys got that table?

Jonathan: We do now. I'll rack them.

Sandy: You do that. You okay?

Tammy: I'm fine. You're acting kind of weird, though.

Sandy: How so?

Tammy: You're actually being nice to jonathan.

Sandy: I'm turning over a new leaf. How long do you think it will last?

Tammy: I'm not holding my breath.

Jonathan: Hey. Your shot.

Sandy: All right.

Jonathan: You know, it wasn't too long ago me and sandy used to have late-night pool games all the time.

Tammy: Really?

Jonathan: Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?

Tammy: I forget you guys were actually friends once.

Sandy: Yeah, he cheated most of the time.

Jonathan: It's not cheating if it happens right under your nose.

Tammy: So, what? Were you the top dog back then?

Jonathan: Yeah, something like that. But look who's on top now.

Sandy: Guess I learned a trick or two from you.

Jonathan: What? Like you can't get away with something unless someone lets you?

Sandy: And since we're both on to him, jonathan won't be getting away with anything. Will he, tammy?

Tammy: Not a thing.

Dinah: You must tread carefully, edmund. I want us to focus on the baby,

your baby. I'm sorry. Cassie's going to come home in good time, because she's going to come home to a job that she's always wanted: To be the mother of this child.

Edmund: That makes sense enough, dinah. It makes sense enough, but if i had been being sensible, i never would have agreed in the first place to let you carry cassie's child.

Dinah: But you did, edmund. You did agree.

Edmund: And this is all for nothing unless i can get cassie back. So, I have to find her.

Dinah: ( Sighs ) it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay, sweetie.

Jeffrey: Cassie, you don't need me to help you here.

Cassie: Yes, I do, and I hate asking for your help. I don't trust myself with edmund.

Jeffrey: Well, the best way i can help you is by leaving you alone, let you think about this.

Cassie: I don't want to think anymore, jeffrey. I don't want to think anymore.

Jeffrey: Look, you know your way around the place. Have a good time. Have a good night. I'll check with you in the morning, okay? You'll be fine.

Cassie: Okay, fine. Good-bye. Fine. Do you have anything i could sleep in?

Jeffrey: Yeah, there's a t- shirt around here somewhere. It's a van halen t-shirt. Oh, there it is. It's on the stairs over there.

Cassie: ( Scoffs )

jeffrey: What?

Cassie: This is classy.

Jeffrey: You don't like van halen?

Cassie: I love van halen. I just can't believe i'm actually going to wear a shirt that's been laying on the floor.

Jeffrey: It's clean. I only wore it once, okay?

Cassie: ( Sighs ) you sure know how to charm a girl.

Jeffrey: I do?

Cassie: Can you put that back in the fridge and secure it for me?

Jeffrey: Okay, sure. Yeah. I can do that. I could also whip out some duct tape, you know? We can wrap it up and seeing as how you are really the problem here and not the fridge, maybe you're the one that needs to be wrapped up.

Cassie: Very funny. ( Cell phone ringing )

jeffrey: Oh! Oh, look. Guess who?

Cassie: Put it back in the fridge.

Jeffrey: It's edmund. Hello, edmund. Put it in the fridge? I feel like I'm in the fifth grade, here. I hated the fifth grade. Sorry, eddie boy. ( Muffled ringing )

cassie: I should have known it would be ripped up.

Jeffrey: Yeah. In all the right places.

Cassie: Excuse me?

Jeffrey: I mean, you know, for me. For you. For... Uh, for ventilation. Yeah.

Cassie: I like that idea of yours of the duct tape. So, do you have any?

Jeffrey: Are you serious? Well, yeah. As a matter of fact, i think i do have some in the closet right there.

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: Oh, wait a minute. Don't open that. Wait, don'T. Don'T.

Cassie: Oh. Oh, my gosh. Hd?Laughs )

jeffrey: I'm sorry. I told you not to open it.

Cassie: Mr. O'neill, a man of mystery, totally under control. Yeah, right.

