Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/14/05
By Boo
Buzz: No, I meant serious, like stars serious.
Zach: Mommy, you're back.
Harley: What in the world are you doing awake? Why aren't you upstairs sleeping?
Zach: I'm not... I'm not tired.
Harley: Not tired.
Buzz: Not tired.
Harley: ( Laughs ) well, aren't you luckycause tonight just happens to be an amazing night to look at the you-know-what'S.
Zach: Look at those stars!
Buzz: Millions of them, huh.
Harley: Millions and millions. You know, when I was little like you, I used to think that grandpa was up there.
Buzz: I used to travel a lot.
Harley: I would find the shiniest, brightest, biggest star there was, and I'd make a wish the grandpa would come home to me and uncle frank.
Zach: And he did, right?
Harley: And he did.
Zach: I like happy endings.
Harley: Me, too.
Buzz: Well, I think you may have another one coming real soon.
Olivia: I'm sorry, harley. But it's every man for himself. Smile, mr. Webster. ( Gasps )
Mc: Ladies and gentlemen, J. Farley's is proud to present some terrific local talent here tonight. Give it up for stakeout! ( Cheers and applause )
Cassie: Great loud, live, bad music.
You seduced in your haze and then you blind me with your beautiful gaze
and now you're talking but i just can't hear
because the room starts spinning when you get near
baby don't treat me bad
'cause maybe this is the best that you'll ever have...
Dinah: Hi, honey. I've been waiting for you.
Edmund: Dinah, what the hell are you doing here?
Dinah: Shhh, shhh, shhh. Cassie's regular doctor isn't in. They think I'm mrs. Winslow.
Edmund: Where is cassie?
Dinah: I don't know. I don't have any idea where cassie is. But edmund, it's time... it's time to face the facts. Cassie is a no-show. But that doesn't mean you can't have your baby. Now, the process needs to get started quickly. I've done some studying up, and the embryos are only viable for a short time. That's where I come in.
Edmund: Are you suggesting...
Dinah: I am volunteering. My body is as good as any-- better than most, if I do say so myself.
Edmund: You want to act as...
Dinah: Technically it is called a gestational carrier. Now, you just let it sink in for one moment, edmund, but you will realize how I am the answer to all of our prayers.
Harley: Alan, please don't do this now.
Alan: All right. Not now. But soon. Very soon.
Buzz: Alan, you come hereome here making threats. I...
Alan: No, I'm just giving you advanced warning. That's all. All agreements about my grandson's future are null and void because harley opted to continue this doomed court battle.
Harley: You know, alan, speaking of that...
Buzz: You know what? I think maybe you and I should go in and have a cup of cocoa, with zach. How's that sound to you? Cocoa?
Zach: Yeah!
Buzz: Yeah.
Alan: Lead the way, zach.
Harley: Okay. I am wishing on every single one of you tonight. Please, please, please, please let me be innocent. Please. I want to be with my kids. I need this to work out. I need a happy ending. So please send it along. Please send it along.
Bill: I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, I just... I've got a problem that I had to deal with here-- think about. Think about. And I can't tell you any of the details. But can I ask you something? If you had some information that could help you a lot, but could hurt someone else just as much, what would you do?
Bill: I know what this is about.
Olivia: You do?
Bill: Yeah. Alan's got you working on some monster deal that's going to make big bucks for spaulding, but it's borderline unethical. Am I right? See, I knew this was going to happen. Didn't I tell you, you were going to get back in the snake pit with these people?
Olivia: You did.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: You did. But you know, like it or not, bill, my future is tied with alan's because emma's is.
Bill: Look, alan is emma's grandfather and that's where it ends. You don't have to tie yourwelf to spaulding because of that.
Olivia: It's choice that I've made.
Bill: Well, I've...
Olivia: Listen to me. I've got another one staring me in the face and it... ( clear her throat ) it's situation where I need to protect myself. But if I do, then someone else will suffer for it.
Bill: So you're thinking about throwing someone else to the dogs so you don't get bitten?
Olivia: Exactly.
Bill: Well, that's just wrong.
Edmund: This is insane. You're insane.
Dinah: You're losing cassie, and you know what? You're terrified, desperate, and for good reason. Look, cassie is not here, and i don't know if she's coming back, edmund...
