GL Transcript Monday 2/14/05 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/14/05

[an error occurred while processing this directive]  

By Boo

Gus: Are you ready?

Harley: Let's do this. What are you doing?

Gus: Well, from here on out, you're on your own.

Harley: You're deciding my fate?

Lizzie: Who better? My father's gone. Who do you think really suffers?

Harley: The children.

Ruth: This judgment will come to order.

Harley: You?

Ruth: I'm afraid it's not looking so good, dear. ( Bangs gavel )

Announcer: All of springfield is abuzz as the trial of harley davidson cooper begins today. She is accused of murdering her ex-husband, multimillionaire phillip spaulding. Cooper's trial is...

singer: It's just a simple line I can still hear it all of the time if I can just hold on tonight I know that nothing nothing survives nothing survives I think I'm turned around I'm looking up not looking down and when I'm standing still watching you run watching you fall fall into me...

Gus: "Harley cooper is a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. My client, along with her family, they are a shining example of what'S..." it's got to be better.

Jeffrey: So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is a tragedy for the victim and also for the perpetrator. But justice must be done.

Singer: Am I making something worthwhile out of this chase I am displaced I am displaced it's just a simple line I can still hear it all of the time if I can just hold on tonight I know that nothing nothing survives nothing survives am I making something worthwhile out of this place am I making something worthwhile out of this chase I am displaced I am displaced...

Lizzie: Daddy, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Singer:  I think I'm turned around I'm looking up I'm not looking down and when I'm standing still watching you run watching you fall fall into me am I making something worthwhile out of this place am I making something worthwhile out of this chase... ( knock on door ) I am displaced I am displaced... ( knock on door ) it's just a simple line I can still hear it all of the time if I can just hold on tonight...I know that no one no one survives no one survives.

Gus: Ready?

Alexandra: Lizzie, darling, what's wrong?

Lizzie: Nothing, I... did you see the morning news?

Alexandra: Yes, and I really wish you wouldn't watch that because no good can come from that kind.

Lizzie: Yeah, except hearing that harley's been found guilty.

Alexandra: Well, come on. We all want justice, don't we? I mean, I wouldn't go... never mind. Well, do you think that we have time to visit your grandfather in jail before we have to be at the courthouse?

Lizzie: No, you know what? Granddad would never want me to see him like that, all locked up and caged.

Alexandra: Oh, come on, lizzie. Your grandfather knows that you love him no matter what.

Lizzie: I'm not going there! You can just leave it! I'm not going, okay? They're always after us. They're trying to lock us up, and for what?

Alexandra: Well, darling, this times it happens to be for threatening a district attorney.

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, and that's some capital offense. Meanwhile, harley gets to walk the streets.

Alexandra: We don't know that she did it. We don't know that she did it.

Lizzie: So, what about gus? He attacks me and all he gets is a stern lecture?

Alexandra: Don'T...

Lizzie: You know what? People are going to pay. Just like granddad said they should, people are going to get what's coming to them. Gus is going to get nailed, and harley is, too.

Alexandra: Well, darling, you know, you used to love harley.

Lizzie: Yeah, but you know what? She used to love daddy. She's going to think about that every single day until she dies in jail.

Alexandra: All right. All right, lizzie, you stop that. You hear me? I want you to stop it right now. And shame on you.

Buzz: Did you hear anything from the lab?

Coop: Not yet.

Buzz: Well, if it is phillip's blood on that shard of glass you found in lizzie's room, I mean, it would be nice to know today.

Coop: Yeah.

Buzz: I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but it could prove that harley didn't kill him.

Reporter: Here she comes.

Reporters: Harley. Harley? Harley?

Reporter: We need a statement from you? Did you do it? Did you do it?

Reporter: Harley cooper? Did you murder phillip spaulding?

Jonathan: Hey, come on. Back off. Come on. I'm trying to be crippled here!

Gus: You okay?

Harley: Yeah, I'm fine. Zach hasn't left for school yet? He's going to be late.

