GL Transcript Monday 2/28/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/28/05



By Boo

Reva: Cassie?

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: Hi, honey. How are you?

Cassie: I was so afraid that you didn't know I was here.

Reva: Well, I didn't, but i tracked you down, because before this goes any further, before there's a baby in the mix, there's something I need to tell you, something about edmund.

Cassie: Edmund?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: He's supposed to be here. We need to get him.

Reva: No, no, no, no. We don't need to call him right now.

Cassie: Why? Did something happen with the retrieval? Did the doctor tell you something went wrong?

Reva: No, no.

Cassie: Because the nurse said that everything was fine.

Reva: It was. It went great.

Cassie: Oh, god, thank god, because that's the most important thing, reva. That's the most important thing.

Reva: No, cassie. I don't have a lot of time, so there's something I have to tell you.

Cassie: Edmund has been so amazing, reva. He has. And I just want to get out of here and I want to go home. I want to have a baby with him. Our life will be even more wonderful. I love him so much, reva. I love him.

Jonathan: Sorry, dude, but you can blame edmund winslow.

Edmund: Guard, I just saw

reva lewis's car in the parking

lot. I asked you to escort her from the building.

Dinah: Jonathan. It's dinah. Where the hell are you? Did you forget we were supposed to hook up in the park today? We had an agreement. You were supposed to tell me that you succeeded in getting reva to break up the marriage between cassie and edmund, and i would show you what is underneath my warm and cuddly coat. But at this rate, my assets will be permanently frozen. Call me.

Ross: Frozen assets? I didn't know you played the market. What are you investing in?

Buzz: Zach, what are you doing out here without a coat on? You know your mother would shoot me dead. She'D... that's just an expression. You know your mother would never...

Zach: Everybody talks.

Buzz: Everybody? Kids at school saying stuff about your mom? Mean stuff? What are they saying?

Zach: They say that mommy killed daddy.

Harley: It all... it all came together for me. While you were questioning alan, it all came together for me.

Gus: What did? I don't understand.

Harley: I remember. I remember what happened now. I remember. I remember killing phillip.

Gus: Baby, look, I messed up, okay?

Harley: No.

Gus: No, I screwed up.

Harley: Listen...

Gus: I should never have put alan on the stand. I let my own personal stuff get in the way and I'm sorry, but I've only begun really defending your case, and I will make up for this mistake. I'll make up for it starting tomorrow, I promise. I do, I...

Harley: Shh. Listen. What alan said about me pulling the gun, that triggered all these images in my head.

Gus: You went to the house and you pulled a gun on him.

Harley: No, no. When I went to company that night. I remember what happened that night.

Gus: Honey, you're upset.

Harley: No. No! I remember!

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: I'M... I'm calling jeffrey o'neill. I'm going to change my plea to guilty.

Gus: You're not making any phone call, do you hear me?

Harley: You can take the phone. You can take my cell phone if you want. I'll just go see jeffrey in person. It doesn't matter.

Gus: Then you'll probably... you'll say what to him? Your memory was foggy and you just suddenly remembered it now that you killed phillip? It doesn't work that way. He'll never buy that.

Harley: Why wouldn't he? And why don't you? You know I can only remember that night up to a certain point. I remember... I remember arguing with phillip. I remember struggling with him over the gun, and I'm working so hard to remember more than that. Every day I've been sitting in that courtroom, and I've been feeling rattled, like I was on the verge of something.

Gus: And you're only mentioning it now? You're upset. I should never have put alan on the stand. It was my mistake, okay? And you think that it hurt our case real bad; you think we've lost; you're throwing in the towel.

Harley: Honey...

Gus: No, I understand what you're doing.

Harley: This is not about giving up. It's about facing reality, as harsh as that is, and reality is I did it.

Gus: You don't cop to something that you didn't do.

Harley: That's not what I'm doing.

Gus: It is what you're doing. You can't even say for sure that you shot phillip and you're guilty. You're guilty that you're putting your kids through this trial, and frank, and your father, and now you found out that alan's trying to get me disbarred and you're trying to protect me. I know what you're doing. I appreciate it, baby, I do, but you're trying to take the easy way out, here.

Harley: This is not about you. It's not. It's about me. It's about what I did. I have been terrified for months now that I might actually have killed someone. Well, now I... I know that i did, and I have to say it. I have to say it to you, to jeffrey o'neill, to anybody who will listen to me, because it's true, okay? I killed phillip. It's true.

