Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/15/05
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By Boo
Josh: Happy Valentine's Day, Reva, darling.
Reva: Oh, Joshua.
(Josh laughs)
Reva: I feel like a little girl getting her first Valentine from the cutest boy in class. I feel so gooey. Well...
Josh: I'm sorry.
Reva: You know, it was a really nice thought.
Josh: So far this little trip to cross creek isn't quite turning out how I planned.
Reva: Some plan.
Josh: Sorry about that.
Reva: You had a cop, like, drag me off to the airport. Was that suppose to be romantic?
Josh: No, I just know you like living on the edge. I knew that you would go anywhere with a guy who's dangling handcuffs in front of you. (Josh laughs)
Reva: Oh, really? That was just your way of getting me away from Jonathan. I know.
Josh: No. I just wanted to be alone with my valentine.
Reva: Oh.
Josh: (Gasps)
Reva: Oh.
Josh: Ew! (Both laughs)
Reva: I am so sorry. I'm freezing. Let's go inside so we could get into some dry clothes and you could get a fire going.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Hopefully Olivia hasn't changed the locks on the door.
Josh: No, no, I'm sure bill would have told us if they did. (Alarm sounding) Okay, that's something new.
Troy: Freeze!
Josh: Dude, I can't breathe.
Edmund: Well, then we're off to a good start aren't we?
Jonathan: No more Mr. Nice uncle, huh? What the hell do you want?
Edmund: I want to know what you did to Cassíe in that hotel room the night before our wedding. And until I do, you're not getting out of here.
Cassie: Why are you following me?
Dinah: Because we have a problem.
Cassie: Harley's fighting for her life in a courtroom right now. That's all I care about, Dinah.
Dinah: Fine. I was trying to save you from some more pain, but you're not interested.
Cassie: What did you do?
Dinah: Not me. Edmund. He's out of control. And if you don't stop him before he gets to Jonathan, Harley won't be the only one facing murder charges.
Judge: Mr. Aitoro, we're ready for your opening statement.
Gus: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it might surprise you that Phillip Spaulding was my brother. Now you might be asking yourself why is the victim's brother defending the woman on trial for his murder? Well, the answer is actually very simple. Because I believe with every fiber of my being that Harley Cooper is not guilty. And I'll prove it to you. The DA, he also told you that this case is about vengeance. But he's wrong. And fittingly on a Valentine's Day, this case is actually about love. The kind of love that a mother has for her children, that a daughter has for her father. It's the kind of love that a woman has for the man that she loves, who deeply loves her. Harley Cooper, actually her only crime is that she loves too much. She did not commit murder. She did not-- could not take her son's father away from him. Ladies and gentlemen, when you hear all the facts of this case, you will know what I know. Harley Cooper is not a murderer. On the contrary. She's the type of person that we all wish we could be-- would be lucky to be. Lucky to know. Lucky to love.
(Alarm sounding)
Troy: All right, come on. Move away from the door.
Reva: Okay.
Troy: Come on.
Josh: Pal, my name is Joshua Lewis, okay? Now, my family owns this place.
Troy: Come on, put your hands in the air.
Josh: We're not burglars.
Reva: We belong here.
Josh: That's right. My name is Josh Lewis. My family owns the place. Look I have some id for you.
Troy: No, no, no. Keep your hands were I can see them, sir.
Reva: My husband bought me here for Valentine's Day.
Troy: Save it for the sheriff.
Reva: You know what? If you don't believe that then call the owners, Bill and Olivia Lewis. Call them. They know who we are.
Josh: Right. Yeah.
Troy: You're only getting one call, all right? And that's from the station.
Josh: We can prove that we belong here. We know things about this place that no one could possibly know if they didn't live here...
Reva: Yes.
Josh: ...And love being here.
Troy: Oh, yeah?
Josh: Yes.
Troy: Like what?
Reva: The tree. That big tree that was split in two by the lightening on that new year's eve.
Josh: Our initials are carved in that tree.
Troy: "Josh and Reva always"?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: That's us.
Josh: Josh and Reva. Josh and Reva.
Reva: That's us.
(Both laugh)
Troy: I've always wondered what happened to you two.
Reva: Yeah, well, here we are.
Josh: That's right.
Reva: No one else belongs but us.
Josh: You're just doing your job. I know that. I appreciate that. But we would like to get inside if that's...
Troy: I'll tell you what, no problem.
Josh: Okay.
