Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/25/05
By Boo
Buzz: Frank? Guess what? Lizzie is evicting us.
Frank: What?
Coop: Yeah.
Buzz: Yeah.
Coop: She wants us out of the boardinghouse so that she can turn it into a party place.
Frank: That's not very funny, coop.
Coop: Well, who's laughing?
Buzz: How long do we have?
Coop: She's giving us two weeks.
Frank: Two weeks!
Coop: Mm-hmm.
Frank: Those spauldings just don't let up, do they?
Buzz: Not a word to your sister, you understand me? She's not to hear about this until after the verdict.
Frank: Speaking of which, where is she? You guys know where she is?
Buzz: ( Sighs )
Coop: ( Sighs )
Frank: Don't tell me she's with gus. Hasn't that guy caused enough damage?
Harley: We look crazy. ( Laughs )
Gus: What's crazy is all this gum under here. It's disgusting.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Isn't it?
Harley: Hey, you know, i don't think it's too late for me to enter a plea of temporary insanity.
Gus: Oh, would you knock it off? I saw the faces of the jury. You're not going anywhere, okay?
Harley: Maybe you're the one who's crazy.
Gus: Maybe. Where are you going?
Harley: I need air. I just need some air. Being in a confined space like that when I don't have to be, yet, that's not really what i need right now.
Gus: Let's make a run for it. Yeah.
Reva: Ugh. Whoa. Sit down.
Sandy: You're not a great ad for lizzie's tofu burgers.
Reva: Tofu burgers? Yuck. Ugh. No. I think maybe I've had too much caffeine. Or maybe I haven't had enough. How's tammy?
Sandy: She's still shaken from the fire, but that's all thanks to... jonathan. How is he?
Reva: Well, his burns are pretty bad, but he'll survive. The nurses at cedars, on the other hand...
Sandy: Got you. Are you okay, reva?
Reva: ( Sighs ) I don't think so.
Tammy: Hi.
Jonathan: Hi.
Tammy: Sorry I woke you.
Jonathan: I'm not.
Dinah: This has been the most amazing day.
Edmund: I fail to see what's so amazing about a day of hurry up and wait. And I don't understand what's so difficult about getting the results of a simple blood test.
Dinah: Well, I don't think i need a clinic to tell me that I'm pregnant. I know I am. I do. Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome. How are you feeling?
Dinah: Hungry. And I'm feeling like pizza. I'm feeling like pringles, maybe even a chocolate sundae. ( Knock on door )
Edmund: I'll see who it is.
Jeffrey: Hello?
Anybody there?
Dinah: It's jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Hey. Hello? Cassie?
Gladys: Is springfield home?
Cassie: Uh, yeah, it is.
Gladys: It's a lovely ring. It looks new. Were you recently married?
Cassie: Yes. Very recently.
Gladys: Ah. So you're heading home to see your husband.
Cassie: I don't know.
Jeffrey: Hello?
Edmund: He can't find you here.
Dinah: Okay, all right, don't panic. Don't panic.
Edmund: Out the back. Out the back. Take the truck by the barn...
Jeffrey: Cassie, is that you?
Hello? ( Knocking on door )
Edmund: Go. Now.
Dinah: All right. Listen, if the clinic calls about the baby, what do we do?
Edmund: I'll let you know.
Dinah: Do you promise?
Edmund: I promise, I promise. Now go! ( Knocking on door )
Jeffrey: Cassie?
Edmund: What is it?
Jeffrey: Where's cassie?
Edmund: She's not here.
Jeffrey: I heard her voice.
Edmund: You heard the television.
Jeffrey: Where is she, edmund? I want to see her. You don't know, do you? Well, good for her.
Edmund: No, good for you, since you're the one who talked her into leaving me in the first place.
Ross: Vanessa, it is not an easy decision to make, I know that. No, I'm not sure we're doing the right thing. I'm not sure of that at all. But on the other hand, what choice do we have? We've tried everything else. Vanessa, we have to do this for our daughter, even if dinah ends up hating us. Yes.
Gus: Think fast.
Harley: Ow.
Gus: ( Laughs ) that's not bad for a girl.
Harley: Yeah? I guess this would explain the sneaker request.
Gus: It's almost a spring day. I thought maybe we could just hit the court.
