GL Transcript Thursday 3/3/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/3/05



By Boo

Gus: There's something i should know? What's that? How to suck it up even though I'm losing everything that i ever cared about. But that's what spauldings do?

Alan: That's not what I'm going to tell you.

Gus: No. You were going to point out to me that I have failed this great family of ours? Or you want to remind me that the woman I love has admitted to killing your number one son. Is that it?

Alan: Tell the truth.

You still aren't certain you

killed my son.

Harley: No, I'm not.

Gus: So what is it you want me to know? How I have failed you personally; more than any other spaulding ever has. You know, I actually started to believe that if I could clear harley, I would be making up for the biggest mistake of my life-- for protecting you and alexandra and this entire family. And I would save us, harley and me. I would save our relationship.

Alan: And now?

Gus: And now... and now she's taking a deal from the da and she's going to prison and there's nothing I could do about it.

Alan: Something I could do about it, do you think?

Gus: Oh, I don't know. Isn't that what father's do? I'm in trouble. Fathers are suppose to come in and swoop in and help out when things get rough. Isn't that right? Am I crazy for saying this?

Alan: No.

Bill: Hey.

Olivia: Everything okay?

Bill: Harley's taking the deal from o'neill.

Olivia: You're kidding? You're changing your plea? I'm sorry.

Harley: Yeah, me too. But I think it's for the best, you know. I should go. ( Laughs nervously )

Bill: Hey, hey, hey, don't leave.

Harley: No, I'm sure that you guys have lots of stuff you have to talk about. But thank you again. You are such a great friend. I almost fainted when he told me about the house. ( Laughs )

Olivia: The house?

Bill: He's offered to pick up where gus left off and rebuild my house. I mean that's incredible. I have no words for that. You must have felt the same way when he told you.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, it definitely came as a surprise.

Reva: Check again. Maybe she registered under an alias.

Clerk: In her own hotel?

Sandy: Yeah, that wouldn't make much sense.

Reva: Tammy. Any news?

Tammy: No. She didn't leave a message or a note. Nothing.

Sandy: Very, very weird.

Tammy: I don't get this. Why would she just disappear from the fertility clinic?

Reva: She didn't just disappear. She had help.

Cassie: Edmund?

Edmund: Right here. How are you feeling?

Cassie: Where am I? What's going on?

Edmund: In a suite in towers. I brought you here after i checked you out of the clinic.

Cassie: But this isn't your suite.

Edmund: Well, my suite is being repainted.

Cassie: I'm still kind of out of it.

Edmund: It's okay. Get some rest. The doctor said you're going to be tired and sore for a little while. So the bed is the best place to stay. I'm just going to run out and get some things for you and make it more comfortable, okay.

Cassie: Edmund, the reaction after... I mean did it effect everything?

Edmund: No, no, cassie. Cassie, the retrieval went perfectly. It went perfectly. We're just going to wait and see how many of the eggs fertilize and then how soon they can plant them.

Cassie: It's happening so fast.

Edmund: It's amazing, isn't it? You know if all goes well, cassie, before we know it we're going to have a family of our own. I'm going to make sure nothing, nothing at all disturbs you. I love you. Nothing, and no one.

Tammy: Are you saying my mom was kidnapped?

Reva: Not exactly. But close enough.

Sandy: Who was the help?

Reva: Edmund. That would explain why there weren't any notes or message. Still no answer.

Tammy: Why would he just drag her off and try to keep her from her own family?

Reva: Sweetie, I don't know. It wouldn't be like the first time it happened.

Tammy: Are you talking about san cristabal? The tower? That's crazy.

Reva: I know you don't want to believe it, but it just feels all too familiar.

Tammy: Why would he need to do something like that? Does this has something to do with what jonathan did the night before the wedding?

Sandy: Jonathan?

Reva: Tammy, all you need to know is that what's happening right now has nothing to do with you. It's about me.

Tammy: Why? What is going on? ( Cell phone rings )

Reva: You know what? This could be news. Hello?

Sandy: Hey, are you okay?

Tammy: Of course I'm not okay. My mom's missing and my aunt thinks it's one notch away from alien abduction.

Sandy: Is that all of it? You were saying something about your mom and jonathan.

Tammy: Sandy, my mom tried to get jonathan to...

Reva: Going to have to take care of it. Okay.

Tammy: Oh, where is mom?

Edmund: She's fine. She's safe. And I'm not going to tell any of you where she is.

Harley: You are the best.

Bill: Oh, please.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Bill: Yeah.

