GL Transcript Friday 2/25/05 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/25/05

[an error occurred while processing this directive]  

By Boo

Gus: Your honor, the defense calls alan spaulding.

Jeffrey: Objection, your honor. Mr. Spaulding is not on mr. Aitoro's witness list.

Gus: Yeah, well he's on yours, counselor. That makes him fair game.

Judge ellis: I agree.

Gus: Thank you. Mr. Spaulding, would you like to take the stand? Please?

Judge ellis: Counselors, approach.

Reva: But I don't understand. Why would she chancel her procedure? No, no, she wouldn't just bail on the in vitro. What do you mean, she changed fertility clinics? Well, is there someone there i can talk to that knows more than you? A supervisor, perhaps? Thanks. A lot.

Jonathan: Reva, what's up?

Reva: Don't worry about it.

Jonathan: Is something wrong with cassie?

Reva: I was just looking for her.

Jonathan: Well, it seems like a big deal.

Reva: Yeah, well, it is. She was supposed to start her in vitro procedure today, and I was supposed to be there with her.

Jonathan: You two made up?

Reva: Yeah, well, kind of. Anyway, I got to cedars for her appointment and they told me that she'd canceled it and that she'd changed fertility clinics.

Jonathan: Without even telling you.

Reva: Yeah. And that's not like her.

Jonathan: No, but it is just like good old uncle edmund.

Cassie: I would really rather do this at cedars, you know? I like my doctor.

Edmund: Oh, so do I, cassie, so do I, but he can't hold a candle to the specialists here. Besides, these facilities are first-rate. They've got the best security of any clinic in the midwest. It's like a fortress.

Cassie: A fortress. Why would we need a fortress to get pregnant?

Edmund: Well, cassie, just look at this. They have a very high success rate, and ultimately that's what this is about, right? Us making a baby?

Cassie: Yes.

Edmund: Good, good. Then don't think about... don't think about where we are, just think about what we want.

Nurse #2: Mrs. Winslow? The doctor will be in shortly to sedate you.

Edmund: Thank you. This is where it starts, cassie. This is where we begin our family. Just the two of us, with nothing to stand in our way.

Danny: How's the other side? Is it stable?

Tony: Yeah, it's all right. I think it's just the right side.

Danny: Marina, hand me the wrench. Yeah, tight right there. Oh, yeah, that's good.

Tony: You got it?

Danny: Yeah.

Tony: That'll hold until the guy comes to fix it.

Michelle: Hey, guys?

Tony: Yeah?

Danny: Yeah?

Michelle: Has anyone seen robbie?

Danny: He was upstairs playing, wasn't he?

Marina: Robbie?

Danny: I thought you were watching him. Robbie?

Tony: Robbie!

Danny: Who left the door open?

Tony: Uh-oh.

Danny: Robbie!

Michelle: Robbie!

Marina: Robbie!

Tony: Robbie!

Sebastian: Well, hello. You taking a walk?

Sebastian: Hey, little man. You all right? Are you lost?

Robbie: I'm not allowed to talk to strangers.

Sebastian: Well, you know what? I think that's a good idea. You shouldn'T. But I know you and I know your mommy and daddy, too. You're robbie santos, right? Well, I'm sebastian. Sebastian hulce. Nice to meet you, robbie. So, there. There you go. See? We're not strangers at all, are we?

Danny: Did you find him?

Michelle: No.

Danny: Did you check in the attic?

Marina: He wasn't out back, either.

Danny: I ran all the way down the road, as far as the kleins' house.

Michelle: This is because of the conversation we just had, okay? He thought we were moving back in together and then we said we weren'T.

Danny: We don't know that, michelle. We don't know that. Let's just... we need to find him. Let's just focus on that.

Marina: And I'm going to call my dad and see if he can get his guys at the station to help us.

Danny: Yeah, have him just keep an eye out for him, and michelle, come with me.

Tony: No, danny. Danny, you guys stay here. It'd be good if he comes home and sees his mom and dad. Her and I, we'll go. We'll go get him, I promise you. We'll go get him.