Gus: No.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: No.

Harley: And... and I promised him. I promised phillip at his funeral, I promised my little boy when I held him in my arms that night, I promised myself, that I would find phillip's killer and I would bring them to justice, no matter who that turned out to be. Well, it turned out to be me. I have to act on that, because if I don't, then I am not the person that my little boy thinks I am. I'm just A... I'm a criminal like any other criminal, who's trying to get away with murder.

Gus: I'm sorry. I don't believe a word that you're saying.

Harley: Yes, you do.

Gus: No, I don'T.

Harley: Yes, you do.

Gus: No, I don't!

Harley: Really? Then why did you try to stop my hypnosis session? What was that? You knew I was getting close, and that scared you. And you know me. Come on, you know if I actually thought somebody was trying to hurt my kids, I would go crazy. So if we're going to be honest here, if you're going to be honest with yourself and you're going to be honest with me, you will admit... you will admit that this is exactly what you've been afraid of all along. And we both know what I have to do.

Gus: Prove it.

Harley: What?

Gus: Prove it. Let's go to company right now and show me. Show me every single move that you made. Prove it to me that you're the shooter. You do that, I'll help you cop a plea. And if you don't, I never want to hear another word about this. Do we have a deal?

Harley: Deal.

Buzz: I brought you some cocoa. No marshmallows on it because you're too big and grownup for that stuff. I know people are talking about your mother a lot. They're saying your mommy made your daddy go away. But you and I know what a good person she is. She would never hurt anyone on purpose.

Zach: Is it a lie?

Buzz: You have to ignore people when they say mean and hurtful stuff. Don't listen to them; listen to yourself. You and I know your mom better than anybody else. She's one of the finest people on the face of the earth, right? Now, want to get some ice cream? Not that tofu stuff that lizzie makes us sell, but some real stuff, you know, like at the scoop shop? Yeah? Me, too. I didn't want to work today, anyway. Shall we? All right.

Dinah: It's a high-tech stock that my broker's trying to sell me on, but it's too risky, so I'm not interested.

Ross: Too risky?

Dinah: Yeah.

Ross: I thought you liked taking risks. But then again, that's what usually gets you in trouble, isn't it?

Dinah: Why are you here, daddy?

Ross: Every day I like to come here and feed the pigeons, commune with nature.

Dinah: You're following me, aren't you? Yeah. I guess I'm not the only stalker in the family, eh?

Ross: Why would I follow you?

Dinah: I don't know. I think that you think there's something going on between me and reva's son jonathan.

Ross: Is there?

Dinah: ( Sighs ) daddy, I've told you, and I know that it sounds strange, but jonathan sees me as a role model. He sees that you, bill, and blake, you have forgiven me for the bad things I've done, and he's hoping that maybe he can do the same thing.

Ross: So your relationship with him is a mentor/pupil situation?

Dinah: Yes.

Ross: Hm.

Dinah: An unwanted one.

Ross: Well, why don't you ever say anything?

Dinah: What do you want me to do, call the cops every time he comes around?

Ross: I don't know; it sounds like a plan.

Dinah: Well, next time, i will do that. You know, I just... I think it's a waste of my energy, really, quite honestly, because I'd like to focus my time on moving on with my life.

Ross: What exactly does that entail, sweetheart?

Dinah: Well, putting cassie in the rearview mirror, and i don't know, having a career, finding a decent man to love.

Ross: Like that young doctor? Whatever happened to him?

Dinah: Yes. I'm still seeing him. He's nice.

Ross: Mm-hmm. Am I keeping you from something?

Dinah: No. Not at all.

Ross: So, then, you don't have any plans for the next couple hours?

Dinah: No. No, not really. Why?

Ross: Just curious.

Dinah: It sounds like more than just curiosity. What are you... what are you up to? Do you want to tell me something?

Ross: I will tell you something when the time is right.

Dinah: You know what? Dad, sometimes you... you freak me out a little bit.

Ross: ( Laughs ) well, you're not the only one who can keep secrets. ( Whistles a tune )

Edmund: I thought I told you to get out of here.

Jonathan: Would you chill, man?

Edmund: Get out of here now or I'll have you thrown out.

Jonathan: Go ahead, eddie. You know what? Don't just call the security guys here. Call the real cops. Go ahead. Call the cops. You tell them your story; I'll tell them mine. We'll see who comes out looking better.

