Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/16/05
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By Boo
Waiter: Ms. Reade?
Holly: Mm-hmm?
Waiter: This is for you.
Holly: Oh. How... it came here, to the restaurant?
Waiter: Just now.
Holly: Thank you.
Sebastian: There's a new
dress in here.
I thought you'd appreciate a
change of clothes.
Holly: What do you think?
Marina: Help me.
Coop: Um, yeah. With what?
Marina: Pick out a card for danny.
Coop: Ah. You do realize you're a day late here, right?
Marina: Yeah. I did it on purpose. I didn't want it to be a big deal or anything, you know?
Coop: Okay.
Marina: I wanted something a little more... whoo, or a little less... I don't know, whatever. They all looked good in the store to me.
Coop: Whoa. You bought all these cards? Marina, that is a bit pathetic.
Marina: Well, thanks a lot.
Lizzie: Harley cooper was my dad's ex-wife. He could never make her happy no matter what he did. She was always arguing about one thing or another, and then she killed him. And now me and my brothers and my sister do not have a father...
Marina: Harley is not a murderer!
Coop: Hold on. Back off.
Lizzie: Okay. Don't be a little biased, there, marina.
Marina: Oh, okay. And you're not?
Lizzie: Facts are facts. Wait. You know what? You're on the clock. You need to get back inside.
Marina: Oh, big deal. I'm not going to let you stand out here and badmouth my aunt.
Lizzie: I don't think you have a choice.
Coop: Oh, do you really want to make a bet on that?
Lizzie: Yeah, I will make a bet. Don't touch me! Don't! Stop! Stop!
Josh: All right. Car's all packed up. You ready to go?
Reva: Just standing here wondering what olivia is going to say when she sees this-- what she'll do. ( Laughs )
Josh: I think she'll sand down the whole mantel, replace it, redo it.
Reva: Yeah?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Well, I guess we'll just have to come back and do it again and again.C
Josh: That sounds good to me.
Reva: We can't let her keep this place.
Josh: We'll see.
Reva: Does that mean you have something up your sleeve?
Josh: ( Laughs ) it just means we'll see; that's all. What was that for?
Reva: That's a thank you. You know this is my favorite place in the whole wide world, even with all of olivia's changes.
Josh: Mine, too.
Reva: Okay. I'm ready. Let's go home, bud. At least we know what we're going to find there.
Josh: Okay, darling. ( Laughter )
Dinah: ( Laughs ) oh, we should get up.
Jonathan: Why? Are you trying to get rid of me? Oh! ( Laughter )
Dinah: Actually, no, no. I've enjoyed myself. I have. Not as much as you have, I'm sure. But you know what? Really, this has turned out to be a very good valentine's day.
Jonathan: What are you doing?
Dinah: ( Laughs ) looking at those. And those, and those, and those. Look at this. Reva and cassie and tammy. Tammy and cassie. Josh, reva, tammy, cassie. Edmund and cassie. It's like they're laughing at us.
Jonathan: Paranoid much?
Dinah: Do you see yourself in these photos? No. What do you say we do something about this freaking happiness that everybody seems to be having? This gift? Where did it come from? Who gave it to you?
Waiter: A messenger. You are holly reade, right?
Holly: Which service? Did you sign for it?
No, I'm sorry.
Holly: Come on, pick up. ( Cell phone rings )
Ross: Hello?
Holly: Ross, it's holly. I need to see you. Can you come to towers right away?
Ross: Yeah, I think I can manage that.
Holly: ( Screams ) how could you do that? You scared me to death?
Ross: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was just trying to be amusing.
Holly: Sebastian is alive. I knew it.
Ross: What?
Holly: He sent me the dress that he gave me on the island. It could only be him.
Ross: Someone sent you a dress?
Holly: Gift-wrapped. The waiter brought it over.
Ross: So, where is it now?
Holly: I don't know. It disappeared. I went over there to talk to the waiter about it, and I came back and it was gone.
Ross: Which waiter gave it to you?
Holly: I don't see him now.
Ross: But you were just speaking with him?
Holly: Well, he's on a break; he's in the kitchen or something.
Ross: Holly, why don't you sit down?
Holly: I don't want to sit down. I've got to get out of here.
Ross: Well, look, I can't leave. I'm meeting a councilman here in about an hour.
