Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/1/05
By Boo
Dinah: Hello? Blake?
Hello? What was so important that I had to run here to meet you? If you're here, you better answer me.
Matt: Hello, dinah.
Dinah: Matt. What are you doing here? Daddy, what's going on? Matt, where's my mom?
Matt: She's not here. It's just me.
Dinah: What are you all doing here? All right, you know what? I just remembered I am washing my hair tonight.
Ross: No, dinah.
Danny: No, buddy, I'm not going anywhere. I told you I'm sleeping over. Remember?
Michelle: But it's time for you to go upstairs...
Danny: Yes, it is.
Michelle: ...And go to bed. And your daddy is still going to be here in the morning when you wake up.
Robbie: I don't want to go to bed. I want to stay down here.
Michelle: Listen. How are we going to make the cinnamon rolls if you're all tired and cranky in the morning, huh?
Danny: Mommy remembers how to make cinnamon rolls?
Michelle: They're frozen.
Danny: Oh.
Michelle: Listen, how about i go upstairs and I'll sit with you till you fall asleep.
Robbie: Everybody sleep in my room.
Danny: Oh, no, no. Are you kidding? In that little bed of yours. It's not enough room for all of us. No, I'll be right down the hall and marina will be here. And your mom and tony--
Michelle: I'll be in my old room.
Robbie: Everybody sleep down here.
Danny: How are we going to do that?
Robbie: Come on, mommy, go get the sleeping bags.
Michelle: Oh, the sleeping bags.
Danny: Sleeping bags.
Michelle: That's a great idea. Isn't it everybody.
Josh: Hey, sweetheart.
Tammy: Hi, uncle josh. You want to stick around and eat with me?
Josh: Actually I got my doggie. I just ate.
Tammy: Oh, too bad. I was going to let you pay.
Josh: Next time. I promise.
Tammy: I'll hold you to it.
Josh: Okay. Hey, how did your mom do at the fertility clinic? I haven't had a chance to talk to reva.
Tammy: Uncle edmund said that she's doing fine. I'm going to call her after i eat. I wish I could have been there with her.
Josh: She's lucky to have, you know that? And I've been meaning to say thank you for setting up that dinner between reva and cassie. That was a good thing. I think they need each other.
Tammy: Well, actually that wasn't my idea. It was jonathan'S.
Jonathan: I can't believe you didn't tell cassie about edmund and the fire.
Reva: I can'T. The timings not right.
Jonathan: Don't talk to me about timing, reva. You're a coward.
Reva: Wanting to protect my sister who's in the hospital makes me a coward?
Jonathan: So what are you going to do? Are you going tell her when she gets out?
Reva: I don't know.
Jonathan: You know, i wouldn't have even told you about the whole fire thing if i knew you were going to flake out like this. You know what? Your call, okay. But if anything happens to her, it's your shoulders.
Reva: Why is so important that I tell cassie about the fire? Huh? What's in it for you?
Jonathan: This has nothing to do with me. It's about you. I'm doing this for you.
Marina: So this ought to be fun.
Danny: It's not the word that comes to my mind. Hey, I'm really sorry that i dragged into this. You can take off as soon as he goes to sleep.
Marina: You know me better than that. Nobody drags me into anything.
Danny: Still. Come on, this is about as fun as having a tooth pulled.
Marina: Oh, please. He's happy.
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: Hey, he's happy. That's all that matters.
Danny: Yeah. Yep.
Marina: You know what? I think I'm a little too close to the door.
Danny: Oh. Well, we could put... michelle gets up a lot, you know. You didn'T... you didn't need to know that.
Marina: No, it's a girl thing.
Danny: All right.
Marina: I do the same thing. I think I'm just going to move over here out of everyone's way.
Robbie: Over there next to mommy and daddy.
Marina: Next to your mommy and daddy, huh?
Michelle: Thanks for going along with this.