Edmund: Your story? What exactly is your story?

Jonathan: What do you think my story is? Go ahead, try it. It'll be like that greek chick, what's her name? Oh, yeah: Pandora. She opened a box and she was surprised at what came out. So go ahead, eddie. Call them.

Guard: ( Groans ) oh, my head.

Edmund: Get out of here. I'll think of something to say to him. Get out before I change my mind!

Jonathan: Okay.

Reva: Cassie, sweetie, I know how much you think you want to have a baby with edmund...

Cassie: "Think?"

Reva: And how hard you've been trying to conceive, but before you think about bringing a child into this world with him, there's something I have to tell you.

Cassie: You've got to say it, reva. You're scaring me.

Reva: I know, sweetie, and i don't mean to. I love you. I love you so much, and I know how happy you are right now, but you wouldn't be happy if you knew...

Cassie: ( Gasps )

Reva: Cassie? Honey, what's wrong?

Cassie: I can't take a deep breath.

Reva: What is it? Well, just relax. Relax, sweetie. Just breathe. Breathe.

Cassie: It hurts.

Reva: Huh?

Cassie: ( Wheezing )

Reva: Here, I'm going to go get the nurse.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: What, sweetie? I'll get the nurse.

Cassie: Something's wrong. ( Gasping )

Reva: Okay, okay. Just relax. Relax, relax, relax. Sit back. Sit back. Honey... okay. You want to sit up?

Cassie: ( Gasping )

Gus: "Closed." That's weird, isn't it? It's kind of early.

Harley: Yeah. The "closed" sign was up the night phillip died, too. Not that that stopped me. I already followed him here. I was hoping he'd had a big change of heart and that he was going to bring the kids back home.

Gus: So why dress up as ruth? Why a disguise?

Harley: Because I didn't trust him. I knew he'd never be straight with the real me, but with ruth, he might let something slip, you know? He might let his guard down enough, just enough so I...

Gus: What?

Harley: I didn't need my keys that night. The door was already open.

Gus: And seeing the broken glass, you didn't think to yourself, something's wrong?

Harley: I wasn't thinking clearly. When I came in, he was there. He was standing right there with a bloody handkerchief wrapped around his hand.

Gus: Baby, you've told me all of this already.

Harley: It's like he was expecting me. Expecting ruth. He was laughing at me. "You think I didn't know it was you, harley?" He shoved me, tore off my wig. Did I really think I would get zach and jude back now? That le would reward me for deceiving him? He told me I'd never see those boys again, that I would never hear them laugh again, feel their little hands in mine. And that's when he put the gun down on the table, taunting me, daring me. "Go ahead," he said. "Shoot me." He put the gun in my hand. "Shoot me." And we struggled. And I got the gun away from him. And I... I...

Ross: So, now would be all right? Good. Yes, I'll see what I can do.

Dinah: Daddy, what are you doing? Are you trying to fix me up with someone?

Ross: Dinah, I told you, my lips are sealed.

Dinah: You are. You are. And you're awfully sweet and you're awfully cute, but come on. Really, you don't need to bother. Like you said, I'm already seeing corey, and we'll see where it goes.

Ross: But corey's a doctor. He's not actually your type, is he?

Dinah: Well, maybe I'm trying to change my type.

Ross: That would be very good. Somehow I think there's more to it than that.

Dinah: I can't win for losing with you today.

Ross: ( Chuckles )

Dinah: First I'm still obsessed with cassie. Now I'm dating the wrong guy. Do you think maybe by the time i turn 60, you could trust me to make my own decisions?

Jonathan: Hey, babe. I know I kept you waiting, but you won't believe what I just... oh.

Ross: Don't mind me, jonathan. Dinah and I were just having a little father-daughter talk about trust.

Reva: Sweetie, I'm going to get someone. I'm going to get some help.

Cassie: ( Gasping ) reva.

Reva: Okay, just relax. Sweetie, just stay there. Nurse! Nurse, come here. My sister needs help. She can't breathe.

Nurse: Breathe for me.

Cassie: ( Gasps )

Nurse: I'll get a doctor.

Reva: Okay. Just hurry up. Just try to relax. Try to relax. Try to relax. It's going to be okay, okay?

Cassie: ( Gasping )

Reva: Just try to...

