Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/18/05
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By Boo
Harley: Lift off.
Frank: Technically that would be jumping bail. What are you doing up here?
Harley: My brother is testifying against me today. I needed to come here... to this safe place that he built for me once. Did you know I'd be here?
Frank: I took a shot. I guess I needed to be here, too.
Harley: ( Laughs ) I love this tree house. No other kid on fifth street had anything like this. It still looks good. And it's the only house I have left.
Frank: Yeah, I know.
Harley: It's not your fault, frank. It doesn't help to feel guilty.
Frank: My little sister is on trial for murder and she's trying to make me feel better.
Harley: Well, consider it payback for everything you've ever done for me. All the times that you have helped me. You're my frank. I love you. I always will.
Olivia: Alan spaulding
Olivia: Alan spaulding remains in custody but rest assured we are doing everything in our power to clear him of these unfounded charges. And in mr. Spaulding's absence the company will be in good hands. Yes, don?
Reporter 2: You said the company would be in good hands. Yours?
Olivia: That's right. I'll run the business as if it were my own. Yes.
Sebastian: Any idea of when alan spaulding will be released?
Olivia: We're diligently on that, mr. ... Sorry. Do I know you?
Sebastian: Thanks for your time, miss lewis. And good luck. This is a very impressive press conference. Mr. Spaulding's a lucky man.
Tammy: Getting some exercise?
Cassie: Oh. Hey. Oh, wow, what a nice surprise?
Tammy: Mom, you're shaking?
Cassie: Yeah, yeah, I'm just waiting for dr. Shean to call and tell me where we are exactly in the whole invitro process. Because he said if things go well then we could do the egg retrieval any day.
Tammy: Mom, that's great.
Cassie: Yeah.
Tammy: You must be so nervous.
Cassie: Yeah.
Tammy: And you know, waiting and everything. And edmund must be going out of his mind right now.
Cassie: Oh, he's fine. Edmund's great. I mean you won't find a cooler, calmer man.
Tammy: Where is he anyway?
Josh: Reva.
Josh: Reva. Darling. Wake up. Wake up, darling. Are you okay?
Reva: We have to stop him. We have to stop edmund. He's going to kill jonathan.
Edmund: Hello, jonathan. Got a minute for your uncle?
Josh: Reva, darling, it was just a dream.
Reva: Was it? Are you so sure that edmund's not a threat to jonathan?
Josh: Edmund has changed.
Reva: No. My guts telling me that he as just as dangerous as he's always been.
Josh: Reva, come on. Now think about it. He's got a lot to lose these days if her goes backwards and he goes after jonathan. He might even risk his relationship with cassie.
Reva: No. That's not true, because cassie hates jonathan too. Maybe edmund's convinced himself that he'd be doing cassie a favor if he hurt my son. And hey, you too. I mean, you wouldn't be heart broken if edmund did something horrible to my son.
Josh: Why do we not go there?
Reva: No, because you want him out of my life. You've said so a million times.
Josh: I want him out of this house. It doesn't mean I want him hurt, reva. And I certainly don't want anything to happen that would hurt you.
Reva: Well, you have no idea what it's like to feel like everyone's against you. Like there's isn't a single person in your life who you could let your guard down with.
Josh: Everything that's happened to jonathan, he's brought on hims-- we're not talking about jonathan anymore, are we? You're talking about yourself.
Jonathan: Don'T. Don't touch me. You be careful. We're in a public place. You ever hear of eyewitness testimony.
Edmund: I don't want to hurt you anymore, jonathan. I just... I want you to listen to me. I have been where you are. On the outside looking trying to fit in, trying to belong and it's lonely.
Jonathan: Yeah. Well, that's not you anymore. You have cassie.
Edmund: Yes, I do. And before cassie and I could can really start our life togethev, there's something i need to say to you, and I need you to be able to hear it.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, that depends on what you've got. So let's hear it.
Edmund: I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry.
Tammy: Mom, is everything okay with you and edmund.
Cassie: Yes. Yeah. I'm just a little worried about how angry edmund is with jonathan.
Tammy: Why? Did he do something else?
Cassie: No. No, he didn'T. He's just still in town. That's all.
Tammy: And you think that's upsetting edmund... enough that he'd want to go off on J. Jonathan.
Cassie: He's not going to go off on anyone. Okay. You know, edmund isn't like that anymore. And that's not what I meant when I said that. And I don'T... you know what? I'm just making a big deal out of nothing. That's all.