Holly: Ross, I have been thinking that I'm going crazy, and all along he has been here, and he has been playing with my mind, and he is not going to get away with it.
Ross: Are you sure about the dress?
Holly: Yes, I'm sure about the dress. When the waiter comes out...
Ross: Have you been drinking?
Marina: No comment! Get lost! ( Reporters clamoring ) I am serious. I was not kidding. I will seriously hurt you if you do not...
Danny: Hey. It's me. It's me. What happened?
Marina: Lizzie happened.
Danny: What now?
Marina: Oh, she was just out there telling those vultures that my aunt harley is a murderer. I'm sure you can catch it at 5:00 and 11:00, if you want.
Danny: Marina, she's just upset about her father. That's understandable. Don't worry about it. Nobody takes what she says seriously.
Marina: Oh, right. Because nobody watches tv or reads any of the tabloids. Nobody except everybody.
Danny: Well...
Marina: I swear, I could just kill her. I could kill her. Harley's already been convicted in the papers, and now... it's just too much. It's too much.
Danny: Do you want me to go get rid of the reporters?
Marina: No. Don't bother. The damage has already been done.
Danny: You sure? I could lean on them. Give them my "cement shoes" speech.
Marina: Your cement shoes speech?
Danny: It's rusty, but it's still guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of men.
Marina: Are you serious?
Danny: No, I'm not serious.
Marina: Oh. I just thought...
Danny: See? That's why it still works.
Marina: You are a scary man.
Danny: So how was yesterday?
Marina: It's just this ridiculous scam created by greeting card companies to make lonely people feel lonelier and couple get each other stupid gifts. If it were me, I would just cancel the whole lame day.
Danny: Okay, but actually i meant, how was harley's trial? How did it go?
Marina: Oh, that. Um... it kind of sucked, too.
Lizzie: Coop, put me down! Where are you taking me?
Coop: Oh, knock it off, lizzie.
Lizzie: ( Screeching )
Coop: Look, we're almost there. Stop your struggling, okay?
Lizzie: ( Yelling ) what are we doing here?
Coop: Where did you think i was going to take you?
Lizzie: Oh, well, let's see. The last time you dragged me off, you brought me over to the potting shed.
Coop: Oh, I know, I know. The potting shed, yeah, I know.
Lizzie: Why are we here?
Coop: This is harley's new house. It's the one that's being built for her-- or rather, they're rebuilding it for her.
Lizzie: Okay, I know where we're at. Why are we here?
Coop: Did you ever ask yourself why your dad knocked down my sister's house?
Lizzie: Well, he had reason enough to do it.
Coop: Your little brother's house.
Lizzie: Oh, would you knock it off? That house was ugly. You're acting like it's some work of art.
Coop: Listen to yourself here, lizzie.
Lizzie: What? It wasn't pretty. It was ugly. It's not missed. What? Knock it off.
Coop: You and harley used to know each other when you were a little girl. You guys were close. You even told me that you used to be close.
Lizzie: Yeah, "used to." Exactly.
Coop: So what changed?
Lizzie: Let's just say I got to see what she could really do, okay? You know what? The whole town has seen it.
Coop: Oh, you know what? Get off that bandwagon, all right? Use your own brain for once, all right?
Lizzie: My family is grieving.
Coop: Sure they are. You know what? Your grandfather wants revenge now, too, and wants the coopers to be the ones who pay, regardless of who really killed your dad.
Lizzie: You should. After everything your family's done to mine.
Coop: News flash, lizzie. Everything started right here in this spot with the wrecking ball and...
Lizzie: Shut up with the house. The house can be replaced.
Coop: Right. My family can'T.
Lizzie: My father can't!
Coop: Are you so screwed up that you feel by hurting my family will make you feel better?
Lizzie: You people asked for everybody bit of this.
Coop: Now you are starting to sound exactly like your dad.
Lizzie: Shut up!
Coop: It's true. You don't care who you hurt or who's suffering.
Lizzie: Shut up, would you please?
Coop: You're acting just as crazy as your father.
Lizzie: Knock it off! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Knock it off!
Dinah: It's not like we're malicious people by nature.
Jonathan: No. I usually go with the nurture side of the argument.