Doctor: All right, get anesthesia in here.

Cassie: ( Gasping )

Doctor: All right. Here, this is oxygen.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: What's wrong?

Doctor: There you go.

Reva: What's wrong? What's happening to her?

Doctor: Take gentle, slow breaths.

Cassie: ( Wheezing breaths )

Doctor: All right, she's having a bad reaction to the anesthesia. Okay.

Reva: I'm right here, sweetie. I'm right here.

Doctor: Just take gentle breaths. I'm going to need you to leave.

Reva: No. I'm her sister, okay?

Doctor: No. Please, please. I'm going to need the room to work. Wait out in the hall.

Cassie ( muffled ): Edmund. Get edmund.

Edmund: Nurse? Nurse, is something wrong? Cassie? What did you do to her?

Coming up on "guiding


Harley: Listen to yourself, okay? I did this. I killed phillip. I have to face the consequences for that, gus.

Gus: Why? Why? Because he's such a standup guy? The world is better off without him.

Edmund: I don't give a damn about you right now, or that psychopath you call your son. The only person I care about is my wife, and I almost lost her just now. oprah: Chris r

Gus: Stop. Stop it. Okay, that story that you told me? O'neill would never buy that confession. Okay, the state's own forensic guy says it happened differently. He didn't get shot over here. The gun was fired from over here someplace, okay?

Harley: I didn't say this is where I shot him. I said this is where we struggled. And I got the gun away from him, and I had the gun. And I pointed it at him. I took aim. But I couldn't pull the trigger.

Gus: Why? Why not?

Harley: Because I didn't want to kill him. Because he was the father of my child. But then he started saying these horrible things to me about how I didn't deserve zach and jude, how I had never deserved them, how everything that was ever good in my life I had screwed up. And I lunged for him. I lunged for him and we struggled again. That's when I got the blood on my clothes, from the cut on his hand. And I got the gun away from him and I managed to shove him away, that way. And I ran. I ran here. And I pointed the gun at him and I demanded... i demanded that he tell me where my boys were. But he said he wouldn'T. He said he would never. And at that moment, I knew phillip wouldn't tell me where the boys were because he had hurt them. He had hurt my boys. And I hated him like I had never hated anyone in my life. My heart was pounding. All I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears. And then, bang. Phillip, he staggered backward. He looked shocked-- hurt even, like a child. And then he went down. He collapsed. And the blood was oozing from his chest. And then he was still. Now do you believe me?

Dinah: Jonathan, seriously, this needs to stop. You beg me to talk to you about your family problems and I say, "yes, five minutes in a public place," and what do you do? You... you leave me out here in the absolute freezing cold, and it seems like the more I try to do for you, the less grateful you are. Now, you've got to find yourself another role model, quite honestly. Daddy, let's just go.

Ross: No.

Dinah: Let's just leave.

Ross: I can't do that. I have to do some mayor things. I have to meet a dignitary at the airport and I'm already a little late, but you'll be fine. Like you said, it's a public place. Jonathan? You know, springfield pd is so good at what they do. Don't make me regret this.

Jonathan: I won't, your honor.

Ross: And you, keep your phone on because I am going to call you, and then I'm going to introduce you to your mystery date.

Jonathan: Aw, your mystery date. I can just imagine the kind of guy your daddy would pick out for you. He'd probably make that doctor look like a real stud.

Dinah: Shut up. Shut up. I told you not to talk about my father. I don't want to hear it. Look, whatever reason you have for keeping me waiting in the cold-- not good enough, okay?

Jonathan: Aw. Is that for me?

Dinah: Well, it was, until you blew it.

Jonathan: Like hell I did. Reva is telling her beloved sister cassie all about how mean, nasty edmund almost killed jeffrey o'neill and set fire to the barn. Their marriage is as good as done. Now, I delivered on my goods, baby. Your turn.

Reva: I didn't do anything to cassie, edmund. She's having a bad reaction to the anesthesia.

Doctor: All right. Her breathing is just about back to normal, but I want to keep her overnight for some observation.

Edmund: Is she all right?

Doctor: Let her rest.

Edmund: Cassie.

Reva: No, edmund. The doctor said let her rest.

Edmund: If anything had happened to her...

Reva: What, you'd blame jonathan? Is that it? Or me? Maybe hurt us?

Edmund: What?

Reva: You heard me.