Tammy: What if you're not? I mean, what if edmund did decide to mess J.B. Up for some reason?
Cassie: I wouldn't want that to happen? Would you?
Tammy: No.
Cassie: Let's not talk about this anymore, okay. I mean talk to me about your man. What's going on with sandy?
Tammy: Mom, don't talk like that. That's a jinx. But I am kind of hoping that something will happen. That's weird, huh? I never thought I'd feel this way again, you know. Hopeful, you know.
Cassie: Yeah, I know. ( Applause )
Olivia: So how did I do?
Bill: You don't recognize my sympathy clap? Painful. It was embarrassing to watch. I'm kidding. You are the best. But who was that weird guy?
Olivia: I have no idea.
Bill: Maybe he's your first spaulding groupie there.
Olivia: Groupie?
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: Interesting. Maybe I'll invite him back to the tour bus after the first boardroom meeting.
Bill: ( Laughs ) well, come on. Hey, let's get out of here. I've got to get down to the courthouse, be there for harley.
Olivia: You know what? You go ahead. I have to go by the office first.
Bill: Okay. Let me ask you. How long are you going to let alan sit in jail for, huh?
Olivia: As long as I can.
Billy: Where's olivia off to?
Bill: Spaulding. She has some work to do.
Billy: You okay with that?
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
Billy: Son, you're looking a little ragged. You've been doing that midnight oil thing again?
Alan: Well, it's about time. I've already missed two days of the trial thanks to municipal incompetence, along with some trumped up bogus charges. So where is she? Where's olivia? The woman who bailed me out?
Guard: It wasn't a woman.
Alan: Then who was it?
Sebastian: Me. Welcome back to the land of the free, mr. Spaulding.
Judge ellis: Mr. O'neill, call your next witness.
Jeffrey: Yes, of course, your honor. The state calls frank cooper. You promise to tell the truth so help you, god?
Frank: I do.
Jeffrey: Could you please state your name and occupation?
Frank: Frank achilles cooper. I'm the springfield chief of police.
Jeffrey: And what is your relationship to the defendant?
Frank: She's my sister.
Jeffrey: Chief cooper, were you the chief investigating officer on the phillip spaulding murder case?
Frank: The day to day oversight investigations was conducted by the chief of detectives.
Jeffrey: Fine. But did you arrest harley cooper?
Frank: Yes, I did.
Jeffrey: Your honor, the state is entering evidence. Exhibit c17. Chief cooper, do you recognize that?
Frank: It's a videotape.
Jeffrey: Yes, thank you. It's a videotape. I was referring to what's on it. It's a confession, isn't it? It's a confession of your sister confessing to the murder of phillip spaulding. Is that true?
Jeffrey: Yes, this tape contains a confession.
Jeffrey: Made by harley cooper.
Frank: As ruth karloff.
Jeffrey: Harley cooper as ruth karloff. Her disguise. The role she was playing when she murdered phillip spaulding. Chief cooper, do you consider yourself a good police officer?
Frank: Yes, I do.
Jeffrey: So it would be safe to assume then that you would do what any good police officer would do in the course of a murder investigation. That is to say you would follow the evidence and overwhelming evidence pointed to one suspect, you would arrest that suspect. Is that correct?
Frank: Yeah, that's correct.
Jeffrey: Okay then it will also be safe to say that you arrested harley cooper, you arrested your own sister because you believed... you believed, chief cooper, that based on the evidence and the motive and means and opportunity, that your sister murdered phillip spaulding. Is that correct? Chief copper, answer the question.
Frank: When I arrested harley cooper, the defendant, I believe she was the one who shot phillip spaulding.
Jonathan: What are you sorry for?
Edmund: Everything. Sorry for the misery that's become your life. And I'm to blame for all of it, jonathan. The fact that reva and richard couldn't raise you right down to the fact that you're limping now.
Jonathan: All right, well, it's a little late for apologies.
Edmund: Probably. Probably is. But there's something-- I would like to do something to try to make up for the damage.
Jonathan: Well, I have money, so you can't buy me.
Edmund: Oh, god, I don't want to buy you. This belonged to my mother. She had it in her family for generations. It's amethyst. There are very few things in the world that matter more to me than this. I want you to have it.
Jonathan: What else you got?
Edmund: An offer. I can help you. I will do whatever it takes to make it easier for you to fit in and be a part of this family.
Jonathan: You'd do that for me?
Edmund: I don't think anyone knows better than I do what it means to have a second chance.
