Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/28/05
By Boo
Jonathan: It's decaf. So where were we? Oh, yeah, you're pregnant. ( Laughs )
Reva: I think I am.
Jonathan: Is it josh's?
Reva: Of course it is, idiot.
Jonathan: Just checking. I'm glad you're not sick or anything.
Reva: I'm not sick.
Jonathan: So what's the deal?C this just come to you out of the blue?
Reva: I guess. I was feeling stressed, and i missed a period.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) that's a little too much
okay, mom? So you're knocked up. Next question is, are you happy about it?
Edmund: She kept telling me she knew she was pregnant. Funny thing is, she actually was. Well, she is. Anyway, doctor, is there anything we should be doing right now? Oh, right. Don't worry. Din... my wife will want for nothing, doctor. I can assure you of that. Thank you. Thank you very, very much. Cassie, we're actually going to have a baby. It may not be the way you expected it, but we're going to have a baby. Ooh, dinah. Dinah. Dinah? Dinah, call me. Call me. It's urgent.
Cassie: Oh, I forgot my laptop.
Dinah: Now, you cannot ship me off like a crate of bananas. I'm an adult. I am not going to italy.
Ross: Your mother and matt will be waiting at the airport in rome.
Dinah: Good. Let them wait. I'm not going.
Ross: I was afraid you'd react like this, so you should know that I petitioned for guardianship, and it was approved.
Dinah: Guardianship? Like I'm a nut or something? Daddy, what is this about? Why are you doing this to me? Because you saw me looking in cassie and edmund's window? I've already explained all that.
Ross: There's nothing that you can say that would change my mind.
Dinah: You know what? I can't talk to you like this. I want you to call me when you've come to your senses. Excuse me, please. Excuse... what? What is this?
Ross: Don't make me do this the hard way, dinah.
Dinah: What, are you kidnapping me? For god's sakes. Daddy, you can't do this. There's something you don't know.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict?
Foreperson: We have, your honor.
Judge: Will the defendant please rise? In "the people versus harley cooper," on the count of murder in the first degree, what say ye?
Foreperson: We the jury find the defendant, harley cooper, not guilty.
Judge: In "the people versus harley cooper," on the count of murder in the second degree, what say ye?
Foreperson: We the jury find the defendant, harley davidson cooper, guilty. ( confused shouting )
Judge: Sit down! Order! Sit down, everybody. One more word and I'll hold you in contempt.
Harley: I'm okay.
Judge: Miss cooper, you have been found guilty of the charge of murder in the second degree. You will now be remanded into custody until sentencing. Court is adjourned.
Frank: Don't touch her.
Bailiff: I'm sorry, chief cooper.
Frank: Don't touch her. I'll do it. I need your hands, sis. I am so sorry.
Jonathan: Reva? You didn't answer my question. Do you want this baby or not?
Reva: I don't know, you know? Josh and I, we're finally at this point in our lives where we could start enjoying ourselves, you know? Have a vacation home, travel. I don't know. It's just a baby wasn't part of the plan.
Jonathan: Well, you should have been safer.
Reva: He's going to have a full-out panic attack.
Jonathan: He's the world- famous joshua. He'll be good about it.
Reva: A baby has a way of becoming your life. It is your life. And I'm not going to have time for anything, including you.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) I'll survive.
Reva: You want me to have this baby?
Jonathan: Are you kidding? I'm jazzed. I've always wanted to be the big brother of some little kid. Think of all the things I could teach him.
Cassie: No. Cassie, you don't want to know. You don't want to know.
Dinah: I cannot leave springfield. I have commitments. I can't just pack up and move.
Ross: You need a fresh start. And there are too many bad memories around here. Everywhere you look reminds you of hart. And you can't seem to get beyond that, and it's hurting you and everybody around you.
Dinah: Daddy, you're wrong. I will always love hart. But I have let go of my past, and I'm ready for a future right here in springfield.T(
Ross: Dinah, once you get to italy and you go to positano and get settled, you will see that I'm right.
Dinah: Are you trying to get rid of me?
Ross: No. I love you. And I wish this had worked.
Dinah: Now listen. I will quit that job with edmund, and I will steer clear of cassie. I will do anything you want. But please do not ask me to leave.