Tony: Mm-hmm. Well, if you think about we have slept in... ( laughs ) worst places.
Michelle: That is true. And you know once robbie falls asleep, we can all go our separate ways.
Tony: All of us? Really?
Michelle: No, danny and marina.
Tony: That's good. That's real good. Because I had some big plans for you and me.
Michelle: Oh, you did?
Tony: It's our first night in the house together, right.
Michelle: I don't know. With all these people here, you know...
Tony: No, no. See that's what makes it fun.
Michelle: We'll see. We'll see.
Tony: Okay. Fine. It's okay. No.
Michelle: You know, it's just that robbie down here. You know what I mean?
Tony: I know. You're a horrible person. ( Both laughs ) now I have to go take an extremely cold shower. I feel terrible.
Michelle: Well, tony went to take a shower.
Danny: Thanks for the information.
Michelle: So are we ready for our little sleepover?
Danny: Yeah. I think it's time, buddy. Come on. We've got to put the toys away. Get some shut eye. Over here, mommy.
Michelle: Okay. Okay.
Danny: What? Oh, me, too? Oh, buddy. Okay. Come on, let's go to sleep.
Dinah: Well, well, well. An honest-to-goodness intervention. How much fun is this going to be? Where's mommy? I think she'd want a front row seat for this one.
Matt: She wanted to come, dinah.
Dinah: Save it. I'm clean. I don't have any track marks. Nothing like that. I don't even use cold medicine. It makes me dizzy. Although, I do have a shot of whisky every now and again.
Ross: Dinah, we're here tonight because we're all concerned about you.
Dinah: Daddy, you know that I'm all right.
Bill: We don't think you are.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) okay. Okay. A few months ago, you know what? This might have been a real cool idea. But I am fine. I have moved on. I'm seeing that nice doctor cory--
Blake: No, you're pretending to see the nice doctor. Who you're really seeing is jonathan, reva's son.
Dinah: Daddy, we've already talked about this. I am his life coach. I saw that blakey.
Ross: Dinah, I know what you've told me. But I also what I've seen.
Dinah: What have you seen?
Ross: The two of you together at josh and reva's one afternoon.
Dinah: Well, then obviously you misunderstood.
Ross: No, I did not. And jonathan is not the kind of person you should get involved with.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) why? Because he's younger than me? Like mother, like daughter.
Matt: I don't think age is the issue, dinah.
Dinah: I bet that this was your brilliant idea. Wasn't it?
Ross: No, actually it was my idea. I had to do something before it was too late.
Dinah: Daddy, do you really think that I'm that bad of a person?
Ross: No, I don't think you're a bad person. But I do think that you need help. Dinah, we are all worried about you.
Matt: Your mother's worried about you, too, dinah.
Dinah: Oh, well, I can see that. She's made a real effort.
Matt: Why don't you give the woman a little break. She packed up her entire life and moved half way around the world for you.
Dinah: Uh-huh.
Bill: Dinah, come on, you know mom loves you. We all do.
Dinah: Is this the kind of love that I need though? You know, let's gang up on dinah. Let's tell her everything that's wrong with her. You know, she won't mind. She's been a freak all her life. She's used to people pointing at her.
Blake: My god, dinah, you've been given a second chance. You've been crying for it for years. Don't you want to have a better life?
Dinah: Yeah, of course I do.
Bill: Dinah, we see you're hurting.
Matt: Dinah, everyone in this room knows what you've been through. We understand. But it's time to stop acting like a victim.
Dinah: Oh, wait a minute. Wait. It's this, like, where you tell me that you're for me and you want to help me?
Ross: Dinah, we are here for you. And I love you. And I'm not going to stand by and watch my little girl self-destruct. Not again.
Blake: We don't also want to see you destroy cassie.
Dinah: Cassie? That's what this is about? Are you kidding me? This is about cassie?
Josh: Tammy. You and jonathan worked together to bring cassie and reva together? Is that what you just said?