Sebastian: Sebastian hulce.
Alan: I know who you are. So you bailed me out, huh?
Sebastian: Yeah. You don't have to thank me.
Alan: I won'T.
Sebastian: ( Laughs )
Alan: So what do you want?
Sebastian: Umm, a job.
Alan: So you want to work for me, huh?
Sebastian: Yeah.
Alan: Like father, like son. Always on the outside scratching to get in, huh? Why should I hire you?
Sebastian: Well, I'm good company, great conversationalist and I nearly lost my life. Which means now I'm not afraid to live, not afraid to take chances. I'm fearless, you might say. So that could come in handy to you, mr. Spaulding. Especially when a certain self serving vixen has you behind the eight ball, doesn't want to let you go.
Alan: ( Laughs ) you know olivia?
Sebastian: No, not yet. But I do know she didn't raise a finger to bail you out of jail. And it took me, oh, about 30 minutes.
Alan: 30 minutes.
Sebastian: Mm-hmm.
Alan: Well, I appreciate the gesture. And I will consider your request.
Sebastian: That's all I ask. Oh, and, alan. Smile. Enjoy the trial.
Alan: I will. But first I have a little errand to run.
Gus: Chief, the defendant here. Is that the first suspect that you arrested in this case?
Frank: No.
Gus: No. Who is?
Frank: Buzz cooper.
Gus: Buzz cooper, your father.
Frank: Yes, my father.
Gus: Your own father. I see. So at that point and time you were actually convinced that your own father shot and killed phillip spaulding, is that right? But you were wrong, because... well, I don't see him here in court today. So I guess you're wrong. Is it safe to say that you don't always get the right person, chief?
Frank: No, I guess I don'T.
Gus: In fact, you make a lot of errors in judgements and that you jump to conclusion. Wouldn't you say that's accurate?
Frank: I wouldn't say a lot.
Gus: No. Well, I don't know. Based on your own admission, the facts kind of suggest that... well, they kind of suggest otherwise. You know, in fact, chief, I'm wondering. If you had a few more weeks, how many other family members would you arrest and falsely accuse of phillip's spaulding's murder?
Jeffrey: Objection, your honor.
Judge ellis: Sustained.
Gus: Not a problem. I'm done with him. No more questions.
Judge ellis: The witness may step down.
Frank: Thank you, your honor.
Harley: You didn't have to do that.
Judge ellis: We'll take a short recess.
Lizzie: Dad, come on. Let's go.
Judge ellis: At which point the prosecution will call it's next witness elizabeth spaulding.
Coop: Yes, this is henry bradshaw. I'm still waiting on those dna results from the glass shard that I sent you. What do you mean you've already contacted us? You talked to a girl? When? No, I need to know exactly when?
Edmund: Don't I know you?
Tammy: Hi. I'm so happy for you guys. All right. Well, see ya.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Edmund: Don't leave on my account.
Tammy: I'm not. So call me as soon as you hear from the doctor, okay.
Cassie: I will. I love you.
Tammy: Same here.
Cassie: Okay.
Edmund: Has no one told you it's winter?
Tammy: ( Sighs )
Edmund: ( Sighs )
Reva: I do know what it's like to feel like you're not enough because that's where i come from. That awful, lonely place.
Josh: But, reva, that's not where you are anymore. You're surrounded by people who love you and need you.
Reva: I'm not sure about that. The last half, especially.
Josh: Reva, I do know where you've come from because I've been sitting along side you through most of the ride. Now I know there are times when you feel like an outcast, like that little girl who grew up in oklahoma. That little girl who grew up to be the woman most likely to make a scene. Convinced that whatever she did, it would be the wrong thing. But that's not who you are anymore. You have become the woman you are meant to be.
Reva: I can't even begin to count the numbers of times just hearing the sound of your voice cut through all the craziness in my head, would make me totally come back down to earth.
Josh: How's it working now?
Reva: Keep talking. I'll let you know.
Josh: You're amazing. The force of nature. And no one looks down on you. Except you yourself. And it's hard to watch, because you're just so damn wrong. Reva, I know this thing with jonathan right now seems out of control, but there are a lot of people out there that are routing for you. Hoping that you'll figure it and you will. And better yet, we'll figure it out together, okay.
Tammy: Coming up on "guiding
Alan: One lump or two?
Alan: Honey, I'm home.
Reva: Tell me the truth. Do you really think he's dangerous? Do you really believe that he'd hurt you?