Troy: Just as long as you know the security code, everything's fine.
Josh: What?
Troy: Punch it in.
Edmund: Up we go! Now...
Jonathan: You're losing it, man. All right, I crashed a bachelorette party. What's the big deal?
Edmund: No, no, there's more to it than that. What is it?
Josh: (Grunts) what? You talked to Dinah and she told you some story and you bought it?
Edmund: Well, you put that together rather quickly didn't we?
Jonathan: Well, look, well, Dinah's a liar and she hates Cassíe. So it's not hard to put together. Nothing happened that night. Everybody knows that Cassíe hates me and she'd do anything to avoid me. If you want to go after someone, go after Dinah. She's the real loon, okay?
Edmund: No, not until I'm finished with you. Now...
(Jonathan grunts)
Edmund: There was a tape. You brought it to the farm. Yeah, that's right. I saw you and Cassíe watching the videotape. She became upset and destroyed it. What was on the tape?
Jonathan: Ask her. (Groans)
Edmund: I did. I did. She told me a story about the bachelorette party and getting drunk and dancing on a table.
Jonathan: Yeah. Well, she was pretty good. (Grunts) sorry.
Edmund: Well, she lied.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, so much for love and trust, huh?
Edmund: The only reason Cassíe would lie would be to protect someone-- Tammy, Reva, you.
Jonathan: Yeah, that's pretty funny, Cassíe protecting me.
Edmund: No, you see, actually she'd be protecting me. Because she knows if I find out that you did anything to hurt her in any way I would disembowel you and leave you to die in a field. Now, about that tape, Jonathan...
Jonathan: (Screams) ow...
Edmund: What was on it?
Jonathan: You sick bastard.
Edmund: You have no idea.
Jonathan: All right. It was the night before her wedding. It was in Cassie's hotel room.
Edmund: What did you do to her?
Jonathan: Nothing. Nothing. (Yells) (moans) all right, you want to know why Cassíe lied? It was to protect herself. I didn't break my way into the hotel room that night, I was invited. It was an invitation. Cassie invited me there. She wanted me there.
Cassie: What the hell did you say to Edmund?
Dinah: I didn't tell him anything. He's convinced that Jonathan is holding something over you, even threatening you, and it has to do with a videotape. And whatever happened between you and Jonathan that night...
Cassie: Nothing happened, Dinah.
Dinah: You are... listen, you don't have to convince me. Now, does Edmund own a gun?
Cassie: If I find out you're the one that pushed Edmund into going to Jonathan...
Dinah: I am just the messenger, but your hubby is on the war path.
Cassie: I've got to find him.
Dinah: I hope it's not too late. For Johnny boy's sake.
Jeffrey: Mr. Solomon?
Solomon: Uh-huh?
Jeffrey: Do you remember where you were the night that Phillip Spaulding was shot?
Solomon: I was walking my dog, Buffy. We go right by company every night, same time, regular as clockwork.
Jeffrey: Okay, and would you please tell the jury what you saw that night?
Solomon: We had just gotten to company, and I stopped because it was... the place was dark inside, and normally it's a very busy time for the restaurant. All of a sudden a woman came running out. She was very upset about something and sort of disoriented.
Jeffrey: And you could tell that even from a distance?
Solomon: Oh, I got a good look at her when she stopped under the street lamp.
Jeffrey: Oh, you're sure you got a good look at this woman's face?
Solomon: Yes, sir. I did. I'd know her anywhere.
Jeffrey: And looking around the courtroom today, do you see that woman here?
Solomon: No, sir, can't say as I do.
Jeffrey: As this time, your honor, the state request that the accused, Harley Cooper, please stand.
Gus: Objection! Your honor, the witness has already answered the question.
Judge: Overruled. I'll allow it.
Jeffrey: Please stand and face the witness box. Your honor, I'm entering evidence, people's exhibit number 14. Would you please put these on?
Gus: No. Your honor...
Jeffrey: Your honor, the state contends that the accused went to company in a disguise. This is that disguise.
Judge: Go ahead, miss Cooper.
Jeffrey: Okay, Mr. Solomon, how about now? You see her now?
Solomon: That's her.
Jeffrey: Now, are you sure? Take your time. Are you sure?
Solomon: No, no, that's... that's... that's her. That's the woman I saw.
Jeffrey: That's her. No further questions, your honor.
Judge: Your witness, Mr. Aitoro.