Ross: I'm sorry. I can't risk it.
Dinah: I am not a danger to anybody. I am not a danger to cassie. Why are you making everything about cassie?
Ross: You are the one who has done that. After shooting hart, you go after cassie.
Dinah: Dad, that... that case is closed. That is over, and I am still guilty, and you will not forgive me. What kind of father are you?
Ross: I am a father who's trying to save his daughter, even if it hurts both of us.
Dinah: It will hurt, because I am telling you something. If you make me do this, you will be sorry.
Edmund: Dinah, you haven't returned my call. You have to call me, please. ( Knock at the door ) finally. Dinah, where have you been? Blake?
Blake: Why would you be expecting dinah?
Edmund: Blake, this isn't a very good time.
Blake: No? ( Laughs ) actually it's a great time. Where's cassie? I have news for you guys.
Edmund: Cassie's not here. What's the news?
Blake: Well, obviously dinah is still bothering you, right? That is about to be over.
Edmund: Over?
Blake: Ross has seen the light, and he realizes that dinah is on a fast track to a padded cell, and he finally has taken steps, and it's going to be over in just a couple of hours.
Edmund: What is going to be over, blake?
Blake: Ross is sending dinah away, this time, for good.
Harley: This is not a surprise. We knew it might shake out this wa we have to deal with it. What about the boys?
Buzz: They're at home. They're safe.
Harley: What will you tell them?
>>Uzz: We'll have to talk about that.
Harley: Marina, take care of my bag. Coop, you look like your head is going to pop off.
Coop: Harley, stop. Stop doing this. Come on. Get mad, here. Kick somebody. Kick something! On second thought, I will.
Frank: Coop? Coop, coop, coop...
Harley: No, no, no. I don't want you getting into trouble while I'm gone. Promise me you won't do anything stupid, coop.
Coop: This is all wrong, and you know that. How can you pretend that everything's fine when the real killer is still out there walking around scot-free?
Alan: Mr. Bradshaw, i understand. You love your sister, and it's hard for you to believe that she murdered my son. But the verdict is in. She's guilty. Now, you can be thankful of one thing: It was second-degree murder, not first.
Buzz: Coop? Coop, coop! Take it home, coop.
Gus: Listen. You just go with frank for just like a minute, okay, and I'll come and find you. This is not good-bye. O'neill? I've got to ask you a favor. And if you have a shred of human decency left, you'll... you'll do it.
Jonathan: Oh, I always wanted to have a little brother. Teach him what's what. ( Giggles )
Reva: ( Laughs ) you really did, huh?
Jonathan: Yeah. A kid come into the world fresh, right? Doesn't judge you. Doesn't listen to what other people say about you.
Reva: Even if I am pregnant, a pregnancy at this stage in my life could be problematic.
Jonathan: You'll probably be like 100 by the time the kid gets out of high school.
Reva: Gee, thanks for that.
Jonathan: No, that's okay. People are living forever now.
Reva: I guess really my life has never been settled, but josh and I were finally thinking that, you know...
> Jonathan: What? You$kick me out and life would go back to normal?
Reva: No! Maybe. I don't know.
Jonathan: Okay.
Reva: I don't even know why I'm talking to you about this.
Jonathan: Why? I'm a good listener. ( Laughter )
Reva: Thanks.
Jonathan: For what?
Reva: For making me laugh when I am scared out of my mind.
Jonathan: You'll be all right, reva. I'm sure there's worse mothers out there somewhere.
Reva: That's so comforting. I'm going to take a walk or something.
Jonathan: I'm going with you. Lady with a baby! Clear the way! ( Laughter )
Ross: Dinah, your threats won't change anything. It just proves that your life is out of control.
Dinah: I'm sorry I got angry, daddy.
Ross: Just like you were sorry after you shot hart?
Dinah: It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. Look, this.. this is too much, dad. I know that you're making decisions for me, but you're making these life decisions... these are not yours to make. You are treating me like a child. And you want me to grow up, you want me to be the woman you want me to be, and I can't be that if you're making my choices.
Ross: I want you to try to understand something, okay? I do not want to get a call someday and find out that I have lost you forever.
Dinah: Dad, you are being so melodramatic. You've been married to blake way too long. What?
