Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/8/05
By Boo
Alexandra: Oh.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, it's only you. I was half expecting olivia to be sitting here smoking a cigar and flicking ashes all over the family portraits.
Alan: You know, you would be surprised at what you can get that woman to do with a little incentive. She sold us 50% of lewis construction building. She's on her way over here right now with the papers.
Alexandra: She sold out her own husband's company?
Alan: Without blinking an eye. And that's just the beginning of what she will do to stay in this company.
Olivia: You're going by lewis?
Bill: Yeah. Problem with that? I thought we were all getting along.
Olivia: Sure. Yeah, I mean, we're one big, happy family, aren't we?
Bill: What about you and alan?
Olivia: Well, what about me and alan?
Bill: Seems to me that he's trusting you a lot more these days. I'm just curious on how that came about. Can I get a scotch, please?
Olivia: Well, you know me. I just turn on the charm, don't I?
Bill: Yeah, I know you. So I know that's not the whole story.
Holly: ( Gasps ) oh, ross.
Ross: Sorry. ( Laughs ) I didn't mean to startle you. Well, are you meeting someone?
Holly: Yes.
Ross: Oh. Anybody I know?
Holly: Well...
Ross: Let me guess. My brother-in-law, sebastian. Bad idea, holly. Bad idea. ( Knocking at the door )
Dinah: Come on. Be home.
Blake: Dinah, look, you know, your father's not here.
Dinah: I came to see you. Can I come in? Look, I'm not packing. You can frisk me if you'd like.
Blake: Oh, no thank you. What do you want?
Dinah: I need your help.
Blake: About?
Dinah: I want to be lovable. And only someone as hateful as you can show me how.
Edmund: Hey. We have to get over to that clinic. We can't be late for the transfer. I'm sorry you didn't get to see reva, but you can always give her a call when you get back.
Rj: Mommy!
Cassie: Edmund winslow
assaulted mr. O'neill in the
winslow barn, which imperiled
the lives of cassie winslow and
her minor son, roger joshua. I'm sorry I didn't get to see reva either. There's something we need to do before we try to make this baby. I love you so much, and there's nothing, absolutely nothing that you can't tell me. In fact, I can't move on until you do.
Edmund: I'm not quite sure what you want me to tell you.
Cassie: We have had a lot to overcome this year: Jonathan, dinah, the fire in the barn. You know, sometimes you think things are over, and that they're forgotten, and then they kind of come up again. Nothing's really resolved, edmund, until you get it completely out in the open.
Edmund: Well, I couldn't agree with you more.
Cassie: Edmund, please. Be honest with me, because without that total trust, edmund...
Edmund: Oh, cassie.
Cassie: I want a baby, edmund, and I want a baby with you. And I haven't been able to think about anything else since then.
Edmund: I think I know what this is about.
Cassie: You do?
Edmund: Yes. And you're right. There's something... there's something I have to tell you.
Olivia: Really? You're going to accuse me of keeping secrets?
Bill: Olivia, your life is a secret. Look, you're just never around anymore. That's what this is about.
Olivia: I just... this will go on until I can go ceo. I promise.
Bill: Oh, is that right?
Olivia: I promise. Why don't I come home early tonight, and we'll just... we'll put in a french flick, just... i don't know, drink some wine.
Bill: Sounds very romantic? But what about all the stuff that people are saying about sebastian? What if it's true?
Olivia: I have no doubt.
Bill: Why? Has he threatened you?
Olivia: No, he hasn't threatened me.
Bill: Are you sure?
Olivia: He's been very pleasant. Yeah.
Bill: Pleasant? Really? Because does your husband need to go down there and rough him up a bit?
Olivia: No.
Bill: Because he will. You know I can do that.
Olivia: I can handle him. I can.
Bill: All right.
Olivia: I can. Just keep your sword on the ready, lancelot.
Bill: My goodness, I...
Olivia: I'm fine. It's all going to be fine, okay? I'll be home soon.
Bill: Careful out there.
Michelle: You look like you lost your best friend.
Bill: Well, that's a funny thing. I lost her a long time ago.
