GL Transcript Tuesday 3/15/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/15/05



By Boo

Josh: Sandy, didn't we tell donovan to move this wall right here? This one.

Sandy: No, no, it was this one-- a foot and a half for duct work.

Josh: ( Laughs ) yeah, right. Sorry. You know your stuff that's for sure.

Sandy: Well, I'd better. I've gone over it a hundred times a day for the last week. So...

Tammy: Hey.

Josh: Hey, tammy.

Sandy: Hey.

Tammy: Sorry to interrupt.

Josh: You haven't seen your mom by any chance tonight, have you?

Tammy: No. Why?

Josh: Nothing. Just... just wondering.

Tammy: So are you ready?

Sandy: Um...

Josh: You guys have a date tonight? Why didn't you tell me about that?

Sandy: I wanted to finish up here and...

Josh: No, no. You have to get your priorities straight. You can't disappoint a pretty woman.

Tammy: Uncle josh, you and aunt reva should join us. Pizza and a movie.

Josh: Um...

Sandy: Yeah. She can come meet us.

Josh: Actually, I tried to call her earlier. She's not picking up her cell phone. It's been kind of a long night for her.

Jonathan: Getting longer. Last night I saw her. She was dancing with some dude, not you.

Reva: Hey, thanks. Watch it. Watch the door.

Paul: Hey, it looks like they had a band here tonight.

Reva: Oh, yeah.

Paul: And we missed them.

Reva: Well, that's okay because this place has the nest jukebox in town.

Paul: Oh, yeah.

Reva: Yes.

Paul: You'll never know it from the hole because it looks like a hole in the wall.

Reva: I know. That's why I like it.

Paul: So what are you drinking?

Reva: Bourbon and branch.

Paul: Really?

Reva: Why not? ( Laughs )

Paul: Whoa. Are you looking for somebody?

Reva: Yeah, my son comes here a lot. You know, I can shoot him for deserting me at the beacon.


Paul: I was thinking of hugging him.

Reva: ( Laughs ) now you watch it, big boy. I'm a married woman.

Paul: Yeah?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Well, I'm a married man.

Reva: ( Laughing ) that's right. You are.

Paul: That's right, I am. So you're not going to let that get in the way, are you? Nothing wrong with a little drinking and dancing.

Reva: Well, when you put it that way...

Paul: No, we're going to let it get in the way of having a good time.

Reva: ( Laughs )

Paul: Are we?

Reva: Who are you kidding? Where's my drink? ( Laughs )

Blake: No thanks. Here. You have something. I had all that popcorn at the movies. Ross, didn't you just love that part when he ran down the street after her taxi?

Ross: Yes, I loved in this movie and in the twenty other movies I've seen it in.

Blake: Oh, stop it. It made me cry. It was fun.

Ross: Don't be so shocked. I have my moments, you know.

Blake: Yes, but we haven't had many of them since you know who came home to daddy.

Ross: You think about it, blake. Dinah hasn't made that bigger difference in our lives.

Blake: Well, I have to say she seemed half way sincere when she came to me for advice.

Ross: And I appreciate you speaking to her. Means a lot to me.

Blake: I think it couldn't hurt. If I can help stop obsessing with cassie, it'll make life easier for all of us.

Doctor: Everything's ready. Shall we begin?

Jeffrey: Doctor, may I have a few minutes alone with my wife, please?

Doctor: Oh, of course.

Edmund: Thank you.

Dinah: That was cassie on the phone, wasn't it?

Edmund: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: What did she say?

Edmund: She's leaving.

Dinah: Where is she going?

Edmund: Away. She wants to get away from me.

Dinah: I'm sorry.

Edmund: She was with o'neill. I heard his voice. She was with jeffrey o'neill.

Dinah: Oh edmund, don't let him weasel his way in. He has a way of taking over other people's lives.

Edmund: Yeah. Well, I think I may be too late.

Dinah: Hey, it's never too late. Give cassie a reason to come back and let me help you.

Edmund: Dinah, I think you may be my only chance. Doctor?

Doctor: We ready?

Edmund: Yes, I think we are.