Harley: Bye, you guys.

Bill: I'm the best. You hear that?

Olivia: Yeah.

Bill: You think I'm the best? ( Laughs nervously )

Olivia: A house.

Bill: What? Come on, olivia.

Olivia: You're building her a house?! Then what are you doing?

Bill: It's--

Olivia: Why are you doing this to me now? Come on, I'm having enough trouble with alan as it is. He just hired sebastian hulce to be my co-president.

Bill: Oh, my goodness, i didn't know they were doing that to you. They're making you share job titles? I'm so sorry, honey. What could be worst? I don't know. Maybe harley going to jail?

Olivia: Well, apparently for shooting alan's son.

Bill: Oh, com eon.

Olivia: Listen to me. We are so close to getting what we want from alan. But for some reason, it's like you're looking for ways to antagonize him.

Bill: Well, I don't work for the guy.

Olivia: You work with me. And we're suppose to be partners. You remember what that means? You know, sharing mutual goals, cooperating on joint ventures. Or maybe you don't remember.

Bill: I remember everything.

Olivia: Really?

Bill: Yes.

Olivia: Because lately it feels like you're not so much teaming up with me, but trying to screw me over. And you know what, bill? You're doing a damn good job of it.

Jeffrey: Yeah, o'neill here.

Harley: It's harley.

Jeffrey: We shouldn't be talking.

Harley: This won't take long. It's time to put an end to all this.

Alan: Please. Please. I know you think that I don't want to help you, gus. But I don't enjoy seeing you go through all of this. If I could help you alleviate it in any way...

Gus: Yeah, right.

Alan: I don't want you to go through this alone.

Gus: Are you offering me something? Look, when this fight is over... when all of this is over, I want you and me to bridge this gap that's been built between us. Heal the wounds.

Gus: When all of this is over, harley's going to be living in eight by ten prison cell.

Alan: She has accepted the da deal. That fight is over. But it does not have to be over between you and me. The fact is that you...

Gus: Don'T... don't do this. Don't say it. Don't say everybody's better off, okay.

Alan: I just want us to be closer that's all.

Gus: No, I know... I know exactly what you're trying to do. You're trying to get me to swallow a sympathy pill and jump back into your life and take my place in this family. I know what you're doing.

Alan: I'm merely trying to establish...

Gus: Well, I don't want your help, okay. I don't want your help. Because every single miserable thing that is happening is happening because of you.

Alan: Phillip's death is because of me, harley going to prison is because of me? Oh, son, come on.

Gus: Son? I don't want you to call me that.

Alan: All right. I guess you and I understand each other. You don't want help and you won't get it.

Gus: Save it for the autobiography. And as far as harley's concerned, my fights only begun. Why don't you busy yourself, look into your own soul and see what part you played in your son's death. But you won't do that, will you? No, because you're on to the next thing. Looking for the big... the big deal. The new fresh target.

Reva: You have no right to keep cassie hidden away.

Tammy: What are you doing, edmund?

Edmund: Tammy, your mother suffered serious side effects from the anesthesia at the clinic.

Reva: I told her that.

Edmund: Good. Did you also tell her that cassie needs peace and quiet and rest right now? All of which I intend to give her.

Tammy: Well, why I can't i see her? Maybe a visit will make her feel better?

Edmund: Tammy, may I speak to you for a minute, please? Alone.

Reva: No, I'd like to hear this too.

Tammy: It's okay, aunt reva. Come on, let's go.

Edmund: Tammy, I know how unsettling this must be for you.

Tammy: I just don't understand it. It doesn't seem right.

Edmund: I know. I'm sorry. Just listen to me. Reva is a threat. She's a threat. You know that better than anyone. She's allowed jonathan to wreak havoc on our lives. And I won't let either of them take this away from me.

Tammy: You mean from you and mom?

Edmund: Of course, I do. Look, tammy, the point is this. The doctor made it very clear that your mother need to recover from the retrieval in peace away from stress.

Tammy: So you're going to hold her prisoner?

Edmund: No, I'm trying to keep her safe. It's what I was trying to do at the clinic. And then jonathan showed up.

Tammy: Jonathan was there?

Edmund: Yeah, yeah. Oh, reva didn't tell you that part? She neglected to tell you the part about jonathan showing up when she was recruiting you to save your mother? She's a threat, tammy. A threat.

Harley: While... while you

were questioning alan, it all

came together for me.

Gus: I don't understand.

What came together?

Harley: I remember killing


What alan said about me pulling

the gun, that triggered all

these images in my head.

