Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/4/05
By Boo
Coop: All right. Here you go, bud. I, unfortunately, have to get back to work right now, but...
Zach: No, don't leave.
Buzz: Got to get moving. I'm a little shorthanded.
Coop: Yeah. Look, tell you what. How about you draw me a picture of mommy? And I'll be right back with you, okay, bud?
Zach: Okay.
Coop: All right.
Buzz: For the love of god. He's already lost his dad. Now his mom.
Coop: Maybe the da will cut harley a break when she takes that plea deal today.
Buzz: Maybe.
Coop: Pops, when harley gets into court today, I mean, after she takes that plea, are they going to take her away right then?
Buzz: I don't know.
Coop: Hey, buddy. Oh, wow, look at that picture right there. That's so cool.
Zach: It's a house for me, mom and jude.
Coop: Can I see it?
This old house is falling down around my ears
I'm drowning in a river of my tears...
Rick: You did so good.
Mel: How good were those pancakes, jude?
Rick: Yes.
Mel: ( Laughs )
Rick: You did so good. You ate so good. Let me get this for you. There's nothing like chocolate chips in your breakfast, right?
Mel: Mmm, chocolate.
Rick: Mmm, yeah.
Mel: ( Laughs )
Rick: Hey, what do you say, we go to the playground for a little while?
Jude: Yeah!
Rick: Yeah! Does that sound good? Good.
Mel: Do we have time?
Rick: Well, we'll make time. We'll make time. Listen, mel and I have to be someplace in a little while. But what do you say we hit the swings first? Does that sound good?
Zach: Yeah.
Rick: I'll swing it really, really high. Oh, I love you. Let's go.
When all my will is gone you hold me sway
and I need you at the dimming of the day...
Marina: Thanks for breakfast.
Frank: Any time, sweetheart. Any time.
Marina: We're all going to get through this. And harley, too.
Frank: Yeah. You want to go, honey?
Marina: Okay.
A broken promise or a broken heart...
Frank> Hey. Come here.
Now all the bonny birds have wheeled away
and I need you at the dimming of the day.
Bill: Bourbon on the rocks, yeah. That will kick-start your day.
Dinah: Buy your own.
Bill: How about I buy you breakfast instead, huh?
Dinah: I get it. The intervention was a bust, so they send little brother to make sure big sister doesn't hurt herself. I'll take a rain check. Here's to me, the family failure.
Bill: Okay, dinah, you're my sister and I love you, but this whole self-pity thing, it's getting a little old. Come on.
Dinah: Now, come on. I mean, how would you feel? How would you feel if your whole being was centered on the one person you hated the most in the world? Hmm? That's what I learned last night from the family intervention: That I am nothing without cassie.
Jonathan: What's wrong with you this morning?
Reva: I have to make a phone call.
Jonathan: You want to use my cell phone?
Reva: No, no, that's okay. I won't be long.
Maitre d': Oh, mr. Randall, there's a delivery for mrs. Lewis. They'll need her signature.
Jonathan: I can take it. I'll sign. I'm her son.
Maitre d': Okay.
Jonathan: Thanks. Office of the district attorney? What do we have here?
Reva: Hey, give me that.
Jonathan: Hey, what do we have here, mom? Are you pressing charges against uncle eddie for hitting jeffrey o'neill with a shovel and setting fire to the barn? Good job. Save cassie before it's too late.
Cassie: That's beautiful.
Edmund: I have another surprise for you. I spoke to the clinic.
Cassie: And?
Edmund: And the embryos are progressing beautifully. Two of them are ready to go.
Cassie: Okay, meaning?
Edmund: Meaning they're ready to be implanted.
Cassie: When?
Edmund: Well, you, my dear, are scheduled for this afternoon.
Cassie: Oh. Edmund. This is really happening, huh?
Edmund: It's really happening. We are one step closer to our dream.