Doctor: Mr. And mrs. Winslow, if you'll watch over here you'll be able to see it happening. The miracle of life beginning for your child. ( laughter )

Paul: You know, you're a very beautiful woman.

Reva: Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.

Paul: Oh, thank you.

Reva: ( Laughs )

Paul: And I'm having a very nice time.

Reva: Nice?

Paul: Would you like to go someplace else and have a nice time?

Reva: Probably not.

Paul: The husband?

Reva: Yes. Joshua. He is the love of my life.

Paul: But he doesn't like to dance.

Reva: What about your wife?

Paul: Mary beth? She's at her sister's in california.

Reva: I see. So, you've got the whole place to yourself. Kind of a bachelor pad kind of thing going on? Yeah.

Paul: No, not exactly. My son is there.

Reva: Oh, he is? How old is he?

Paul: He's about the same age as yours.

Reva: Aw.

Paul: He's not my biggest fan right now.

Reva: Oh. Join the club.

Paul: Yeah? You and...

Reva: Jonathan.

Paul: Jonathan looked like you were getting along pretty well.

Reva: Well, we did. Tonight.

Paul: Ah. So, how come you're not with the love of your life tonight?

Reva: Well, you and your wife have certainly had times when you haven't exactly seen eye-to- eye.

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Reva: So, that's why I'm here. I'm blowing off steam. Trying to get my mind straight on things.

Paul: But we didn't exactly have a fight. It was...

Reva: Well, we weren't fighting, either.

Paul: A little stormy weather?

Reva: ( Laughs ) I've been known to make it rain a time or two.

Paul: I'll bet you have. ( Laughter ) all right, all right. Truth. In 24 years, I have never cheated on my wife.

Reva: Well, that sounds like she's the love of your life.

Paul: Yes. She is.

Reva: Oh.

Paul: And my kids.

Reva: You have other kids besides the boy?

Paul: Oh, yes. A daughter.

Reva: You got pictures?

Paul: Oh, yes. You really want to see them?

Reva: I do. I have pictures, too. ( Laughs ) mine are in here.

Paul: Mine are in here.

Reva: That's good. ( Laughs ) there. See? There's my beautiful daughter. That's marah.

Paul: Zach.

Reva: Oh, he's cute. My boys, shayne and dylan.

Paul: Colleen. You know, you have a very nice- looking family.

Reva: I do. I know I do. But then, I'm a little... what's the word? Predictable? No. Starts with a "P." ( Laughs )

Paul: Prejudiced?

Reva: Yes! Prejudiced. ( Laughs )

Paul: We all are. Wait. Where's jonathan? How come you don't have a picture of jonathan?

Josh: Why are you here, jonathan?

Jonathan: Well, I just wanted to see where you worked. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll want to work here, too.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Jonathan: Now, joshua, I know that you're worried.

Josh: Why would I be worried?

Jonathan: Reva. I just told you that she's dancing with some other guy. Oops. Did I mention the "other guy" part before?

Josh: Go home.

Jonathan: Okay. Okay. But if she gets into any trouble...

Tammy: Uncle josh, maybe you should go look for her.

Josh: No. Reva's a big girl. She can take care of herself.

Jonathan: She wouldn't do anything too crazy. I don't know. It's in the blood.

Josh: You know, I really appreciate you sharing this with me right now. Is there anything else you have? Any other dire information you want to spit out?

Jonathan: No, that's about it.

Sandy: Great, great. We'll see you around, then.

Jonathan: Not if I see you first. ( Insincere laughter )

Sandy: So, he doesn't let up.

Josh: No, he doesn'T.

Blake: I really hope that dinah's trying to change. If that's possible.

Ross: Yeah. We shall see. You know something? I'm proud of you.

Blake: Why?

Ross: I know your feelings run deep when it comes to dinah.

Blake: She killed my brother. I'll never forgive her for that.

Ross: And yet you found it in your heart to reach out to her.

Blake: Reach out? ( Laughs ) let's just say that I didn't slam the door in her face.

Ross: Well, that too.

Blake: Is that...?

Ross: Oh, dinah's boyfriend, dr. Butler.

Blake: And his mother.

Ross: Yes.

Blake: Come on. Come on.