Dinah: Yeah. You're nothing like reva. ( Laughs )
Jonathan: What is your big problem with these people, anyway? What did cassie do to you?
Dinah: She took everything from me. But that's okay. I just want edmund.
Jonathan: Why?
Dinah: Because I do. And you... you want your mama's family to just suffer because they ditched you as a baby, which... you know what? I actually understand. And I don't blame you.
Jonathan: Hm. Okay. But what does one have to do with the other?
Dinah: ( Laughs ) well, in the spirit of efficiency, I think it's a good idea if we pool our resources together.
Jonathan: Wait a second. Is that what last night was about? I'm offended. I feel used. ( Laughter )
Dinah: Well, good. Good.
Jonathan: Okay, so let's say I do want a partner. What do you bring to the table? ( Laughter )
Dinah: Oh, my gosh. After last night, you even have to ask?
Jonathan: Besides that. I was doing fine by myself. ( Laughter )
Dinah: I have experience that you could benefit from, especially after last night. If that was an indicator, oh, my gosh.
Jonathan: Oh, really? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you complaining. But then again, it was kind of loud in here. There was somebody yelling, "yes, yes, yes."
Dinah: ( Laughs )
Jonathan: Was that you?
Dinah: ( Laughs ) that was probably you. I am an expert.
Jonathan: At what?
Dinah: You name it. Payback, getting what I want.
Jonathan: Poor aunt cassie.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) oh. So? You don't care about her any more than I do.
Jonathan: You're right.
Dinah: Then do we have a deal?
Jonathan: Depends.
Dinah: On what? ( Laughter )
Jonathan: I want the whole story.
Dinah: Okay. And what do I get out of the deal?
Jonathan: Well, I give you a souvenir.
Dinah: Uh-huh.
Jonathan: A souvenir. And I'll give you some more of last night and this morning.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) how am I going to tell you my story if you keep doing this?
Jonathan: I can multitask.
Dinah: Okay. ( Laughs ) it was dark and stormy...
Danny: Look, I realize that you already sent the guy out, but I need to cancel the order. Why? Because the person that I bought it for isn't going to like it.
Marina: Marina, when are you going to learn to stop saying everything that pops into your stupid head? Zach didn't have a problem with(5a his valentine's day cards.
Danny: Fine. That's fine, if you want to charge me, really. I just want to cancel the order. Okay, good. So you'll call the guy and tell him not to come? Great. Thank you. Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Danny: What are you doing? It's freezing out here.
Marina: I'm sorry. I came out here to tell you that I'm sorry.
Danny: What? For what?
Marina: For totally yelling at you in there.
Danny: Oh, come on. You did not.
Marina: Yes, I did.
Danny: No, you didn'T.
Marina: I just get so...
Danny: What?
Marina: Emotional.
Danny: It's okay.
Marina: You know? I'm so stressed out with harley's trial, and I just... i want things to go right for a change, you know? Something good to happen.
Danny: I totally understand.+A I do.
Marina: Good, because I don't want you to think that I'm this bitter person who hates valentine's day. Truth be told, I kind of like it.
Danny: You do?
Marina: Don't tell anyone.
Danny: No, your secret is safe with me.
Marina: Good. You coming back inside?
Danny: Yeah. I just need to... I need to make a quick phone call. I'll be right there.
Marina: Okay.
Danny: Uh, yeah. This is danny santos again. I just called to cancel that order. I need to cancel that. I need to reorder it.
Lizzie: Shut up! Shut up!
Coop: Whoa, whoa! What are you doing? Stop that!
Lizzie: Don't touch me.
Coop: Give me the rock.
Lizzie: No!
Coop: Give me the rock right now.
Lizzie: I am not! What's the point? Your sister's not even going to live in this house anyway. She's going to spend the rest of her life in jail.
Coop: No, she's not.
Lizzie: Yes, she is.
Coop: No, she is not.
Lizzie: Yes, she is. Everything she did to my dad, she deserved it. He struck back and it's her own fault.
Coop: No, you don't have any clue what you're talking about. You have no idea about any of this.
Lizzie: You know what? You're just walking right in her footsteps. You brought me here against my will. I could have you arrested for that, and I would just love to see your brother...
Coop: You are sounding so much-- so much-- like your father right now. You know what? Lizzie?