Harley: Uh, I don't think so.
Gus: Well, come on. One little game of horse?
Harley: What if the jury should call? We have to...
Gus: I have my cell phone. Look, it's just a couple of people enjoying the day, okay? 15 minutes. We just... we're not waiting for any jury, murder trial. We're not questioning everything we've done for the last six months. We're just going to play.
Harley: Think again. It's locked up tight. We should go.
Gus: That's no big deal, though. Come on.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Come on. Come on.
Harley: I know that look in your eyes. You're making me nervous.
Gus: Up and over, let's go.
Harley: No!
Gus: Up and over, what's the problem? Let's go.
Harley: You're not in the best shape these days. Are you sure you want to do that?
Gus: All right, you hoist me over.
Harley: Hoist? Those are my choices? No. No. No.
Gus: All right, so, then come on. Up and over, let's go. All righty, then.
Harley: God...
Gus: This is how we used to do it in the navy seals.
Harley: Yeah. Don't let me fall, okay?
Gus: Let's go.
Harley: ( Grunting ) not too fast. I'm going to... hey! Watch it.
Gus: Let it go. Let it go. You can do it. Easy. Easy. Easy.
Harley: Thanks.
Gus: See? And you said it couldn't be done, huh? Catch. There we go.
Frank: Harley's not answering her cell phone.
Buzz: She probably wants to be alone.
Frank: No, you see, dad, that's just the point, is that she's not alone, she's with
gus, the guy that keeps letting r down time and time again.
Buzz: The guy made some mistakes, frank.
Frank: He's a spaulding!
Buzz: Ah, for...
Frank: We should have kept him away from her from the very beginning.
Buzz: Frank...
Frank: Dad.
Buzz: Frank...
Frank: Dad, listen to me. Listen to me. The spauldings are destroying our lives, and someone... someone has to stop them.
Coop: Count me in on that, frank.
Buzz: Enough with this! Stop it, both of you. This anger, it eats you inside. Come on. It backfires on you, so stop it.
Frank: Yeah, whatever. I'm out of here.
Buzz: Frank.
Frank: I'm going to get some fresh air before I punch something or someone.
Jonathan: You came to check on me.
Tammy: I thought the burns on your arm were the only ones. Why didn't you tell me about those?
Jonathan: It's the superhero act. It's a guy thing.
Tammy: Here.
Jonathan: No, no, no. It's fine. I'm fine. I'll be okay.
Tammy: You saved my life. If you weren't there... thank you.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tammy: So, how soon can you get out of here?
Jonathan: Uh, probably today. The doctor said he just wanted to make sure that the burns aren't infected or anything.
Tammy: I'm so sorry.
Jonathan: Don't feel bad. You're going to get me a lot of mileage out of this baby. Chicks dig scars.
Tammy: Yeah, I guess those are the ones who don't have any scars of their own.
Reva: Thank you, sweetie.
Sandy: There you go.
Reva: I guess, you know, i just miss joshua. He's still away on that business trip, and whenever he's gone, i feel kind of lost.
Sandy: Well, I'm here. I'm not as tall or bearded, but I'm here.
Reva: Yes, you are. And don't forget that that goes both ways.
Sandy: Oh, I know, reva. You've come through for me big- time. I owe you my life.
Reva: You know, I guess you do. ( Laughs ) I'm just glad you're okay.
Sandy: So, how are things going with you and jonathan?
Reva: ( Laughs ) you really think that we can discuss that objectively?
Sandy: Let's give it a shot.
Reva: Well, I don't know. I want to believe that he's trying. I mean, I feel like he wants to belong in our family and that... I don't know, he's just so damaged. And my life has gotten so off- track since he came to town. But it's not his fault.
Sandy: No?
Reva: No. I mean, he just... he reminds me of myself and parts of myself that I had forgotten. But that's not his fault.
Sandy: Well, reva, if you want someone to hang out with while josh is gone, I'm here. Tammy, too.
Reva: Thanks.
Sandy: And hey, try not to worry. Josh will be back soon and everything will be all right.
Gladys: They say the first year is the hardest when you're married.
Cassie: Yeah, it's had its moments. I just have no idea what's going to happen when I get back, or what I'll find there.
Jeffrey: I didn't have to talk her into leaving, edmund.