Gus: You went to the house

and pulled a gun on him.

Harley: No, no.

When I... when I went to

company that night.

I remembered what happened that


Gus: Honey, listen.

You're upset.

Harley: No, no.

I remember.

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: I'm calling jeffrey


I'm going to change my plea to


Gus: It's not going to end like this.

Clerk: Miss spencer, your mail.

Olivia: Thanks.

Matt: Excuse me.

Olivia: Yeah?

Matt: Olivia spencer?

Olivia: Yeah.

Matt: I've heard a lot about you. And your company. Slingshot enterprises.

Olivia: Have you. Really. Well, I didn't know that I had a secret admirer. If that's what you are, an admirer.

Matt: Word is you're quite an accomplished woman.

Olivia: Oh, I try to be. But I'm always open to new opportunities. Have we met?

Matt: No, this is my first trip back to springfield in quite some time.

Olivia: Oh, because i definitely would have remembered you. Anyway, I hope now that you're in town, you plan on staying awhile.

Matt: Actually I don'T.

Bill: Hi, honey. I see you two have met. But let's make it official. Matt, this is olivia, my wife. And olivia, this is matt reardon, my step-father.

Jeffrey: Don't do it. It's really, really tough to quit. Besides it's a nasty habit.

Harley: Well, I hear it's a great way to kill time. And I will have plenty of that on my hands. And you could use it as currency in prison.

Jeffrey: Well, you're not going to prison yet.

Harley: Maybe sooner than you think. I want to take the deal.

Jeffrey: What?

Harley: I'm tired of fighting. I don't want to do it anymore.

Jeffrey: Well, that's not exactly the same as admitting your guilt. But...

Harley: Are you going to work with me on this?

Jeffrey: Well, I just happen to have a copy of the agreent. As matter of fact, I always have one with me, actually.

Harley: This isn't bad enough? You want me to beg?

Jeffrey: No, it's not that. It's just that... well, this is the smartest thing you could do.

Harley: Then what's the problem?

Jeffrey: Well, I don't believe and I don't think for one minute that this is what you really want to do.

Harley: I don't care what you believe. Where do I sign?

Coming up on "guiding light."

Reva: She's un-findable, because edmund has her stashed away somewhere.

Jeffrey: Okay, what do you want?

Reva: I want to file charges against him. And I want you to draw up the papers.

Gus: Leave the country with me. Right now. Tonight. Oprah: Scott peterson's sister tells why she thin

Jeffrey: All right. I don't need an explanation.

Harley: Just a signature.

Jeffrey: You know, this is no picnic, you're looking at here. You know that, right? You're not going to be doing your time in some minimum security country club, all right. Manslaughter conviction means you're going to be going to a real hole where the fellow inmates aren't exactly going to roll out a welcome mat for an ex-cop.

Harley: I'll manage.

Jeffrey: Well, what does gus have to say bout this?

Harley: Gus is my lawyer. He works for me. I make the decisions.

Jeffrey: Hmm.

Harley: Hmm. So what happens now? Do we need to go down to the station house or something?

Jeffrey: No, no. First, we have another stop to make. You're going to before judge ellis and you're going to tell her that this is exactly what you choose to do tomorrow.

Harley: Out loud in open court?

Jeffrey: That's right. Out loud in open court. It won't take long.

Harley: Okay. Anything else?

Jeffrey: Yeah, just a question.

Harley: What?

Jeffrey: Well, what are you thinking about? Wh are you feeling ending it like this?

Harley: Relieved.

Jeffrey: Okay. Me, too. See you tomorrow.

Harley: Looking for these?

Olivia: Well, I knew he was matt.

Bill: No, you didn'T.

Olivia: Yes. Yes, I did.

Bill: No, you did not.

Olivia: I was just having fun at your expense.

Bill: Oh, really? Yeah.

Olivia: Yes, I was.

Bill: Don't you have a sense of humor?

Olivia: ( Fake laugh )

Bill: Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Olivia: What brings you to town? Bill didn't tell me. What do you know?

Bill: Yes, I did tell you, honey. The intervention for dinah.

Olivia: He did.

Bill: That's right.

Olivia: That's refreshing.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Can I say something about dinah? I don't envy her. Because I know what it feels like to be in a room where everyone is against you and doing everything they can to undermine your position. Just a thought. Anyway I understand that your wife couldn't make it, matt.

Matt: No, your mother-in-law couldn't make it this trip. Unfortunately our daughter came down with a nasty bug and vanessa felt she should stay behind in positano with maureen. So she asked me to come. Here I am.