Cassie: Oh, gosh, I just can't wait to tell tammy and reva. Can you please talk to the operator about getting the phone fixed? It's still not working.
Edmund: Really?
Cassie: Yes, yes. Try it for yourself.
Edmund: Well, I ran into tammy earlier, and I told her. She's very excited.
Cassie: Well, why didn't you bring her back here?
Edmund: Well, I wanted to, cassie. I wanted to, but I thought you'd be sleeping. I know you haven't been feeling very well.
Cassie: Okay, okay, but i want to tell reva. Okay? I really want to tell her. And I feel so isolated here. I can't call out, I can't check on the boys. And we're so happy. I just want to... I just want to tell everybody.
Edmund: And we will, cassie. We will soon. Just not today. Is it terribly selfish of me to want to keep you all to myself? At least now. We're starting out on this amazing, amazing experience together.
Cassie: I love you.
Edmund: I love you, cassie. You are my life. And I want you to always know that.
This old house is falling down around my ears
I'm drowning in a river of my tears
when all my will is gone you hold me sway
and I need you at the dimming of the day
you pulled me like the moon pulls on the tide
you know just where I keep my better side...
this old house is falling down around my ears
I'm drowning in a river of my tears
when all my will is gone you hold me sway
and I need you at the dimming of the day.
Harley: I miss you already.
Come the night you're only what I want
come the night you could be my confidant...
Harley: "Dear gus, there isn't any good way to do this, and now there isn't much time. I'm on my way to the courthouse to finalize the plea deal with the judge. O'neill says they won't sentence me today. I guess that happens in a separate hearing. But we know it's coming. Ten years. A lifetime. I don't want you to put your life on hold for ten years or ten months. I know you're going to want to stick close and help my kids through this, but don'T. Don't do it. It's time for you to start over. Make a new life for yourself. That's what I want you to do."
Gus: You taking the coward's way out? Genital herpes can be a hassle.
Jonathan: I'm really proud of you, mom.
Reva: Give me the papers.
Jonathan: I gave you the ammo to get this deed done. Now, how soon until the da throws the book at edmund?
Reva: I don't even know if I'm going to press charges against him, okay? I was going to use the papers to get him to take me to cassie. But now I just need to think.
Jonathan: Don't think. Use those instincts of yours. Come on.
Reva: I need to think about what's best for cassie.
Jonathan: What's best for cassie is to have edmund locked up before she has a baby with that psychopath.
Reva: I don't want to talk about this with you. Give me the papers. I have to get to the court.
Jonathan: Okay. If you want to play russian roulette with your sister's life.
Reva: Just give me the papers now.
Jonathan: All right, all right. All yours.
Reva: I know you think I'm a chicken. I know you do. But I can't use my instincts right now because there's too much at stake.
Jonathan: I get it. I don't agree with it, but I get it. Breakfast is on me.
Reva: Oh, gosh. Thank you. See you later.
Jonathan: Well, I'm going to miss that sports section, mom, but I guess it's for a good cause.
Dinah: All right, bartender, keep them coming. You give my little brother anything he wants, okay?
Bill: I'm good. Thanks.
Dinah: You are good, bill. You are good. You and my good and loving family really put the black sheep in her place, didn't you?
Bill: Come on, dinah, we were just trying to help. That was the whole point.
Dinah: No.
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: No, no. See, it was about cassie. About protecting the princess is what last night was about.
Bill: See, that's not true. That was not the point...
Dinah: Do you know how sick and twisted I am? I'd just like to explain it to you. I have played princess cassie for so long that I actually started to believe I was her. That everything she had should be mine. And at the same time, I hated her for taking everything, everything that should be mine in my dream. So being her and hating her is what my life has become. That's who I am. And I didn't see that until last night. And I am nothing without cassie.
Bill: Stop it. Listen to me. Listen to me. That's the whiskey talking. That is not you.
Dinah: No. It is.
Bill: Yes, it is.
