Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/11/05
By Boo
Jonathan: ( Groans )
Olivia: Ssh.
Jonathan: Who are you stalking?
Olivia: Just stop it. What makes you think I'm stalking?
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) oh, okay. Are you just looking for some lip gloss?
Olivia: Stop it. I don't wear lip gloss. No, listen, all right, the guy right over there. See, he could save harley's life, but he could also destroy mine.
Buzz: Are you trying for employee of the week?
Harley: No, I'm just trying to stay busy so I don't look at this thing. It's a permission slip from school, for zach. He wants me to be class parent on his field trip next month.
Buzz: And?
Harley: And I don't know, dad, maybe they could go on a field trip to the state prison. What do you think?
Buzz: Or not.
Harley: Zach was really excited, and you know what?
Buzz: You were excited, too.
Harley: For a minute, so was I.
Buzz: You were excited, too.
Harley: Yeah, but I'm not going to let myself go there.
Buzz: Go where? Hope is a beautiful thing and considering what this family has been through, hope is mandatory. And from what frank tells me, things are looking good for you.
Harley: Did you pick a movie?
Buzz: No, I'm going to have to bail on father/daughter night.
Harley: Why?
Buzz: Well, I found a fellow that's better suited for... not better-looking, mind you, but better suited for the task of showing you a night on the town.
Jeffrey: How are you doing? Could I get a scotch rocks, and another one for the lady, please. Hi.
Dinah: Don't talk to me.
Jeffrey: You're upset?
Dinah: You're talking to me.
Jeffrey: I guess we'll just stand here, then.
Dinah: Well, you wouldn't want to be seen standing next to the unlovable, would you?
Jeffrey: Oh, so that's what this is about. Okay, I'm sorry. That was a harsh thing to say, okay?
Dinah: Come on. You've never felt the need to pull your punches with me. Why start now? Just go away.
Jeffrey: Dinah...
Dinah: I got the message loud and clear. And if you feel bad about it, i really don't care. I don't need you in my life anymore.
Josh: You okay?
Cassie: I'm just trying to clear my head.
Josh: I heard about edmund and the fire. I'm sorry.
Cassie: Today was supposed to be a brand-new life for me. You know, we were planning on having a baby.
Josh: I take it that's not going to happen.
Cassie: If edmund can lie about something so scary, how do I trust him, josh? A newlywed and I've lost total faith. ( Sighs )
Josh: Maybe you didn't have much faith in him to begin with.
Edmund: Cassie, please call me back. Please don't give up on our dream. I know the world looks bleak right now, but it's not too late for us. We can still do this. We can go to the clinic. It's not too late. Where's your sister?
Reva: I don't know. Hey!
Edmund: Do you know where i should be right now, reva?
Reva: Let go of me.
Edmund: I should be in a fertility clinic with my wife, trying to conceive a child. This was supposed to be an amazing day for us.
Reva: So, things heven't worked out for you the way you wanted them to?
Edmund: What, is this supposed to be funny?
Reva: No. Not funny at all.
Edmund: Cassie won't speak to me. She can barely even look at me, reva, and it's all because of you. I'm about to lose everything that makes my life worth living and it's all because of you.
Harley: Nice flowers. Anyone I know?
Gus: Oh, well, I asked this chick out on the interstate. She just turned me down flat. ( Laughs ) it'd be kind of sad to waste these. They're very pretty.
Harley: Sweet talker. Where are we going?
Gus: Ah, somewheres.
Harley: "Somewheres?" A date?
Gus: Date, no, no. I don't do dates. I was thinking more like a strategy session, you know? Sort of a working...
Harley: Work?
Buzz: Well, from where i stand, it looks like you could use a strategy session or two.
Harley: You brought flowers for a strategy session?
Gus: Who said they're for you? Mr. Cooper, I just wanted to tell you, you have been so sweet to me as of late, and you make a hell of a buzz burger, and i thought it would be appropriate if I...
Buzz: I've killed men for less.