Olivia: Your wife asked you to do something for her and you did it. I think that's wonderful commitment. I want to buy you a drink.

Bill: Oh, that's great.

Reva: Okay, that's it.

Sandy: Wait, reva.

Reva: No, enough is enough. Tammy, just tell him that you want to see your mother. Period!

Edmund: Reva, that's not what we're...

Tammy: Hey, stop it! Both of you. I think edmund is taking care of mom the way he should. He's doing the right thing.

Reva: Nice work. Don't let him lie to you.

Tammy: He's not lying. If anybody here is lying, it's you.

Reva: Me? About what?

Tammy: Jonathan. You didn't say one word to me about bringing him to the clinic.

Reva: Because I know you would have been upset.

Tammy: Well, it does upset me. And it would have upset mom. That's why edmund's trying to protect her because seeing jonathan is bad for her. And so are you if you keep bringing him around.

Reva: Is that what... hey, where did he go?

Sandy: I would have followed him, but his car was waiting out front.

Tammy: You're so concerned about upsetting me and meanwhile you're bringing him to see my mom at the clinic knowing that would upset her.

Reva: Tammy...

Tammy: Why?

Reva: You know me. You know I love your mother. And I'm only looking out for her best interest.

Tammy: Are you?

Reva: You know what? This isn't getting us anywhere. I'm sorry that you've been so hurt by all of this. But listen to me. This issue is between me and edmund. At least for now.

Tammy: What is that suppose to mean?

Reva: I don't know. I don't know. But I've got to go.

Tammy: But...

Reva: When I find your mother and I will, you'll be the first to know. And that's no lie. See you.

Edmund: Have you been sleeping?

Cassie: I tried. I couldn'T.

Edmund: Oh. You haven't been up and around, have you?

Cassie: No, I tried and i couldn't do that either, because it hurt when I moved around.

Edmund: And that is precisely why you need to stay in this bed. No moving around unless it's absolutely necessary.

Cassie: Yes, doctor.

Edmund: And that's doctor winslow to you. You know, I've been monitoring your case very, very closely.

Cassie: Really?

Edmund: Mm.

Cassie: Well, if that's the case, you're slipping.

Edmund: How's that?

Cassie: You said, you were going to get some of my things and unless they're really, really small, you forgot them.

Edmund: Ouch. I was way late. I was way late. And I'm waiting for you to go back to sleep, so I can run to the farm and get them.

Cassie: You can go now.

Edmund: No, I can'T. I'd be losing waking moments with you. No thank you.

Cassie: That's exactly the answer I want to hear. To tell you the truth, I was felling kind of lonely. You know, in fact, I really wanted to call tammy and reva, but I can't get the phone to work. And an operator said, a block been put on the phone.

Edmund: A block?

Cassie: Yeah. Do you know anything about that?

Edmund: Maybe it's just our phone, because otherwise there has to be some sort of mistake.

Cassie: I told you. It's not working. Did you have anything to do with that?

Edmund: No. Well, I asked the receptionist to put restrictions on incoming calls, but...

Cassie: Why?

Edmund: Well, I didn't want you disturbed. Cassie you said, you had a hard time even standing up. The last thing you want is the phone ringing every 30 seconds.

Cassie: You are going to make sure that I am rested and relaxed, are you?

Edmund: Yes, I am. And is that so terrible? Really? Cassie, I will have the phone problem fixed straight away. You all right?

Cassie: Yeah. I'm just feeling a little isolated. I couldn't even find my cell phone.

Edmund: Oh, I'm sorry if you're lonely.

Cassie: You don't need to make me sound pathetic.

Edmund: ( Laughs ) I'm nit meaning to make you sound pathetic. I just want you to know that I'm here to take away your loneliness.

Cassie: I know. And I love you for that. I do. I just... I want to talk to reva and tammy and I want to tell them what's going on with us.

Edmund: Well, I ran into them earlier. I told them everything.

Cassie: Really?

Edmund: Yeah, yeah. Tammy sends her love. And reva... well, you know, reva. She wanted to just run over here and take care of everything and I told her that was a bad idea. And I think even she agreed it was a bad idea and that my plan is the best way. It's the only way.

Reva: Oh, great. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm sorry. I'm busy. I got a lot of stuff going on. So, what's up?

Reva: I want to know about the fire?

Jeffrey: What fire?

Reva: In cassie's barn.

Jeffrey: In cassie's barn. That's what you're getting all worked up about? That's like ancient history, reva.