Buzz: He's brushing his teeth.

Harley: Okay, well, what about his lunch? Did you remember to pack...

Buzz: Two boxes of juice, the crusts cut off...

Harley: Off the sandwich.

Buzz: ...The sandwich. Yes, of course.

Harley: It's just that if the crust is on, he won't eat it, and then he's going to get cranky. And then he has gym class right after lunch, so he's got to eat, you know, or he's not going to have any energy.

Buzz: He needs the energy, right.

Frank: Okay, hold on. What's the problem.

Harley: Nothing. I'm just explaining to dad that if zach doesn't eat, he's going to...

Buzz: Look, it's okay. Zach is fine. He's going to be okay. You're going to be okay.

Harley: I know.

Buzz: Come here.

Harley: I'm just being...

Frank: A mom.

Harley: A mom who may be leaving her children.

Gus: You're not leaving anybody.

Cassie: Wow.

Reva: So, happy valentine's day.

Cassie: You, too. Where's josh?

Reva: Uh, we had a disagreement.

Cassie: Uh, I don't really know what to say.

Reva: Well, there's really nothing to say. I'm only here to see if harley needs any help.

Cassie: Me, too.

Jonathan: I'm going to get a cheeseburger! ( Laughs )

Harley: Okay, zach cannot miss school, but I'm not going to send him out there into that pack of vultures either, you know?

Buzz: I know, I know. Hi.

Cassie and reva: Hey!

Harley: Hey, guys.

Reva: Hi, sweetie.

Harley: Hi.

Reva: We just came by to see how you're holding up.

Cassie: Yeah.

Harley: I'm okay. I am.

Cassie: No, you're not, but i like hearing you say it.

Harley: I'm fine. I really am. I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my kid.

Cassie: Because of the press?

Harley: Yes. I mean, every time he gets out there, they're confronting him, they're throwing questions at him. They're waving toys in his face to try to get him to look one way or the other. I mean, they're vultures, these reporters-- no offense, reva.

Reva: No, none taken. But you know what? Zach does need to get out of here, and you have two moms with attitude ready to help, so what do you say, cassie?

Cassie: I say let's do it.

Reva: Okay.

Dinah: Hey. I was hoping it'd be you.

Edmund: A fire in the barn, dinah? Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke?

Dinah: I think not. I think that fire is a very serious business.

Edmund: Why now?

Dinah: Pecially in a barn.

Edmund: Why now? Why now? Why instigate something now?

Dinah: Edmund, I'm guilty of many things, but, my goodness, things I haven't even thought of yet, but I didn't start this fire. That's a good question. Why would I do something like that?

Edmund: Spite? Frustration that cassie and i are married? What?

Dinah: I understand why you may not trust me, but I think you know deep down inside of you that I wouldn't hurt you.

Edmund: I don't believe you.

Dinah: You've been my friend even when you didn't want to be, and I don't want to see you make your life worse by anything... by anything that you might do, like your wife.

Edmund: Oh, god, here we go again.

Dinah: Look, edmund, my god, I mean, come on. You've been ranting and raving and shoving your head in the sand for a long time now. You've been relying on a hope that... that you don't have and a faith that you haven't felt.

Edmund: Clever speech, dinah, clever words. Words are your weapons.

Dinah: Tell me that you don't want to know what's going on in your life with your wife.

Edmund: Dinah, do you have any idea how fed up I am with your riddles? What are you talking about?

Dinah: I... listen to me. I don't mean to make you doubt yourself. I just want you to believe what you already know.

Edmund: Which is what?

Dinah: You know that you were ready to get married and cassie was, too. And you know that you've been beating yourself up because cassie disappeared that day. And you know that you were expecting her to walk away because of something you did wrong, but you didn't do anything wrong, edmund.

Edmund: Dinah, I have done so many things wrong I don't know where to start.

Dinah: I know that! I know that. You've made major mistakes. But at this point, if you haven't been living a life of atonement, then I don't know what you've been doing.