Danny: Do you have your cell phone with you?

Michelle: Thank you guys, thank you.

Danny: Damn it. Robbie! Robbie!

Michelle: Oh, god, poor robbie. He's out there all alone, danny. Anything could happen to him.

Danny: Nothing's going to happen to him, michelle. We just... we'll find him, and when he gets back here... look, we need to make it very clear to him so that he understands everything and that neither one of us is going anywhere. He just... he got the wrong idea, that's all.

Michelle: Yeah, i gave him the wrong idea. That's what you mean to say, okay? Because this is my fault.

Edmund: The retrieval won't take long at all. Just close your eyes and you'll be back to me before you know it.

Cassie: You think everything's going to go okay? You think they're going to get a numb... ( yawns ) whew. Man. ( Laughter )

Edmund: You okay?

Cassie: Yeah, I just feel a little weird. Feels really strange being here, you know? I really wish we were at cedars.

Edmund: Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Just think about giving tammy and will and rj a little baby brother or sister.

Cassie: If everything goes well. I really wanted reva to be here, you know?

Edmund: I know. I know, I know, but wherever reva goes, stress follows, and so does jonathan. He's the last person you need to see right now, so just relax, all right?

Cassie: Relax. Okay.

Edmund: We'll be back home before you know it and we'll be one step closer to our miracle, okay?

Cassie: Okay. Reva.

Reva: Cassie, she might have left me a message about the change of plans but maybe i didn't get it.

Jonathan: Or maybe she just decided to call the whole thing off because she doesn't want to have a baby with evil uncle edmund. I mean, especially after what you told her about, you know, him starting the fire and everything, right?

Reva: I didn't tell her about the fire.

Jonathan: You said you were going to.

Reva: I know, but then tammy set up this dinner for cassie and I... and it just... it was awkward at first, but then we got talking seriously, you know, and I realized how much she wants to have a baby with edmund and I didn't want to be the one to take all that away from her.

Jonathan: So you'd rather her have a baby with a guy who has almost committed murder how many times?

Reva: You know what? I really can't talk about this. I just... I have to find out where she is.

Jonathan: Well, I'll help you call around, whatever.

Reva: No. No, I can handle this on my own.

Jonathan: Right. Cassie's not going to cut me any slack, huh? No matter how many sisterly dinners I set up.

Reva: You?

Jonathan: You and cassie, dinner at olivia's bar? My idea. Tammy made the phone calls. Teamwork.

Reva: Why?

Jonathan: I don't know. I just felt like it was the right thing to do.

Reva: You wanted cassie and i to work things out.

Jonathan: Well, don't get all mushy on me. Honestly, I wasn't even going to tell you, except that I figure you could probably use my help finding cassie right now, and i just want you to know my heart's in the right place and all that, so...

Reva: I appreciate that. I do, but I really don't know what you can do?

Jonathan: Well, you don't, but I do.

Jeffrey: Your honor, the state was not expecting this witness to be called, so we would like a short recess to prepare.

Judge ellis: You were prepared for mr. Spaulding when he was your witness.

Jeffrey: Ten minutes is all i request, your honor.

Judge ellis: Okay. We'll break for ten. ( Bangs gavel )

Harley: Why are you calling alan?

Gus: Because o'neill made a little mistake by resting before he called him up there, and i think he's a little worried that alan's emotional or too irrational, and that's exactly why I want him up there right now.

Harley: Aren't you a little worried that he might be...

Gus: I'm not worried about it. Thank you.

Harley: Gus? Aren't you a little nervous that he might say...

Gus: It's my forensic guy. I've just got to return the...

Coop: Harley? Alan spaulding? Does gus know what he's doing here?

Harley: Of course he does.

Alan: You just couldn't resist, could you? Getting me on the stand, ripping into me. You don't even care if it hurts harley.

Gus: I don't care what you say, okay? My loyalty is with harley.

Alan: So you're going to prove your love to her by showing how much you hate me? Try. Try and trip me up. It'll only give me more reason to get you disbarred.