Harley: Okay, the man has a heart condition. Leave him alone. I'll take them.
Gus: This is a metrosexual moment.
Harley: I'll take the water and I'll put them in the flowers... I mean, put the flowers in the water.
Gus: Right. Uh-huh.
Harley: Should I wear something nice?
Gus: It's just a strategy session.
Harley: Right.
Gus: I'll be right back. Can I borrow a bottle of wine? I mean, I'll pay you, like, on tuesday.
Buzz: A bottle of vino is appropriate for a strategy session.
Harley: I'm back. ( Laughs )
Gus: Oh.
Harley: I... I just need a few minutes to get ready.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, whatever you wear is fine. But if it's that black thing with the little lace and it plunges-- woo-hoo-- it's got the two laces on each... strings on each. That would be fine. And I could just... thank you.
Harley: Okay, counselor. Got it.
Gus: Client.
Harley: Right.
Jonathan: So, who's after you?
Olivia: Alan spaulding. He wants someone to pay for phillip's murder. Any someone.
Jonathan: I thought harley cooper was going to swing for that crime.
Olivia: Well, this guy says that he saw harley leave company that night and phillip was still alive.
Jonathan: And that makes alan unhappy?
Olivia: He says that if harley doesn't go to prison for it, then I will. And he'll make sure I never see my daughter again.
Jonathan: You need some help?
Olivia: The last time I told you about my problems, phillip ended up dead.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) see, I'm a good luck charm. Maybe alan needs to join his son on the other side.
Olivia: Jonathan, don'T.
Jonathan: Oh, don't tell me it doesn't sound tempting.
Olivia: I'll take care of alan.
Jonathan: Well, what are you going to do with this witness? I mean, it's not like you're following him to find out where he buys his shoes.
Olivia: I don't know. Harley, she has children, you know? And if she didn't kill the guy, she shouldn't go to prison, you know? I don't know. I don't know.
Jonathan: Well, that's very sweet and noble. Are you ready to take her place?
Olivia: No.
Jonathan: Okay. I know you're not asking me for help or advice, but if you did, this is what I would say: Every man for himself in this world. You get them before they get you. Good luck.
Jeffrey: I apologize. I was harsh, okay?
Dinah: You're the classic abuser, you know that? You hate me, you punish me, and then you try to apologize to me. You know how many times you've said you're sorry to me, just since we've been in springfield?
Jeffrey: I lost track, okay?
Dinah: Well, maybe you should keep track. Maybe it would make you a human being once in a while.
Jeffrey: I was having a bad day. Give me a break, okay? You caught me at the wrong time.
Dinah: No, jeffrey, you know what? I am not... I am not going to let you carpet-bomb my life and try to work your way back and repair the damage.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well we both know a little bit about that cycle, don't we?
Dinah: You needed me as much as I needed you. You needed me to fill in for cassie, to fill that void, and I'm not going to do it anymore. Did you know my family staged an intervention for me?
Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) what, to make you realize that you were a bad person?
Dinah: Hm. They think I need help, desperately. You think that's funny.
Jeffrey: Well, that is a little funny, dinah, yeah.
Dinah: They were right about one thing. That I deserve better in my life. That I deserve something real and unconditional. I am not unlovable and I deserve to have real love in my life.
Jeffrey: Well, I hope you find it.
Dinah: I will.
Cassie: I believed in edmund. I would have never thought of having a baby with him if i didn'T.
Josh: What about now?
Cassie: I don't know, you know? One minute I feel like I can get past this-- I can-- and then the next, I...
Josh: This is not the first time you've doubted edmund, cassie. Remember, you jumped to all sorts of conclusions when he was under investigation for the drugs, san cristobel thing. Now, maybe there's a part of you that really wants to believe that this change in him is permanent, but is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then wondering if you'll be able to hang in there when it does.
Cassie: You're not just talking about me and edmund. You're waiting, and worrying that reva's going to turn back into who she used to be.