Edmund: Cassie's just been worried about conceiving a child.

Dinah: Oh, god. That's a smokescreen. You were alone the night before your wedding.

Edmund: Yes, so?

Dinah: So can your wife say the same thing? Oh!

Edmund: Dinah, you lie too much, and I really think that has to stop.

Cassie: This is never going to work.

Reva: Yes, it will, if you do what I say.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) keep telling yourself that.

Harley: Okay, are we ready to do this?

Cassie: No. Ready to do what? What am I supposed to do? I don't really understand what I'M...

Harley: Calm down. The thing about not being noticed is don't try not to be noticed, okay? Just don't try to be obvious. Just try not to be obvious.

Cassie: Okay! Enough instruction already.

Reva: Hey, come here. You guys need to go out the back, you know?

Gus: Yes, yes.

Reva: We're going to make a distraction in the front.

Gus: Good idea.

Cassie: You? Make distractions? No.

Reva: Hey, didn't ask for all the bad publicity I've had this past year.

Cassie: You're such a wallflower.

Reva: Oh, yeah. Speak r yourself, princess. Come on, are we ready...

Cassie: Who put her in charge?

Jonathan: Hey, wait. Do you guys need a downfield block? You want me to run some interference before you get to the press line?

Cassie: Let me guess. That's going to be you?

Jonathan: Well, I'm always more than happy to pull a sean penn on somebody, but if I break a camera, you've got to pay for it.

Reva and cassie: That's more jack nicholson. ( Laughter )

Reva: You go, go. Out the back, okay?

Harley: Hey, you guys, don't think I don't appreciate what you guys are doing, okay? I know what you're doing. It's great.

Reva: You go. Go.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you.

Reva: Good luck.

Harley: Thanks, jonathan.

Jonathan: You're welcome. Look at us, working like a family!

Cassie: Let's go. Go, please.

Jonathan: All right, ladies and gentlemen, there's a new sheriff in town!

Reporter: Harley, why'd you do it? ( Reporters clamoring )

Jonathan: Coming through, ladies. Coming through. Harley!

Harley: All right, so I... i made a little picture for zach. Make sure he knows it's in there, okay? And also just make sure that... I wish I could tell him so that he knows.

Buzz: That you love him.

Harley: Yes, that.

Buzz: He knows you love him. He knows that. He loves you, and I love you. We all love you. We all love you.

Harley: I know. I'll see you guys there, okay? I'll see you there.

Frank: You be strong, okay?

Harley: Okay. Don't be long, okay?

Alexandra: All right, I want you to look at this. Look at this and you tell me, what do you see?

Lizzie: It's daddy's dream. It's work that needs to be finished.

Alexandra: Oh, is that so? Well, do you know what I see? I see a man's life destroyed. I see a once-loving man turned completely hateful, believing that everyone and everything in this world was against him, and therefore he turned against those people he most loved.

Lizzie: That doesn't mean he deserved to die.

Alexandra: Of course not!

Lizzie: Then what's your point, aunt alex?

Alexandra: All right, my point is... my point is that your father wouldn't want to see you go down the same path he went down, consumed by this hatred and this need, this unusual need for revenge. Look, darling, we all make mistakes. We all hurt people sometimes, but all of us somewhere in us deserves forgiveness. And I think that your father would want you to learn to forgive so you could live a happier life than he lived.

Lizzie: It's not going to happen.

Alexandra: Oh, lizzie. Lizzie.

Lizzie: No, you know what? If I get hit, I hit back. I do not forgive and forget. I am not going to forget my daddy and who he was, and I'm certainly not going to forgive the fact that he's gone. That does not make me a monster or some psycho. What? Quit looking at me like that!

Alexandra: I think your father would hate seeing you this way.

Lizzie: Don't say that! Do not say that! Things are just out of control, okay? We get punished when we do something wrong, okay? And I know that. So does harley.

Harley: Dead woman walking.

Gus: That's not funny.