Ross: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Blake: Oh, aren't you curious? Let's go say hello. He could be your future son-in- law. Come on.

Ross: Great.

Blake: Dr. Butler.

Ross: Well, hello, dr. Butler, mrs. Butler. I'm ross marler, dinah's father.

Corey: Hello, mr. And mrs. Marler.

Blake: I'm glad we ran into each other. Dinah's been singing your praises.

Ross: Yes.

Corey: She has?

Blake: Oh, yes. Every time I see her. In fact, ross and I were just saying, wouldn't it be nice if we all got together for dinner some time.

Mrs. Butler: When pigs fly.

Corey: Mother.

Mrs. Butler: I understand that my corey isn't going to any dinners with that woman, and i use the term loosely.

Ross: Excuse me?

Mrs. Butler: You heard me. My son and your daughter are no longer seeing each other.

Corey: Mother.

Mrs. Butler: And that is final. That woman should be locked up.

Ross: What did she do?

Dinah: Edmund, there's a baby in there.

Doctor: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are no guarantees, but we'll stay hopeful.

Dinah: Very hopeful. Right?

Edmund: Right, right.

Doctor: So, you'll continue with the progesterone shots tonight, and then we'll have you back in for a pregnancy test in a week or so.

Dinah: And we'll know something that soon?

Doctor: Mm-hmm.

Edmund: That's incredible.

Doctor: Think sticky thoughts, mrs. Winslow.

Dinah: Thank you. You're wishing it was the real mrs. Winslow.

Edmund: I wish for a lot of things, dinah. That doesn't make them happen.

Dinah: We made something happen. We did. And when our baby-- when your baby-- is born, cassie will come back. I promise.

Edmund: Will she?

Dinah: Don'T. Don't start second-guessing yourself now.

Edmund: Oh, please. How can I not?

Dinah: Well, you can start concentrating on your love for her and your life with your family.

Edmund: My family.

Dinah: Yeah. I think that's who you're doing this for. I actually think it's pretty noble.

Edmund: Do you? My god, was I out of my mind?!

Dinah: No. No. You were presented an opportunity and you took it.

Edmund: No. This was an insane decision, dinah. An insane decision, arguably the worst decision I've ever made, and I've made a few.

Dinah: You were trying to prevent your world from crumbling, edmund.

Edmund: Crum... how am i possibly ever going to explain this to cassie? She's never going to understand it.

Dinah: You will find the words and she'll see.

Edmund: No. She won'T.

Dinah: Edmund...

Edmund: If there was ever a hope of us reconciling, dinah, I've just destroyed it.

Dinah: Don't say that. Although, there is another alternative. I mean, I can leave tonight. I can disappear.

Edmund: What?

Dinah: Cassie will never know, and you will never have to see me again.

Edmund: And so you'd leave town and take the child?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I would, if there is a child. But I told you that I wanted to do something worthwhile with my life. I am tired of all this bitterness and envy that I have.

Edmund: And so you'd just go somewhere and live with the child instead?

Dinah: Yeah. Just say the word. Look, I offered to do this for you and cassie to give you another chance, but if you don't think it'll work...

Edmund: I don't know. I don't know. ( Sighs ) I just... I only want to do the right thing. I just... I just... I don't know what that is anymore.

Dinah: You know. You always know, better than most. Although I am trying.

Edmund: Dinah, people like us, when we sacrifice, we expect something in return, something. Love, respect, something.

Dinah: That's what everybody wants.

Edmund: I want to do the right thing for cassie.

Dinah: Look, edmund, I can leave. I can leave. It'll be better for everybody. And then you'll have your options.

Edmund: No, I think we've made enough rash decisions for one day. No more. All right, look, get dressed, I'll drive you home, and we will... or I will figure out what to do tomorrow.

Ross: What exactly are you saying about my daughter?

Mrs. Butler: Do you want me to make a list of all the things your sweet little daughter did?

Blake: Mrs. Butler, I am definitely dinah's biggest critic, but she is trying to change.

Mrs. Butler: People like dinah marler don't change. There's nothing good to say about her.

Ross: I think I can start saying the same thing about your son. Do you always let your mother do your talking for you?