Tammy: Weird, I know. But he was trying to do something nice.
Josh: Really? Reva, it's josh. I don't know where you are. Will you call me when you get this, please? Thank you.
Tammy: Maybe she's with mom.
Josh: Maybe so. You do understand that jonathan doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive, right?
Tammy: I know. Well, he said might be a way to score points with you.
Josh: ( Laughs ) oh, yeah?
Tammy: Look, uncle josh, I'm the last person to defend jonathan, okay. But aunt reva really missed her sister, you know. And she really wanted to be part of everything that's going on with the baby stuff.
Josh: I understand that, tammy. But you can't forget what he did to you. And what he did to your mom. Now if you open a door with him, there's no telling what might happen. You just be careful, all right. I have to go find, reva.
Tammy: Uncle josh, what did jonathan do to my mom?
Josh: It's been dealt with.
Tammy: What's been dealt with?
Josh: I really have to go. You just stay away from jonathan.
Reva: You're doing this for me?
Jonathan: Yeah, you're the reason I'm here. You're the reason...
Reva: The reason, what? The reason you're still here, sticking around? The reason you're still angry. The reason you want to destroy cassie and edmund's marriage?
Jonathan: It's not about that. Look, I didn't have to help you find where cassie was.
Reva: Okay, tell me the truth then. Why did you?
Jonathan: I wanted you to do right by your sister. I took a big risk showing up at that clinic. The last time I got under eddie's skin, I almost didn't get out of that hotel room alive.
Reva: I don't know what to believe.
Jonathan: Oh, come on, reva. Do you think this is a part of some big revenge plot? Edmund is a threat to all of us. You saw he was when we showed up at that clinic.
Reva: Brought up a lot of bad memories.
Jonathan: Well, it's not just a memory anymore. That guy is still around. He's capable of doing stuff that makes me look like mary poppins.
Reva: Oh, jonathan.
Jonathan: No, he's the reason you gave me up! I'm sorry everything is so screwed up.
Reva: I want to believe you. I do. I'm just so tired of not knowing who to believe.
Jonathan: Fine. No big deal. You wash your hands of the whole damn thing, okay. You know what? Maybe you should just walk away from cassie like you walked away from me.
Dinah: I should have known this was about cassie.
Ross: Dinah, we are worried about cassie's safety, yes. But that's not the only reason that we're here this evening.
Dinah: Yeah, because i thought that other reason was that you love me.
Bill: We do, dinah.
Matt: We all do.
Dinah: No, you don'T. No, you don'T. You want to protect cassie, the slut who stole my life.
Blake: Dinah, why are you pretending that this is such a big surprise to you? You stole her identity. You have been harassing her since you got back to town.
Dinah: Blake, you have a husband. You have kids. You wouldn't understand.
Matt: You could have that, too, dinah.
Bill: Start pulling yourself together. That's all.
Dinah: Like you've pulled yourself together?
Bill: Well, blake, this is not me.
Dinah: Well, you know what? No. Let's talk about your family. Yeah, yeah.
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: You know what? You might want to report this back to mom. Does she know anything about this? Yeah, that's your job, isn't it? The only reason why you have a wife is because you were trying to protect her from getting deported.
Bill: Maybe it started that way.
Dinah: Maybe? What are kidding me? Do you actually think that olivia loves you. You are a walking talking green card to her, bill.
Bill: Dinah, you don't know the first thing about me and olivia.
Dinah: You know, I think i do!
Bill: Yeah, okay.
Dinah: Facts are facts, bill! Olivia goes through husbands like most people go through toilet paper.
Blake: Why does it make you feel good to hurt the people you love?
Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Aren't you a woman who goes through husbands as well?
Blake: Oh, no, here we go.
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. You know what? Let's see. Roger thorpe's daughter. Why, daddy, if that isn't asking for trouble. Let's see. You've married your way through the spaulding'S. You stole daddy from your own mother and then there was that, like, tacky little business, like, with dad's brother. Is there anyone in springfield that you haven't slept with? You better watch out, bill. Don't get too close.