Gus: I don't have time for this, all right?

Alan: Let me tell you something. When I am through with you, you will have lots of time, because you will have no money, no career, no girlfriend. You know what? You should have accepted the da plea bargain because she's going to go away for a long time, and I am going to get zach.

Gus: Oh, you keep on dreaming, alan. Keep on dreaming.

Alan: I am going to get zach. I would do anything in the world to get him, and when I get him, I am going to make sure that that little boy grows up hating his mother and her family.

Gus: You know, I don't have to hate you to love her, but you certainly make it easy.

Harley: Court's back in...

Edmund: Thank you.Xd cassie?Pkñt(7[Z7 to the procedureu right now ap$rr.Yyou when*fi you get out, all right? Everything's going to be fine.=K3 I feel very positive about this.ñ

Cassie: Edmund... reva?

Edmund: Reva's not here right now, but we'll see her soon,zv çctç okay? We'll tell her how well it went.F*-mñw3wlqñc;4e1 I love you.Xd

Cassie: I love you, too.

Edmund: Excuse me? My wife, cassie winslow, is not supposed to see anyone except the people on this list. Can you give this to the front desk for me, please.

Guard: Short list.

Edmund: Yes, it is. Just me and our children. No one else. Got it?

Jonathan: This is really good.

Nurse #1: So, are you going to call me, jb, like you said you would?

Jonathan: Call you? Honey, this information is worth much more than a phone call.

Nurse #1: I'll believe it when I see it.

Jonathan: I'm unpredictable. That's what you love about me, right? Well, it's your lucky day. Cassie is having the procedure done at riversville fertility clinic.

Reva: Riversville? I've never heard of it before.

Jonathan: Yeah, it's one of those fancy places that caters to, like, celebrities. She said they're really big on security, though. She said it's like a bunker.

Reva: A bunker. Perfect.

Jonathan: Hey. You want the address?

Reva: Yeah. She wanted me to be there with her and that's exactly where I'm going to be.

Marina: No, zach and jude haven't seen him. Did you try the park? Robbie loves the big slide. I'm just afraid he's going to try to walk across the pond. It's still kind of frozen. Okay, okay, I won't even go there. Look, I'll just stick around here for a few more minutes in case he wanders over here. Okay, I'll talk to you later.

Alexandra: What... wait a minute. What's wrong? Is somebody missing?

Marina: Danny's son, robbie. He just wandered out of the house. None of us even noticed until he was gone. You haven't seen him?

Alexandra: Oh, no, I haven'T. Is there anything else I can do in the meantime? Look, darling...

Marina: No.

Alexandra: I'm sorry. I suppose not. Why aren't you in court?

Marina: I can't be everywhere.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) darling, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll let you get on with your search.

Marina: Look, alexandra, I'm sorry. Okay, I just don't even know how the coopers and the spauldings can even talk to each other these days.

Alexandra: Oh, well, if you find out how that's going to be, you let me know, will you?

Marina: Why aren't you in court?

Alexandra: Well, I seem to have a special situation, you know? See, I don't think harley killed phillip. No. But if I go into that courtroom and let that be known, my brother could make my life a living hell. So I think for now I'm just going to stay away. Can't do much good now, anyway.

Marina: My father's pretty relieved when I don't show up. He still hates the fact that i have to deal with the harshness of reality. He's a little overprotective.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, I know all about that.

Marina: That's right. You were an only girl, too. Did you... okay, did your father ever disapprove of any of the guys you dated?

Alexandra: Oh, well, I think we need to rephrase that question. Did my father or my brother ever approve of any man I was

involved with? No. A resounding no.

Marina: How did you deal with it?

Alexandra: Not very well, I'm afraid. But don't you worry because frank and buzz would never go to the extremes that alan and brandon went to. They cost me a lot of happiness. They cost... cost me years as a mother.

Marina: And you still talk to your brother.

Alexandra: See, alan and i have some sort of special bond. Kind of hard to explain. I just hope you'll never have to make that kind of choice.

Marina: Me, too.