Josh: You have a very important decision to make, and you shouldn't be making it right now. Freeze the embryos. Figure out whether or not you want to have a child with edmund. You can wait.
Cassie: Wait for what? For edmund to cut through my defenses again? For it to hurt a little less that he almost killed me and my son and then lied about it?
Josh: Cassie? You can't just bail on him. Sometimes you have to fight for things.
Cassie: I know how to handle this. Thanks, josh.
Reva: You started that fire, edmund, not me. You hit jeffrey o'neill. And even after it almost killed her, you let cassie believe that that fire was all an accident.
Edmund: Everything would have been fine, if you hadn't gotten in the middle of it.
Reva: No. No. No! Nothing would have ever been fine. I see that now. You can't be trusted. I was really hoping that maybe you had changed, because of cassie. You had a chance with her and you blew it.
Edmund: Do you know what you've taken from me, reva? Do you know? You have taken my life. You have taken my wife. And you have taken my child.
Reva: The same way you took my child from me!
Josh: That's enough.
Edmund: I have to find cassie.
Josh: What are you doing, reva?
Harley: Um, don't you think it kind of defeats the purpose if I'm locked inside the car? ( Laughs )
Gus: ( Laughs ) depends on what the purpose is?
Harley: Strategy, I thought. Over dinner in a restaurant.
Gus: Oh, you got all that. You're looking at it.
Harley: Yeah?
Gus: Mm-hmm. What's this? Yeah.
Harley: Oh.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Take-out in the car.
Gus: Yeah. We got wine.
Harley: Oh, wine with take- out in a car.
Gus: That's right. What's the problem? We've had some of our best moments in a car.
Harley: Wine with take-out in a car in a parking garage, no less.
Gus: Oh, come on now. We don't need fancy smansy set- up, right? We made history in a car. I say let's let it repeat itself. What do you say?
Harley: Why not? ( Laughs )
Gus: Yeah, why not? ( Laughs ) all right?
Olivia: Harley... gus.
Harley: Olivia. What are you doing here?
Jeffrey: Have you seen gus or harley? Are they around?
Buzz: I don't know. Are you ready to drop al the charges against my daughter?
Jeffrey: No.
Buzz: Well, then I haven't seen them. You don't look very disappointed for a man that's seen a witness shoot all kinds of holes in his case.
Jeffrey: Buzz, if this guy is on the level, I will never been happier to be wrong in my entire life.
Buzz: I know.
Jeffrey: You were lying about not seeing them, right?
Buzz: Give it a rest tonight, okay.
Jeffrey: Tell gus to call me. Cassie.
Cassie: I'm fine, jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Okay. If you want to...
Cassie: Look, I'm fine. As hard as it may be for you to understand, I don't always need your helping hand, okay.
Jeffrey: Okay. Good evening, mrs. Winslow. Yeah, it's me. We need to do this tonight.
Edmund: Cassie, it's me again. Please, call me back. It's not too late. We can still do this.
Dinah: Hey. What's wrong, mr. Ambassador? Married life not all what it's cracked up to be?
Edmund: You're here to gloat, dinah. My life with cassie is falling apart.
Dinah: Actually, no. Ow!
Edmund: Are you the one who told reva, dinah? Did you tell her and send her off to jeffrey o'neill?
Dinah: No, I didn'T. I swear.
Edmund: You're the only one who knew.
Dinah: About the fire, you mean?
Edmund: The fire, dinah. Who did you tell?
Dinah: Now why would I tell anybody right now? I have been keeping your secrets for months now, protecting you. I gave you a chance to marry cassie, so you could be happy. Why would I throw you to the wolves, edmund?
Edmund: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I was going to tell her. I was going to tell her as soon as had the baby... as soon as we settled down. As soon as we... god, I've been wanting this life so badly, dinah. I wanted this child. It was almost happening.
Dinah: I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have happiness ripped from you. I think it's all I know.
Edmund: It was so real, dinah. For one moment it was just so real.