Michelle: Yeah, I guess that's true.
Bill: But is she free to join me now?
Blake: All right, you call me hateful, and then what, I'm suppose to step up and become your life coach?
Dinah: Now how do you do it? I see the way you treat people. I see the way that you stomp on people, and yet you are still the first lady of springfield.
Blake: Okay, is this about the intervention?
Dinah: Partially.
Blake: Nobody said that you weren't loved, dinah.
Dinah: Am I?
Blake: Oh, god, why me? Okay, what? Where is this coming from, dinah?
Dinah: Well, someone mentioned that I am unlovable.
Blake: And?
Dinah: And you are the only person beside myself who has hurt as many people as I have, and every time you get away with it. Every time.
Blake: ( Laughs ) that is so untrue.
Dinah: Blake, look, I... I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to find someone to love me no matter what I do. So what is it about me? What's wrong with me?
Rj: Aunt blake? I think I broke something.
Dinah: Oh. Hey, buddy, what are you doing here? Good to see you.
Blake: I'm taking care of him for cassie, and this looks like it's clarissa'S. This is her new one, isn't it? Hm.
Dinah: I'll fix it.
Blake: That's okay.
Dinah: I actually think dolls look better with their heads off. There. See? You just do this, you do that, you're ready to rock and roll, buddy.
Rj: Thanks.
Dinah: Sure. Anything else I can do to help you?
Blake: You can say good-bye, okay? Because I was supposed to bring him home about 15 minutes ago.
Dinah: Well, where's his mom? Is cassie in some kind of t-r-o-u-b-l-e?
Blake: No. No. Cassie is g-r-e-a-T.
Rj: That won't work. I won my class spelling bee.
Blake: Oh, yeah. I guess so. Okay, well... ( laughs ) we're gone, then. Bye.
Dinah: See you, rj. Hey, buddy? I miss those talks we used to have.
Rj: Me, too.
Dinah: Okay.
Rj: Bye.
Dinah: Bye.
Blake: Listen, I'm only telling you this because it's only going to help all of us if you do get your life together. Dinah, it's going to take a lot of work. It's not going to happen overnight. And you're going to have to do a lot of soul-searching-- I mean, real soul-searching, probably a miracle. And maybe-- maybe-- you'll get your life together.
Dinah: The encouragement is almost overwhelming.
Blake: Yeah. Feel free to stick around. Ross is going to be here in a minute.
Dinah: Oh. I'm lovable. I am. I'm lovable. Hi. It's me. I need you. I need you right now.
Ross: Holly, you're a grown woman. I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do, but be careful.
Sebastian: Hello, holly. And how's my favorite brother- in-law?
Ross: I'm fine, sebastian. Thank you. I will leave you two alone.
Sebastian: I'm getting the impression ross doesn't really like me.
Holly: You think?
Sebastian: I'm going to have to work on that, for chrissie's sake. You look lovely. And I am ravished. My appetite has been off the charts lately. What? Anything wrong?
Holly: No. Just sitting with you in a restaurant is surreal.
Sebastian: Yeah. Yeah, it is. But you know what? It's exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be able to sit across the table from you, holly, and have a normal meal, ever since I laid eyes on you. And now look at us. Here we are. I'm a happy man.
Edmund: I should have told you, cassie. I knew it would come out sooner or later. How did you find out?
Cassie: What does it matter, edmund? What possessed you? How could you do this?
Edmund: Well, I was trying to protect you, cassie. People were trying to hurt us, trying to divide us.
Cassie: So your solution was just to eliminate them?
Edmund: Yes. I mean, I hope you're not asking me to apologize for that, because I won'T. I only did what any man who truly loved his wife would do.
Cassie: Love? It has nothing to do with love. God, edmund, I thought that... i hoped that there was some kind of a mistake here.
Edmund: Well, it was a bit controlling, perhaps, but the only mistake I made, if any, was not telling you I put a block on your phone.
Cassie: What?
Edmund: I put a block on your phone, cassie. I was worried about the stress, of what a call from reva or jonathan might do to your health, might do to our chances of conceiving a baby.