Ross: I have found out that parenting is a lifelong job. And some parents are forced to make almost unbearable choices. You'll understand that when you have children of your own.
Dinah: I understand that more than you think.
Ross: What do you mean?
Dinah: I just... I'm trying... to make a life here, daddy. And if I'm going to have a family and meet somebody and settle down, I want to be close to you. Now I just need some time, just a little bit of time. That's all.
Ross: There's something else that you're not telling me.
Dinah: That's all. What?
Ross: You are lying to me again. I know why you're so hell bent to stay here. You think you're in love with edmund winslow.
Edmund: How can ross force dinah to leave?
Blake: He had her declared incompetent. He is now her legal guardian. The only decision dinah will be making today is whether or not to watch an in-flight movie.
Edmund: Ross put dinah onnah on a plane?
Blake: Oh, yeah. She's out off here. She's going to be in europe with her mother.
Edmund: Wait a minute. So she won't be back?
Blake: Well, ross has that covered. He's confiscating her passport. Dinah is not going to be bothering you or cassie for as long as you both shall live. Where is cassie, anyway? Edmund?
Edmund: What?
Blake: Where's your wife?
Edmund: Cassie took the boys out of town for a while. Blake, excuse me. I have to be going.
Blake: Wait. Wait a minute. What's wrong?
Edmund: Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine. I just have to be going.
Blake: Wait, wait. Edmund?
Edmund: Blake, move out of my way.
Blake: Edmund?
Edmund: Blake.
Cassie: Where are my keys? Oh, I left them with my laptop. ( Knock at door )
Coming up on "guiding
Gus: Do we have a deal? I'm just asking to keep her out just until sentencing. That's all I'm asking.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry, gus.
Jonathan: You're always harping on the negative. "Josh is going to freak; cassie will cry." Let's face it. You don't want this kid any more than you wanted me.
Blake: Edmund, why are you so jumpy?
Edmund: I just have to get the door.
Blake: Who is it?
Edmund: I don't know.
Blake: Well, this is weird.
Edmund: Look. Look, blake, I really have a lot to do. It is a very, very busy week at the consulate, so...
Blake: Oh? Uh, fine. That's fine. But would you please tell cassie that I'm looking for her?
Edmund: Good.
Blake: And please tell her about dinah, because I think we should all be out celebrating.
Edmund: Ah, that's a great idea! ( Laughs ) thanks. Be in touch. Oh, my god. I have to get to her.
Edmund: Cassie, thank you.
Thank you for saving me.
Thank you bringing light into
an utterly dark world.
Reva: Edmund hasn't changed,
He's still dangerous.
Jonathan: Face it, cassie,
uncle eddie still a killer.
Jeffrey: I couldn't tell you
the truth.
Edmund: I'd do anything to
protect our love.
Dinah: Edmund and I are friends, good friends. That's it.
Ross: That is not it. You know what scares me, is that you no longer realize how well or how often you lie.
Dinah: So what am I now, a pathological liar, dad?
Ross: No, I think you're a lost little girl.
My little girl. And I've tried to make up for all the years that we were separated, but I don't think I've done a very good job, because you still think you're on your own without a safety net.
Dinah: No, I don'T. I have you. I have bill. I have edmund.
Ross: Do you like yourself?
Dinah: ( Laugh ) yes. Metimes, yes.
Ross: Sweetheart, I think there's a hole in your heart that you are so desperate to fill. And I thought I could do it. But I realize now I can'T. So instead of that, I have to protect you.
Dinah: Because no one could ever really love me, right?
Ross: Of course they could.
Dinah: No. No one like hart or edmund-- no decent man would ever want to be with me, right?
Ross: Honey, someday a man is going to love you with all his heart. I have no doubt about that. But it is not going to be edmund. Edmund loves cassie. And you would be kidding yourself if you think that you could change that. You'd be looking at another disappointment. And I don't think you could survive that, and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing right now. I love you more than you know, dinah. And love is why I want you to go to italy. Spend some time with your mother and become that strong and healthy woman I know you can be. Please, honey.
Dinah: Okay.
Ross: Okay, what?
Dinah: You win. I'll go.
Marina: I hate all of them. Harley never even had a shot at a fair trial. They own this town and everyone in it.