Reva: I don't like the way you're looking at me.
Josh: I just ran into cassie outside, reva. You have completely torn her life apart.
Reva: Now wait a minute.
Josh: Her marriage. Her future. Everything.
Reva: No. Edmund just admitted that he started that fire. He did all of it.
Josh: I'm not trying to defend edmund. That's not the point.
Reva: Cassie's safety isn't the point?
Josh: I heard what you said to him, reva. You didn't become involved in this because you want to protect cassie. You want this secret to come out because you want to punish edmund.
Reva: No.
Josh: Yes. This is about revenge. Pure and simple.
Reva: No, it's like that.
Josh: You have crushed your sister in the name of vengeance. Is that the person you want to be?
Reva: No.
Jonathan: I'm sorry, aunt cassie.
Cassie: You know what? I want you to get away from me.
Jonathan: I said, I'm sorry.
Cassie: For what?
Jonathan: I'm sorry that you bought into the whole fairytale thing. You don't need to be ashamed about it. There's no shame in flirting with the dark side. And uncle eddie's got that in spades. But take it from me, girls love the bad boys.
Cassie: It was you. You set me up to find out about edmund.
Josh: Yep. Guilty as charged. So? What are you going to do about it?
Coming up on "guiding light"...
Gus: Why did you go out with me tonight?
Harley: Because there's no place else I'd rather be in the world than in this old musty old car with you.
Dinah: You won't die. You'll survive.
Edmund: I'll survive, dinah. I will because I haven't lost her yet and I won'T.
Dinah: It's okay to let go.
Edmund: No. I will not lose her.
Olivia: Would you believe i can't find my car?
Gus: Need help?
Olivia: No. It's okay. In fact, I think I see it. Right over there. I'm just crazy.
Gus: Okay.
Olivia: What are you guys doing?
Harley: Strategy session for my defense.
Gus: Wine, honey?
Harley: Yes.
Olivia: Yeah, I heard about the witness that came forward. That must be a big relief.
Harley: Yeah, yeah. No, it's very exciting.
Gus: Tissue?
Harley: I really want to wash my kids drink... eat. Grow-up.
Olivia: I'll let you guys get back to whatever it is you're doing.
Harley: Okay.
Olivia: Good luck.
Harley: You are quite the charmer.
Gus: ( Laughs )
Harley: Wine in plastic cups.
Gus: ( Coughs )
Harley: Car exhaust.
Gus: I think I'm getting a buzz.
Harley: Hey, do you remember what else we used to do on stake-outs.
Gus: ( Laughs ) yeah.
Harley: Besides that.
Gus: Well... yeah, we did a lot of things.
Harley: Ah-huh. Ah-huh.
Gus: We used to play truth or dare.
Harley: Truth or dare. That's what we did. Remember? And I would always pick truth and you would always pick dare.
Gus: Oh, yeah. You want to play a little bit?
Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm game.
Gus: All right.
Harley: I'm game.
Gus: All right, go ahead. You pick one.
Harley: Okay. Okay... um... um... wait. Truth.
Gus: Was that tough for you?
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: You always pick truth. And so you remember the rules? Now if you don't tell the truth, you pay the consequences. All right? All right, go ahead. Here you go.
Gus: Why did you go out with me tonight?
Harley: Well, I came because jude law was busy.
Gus: That really hurts me actually.
Harley: And I came because...
Gus: After what his name?
Harley: Because there's no place I'd rather be in the world than in this musty old car with you.
Reva: You know, I wish i could say that I had this grand plan and that I knew why I was doing what I was doing and how, but I can'T. I mean, it's just... it's plain and simple. I feel like I'm doing this because it seems right.
Josh: That doesn't give you a free pass, reva.
Reva: I know. I know. I'd like to be able to explain it to you, but I just feel like I don't have the kind of control that I'd like to.
Josh: Then get in control.
Reva: I can'T. It's just not that easy. It never was. But it just seems like in the past few months I can't seem to control the way I react to things, you know. And my moods seem to be...