Ross: All right, dinah. That is enough.
Dinah: Oh, no, daddy. No, no, no. No, I'm just getting started.
Danny: Oh.
Tony: Oh, I'm sorry, man--
Danny: Nice. Nice.
Tony: I didn't see you. Sorry.
Danny: Yeah, you really got me, tony.
Tony: What? You know what? Listen, why don't you go up stairs and take a shower. Here. Give me that. I'll take it. Want me to take it?
Danny: Yeah, I'm going to. You have anything that I could put on.
Tony: Yeah, I'll get something. That's okay.
Danny: No, I'll get it. I'll get it.
Tony: You sure?
Danny: Yeah, go about thing.
Tony: All right. Okay. It's upstairs, left side of the dresser. Sorry, danny.
Robbie: Over here, uncle tony.
Tony: You want me over there? Okay, I'll go over there.
Michelle: ( Whispers ) tony?
Tony: What are you doing?
Marina: Where's danny?
Tony: And where's michelle?
Jonathan: Well?
Reva: I think you have used up your limit on the you-gave- me-away card. It doesn't give you the permission to go around hurting other people.
Tony: I'm not hurting anyone. Except edmund. And he deserves it.
Reva: What do you want from me, jonathan? This is exactly what he wants from you, reva.
Jonathan: Joshua, nice of you to join us, but actually we're in the middle of something.
Josh: So I heard.
Reva: He's confusing the hell out me!
Josh: And he's enjoying every minute of it, aren't you, jonathan? Don't you see, reva, what's happening here? He wants you doubting everything, trusting no one. He wants to drive a wedge between you and everyone else in your life.
Jonathan: This has nothing to do with you. Oh.
Jonathan: Look, I'm just trying to bail you out of a tough situation.
Josh: A situation that you created.
Jonathan: You believe this guy?
Reva: Yes. It's you I'm having trouble
stomaching right now.
Jonathan: Fine. You do whatever you want. But the clock's ticking.
Josh: Oh, here we go again.
Jonathan: If cassie has that baby with edmund, then it's going to be too late. She'll be tied to him for life. Is that what you want?
Dinah: Matt, you've been a little quiet tonight.
Matt: I'm just amazed. You're actually worst than ever.
Dinah: Now don't think you're just being a bit biased?
Matt: After the hell you've put yo mother through?
Dinah: Where is mommy? She didn't feel like intervening? Just too busy?
Matt: Your sister has the flu.
Ross: You see before that happened vanessa was on her. Her favorite daughter got sick, so then we just screw dinah.
Ross: No. Your mother loves you every bit as much as she loves her other children.
Dinah: Why do you keep defending her? She lied to you. She didn't even tell you i existed.
Ross: We were very young. Vanessa made a mistake.
Dinah: That's me. I'm the mistake.
Bill: Nobody's saying that, dinah.
Dinah: You know what? It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter because saint vanessa would never do any wrong in your eyes. First loves, right, blakey.
Blake: Oh, well, you should know all about that. Hart. You never let him go.
Dinah: I loved him.
Ross: Honey, hart is the one who hurt you. And yet you've always directed all of your anger towards cassie.
Dinah: ( Yelling ) I don't want to hear that name anymore!
Ross: Cassie did not steal hart from you. He fell out of love. And you have always refused to see that.
Dinah: You don't understand. You don't understand. He loved me. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together.
Ross: Yeah, he did love you. He did. For a time. But we always knew that he was going to spend the rest of his life with cassie. He moved on. You never did.
Dinah: He would have never wanted me. Nobody ever has.
Ross: There is goodness in you. And until you find it again, you'll never have the life that you want. When you do find it, you will have life. You will have the husband and the children and the home that you've always dreamed of. But you have to let go of the past. Let go of all this bitterness. And you've just got to focus on the future.