Alexandra: You, too. Are we talking about danny santos?

Marina: How did you know?

Alexandra: Well, I was at the famous cooper football game, you know. I felt the electricity in the air.

Marina: That electricity was my father's stun gun. He was aiming at danny.

Alexandra: Yeah. Again, I'm going to tell you, don't worry because they would never do to danny and you what alan and brandon did to me. However, when I think back, i realize they weren't completely wrong, you now? I picked some real doozies.

Marina: Well, I'm still standing by danny. He's an amazing guy and I'll fight for him.

Alexandra: Well, then danny's a very lucky man.

Marina: Yeah, he is, isn't he? $Ñ

Danny: Michelle, come on. It's not your fault.

Michelle: I'm the one who decided to move in here with tony, okay? And I'm the one who told robbie the totally wrong way.

Danny: He just... he wants his mom... he wants his mom and dad to be back together and he doesn't understand why that's not happening. We have to keep talking to him and reassuring him.

Michelle: Mm-hmm. And what if it's not that easy?

Danny: ( Sighs ) michelle, no one said it's going to be easy. We just have to do it. Together. Okay? We cannot start blaming each other because he'll pick up on that and it will not be good for him. I don't want that.

Michelle: No, I don't want that, either. I don'T. Thank you.

Danny: What? For what?

Michelle: For not blaming me.

Danny: Michelle. Michelle, come on.

Michelle: Look, I know tony said to stay here. I can'T. I've got to go out and look for myself, okay?

Sebastian: Lose something?

Judge ellis: Be seated. ( Bangs gavel ) call your witness, mr. Aitoro.

Gus: Thank you, your honor. The defense calls alan spaulding.

Bailiff: Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god?

Alan: I do.

Bailiff: Be seated. State your name for the record.

Alan: Alan spaulding.

Gus: You all right? Mr. Spaulding, please tell us your relationship with the deceased, phillip spaulding.

Alan: He was my son.

Gus: Biological?

Alan: I don't think that's relevant.

Gus: Please just answer the question.

Alan: Phillip was my adopted son, but I loved him as though he were biological.

Gus: And at the end of his life, you loved him then, too?

Alan: Of course I did. What kind of question is that?

Gus: Well, we've heard in this courtroom that he had a lot of serious problems and a lot of serious enemies, and I was just wondering if you were one of them.

Alan: Phillip didn't have any enemies, but he had a lot of people who misunderstood him.

Gus: Hm, misunderstood. So, you are saying that your son...

Alan: Let me rephrase that. Phillip did have one enemy at the end of his life, and she's sitting at the defense table.

Gus: Motion to strike, your honor.

Judge ellis: The jury will ignore the witness' last comment.

Gus: Okay, so your son was misunderstood. Would you say that he was misunderstood because people in town didn't really appreciate the fact that he was going to rip down springfield and rebuild it in his own image? Or was he misunderstood because he bulldozed his ex-wife's home down, even though his own child lived in it, just out of spite? Or was it because he kidnapped the children? I mean, what's wrong with the people in this town? Are they just ignorant and just simple-minded people? Is that the problem?

Alan: Is that a question?

Gus: Mr. Spaulding, why don't you explain, in your own words, how it was with phillip in the last months of his life.

Alan: You're trying to put my son on trial and I'm not going to allow it. He was the victim.

Gus: Well, that's debatable.

Jeffrey: Your honor.

Judge ellis: No editorializing, mr. Aitoro. Ask your questions.

Gus: How many people would you say had a reason to shoot your son?

Alan: Ms. Cooper is on trial for killing my son.

Gus: Yes, she is. Yes, she is. But how about this. How about we put you on trial? How about the fact that your son would probably be alive today if you weren't such a lousy father. How about that?

Jeffrey: Objection.

Alan: You really want to do this?

Gus: We're doing it. ( Banging gavel )

Judge ellis: Order.

Coming up on "guiding light."

Jeffrey: Harley cooper pulled a gun on phillip spaulding.