Mrs. Butler: Let's go, corey.

Corey: Sit down, mother.

Ross: Now, what is going on, here? Do you have a problem with dinah?

Mrs. Butler: What?

Corey: I'm crazy about your daughter, mr. Marler, but she doesn't really want me.

Mrs. Butler: Tell him how you know.

Corey: It doesn't matter.

Ross: Yes, it does matter, and I'd like to hear it.

Corey: I would really rather not say.

Mrs. Butler: Well, then I'll say it.

Corey: No.

Mrs. Butler: Your daughter has been trying to lure my son into bed. And gueswhat she called him?

Corey: They don't need to hear this.

Mrs. Butler: She didn't call him sweetheart or darling. She didn't even call him corey. She called him edmund.

Tammy: Hey.

Jonathan: You following me, you little devil?

Tammy: What is it with you?

Jonathan: What is it with me? Other than the fact that I'm an incredibly hot hunk of guy that you find impossible to resist? Is that what you meant?

Tammy: Forget it. I knew this was a waste of time.

Jonathan: Tammy. What do you want?

Tammy: I want you to stop trying to hurt everybody all the time.

Jonathan: What now?

Tammy: Upstairs, with uncle josh.

Jonathan: I think I learned my lesson about going upstairs with josh.

Tammy: You were taunting him about aunt reva and trying to cause problems in their marriage.

Jonathan: Not true. My mom got a little bit drunk and I thought josh should know.

Tammy: All you wanted him to know is that his wife was dancing with another guy. You probably pushed her into it.

Jonathan: Think about this, tammy. Have you ever seen your aunt reva do anything that she didn't want to do? I didn't think so. I mean, what did you people do before you had me to blame everything on, around here?

Tammy: Look, you came to springfield to settle a score with aunt reva. A parent/kid thing, okay? I get that.

Jonathan: Oh, you do?

Tammy: Yeah, I do. Everyone has stuff with their parents, but you don't stop with reva. You have to torture every single person that she's connected to.

Jonathan: Like you?

Tammy: And my mom.

Jonathan: No, tammy, you've got that all wrong. Your mom tried to set me up, big-time.

Tammy: My mom couldn't stand what you were doing, to me and to aunt reva. So she came up with this stupid plan, but she was just trying to protect her family. That's what families do.

Jonathan: Oh, that's interesting, because I'm a member of this family, too, and ever since I've come to this town, all I've noticed is you all trying to set me up, one after another. Josh, cassie. Is it your turn? You want to plant your wallet on me? Or are you going to make like your mom and take off your clothes? What's it going to be? Go ahead. Take your best shot.

Sandy: You know, it's all right. You can go. I can stay here and finish up.

Josh: No. Let's just keep working.

Sandy: All right, josh. I told tammy I'd meet her later.

Josh: Yeah, I know, sandy. That's why it's important to get you out of here, right?

Sandy: Really, josh. I don't mind. You should go find reva.

Josh: No. Sandy, jonathan is playing a game with me. In fact, you of all people should understand that.

Sandy: Yeah.

Josh: The thing is, I can't possibly let him win.

Sandy: Do you want to keep reva from winning, too?

Reva: Did I hear my name?

Sandy: Reva.

Reva: Ah, there it is again and again. All good things, I hope.

Sandy: What else?

Reva: Very good things.

Sandy: What else?

Reva: Aren't you the cutest? Are you sure you're not my son? Hiya, bud. Boy, you two are here late.

Josh: We're working.

Reva: Well, you know what they say: All work and no play...

Sandy: Actually... actually, I have a date.

Reva: A date? Who's the lucky girl?

Sandy: Okay, um, I guess we're finished here?

Josh: Yeah. We are. Thank you, sandy. I appreciate your hard work.

Sandy: No problem. Reva, I will see you later.

Reva: You two have fun. I hope you have as much fun as i had tonight.

Sandy: We'll give it a shot.

Reva: ( Laughs ) oh. Is this where you tell me I'm grounded?

Josh: No, I don't think so.

Reva: Maybe you should tie me to the bed.

Josh: Yeah, reva, that's a really good idea.