Jeffrey: Please don't. Look, you should feel fortunate, you know? Not everyone gets to peek into my secret closet here.

Cassie: Peek? I was almost killed.

Jeffrey: I saved you.

Cassie: Yeah. As usual. Ow.

Jeffrey: What, did you hurt yourself?

Cassie: Oh, i'm fine. I'll be okay.

Jeffrey: Where does it hurt? Here?

Cassie: Ow. It hurts right there.

Jeffrey: That's a nasty bruise.

Coming up on "guiding light."

Dinah: Daddy, what...

Ross: Dinah, shut up! Now, for once in your life, i want you to tell me the truth. Not what i want to hear, not what you think i want to hear, but I want to hear the truth.

Cassie: Stop. Stop talking, you know? You're trying to sell me on the kiss and i don't want to be sold.

Jeffrey: Cassie, it was just a kiss. You kissed me back.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: Whoa. Isn't "whoa" enough? ( Laughs )

jeffrey: You didn't like it?

Cassie: No. Yes. No. No. Uh, why did you do that?

Jeffrey: I...

Cassie: No, don't. Don'T. Don'T. Don't tell me.

Jeffrey: Was it that bad?

Cassie: Stop. Stop. I... Stop talking, you know? You're trying to sell me on a kiss, and I don't want to be sold.

Jeffrey: Cassie, it was just a kiss. And you kissed me back.

Cassie: I did not kiss you back.

Jeffrey: Yes, you did.

Cassie: I did not. I fell off a cliff, okay, and i'm fine now. What are you doing? Who are you calling, jeffrey? Look, I can't talk to edmund. Do you understand that?

Jeffrey: That's why i'm calling someone else.

Jok you okay in there? Honey? Are you okay? Do you have the stomach flu or something?

Reva: What I am feeling is perfectly natural.

Josh: Okay.

Edmund: I want you to listen to me very carefully. My name is edmund winslow. I am the ambassador to the united states from san cristobal. I want the passenger manifests from all of your flights leaving springfield over the past several days.

Ticket agent: I can't release that information.

Edmund: I'm well aware of the fact that you can't release the information, but i am a diplomat and I'm telling...

Josh: Take it easy.

Edmund: You take it easy, josh. Reva, where is she?

Josh: Wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off.

Edmund: She's your sister. You know where she is, now where is she?

Josh: I'm telling you, I am going to knock you flat on your butt... ( Cell phone ringing )

edmund: You have to have heard from her by now. Where is she?

Reva: Ssh. Hello?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: Back away. Back away.

Reva: That was the station. There's a breaking story.

Josh: You're leaving? A few minutes ago, you didn't look too good, reva.

Reva: Well, no, i know, but i have to go. Thanks a lot, but I have to do live television.

Josh: Okay, i'm sorry. Okay, go.

Edmund: Please. If you know anything, I'm begging you.

Reva: Edmund, cassie will come back to you when she's ready, but until that time, you can't force her. Or it'll look like you're holding her hostage, wouldn't it? It won't take me long. J. Farley's later?

Josh: Sounds good. Listen, stay in touch with me, okay?

Reva: Okay. ( Knock on door )

dinah: Coming! Daddy.

Ross: Where's edmund?

Dinah: He's out. He's concerned about cassie. We both are.

Ross: Well, get your things together.

Dinah: What are you talking about, get my things together?

Ross: Did you think i would let you stay, even after edmund literally carried you off of that plane like some crazed prince charming?

Dinah: Which was pretty incredible, by the way.

Ross: Just, quiet.

Dinah: Daddy, what...

Ross: Dinah, shut up! Now, for once in your life, i want you to tell me the truth. Not what i want to hear, not what you think i want to hear, but I want to hear the truth.

Dinah: Okay.

Ross: Edmund is determined to keep you in town. Why? Why doesn't he want you out of his and cassie's life?