Dinah: Bill, I saw it in your eyes and I saw it in daddy's eyes when you guys did not care, you were very excited to pack me off to italy, so you could keep me away from cassie and she could go on with her life.
Bill: You know what? This is what it's all about. It's you getting a fresh start. That's what you need. That's all you need, dinah.
Dinah: She has everything that I have ever wanted, and i have needed that to stay alive.
Bill: Listen, I have to go. But I'll drop you off somewhere on my way to the courthouse.
Dinah: Bill, I'm not going with you.
Bill: Dinah, come on. What are you going to do? Sit here?
Dinah: Bill, I want you, please... to forget that I'm your sister, and I'm going to do my damnedest to forget you all. I mean it.
Bill: I have to go to the court, all right? But I'm going to call you later. Okay?
Dinah: To family.
Edmund: Anything I can get for you while I'm downstairs checking on the phone?
Cassie: Well, how about breakfast? I'm starving.
Edmund: Your wish is my command. ( Phone rings )
Cassie: I didn't know you had your cell phone on you.
Edmund: Well, it's in case the clinic needs to reach us.
Cassie: I could have called reva.
Edmund: Yes, hello? I asked not to be disturbed. Oh, right, is he? Oh, good, good. Right, thank you. Tell him I'll be there. Appreciate it.
Cassie: What's up?
Edmund: A meeting with a japanese diplomat down in the hotel restaurant.
Cassie: Well, so much for breakfast, huh?
Edmund: No, it won't take long at all. I'll have the restaurant send something up for you to eat.
Cassie: And you could leave your cell phone so I can call reva.
Edmund: Well, I wish I could, but I have to use this to get back in touch with the consulate. Don't worry, I'll have the hotel phones up and running in no time, okay? Go back to bed and let me take care of everything else. I love you.
Cassie: ( Sighs )
Coop: Is that mommy right there in the middle?
Zach: Yep.
Coop: Yeah.
Zach: And me and jude have our arms around her.
Coop: I see that.
Zach: And we're never letting go.
Buzz: That's for sure.
Marina: Who's over there? Who's over here?
Jude: We went to the park.
Zach: Cool.
Coop: Oh, very cool. Well, jude, take a look at this. Look what zach drew.
Frank: Where's harley?
Buzz: She made breakfast for zach, and she took off.
Mel: We'd better get over to the courthouse.
Marina: Hey, what you got there, buddy?
Zach: A picture of me, mom, and jude.
Buzz: It's harley with her family all around her.
Cop: Chief cooper, sorry to interrupt.
Frank: Okay, earl, this is not a good time.
Cop: Sorry. There's a situation down on fifth street. I think you should be there.
Frank: Okay, I'm going to the court. So you're going to have to handle it.
Cop: This won't take long. It's very important.
Frank: It better be. All right, I'll meet you outside. You guys, listen, something just come up. So I'm going to have to meet you at the courthouse, all right? I'm sorry.
Coop: All right.
Buzz: We'd better be going.
Coop: Dad, come on. This is all wrong. This shouldn't even be happening right now.
Buzz: It's the way she wants it.
Marina: I hate this. I feel like she's just giving up.
Buzz: Damn it! She wants to protect the rest of us. Let's not make it harder than it is for her, okay?
Marina: Okay. Okay, of course.
Coop: Dad, I'm sorry. I mean, I didn't mean to...
Gus: Oh, so this is nice. This is like a "dear john" letter. You're going to kiss me off with a letter?
Harley: I couldn't figure out any other way to do this.
Gus: You make the decision without me, you don't even consult me, and this is what you want to do?
Harley: Well, you said you weren't going to be in court today. So...
Gus: Yeah, I'm not going to court. I'm not going to stand there and watch you throw your life away.
Harley: That's fine, but I'm still going through with this. Ten years. Ten. I mean, even with time off with good behavior, that's a really long time. So my life will be in the state pen and yours will be here. That's the reality.