Jonathan: Yeah, I do. And I'll tell you something else. He almost killed cassie. Op
Josh: I'm sorry. But this has got to be bad timing. I have a meeting with billy. I have to go.
Reva: That's okay. I'm fine.
Josh: Are you sure?
Reva: Well, I don't know. Give me another hug and I'll tell you.
Josh: ( Laughs ) okay. Why don't we go out and have a nice dinner tonight? Maybe go for a drive down by the lake?
Reva: I say yes to that.
Josh: I love you.
Reva: Love you. What's wrong?
Jonathan: Nothing. I just um... nothing.
Reva: Jonathan, tell me what happened.
Jonathan: Well, I bumped into edmund. Actually it's kind of like he was looking for me.
Reva: Well, what happened?
Jonathan: Nothing yet, reva. But I swear that guy wants me gone.
Edmund: How are you feeling?
Cassie: I'm really impatient.
Edmund: I know. I know. But dr. Sheehan is going to call any minute and I can sense that stellar test results are being analyzed even as we speak.
Cassie: Wow, you're in a good mood. What did you do today?
Edmund: Well, I paid a little visit to our nephew jonathan.
Cassie: Why?
Edmund: Oh, don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. He's alive and well and living in springfield. I just... I'm in a good mood, cassie, because I feel as if this weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. I apologized to him for everything I've put him through in the course of his life. I told him I would do everything I possibly can to help him fit into the family. I even threw in a family heirloom to boot.
Cassie: Wow. What made you do that?
Edmund: You. Cassie, our life together, us, i don't want anything getting in it's way. And that includes jonathan.
Cassie: You're incredible.
Edmund: Yes. Yes, I am. Can't deny it. Especially on a day like today. All right.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) ( phone rings ) okay. This could be it.
Olivia: Will somebody please bring me my tea? Oh, please, finally. You know we really have to stream line this process of you bringing me of what I ask for. Although I should have ordered expresso, because alan's bail application is putting me to sleep.
Alan: One lump or two? Honey, I'm home.
Coop: You nervous?
Lizzie: Oh, it's so not right to sneak up on someone like that.
Coop: Yeah, well, there a lot of things that are not right. Anyways, I just wanted to come over and check and see how you're doing. You nervous about getting up on the stand?
Lizzie: I can handle it.
Coop: Then you should have zero to worry about. All you have to do is just sit up there in front of everybody and tell the truth.
Lizzie: What if the truth is bad for harley?
Coop: Do you remember when we were at her house site?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Coop: My phone didn't happen to ring did it when I was out getting a chisel to help free you?
Lizzie: Why? Were you expecting a phone call?
Coop: Just answer the question.
Lizzie: You answer my question.
Coop: I asked you first. You know what? Forget it.
Lizzie: Good, because i didn't have the time to waste on you anyway.
Gus: Going to win this case.
Bailiff: All rise.
Judge ellis: Be seated. Mr. O'neill, call your next witness, please.
Jeffrey: Yes, of course, your honor. The state calls elizabeth spaulding.
Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth so help you god?
Lizzie: I do.
Alan: Is my bail application putting you to sleep, olivia? My, my. Well, that's no problem. No problem at all.
Olivia: This is such a lovely surprise. I was just about to get up and go down to the courthouse and bail you out, but I got distracted by other things.
Alan: Really?
Olivia: Yes.
Alan: Well, thank you so much for keeping the home fires burning.
Olivia: Absolutely. Who put up your bail anyway?
Alan: That doesn't matter. It only matters that I'm out of that cold cell. And you're free to deal with the two gentlemen waiting for you in reception.
Olivia: Funny. I didn't have a meeting scheduled today.
Alan: They're orderlies from ravenwood.
Olivia: You are not taking me back to that two-bit loony bin.
Alan: You left me to rot for days in that jail.
Olivia: Oh, you are just being paranoid, you know that. Look it was an oversight. I'm sorry. The next time you're arrested, I'll leave what I'm doing, let the company fall apart and just run down to the courthouse with the bail money in my hands. How's that?
Alan: Relax, olivia. You're safe for the moment. But you owe me. And I'll tell you what I want. A piece of your business.
Olivia: Slingshot? No. Never. Bill and I built that company together. You might as well ask me for a piece of my soul.
Alan: I wasn't aware that you had one. But now you have to offer me something.
Olivia: Fine. Anything, but slingshot.
Alan: I'll you what. I'm on my way to the courthouse. So why don't you come and sit with me during the trial.
Olivia: What?