Reva: ( Laughs ) here we go.

Josh: What? I didn't say anything.

Reva: You didn't have to, because you got that look.

Josh: No look, reva.

Reva: That look.

Josh: There was no look.

Reva: That look when you're trying so hard not to look disapproving.

Josh: Reva. Reva, can we just go home, please? I really don't feel like arguing with you.

Reva: I'm not arguing.

Josh: Good. Let's just drop it, then.

Reva: Well, I know you, though. You won't drop it. And just fyi, all I did tonight was have some fun. A little fun. You remember what that's like, don't you, joshua?

Josh: Yeah, reva, I know what fun is. The problem is that sometimes my idea of fun isn't the same as your idea of fun.

Reva: Oh, well. To each his own.

Josh: Yeah. There she is, the reva shayne that we've all come to know and love, the one that doesn't really care about anybody else as long as she's having a blast.

Reva: Well, that's not true.

Josh: You are pulling away from us, reva, from all of us, except jonathan. Now, is that the plan? Because if that's the plan, i think I have the right to know.

Coming up on "guiding light"...

Dinah: What are you doing here?

Ross: I need to know about you and edmund.

Josh: You wanted to punish edmund for tearing your son away from you. Now, I can understand that kind of thing coming from jonathan, but not from you. I didn't think you were that cold.

Reva: Well, I'm not.

Josh: You didn't use to be, but you are now.

Reva: I have a little fun tonight and now I'm pulling away. Well, you know what? Maybe you're the one who's pulling away?

Josh: Oh, really?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Josh: How do you figure that?

Reva: Well, you're burning the midnight oil here instead of...

Josh: Instead of what, reva? What should I be doing? Sitting at home? Waiting for you?

Reva: I was going to say you should have been out with me.

Josh: You told me you needed some time.

Reva: I did. I did.

Josh: I gave you some time.

Reva: I know. And now you're upset because I'm not home crocheting lacy doilies.

Josh: No, reva, that's not it. I love the fact that you're wild and crazy. I love the fact that you can be completely unpredictable.

Reva: Well, then why are we fighting?

Josh: Because right now you're being entirely predictable! Reva, you want so badly to be a part of your son's life that you will follow him anywhere. Or this thing you did tonight, this fun thing, was that just your idea?

Reva: Uh, jonathan was there for a while.

Josh: Yeah, I know that. He took great pleasure in coming over here to tell me that. Yeah, he came here. Special trip, you know? He told me that I should be concerned about you.

Reva: Well, there was no reason for concern.

Josh: Well, that's exactly what I told him, but he was bound and determined and he kept on just pushing it, you know? He wanted to stir things up, the same thing he did with cassie.

Reva: Oh, no. He told cassie about edmund because he didn't think I could.

Josh: Really?

Reva: The person you should be blaming is edmund. Not jonathan.

Josh: How about you, reva? Hm? How about blaming you? You wanted to punish edmund for tearing your son away from you. Now, I can understand that kind of thing coming from jonathan, but not from you. I didn't think you were that cold.

Reva: Well, I'm not.

Josh: You didn't use to be, but you are now. Open your eyes, reva. You keep thinking you can change jonathan. The fact is, he's changed you.

Tammy: I don't want to set you up. I've defended you and sympathized with you.

Jonathan: Gee, thanks.

Tammy: But there is one way that I'm just like my mom.

Jonathan: Well, don't keep me in suspense.

Tammy: The people that I love come first.

Jonathan: I've got to get a tissue. I'm getting all weepy.

Tammy: Stop it. Stop making fun of everything. Stop wasting everybody's time. If you hate us so much, then why do you stay in springfield?

Jonathan: I couldn't leave my mommy. She'd be very upset.

Tammy: Yes, she would. But wouldn't that be the perfect way to show her how little you care? Just to take off and say, "see you later"? You don't want to leave. You want a family.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah. Because I've had such great experience with family and paternal love.

Father: Keep crying, you


You trying to embarrass me in

front of the guys?


Kid: I'm sorry.

Father: Come on.

Who do you think you are, huh?

Just shut up and get in the car.

Jonathan: Hey, man. Do you want to make a point? Why don't you make it with me?