Matt: I have something that might help you do that, dinah. This is for you. I'm here to take you back to italy with me.
Dinah: Really? Naughty boy. Does momnow you're doing this?
Ross: Coming up on "guiding light"...
Reva: So what do I do now?
Josh: Just slow down, reva. Cool your jets.
Reva: When have you ever known me to be able to cool my jets?
Josh: Well, there was a time until recently.
Reva: When jonathan came to town.
Dinah: Bill, blake, it's been real, but I'm intervened out okay. I expected more from you.
Ross: And I from you.
Tony: All right. Well, she's not in the kitchen.
Marina: Well, I couldn't find anyone upstairs. There was water running in the bathroom, but... you don't think.
Tony: No. No, no, no. Marina, she would have realized it wasn't me. Forget it. No.
Marina: Yeah, yeah. She would have.
Tony: Why you say it like that?
Marina: Say it like what?
Tony: Like you're not convinced or something.
Marina: I don't know.
Tony: No. Yeah, you do. So tell me.
Marina: I don't know. Tony, I just think it must be weird for her to be in the house again with danny.
Tony: Listen, marina, she doesn't remember anything, okay.
Marina: I thought her memory was starting to come back?
Tony: It is. About her mother.
Marina: About her mother?
Tony: Yes. Not about danny or this house. All right.
Marina: Okay. I'm going to bed. You know...
Tony: What?
Marina: This is a huge house. We probably just missed her.
Tony: Be back in a second, all right.
Marina: Good night.
Tammy: Wait!
Jonathan: Well, I'm flattered. But what would people say?
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: ( Low voice ) tammy.
Tammy: Did you do something to my mom?
Jonathan: Tammy, I'm shocked.
Tammy: Just tell me!
Jonathan: Oh, I like it when you play rough.
Tammy: Tell me, damn it!
Jonathan: Hey, you're the last one to know.
Tammy: Know what?
Jonathan: Your mom wanted to get in my pants the night before her wedding and you know me, i couldn't say no.
Tammy: Oh, you disgusting pig.
Jonathan: No, it's true. We shared a bed together. And yes, there is a video. But the dvd hasn't come out yet.
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought... I thought it was tony.
Danny: Michelle.
Danny: Michelle, I know you're still in here.
Michelle: I know. I'm leaving. I'm leaving right now.
Matt: Take it or leave it, dinah. I don't really care.
Dinah: Are you playing hard to get again, matt? I mean, it's all right if you want another woman that's closer to your own age.
Bill: Dinah, will you be serious?
Dinah: I am. I am. Matt and I have been dancing around this for years.
Matt: There's not enough money, dinah.
Dinah: Oh, I know that you used to be paid for your services, but--
Ross: Dinah, stop it.
Dinah: Daddy, now, come on. You're not get rid of me this easily.
Ross: I would give anything to keep you in springfield. But at this point, it's not what's best.
Dinah: And what's best, daddy? For me to live with mom?
Ross: Yes. Honey, this is it. This is your chance to get your life back on track.
Dinah: A golden opportunity?
Ross: It very well could be, yeah.
Dinah: You're such an optimist. You always have been. Why can't I just be more like you?
Bill: Dinah, you loved your time in europe.
Matt: Why don't you leave this one horse town?
Dinah: Well, I could think of two reasons: Bill, dad.
Bill: Dinah, we're going to visit you.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) really?
Bill: Yeah, we are.
Dinah: Daddy?
Ross: ( Laughs ) yes. At every opportunity.
Dinah: What would I do there?
Ross: What would you do there? Anything you want? And it would be different from last time. This time you'd be free.
Dinah: Free.
Bill: I'm telling you, the skies the limit. You could do anything you want. You could go back to school even.
Dinah: Well, I don't know about that. But I could open up my own business maybe.
Matt: You know, your mom and I would help.
Blake: Dinah, why don't you just go to the beach. Take a breather.