Reva: Jeffrey, do you know what really happened in that barn?

Jeffrey: What do you mean?

Reva: I know.

Jeffrey: Well, then you don't need me to tell you, do you?

Reva: I can't believe this. You knew edmund smacked you over the head and started that fire?

Jeffrey: Reva.

Reva: He wanted to kill you, jeffrey. He put cassie and rj's lives at risk. How long have you been carrying around that little bit of information?

Jeffrey: Since just before the wedding.

Reva: And you sat on it.

Jeffrey: Time had passed, reva. If I would have said anything, it would have put an end to that marriage. It would have stopped the wedding. And cassie made it clear that she was in love with edmund.

Reva: And that enough to keep her in the dark about him?

Jeffrey: Seemed like it at the time. What about you? Have you told her?

Reva: Well, you know I've been trying.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? You have?

Reva: But that's complicated too. Yes, I have.

Jeffrey: How's it complicated?

Reva: I can't find her.

Jeffrey: Well, she's got to be somewhere?

Reva: No. No, no, no. She's un-findable, because edmund has her stashed away somewhere... for his own reasons.

Jeffrey: Okay. What do you want?

Reva: I want to file charges against him. And I want you to draw up the papers.

Sandy: Thinking about your mom?

Tammy: Yeah.

Sandy: Well, you did say, you thought edmund's doing the right thing, right?

Tammy: It did seem like it. It's just that...

Sandy: Go on.

Tammy: If I can't see my mom until this whole baby thing is over or whatever, it's going to be that much thing longer until this other thing is resolved.

Sandy: What other thing?

Tammy: Something happened the night before the wedding between my mom and jonathan.

Sandy: Did they get in a fight?

Tammy: I wish it was just a fight. It's so much worse.

Sandy: I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Tammy: Jonathan said that my mom tried to set him up in her hotel room by seducing him.

Sandy: Okay, see, I don't believe that for a minute.

Tammy: Trying to seduce him. I don't know. But there's a videotape, sandy. A videotape. I am so freaking mad.

Sandy: Well, he's pretty easy to get mad at.

Tammy: Not jonathan. My mother. She said, she did it for me because she didn't think I could handle him on my own. Can you believe she actually came up with the idea of coming on to him, so that... I don't know, so that he'd look so horrible to the rest of the world that he'd have to leave town.

Sandy: Well, that's one way to make sure he doesn't bother you again.

Tammy: But it's outrageous. Don't you think so?

Sandy: No. But your reaction is.

Olivia: Excuse me, matt. Get out of my way. Alan, I'd like to talk to you for just a moment. In there, please?

Alan: After you.

Matt: Well, that was a pretty clear choice. Quick one, too.

Bill: Yeah. Well, she just had some unfinished business to take care of.

Matt: You okay?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just wish that everyone would stop acting like I don't know how to run my life.

Matt: No, that's not what i meant. It's just...

Bill: I know. I'm sorry. I'm just...

Matt: It's just I know a little bit about olivia.

Bill: I can handle olivia. Really. Matt, I'm fine. Thanks.

Matt: Good. Good. I'm glad to hear it. Look, I'm going to give your mom a quick call and then I'll meet in the restaurant.

Bill: All right. Yeah, and will you tell her that I'm fine. I'm sure she'd love to hear a report.

Olivia: So have you given any more thought to what we talked about at the office?

Alan: About what?

Olivia: About sebastian we- don't-need-him hulce. Come on, I have been handling my corporate responsibilities just fine.

Alan: Olivia, you know I like to cover my base. Beside I'm rewarding loyalty.

Olivia: Alan, I have been very dedicated to spaulding.

Alan: That's where you and i see differently. If you were truly committed to the company, I think you wouldn't have barked at an offer of good faith.

Olivia: I can't do it. Stop asking me for a piece of slingshot. Okay, I can't give you a cut of the business. I can't do it to bill.

Alan: You see. You made my case for me. That's why I'm keeping sebastian on. It's very clear to me, olivia, where your loyalties are. So enjoy your evening.

Olivia: Alan, what if i offered you something else? Equally as exciting as slingshot if not more so?

Alan: What did you have in mind?

Olivia: How would you like to be co-owner of the lewis construction building?

Gus: So you took it. You signed the deal?

Harley: Yeah. All done.

Gus: Well, no, not really. You'd have to stand up in court and tell the judge and tell the world you're guilty.

Harley: I'm ready.

Gus: Well, it's not official, you know, until you actually make the admission.