Coop: I'll tell you what. I'd like to fire up that bulldozer right now and just drive it right through their front door and knock down that whole entire mansion of theirs.
Marina: Well, I'll go with you.
Buzz: Hold on a second! No one's going anywhere. I lost a daughter to this war. I am not going to lose the rest of you. I couldn't stand it. I...
Coop: Dad? Are you okay?
Harley: I guess I should have paid attention to those houdini movies you used to watch when we were kids.
Frank: Sis, I hate this. I hate this. I never should have id'ed that scar on your arm. I should have let ruth karloff take the fall for all of this. We would have had more time to find the real killer. I am so sorry.
Harley: It's not your fault.
Frank: It is my fault.
Harley: It is your fault.
Frank: It is my fault.
Harley: You were just doing your job, frank.
Frank: I never thought it was going to turn out this way.
Harley: Maybe somebody just thinks we're spending too much time together.
Frank: I promise you, I will find whoever killed phillip, no matter what it takes.
Harley: Don't do something you're going to be sorry for, okay?
Frank: I couldn't be any sorrier than I already am.
Harley: I'm talking about your career. Powerful people are working against me in this town, frank. That means they're working against you too.
Frank: I am not afraid of alan spaulding or anyone else. They want a fight? They'll get one. Nobody railroads my little sister and walks away from it. And I think you know that better than anyone.
Bailiff: Chief cooper? Walton needs your signature on the extradition form.
Frank: I'll be right back.
Gus: Come on, she's got a perfect record. She was a stellar cop. She worked for the feds. She worked for you, for god's sake.
Jeffrey: I know. I know.
Gus: So what's the big deal? She's not a flight risk. If she was a flight risk, she would have left a long time ago.
Jeffrey: You're just delaying the inevitable, gus. Harley is going to prison. You and I are both going to have to accept...
Gus: No. I'm just asking you for a little time. Just think of me as an old friend. Can you just pretend...
Jeffrey: Oh. Look at you. You're about to fall over. ( Gus coughing ) did you get that ulcer checked out or what?
Gus: Do we have a deal?
Jeffrey: You should have never left the hospital.
Gus: Do we have a deal? I'm just asking you to keep... keep her out just until sentencing. That's all I'm asking.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry, gus.
Prisoner: Ain't I seen you around before?
Harley: I don't think so.
Prisoner: Oh, yeah, I have. You're the first cop who ever busted me.
Harley: You must be mistaken.
Prisoner: You were a cop, and now you're headed inside. ( Laughs ) oh, baby, ain't we got fun? ( Laughs )
Coop: Dad, somebody has got to pay for what happened to harley right now, and I don't know about you, but I can't just roll over and play dead.
Buzz: No! Hatred and revenge is what got this whole thing rolling. It has to end now. We will not retaliate for what happened to harley. We will not retaliate for lizzie tossing us out. We will not retaliate, period. Am I clear?
Marina: Yeah. You always are.
Coop: Maybe it's easy for you to take the high road here.
Buzz: Oh, no, it isn'T. But I'm going to keep this family from falling apart.
Zach: Grandpa, I drew this for mommy.
Coop: Hey, there, big guy.
Zach: Where is she?
Marina: You know what? Coop was just about to go in the kitchen and make me a hot fudge sundae. You want one too? Great.
Coop: Yeah.
Marina: Two with a cherry.
Coop: You know what? You can help me out. You can get the ice cream for me, all right? Come on, my friend. Let's go.
Frank: What are you doing? Get her out of here. Go. Move. You okay?
Harley: Fine.
Frank: Great.
Gus: What's the matter?
Frank: I'll tell you what the matter is. She's been made as an cop. She cannot go into the general population now.
Gus: I'll take care of it.
Harley: What were you doing in there?
Gus: I was taking... making... I'm going to appeal, so I'M...
Jeffrey: No, he wasn'T. He wasn't doing that. He was trying to get a stay to keep you out of jail until the sentencing.
Gus: Yeah, but my good old friend the da has denied our request.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I didn't want to get your hopes up, because I wasn't sure i could make it happen, but I did. So you're free for a couple of days until the sentencing-- that is if you and you are willing to do the paper work.
Frank: We are.