Edmund: Stop this, dinah.
Dinah: ...Unless there is something for her to come back to that she couldn't turn her back on.
Edmund: And by "something," i suppose you mean a child?
Dinah: You need a baby, and you need one now. And cassie isn't going to give one, is she?
Edmund: Dinah, I want you to get your things together and i want you to get out of here.
Dinah: She was very much into starting this family, going through the in vitro process, up to this point.
Edmund: Let me rephrase that. You're sick, and I want you to get your things together, and i want you to get out of here.
Dinah: This is just about bad timing, edmund. It doesn't mean that it has to be destroyed at all. Now, think about it like this, all right? If cassie hadn't found out that you were the one who caused the fire in the barn until a few weeks from now, then she would have been implanted with the embryo and a baby growing inside of her. So what better way to make up for the mistakes that you both have made than to give her the greatest token of love there is: A child?
Edmund: So I'm supposed to believe you're just going to carry this child and give it over to me and cassie when it's born?
Dinah: It'll be my gift to you.
Edmund: Dinah, you're even sicker than I thought. ( Cheers and applause )
Patron: All right.
Jeffrey: Thank you! Thank you very much. Okay, mrs. Winslow. Mrs. Winslow, let me--
Cassie: I had no idea.
Jeffrey: I'll save you the trouble, okay? Yes, I'm singing with the band, and we don't do weddings or bar mitzvahs, okay? You happy? You want anything else?
Cassie: I was going to say i liked the song.
Jeffrey: Excuse me. Can I get a beer? What?
Cassie: I liked the song.
Jeffrey: You did?
Cassie: Yes. Did you write it too?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I did. Listen, I wish you wouldn't say anything about this to anybody. You know, we don't normally, you know, play here, and...
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Bartender: You're welcome.
Cassie: Wow. Full of surprises. Good ones.
Jeffrey: Uh-oh. You didn't work things out with edmund about the fire, did you?
Cassie: I wanted to, but you know, I can'T. You know where I'm supposed to be right now?
Jeffrey: Where?
Cassie: Fertility clinic, trying to get pregnant.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Cassie: Instead I'm here, listening to the da play in a rock 'n' roll band.
Jeffrey: Well, there's no shortage of things to do in springfield, is there?
Cassie: I still love him.
Jeffrey: Sure.
Cassie: I do. I just guess everyone has their secrets-- some we even keep from ourselves, I guess.
Jeffrey: What about you?
Cassie: I guess the only secret I have is that I had that little suspicion in the back of mind that edmund had never really changed, and wanted so badly to be wrong. Okay, you know, this is the part where you tell me that you don't really feel like listening to my problems, and go back to my husband, right?
Jeffrey: Wrong. No, not this time.
What's it gonna be
are you coming with me?
Olivia: Thanks for the support.
Bill: Hey, I am sorry, but i don't like what alan's doing to you. Neither do you. I think the only solution here is for you to walk away.
Olivia: As in leave spaulding?
Bill: Yes.
Olivia: That's your solution for everything. You think that if I leave spaulding that all my problems are going to disappear.
Bill: Well, look, forget about alan, will you? And these threats that he's going to take emma away from you? That's not going to happen. You are her mother. He cannot do that. Look, he just wants to rattle your cage because he's jealous of you.
Olivia: Jealous of what?
Bill: Do I have to say it? You have nicer legs.
Olivia: ( Laughs )
Bill: Listen to... your happiness. You have an amazing daughter. You have a great business that's just getting going. And you've got a husband that makes the ladies swoon. So that'S... look, alan can only hurt you if you let him, okay? You've got to play by your own rules here, not the ones that he lays down for you.
Olivia: What would I do without you?
Bill: I don't know. Come on. Let's get out of here. I'll give you a ride home.
Olivia: I... I... no. ( Laughs nervously ) I need some fresh air. I want to walk.
Bill: All right. Well, then I'll walk with you.
Olivia: I really just want to be alone. I'll see you later, okay.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: So who's rules are
Olivia: So who's rules are these?
Gus: Anything good happening up there?
Harley: I think so.
Gus: Hmm.