Edmund: Don't play games with me, o'neill. You'll regret it.
Jeffrey: Well, what are you going to do? Hit me on the head with a shovel and try to finish what you
Edmund: And don't tempt me.
Jeffrey: And you wonder why cassie made a run for it.
Edmund: I'd never hurt her. She knows that.
Jeffrey: You already did, edmund, okay? And I'm not the only one that nearly died in that barn fire. You nearly cost cassie and rj their lives, too.
Edmund: Cassie understands what drove me to do what I did that night. And she knows I'd never do anything like that again. She'll be back, mr. O'neill. Cassie will be back because she knows we were building a life together, and you and reva poisoned her against me.
Jeffrey: ( Scoffs ) you can't pin this on reva or on me, edmund. You slipped up. You let the nice-guy mask fall off and cassie saw you for who you really are again.
Edmund: Cassie and I will...
Jeffrey: What is this? What are you on, edmund?
Edmund: Put those down. They're fertility drugs.
Jeffrey: Fertility drugs? Well, if cassie's gone, what are these things doing out?
Tammy: Scars tend to remind people of things that they would rather forget. I was seven when I got that.
Jonathan: How did you get that? Did you fall when mommy took the training wheels off your bike?
Tammy: In front of my white suburban house with mom and dad and two cats, a dog, and me on my brand-new pink bike? I wish.
Jonathan: I was just asking.
Tammy: Forget it.
Jonathan: Hey, tammy. How'd you get it? I'm sorry. Come on, we were being honest.
Tammy: I got it running away from one of my foster families. Well, I tried to run away. They didn't want me any more than I wanted to be there. I thought I'd take off and try to find my mom. There was this big fence standing between me and freedom. It was way too big, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Long story short, it stopped me. Foster mom was a little short on sympathy. The trip to the er cut into her drinking time. But hey, you know all about that. I don't like scars... the ones you can see, or the ones you can'T.
Harley: Make that shot.
Gus: Not a problem.
Harley: Uh-huh. Oh!
Gus: H-o-r-S... sheesh. That is an E. Congratulations. You win.
Harley: Did you let me win?
Gus: You think I'd let you win? Let's play again, right now. Congratulations, honestly. Write that...
Harley: I knew you were going to do that.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: No, I'll let you off easy. I'm kind of tired.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I see what you're trying to do here, by the way. Preparing me for prison.
Gus: Ah.
Harley: Fence climbing, basketball? That fence climbing is going to come in mighty handy, by the way. Thanks for that.
Gus: That's not very funny. Not funny at all.
Harley: It's kind of funny. Just a little. And on the off chance that I'm not around, you are required to teach my boys how to make a jump shot. And I need you to put up the hoop in the new house when it's done.
Gus: Oh, no, you don't really want me teaching the boys how to play ball, believe me.
Harley: ( Laughs ) what do you mean? Because you can't even beat a girl?
Gus: Oh, you know, that's not really fair, because my head was other places. I was thinking of a lot sexier things than basketball. ( Cell phone ringing ) I'm sorry. Aitoro. All right, thanks. Jury's back.
Coming up on "guiding light."
Dinah: You can't do this, daddy. I can't leave now. I can'T.
Ross: You can and you will, and you're not coming back.
Jonathan: Why are you even here, anyway?
Reva: Because I'm worried about you. But I'm even more worried about the people around you, especially me. You know, I finally woke up and realized what our relationship is costing me.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict?
Jury forewoman: We have, your honor.
Judge: Will the defendant please rise? In "the people versus harley cooper," the count being murder in the first degree, what say ye?
Ross: You promised that you would stay away from cassie.
Dinah: Cassie isn't here.
Ross: Well, why are you?
Dinah: I'm here on business. Edmund has hired me as a consultant on a special project.
Ross: Oh, and that includes spying on him through the window?
Dinah: I wanted to be sure i wasn't interrupting anything. It looked like he had a guest in there.
Ross: What is this special project?
Dinah: I'm going to be doing some event planning for him. The consulate is entertaining people, and because I've had experience traveling in those circles and I know springfield, he thought I was the perfect person for the job. Are we done with the third degree?
Ross: Yes. I'm sorry.
Dinah: All right. Daddy, what are you doing here?