Edmund: Reva, this may come as a complete shock to you, but I don't give a damn about you right now, or that psychopath you call your son. The only person I care about is my wife, and I almost lost her just now. So if you'd be so kind as to get out of here and leave us alone.

Reva: If you hurt her...

Edmund: I won't let anything bad happen to you, cassie. I'll stay with you all night. And when you wake up and open your eyes in the morning, I'll be the first thing you see. I'll still be here. I'm not going to walk... we're just starting out. We have so much to look forward to, and I want you to be all right. I want you to be all right, and I want you to know that you will always be all right with me. I love you. I love you.

Cassie: ( Coughing )

Edmund: Cassie?

Cassie: ( Coughing ) edmund?

Edmund: Cassie. How are you feeling? Are you all right? Are you okay?

Cassie: What happened?

Edmund: You had a bad reaction to the anesthetic, but you're fine now.

Cassie: What about the retrieval?

Edmund: Went perfectly. We have more than enough, and it's all of great quality.

Cassie: Really?

Edmund: Really. So all you have to do right now is rest. Just rest, cassie, okay?

Cassie: We're going to have a baby, edmund. I know we are. I can feel it.

Jonathan: The last time I saw reva, she was in cassie's room, about to tell her the truth about her gentle hubby.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) and there goes cassie's fairytale ending, right?

Jonathan: Oh, yeah. I'm sure you're all busted up about that.

Dinah: Yeah, I am. You know why? Because edmund, he's going to need some wonderful comforting, you know, from a nice, caring, warm woman, you know, who understands him and has always had his best interest at heart.

Jonathan: Okay, could you not do that while you're pawing me? A guy could develop a complex.

Dinah: Come here. Sit down. ( Laughs ) you know what? I will always have a soft spot for you.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah?

Dinah: Mm-hmm.

Jonathan: What soft spot did you have in mind? That one?

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) ( cell phone rings )

Dinah: Ooh. My phone's ringing.

Jonathan: No, don't even think about it.

Dinah: Yes, I have to get it. Let me just see who it is. ( Laughs )

Jonathan: No!

Dinah: Stop!

Jonathan: ( Blows raspberry )

Dinah: ( Laughs ) let me get my phone. Come on. Ooh, see? It's blake. I should get this. I really have to get this or she won't think I love her. Hello? Hey, blake. What's up? I'm just busy. Yeah. What kind of family meeting? Where? Well, when? All right, I'll be there. I'll be there. I certainly hope this is as important as you say it is. Hello? What does my father see in that woman? I have to go.

Jonathan: Now?

Dinah: Yeah, now. Blake and daddy want to meet with me for some odd reason. But I also think I should do this so that they will get off my back about you. But I am looking forward to continuing this very soon, i promise.

Jonathan: Uh, dinah? I know I'm new to the whole family thing, but before you go meet with your stepmom, do you think maybe you should slip into something a little less comfortable?

Dinah: Yeah.

Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Harley: So, that's my story, and o'neill will have to see that I was pushed to this.

Gus: Listen to me. Just listen to me, okay? I don't care what you say you remember, now or ten freaking years from now. Nobody needs to know this.

Harley: Listen to yourself, okay? I did this. I killed phillip. I have to face the consequences for that, gus.

Gus: Why? Why? Because he was such a standup guy? The world is better off without him. I didn't mean that.

Harley: Yeah, you did.

Gus: No, I... he was my brother. I... I cared about him. But he's gone, you know? And you're here, and you have a family, and you've got children...

Harley: Okay, you have to stop making excuses for me.

Gus: It's not an excuse, it's the truth, and it's a fact. And do you want to know another fact? You could be wrong. What if you're wrong? And in a month from now, even a year from now, you realize, okay, due to your overactive, traumatized imagination, induced by guilt or fear or whatever, it's going to be too late.

Harley: That's not what's happening.

Gus: You say that I know you, right? You say that I know you better than anybody. And I know what you do. You think these things up. You convince yourself of things just to ease other people's pain.

Harley: Okay. Listen to me.

Gus: No, I'm not going to... what, are you going to spew more crap at me about this stuff? I don't have to... I don'T... i don't have to listen to...

Harley: Listen to me. You've done everything that you could do for me. More, even. Above and beyond. But you have to let go. You need to call jeffrey o'neill and tell him I will accept the plea, while that deal is still on the table. And if you won't, I will.