Harley: ( Laughs ) why did you come back?
Gus: I really didn't want the night to end.
Harley: Me neither. ( Laughter )
Harley: Where did you go?
Gus: "Where did you go? Who were you with? What did you do?"
Harley: Shut up. ( Laughs )
Gus: Still sound like a cop. Look at that little... that little squished-up face. Look at him. You see what I see? ( Laughs )
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Spy.
Harley: He missed you. We all missed you.
Gus: Me too. I really think we should all be together, you know. How you feel about that? You feel the same way?
Harley: I do. I'm just afraid. I don't want jinx it.
Gus: You're not jinxing anything, because we're going to win.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: She's going to win. See, sometimes you have to say things to the universe like that. And they just happen. See, I'm going to stick by your side, step for step. Going to walk in that courtroom, we're going to win, we're going to walk right out the back door, and that's just the way it's going to be. You hear me? Hey!
Harley: Hey.
Zach: Mommy, gus, grandpa and grandpa liked my hot chocolate.
Harley: Oh, they did? That's awesome. They have excellent taste.
Gus: Hey, squeakers.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: What?
Jeffrey: Yeah, what?
Cassie: Whenever I try and talk to you about my problems with edmund, you always blow me off.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess that's the noble thing to do, right?
Cassie: You're angry with me.
Jeffrey: No, I'm not angry with you. I'm trying to level with you for once.
Cassie: And you haven't before?
Jeffrey: No, I haven'T. And not about edmund. I knew what he did that night of the fire, and I kept it to myself. I kept it a secret. I'm sorry about that. You know, I even stood in that barn, the barn where he tried to kill me, and watched him marry you. Well, that was then.
Cassie: Now?
Jeffrey: And now I wish i could say that I'm sorry that your marriage is on the rocks, cassie, but I'm not.
Cassie: Well, that's a terrible thing to say, jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? No matter what I say... I could say something nice to you or i can blow you off; it doesn't matter. You're not happy. You're never happy.
Cassie: No, no. You're the one that kept talking to me about forgiveness, and you're the one that kept pushing me and edmund together.
Jeffrey: Away.
Cassie: What?
Jeffrey: I was pushing you away, cassie. Away from me.
Edmund: Good-bye, dinah.
Dinah: Do you think this is really some scheme?
Edmund: Dinah, you are nothing but ploys and schemes. I have no idea what twisted thing is running around in your head. Maybe you just want to get the baby and hold it hostage.
Dinah: What baby? Without me there is no baby.
Edmund: Then there will be no baby.
Dinah: There has to be.
Edmund: Well, I had no idea giving could be so militant.
Dinah: All right. Okay. This is not strictly about just helping out you and cassie.
Edmund: Thank you. Now, what do you want?
Dinah: Exactly what you want: Redemption. Don't you see it? This is about my salvation as much as it is about yours.
Edmund: How?
Dinah: In case you haven't noticed, I have zero respect in this town. My family staged an intervention to impress upon me how much of a loser I am, how unlovable I am. In fact, you pretty much said the same thing the other day in towers: That I would stay in the hole that I dug for myself if I didn't find something to turn it around with. And that hurt me, but that's okay, because I realized the only chance I have at redemption in front of my family and everybody else is to do a major league good deed.
Edmund: And you've decided that carrying cassie's baby is just that?
Cassie: Yeah. Because, edmund, it's perfect. Because who hates a pregnant woman? Nobody. Nobody. On top of that, it would be noble and beautiful to the woman I have wronged so many times, and to the man who loves her more than life itself. Please say something. ( Crying )
Edmund: Let me think. Let me think.
Dinah: No. You don't need to think. If it doesn't happen now, it's not going to happen at all.
Edmund: Shut up and let me think!
Dinah: I am trying to do the right thing here.
Edmund: What are you doing? That's what I want to know. What are you doing? What are you doing, dinah?
Dinah: There's no point in staying, is there?
Doctor: Oh, mr. Winslow, you're here. Look, everything is perfect. Your lining is thicker than we hoped.
Edmund: And that means what?
Doctor: That means we stand a really good chance of at least one of the embryos becoming a pregnancy. We going forward?
Edmund: Doctor, may I have a few more minutes with my wife?