Josh: What? Your moods seem to be, what? An excuse maybe?
Reva: No, I get afraid and then I get angry and then I get sad and before I know it I'm hurting the people I love.
Josh: Just like that?
Reva: You don't think I know that I'm driving cassie away? That I'm driving you away? I do know it. And I wish I could do something about it.
Josh: Then let me help you, reva.
Reva: How? You can't keep the world away from our doorstep.
Josh: Just stop for a minute and take a breath!
Reva: No, I can'T. Because I don't even know who i am anymore? So I just need time. You know I just need some time to try to figure it out. And I'll try not to burn anything down in the process.
Jonathan: I admit. I passed the news about uncle eddie on to reva, because she had the right to know what he did. And so do you.
Cassie: So you did this for me? Right.
Jonathan: Your husband brains a guy with a shovel and then almost leaves you and child to die in a barn. I'm still the bad guy.
Cassie: You wanted to see edmund suffer. You wanted to see my marriage crumble, jonathan.
Jonathan: No, that cookie was already crumbling long before i said anything. What do you think my father would say about this? Maybe I'm just doing prince richard's working bring the shining light of truth to this dark and abysmal section of our little family?
Cassie: Don't speak for richard. Ever.
Jonathan: He's my father, honey. Nothing you could do to change that.
Cassie: I will not let you destroy my life. No. Because edmund and I have come so far.
I've come so far to let someone like you destroy it. ( Door slams )
Dinah: I've been where you are. I've had everything that I love and everything that makes sense to me in my world swept away. My future with hart and that chance to have a child with the man you love.
Edmund: Dinah, if I have to endure this bonding for even another minute, I think I'm going to put both of us out of our misery.
Dinah: One day it was perfect, I know.
Edmund: It's not gone. So don't say it.
Dinah: I know what it is to be loved without strings. To have a love that is so great you can't even possibly understand. And then to have found a love like that..
Edmund: You'd do anything to hang on to it.
Dinah: Because if it goes you feel like you're going to shrivel up and die. But, edmund, without cassie, you won't die. You'll survive.
Edmund: No, I will not lose her.
Reva/jonathan: ( Laughing )
Reva: Of course.
Jonathan: It's fate. How's you day been, mom?
Reva: My day has been swell. I've ruined my sister's life. And I drove joshua away again.
Jonathan: Well, for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing.
Reva: It's my life. I own it.
Jonathan: Does that mean you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? You used to know how to have fun.
Reva: That's true.
Jonathan: Isn't that your specialty? ( Both laugh ) life gives you lemons, you make a lemon martini.
Reva: If you're going to screw things up, you might as well enjoy doing it.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) now you're talking.
Reva: Okay. Keith. Can we get some different music in here? Because this is like a graveyard. Oh, that's better. I like that. And you know what? Hut me again. Because tonight is all about enjoying life. ( Laughs )
Gus: You're right, you know.
Harley: What?
Gus: This is one sexy... sexy parking garage. Hello tokyo.
Harley: The best.
Gus: I am sorry I'm not jude law, though.
Harley: Who? Would you close your eyes?
Gus: You forgot to unbuckle. I told you about that.
Harley: ( Laughing ) I forgot to unbuckle.
Gus: Why are you--
Harley: Well, I ruined that moment.
Gus: It was a good try.
Harley: Okay, we'll play again. Here, here, here. It's your turn. Truth or dare.
Gus: All right. Let me think. Dare.
Harley: Okay, a suitable task for the fearless gus aitoro.
Gus: See it's not that easy. I'm very complex.
Harley: Quiet. Quiet. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Okay, I got it. You need to give a show to the next person who goes by.
Gus: What kind of show?
Harley: You know what I'm talking about. A full moon over springfield.
Gus: ( Laughs )
Harley: And I don't care if the biggest, fattest, meanest scariest biker with the biggest brass knuckles you've ever seen. Drop them and smile.