Zach: Mommy.

Harley: Hi. I hope you're not all by yourself.

Buzz: No, he's not. He's just with his grandfather who can't keep up with him. I've had a double scoop with sprinkles at the scoop shop. He favors fudge twirl. What's up?

Gus: Nothing. We... we were just making sure that she had a little, you know, family time tonight, quality time, before we go back to court in the morning.

Harley: Gus.

Gus: No, we'll go back to court and prove that she's innocent. The state does not have a leg to stand on. And zach gets to come and see mommy and tell her how much she loves him, right? He needs her. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? You guys have a nice little pleasant evening, okay? See you in the morning.

Buzz: You want me to get him back?

Harley: No. Sometimes you have to let someone go.

Dinah: Hello? Hello? Blake? What was so important that I had to run here for? You'd better answer me if you're here.

Matt: Hello, dinah.

Dinah: Matt. What are you doing here?

Harley: Look at you. You're like this little ice cream monster. You have chocolate fudge swirl all over your face. Look, I think there's even... what is this here? Doink. ( Laughs )

Zach: Are you mad at me?

Harley: Am I mad at you? No. Why would you think I'm mad at you? If anything, I'm jealous because I wanted some ice cream, too.

Buzz: Maybe mommy's mad at me.

Harley: Why? Do you have chocolate fudge swirl on your face, too? What's with that expression? What's with all these weird questions? I'm thrilled for you guys. I'm so glad that you had a nice day together. You are so lucky to have your grandpa, you know that? And you know what else? He is going to teach you so much stuff. I mean, not just how to eat ice cream, but, like, how to throw a curve ball, and one day he'll teach you how to shave. How to pin a corsage on your prom date's dress.

Buzz: Are you okay?

Harley: I'm fine. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be fine? Look, I got my guys right here. ( Laughs )

Gus: If you're not going to fight, I will.

Edmund: You should be able to go home tomorrow morning.

Cassie: You know, I... i guess I was dreaming, but i thought reva was here. It just seemed so real.

Edmund: Reva...

Cassie: Maybe I was hallucinating or something.

Edmund: ...Was here earlier, actually.

Cassie: She was?

Edmund: Mm-hmm. She just wanted to see how you were doing, and then when you were asleep, she went back to town.

Cassie: She just came to say hi? I thought she wanted to tell me something. I should call reva.

Edmund: Cassie, cassie, cassie. Could you do me a favor, please?

Cassie: What?

Edmund: Just forget about reva for the time being, and think about how much I love you, and try to get some rest.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I know I'm a lot of trouble, and you're so good to me.

Edmund: No. You're no trouble at all. It's everything else that's trouble. But cassie, I'm going to do everything I can to keep all the bad things away from you. I'll do that if it's the last thing I do.

Jonathan: Reva?

Reva: Hi.

Jonathan: Hey. Are you okay? What are you doing here?

Reva: Oh, I'm just trying to clear my head.

Jonathan: Oh, listen, I know it must have been really tough. I mean, I'm sure cassie got very upset when you told her about edmund and the fire and everything. So...

Reva: I didn't tell her about the fire. I started to, but then she had a reaction to the anesthesia and she was breathing badly, and then the doctor rushed in and...

Jonathan: How is she?

Reva: She was breathing normally when I left, but they're going to keep her overnight just to keep an eye on her.

Jonathan: Well, then you need to go back there right now. What? Is she unconscious?

Reva: No. No, she's conscious.

Jonathan: Well, then you have to go tell her.

Reva: Jonathan, I can'T. Okay?

Jonathan: Yes, you can. Sure you can.

Reva: Look, when I left there, cassie was very upset and edmund was taking care of her.

Jonathan: Oh, great. Edmund the attempted murderer.

Reva: Look, you and I both know what he is and what he's capable of, but cassie? Cassie loves him and she wants so much to have a baby with him. And she's fragile right now, too fragile to hear something so terrible.

Jonathan: I can't believe you didn't tell her about edmund and the fire.

Reva: I couldn'T. The timing isn't right.

Jonathan: No, don't talk to me about timing, reva. You're a coward.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Tammy: Uncle josh, I'm the last person to defend jonathan, okay, but aunt reva really missed her sister, you know? And she really wanted to be part of everything that's going on with the baby stuff.

Josh: I understand that, tammy, but you can't forget what he did to you, and what he did to your mom.

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