Harley: Well, look who's losing hope now. You have no sense of humor anymore?

Gus: I have plenty.

Steve: Excuse me. Could you take our picture?

Gus: Sure.

Tracy: Does my dress look okay?

Harley: You look beautiful. You guys are getting married here today?

Steve: We didn't want a big fancy wedding.

Tracy: Just to be married.

Steve: Marrying the woman i love on valentine's day. What more do you want?

Gus: Don't need much more than that.

Tracy: Is that why you all are here, to get married? I heard there's, like, tons of couples here.

Gus: Oh, no.

Harley: Us?

Gus: Not... no.

Harley: No, no. I mean, we were going to get married once before, but...

Gus: That's not why... we're not... that's not why we're here.

Harley: That's not why we're here today. Anyway, you guys should get going. Congratulations. Good luck.

Tracy: Thank you.

Gus: Congratulations. I didn't remember what today was.

Harley: I guess we've both been, you know, sort of preoccupied.

Gus: Let's do it.

Harley: What?

Gus: Let's get married. What do you say? Marry me.

Cassie: Coming up on "guiding


Edmund: Who went in?

Dinah: Your nephew.

Edmund: Jonathan?

Dinah: Yes, he was with her in her room the night before the wedding.

Gus: But I don't love you one millimeter less than the day i laid eyes on you. Now you tell me that you feel any differently. oprah: How I lost the weight and you can, too, ne

Harley: Okay. You can't think this is funny.

Gus: I don'T.

Harley: Maybe your timing just sucks.

Gus: My timing is pretty good, actually, because we have a little bit of time. We can go downstairs, we can fill out the papers.

Harley: What are you doing? Why now?

Gus: Because I can see that you've lost hope. I see the way you look at the boys. I see the way you look at the family. You don't think I'm getting you out of this.

Harley: Oh, gus.

Gus: Listen, this all came to an end on our wedding day. What do you say we make today the day that we finish what we started?

Harley: This is crazy.

Gus: Listen to me.

Harley: No, this is crazy.

Gus: No, listen. We tried living apart, right? That didn't work. We keep getting pushed back together, right?

Harley: Okay, but that doesn't mean that we should...

Gus: Normally I don't believe in fate, and I know that'S... i believe in my gut; I believe in evidence.

Harley: Okay, okay. What is your gut telling you?

Gus: It's telling me on thanksgiving we ended up together at that bar. That's weird. And on christmas, we were together because of that whole little zach butterfly fiasco and the christmas tree. And what's today? It's valentine's day and here we are, right? I mean, yes, I mean we're facing what we're facing, but I don't love you one millimeter less than the day I laid eyes on you. I still can't keep my eyes off of you. Now, you tell me that you feel any differently.

Alexandra: Well, I think maybe we'd better get going if we're going to get to the courthouse in time.

Lizzie: I'm not going.

Alexandra: Why?

Lizzie: Why? To see uncle gus lie? To see him do his tap dance of justice for harley? You know, I'm going to get sick if I have to watch that.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) oh, heaven forbid. Darling... well, I can stay here with you, then?

Lizzie: No. You know what? That's okay. Go see granddad, and daddy needs some support. I'm going to be fine. I will. I'll be fine.

Alexandra: Yeah. Okay.

Lizzie: Hi. I need you to come over here. I feel like I'm going to go crazy. Particularly good.

Cassie: Thank you.

Reva: ( Laughs )

Jonathan: Yeah, you know, we work pretty good when we work together as a team.

Cassie: Thanks for your help. I'd like to talk to my sister now.A

Jonathan: Cool.

Reva: Maybe you could...

Jonathan: Yeah, I'll stick around. This is actually a pretty nice place. Maybe I'll move in here when you make good on your promise to josh. Nice working with you, ladies.

Reva: Thanks. He's right, you know. You did good.

Cassie: Well, that's only because of you. Your idea. Loved it when you were throwing the trash out of the car at them. That was great.