Dinah: Daddy, i'm going to make you proud of me, I promise. It's just complicated.

Ross: Well, i'm relatively smart, except when it comes to you and edmund, but that's because you haven't told me everything.

Dinah: Edmund and i are friends.

Ross: Did you hear me say that i want the truth?

Dinah: Yes.

Ross: Then give it to me.

Dinah: Edmund and i have a special relationship, dad.

Ross: What the hell does that mean?

Tammy: Oh! Yes.

Jonathan: Nice shot.

Sandy: Wow. So, since you're the big winner, I guess you get to buy the next round of drinks.

Tammy: Me?

Sandy: Forget it. What do you want?

Tammy: Orange.

Sandy: You?

Jonathan: Make it two.

Sandy: Got you.

Jonathan: You see, tammy. You can put a new tag on me: "Plays well with others, including sandy."

Tammy: What exactly are you saying, jb?

Jonathan: I guess i'm trying to say thank you. You didn't make me feel like the bad guy today.

Tammy: Well, for once you didn't act like the bad guy. It makes it easier.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, i've got to keep you on your toes. I mean, what's the fun otherwise?

Tammy: Do you want people to trust you? Or like you?

Jonathan: Maybe. Maybe not.

Tammy: Well, if you do, try taking a page from sandy's book.

Jonathan: I read it. I found it derivative. Do you know what that means? It means he copies people, namely me.

Sandy: We are so past that. Why don't you just get over it? And get over yourself, and get a life.

Jonathan: Let me ask you something, sandy. Why would I want anything that you have?

Tammy: Why don't you ask yourself that.

Edmund: Please, josh. Help me. Help me find cassie. She's hiding out from me. She won't return my calls. Now, i know reva has to know where she is. She has to. So, if reva says anything to you, lets anything slip about where cassie might be, just call me.

Josh: Stop. Stop.

Edmund: Just call me.

Josh: Are you asking me to spy on my wife?

Edmund: Of course.

Jeffrey: She's asleep. I'm going to leave you two alone.

Reva: Okay. Thanks. Sweetie? Hi.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: You're safe. I'm here.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: Go back to sleep, okay? I'll knit or something.

Cassie: You don't knit. I've missed you so much.

Reva: Ditto that, sis. But there's a few things i have to tell you. Tammy...

Cassie: Oh, tammy. Oh, god, i never called her. She must be worried sick.

Reva: Honey, I'm talking about the fire. You didn't know about the fire?

Cassie: The fire?

Reva: Tammy's fine. Jonathan was able to get her out.

Cassie: Jonathan?

Reva: Jonathan rescued tammy, but we'll get to all the details later. Right now...

Cassie: Right now, I need to... Right now I need to focus and figure out what the hell i'm doing, and i need you to back me up on something, reva, something that you've been wanting me to do for a long time. I'm leaving edmund.

Josh: I don't spy, edmund.

Edmund: It's for a good cause, josh.

Josh: Excuse me, isn't lying what got you into trouble with cassie in the first place?

Edmund: Well, it seems i didn't learn my lesson, so come on. What do you say?

Josh: No!

Edmund: Now, look, josh, i wanted to be open and honest with cassie, but your wife got to her before...

Josh: Let's just back up for a minute, okay? When did you decide to become open and honest with cassie? You could have told her about the fire the night it happened, but you didn't do that. You could have asked her forgiveness that night, but you didn't do that, either.

Edmund: I didn'T. I didn't. And I was wrong.

Josh: You want a piece of advice?

Edmund: I am sick and tired of advice. Look. Look, please josh. You know what cassie means to me. Do you have any idea what a child could mean to the two of us?

Josh: A child is not going to fix everything, edmund.

Edmund: Why not?

Josh: Because it doesn't work that way.

Edmund: Children change

everything, josh.

Josh: No, that's a popular misconception.

Edmund: A baby can fix...

Josh: Edmund. Listen. I'm not going to spy on reva. I'll tell you what, though. If i talk to cassie, i will try to convince her to find you and make things right. Okay?