Alan: Yes, and she told him that if he did not return her sons, that she would kill him. Your honor, if you're wondering if there was a witness to all of this, the answer is yes. The witness was mr. Aitoro.

Reva: Before this goes any further, before there is a baby in the mix, there's something i have to tell you about edmund. oprah: Red-carpet makeovers ( banging gavel )

Judge ellis: Order!

Jeffrey: Your honor, the defense is badgering the witness. Mr. Aitoro apparently has some sort of grudge against mr. Spaulding and is using the courtroom to vent his own anger.

Gus: No, your honor, there's nothing personal going on here.

Jeffrey: May we know where he's going with this questioning?

Judge ellis: I trust you're heading someplace relevant with this line of questioning?

Gus: Yes, I am. Yes, your honor.

Judge ellis: All right, then proceed.

Gus: Your son is dead, so we're never really going to know why he did so many... so many terrible things to so many people. We're never going to know his true motives. So instead, let's talk about yours, shall we?

Michelle: I was so worried about you. Are you okay?

Danny: I heard you were alive, sebastian.

Sebastian: Alive and well.

Danny: Where'd you find my son?

Sebastian: He was wandering the streets.

Danny: Really?+ You think I'm going to believe that he was just wandering around somewhere and you found him and brought him back here?

Sebastian: Well, it wasn't just somewhere. I mean, it was in the park and he was alone and he was afraid, so I brought him home.

Danny: Hey, buddy, come here. You sure you're okay? Yeah? Robbie, did this man do anything to scare you?

Robbie: He's nice.

Tony: Michelle? What the hell are you doing here?

Michelle: Tony, tony. Tony, look. Calm, please.

Danny: It's okay. It's okay.

Tony: I'm asking you. What are you doing here?

Danny: Hey, listen. He says he found robbie at the park.

Tony: He found robbie. You believe him?

Sebastian: Look, I know... look, you have every reason not to trust me, okay?

Tony: Yeah, that's right.

Sebastian: But, look, the kid's safe so I'm just going to go, okay?

Michelle: Wait. Sebastian, wait, wait. Listen...

Sebastian: Michelle.

Michelle: You did a lot of horrible things to us, okay?

Sebastian: Yeah.

Michelle: And we're having a hard time forgetting that, but i recognize that this is not one of them. Thank you.

Sebastian: You're welcome. I've got a lot to make up for. You've got a nice family. See you, robbie.

Robbie: Bye.

Tony: Hey. So, you're sticking around, huh?

Sebastian: That's the plan. Is that you're bike, because I'm looking to buy one?

Tony: Sebastian, I'm going to tell you something. You stay away from michelle, all right? In fact, you stay away from anyone I care about or you'll be sorry.

Sebastian: No worries.

Edmund: Tammy? Hi. It's edmund. Look, your mother just got back from the procedure. Everything went very well and she's in her room about to wake up. Okay? Sorry, what? Hold on, I can't hear. Let me get a better connection. Just a second.

Jonathan: The way you snowed them at the front desk is pretty impressive.

Reva: Yeah, well that's just a little trick of the reporter's trade. That's her room so I'm going to go on in. You should probably wait in the lounge.

Jonathan: Well, I feel like i should stick with you if edmund's around.

Reva: No, I can handle edmund. I just... I really don't think you should be around cassie.

Jonathan: Got it. All right. Well, I hope everything went okay.

Reva: Thanks. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let...

Edmund: You're not welcome here.

Reva: Don't touch him again.

Jonathan: It's okay. Chill. I came here to make sure my mom got in okay. I'm gone.

Edmund: How the hell did you get in? I left instructions with security.

Reva: Yeah, I know all about your instructions, but I'd like to know what gives you the right to switch clinics and not tell me.

Edmund: I didn't tell you, reva, because it's none of your business.

Reva: Excuse me?

Edmund: You heard me. Now I want you to leave. You don't belong here, and neither does your son.

Gus: Mr. Spaulding, how would you characterize your son's mental and physical well-being right around the time he died. Would you say he was mentally ill?

Alan: I'm not a doctor. I wouldn't know. Year for several months. Is that true?