Ross: Blake is right. You'd have all this time to think it over.
Blake: Yeah, where do you live, matt?
Matt: Positano.
Dinah: Oh, it's beautiful there. It's romantic. I'll go.
Ross: You've made the right decision, dear. I'm proud of you.
Dinah: You're proud of me? I couldn't ask for more. Bill, you're right. You're right. The skies the limit. ( Laughs ) and, matt, who knows. Maybe there's a chance for us just yet. I don't know. Maybe I could go back to impersonating cassie. I've always been better as a blonde. Wow. Europe's going to be a blast. Come on, matt, give me a ride. If you know what I mean.
Reva: He whisked her off to some fertility clinic that has very tight security and he didn't let her tell anybody.
Josh: You found her.
Reva: Yes. But he's keeping her like she's some kind of a prisoner.
Josh: Reva, I think you're making too much of it.
Reva: No, no. He's trying to keep her away from everyone. Everyone. Including me.
Josh: Maybe he's just trying to protect his wife.
Reva: He's trying to keep me out of her life.
Josh: Not you.
Reva: I don't think jonathan ever meant to hurt cassie.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: Well, he wasn't the one that set the fire.
Josh: No, but he's certainly fanning the flames.
Reva: So what do I do now?
Josh: Just slow down. Reva. Cool your jets.
Reva: Whenever have you ever known me to be able to cool my jets.
Josh: Well, there was a time until recently.
Reva: When jonathan came to town.
Josh: I think he woke up a part of you that's been asleep for a long time.
Reva: The restless part.
Josh: Well, you haven't pulled out the red dress yet. But...
Reva: And what if I did? That was a part of me you never liked.
Josh: No, reva, I love all parts of you. There's a part of me, too. That part that reigns you back in. That's been asleep for awhile.
Reva: Well, I don't want to fall back into all those old patterns.
Josh: We won't fall into old patterns, reva. We're different people.
Reva: All I can think about is going to cassie about edmund.
Josh: Well, here's an interesting idea. Why don't you go to edmund about edmund?
Tammy: You are so sick.
Jonathan: I prefer to think of it as willing to try new things.
Tammy: My mom would never--
Jonathan: Look, tammy, I know this is a lot to take, okay. And you're probably having some jealousy issues.
Tammy: You're just trying to get to me.
Jonathan: Hey, you asked, i told. You don't believe me ask your mom. Or edmund. Or josh. Or reva.
Tammy: They all know?
Jonathan: Yeah, you know small towns. But if it's any consolation to you, your mom said she was doing it for you.
Josh: It's not bad idea. You know, go straight to the horses mouth.
Reva: Edmund would never tell me the truth.
Josh: Jonathan's not telling you the truth.
Reva: We're not sure about that.
Josh: I guarantee you he's leaving out a part of the story. Now, reva, you can't go to cassie on this. Not now. Not after everything she's been through.
Reva: Then I'll wait.
Josh: You'll wait? ( Both laugh )
Reva: Well, it sounded good.
Josh: Look, just talk to edmund and then figure out what you're going to do.
Reva: And you're coming with me?
Josh: Sure.
Michelle: I thought you were suppose to be in the shower.
Tony: Yeah, well, wrong santos.
Michelle: Yeah. Are you mad at me?
Tony: Uh-huh. No. No. No. I just... I was thinking about something marina said.
Michelle: What did she say? Just that maybe being here with danny might trigger something for you.
Michelle: And why would she even say that?
Tony: She's worried about maybe, I guess. I don't know. No idea.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: There was a little confusion.
Tony: Yeah, see that.
Danny: Good night.
Tony: All right, is there something you're not telling me?
Michelle: No. No. Why do you ask that?
Tony: Because you seem a little freaked out that's all.
Michelle: I almost climbed in the shower with my almost ex- husband. I am freaked out.
Tony: Okay, I understand that. I do. It's my fault. I'm sorry. Okay.