Edmund: Thank you.

Josh: Don't do that. Don't do that.

Edmund: No, really. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thanks, josh.

Josh: Good-bye.

Edmund: No, really, thanks for the phone, josh. You're going to help me whether you want to or not.

Ross: What is so special about your relationship with edmund?

Dinah: It's hard to explain, dad.

Ross: I think it's fairly simple. You want everything that cassie has.

Dinah: You know what? Why don't you stop selling me short. I have been trying to change.

Ross: For the good? Now, how does some cheap affair change you for the good?

Dinah: Dad, it's not cheap.

Ross: So you are involved with him.

Dinah: We have a very strong connection.

Ross: Yes, obviously. You're living in the man's house. Or more to the point, you're living in cassie's house.

Dinah: No, dad. See, edmund brought me here because my father tried to abduct me and kidnap me. Did you hear about something like that?

Ross: I wanted to protect you from yourself. But it's too late, isn't it? You know, for years the only thing you've dreamt about is replacing cassie. Well, take a look around. Here you are. I think you've won. You must be very proud of yourself, dinah. So, why don't you tell me, how does it feel? Is revenge every bit as sweet as they say it is?

Jonathan: You know, i want to thank you guys for your concern. I think I really will change. Next time I see someone burning in a fire, i think i'll just leave them there to die.

Sandy: Give me a break.

Jonathan: Why don't you give me one?

Tammy: Hey. You saved my life. We all know that. But if you can save my life, why can't you save your own? Why can't you take all this stuff and turn it toward something positive?ñ'I

jonathan: Something positive? Is there a camera here? What, do you want me to be more like your boyfriend? Work nine to five?

Tammy: Actually he works until the job is done. No clock.

Jonathan: Good for him.

Tammy: You're just scared. Afraid that you won't measure up to the rest of the human race. At least people who actually work for a living.

Jonathan: I'm loaded. Why work?

Josh: Hey, sandy. How are you? Good to see you.

Jonathan: Maybe i should be more like mr. Wage slave.

Josh: Thanks. Appreciate it.

Jonathan: Hey, josh.

Josh: Hey.

Jonathan: Hey. Tammy was just telling me about sandy and how hard he works, and he's in nine to five, on the clock, and i was just thinking that maybe you should hire some more guys.

Josh: Really? Like who?

Jonathan: Me. ( Laughter )

josh: Yeah.

Cassie: Reva, i didn't realize how much i needed my family. I didn't realize how much i needed you. But this situation with edmund. I mean, now that i know what happened, he nearly killed rj, jeffrey, me. How am i supposed to just forget it all and go back to him? I don't even know how I'm supposed to do that.

Reva: Well, it's really not my place to say.

Cassie: Since when?

Reva: Cassie, only you know what will make you happy, okay? And edmund, I've had this prejudice against him for such a long time because of what he did to me, when he forced me to get rid of my child, and i wanted revenge. But you know, if you want to have a family with him, then i will back you all the way.

Cassie: Why?

Reva: Because. I mean, a child. You and edmund having a child together is... Is so...

Cassie: Okay, okay, okay. Look, you know, reva, I love edmund. I do. But...

Reva: You don't trust him with your children.

Cassie: No.

Reva: Believe me, i understand that. I do.

Cassie: Why do you keep bringing all this back to children and my child with edmund? What's going on?

Reva: There is. There's a reason for all of it, and it's because you have been trying so hard and i have been with you every step of the way. I don't know how to say this. The whole time that you were trying, I was the one who...

Cassie: Are you...? You're pregnant?

Reva: I... Think so. I don't know, but... Josh is just...

Cassie: ( Gasps )

reva: Oh, my god. I don't know how to tell him. I just...

Cassie: You're pregnant? Josh is just going to be so happy. He's going to be over the moon!