Alan: Yes, that's correct.

Gus: For psychiatric problems?

Alan: Phillip was under a lot of stress. He needed some peace and quiet.

Gus: Well, psychiatric problems. And while at ravenwood, he underwent electroshock therapy, isn't that true?

Alan: Briefly.

Gus: And after the electroshock therapy, he was then released and sent home.

Alan: Yes, that's correct.

Gus: Mr. Spaulding, would you say that your son was released because he really got better? Or would you say that it was because spaulding enterprises needed their golden boy to be released from the nut-house so that spaulding stock wouldn't plummet?

Alan: Phillip was truly better.

Gus: He was better? Like all better? Back to his old self better?

Alan: Yes. He was better, and the doctor and I felt that he was doing well enough that if he went home, he could finish his healing there surrounded by people who loved him.

Gus: "People who loved him."

Alan: Yes.

Gus: That's interesting you should say that, mr. Spaulding, because I have signed affidavits right here from ex-employees of yours, servants from last year, that say no, they don't think that mr. Phillip spaulding was well when he got home from ravenwood. They thought that he was irrational and erratic. That's what they thought. They were actually scared of him. They also thought that you, mr. Spaulding, were very well aware of his psychiatric instability.

Alan: Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.

Gus: Right. So anyway, he's home now, right, and he's not really in his full mind. He's thinking about tearing down half the town and he's bulldozing people's homes and he's kidnapping children. Was there ever a time you thought, "hey, I can help this guy?"

Alan: Well, of course there was.

Gus: Yeah, well did you intervene at all?

Alan: Intervene?

Gus: Yes.

Alan: What...

Gus: Were you angry at your son? Angry with him?

Alan: How can you be angry at someone who is sick?

Gus: Oh, so you admit that he was sick, but you didn't do anything to help him, did you? Nothing.

Alan: Well, I tried.

Gus: You tried? Did you try to stop him from bulldozing her house? While your grandchildren's living in the house?

Alan: No, because...

Gus: Because you blame everybody else for your son's murder, right? Everybody. You blame ms. Cooper. You blame me. You blame everybody in town, half the people in town. If you could you'd blame them, wouldn't you?

Alan: Yes.

Gus: Yes, right. Because you didn't do anything to help him, though, did you?

Alan: That is not true.

Gus: When the man...

Alan: I did try to help him.

Gus: Tell me one thing that you did.

Alan: The day he took the children, I called you. Yes, mr. Aitoro, I called you.

Gus: Your honor, thank you. I don't have any other further questions.

Jeffrey: Cross, your honor. Mr. Spaulding, about this phone call you just mentioned, when did you place the call to mr. Aitoro and what was it about?

Alan: The day before phillip was shot. He had taken the children and he'd come to the house. I called mr. Aitoro and I told him to come over immediately.

Gus: That's irrelevant, your honor.

Alan: I think it's relevant because it's also answering his question.

Judge ellis: Objection overruled. Go ahead, mr. Spaulding.

Alan: Mr. Aitoro came over and I wanted him to help me reason with phillip, to change the situation, get the children back.

Jeffrey: All right, go ahead.

Alan: Ms. Cooper was with mr. Aitoro when I called. She knew phillip was at the house and she knew phillip had her sons. She came over and confronted phillip.

Jeffrey: The defendant confronted your son? How?

Alan: She pulled a gun on him. ( Spectators gasping )

Jeffrey: Harley cooper pulled a gun on phillip spaulding.

Alan: Yes, and she told him that if he did not return her sons, that she would kill him.

Judge ellis: Not a word.

Alan: Your honor, your honor, if you're wondering if there was a witness to all of this, the answer is yes. The witness was mr. Aitoro. ( Banging gavel )

Judge ellis: Order, order. Order.