Cassie: Wait. Wait a minute. Wait. Are you trying to tell me that you're standing here apologizing for keeping me away from my family?
Edmund: Yes. I went downstairs. I told the front desk that... hey, little man! How have you...
Cassie: No! No! You stay with mommy, okay?
Olivia: So, you got what you want. Now let's talk about my position at spaulding.
Alan: We will. In time.
Olivia: In time?
Alan: You've had a very strong beginning, olivia, but i want more. Lots more.
Michelle: Thanks.
Bill: I missed you. I haven't had anyone to talk about stuff with, you know?
Michelle: What, are you having problems?
Bill: ( Sighs ) not really. It's just my wife, us. It's like she's so consumed with winning and power these days.
Michelle: And that stuff's not important to you?
Bill: I don't know. I grew up with it, so maybe i take it for granted, but I don't know. It just worries me sometimes because I'm not sure how far she'll go to get what she wants.
Michelle: Well, look, if she's smart, she's going to worry much more about keeping her hot husband than her fancy job.
Bill: Oh, my goodness.
Michelle: See, I can be a good friend, right?
Bill: Yeah, you still got it.
Michelle: Yeah, you know there was a time when I would worry about whether I'D... apple pie.
Bill: Uh, it's pecan. I just ordered it.
Michelle: No. No, no, no, no.
Apple pie. We were in an apple pie eating contest, right? When we were kids? In somebody's yard?
Bill: That was... yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was your yard. Actually, that was one of the bauer barbecues. You remember that?
Michelle: Well, yeah. Yeah. No, I mean I get little flashes, you know what I mean? Not a lot. Not much.
Bill: That's great.
Michelle: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Bill: It is great, isn't it?
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, it's great.
Bill: You don't like remembering this stuff, do you?
Holly: So, this is a trick.
Sebastian: A trick?
Holly: You meet me for dinner. You're all sweetness and light with your new hair and everything.
Sebastian: ( Chuckles )
Holly: No mention of me throwing you out the airplane. When I let my guard down, you lead me out here where we're all alone. We look down over the town and then you do it.
Sebastian: Do what, holly?
Holly: Push me over the edge.
Sebastian: ( Laughs ) okay. Okay, gosh, yeah. I guess I know where I stand.
Dinah: You came. I am so glad that you're here.
Corey: Dinah, um, when you called, I thought you were in trouble.
Dinah: I am. Tell me you want me.
Corey: I... I want you.
Dinah: Tell me you need me.
Corey: I... sure. Sure. Absolutely.
Dinah: Tell me what I really, really mean to you.
Corey: Okay. Um, you're a very special lady. With a body that would stop any anatomy student dead.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) oh, no, no, no, no. You can do better than that.
Corey: I love that gleam you get in your eye. Oh, and your neck. And your hair. I love your lips. I especially love your lips.
Dinah: But could you love me? I mean, could you really love me?
Blake: Is this a bad time?
Edmund: Well, I didn't think so.
Cassie: Blake, can you keep rj for a little while longer?
Blake: Sure. I mean... yeah. Is everything okay?
Cassie: Yeah, we just have a few more things to discuss.
Blake: Okay. Ross is downstairs. We can get something to eat.
Cassie: Is that okay with you, sweetie?
R.J.: Good.
Cassie: Yeah? Okay.
R.J.: Mommy!
Cassie: I love you.
Blake: Um, cassie? Do you need me to keep rj tonight?
Cassie: No. Uh-uh. That won't be necessary, thank you. Thanks.
Blake: Okay.
Edmund: Cassie?
Cassie: Don'T.
Edmund: Don't? What? What is going on, here?
Cassie: You know what's going on, edmund. And you've known, and still you stand here and you lie to me, even when rj is in the room with us.
Edmund: Cassie? Whatever it is...
Cassie: "Whatever it is." The fire, edmund. The fire. I know all about the fire!
Coming up on "guiding light"...
Olivia: Why don't you just pick a name out of a hat: Next victim.
Alan: Phillip is the victim. And you're one of the people who must pay, one way or the other.