Gus: Keep standing, keep the wig on. Mr. Solomon, now, you said that the woman that you saw that night seemed upset and disoriented, I think, was the other word that you used?
Solomon: Yes.
Gus: Would you say that she looked angry or vengeful?
Jeffrey: Objection, your honor. The witness is hardly qualified to testify as to the state of mind of the defendant.
Gus: The witness already described how she appeared. I'm just asking for clarification.
Judge: Overruled.
Gus: Thank you very much. I'll ask the question again, Mr. Solomon. Did she seem angry to you?
Solomon: More like confused, dazed. You know, my dog noticed that she was whimpering sympathetically. She has a real feel for people, knowing who to trust.
Gus: Right. So people will trust you. Because animals can sense these things, can't they, Mr. Solomon? Thank you. No further questions.
Judge: You may step down. Call your next witness, Mr. O'Neill.
Jeffrey: Of course.
Cupid: Lovers, unite! Heart day is here! Love! L'amore! L'amore! La vie e bella! All you need is love! Love! Love!
Josh: (Sighs)
Reva: Well, you know, things have certainly changed. We never needed an alarm before.
Josh: Never even locked the door before.
Troy: You don't have any clue, do you?
Reva: About the code? Oh, yeah. Oh.
Troy: Well, let's go on with it, then shall we? Huh?
Reva: No problem.
Josh: You have some guess here?
Reva: Think about important dates.
Josh: Like bill's birthday? Olivia's...
Reva: Their wedding date.
Josh: You know, you'd better be careful. You might just have one shot at this.
Reva: I got it. I got it. I got it. E-m-m-A. Wow! There it is.
Josh: Let's hear it for motherhood.
Reva: There it is. Yeah. So can we go in now?
> Troy: For now, yeah. But I'm going to put in a call to Mrs. Olivia, make sure she checks this out.
Josh: I'm sure she'll be thrill to pieces that you're doing your job so well.
Reva: Absolutely.
Troy: Yes, sir. Ma'am.
Reva: It's a sorry day when we have to count on Olivia's seal of approval to walk into cross creek.
Josh: I agree with you, darling. Look, let's just forget about all of this, okay? We survived the rain, the chocolates, the shotgun. The worst is definitely behind us.
Reva: No, it's not.
Edmund: You forced yourself on Cassíe!
Jonathan: Don't fool yourself. She slipped me a note that night begging me to come to her hotel room the night before your wedding.
Edmund: You forced yourself! She hates you!
Jonathan: No, it's a fine line between love and hate, isn't it? You two lovebirds used to hate each other, but now you're happy honeymooners. Maybe Cassíe is just a chick with a yen for the dark side.
Edmund: (Grunts) you... now... you tell me what happened that night.
Jonathan: Reva... Cassíe wanted to convince Reva that I was the devil incarnate, that I was impossible to redeem. So she invited me to her hotel room. She stripped down... she stripped down to her skivvies and begged me to come on to her. It was a setup! It was a setup. If you don't believe me, ask Josh and Reva. They know. Cassie wanted to get the whole thing on tape so she could show Reva, and Reva would throw me out into the street. The problem is... (laughs)... the problem is the plan backfired. After a while I wasn't the one doing the chasing. A few glasses of wine and it was good-bye, princess Cassíe, hello, shady lane.
Edmund: (Grunts)
Jonathan: Come on, Uncle Eddie! You could have saved me a lot of pain if you finished what you started years ago! (Both grunting)
Cassie: Edmund! Edmund! Edmund! Don't! Don't! (Both men gasping) he's not worth it.
Cupid: Get up! Get up! Get up! Get into the spirit of St. Valentine!
Bailiff: Come here, you.
Cupid: May the fire of love burn bright within you! Happy Valentine's Day!
(Alarm ringing)
Buzz: Harley! Are you okay?
Harley: Yes, I'm fine.
Alexandria: He's under media attack right out there.
(Everyone yelling)
Gus: Get in.
Harley: What? (Laughing)
Judge Rosa: Good, you're right on time.
Gus: For what?
Harley: For what?
Judge Rosa: Your wedding, of course.
Edmund: What happened between you and Jonathan the night before our wedding?
Cassie: What did he tell you?
Judge Rosa: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Reva: It looks a lot like the Spaulding boardroom.
Josh: Hey, you know what? You know what? I'll build a fire, and this place will feel just like home.
Reva: Here. Kindling.