Lizzie: La, la, la, la...
Coop: You're selfish. You're vindictive. You're destructive.
Lizzie: La, la, la, la!
Coop: You don't care about anyone else but yourself. And you know what?
Lizzie: La, la, la, la!
Coop: That's fine if you want to be like that, but I don't have to put up with that.
Lizzie: La, la, la, la!
Coop: All right? I'm going to protect my family! I'm going to protect harley's house!
Lizzie: Don't you dare touch me!
Coop: Put down the rock! What are you going to do? Are you going to hit me with it?
Lizzie: Don't touch. ( Yelling )
Coop: Give me the rock! Give me the rock!
Lizzie: ( Screams ) oh, you idiot!
Coop: I told you. All you had to do was just give me the rock.
Lizzie: Shut up.
Holly: No, I have not been drinking.
Ross: Now, let's calm down and think about this. You told me that you pushed sebastian out of an airplane.
Holly: What can I say? He has nine lives, like his father.
Ross: Let's not go there.
Holly: No one else knew about this dress.
Ross: The dress that is no longer here?
Holly: It was here. I'm telling you, it was here.
Ross: All right, holly. You've been through a traumatic experience. You were kidnapped. Your life was in danger, so it's no wonder that you're...
Holly: What? Seeing things?
Ross: I didn't say that.
Holly: Look, I admit i thought I was losing it, too, and no matter what I tried, i couldn't get him out of my mind. And then I started seeing him.
Ross: But you know that you couldn't have.
Holly: No, I don't know that. I'm sure of it now.
Ross: Holly, it's time that you start thinking about seeing somebody.
Holly: What do you mean?
Ross: A psychiatrist. Felicia boudreaux. I hear that she's very, very good.
Holly: She's blake's friend.
Ross: If that bothers you, i can help you find another doctor.
Holly: I don't want to see anyone.
Ross: You have to. You cannot let sebastian take over your life.
Holly: Too late.
Ross: It is not too late.
Holly: He is tormenting me.
Ross: Holly, he is dead.
Holly: Ross, he is not. What do I have to do to make you believe me?
Ross: I want to believe you. I really want to believe you.
Holly: Well, then wait until the water gets back here, and he can tell you about the dress.
Ross: Holly, it doesn't matter if the waiter comes back or even if there is a dress. Just because there's a dress delivered to you, that doesn't mean sebastian is alive.
Holly: You're looking at me like you think I'm crazy.
Ross: I'm sorry. But I have not seen you like this since fletcher left. Now, I didn't recognize the warning signals back then, but i do now. Holly, I want to help you.
Holly: You can't help me.
Dinah: ( Laughs )
Jonathan: Man, jeffrey, edmund, the fire, the... that is too much. That's too good.
Dinah: That's gold, I know, and I trust you're going to do the right thing with it.
Jonathan: Leave your name out of it, of course, so nice, clean hands to scoop up uncle eddie.
Dinah: Uh-huh. Good. Bingo.
Jonathan: Mm-hmm.
Dinah: That's right. You know, I do wish I could be a fly on the wall and just see when the you-know-what hits the fan.
Jonathan: That'd be pretty good, wouldn't it?
Dinah: Yeah. Can you imagine the look on cassie's face? Woo-hoo.
Jonathan: Oh, cassie? Forget about cassie. Edmund. It just goes to show you that people never change.
Dinah: Oh, I don't know. I don't think that edmund's such a bad guy.
Jonathan: No, he's just a baby killer.
Dinah: He is no different than anybody else. You know, when he wants what he wants, and if he gets pushed, he just does what he has to do.
Jonathan: I guess you really have a thing for the prince of darkness, huh? Can't say I see the attraction, but I guess misery loves company.
Dinah: Don't worry about my relationship with eddie.
Jonathan: Now, what if the good da sends your lover boy to prison?
Dinah: You know, I think if jeffrey got a clear shot at cassie, he would drop the whole silly barn business.
Jonathan: Cassie and jeffrey. This town is sick.
Dinah: You should know.
Jonathan: Damn. What am I going to do when you shack up with uncle eddie, aunt dinah?
Dinah: Honey, I thought you were going to just keep it in the family.
Jonathan: I will. I do.
Dinah: ( Squeals )
Next, on "guiding light"...