Gus: Frank, I'll do it. Of course. Are you kidding?
Harley: Thank you.
Jeffrey: All right, go. Go make it happen.
Harley: Thank you. Thank you. Couldn't stand to have me on your conscience, huh?
Jeffrey: Actually I didn't want to have gus on my conscious.
Harley: Why?
Jeffrey: He collapsed the other day. You didn't know?
Harley: Collapsed?
Jeffrey: Yeah, he was spitting up blood. I took him to the hospital. He didn't want to stay there.
Harley: I know he's exhausted and he's been driving himself into the ground.
Jeffrey: Well, if he doesn't pull back, that's exactly where he's going to end up, harley: In the ground.
> Jonathan: You want me to keep guard and yell if somebody shows up?
Reva: We're not breaking and entering.
Jonathan: What would you call it?
Reva: I would call it borrowing a book. You know, cassie has all these books on fertility and problem pregnancies. It's like a libra... oh. Oh, here it is. Oh, goodness. I just feel so bad, you know? She's having such a hard time getting pregnant, and I'm pregnant and I'm not even trying.
Jonathan: Yeah. First you make uncle eddie out to be psycho pyromaniac, and then you have the kid she always wanted. Ouch.
Reva: I don't want to hurt her any more than I already have.
Jonathan: So don't have the kid. That's the solution, right?
Reva: I can't believe you're even saying that to me.
Jonathan: You're always harping on the negatives. "Josh is going to freak; cassie will cry." Let's face it. You don't want this kid any more than you wanted me.
Dinah: You're right. I have allowed things to get away from me. I'm going to go home, pack, and go to italy.
Ross: Dinah, your things have already been packed, and you can call later and say your good- byes.
Dinah: Wow. You really don't trust me.
Ross: Arrangements have been made and I think you should take advantage of them. Now, come on. I'll walk you to the gate.
Dinah: I love you.
Ross: I love you too, sweetheart.
Dinah: Oh! No! No! Help me!
Edmund: Put that woman down! Are you all right? You all right?
Dinah: ( Sobbing )
Edmund: Ross, blake has explained to me what's going on. You're making a huge mistake.
Ross: I don't think your wife would agree with that.
Edmund: Dinah has a right to live wherever she wants to live.
Ross: And why would you be defending those rights? Edmund, why don't you tell me what I'm missing here?
Cassie: Drinking in the middle of the day? Not a proper image for the da.
Jeffrey: I thought you were out of town
Cassie: I came back. Did I miss something?
Jeffrey: Yeah, you missed... oh, yeah, you missed something. You missed my victory.
Cassie: You don't mean harley?
Jeffrey: Guilty. Murder in the second degree.
Cassie: Oh, my god. You know, I want to go see her.
Jeffrey: Don'T.
Cassie: I'm want to go...
Jeffrey: Don'T. You can'T. Don't bother. You can't see her right now.
Cassie: Oh, man. That's unbelievable. Her poor kids. Poor harley. Well, it sure is amazing how a man can just blow into your life and screw everything up-- i mean, just send everything that really counts up in flames. Phillip and harley were so in love once.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, you of all people should know how destructive love can be, hmm?
Frank: Sis, we can go home now.
Gus: I've... I've laid the paperwork down for the appeal, okay? I'm just going to push for the soonest date that we can possibly...
Harley: I just want you to go home, okay? Don't do that. Just go home and get some rest. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to see my children. I'm going to spend time with my family, and I'm going to rest, okay? I want you to do the same, okay?
Frank: Yeah, we'll talk to you later.
Harley: Okay?
Frank: Come on.
Gus: Yeah. Later.
Reva: You're right about one thing. I feel the exact same way I felt when I was pregnant with you: Filled with the most incredible feeling of love that's just hard to explain-- the anticipation, the fear, the joy. It all crowds in on you all at once, because babies have the most amazing way of totally upsetting every single thing in your life and bringing it all back into focus somehow.
Jonathan: No kidding?
Reva: No kidding. I wanted you. I wanted you so badly. Every move you made, every time you kicked me, I was filled with such wonder. I loved you before I even knew who you were going to be.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) is it different with this kid?
Reva: Having a baby now will totally turn my world upside down. But maybe...