Ross: I have some papers for edmund.
Dinah: Not divorce papers by any chance? Kidding.
Ross: No, they're consulate business, and I was on my way to the airport. I thought I'd stop by and give them to him.
Dinah: Okay. Well, I can give them to him. Trust me. I am actually capable of doing something good in my life.
Ross: I know. Of course you are.
Dinah: So, what is the deal? Why the airport? Are you taking a trip?
Ross: You didn't get the message that I left you?
Dinah: No. I haven't had a chance to check my messages. I've been busy.
Ross: Your mother is flying in today.
Dinah: Mama's coming?
Ross: Yeah. And vanessa would love for you to meet her at the airport, I'm sure.
Dinah: Come on, daddy, what is this? Intervention, part two? Are you going to pull the big guns so you can put me in my place again?
Ross: Vanessa is flying in to see you and bill, so why don't you drive with me out to the airport?
Dinah: I can'T. Edmund needs me today.
Ross: Okay. The flight's not for a couple of hours. Why don't you meet me at the airport?
Dinah: No, I'll pass, thank you.
Ross: Vanessa would love to see your beautiful face when she steps off the plane.
Dinah: Take bill. She'd rather see him anyway.
Ross: Dinah.
Dinah: All right. I'll do it. I'll call you for details later, okay?
Ross: Okay. And tell edmund that I will call him.
Dinah: All right. Thank you.
Ross: Mm-hmm.
Dinah: Thanks, daddy.
Ross: Yeah.
Dinah: Bye-bye.
Edmund: Cassie and I are still planning to have a child.
Jeffrey: Long-distance conception?
Edmund: Get out of here, o'neill.
Jeffrey: You know what i can't figure out is if cassie is so anxious to have your baby, then why did she leave town without her meds?
Edmund: Get out of my house. ( Cell phone rings )
Jeffrey: O'neill. The jury's back? Okay, I'll be right there. See you, edmund. ( Knock on door )
Edmund: I told you to leave!
Dinah: I'm not the only one who had an unexpected guest. These are for you, from my father.
Edmund: Ross was here?
Dinah: Yes. I had to do some fast-talking, believe me.
Edmund: Well, I'm glad the clinic didn't call in the middle of all this.
Dinah: Gosh, this is a lot of confusion. You know, I'm having a feeling that we should probably get out of dodge for a while.
Jonathan: Hi, mom.
Reva: Hey. Is everything okay in here? Hi, sweetie.
Tammy: Hi, aunt reva. I was just getting ready to leave. I just came to thank jonathan for carrying me out of the fire. I'll let you guys have some time. Bye.
Jonathan: Say hi to the sandman for me. I know what you're thinking. I'm not going after tammy. I didn't know that she was living in the clayton arms when I moved in, and I'm not stalking her.
Reva: I want to believe that.
Jonathan: Believe it. I'm trying to move on with my life.
Reva: Can you do that without hurting anyone else?
Jonathan: Is this your idea of maternal tlc? You threw the baby bird out of the nest, okay? They're going to let me out of here in a few minutes. I can take care of myself. Why are you even here, anyway?
Reva: Because I'm worried about you. But I'm even more worried about the people around you, especially me. You know, I finally woke up and realized what our relationship is costing me. A lot of things. I'm losing things, important things in my life. And I realized I can't spend every waking moment worried about what you're going to do next, or who in my family you're going to hurt. I can't keep jumping every time you make a move. And that's why I asked you to move out, so that we can get some distance from each other, so that I can be a better mother to you, to all my children, and I'm just tired, you know, jonathan? I'm tired. And I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I need to get a grip on my life.
Jonathan: I get it. Moving out was just the first step, right? This is the big kiss-off?
Harley: Okay.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: What are you doing?
Gus: Before you... we walk in there, there's something you need to know, something you need to hold on to.
Reva: Dream on, dope. I'm not saying good-bye. We just... we have too much invested in each other for me to let you off the hook that easy. You know what? You're stuck with me. And the only thing that's changed is the game plan, okay? I'm not available to cover for you for the cops anymore. And I'm not going to be picking up the pieces when you crash- land. But I am available to you to be your mother, who loves you... who loves you no matter what, just like I do all my other children. But I can't wear myself out anymore trying to prove to you how much you mean to me, okay? You accept it or you don'T. It's your choice.