Marina: You did all of this for me?
Danny: I'm an idiot. Sorry. ( Laughter )
Jonathan: Hey, mom. Hey, josh. How was your v-day? oprah: Christopher reeve's wife dana. Her first interview since his death. What actually happened? What really did happen? An exclusive. ( Laughter )
Jonathan: Hey, mom. Hey, josh. How was your v-day? ( Laughter )
Jonathan: Hey, mom. Hey, josh. How was your v-day?
Reva: What are you doing?
Jonathan: Making the bed.
Josh: What reva is asking is, what are you doing in our bedroom?
Jonathan: Oh, I slept in here last night.
Jonathan: This mattress is so comfortable. I really think you guys should get rid of that old, lumpy mattress that you got me.
Reva: Try again.
Jonathan: Well, would you believe me if I said that you guys were far away and I missed you a lot, and I wanted to be closer to you?
Josh: No.
Reva: Tell us the real reason.
Jonathan: ( Sighs ) okay. I guess I got busted. I had a girl in here last night! It looks like we all got lucky, huh? ( Laughs )
Danny: And you're not buying me breakfast, by the way.
Marina: Yes, I am. Come on. It's the least that I can do.
Danny: No. No. No, no, no, no. I told you to forget about it. You got a lot going on with harley's trial and everything. I get it.
Marina: After that whole valentine's day tirade? Please. Sometimes I just say too much.
Danny: Stop. Stop bugging out.
Marina: So you don't think I'm a big freak?
Danny: No, I do. But I like that about you.
Marina: Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Marina: I agree with the whole sentiment of it. I do. I mean, it's really important. People should tell each other how they feel on more than just one day a year.
Danny: Right. Got to live in the moment.
Marina: Exactly. It's just that sometimes people go a little overboard.
Danny: What do you mean, "overboard"?
Marina: Oh, you know. Like all the silly, cutesy gifts.
Danny: Hm. Yeah.
Marina: You just have to know when enough is enough. I mean, low-key works best for me.
Danny: Low key. Yeah.
Marina: Danny?
Danny: Huh?
Marina: Are you okay?
Danny: What? Yeah. I'm fine.
Marina: You just had this weird look on your face.
Danny: I did? I don't know.
Marina: Well, you know what i mean, though, right?
Danny: Um, no, I'm not really sure.
Marina: Oh, yes, you do. Those big greeting cards and the gigantic stuffed animals, and oh, my goodness, you know what is the worst? ( Laughs ) those dudes who sing. Talk about tragic.
Danny: ( Laughs weakly ) tragic.
Marina: Who really does that, anyway?
Danny: Beats me.
Marina: Simple and sweet.
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: Speaking...
Danny: I'll be right back.
Lizzie: You're so stupid. I cannot believe you didn't see this.
Coop: Lizzie, a little F.Y.I. Most people use their hands or feet to make imprints but this...
Lizzie: Shut up. It's not funny at all.
Lizzie: Get me out.
Coop: I will.
Lizzie: Now.
Coop: But as long as you say, "please, coop." How about that?
Lizzie: Please, coop, get me out of here now. Get me out of here!
Coop: And I will, as soon as you tell me that you've learned your lesson. Do you understand why this happened?
Lizzie: No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me.
Coop: Badmouth people like you just did, and perhaps bad things might then happen to you. It's called karma.
Lizzie: Karma? That's the best you can do? Help me up!
Coop: Hey, sorry.
Lizzie: Well... well, fine. Fine. I'll just sit here until you come back and help me.
Coop: Well, it looks like it's going to be a while, because I'm not helping you until you learn your lesson.
Lizzie: Well... wait, coop. Coop? Wait. What do you want me to say?
Coop: I want you to admit that harley might not be guilty.
Lizzie: No. I'm never going to do that. I'm sorry.
Coop: All righty, then. Talk to you later. I'm sure you're going to get yourself out of that just fine.
Lizzie: Okay, coop, wait. Just please...
Coop: Yes?
Lizzie: I think I'm stuck.
Coop: You're telling me that your whole staging of a sitting- in event, you got yourself...
Lizzie: I think the concrete dried.
Coop: Ah. ( Laughs ) what can I tell you? It is karma.
Holly: Let go of me, ross.