Michelle: It's nobody's fault. It's just one of those weird things. But you know what? Robbie is happy. And that's all that matters, right?
Tony: Yes, that does. That's right. That's right.
Danny: Stop looking at me like that. It was no big deal.
Marina: Really?
Danny: Yeah, really. She was just surprised that's all.
Marina: Or impressed. ( Laughs )
Ross: Dinah, look you're doing to yourself. Would you just stop?
Dinah: ( Crying ) is this what you wanted?
Ross: What I wanted was to help you. But I'm afraid it's too late.
Dinah: It's me. Lost cause. Thanks. But no thanks.
Matt: You're making a mistake, dinah. But I guess I'm not surprised.
Dinah: Yeah, well, you know what? Next time mom can't make it, tell her not to bother to send her boy toy, okay? Bill, blake, it's been real, but I'm intervened out, okay. I expected more from you.
Ross: And I from you. Let yourself out.
Robbie: Where's mommy?
Danny: Bud, she'll be back in a minute. Come on, please go back to bed. Come on, go to sleep.
Marina: I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Danny: Okay. Shhh. Go to sleep.
Tony: I think you saw robbie tonight, how happy he was here, right? Danny has to see that.
Michelle: Yeah, but it's got to be hard for him.
Tony: Why? Because you're with me now here? I mean, danny's got to want... michelle, he's got to want what's best for his kid.
Michelle: He does, tony. You know that.
Tony: Even if that means letting robbie live here full time? What?
Michelle: ( Laughs ) danny would never go for that.
Tony: No, I'm telling you, hey, it's not bad idea.
Michelle: I'd love it. How?
Tony: Well, I don't know. We got to just convince him, maybe soften him up a little bit, you know.
Michelle: I mean, do you really think we could?
Tony: Robbie belongs with you, michelle. He does.
Michelle: Robbie needs both of us right now, tony. And you know what? He's used to dealing with danny right now. I'm still getting used to the whole parent thing anyway.
Tony: Hey, hey, I agree. I think... I think you're great, okay.
Michelle: Thanks. Thanks. I'm trying. But really I just want what's best for my son.
Ross: Matt, I appreciate you coming.
Matt: Well, ross, I'd say anytime, but...
Bill: Well, I don't know about you, but I can use a drink.
Matt: A drink would be good.
Bill: All right.
Ross: Well, we'll catch up with you in a minute, okay.
Matt: Okay.
Blake: I'm sorry. I really am.
Ross: You know, I could use a minute. Can you wait for me in the car?
Jonathan: Hey. What's up?
Dinah: Hey. Not much.
Jonathan: You want a drink?
Dinah: Actually, if you don't mind, I really want to be alone.
Jonathan: You don't want to be alone.
Dinah: Would a broken finger prove my point?
Jonathan: Damn. What's wrong with you chicks tonight?
Dinah: If I told, you would you get lost?
Jonathan: No. You know what? I really don't even care anymore.
Dinah: It's my family.
Jonathan: Why don't you just say so?
Dinah: Because I didn't want to think about it. I'm through with them.
Jonathan: All right. Not me. Not yet.
Reva: So they said they were going to keep cassie overnight just in case.
Josh: Well find edmund, pull him aside and talk to him.
Reva: Well, yeah, I wonder if he'll even let us see her. Hi, sweetie.
Nurse: She was just there when I went on my rounds.
Reva: What? Cassie?
Tammy: She's gone. Mom's gone.
Next on "guiding light"...
Harley: I did it! I killed phillip, okay.
Frank: Harley stop it. Stop it. Shhh.
Harley: I'm not going to debate this with you, frank. It's over.
Olivia: Weren't you leaving?
Bill: Okay, look I gambled. I took a shot at trying to help harley.
Olivia: You gambled, you lost.
Bill: Come on.
Olivia: Harley still looks guilty. And I found out that I can't trust my husband.
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