Alan: It'll be a nice show of family unity. And it would boost the shareholders confidence in their new executive. And besides, olivia, I know that you want to show your support to your beloved ex-phillip.
Jeffrey: Could you please describe for us your relationship with the defendant.
Lizzie: How am I suppose to describe it? She killed my father.
Gus: Objection.
Judge ellis: Just answer the question, miss spaulding.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, did you know that ruth karloff was actually harley cooper in disguise?
Lizzie: No. No one in our family did.
Jeffrey: How was ruth? What was she like?
Lizzie: She was very pushy.
Jeffrey: Pushy. She was pushy. How so?
Lizzie: She was always worming her way into our family, like... I don't know. She stuck her nose in all my dad's business. She was always trying to suggest things and "I'll take care of everything."
Jeffrey: You had a confrontation with her at one point, didn't you?
Lizzie: Yeah, I got into an accident with my car and ruth... harley thought that my dad was the one who did it. She tried guilting me into saying it was his fault. It was like she wanted him to be the one who did it.
Jeffrey: And why do you think that was?
Gus: Objection. That is speculation, your honor.
Judge ellis: Sustained.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, mr. Aitoro seems to be making you very nervous. What's going on? Are you telling us the truth?
Lizzie: Yes, but he didn't want me to. He tried to get me to say anything to let harley off.
Jeffrey: Really?
Gus: Objection, your honor.
Judge ellis: I'd like to hear more.
Jeffrey: Yes, please, lizzie, go ahead.
Lizzie: I told gus that i couldn't just make things up. But he would do anything to let her off. It didn't matter whether she was guilty or not.
Gus: Oh, your honor, that is a complete distortion.
Judge ellis: The jury will disregard the witness's last remark.
Jeffrey: So you refused to help uncle gus by changing your testimony.
Lizzie: Right.
Jeffrey: And what was his reaction to that?
Lizzie: He did this to me.
Jeffrey: Oh, that is quite a bruise. Nothing further, your honor.
Gus: Hey, I got a couple of questions. I certainly hope the witness is revealing as she has been so far.
Cassie: Dr. Sheehan has
Cassie: Dr. Sheehan has scheduled the egg retrieval for tomorrow.
Edmund: Tomorrow?
Cassie: Tomorrow.
Edmund: Oh, my god. That's incredible, cassie. ( Both laugh with joy ) you have given me so much. You've given me a life. You've given me a future. Now maybe even a baby. I just... I want to hold on to it with both hands and never let it go.
Cassie: You don't have to do that. ( Both laughs ) because you know what? We're not going anywhere. We don't have anything hanging over our heads anymore. No jonathan. No dinah. No secrets.
Edmund: You're right. You're right. As usual. No secrets. Cassie, thank you.
Cassie: For what?
Edmund: Thank you for entrusting me with the most important thing on the face of this planet. Your heart.
Josh: Sorry, I'm late.
Billy: Hey. Reva okay?
Josh: Yeah, she's great. No, she's not.
Billy: I sense a little jonathan in the interference here. Is it time for us to give him an attitude adjustment?
Josh: It's not going to work anymore, billy.
Billy: Oh, come on. Wait, wait. If he's messing with reva, we stop him. End of story. Just finish it.
Josh: You know what? I used to think that too. I thought that as long as i could keep jonathan from hurting reva everything was going to be okay. But I've come to understand that it really doesn't matter what jonathan does. Reva is slipping away from me.
Billy: Hey, look, you're just going through a little rough spot. That's all.
Josh: It's more than that. Everyday I feel her getting further and further away from me and I don't know what I can do to pull her back in.
Reva: Edmund threatened you?
Jonathan: Yeah, I guess you could it that when you slam somebody into a wall, choke them with their walking stick and basically tell them their health's about to take a term for the worse.
Reva: Well, what did you say to him?
Jonathan: Nothing. I told him I wasn't going to hurt cassie and tammy anymore. Which is the truth, but he doesn't want to hear this. And then he comes and finds me at the balcony at towers like...
Reva: He was just making empty threats. He wouldn't really hurt you.
Jonathan: Oh, okay. Sure, mom. Whatever.
Reva: Tell me the truth. Do you really think he's dangerous? Do you really believe that he'd hurt you?
Jonathan: Yeah, I do. And I tell you something else. He almost killed cassie.
Gus: You said in court that your father wasn't perfect. That he made mistakes. The truth of the matter is was your father was a deeply trouble man, wasn't he? For the days and the weeks, even the months before he was killed.