Josh: No. (Reva laughs) don't... don't tempt me now, darling. No, actually come here and tempt me, just a little bit.
Reva: I can only imagine what she's done to the bedroom.
Josh: Well, we could just camp out down here. It'll be okay.
Reva: It wouldn't be the first time.
Josh: I'm thinking, who needs old furniture? I got everything I've ever wanted or needed right here in my arms, right now. And you are still as beautiful and as exciting as you were the day I met you.
Reva: I love a sweet-talking guy.
Josh: I'll tell you what. I'll build us a nice fire, we'll pop open some champagne, and we'll christen this place, build some new memories. How's that sound?
Reva: Great. (Laughter)
Harley: Wedding? No.
Gus: Yeah, we're not here...
Harley: We didn't come here for that.
Judge Rosa: Then why did you schedule an appointment with me?
Gus: We... we did...
Harley: Well.... what do you think?
Gus: What do you think? You know what, judge? Let me ask you something...
Harley: As long as we're here...
Tracy: Sorry we're late. There were all these reporters outside, some big trial.
Judge Rosa: Oh, then you two must be the witnesses.
Steve: Actually, our witnesses aren't coming.
Tracy: They're stuck in traffic.
Steve: Hey, could you guys be our witnesses?
Harley: Us? Oh, actually, we have to be somewhere right now.
Gus: Well, actually, wait a second. No, we don't. I mean, come on. Let's do this for them.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Yeah, what could be nicer? It's Valentine's Day. You, me, and two lovely people. Beats the alternate plan.
Harley: That's true.
Gus: What do you say?
Harley: Okay. We're in.
Judge Rosa: Bride here, and groom on the other side. You can hold hands if you'd like. The bride and groom.
Tracy: Can you help me for a second with my bouquet?
Harley: Sure. What? What's wrong?
Tracy: It's all his fault. He lied to me.
Harley: He did?
Tracy: For months. My friends aren't stuck in traffic. They're not coming because they don't want me to marry him.
Steve: You know how sorry I am. I made a terrible mistake.
Tracy: How can I ever trust you again?
Harley: You know, this is a little...
Gus: Freaky, really.
Harley: Awkward.
Tracy: I'm sorry. This was all a terrible mistake.
Steve: No, I messed up big time.
Harley: You know what? Wait, wait, wait. You guys, you can't... you can't walk away from this.
Buzz: I can't believe it. It worked. We got rid of the reporters. Where did you get the idea to hire Cupid to crash the courtroom?
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Buzz: Ha-ha-ha-ha, what?
Alexandra: Well, I was kind of hoping maybe it was your idea.
Buzz: I wish. I would do anything to spring my daughter out of there, but, you know, I can't take credit for the guy with the wings.
Alexandra: Of course not. Of course not. I realize that romance has not been exactly a number-one priority on your list.
Buzz: Look my plate's been sort of full, you know.
Alexandra: Yes, yes. Well, how about friendship? Would you settle for some of that?
Buzz: Never.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Buzz: Come on.
Jeffrey: See if we can't track down cupid and bring him in and have him arrested.
Bailiff: What charge?
Jeffrey: I don't know what charge. Indecent exposure, for starters. Thanks.
Dinah: Throwing the book at cupid on Valentine's Day. Tin man, you have no heart.
Jeffrey: What are you doing here?
Dinah: I actually have something for you.
Jeffrey: "Be mine?" I don't think so.
Dinah: Come on. You miss our times together as much as I do.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I miss a lot of things. I love cigars, but they leave a bad taste. Why don't you go find your doctor friend, you know, the gynecologist? What's his name?
Dinah: Cory. He's a fertility specialist. He's sweet, but he is not you.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe you should hook up with a psychiatrist because you reek of desperation.
Edmund: Just walk out of the room, Cassíe. Out of the room, get in your car and drive away.
Cassie: No, no! Edmund, no. Don't. Don't. Don't go to his down to his level please. You walk away. You walk away with me.
Jonathan: Nice talk-down, Cass.
Cassie: You stay the hell away from my family.
Jonathan: You two make some pair.
Cassie: I will put a restraining order out against you if you don't stay away.
Jonathan: Yeah, I've had enough abuse for one day.
Edmund: Why you son of A...
Cassie: Don't, Edmund! Give this to me. Give it to me.
> Jonathan: Ciao.
Edmund: (Breathing heavily) how did you know I was here?
Cassie: Dinah was afraid that you might do something crazy.