Ross: I don't want you leaving like this.
Holly: What would you prefer? Me in a straitjacket, heading for ravenwood?
Ross: Of course not.
Holly: You think I'm losing it. Maybe you're right. I don't know what I think.
Ross: I think that you've been under a great deal of pressure, and I know what extreme pressure can do to a person.
Holly: A person? Or me?
Ross: You. It could happen to anybody. I could just as well be talking about dinah.
Holly: Why? What's going on? Is she harassing cassie again?
Ross: Yes. I've seen what she's been doing with my own eyes, and it's not pretty.
Holly: Sorry.
Ross: Me, too. You know, you want the best for your kids, but you know, when they get in trouble, it'S...
Holly: Yeah. It's not easy to watch. I remember.
Ross: Blake was a handful, but nothing like dinah. Nothing.
Holly: You haven't told blake about this?
Ross: No, no. The mere mention of my daughter sends blake into a tailspin, and probably always will, because dinah killed her brother.
Holly: And I killed her other brother. Maybe that shrink isn't such a bad idea after all.
Ross: It's a great idea, holly.
Holly: Why go off the deep end if you don't have to, right?
Ross: I wish dinah had that kind of an attitude.
Dinah: Dinah? ( Laughs ) did I hear my name?
Jonathan: You know, I thought we had an open, honest relationship.
Reva: I can't believe you did this.
Jonathan: What's the big deal?
Reva: The big deal? This is our bed.
Josh: And those are my boxers.
Jonathan: They're nice.
Josh: Thank you.
Jonathan: I'll tell you what I'll do: You tell me where the clean sheets are, I'll remake the bed. ( Laughs )
Josh: Linen closet, down the hall.
Jonathan: That makes sense.
Josh: Don't ever use this bedroom again.
Jonathan: Josh, you set me up with this twin bed. Now, how am I supposed to properly entertain a young lady with those accommodations? Hm?
Reva: You should take a shower. Go.
Jonathan: Okay.
Reva: How did you hurt your leg again?
Jonathan: Edmund. Edmund did it.
Reva: Edmund? What happened?
Jonathan: Well, he came and paid me a visit yesterday at the clayton arms. He knows about me and cassie.
Reva: Oh, my god. Did cassie tell him?
Jonathan: I don't know, but we had a scuffle.
Reva: Well, how did he even know you were there?
Josh: You've got to be kidding.
Reva: Is that true? Was cross creek just a diversion so that edmund could attack my son?
Danny: Here, just take this for your trouble.
Singer: Gee, thanks.
Danny: That's $20.
Singer: Do you know the price of gas these days?
Marina: What's going on?
Singer: Your boyfriend can't make up his mind.
Marina: He's not my...
Singer: Whatever. Happy valentine's day.
Marina: You did all of this for me?
Danny: I'm an idiot. Sorry.
Lizzie: Welcome back.
Coop: Yeah, well, I had a change of heart and thought i would come back for another look at you.
Lizzie: Oh, thanks.
Coop: All right.
Lizzie: Wait. Coop, what are you doing?
Coop: I'm trying to get you free.
Lizzie: What are you touching my shoe for? Those are $500 pairs of shoes. They are not coming off my feet.
Coop: Fine. That's fine with me.
Lizzie: Don't wipe that on me.
Coop: All right, well, look. I'm going to go and see if I can find something to chisel you out of this with, okay?
Lizzie: Fine. Just leave me here to freeze to death. I understand. It's okay. I'll be fine.
Coop: This should suit you just perfectly. Keep this on. Just try not to get anything else on it, that's all.
Lizzie: ( Scoffs )
Coop: I'll be right back. Just stay put. ( Cell phone ringing )
Lizzie: Ugh. So gross. Hello? Um, no. He's not available. He's busy right now. Can I take a message? This is his niece, marina.
Dinah: Should my ears be burning?
Holly: I'll talk to you later, ross.
Ross: Holly...
Holly: I'm all right. As all right as I can be.
Dinah: So, what's up?
Ross: Nothing. Your name came up in conversation, that's all.
Dinah: Okay.
Ross: You have some dirt or something on you. I hope you weren't in another barn brawl.
Dinah: Actually, I had to scale down a trellis and fell the last couple of feet into a flower garden.
Ross: I shouldn't have asked.