Holly: Connect me with a guest room, please. Hulce, sebastian. Yes, I'll take his voice mail. Sebastian, it's holly. Listen, I've been thinking about what you said when we saw each other and... about how you're going to be living in springfield and you don't want to intrude on my life, that we should be pleasant to each other but keep our distance, and i just want you to know that i agree. I think that's the best thing. The keeping our distance part. It may be difficult because you'll be seeing blake, but i feel that if we want to, we can make this work. So, that's basically all i wanted to say. Except I'll see you. I mean not... or not. Uh, okay. Good-bye. ( Groans )

Sebastian: I think it's for the best, too, holly. And now if you like, you can tell me in person.

Reva: Let go. You're kicking me out?

Edmund: I brought cassie here for a stress-free procedure.

Reva: I'm her sister.

Edmund: And I'm her husband, which means I have to take care of her.

Reva: By isolating her from the rest of her family?

Edmund: Reva, people you consider "family," cassie does not.

Reva: Jonathan's in the lounge.

Edmund: Jonathan being in the same county is too close for me, and you know cassie feels the same way, and yet you bring him here anyway, which tells me you don't have her best interests at heart.

Reva: And you do? I don't think so.

Edmund: She will be home tonight and you can see her then, all right?

Reva: I'm going to see her now. Don't touch me again!

Edmund: Leave!

Reva: Go to hell.

Edmund: Guard. Thank you. This woman is trying to see my wife and she doesn't have permission.

Reva: "This woman" is her sister, pal.

Edmund: This woman is not on the visitor's list, so please escort her from the building.

Reva: Haven't you learned a thing.

Guard: Come on, ma'am.

Reva: Do you really think you can seal her away from the rest of the world?

Edmund: No, I'm just trying to do it from all the negative forces in her life until this delicate time is over. Please.

Reva: I wonder if there's a tower high enough. I'm sure there is somewhere around here. You could lock her up it again.

Edmund: Escort her from the building, please.

Reva: Are you sure you want to do that, edmund? You do remember how it turned out the last time?

Edmund: Cassie and I are going to have a child together. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together, and there is nothing you or jonathan can do about that.

Reva: Let me go. You really can let go of my arm.

Guard: Just trying to do my job.

Reva: ( Sighs ) ( Banging gavel )

Judge ellis: Order. Proceed, mr. O'neill.

Jeffrey: Yes, of course, your honor. I just want to make sure that mr. Spaulding's statement was entered correctly into the court record. Mr. Spaulding, on the day before phillip was murdered, you say you saw the defendant, harley cooper, pull a gun on phillip and threaten to end his life in your own home.

Alan: Yes, that's correct.

Jeffrey: Did she fire the weapon?

Alan: No, she didn't that night. I suppose she wanted to wait until she was alone with phillip.

Gus: Objection, your honor.

Judge ellis: Sustained. The jury will ignore the witness' last remark. Mr. O'neill?

Jeffrey: No further questions, your honor.

Judge ellis: Redirect, counselor?

Gus: No. Nope.

Judge ellis: The witness may step down. We'll adjourn for the day. Court will reconvene tomorrow at 9:00 am.

Gus: Sorry.

Jeffrey: Gus? Harley? I want you to know that the deal is still on the table.

Gus: My client doesn't take pleas.

Jeffrey: Harley, you'll be out in just a few years with good behavior. Now, don't you want to see zach graduate from high school? Think about it, please. What do you got?

Gus: Motion to dismiss. Motion to suppress.

Jeffrey: No, no, no. Give it up, gus.

Gus: No, I'm not giving it up. I'm just getting started with you. Did you see your sister? Your sister?

Coop: Uh, no. I thought she was with you.

Michelle: So, robbie, you know, whenever you're upset at all, okay, for any reason, you just tell daddy or me, okay? And whatever is bothering you, we will make better.

Danny: All right, champ? You cool with that? Hey, it's really, really, really important that you don't take off like that anymore.

Michelle: Yeah, honey, because we don't want you talking to strangers at all, okay?

Danny: Your mommy and I were really scared when we couldn't find you. It's okay. We're just glad you're safe.

Robbie: Are you leaving now?

Danny: Well... no. No, I mean, I can stay for a little while.

Robbie: Overnight?

Danny: No, no, no. Buddy...