Edmund: Yeah, well, I guess she had reason to. (Breathing heavily) what happened between you and Jonathan the night before our wedding?
Cassie: What did he tell you?
Edmund: That you lured him into your hotel room and took off your clothing. Just... Cassíe, tell me he was lying.
Cassie: I can't.
Edmund: God, Cassíe, why?
Cassie: Edmund, I was so desperate to get him out of our lives.
Edmund: That you seduced him?
Cassie: I wanted Reva to believe that he was going after me the same way he went after Tammy. But it went all wrong. I was wrong, Edmund. I wanted to protect us. I love you so much, and I wanted us to have the happiness that we deserve. Nothing happened, nothing that can touch us. And you've got to believe me. (Reva and Josh laughing)
Reva: Another toast.
Josh: Wait. Wait a minute now. We have toasted everybody from H.B. to miss Martha to the mailman. Who's left?
Reva: Bill and Olivia, our gracious hosts. (Laughs)
Josh: Okay, here's to bill.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: And here's to Olivia.
Reva: Oh, you're so bad. (Josh laughs)
Josh: And last but not least, here's to Jonathan.
Reva: Well, you'll do anything to get me drunk.
Josh: You got that right, baby.
Reva: Yeah. You know what? You don't have to say things you don't mean. I'm a sure thing.
Josh: Jonathan has taught me a thing or two.
Reva: Such as?
Josh: I should have been the one to buy that sports car.
Reva: No.
Josh: No, I mean it though.
Reva: No.
Josh: I don't want you to think I take you for granted. Or take us for granted. In spite of the fact we're just an old married couple of--
Reva: Hey! Hey! Hey, watch that. Watch that.
Josh: You are still as sexy and exciting as you were the day we got married right here at cross creek. And I was thinking something. Do you remember the very first time we made love right here on this floor in front of that fire?
Reva: Yeah. However it feels like a lifetime ago.
Josh: When I look at you right now it feels like it was yesterday.
Jonathan: Not so fast gossip queen.
Dinah: Whoa! What happened to you?
Jonathan: Someone sent crazy uncle Eddie and aunt Cass after me. Who could that be d?
Dinah: That looks like a nasty bruise.
Jonathan: You told Edmund I shacked up with his bride to be and then let Cassíe know that he was on the war path. You used me as a pawn to bust them up?
Dinah: Well, what happened? Did the other d word come up? Like divorce?
Jonathan: You almost got me killed. Look at me. You almost got me killed and all you care about is Edmund.
Dinah: Well, I have to keep my priorities straight there, Johnny.
Jonathan: You like to start fires as much as I do, huh?
Dinah: Now for someone who almost just got offed, you seem to have recovered. And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were...
Jonathan: Yeah, lonely. (Both laughs)
Dinah: Your place or mine?
Jonathan: You think I'm that easy?
Dinah: Yeah, I do.
Jonathan: Mm-mm. I have feelings. I have to be wooed.
Dinah: Okay. I'm very, very sorry I used you as kindling. Forgive me. Now let's go.
Jonathan: Start a fire of our own?
Dinah: Yeah, it's Valentine's Day.
Jonathan: You're such a romantic. I know just the place.
Cassie: Edmund, I never meant for anything to happen. And nothing happened-- not in the way that you're thinking. I was fine when he showed up. And then he poured me a glass of wine.
Edmund: You were drinking with him?
Cassie: I just had to keep him there until Reva got there. I had a few sips and I started getting really dizzy and I couldn't stand up. I know he drugged me. I just can't prove it. I don't remember anything else that happened the rest of the night. Except I woke up the next morning and he was lying in bed next to me.
Edmund: So you showed up to our wedding not knowing whether he'd...
Cassie: Yes. That's why I ran away.
Edmund: God. I thought it was because of me.
Cassie: (Crying) no. No, Edmund, it wasn't because of you. I made a terrible mistake. But I can't lose you because of this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have to forgive me. Please forgive me.
Harley: Okay, what did he lie about?
Tracy: His family.
Harley: Oh, I know that one.
Gus: Why'd you lie to her?
Steve: I didn't want to hurt her.
Gus: You were trying to protect her?
Harley: But you never asked to be protected, right?
Tracy: He lied and told me his father was a lawyer.
Gus: So your dad's an ex-con. That's not your fault, bro.
Steve: I know. I love my father. Tracy's family a different story.
Gus: Afraid she wouldn't understand?