Edmund: Is there anything you need me to do?

Dinah: No, I'm fine. Please, go.

Edmund: I just don't know why you're doing this.

Dinah: I told you.

Edmund: I know, I know. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, but if you're not telling me the truth, if this turns out to be some sort of scheme...

Dinah: Edmund, I told you it's not. This whole baby thing is a lot to think about. I want you to sleep on it. Maybe in the morning, you'll know how to deal with the situation better.

Edmund: I want to believe you're trying to do the right thing. I want to believe we both are.

Dinah: Hey. You're going to make the right decision. I have faith in you, edmund. Life is going to change for all of us.

Edmund: If this is legitimate, dinah...

Dinah: It is.

Edmund: And I can trust you...

Dinah: You can.

Edmund: Then you are giving me something more than I can possibly put into words. But if you're not, you'll regret it. This is my child and I will protect it with everything i have.

Dinah: I'm counting on that. Daddy?

Ross: Hi. You seem a little surprised.

Dinah: What are you doing here?

Ross: I need to know about you and edmund.

Dinah: What is this edmund thing?

Ross: You know, I saw dr. Corey butler tonight.

Dinah: Okay.

Ross: And he said that you're no longer seeing each other.

Dinah: We're not.

Ross: And he implied the reason is...

Dinah: Edmund.

Ross: Yes. Now, are you interested in cassie's husband?

Dinah: I can't even believe you'd be asking something like that.

Ross: Oh, please.

Dinah: You know, I know why you're asking this.

Ross: I thought that you would.

Dinah: Was corey's mother there, by any chance?

Ross: Oh, yes, she was.

Dinah: Surprise. Surprise. She's the one who told you about this whole edmund thing, right?

Ross: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: Daddy? She's never liked me. She's never liked me. Now she's spreading rumors about me.

Ross: Is it a lie, dinah?

Dinah: You know what, dad? I'm tired and I've had a really long day, but I want you to know that I'm trying really, really hard. Did blake tell you about the talk we had?

Ross: Oh, yes. Yes, she did.

Dinah: Good. I meant every word of it. I don't want to cause cassie any more trouble. In fact, the truth is, corey has accused me of wanting edmund, and I don't know why, but his crazy mother is now on the bandwagon, as well.

Ross: And that's all there is to it?

Dinah: That's it.

Ross: All right. I'll let you get ready for bed. And I'm sorry we had to have this conversation.

Dinah: I understand, you know? It'S... daddy, it's ironic. I realized I have something that cassie will never have.

Ross: What's that?

Dinah: Something inside of me. Something no one can ever take away.

Bartender: Let me guess. Your wife doesn't understand you.

Edmund: Actually, she understands me all too well. Cassie. God, what have I done?

Bad edmund: The only thing

you could have done.

Edmund: Go away. You're the last person I need right now.

Bad edmund: On the contrary,

old boy.

I'm the only person you need.

If it weren't for me, you

wouldn't have given our embryos

to dinah.

Edmund: Cassie's mortal enemy.

Bad edmund: So what?

If it produces a child for you

and cassie?

Edmund: God, this is insane. It'll never work.

Bad edmund: You're about to

lose the only woman you've ever

truly loved.

You can't just sit back and let

that happen.

Besides, jeffrey o'neill has

already moved in for the kill.

Edmund: That doesn't excuse what I've done.

Bad edmund: Fight fire with


Edmund: No. That's what got me in trouble in the first place. God, cassie's not going to want this baby. Not after...

Bad edmund: And don't worry

about dinah.

Edmund: What is that supposed to mean?

Bad edmund: We'll take care

of dinah and the baby later.

Concentrate on cassie, duckie.

Keep your eye on the prize.

Tammy: Jb, don'T.

Jonathan: You like picking on little kids?

Father: Who the hell are you?

Jonathan: Somebody who doesn't like watching children getting thrown around.

Kid: Don't fight, daddy.


Tammy: Stop it, both of you.

Father: Get your hands off my kid.

Jonathan: You stay the hell away from her!

Guard: What's going on here?

Father: You ask him. He jumped me for no reason.

Jonathan: Oh, no reason. That'S...