Gus: You are so immature. You know that, right?
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: But here's the catch. We do it today, okay. And let's see how brave you are when the breeze is blowing the wrong way.
Harley: Uh-uh.
Gus: Oh, yeah.
Harley: No way.
Gus: Ah-huh.
Harley: No.
Gus: Hold this.
Harley: This is... this is your dare. You are on your own. Of course you could always say no. But then I would win.
Gus: This is nice. It's not exactly what I had in mind for tonight, but whatever.
Harley: No, it's better. Shhh. Shhh. Somebody's coming.
Gus: Oh.
Harley: She's here. You ready?
Gus: I told you no names. How many times...
Harley: Where's my camera?
Gus: Okay. All right. Look at you. You're beaming. That gorgeous smile on your big fat face.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: I mean that big fat smile on your gorgeous little face. I wish I could look at that forever. Just like that. Ready.
Harley: Okay, three, two, one...
Gus: Whoo-hoo! Whoo!
Lady: You don't see that everyday. ( Laughter )
Harley: Get in the car before they call the cops.
Gus: Okay, yeah. Here you go. Sorry, ladies.
Josh: You were a pretty wild guy in your day, right?
Buzz: I didn't know it wasn't still my day.
Josh: Yeah, but you know what I'm talking about.
Buzz: Do I?
Josh: Do you ever like chaffing in this life?
Buzz: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the word chaffing between you and me.
Josh: Yeah. I get that. But I think what I'm talking about is the dream deferred, you know, the dream unfulfilled. Do you ever feel like who you are now is stifling who you used to be and at the same time it's keeping you from becoming the person you want to be?
Buzz: Are you going through a very early midlife crisis?
Josh: No, I don't think so.
Buzz: Good. Then I can answer it. I'm happy being alive, enjoying my family. Is that what you want?
Josh: Yeah, it is. It's just that, you know, reva is--
Buzz: Oh, reva.
Josh: Jonathan has opened some wounds that--
Buzz: Should be left unopened, right?
Josh: Exactly.
Buzz: Well, you know, i didn't know reva back in her real wild days, so I can'T...
Josh: Yeah, yeah. But you know her now, right?
Buzz: I know that when a genie's out of the bottle you can't put it back in without having things explode. But you know, do your thing. You could handle this.
Josh: My thing.
Buzz: Hold down the fort.
Josh: Yeah. That gets really hard after awhile.
Marcus: Anybody else?
I said it all.
Reva: Well, here's to paul. The guy who brought all these fabulous smiles to us. ( Laughter ) and even though his memos were long, they had to have brought a little bit of happiness into everyday, right?
Jonathan: Mom, you don't even know who this guy is.
Reva: Well, that's okay. It makes him more fun. Paul is the kind of guy that you want to have in the cubicle right next to you. ( Laughter ) because he's not cornered and bound in by carpeted walls.
That's right.
Reva: Or defined by 250 sales calls a day. ( Laughter ) no, this guy has charm. He has charisma. And a hell of a good body for a man his age.
Whew! ( Laughter )
Reva: That's why we're here. Not because we're just looking an excuse to have a party after work. We're here because we're going to miss him.
Reva: To paul! ( Laughs ) that was good. Hey, uh-uh. Don't you drink, because you're the designated driver for tonight. Because I have no intention of slowing down anytime soon.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) you got it.
Reva: I just wish I could do something about cassie and edmund.
Jonathan: No. Can we focus on you for one night? On you having a good time. On you not being anybody's mother or sister or wife or savior.
Reva: That would be great. That would be great.
Jonathan: Come on. Remember when you were the life or the party and not just a chaperone?
Paul: Excuse me. Did I just hear someone call you the life of the party?
Reva: Well, I used to be. ( Laughs )
Paul: Okay, you have. I heard that speech you made. It was fabulous. I especially like the part about my butt.
Reva: Oh.
Paul: What do you say? You want to show the world the rest of what you've got?