Reva: I might have gone a little far.

Cassie: No.

Reva: That might have been pushing the envelope.

Cassie: No, it was great. ( Laughs )

Reva: I miss you.

Cassie: I miss you, too.

Reva: So does it have to be this way? I mean, why can't it be this way? You know, it just feels right. Whatever happened, happened.

Cassie: I know. I wish things were different. I want my sister back.

Reva: Don't you think you could find a way to forgive jonathan just a little?

Cassie: Reva, come on. You can't ask me...

Reva: What, to stop hurting? To stop crying? To stop cutting us out of your life? This is painful for me, too. I mean, I know that... the idea of what jonathan did to tammy hurts you, I know that. But can't we somehow find a way to work through this together?

Dinah: You're attacking the wrong person. I said that I was an observer, a witness.

Edmund: To what?

Dinah: I don't know. I... I was at the beacon the night before the wedding. I was visiting my father.

Edmund: And what?

Dinah: And I was in the hallway where cassie's room was, and I saw someone walk up, knock on the door. He went in.

Edmund: Who went in?

Dinah: I really don't want to have to tell you these things.

Edmund: Who went in? Dinah, you've been hinting at something for weeks. Who?

Dinah: Because I was hoping that you could see through things, that you could figure them out for yourself.

Edmund: Well, apparently I'm not bright enough to! Who went in?

Dinah: Your nephew.

Edmund: Jonathan?

Dinah: Yes, he was with her, in her room, the night before the wedding.

Harley: My heart is pounding. Gus, you never stopped believing...

Gus: Be my wife. Like you want to be. Like I want you to be. Like I will always want you to be.

Harley: Oh, gus.

Jeffrey: Hey, you two. How's it going?

Gus: O'neill, please just walk away and don't come back.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I think I interrupted something.

Gus: Well, yeah.

Harley: No. No. What do you want?

Jeffrey: I just want to give you a last chance, harley, a last chance to avoid this trial.

Gus: O'neill, please.

Har wthdeal

Jfrokay manslaughter 2, you get out in five years.

Harley: Five years?

Gus: The answer to that is no.

Jeffrey: Do you want to roll the dice with your life, with the lives of your children? You don't even know you didn't do it.

Gus: O'neill...

Jeffrey: How's a jury going to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself, harley? Tell me that.

Harley: Five years?

Gus: Please. This is not...

Harley: Gus. This has to be my decision. ( Elevator bell rings ) these guys have stuck by me the whole time. Since day one, I haven't had to believe in myself because they've done it for me. Sometimes that's enough. I owe it to my family.

Jeffrey: You don't owe them anything, harley. They're not going to do the jail time; you are.

Harley: I'll see you in court.

Jeffrey: You're being stubborn. You're all being stubborn, and you're all going to lose.

Gus: We'll see you in court.

Harley: Shh. Let's do this.

Coop: I need those results. You told me that a dna test on a well-preserved sample was not going to take that long. Now, that's what I gave you. I gave you a bloody shard of glass. Now, damn it, what do you have for me?

Dr. Frankel: Your call sounded like an emergency.

Lizzie: Yeah, it is.

Dr. Frankel: You're having bad thoughts?

Lizzie: They are pretty bad. You know, I thought I pushed it down. I thought I just got myself under control.

Dr. Frankel: But that's not true.

Lizzie: You know, the thing is, I just can't get the guilt and the memories out of my mind. And it's just like they're under the surface, just creeping up, and if I don't concentrate on something, that's all I think about.

Dr. Frankel: How does that make you feel?

Lizzie: It's like I'm drowning. But I'm already underneath the water and it's, like, how far will I sink before I get punished again? I really do deserve it.

Edmund: Why should I believe you?

Dinah: I confronted jonathan the night before the wedding. I wanted to know what was going on in that room.

Edmund: ( Scoffs ) I bet you did.

Dinah: He wouldn't tell me. But I do know that there is a videotape.

Edmund: Of what?