Reva: I don't know. I don't know, I don't know, i don't know. I hope so, i do. But... Can we just get back to you, for now, and why are we having this conversation in this place? This is jeffrey's place. Why are... Why are you here? Unless this is where you wanted to be all along.

josh: You know, it takes a lot of guts to ask for a job in the family business when it's been your life's ambition to destroy the family.

Jonathan: Blame tammy. She's the one who put the job bug in my ear.

Sandy: You have richard's trust. Why don't you just go...

Jonathan: Are you afraid of a little competition?

Sandy: No.

Jonathan: I'm mending my ways.

Josh: This was your idea, hm, tammy?

Tammy: I, um... I just told him that he should do something.

Jonathan: Come on, josh. You gave sandy a shot. Why can't I get a second chance to be part of something?

Josh: You have some kind of interest in doing construction work?

Jonathan: No. No. ( Laughs ) at least i'm honest about it. That doesn't mean I can't do something.

Josh: Okay, here's the deal. Reva wants you to be a part of this family, right? A part of us, and that means reva, me, tammy, sandy, cassie, marah, shayne, dylan, rusty. Are you ready for all of that? Are you prepared for that?

Jonathan: ( Sighs ) if i say yes, does that mean i get a job?

Josh: If you say yes, it means I'll think about it.

Jonathan: Well, think about it, because I'm in.

Josh: We'll see.

Jonathan: Hey. Thank you, tammy. I couldn't have done that without you.

Dinah: Dad, do you know what people think about me in this town?

Ross: Why do you think i wanted you to leave?

Dinah: Did you ever think about#xjlping me to stay?

Ross: I tried a thousand times and now I'm just too tired.

Dinah: Of me?

Ross: I'm tired of the way you handle the world.

Dinah: I'm fine. Dad, i'm fine. Really. And edmund thinks so, too. Because something in my life is going to happen and it's going to be good, something redeeming.

Ross: How can you possibly find redemption with somebody else's husband?

Dinah: Why don't you trust me?

Ross: You see, the word "trust" in relation to us has been rendered meaningless, and i think enough is enough. If i can't get you on that plane tonight, i'm at least going to take you out of this house. Now, come on.

Dinah: No, you're not. Dad, i'm not going to go!

Ross: Dinah, you've got...

Dinah: Leave me alone!

Ross: Dinah!

Dinah: I'm not going!

Ross: Dinah, you are going. You don't belong here.

Dinah: Leave me alone. Why don't you just love me instead?

Ross: I do what i do because i love you. Now, come on.

Edmund: No, ross.

Ross: I don't know what's going on with you and my daughter, but I am taking her home.

Dinah: I am home.

Ross: You know, so many times i stood by you when everybody else was against you, and that's a father's duty. That's a father's job, and i tried to do it the best that i could. In everything that i believe is right, i compromised for you. But dinah, i'm telling you, no more.Uo if you don't come with me now, we're done. I will wash my hands of you for good. Oh, god. I am so sorry.

Edmund: I wish he knew how much you were sacrificing for me and cassie.

Dinah: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You do.

Cassie: A baby. I'm so happy for you.

Reva: I know. But let's get back to you.

Cassie: Okay. I love edmund. And I'm scared. But I don't think I can ever forget what he did, so...

Reva: Maybe not, but you can't hide here forever. ( Sighs ) where's your phone?

Cassie: It's in the refrigerator.

Reva: Oh, did that help?

Cassie: No.

Reva: Cassie, you know what?

Cassie: No, reva.

Reva: You're going to have to figure out what you want to do. Call edmund.

Cassie: Is that all you came here to say?

Reva: That's all I need to say. Okay.

Next, on "guiding light."

Harley: You mean a lot to me, which is why it's hard for me to ask this little favor.

Danny: Okay, sure. What?

Harley: Break up with marina.

Josh: What are you talking about? What happened?

Reva: You know, you make all these plans and then something happens that really screws everything up.

Josh: Where are you? What did i miss?

Reva: I'm pregnant!

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