Reva: Now what do you mean?
Paul: Do you want to dance?
Reva: What? ( Laughter )
Jonathan: Yeah.
Reva: I don't know.
Jonathan: Come on. Let's go and get your groove back. You show them. Looking good, reva?
Paul: Reva. That's your name? It's nice to meet you.
Reva: It's nice to meet you, too.
Edmund: I really need to speak with her. If you hear-- just a second, sweetheart. That's my other line. I'll get back to you. Cassie?
Nurse joyce: This is joyce at riversville fertility clinic. We're waiting for you so we could begin the embryo transfer.
Edmund: Yes, I know. I'm sorry. My wife is--
Nurse joyce: Your wife is here, mr. Winslow. She asked that I call you.
Edmund: She's there? She's ready to go through with the procedure?
Nurse joyce: She is.
Edmund: All right. ( Laughs ) tell her I'm on my way. Tell cassie I'm on my way. Bye.
Buzz: What is that I see on your face? Would that be a smile?
Harley: Maybe. ( Laughs )
Buzz: You haven't had one of those since I don't remember. I take it the strategy session went well.
Harley: It was fun. I had a good time.
Buzz: Mm-hmm.
Harley: No, that's not true. I had a great time. I had a great time.
Buzz: Who would have thought that?
Harley: You.
Buzz: You're right. I would. I'm an optimist. I believe in hope. Sign it. Sign it. Put it in writing that you're going to be here in a month. That's you're going to be here forever. Have faith and faith will be given unto you. Do it.
Harley: Done.
Buzz: Hallelujah. I think we have a believer.
Harley: I have to believe i will have a life.
Buzz: Yes!
Harley: I have to believe that I will be a mother to my children. Maybe gus'S. I don't know what the future will hold? But I have to believe I'll have a life, right? ( Laughs )
Olivia: Oh, god. Oh, god. I'm sorry, harley. But it's every man for himself.
Reva: Oh. What did you say your name was again?
( Laughter ) what? What's so funny?
Paul: You just made a toast to me.
Reva: Oh, that's right. What's your name? ( Laughs )
Paul: Just dance with me.
Reva: No.
Jonathan: Oh, come on, mom, don't be a coward. It doesn't mean you have to sleep with the guy.
Reva: Hey.
Jonathan: I'm just saying. Go have some fun, okay?
Reva: Okay, but watch my drink. And if he starts trying to sell me insurance, pull me out.
Jonathan: Okay.
Reva: Okay. I'm going to dance. Whew! I'm back. ( Laughter )
Jonathan: Don't stay up too late, mom.
I said are you going to be my girl...
Edmund: Oh, nurse, nurse, nurse. Have you seen my wife cassie winslow? Oh, thank you. Thank you. A thousand times thank you. Oh, are we within...
Nurse joyce: You're within the window, mr. Winslow. Everything is fine.
Edmund: Thank you. I love you. All right. All right. We're going to do this. We're going to do this. Who is the luckiest man in the--
Cassie: Hi. Can I get a red wine, please?
Waiter: Sure. Coming up.
Mc: Ladies and gentleman. J. Farley's is proud to present some terrific local talent here tonight. Give it up for stakeout! ( Applause )
Cassie: Great. Loud live bad music.
You seduced me in your haze and you blind me with your beautiful gaze and now you're talking but i just can't hear because the room starts spinning when you get near to me baby don't treat me bad because maybe this is the best that you'll ever have so don't say something that you don't mean now don't do nothing if you're going to back down don't give me loving...
Dinah: I've been waiting for you.
Next on "guiding light"...
Edmund: So I'm suppose to believe you're just going to carry this child and give it over to me and cassie when it's born.
Dinah: It'll be my gift to you.
Edmund: You're even sicker than I thought.
Cassie: You're the one that kept pushing me and edmund together.
Jeffrey: Away.
Cassie: What?
Jeffrey: I was pushing you away, cassie. Away from me.
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