Lizzie: He could have gotten better, though.
Gus: So the answer is yes?
Lizzie: Yes.
Gus: Sorry, I can't hear you.
Lizzie: Yes.
Gus: Yes. Thank you. And so you say when your father could have gotten better. How's that? How would your father been able to get better?
Lizzie: He couldn't had professional help.
Gus: And that is something that you are very familiar isn't it. Needing and getting professional help. Because you yourself have a history of mental disturbances, don't you, lizzie?
Jeffrey: Objection!
Gus: Well, that goes with the credibility of the witness.
Judge ellis: Overruled. Continue.
Gus: Thank you. Lizzie, there was an incident involving your car and you were driving and you hit a pedestrian nearly killing him, but then you left the scene. Is that right?
Lizzie: I didn't know I hit anyone. It was an accident.
Gus: Okay, there was another incident where your then stepmother, olivia spencer who was very pregnant at the time with your little sister emma, she fell down a flight of stairs at the beacon hotel.
Lizzie: That was an accident, okay. I was standing right there. I watched the whole thing.
Gus: Then there was another incident at your boarding school where your dorm room, funny enough, went up in flames. So were you standing right there as well?
Lizzie: I had nothing to do with that.
Gus: What was that? An accident? I'm sorry. Did I finish your sentence. Was that an accident? You must be the unluckiest girl in the world. All these terrible accidents just keep happening and you're just standing right there.
Lizzie: Leave me alone, gus.
Jeffrey: Objection, your honor. He's badgering the witness. She is not on trial here.
Gus: Well, maybe she should be on trial. Lizzie, where were you the night your father was killed?
Lizzie: Nowhere. I mean, I was at company, but later.
Gus: Later, what? After phillip spaulding was shot or later after you shot him.
Jeffrey: Objection, your honor!
Gus: You shot your own father, didn't you! You killed your father.
Lizzie: No, I did not! No, I did not. ( Everyone talking )
Gus: This happened before. I'm not going to happen again. You can't listen to a word she says!
Judge ellis: Mr. Aitoro, that's enough!
Billy: Family sticks together, we reign that boy in or we send him out of town. Either way-- till he settles down or reva settles down.
Josh: It's just not as simple as that, billy. Jonathan has kicked up something inside of reva, something that's been deep inside of her and hidden for a very long time.
Billy: I'm sure that everything is going to be--
Josh: You know what? You don't get it. You don't understand. I didn't understand it either until today. This fight is not against jonathan. The fight is against reva. This strong part of her, this thing inside of her. And I don't know if it's a fight that I can win.
Jonathan: Forget I said anything.
Reva: Oh, no. No, no, no. What did edmund do to put cassie's life in danger? You have to tell me.
Jonathan: Well, I don't know for sure because I wasn't there.
Reva: Look, jonathan, this is important. I almost went to jail for you. I covered up for you that fire in san jamar at alfred's house. I think I've proven that you can trust me.
Jonathan: Funny you should mention fire.
Cassie: That's nice. This is so nice. It wasn't so long ago it seemed like so many things were trying to pull us apart.
Edmund: So many people. Dinah. Jonathan.
Cassie: Then there was the fire. I mean we could have died. But we didn'T. And survived. And now we could put everything behind us. Starting a new life together, creating a new life.
Edmund: A baby. A baby. I just.. I can't get my head around it.
Cassie: Oh, well, you know what?
Edmund: What?
Cassie: You better start.
Edmund: I feel I'm the luckiest man in the world, you know that?
Cassie: I knew that for a long time. ( Laughs )
Edmund: Thanks. God, I love you, cassie winslow.
Reva: What does fire have to do with anything of this?
Jonathan: You have to promise not to tell cassie, because if she finds out about this it's going--
Reva: Oh, please. Just tell me what happened.
Jonathan: All right. Do you remember that fire at cassie's barn? The one that almost toasted her-- yeah. That wasn't a freak accident. Edmund made that baby happen.
Tammy: Next on "guiding
Jonathan: Well, I'm not saying that uncle eddie set out to start the fire in the barn, but I am saying that he was looking to kill daddy's double.
Lizzie: I really didn't want to. I tried to tell him that.
Gus: Is that when you pulled the trigger?
Jeffrey: Objection, your honor?
Gus: Is that when you fired...
Jeffrey: Objection.
Judge ellis: Overruled.
Gus: Answer the question, lizzie. Is that when you fired the shots that killed him?
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