Harley: You would have tried to understand, right? If he had just trusted you. If he had chosen you.
Tracy: If I had known the truth. By the time I did, I felt I didn't even know him.
Harley: I know that feeling.
Gus: So you acted like a jerk and you betrayed her. And then you realized how much you really loved her. So now you know how one stupid lie just cost you everything.
Judge Rosa: Folks, are we near the finish line?
All: One minute.
Harley: Tracy, listen. There are worst things than lying to protect someone.
Tracy: But how could I ever trust him again?
Harley: By his actions. I know that seems hard, but things change. And think about this. What if your life were on the line? Would Steve be there for you? Would he stand by you for better or worse?
Gus: Steve, you're ready to fight for your woman? Own up to your mistakes whether you're rich, whether you're poor?
Harley: Sick or healthy?
Gus: Till the day you die?
Harley: Till the day you die.
Steve/Tracy: I do.
Judge Rosa: You two are good.
Gus: We were the best. Did you mean what you said about forgiveness?
Harley: Are we marrying these people or what?
Judge Rosa: Of course. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of this man and this woman.
Jeffrey: All right, little buddy. I want to know who paid you to do this, huh? Was it buzz Cooper? Gus Aitoro? Let's go. Let's have it.
Cupid: You can't pay for love, man. It's free.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Yeah. For some people, it is.
Cupid: Better luck next time. Cupid's the name, love's my game.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? You can tell it to the man in the white coat on the way to the funny farm, okay? Get him out of here. Take him to Ravenwood for an evaluation.
Cupid: Love hurts. But you know what hurts more? Going home alone? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Jeffrey: (Sighs)
Reva: It's still here.
Josh: And now we've added our own little memory to it.
Reva: "Reva and Josh, always."
Josh: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you thinking about, hmm?
Reva: I don't know. I'm just thinking about Jonathan being all alone on Valentine's Day.
Josh: Don't worry about Jonathan. I'm sure he's fine. Come here and kiss me, woman. (Laughter)
Reva: Mm.
Jonathan: Happy Valentine's Day.
Dinah: Happy Valentine's Day. (Gasps) condom, condom, condom.
Jonathan: I thought you said you wanted to have a baby.
Dinah: Not yours, silly.
Jonathan: Yes.
Cassie: Please tell me you forgive me.
Edmund: Of course I forgive you, Cassíe. I just...
Cassie: (Sobs)
Edmund: I just wish you had trusted me.
Cassie: I do trust you. I trust you.
Edmund: Then let me protect you from Jonathan. You don't have to do this alone.
Cassie: I know, I know. I know that. I just... God. They just got me, you know? First Jonathan and then Dinah. I thought I was past it all and that it was over after I destroyed the tape, and then, of course, it wasn't.
Edmund: Come on. It ends. It ends tonight.
Cassie: Um, come on. Are you sure that you can do this? You can move on, not look back? That you can trust me again?
Edmund: I can and I do.
Cassie: God, I love you so much.
Edmund: I love you, too, Cassíe. I love you more than I ever thought possible.
Cassie: I was so afraid. (Sobs)
Edmund: I don't blame you, because I was... I was angry enough to kill him.
Cassie: What would have happened if I didn't walk in there and stop you?
Edmund: Cassie, I'm not the same man I was back in San Cristobal. The old Edmund Winslow is dead. He no longer exists.
Alexandra: (Laughs) well, my dear, what did I do to deserve this?
Buzz: Oh, I know about you.
Alexandra: Really?
Buzz: Yeah.
Alexandra: (Laughs) what do you know about me? (Laughs)
Buzz: I know that you gave Gus your pearls to help pay for Harley's defense.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, I was never actually that deeply in love with those pearls, anyway. Besides, as they say, diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Buzz: Well, what does that make me?
Alexandra: A diamond. (Laughs) in the rough. In the rough. (Laughter)
Buzz: You can't...
Judge Rosa: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Okay, next wedding. Good luck, folks.
Tracy: Thank you. (Laughs) Oh, wait. I forgot.
Steve: What?
Tracy: Happy Valentine's Day.
Gus: Next, on "guiding light." (Woman screams)
Lizzie: Oh, you idiot!
Coop: I told you, all you got to do is just give me the rock.
Reva: Just standing here wondering what olivia's going to say when she sees this. What she'll do.
Josh: I think she'll sand down the whole mantel.
Reva: We can't let her keep this place.
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