Cassie: My god, knowing what I know, how can I bring an innocent child into this marriage?
Dinah: ( Laughs ) why don't you tell me that you love me and how much you care about me?
Corey: I guess I do. Sure.
Dinah: Can you see me marrying you and having your children?
Corey: My children? I didn't think you wanted that with me.
Dinah: Tell me I'm lovable.
Corey: Oh! Oh, you are definitely something, all right.
Dinah: Say it. Say you love me.
Corey: I do.
Dinah: You love me?
Corey: Oh, yeah.
Dinah: You do?
Corey: Yeah. Oh, yeah, I do. Oh, I definitely do. I can't get my shoe off.
Dinah: Say it again. Say it again!
Corey: Oh, I love you, dinah. God, how I love you.
Dinah: Again.
Corey: I love you. I love everything about you. I love you, dinah.
Dinah: I've waited so long to hear you say that, edmund.
Corey: Edmund? Dinah, who's edmund?
Edmund: The fire. My god. It was an accident. I never meant...
Cassie: An accident? You attacked jeffrey o'neill, edmund. You started a fire in a barn that almost killed my son and me. Rj almost died in the barn that night and you never even said a word.
Edmund: I never... I never meant... I never meant for...
Cassie: If it were an accident, then why did you keep this a secret from me? Why were you just lying?
Edmund: Cassie, I wanted to tell you. I did.
Cassie: But you didn't tell me, edmund. You didn't tell me. And you weren't going to tell me. Why did you go into the barn that night? What did you want to do?
Edmund: I... I wanted to...
Cassie: You wanted to kill jeffrey in a jealous rage?
Edmund: No. No, cassie. I wanted... I wanted to...
Cassie: You wanted to hurt him. I remember that night, edmund. I remember how you were when i came back from dc. You invited jeffrey to dinner that night. Was it some kind of a setup? Were you planning this all along?
Edmund: No. No, cassie. No.
Cassie: Okay, so what? Did you just freak out in the heat of the moment?
Edmund: Yes. No. God, I overreacted, cassie. I admit that.
Cassie: Overreacted?
Edmund: But...
Cassie: Edmund. What if dinah didn't show up to save rj?
Edmund: Oh, I don't want to think about that.
Cassie: Yeah, well, you know what? It's all I can think about. I trusted you. I trusted you with my children, I... with the child we want to have.
Edmund: Listen, cassie. Cassie, I never betrayed that trust. How can you even doubt that?
Cassie: I can't live like this. I can't live waiting for the next overreaction, edmund. My god, knowing what I know, how can I bring an innocent child into this marriage?
Holly: What are you doing?
Sebastian: Remember this? Remember?
Holly: Remember what?
Sebastian: Woo-hoo.
Holly: What are you doing up there?
Sebastian: Living life on the edge. The excitement. The rush. Dancing on the precipice of danger.
Holly: Hey, hey, hey.
Sebastian: Woo-hoo! We loved it, holly. We lived for it. But you know what? We don't need it anymore, because we made it. We made it all the way, holly. I have a job. You have yours back. I mean, reality. Are you kidding? This is it, baby. This is real. We're living in the real world now. Everything-- everything, holly-- turned out the way it was supposed to.
Bill: So, you're not thrilled with getting your memory back, are you?
Michelle: There are a lot of things that I would really like to remember, you know? Like my son.
Bill: Right, right.
Michelle: And the day he was born.
Bill: But what?
Michelle: You remember the day that you came to see me in the hospital the first time? And you said to me that danny and I would always end up together.
Bill: But where does tony fit in all this?
Michelle: Do you always finish my thoughts?
Bill: Sometimes I even put them in there.
Michelle: Yeah?
Bill: That's what I do.
Michelle: So, how come I... was I ever in love with you, or no?
Bill: Not at all, actually. But we did give it a try, so...
Michelle: Why?
Bill: Why? There was a time when I had feelings for you. I don't know. But maybe it would have been too easy.
Michelle: I think you might have been a good husband.
Bill: Well, now I'm not so sure, but anyway, I never had a chance with you. It was always about danny.