Jonathan: Tough love, right? Isn't that what this is called?
Reva: You can call it whatever you want.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, I guess you got over those nasty guilt feelings about abandoning me as a baby.
Reva: This isn't about you! You know, not everything in my life is about you. There are things that need attention, unexpected things, you know? You're going along in your life and everything is good and you're healthy and... you know what? This is getting us nowhere. I'm so glad you're feeling better and I do love you, but I've got to go.
Jonathan: Now look who's running. Ow. What? Reva, are you sick or something?
Tammy: Sorry I'm late.
Sandy: Hi. No problem. It gave me a chance to catch up on my doodling. Guess who?
Tammy: Ooh, not me, I hope.
Sandy: It's edmund. Well, there goes my career in art. So, what are you in the mood for?
Tammy: You. I'm so happy that I have you in my life.
Sandy: Uh, wow. Wow! I don't know where this is coming from, but I really like it. This is well worth the wait.
Tammy: I look forward to waking up every day just knowing that I'm going to get to see you, and spend time with you.
Sandy: That goes both ways.
Tammy: I want you to know that I was late because i stopped by the hospital to visit jonathan.
Sandy: I know. But thanks for telling me.
Dinah: We have to get away from here. This stress can't be good for the baby.
Edmund: I can't leave town now. Cassie may come back any time.
Dinah: No, I know that. Of course. That's not what I'm saying. But I can leave. I can do this alone. I can have the baby someplace else.
Edmund: Let's wait to find out whether you're pregnant or not.
Dinah: You're right. You're right. Maybe my dad is just getting to me a little bit.
Edmund: What did he say?
Dinah: ( Sighs ) it's what he doesn't say. All the things you want to hear from a father, you know: "Way to go, dinah." "Good for you, dinah." But he keeps just waiting for me to mess up. I understand, given my history.
Edmund: You're more than your history, dinah.
Dinah: Yeah. And that's why I want to do everything I can for this baby. I'm going to treat myself good, I'm going to eat right, I'm going to exercise, I'm going to do everything. This is the most important thing I've ever done in my life.
Edmund: Me, too.
Dinah: Yeah. I think this baby is right for everyone.
Edmund: You are so sure you're pregnant.
Dinah: Yeah. I feel like a mother.
Edmund: Cassie is the mother, dinah. You're the gestational carrier. Please don't forget that.
Dinah: You trusted me to do this for you and cassie. I won't let you down.
Edmund: I'm not going to leave you alone, dinah. If you're pregnant, I'm going to make sure nothing goes wrong, all right?
Dinah: My dad wants to meet me for some, I don't know, family thing. His suspicions could be a problem, so I should probably take care of that right away. Can we stay in touch by phone today?
Edmund: All right, all right. I'll let you know just as soon as I hear anything.
Dinah: Okay. I already know. We're pregnant. See you.
Buzz: Where is she?
Frank: She'll be here. Trust me, she'll be here. I'm going to check in with the station. I'll be right back, okay? Oh, good, you're here. Keep an eye on pop, will you?
Coop: Yeah, sure. Hey, pops.
Buzz: Hey.
Coop: I'll tell you what, why don't we take a seat? You're not looking so good.
Buzz: I'm okay. This isn't about me. It's about harley. Don't worry about me.
Jeffrey: Hey, frank.
Frank: It's a big day.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Frank, you know how I feel about harley I would have done anything not to prosecute this case.
Frank: Yeah, I know. We all wish this case never happened. Where the hell is she? She should be here by now.
Buzz: Oh, she'll be here. She's not going to run now.
Gus: Before you walk into that courtroom, you need to know that this isn't the end of us.
Harley: We're not hiding under a table anymore, pretending we can block out time.
Gus: I'm just saying, innocent or guilty or whatever, I'll be there. I'll wait for you, no matter what.
Harley: So, this is you admitting that there's a possibility...
Gus: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. No. I believe the verdict will be in your favor. I'm just saying, worst-case scenario, I will wait.
Harley: Why, gus?
Gus: Why? I waited my whole life for someone like you. What's a little longer? And honestly, what will I be doing? I'll be taking care of the kids and I'll be building the house for you to come home. I'll come and see you every single day. I'll be, like, your link to the outside world. Worst-case scenario. I'm just saying, I would wait. Wait. So go in that courtroom; you just need to know, nothing can touch this.