Gus: I don't really have a reality without you in my life, okay? So if they send you to vailsburg, I'll just buy the house next door to prison.
Harley: No.
Gus: If they send you out of state, I'll just... I'll hit the road. I'll be the first one in, the last one out every single visiting day. You can count on it.
Harley: That is not...
Gus: In fact, I'll get a job. I'll get a job...
Harley: ...A life for you. You deserve more than that, gus.
Gus: I'm not walking out of your life.
Harley: Well, you have to! Okay? You have to. Because I can't live with anything else. None of this is the way it's supposed to be, okay? None of this is the way I wanted it. Starting with phillip. But he's dead, okay? And now we are, too. And I've got to go.
Gus: Wait a second. Just wait a second.
Harley: You know what? I don't want to be late for court. And this is the part you said you couldn't watch. So don'T.
Edmund: William? William?
Maitre d': Yes?
Edmund: I'm supposed to meet a mr. Ino here. He called. Have you seen him yet?
Maitre d': No, mr. Winslow. No one by that name.
Edmund: Hmm. He must be making other calls. All right, I'll wait, but I'd like to order some breakfast and send it up to my wife in suite 3120.
Maitre d': There you go.
Edmund: Thank you very much.
Jonathan: 3120, huh?
Cop #1: We caught this guy red-handed. B & E. He would have cleaned the place out.
Frank: All right. Well, good for you. Why bring me in? Just take him downtown and book him.
Cop #2: He wants to make a deal. Says he knows something.
Frank: Look, smith, I know you're new on the force here, but you know the routine. You book him, you take his statement, then you talk deals later.
Webster: Hey, chief.
Frank: Excuse me. Did you read him his rights?
Cop #2: Yes, sir.
Webster: You don't want to play this one by the book.
Frank: Just take him downtown. I'm due in court.
Webster: Your old man's buzz cooper, right?
Frank: What's it to you?
Webster: He owns that restaurant where that guy got whacked.
Frank: So?
Webster: What if I told you i was there the night of the shooting and that I saw things?
Reva: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Oh, hi, reva.
Reva: Hey.
Jeffrey: Did you get those papers I sent you?
Reva: Yes, I got them. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet or decide what I'm going to do about them.
Jeffrey: Please, take your time before you file them, because once you do, it could change a lot of lives.
Reva: It could also keep cassie from being hurt by edmund. Neither one of us wants that, right?
Jeffrey: I'll see you inside.
Gus: Hi.
Harley: I thought you weren't coming.
Gus: Let's just see this thing through.
Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session. The honorable judge joan ellis presiding.
Judge ellis: Mr. O'neill, mr. Aitoro, are you ready to proceed?
Jeffrey: I am, your honor.
Gus: The defense is ready.
Judge ellis: Ms. Cooper? I understand you've reached an agreement for a plea bargain.
Harley: That's right, your honor. I'm ready to take the deal.
Coming up on "guiding
Cassie: "I need to see you. Please come to the beacon. It's important. Reva."
Judge ellis: In the matter of the unlawful death of phillip spaulding, the charge being manslaughter in the first degree, how do you plead? oprah: Soap star shemar moore and
Reva: Well, you know, maybe we should get a private investigator. Because I'm scared to death about cassie and what edmund might do to her. All right, all right. I won't do anything until we talk. I'll call you after the hearing's over.
Bill: What's up? Everything okay?
Reva: It will be.
Bill: I think they started. We'd better get in there.
Jeffrey: I have the state's copy of the plea agreement right here, your honor.
Judge ellis: Thank you. You've read this agreement and understand what it means?
Harley: Yes, I have.
Judge ellis: I see you've signed it.
Harley: Yes.
Judge ellis: On advice of counsel?
Harley: No, your honor. The district attorney and I met privately.
Judge ellis: Ms. Cooper, were you coerced into signing this in any way?
Harley: No, it was my decision.