Robbie: Please?

Danny: You and I, we have to go back to our place.

Robbie: Please?

Danny: Robbie. Hey. Everyone!

Michelle: Me, too?

Tony: All of us huh, buddy?

Michelle: Hey, why not? Why not? You know, this place is big enough, right? We'll have a slumber party. Does that sound good?

Danny: Uh...

Marina: You know what? If we are going to have a slumber party, robbie, let's go check out and make sure that there is enough cookies and milk for everyone.

Danny: Are you kidding? Michelle, I don't think that's a good idea at all.

Michelle: Did you see how happy his face was? Come on.

Tony: That's true. I mean, hey, it's enough for me.

Danny: No. I don'T...

Michelle: You're the one who said we had to work this out together, right? So, this is as good a time as any. You know, we all will sleep here together tonight just to ease the transition for robbie. It's jidt one night. Come on. It's no big deal.

Danny: No. I guess not.

Tony: Piece of cake.

Holly: I wasn't trying to avoid you. I was calling to speak with you.

Sebastian: Holly.

Holly: I just got your voice mail.

Sebastian: You don't owe me an explanation. I meant what I said when I said I was going to avoid you.

Holly: I know. And so did I. I just wanted everything to be clear.

Sebastian: We're very clear.

Holly: Good. Good. So... this would be the point where I would say "see you later," but the point is not to, so...

Sebastian: Except, you know, if we bump into each other accidentally.

Holly: Right. Right. So take care, sebastian.

Sebastian: You, too.

Holly: Dinner.

Sebastian: Hm?

Holly: I feel that we should have one dinner to discuss how we're going to handle your seeing blake and other things.

Sebastian: Okay. Cool.

Holly: Good.

Reva: Jonathan.

Jonathan: He'll live. He shouldn't have had his hands on you. Are you okay?

Reva: Yes, I'm fine. I'm just really furious.

Jonathan: Yeah, the way edmund was dealing with you, i should have popped him. You still want to see cassie?

Reva: Yeah, but he's got her locked up like she's some kind of a prisoner, which is more reason why she has to know what's going on. She needs to know about the fire, she needs to know about everything.

Jonathan: Yeah, go tell her. He just left.

Reva: Okay. You should go, too, so you don't get into any more trouble. Cassie. Sweetie.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: Hi, honey. How are you feeling?

Cassie: I was so afraid that you wouldn't know I was here.

Reva: Well, I didn't, but i tracked you down. Because before this goes any further, before there is a baby in the mix, there's something i have to tell you about edmund.

Alan: Well, counsel, you're quick on the uptake.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I guess I just got lucky.

Alan: Well, I gave you an opening, and gus made a big mistake.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well gus is desperate right now. He's trying to save the woman that he loves. That's why he's overreaching and making mistakes. Now, if you want to gloat about that, be my guest, but keep me out of it, okay?

Coop: ( Sighs ) no, dad. Gus' questioning of alan was a total nightmare. It bombed. I mean, you should have seen the look on harley's face. She was sick. And then right afterwards, she... well, she just bolted and no one knows where she's at. Dad, this did not go well at all.

Gus: There you are. Why did you do that? Why did you just take off like that? I thought we were going to talk about... go to the... look, I'm sorry I... come on. It wasn't that bad. I mean... what?

Harley: While... while you were questioning alan, it all came together for me.

Gus: I don't understand. What came together?

Harley: I remember. I remember that night now. I remember killing phillip.

Next, on "guiding light."

Reva: Honey, what's wrong?

Cassie: I can't take a deep breath.

Reva: What is it? Relax, sweetie. Just breathe. Breathe.

Cassie: It hurts.

Reva: Huh?

Cassie: ( Gasping )

Reva: Here. I'm going to go get the nurse.

Cassie: Reva. ( Gasping )

Reva: What, sweetie? I'll get the nurse.

Cassie: Something's wrong.

Harley: I remember what happened that night.

Gus: You're upset.

Harley: No. No! I remember!

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: I'M... I'm calling jeffrey o'neill.

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