Father: I want him arrested. You're going to jail, pal.

Tammy: I don't think so.

Father: What?

Tammy: You call the cops, and I'm going to have to tell them exactly what I saw.

Guard: And what exactly did you see, miss?

Father: Nothing. It's just a misunderstanding.

Jonathan: A misunderstanding? That's a good word for it.

Father: Come on, let's go back to the toy store.

Jonathan: Hey. He gives you a hard time, you speak up. Okay? You tell somebody.

Tammy: It's okay. Thank you for your help.

Guard: Any time.

Tammy: Jonathan?

Jonathan: People like that shouldn't have kids.

Tammy: It's okay.

Jonathan: It's just that when I see...

Tammy: Me, too.

Jonathan: You?

Tammy: I was in foster homes. Nothing ever really happened, but let's just say I learned how to go along. How to be invisible.

Jonathan: Yeah. I wish I could have learned that one.

Tammy: I wish that, too.

Reva: So, it all comes back to jonathan.

Josh: Yeah. Well, doesn't that tell you something, reva?

Reva: No, not really. The only thing it does is remind me that you've been against jonathan from the very beginning.

Josh: Well, I think I've had pretty good reason, don't you? But you're at fault, too, reva.

Reva: What? I don't want to really hear any of this.

Josh: Jonathan's not the one that filed charges against edmund. That was you, reva.

Reva: Yeah, well, for good reason.

Jonathan: And jonathan, he's not the one that was bound and determined to break up cassie and edmund's marriage.

Reva: ( Exasperated sigh ) me again, huh?

Jonathan: He's not the one who was hell-bent on keeping cassie from having a baby with edmund. That was you. All of that was you.

Reva: I did all of that for cassie, because I love her.

Jonathan: Yeah, I know you love your sister, reva. I get that. But I also know that every time you look at jonathan, you see the man... you see the monster who forced you to give your son away.

Reva: Well, how could I not?

Josh: I don't know, reva. You tell me, okay? Because until jonathan came back into our lives, your hatred for edmund seemed to be gone.

Reva: What do you want me to say? Huh? That I don't want him to feel what I felt? That I... I don't want him to know what it's like to lose a child? And to feel that ache and that hole that you get in your heart, and that emptiness. Because that's what I felt. I made that happen. I did exactly to him what he did to me, and I did it to punish him. Why didn't I see it? Jonathan. Jonathan.

Reva: I let all that guilt and that pain of missing all that time with my son... oh, god, what have I done? I thought I was doing this all for a reason, for the right reasons, but I mean, I'm not even sure anymore.

Josh: Reva, all you can do now is be there for cassie and stand by her, whatever decision she makes.

Reva: She wants that baby. She wanted not just any baby; she wanted edmund's baby!

Josh: Do you really believe that edmund was that much of a threat to cassie?

Reva: Not to her. All I knew was that it was a threat, he was a threat to my

baby! But you're right. You are right, because every time I look at jonathan, I just feel such rage. And I... I can't control myself. I can't control myself when I'm with him, and I become someone that... someone that I know too well, someone that I haven't been in a very long time. Oh, god, I have to do something.

Josh: No. Reva, no. You have to wait. You have to stop. You have to think about what you're going to do. Don't do anything now that you might regret later.

Reva: No.

Josh: Okay?

Reva: No, no. I know what I have to do already. I know. I have to throw him out. He has to pack up his stuff and get out!

Jonathan: Well, thank you for stopping me.

Tammy: It's hard to see little kids upset. Especially...

Jonathan: Yeah.

Sandy: Tammy? Is everything okay?

Jonathan: I'm fine. You can go.

Tammy: Are you sure?

Sandy: Hey, I'm so sorry we missed the movie. I'll follow you home, hm?

Tammy: Okay.

Jonathan: Get her home safe. You kids have a good night.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Edmund: I just want to find cassie and bring her home. I would imagine you would, too, considering you're the reason she ran off.

Reva: Oh, you know what? You are living in a fantasy world. She ran off because of you, edmund.

Gus: And you hated him for it and you wanted to make him pay.

Olivia: And that is why i completely understand why harley would shoot him.

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