Judge ellis: Everything appears to be in order. We're ready to proceed. Ms. Cooper, are you prepared to finalize this plea today? Ms. Cooper, do you understand my question?
Harley: Yes. Your honor, is it possible to hold this hearing privately? I mean, not in the courtroom?
Judge ellis: Is there a problem?
Harley: No. I'm ready to proceed.
Judge ellis: Harley cooper, you have been accused of the murder of mr. Phillip spaulding. The legal document you presented to the court today states that you wish to change your plea from "not guilty" to "guilty." Are you now prepared to do that?
Edmund: This is ridiculous. I'm not going to wait any longer.
Dinah: Princess cassie. Say it.
Bartender: Whatever your name is, that's your last drink.
Dinah: What are you talking about, my last drink?
Bartender: Lady, go home.
Edmund: Is there a problem here?
Dinah: Hi. Yes. He will not serve me. He's refusing to serve me.
Edmund: It's all right. I'll take care of this, thank you.
Dinah: Well, I hope you're buying.
Edmund: Dinah, why are you stalking me?
Dinah: Stalking you? ( Laughs ) okay, so obviously I am not the only one that is hitting the bourbon so early in the morning.
Edmund: No, you set up a meeting between me and a japanese diplomat.
Dinah: Oh, no. No, no, no. Pinky swear, no.
Edmund: Really?
Dinah: Yeah.
Edmund: My mistake? Should I just throw you back to the wolves?
Dinah: Well, don't you want to hear my tale of woe?
Edmund: Dinah, I don't have time to hear it right now.
Dinah: Oh, okay. Well, just kick me to the curb, like everybody else has. It's cool.
Edmund: Look, dinah, I've been where you are, wanting to live someone else's life, willing to do just about anything to have it. It's no good. It doesn't work. My obsession for my brother richard cost me everything i cared about. I hate to see you make the same mistake.
Dinah: My whole life's been a mistake, eddie.
Edmund: It's not a mistake, dinah. Take it from someone who's been there. Your life hasn't even begun yet. ( Telephone rings )
Cassie: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes. Hello, reva. No, mr. Winslow is not here. Yes, I can take a message. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yes. I'll let him know. So I take it the phones are working okay now. Yes, we've had a problem with them. I haven't been able to call out since we checked in. Well, no. It should only be restricted to incoming calls, but outgoing should be fine. What? Mr. Winslow completely shut down the phones? No. Uh-uh, that's wrong. ( Knock on door ) look, can you please call me back in a few minutes, because we're going to have to take care of this, but I have someone at the door. Thank you. Bye. Coming!
Maitre d': Mr. Winslow asked me to deliver this personally.
Cassie: Oh. Great. Come on in.
Maitre d': Okay.
Cassie: So, should I sign something? Anything?
Maitre d': It's all taken care of, ma'am. Enjoy.
Cassie: Thank you. ( Sighs ) he's so sweet. "I need to see you. Please come to the beacon. It's important. Reva."
Dinah: I thought you were in a hurry.
Edmund: I am. I am, but today is a big day for me, dinah, and there are a few things I want to take care of while I still have the chance.
Dinah: You mean me?
Edmund: Yeah. Look, we both know what it's like to be the outsider, to watch other people living our dreams. I just want you to know that I'm living proof that you can change all that.
Dinah: Are you?
Edmund: Yeah. You can have it all, dinah. You can have love, you can have family, you can have everything.
Dinah: The impossible dream, right?
Edmund: Not impossible if you want to fight for it.
Dinah: The way you fought for... I don't know, eliminating the competition?
Edmund: No one was eliminated, dinah, and I'll protect what I have with everything I have if someone tries to take my dream away from me. I just want you to have your dream, too, to be as happy as i am.
Dinah: I'm glad you said that. I really am, because after everything that's happened, i just... I thought maybe you hated me.
Edmund: Hate you? Dinah, I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you. We're too much alike. No. No. I feel sorry for you.