Coming up on "guiding light."
Olivia: You really would do anything, right or wrong, for the sake of your kids, wouldn't you?
Harley: Is there any other choice?
Olivia: No, I guess not.
Dinah: Edmund, please. Please let me do this. I can be a good person. I can prove it to my family and everybody else. Just give me a chance to prove it. And I will give you a chance with cassie.
Buzz: Peace between the coopers and the spauldings doesn't have to be fantasy. It starts with us. You and I can make it happen. We're the grand old men of the family. We start; they'll follow our lead. What do you say?
Alan: I want to do this, but only when your family surrenders. That's reality, and that's the world I live in.
Olivia: Zach is really growing up fast.
Harley: Yeah, he is. With any luck, I won't miss a minute of it.
Buzz: Well, look at the family man. First, you had my daughter out for fun this evening. Now, you've got the zachster in tow. You seem at home here.
Gus: Well, I am. I think that's enough, don't you?
Buzz: Bye, alan.
Alan: Buzz.
Gus: Hang on a second. I...
Alan: No, I think you've made it very clear where your choice of home is. Well, zach, I want you to come see that telescope sometime, all right? You know, there's hope for the future.
Harley: If looks could kill. But it doesn't matter.
Olivia: What do you mean?
Harley: I just happen to know that there's nothing a mother wouldn't do to protect her kid, especially if her kid is a grandchild of alan spaulding'S.
Olivia: It's awful to think that protection has to be your top priority.
Harley: Well, you do what you have to do. I mean, look at me. I was all ready to plead guilty to phillip's murder, until this webster guy turned up with testimony that could actually clear me.
Olivia: Why... if you weren't guilty, why would you say that you were?
Harley: Protection. I couldn't risk being found guilty and then given a life sentence. Watching my children grow up from behind the glass partition of a prison visiting room? No. No, at least this way I'd be out in time to see them graduate from school, you know, get married, maybe start their own families. At least I wouldn't miss that part of their lives.
Olivia: So you really would do anything, right or wrong, for the sake of your kids, wouldn't you?
Harley: You're a mother. Is there any other choice?
Olivia: No, I guess not.
Alan: Damn! As if my day couldn't go any worse.
Bill: Looks like you're missing a little air on the bottom of that tire.
Alan: Are you responsible for this?
Bill: Relax. It's just a flat tire. Why don't you just call your driver, have him pick you up?
Alan: Because I gave him the night off. That's why.
Bill: Then call a cab.
Alan: I'm not going to leave my car here.
Bill: Then you'd better get changing that tire.
Alan: I've never had to change a tire in my life.
Bill: Well, looks like you're stuck then.
Alan: You think you could help me out?
Bill: I'm sorry. What?
Alan: You think you could help me out?
Bill: Give me the keys.
Alan: Why are you doing this?
Bill: ( Sighs ) feel sorry for you.
Alan: I hardly need your pity.
Bill: But you need my help. Lord knows you can't do your own dirty work. You have to have other people do it for you, like olivia.
Alan: Do I?
Bill: Yeah. Now, I don't know what you have her doing, but I know it can't be good, so I talked her out of it.
Alan: Well, let me close the information gap for you a little bit, since what I'm about to tell you will be on the street tomorrow. You see, I am the proud new owner of 50% of lewis construction building. Your wife sold it to me.
Jeffrey: Um, the band needs me back up there. I got to go.
Cassie: No, jeffrey. Wait.
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: What do you mean, you were pushing me away?
Jeffrey: Is that what I said? I didn'T... I didn't mean that.
Cassie: I don't believe you.
Jeffrey: ( Sighs ) okay, look. You know, maybe you don't bother me all the time as much as I say you do, okay? Maybe you don't bother me at all.
Cassie: I don't know what that means.
Jeffrey: Well, it means... it means that I thought edmund loved you enough to really change and to make you happy. Make you happier than...
Cassie: Than what?
Jeffrey: What are we, in court here?
Cassie: No, I'm just trying to have a conversation with you.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm trying to get back to the band, so...
Cassie: Well, I'm sorry. I just need to talk.
Jeffrey: Yeah, you need to talk, about edmund, again, right?
Cassie: I told you I still love him.