Sandy: Don't overthink it. When I told you jonathan had some bad burns, I knew you'd have to make sure he was okay.
Tammy: And that's okay with you?
Sandy: No. If I had my way, jonathan would be shipped off to another planet and he'd never see you again. But I'm not threatened by him. What we have, jonathan can't take away.
Jonathan: Maybe you should check in. We could have wheelchair races.
Reva: I'm not sick. I just have a lot on my mind, that's all.
Jonathan: Are you sure we wouldn't need a doctor to come in and check you out, reva?
Reva: You know what I want from you right now, is for you to leave me alone!
Jonathan: Okay. No problem. Let me know if it's terminal. I'll send you...
Reva: I'm not dying. I think I'm pregnant.
Dinah: Here I am.
Ross: Oh, honey, I'm so glad you came. You won't regret it.
Dinah: You're a little nervous to see mommy, aren't you. Hey, maybe she'll dump junior and you can dump blakey and you could all live happily ever after. Come on, think of the kids.
Ross: Believe me, we are.
Dinah: Is her plane on time?
Ross: Everything is right on schedule.
Dinah: You know, I don't want you to worry. I'm not going to give mom a hard time. I'm in a good place right now, thanks to edmund. This job really is going to change my life. It already has, daddy. I want to make you real proud of me.
Ross: Dinah, I want what's best for you. I've wanted that ever since i discovered you were my daughter. I want you to have everything you need. I want you to know how much i care about you.
Dinah: I know that. Thank you.
Ross: I love you, honey.
Dinah: I love you, too. Now, come on. Let's meet mom at the gate.
Ross: We have plenty of time, and there is something that you need to know. ( Telephone rings )
Edmund: Hello? Yes, this is he. You have the results? Well, what is it? She's pregnant? Oh, my god. We're going to have a baby.
Dinah: Okay, now you're making me nervous. What's going on?
Ross: Vanessa is not coming here. You are going there.
Dinah: What?
Ross: It's all set. You're flying to italy.
Dinah: No. I can't, daddy.
Ross: Now, vanessa and matt will meet you at the airport in rome. You'll get in a car and together you will drive to positano.
Dinah: Daddy, I can't leave anywhere right now.
Ross: You can and you will, and you're not coming back.
Dinah: You can't do this, daddy. I can't leave now. I can'T.
Frank: You don't think harley took the kids and skipped town, do you?
Buzz: I wish. No such luck. It's going to be a breeze. I know, because my trick knee is acting up.
Harley: You've got a trick knee that predicts jury trial outcomes and this is the first I'm hearing about it?
Buzz: It's sort of on a need- to-know basis.
Frank: Hey, listen, you want me to call some of your friends? I'm sure they want to be here for you.
Harley: No, it's easier for me without them here, for now.
Frank: I wish I could make this all go away for you.
Harley: Frank, I'm just so happy that my family's here with me.
Frank: Well, we all love you. We all love you very much.
Jeffrey: The bailiff just told me it's time.
Harley: If this doesn't go my way, I take back everything i said about not hating you.
Jeffrey: Well, I wouldn't expect anything less, terrier.
Gus: You ready?
Harley: Yeah.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: I just need one little minute. Please.
Gus: Please.
Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session. Judge ellis presiding.
Judge: Be seated. Have the jury brought in.
Bailiff: Yes, your honor.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached your verdict?
Jury forewoman: We have, your honor.
Judge: Will the defendant please rise? In "the people versus harley cooper," the count being murder in the first degree, what say ye?
Jury forewoman: We, the jury, find the defendant harley cooper...
Next, on "guiding light."
Reva: You want me to have this baby?
Jonathan: I've always wanted to be the big brother to some little kid. Think of all the things I could teach him.
Dinah: No! No! Help me!
Edmund: Put that woman down! Are you all right? Are you all right?
Dinah: ( Sobbing )
Edmund: Ross, blake has explained to me what's going on, and you're making a huge mistake.
Ross: I don't think your wife would agree with that.
Cassie: It sure is amazing how a man can just blow into your life and screw everything up and just send everything that really counts up in flames.
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