Michelle: Do you think that there are people in this world that are just meant to be together?
Bill: No. Nope, I think we find ourselves in these situations and if we try, we really try, just maybe it will all work out. But you've got to make choices. And you get to make a choice.
Olivia: What is it that i have that you could possibly want?
Alan: Have you heard about the new defense witness that's come forward?
Olivia: Yeah, this guy who says he saw phillip alive after harley left the restaurant.
Alan: Yes, that's the one. What do you think about the possibilities of the charges being dropped?
Olivia: If harley's innocent, then...
Alan: If she's innocent, she goes free. That would make things much worse.
Olivia: Alan, how does that make things worse?
Alan: My thirst for justice. If she's convicted, that's good, but if she is released, I have to figure out what to do with all this anger.
Olivia: You're threatening me.
Alexandra: Don't be silly. Alan doesn't threaten. He's only making you aware of what the stakes are. Aren't you, darling?
Alan: Precisely. And the stakes are very high, you see, because people must pay for what they did to phillip, especially if harley is released.
Olivia: Why don't you just pick a name out of a hat: Next victim.
Alan: Phillip is the victim. And you're one of the people who must pay, one way or the other.
Olivia: If you loved phillip as much as you say you did, you would leave me alone to raise his daughter and to devote myself to spaulding. Emma is thriving and so is this company.
Alan: Yes. You've done very well. As a matter of fact, sebastian is going to have to work very hard to compete with you. But I'm sure that he is up to the challenge. And he will remove anything that gets in his way.
Sebastian: Let's do this again. If you want to, I mean.
Holly: Really?
Sebastian: Yeah, why not? There's still... we still have a connection, holly, like it or not. We always will.
Blake: I saw you. I just wanted to say hi before you took off.
Sebastian: Hey, chrissie. How are you, sis? Good to see you. Rj.
Ross: Sebastian. Again. It's my lucky day.
Sebastian: No, it's my lucky day, ross. I was just telling holly how great it feels to be an ordinary guy.
Ross: Well, somehow I doubt that you will ever be ordinary, sebastian.
Sebastian: ( Laughs ) I'm going to take that as a compliment, mr. Mayor. And you know what? I've got a lot of work to do, i know, but maybe, like, with everyone's help-- especially my sister's, if she ever gets around to trusting me again-- i think I just might make it. Thanks for dinner. Good to see you, sis.
Blake: Mm-hmm.
Sebastian: Ross, rj. I'll be in touch.
Blake: What was that all about?
Holly: Oh, yeah. He claims that he had an epiphany around the near-death experience, and says that I have cured him, and now he wants to be "normal."
Blake: Well, maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Holly: Maybe things will get back to normal.
Dinah: Corey? Come back here. Look, edmund is a friend of mine. A very married friend of mine. Look, I had something on my mind that I forgot to tell him. Look, this is so silly. It's nothing. I promise. Come on. He's so married, it's pathetic.
Corey: Pathetic because you can't have him?
Dinah: What? ( Laughs ) you can't leave. You can't leave. We're not finished.
Corey: Maybe you're not, but I am.
Dinah: No, no, no.
Corey: I really did care for you, dinah. I thought we had something. But now I see I can never love you. Good-bye.
Dinah: No, no, no, no, no, no. You can'T. You can't just run away. You can't run away. I mean, come on, you said you loved me.
Corey: Not in this lifetime.
Dinah: Corey, come on. Damn it. No. Corey, you love me. And I know you do, and it's tearing you up inside, because i may want somebody else or I may love somebody else. And that scares you, and you're not man enough to admit it.
Corey: Good-bye.
Dinah: You love me! You love me! You said... you love me. ( Sighs )
Edmund: Cassie, please don't throw away our chance to have a child. Please just forgive me. Try to forgive me, the way I've forgiven you. Please.
Cassie: The way you've forgiven me?
Edmund: Yes. Cassie, what happened with jonathan the night before the wedding. You didn'T... you didn't tell me, but that didn't stop you from taking your vows. This doesn't have to stop us from having a child.