Jeffrey: Well, that's really... that's really too bad.
Cassie: Now you're going out of your way to be cruel.
Jeffrey: That's too bad because, you know what? From where I'm standing, that guy is trouble and always has been. And you invited that trouble into your life. So you've got to figure out how you're going to deal with it, okay? I don't think you're going to find the answer in a fertility clinic. And I don't think you're going to find the answer here, listening to some blues band in a bar.
Dinah: You want this. You want to let me carry the baby.
Edmund: What?
Dinah: You called me your wife.
Edmund: Oh, god, dinah, i just said that to get her out of the room.
Dinah: No, I can feel it. You're going to... you're going to allow the transfer to happen. Edmund, this is incredible. You are doing the right thing. You are.
Edmund: Just stop it, dinah. Just because I haven't outed you for impersonating cassie again, doesn't mean I'm not going to do it.
Dinah: Why would you?
Edmund: Because you're not my wife.
Dinah: Maybe I'm something better than that. Maybe I'm your angel. Call the doctor back in here. Tell her we're ready.
Edmund: No.
Dinah: Why?
Edmund: Let me think.
Dinah: What is there to think about? Time is slipping away, edmund.
Edmund: Just let me think. Let me think.
Dinah: No. No, there is no downside to this.
Edmund: Of course not. Oh, there's no downside to this, dinah. Dinah marler just happens to be carrying cassie winslow's baby. Nothing problematic about that at all.
Dinah: Tell me something. How long? How many years did you ache to be loved, to be smiled at when you come into a room instead of everybody running for cover?
Edmund: Until I found cassie.
Dinah: Yeah. That's right. Until you found cassie, all you ever did was ache. I am still back where you were, waiting for my chance to be loved. And this is it. Everybody loves a pregnant woman. They'll want to be near me. They'll want to reach out and touch my tummy and feel your baby kick inside of it.
Edmund: My baby?
Dinah: Yes. Just imagine, nine months from now, cassie will be holding this beautiful child that you both have been hoping for. And she will be staring at you with wonder and gratitude, because there will have been a miracle.
Edmund: I can'T. I can'T.
Dinah: Edmund. Edmund, please. You let me do this one selfless thing, and I'll be saved, and i will be loved as much as the woman who calls herself your wife.
Edmund: Dinah, I want nothing more than to have a son or a daughter with cassie. But I'm not going to resort to something as twisted and as desperate as using you to do it.
Dinah: Don't say that.
Edmund: I have to believe my love with cassie is strong enough to bring her back so we can try again.
Dinah: What if you're wrong?
Edmund: I can't be. Dinah, her love is my salvation. It's not going to be some messianic vision of yours. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find your redemption somewhere else.
Dinah: Edmund, come on. Where are you going? Where are you going?
Edmund: I'm going to tell the staff that my wife isn't here.
Dinah: Edmund, please. Please let me do this. I can be a good person. I can prove it to my family and everybody else. Just give me a chance to prove it, and I will give you a chance with cassie.
Edmund: No. ( Phone rings ) cassie?
Cassie: Hi.
Edmund: How are you? Where are you? No, no, just... just... I'm so... I'm so glad you called. Thank you. Um, cassie, uh... we're in a bit of a time crunch right now. I'm over at the clinic. And we have to get going on this. You have to come here if we're still going to...
Cassie: Edmund, I'm leaving.
Edmund: What?
Cassie: I'm leaving.
Gus: Zach came out saying that grandpa and grandpa were digging on the hot chocolate.
Buzz: Grandpa and grandpa, we're not digging each other.
Gus: What happened?
Buzz: Oh, you know the old cooper-spaulding dance: One step forward, two steps back. It's just...
Gus: I know that dance-- that and the electric slide.
Buzz: ( Laughs ) you do. I don't know. There was something in your dad's face though, you know? I thought he'd go for a truce, but... just something I wanted to see, I guess.
Gus: You're seeing the thing that everybody would like to see.
Buzz: I don't think there's any chance our two families can find common ground.
Gus: Can't argue with you on that. Starting to think you're right.
Buzz: ( Laughs ) sort of leaves you in a lousy place, doesn't it?
Gus: Well, I made my decision.