Harley: Nothing's going to change between now and then.

Gus: But it can. Leave the country with me. Right now. Tonight. We'll go, we'll never look back.

Harley: I've never been to south america.

Gus: Now's your chance.

Sandy: Tammy, what do you really think of jonathan? I mean, putting aside what he did to you, how does he strike you as a guy? You know, the way he looks, the way he makes you feel.

Tammy: Why are you asking me this?

Sandy: More than once you've gone out of your way to prove to me that he means nothing to you.

Tammy: Less than nothing.

Sandy: And you're doing it again, which tells me either you hate jonathan every minute of everyday or you're trying to reassure me that he doesn't have a hold over you. And, tammy, I don't need that kind of reassurance.

Tammy: You don't?

Sandy: I don'T. I'm not worried about him or you. Especially you.

Tammy:( Sighs ).

Sandy: Watch.

Cassie: Edmund? Will you stay with me until i fall asleep?

Edmund: I'll stay with you until you send me away.

Cassie: Well, you'd better get comfortable, because that will be forever.

Edmund: I hope so, cassie. I hope so.

Jeffrey: You want to file charges against edmund?

Reva: Yeah, whatever you got. You know, arson. Attempted murder. Wreckless endangerment. Take your pick.

Jeffrey: You know that this is not only going to hurt cassie tremendously but destroy your relationship with her?

Reva: My only concern right now is cassie's well-being.

Jeffrey: How well is she going to be with a broken heart, reva?

Reva: Look, jeffrey, you have no idea what edmund is capable of, but I know firsthand the cruelty, the devastation. And I'm not going to stand by and watch another disaster happen. I won't! How soon can you draw up the papers?

Jeffrey: I can get documents to you by tomorrow.

Reva: Thank you.

Jeffrey: On one condition: That you take a timeout, take a couple days, let this settle down and think about what you're trying to do here. Reva, you don't want this to get worse, right? You don't want it to be worse for cassie, do you?

Reva: All right.

Jeffrey: Okay. Good. Now I've got to go. I've got so much work you can't even imagine.

Reva: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Reva: Weren't you even tempted?

Jeffrey: What, to tell cassie?

Reva: When you found out what really happened that night? Weren't you tempted to run straight to her and tell her the truth?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I think i might have been.

Reva: But you didn'T.

Jeffrey: No, I told you, that would have destroyed that marriage, okay? No matter what you and I think or feel, it's not about us, it's about them. It's about those two people and how much they love each other.

Olivia: In order to show my priorities and my loyalties, I'm willing to split ownership of that building right down the middle with you, 50/50. How does it sound?

Alan: You can always make a very good pitch.

Olivia: Did it work?

Alan: I'm not sure, but I'll be in touch.

Bill: Well, you and alan looked pretty cozy in there.

Olivia: Not so much.

Bill: What you talking about?

Olivia: Business, nothing much, you know.

Bill: Yeah.

Olivia: Well, you know, at least he didn't ask me why my husband is rebuilding the house of the woman who shot his son.

Bill: ( Laughs ) well, still chewing on that one, huh?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm chewing on it.

Bill: (Laughs) well...

Olivia: Step daddy's waiting. Go on.

Harley: I can't go. I love you, you know that.

Gus: I just thought... I... i thought this would be our way out, you know?

Harley: I already have my way out, and that is as... as tempting as that is, it just makes it harder.

Gus: It's just that you... i just figure you... we'd be together, you know? And this way you'D... this way you'd be free.

Harley: Gus, I've made my decision. You need to respect that. It's over. It's time for you to let go.

Gus: I can't really do that.

Harley: You're going to be okay, hmm?

Gus: I'm not really going to be okay without you, because I'm nothing without you. And I will continue to be nothing.

Harley: Don't say that.

Gus: I would do anything for you. I would back you on anything. I would back you on anything but this.

Harley: I told you, I already made my decision.

Gus: Well, I think you're making a mistake. Because we can still beat this thing. There's still a chance. We can beat this. There's a chance. There's a chance...

Harley: For us? I'm taking the deal.

Gus: Well, if you do this, i won't be there. I'm not going to listen to that. I'll lose it. I'll do something crazy, I know myself. I... if you do this, I'M... you're on your own.

Next on "guiding light"...

Reva: Give me that!

Jonathan: What do we have here, mom? Are you pressing charges against uncle eddie for hitting jeffrey o'neill?

Gus: I'm not walking out of your life.

Harley: Well you have to. Okay? You have to, because I can't live with anything else.

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