Dinah: Can I get a mimosa? I look good, though, right?
Ross: You look beautiful.
Dinah: I have a breakfast date.
Ross: Oh?
Dinah: Mm-hmm. With that doctor that olivia introduced me to. He's a very nice man.
Ross: Uh-huh. And you like him?
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I do. I think I'm making some better choices.
Ross: Is that so?
Dinah: Yeah. Dad, listen, about the fight with cassie. You know, that never would have happened if she didn't call me out there and just provoke the entire thing.
Ross: Dinah, you did not have to go. Did that ever occur to you?
Dinah: Yes. Yes. It does now. But I want to make a fresh start. I have to.
Ross: I only want the best for you.
Dinah: Yes. Well, that is exactly what iI! Want, too.
Josh: Here we go again. Reva, do you honestly believe cross creek had anything whatsoever to do with jonathan?
Reva: No, I don'T.
Josh: Thank you. I think he's making this whole thing up.
Jonathan: I'm not. Edmund really came after me.
Josh: Just think about it for a minute, all right? Yesterday, edmund supposedly hurt his leg, but he still had the energy to go out and findxd some girl, bring her back here, and sleep with her in our bed?
Jonathan: All right, look, I'm injured, but I can still have sex, you know what I mean? You know? Come on.
Reva: Yeah. You better hobble your way on out of here.
Reva: ( Sighs )
Marina: Chocolate's always good for valentine's day. Any day.
Danny: Come on. Come on. That was too cheesy, wasn't it?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, it was. But I liked it.
Danny: I really meant for it to be funny. I ordered package "b," the boy band medley.
Marina: Are you serious?
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: I'm sorry I missed it.
Danny: Well, please, I'm not. Who knew you wanted subtle?
Marina: Speaking of subtle, i had a hard time finding a card that wasn't too... I don't know.
Danny: Cheesy?
Marina: I was going to say mushy.
Danny: I kind of had the same problem. ( Laughter )
Marina: You got this from robbie.
Danny: Hello? You got yours from zach.
Marina: Yeah. Well, it's the thought that counts, anyway, right?
Danny: Right.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know all about the dna test he sent for. On the shard of glass. The results are in? Yeah, thank you very much. I'll give him the message. ( Sniffles )
Ross: Is this your idea of starting fresh?
Dinah: I don't even remember doing that.
Ross: Is that so?
Dinah: Yeah. Yes. And I have not used this purse in months, and even so, daddy, this photo is a joke.
Ross: Dinah, given the circumstances, it's not very funny.
Dinah: No, it's not. It's not funny. It's not funny at all. But you're right. You're right, dad, look. I swear to you, I am through obsessing over cassie.
Ross: Okay. But in the future, I want...
Dinah: I will stay away from cassie winslow, okay? I have my own life, and in fact, I have a date.
Ross: Okay. You have fun.
Dinah: Okay. I love you.
Ross: I love you. I love you and I wish I could believe you.
Rufus: Yes, sir?
Ross: I have an assignment for you.
Holly: Hold it together, holly. There are a million reasons these things could be happening. It doesn't mean...
Sebastian: Going down?
Josh: I know that must have been hard for you.
Reva: I want so much to believe him, but it seems every time we turn the corner, he's claiming someone else has wronged him. Of course...
Josh: Uh-oh.
Reva: Edmund is a different story.
Josh: Reva, even if edmund did go after him, don't you think somehow jonathan deserved that?
Reva: No. But that doesn't mean I'm going to start slinging accusations at him.
Josh: Good. I think we have to change the sheets. In fact, I think we have to burn the sheets.
Reva: Why don't you do that and I'll go make us some breakfast?
Josh: All right. Just don't take too long, okay?
Reva: Mm.
Josh: ( Laughs )
Jonathan: Hey. I know you're mad, but I wasn't lying about the edmund thing.
Reva: We'll just see about that, now, won't we?
Jonathan: Go get him, mom.
Next, on "guiding light"...
Cassie: What are you looking for edmund for?
Reva: So I can tell him to stay the hell away from my son or he's going to be sorry.
Olivia: Excuse me to interrupt your little pre- meeting, but I just want to make sure that I heard correctly. You are going to lie on the witness stand? You are going to perjure yourself for her?
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