Jonathan: Maybe what?
Reva: I didn't get to be with you much. I didn't spend much time with my other children either. I mean, some of it was my fault, but it wasn't all my fault. But those years are gone now, and I'm thinking that maybe this is another chance for me to make up for that somehow, you know? A chance to finally see this all the way through.
Jonathan: Okay. So let's do it. ( Laughs ) we go to cedars and we just do whatever you have to do so you can be sure, right?
Reva: No. No, no. First, I have to tell josh.
Jonathan: Oh! ( Laughter )
Edmund: Ross, dinah and i were friends before I even knew who she was.
Ross: There is more to it than that, and I don't think it's healthy for either one of you. Dinah, let's go.
Edmund: Okay, ross. Okay, okay. You're right. You're right. There's more.
Dinah: Go ahead and tell him, edmund. It's all right.
Edmund: Ross, dinah means more to me than I've led on. I've leaned on her. I've confided in her. Cassie and I have had our problems. We have our problems now. Everyone knows that. And through all of this, dinah has come through for me in a way that no one would ever expect.
Ross: What way is that, edmund?
Edmund: She listens and she cares-- not just about me, but about cassie too. Ross, it means something to me. She's someone trying to redeem herself.
Dinah: I am, daddy.
Edmund: Look, I'm not proud about what I've done, but don't punish dinah by sending her away for my mistakes.
Dinah: Please.
Ross: What edmund has said hasn't changed my mind. Let's go.
Dinah: Daddy, I don't want to go. No!
Edmund: Ross...
Dinah: I don't want to... edmund! No!
Edmund: Ross, you are making a big mistake.
Dinah: Edmund!
Edmund: You can't send her away.
Ross: Edmund, the decision has been made.
Dinah: No!
Cassie: You know, love's not the trap that you seem to think it is.
Jeffrey: No, love is the most beautiful thing in the world.
Cassie: It is. There's nothing like having someone treasure you, someone who makes you feel like the things that you want aren't only possible, but they're things you deserve. Love, real love... there's nothing like it. And it is so hard to find.
Jeffrey: So you feel all that for eddie boy, huh?
Cassie: Yeah, I do. But I can't live with him.
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: I'm filing for separation.
Gus: You won. So if you're here to gloat, just please...
Alan: I'm not here to gloat. I know you think that I'm a monster, but I don't enjoy seeing you suffer like this.
Gus: I failed her.
Alan: Look. You fought as hard as you could.
Gus: It kills me. If there was ever a time i needed to do something right, this was it. I let her down. Frank was right. She would have been better off is she'd never met me.
Alan: Harley was right about one thing, gus. When she was going to plead out, she said that we needed each other. And maybe she is right. There has to be a way that we can put this in the past. I'm willing to try if you are. Look, I don't enjoy seeing you suffer like this. I know you're hurting. But I am your father, and I want to help you.
Gus: How?
Alan: Look, why don't we go home? I will forgive you if you're willing to put this in the past.
Gus: You're willing to forgive me? For what? For loving harley? Let me tell you something. I don't need you to forgive me for anything. Do you understand that? And this ain't over, big al. I am appealing. I'll take this all the way to the supreme court if I have to.
Alan: Is that what you want?
Gus: Yeah, yeah. That's what I want. That's what I want. Get away from me. Get away from me!
Harley: Hey. Come over here and give me a super-duper big hug.
Marina: Hi.
Harley: Boy, did I miss my big boys today. I could just smother you with kisses.
Zach: Mommy?
Harley: What baby? What?
Zach: Where were you?
Coop: Oh, who cares? Who cares where she was? The point is that she is home now.
Harley: Yeah. Thank you. This is so beautiful.
Zach: That's me.
Harley: That's you? You look beautiful. Thank you for this. And never forget how much I love you, okay? You guys promise you'll never forget how much I love you. ( Laughter )
Next on "guiding light"...
Jeffrey: Do you still love him? Well, then I guess you're going to go back to him.
Cassie: No, I'm not. I'm right where I want to be: Here, with you.
Buzz: You've got to call gus.
Harley: Gus needs to get on with his life.
Buzz: Fat chance.
Harley: I don't want to talk about gus, daddy. There's something I need you to do for me.
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