Buzz: I think you made the right one.
Gus: You're not biased or anything.
Buzz: In the past, you've protected the spauldings. I understood that. They're your blood. So I'm very grateful now that you're standing by my daughter.
Gus: Well, I love your daughter, mr. Cooper.
Buzz: She loves you. She needs you. She doesn't admit it, but she needs you. And I think you need her.
Gus: I lost her once before. Never again. I have a chance here to make it work, and I will.
Buzz: You better.
Harley: You don't look so good. Are you okay?
Olivia: I'm fine. I'm fine. I just got a lot on my plate, and I have to make a big decision. And actually you... you helped me make it.
Harley: Did I?
Olivia: Yeah, you just put things in perspective. It really is about being there for your kids.
Harley: Well, I'm glad i could make the decision easier for you.
Olivia: ( Laughs ) no, I didn't say that. Listen. You're a good person. And if anyone had to suffer because of phillip's murder, I'm sorry it had to be you.
Harley: Thank you. Are you sure you're okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Bill: You see, that is bull, because olivia would never sell any part of the lewis building without telling me first, let alone 50% of it to you... unless, of course, she was threatened.
Alan: Bill, this is not about threats. It's about emma. I don't have to remind you how devoted olivia is to her.
Bill: She's a good mom. And?
Alan: Yes. She would put emma's interest above anyone else's, including you. Now, I don't have to remind you that she's a spaulding. You do your math.
Bill: So you're telling me that olivia would sell me out without a second thought if she figured it would help out emma? Or if some trapped her into thinking that? ( Phone rings )
Alan: I need to take this call. It's your wife. Have you been a busy girl?
Olivia: Busy enough that i won't go to prison, even though I'm sure you'd like me to end up there.
Alan: Olivia, if you don't have anything of substance to tell me, I need to go, because I'm having a very interesting conversation.
Olivia: Can't be any more interesting than what I found out.
Alan: Which is what?
Olivia: Something that could have a huge impact on the outcome of harley's trial. You're going to love it.
Alan: You're not bluffing, are you?
Olivia: I'll give you what i have, alan-- it's a photograph-- on one condition.
Alan: You're hardly in a position to call the shots.
Olivia: I'll give you this picture, but you have to promise to leave emma and me alone for good. Deal?
Alan: If I like what I see, we'll talk.
Olivia: I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Edmund: Cassie, what are you saying? Where are you going?
Olivia: I don't know. I just need to get away, edmund. So I'm going to take the boys and go.
Edmund: Cassie, please.
Cassie: I've made up my mind.
Edmund: Don't do this.
Cassie: Edmund, I love you. But I can't live with what you did and what you're capable of.
Edmund: Cassie?
Cassie: No. I'm going crazy, edmund.
Jeffrey: You all right?
Edmund: Cassie, where are you? Cassie, talk to me.
Cassie: I can't do this, edmund, okay? I can't do this.
Edmund: Cassie, don't hang up.
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Edmund: She's with o'neill.
Dinah: Thank you very much. My husband and I talked about this, but we're not going to be going through...
Edmund: Let's do this. Let's make a baby.
( Band playing )
Jeffrey: Is there a reason was this meant to be I bare my soul and you bare yours to me and in this lifetime it's something we both never had now they're telling us that this is something bad when I think of you I feel so sad so sad I hold on to you you hold on to me we're filling empty spaces in our hearts and we feel free you tell me it's something that's so strong why do I get the feeling something's wrong and we've been waiting for this for so long in another world in another time in some other day we'd be together and I wouldn't let you go away we analyze but who would sympathize laws of the universe point to our demise is it just emotion we refuse to control or can it be that this is something more are you the one that I was waiting for in another world and in another time in some other day. I wouldn't have to leave you I wouldn't have to go away all that I want is you always there with you and in another world and in another time in some other day we'd be together and I wouldn't have to go away.
Next on "guiding light..."
Josh: You are pulling away from us, reva, from all of us except jonathan. Now, is that the plan? Because if that's the plan, i think I have the right to know.
Dinah: Although there is another alternative. I mean, I can leave tonight. I can disappear.
Edmund: What?
Dinah: Cassie will never know, and you will never have to see me again.
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