Cassie: How dare you compare this to that, edmund? I went after jonathan to help tammy and reva. You went after jeffrey because you were insanely jealous.
Edmund: Cassie, I was trying to protect you. I was trying to protect us. Yes, I went after jeffrey. Yes, a lantern fell and it started a fire. But when I realized what I was doing, I took the man out of there to safety. I did.
Cassie: After you whacked him upside the head.
Edmund: Cassie, it just went too far! God! Do I have a temper? Yes. I have a very, very bad temper, god help me. But cassie, please, I love you. I love you. That's the one thing that is absolute. That is the one thing that is unchanging. I love you, I love you and i love this family.
Cassie: I used to believe that.
Edmund: Used to? Cassie, I would do anything for you. I would do anything for you. Just give me the chance.
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know, edmund, this is so much like how you used to be.
Edmund: No, this is not at all the way I used to be. It's not. Let'S... let's talk about this later. After the transfer, okay?
Cassie: The transfer.
Edmund: The transfer. Come on, we can work this out. We will work this out. You still love me, don't you?
Cassie: Edmund, love doesn't just stop.
Edmund: No, it doesn'T. So, come with me to the clinic. Come on, cassie. A little baby. A little baby boy or girl. Don't give up on us now, please? I'm begging you.
Olivia: So, sebastian is your hired gun, and you have him aimed at me and my family.
Alan: Just do as I ask and everything will be just fine. We have no further business, olivia. Have a wonderful day.
Alexandra: Alan, what in the world are you up to?
Alan: A desperate woman can do just about anything. The trick is keeping her desperate.
Alexandra: For what?
Alan: Harley and olivia must burn for what they did to phillip. And with a little pushing, maybe they will.
Olivia: Hi. Yeah, jane, it's me. I just was calling to check in. How's emma? No, I'm good. Listen, do me a favor. Let me know if anybody calls, and if somebody knocks on the door, don't answer it, okay? Just do it, please. I'll see you at home.
Bill: So, what about this sebastian guy?
Michelle: He's a psycho.
Bill: Yeah, but he was sick, right?
Michelle: Yeah. Why are you so interested?
Bill: He's going to be working closely with my wife. I just want to know what I can look forward to.
Michelle: You're not jealous? I mean, I hope not. Because I don't even know why olivia would look at sebastian when she's got a guy like you.
Bill: There's that friend thing. No, I'm not jealous. I'm just a little concerned, that's all.
Michelle: Well, actually, you should be. But you can take him. I've got to go. I told robbie I would take him to the movies, you know?
Bill: Sure.
Michelle: So, thanks for hanging out with me. You know, I hope I get some more memories about you. You seem like you were a good friend.
Bill: It's good to have you back. Sebastian? I'm bill lewis.
Sebastian: Oh, hey. Olivia's husband, right?
Bill: That's me.
Sebastian: You've got to tell me, pal, what's that like? ( Chuckles )
Holly: Right now. Safe and sound. Back to normal.
Blake: So, your daughter came to visit me this evening.
Ross: Why would dinah come to see you?
Blake: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think she's trying to make a life for herself.
Ross: I know this is something for a father to say, but my daughter is difficult to love.
Edmund: Take my hand, cassie. Let'S... let's go to the clinic and have a baby, the way we planned. You won't be sorry. You won't be sorry. This baby's going to complete us. It's going to be the light at the end of the tunnel we've been traveling through for more than a year now, cassie. I love you. And you love me. We can work this out. The rest... the rest of it, we can just work out.
Cassie: I can'T. I love you. But I don't trust you. And I don't think I ever will again, edmund. I can't take that chance, with my kids, with my future. I want to, but I can'T.
Edmund: Cassie! Wait! ( Yelling ) ( furniture crashing )
Next, on "guiding light."
Josh: Did something happen with reva?
Jonathan: Not reva; cassie. She found out the truth about edmund, that he tried to play whack-a-mole with jeffrey's head and started that fire in the barn.
Josh: Couldn't keep your mouth shut, huh?
Reva: I am so sorry you had to find out about edmund the way you did.
Cassie: No, you're not. This is what you've wanted all along.
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