Cassie: Okay, she's not here? ( Sighs )
Judge ellis: Ms. Cooper, do you have your signed copy of the plea agreement? ( Cell phone ringing )
Reva: Oh.
Judge ellis: Cell phones are not allowed in court!
Reva: I am so sorry, your honor. Joshua, did you find cassie? Oh, sorry. I thought you were my husband. No, I said I'd be in later today. I will be back at the studio as soon as this hearing is over. What? No, I don't think ms. Cooper would be interested in doing an on-camera interview.
Judge ellis: Any other cell phones, beepers, turn them off now, please.
Marina: I thought dadould be here by now.
Buzz: I thought so, too.
Judge ellis: Ms. Cooper? Your copy of the agreement?
Harley: Yes. Your honor, I have that right here.
Gus: It's not too late to change your mind.
Harley: I have to do this.
Judge ellis: Is there a problem?
Harley: No, no problem. Thank you.
Judge ellis: Thank you. Everything appears to be in order. Harley cooper, in the matter of the unlawful death of phillip spaulding, the charge being manslaughter in the first degree, how do you plead, guilty or not guilty?
Frank: Wait, your honor.
Judge ellis: What is this about, chief cooper?
Frank: It's about keeping harley cooper from making the biggest mistake of her life.
Dinah: I should kick you in your face.
Edmund: Dinah. Dinah, really, you can change. I did.
Dinah: That's what they all say.
Edmund: No. I'm a different person now. I am.
Dinah: Since when, eddie? Since the fire? Since the barn?
Edmund: Dinah, since my marriage to cassie. You hear the woman you love say she wants to spend the rest of her life with you and have your child, it changes you.
Dinah: Like the impossible dream.
Edmund: You can have it, dinah. You can change. You just have to let go of the past.
Dinah: Why don't you take your perfect life and leave me alone?
Edmund: All right. Just please think about what i said, all right?
Dinah: I'll be sure to write it in my diary tonight. Now leave me alone.
Jonathan: Uncle eddie... ( hiccups ) ...strikes again.
Dinah: Shut up.
Jonathan: Drink up. That a girl.
Dinah: Life sucks very bad right now.
Jonathan: Oh, poor dinah. Hey, didn't you ever hear that it's always darkest before the dawn?
Dinah: What are you talking about?
Jonathan: It's the truth. You're going to love this. Come on.
Edmund: Cassie! I'm sorry it took me so long, i was... darling, are you in there? ( Knocks on door ) cassie.
Reva: Uh-huh. Wait, wait. Hold on a minute. Let me get that down. Okay. I will call as soon as I leave the courthouse. Great. See you later. I don't believe it. ( Cell phone rings )
Cassie: All right, reva.
Jeffrey: Your honor.
Judge ellis: ( Bangs gavel ) quiet, or I'll have everyone removed.
Jeffrey: Chief cooper has no right barging into the courtroom like this.
Judge ellis: I'll decide that. ( Men arguing ) enough. Start talking and make it good.
Frank: Your honor, I have new evidence in this case. We just made an arrest and the accused is in custody. He just gave us a statement regarding the night that phillip spaulding was shot.
Jeffrey: Your honor, this is an obvious attempt on the part of the defendant's brother to stall the proceedings.
Frank: My prisoner was at the scene of the shooting and he can testify to the fact that when harley left the scene, not only was phillip spaulding alive... ( spectators clamoring ) ...he wasn't even shot yet.
Judge ellis: Order. ( Banging gavel ) quiet.
Next, on "guiding light"...
Cassie: "Edmund winslow assaulted mr. O'neill in the winslow barn, which imperiled the lives of cassie winslow and her minor son, roger joshua?"
Dinah: How right were you faxing those papers to the hotel was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.
Jonathan: Bye-bye, edmund.
Alan: This is the last-ditch ploy by the cooper family to help the defendant get away with murder.
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