Dinah: I don't know, edmund. What is there usually videotape evidence of? I don't know.

Edmund: I saw cassie and jonathan watching a videotape.

Dinah: Okay.

Edmund: Cassie destroyed the tape.

Dinah: Yeah, and whatever was on that tape nearly destroyed your wedding.

Reva: I realize that jonathan hurt tammy and you, and it's going to take some time for forgiveness. But it just seems to me that since the incident happened jonathan has been knocked down a stairwell by joshua, he's been set up by you. And I know that what he did was awful, but it just seems like in response everybody wants to burn him at the stake.

Cassie: Yeah, and why shouldn't they?

Reva: What?

Cassie: He hurt my daughter in the worst way possible, reva. He hurt me. He has hurt this family worse than anyone ever has.

Reva: Except edmund.

Cassie: Oh, come on. That's not the same.

Reva: Oh, why isn't it? Because he's your husband now? Because you love him now? I love my son, too.

Cassie: Edmund's changed, reva. He's not like that anymore.

Reva: Can you be so sure? Maybe he just hasn't had a good enough reason.

Edmund: What did he do to her? What did he do to her? On that night in that room, the night before our wedding, what the hell did he do to her?

Cassie: Now you're just trying to shift things away from jonathan. Edmund is not the bad guy here. He didn't do anything wrong.

Reva: Yet. But are you so sure it's going to stay that way? Because I'm not. You should have seen your husband when he showed up at my house.

Cassie: No, see, I thought i could make you see things differently, but you're just as blind as you want to be, reva. You're never going to see what this kid is doing to you. I don't know. Maybe... maybe this is what you get.

Edmund: Get out of here.

Dinah: Edmund, are you all right?

Edmund: You've done enough, dinah. Just get the hell out of here.

Dinah: I hate seeing you hurt like this.

Edmund: Go! ( Yells )

Jonathan: Hey, look, I tried.

Reva: I know.

Jonathan: So are we cool?

Reva: You tried. You ready to go?

Jonathan: Uh, no, I think I'm going to stay here, actually. Running into joshua is not on the top of my to-do list today. I don't feel like fighting again, so consider that my gift to you. Happy valentine's day, mom.

Reva: You, too.

Cassie: Hello?

Edmund: It's me.

Cassie: Hi.

Edmund: You don't sound so good. Where are you?

Cassie: I'm just leaving the clayton arms. Reva and jonathan are here. It's a long story. I just want to come home and be with you.

Edmund: All right. I'll see you when you get back here then.

Dinah: It's going to be a valentine's day massacre.

Reva: Hello? Okay.

Cop: Ms. Lewis?

Reva: Hey, officer.

Cop: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with me.

Reva: What? Why? Does this have something to do with my son?

Cop: No, it's about your husband.

Cassie: Edmund! Edmund? Are you in here? Okay. Guess you're not in here.

Dinah: Better get used to it, cassie. ( Knock on door )

Jonathan: Yeah?

Guest services.

Jonathan: I'm fine.

It'll just take a minute.

Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Edmund: Hello, nephew.

Jonathan: ( Whimpers )

Edmund: I'm glad I caught you at home.

Bailiff: All rise. The honorable judge joan ellis presiding.

Judge ellis: We'll come to order. You may be seated. Testimony for the jury is beginning. Please refer all questions to the bailiff. You may take notes but you may not discuss the case among yourselves or with anyone else. Mr. O'neill, your opening remarks?

Jeffrey: Yes, of course. Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let me start by telling you something. Let me tell you that the defendant, harley cooper, and i are hardly strangers. As a matter of fact, we worked together and we know each other personally quite well, and I can tell you that I am genuinely very fond of her. Which is why it's so troubling for me that the prosecution of this case has fallen into my hands. But it has fallen into my hands. It has because harley murdered a man. Harley cooper committed a murder. Now, I can assure you that as the district attorney and as a friend of the defendant, that i would never allow a case like this to be brought to trial unless I was absolutely certain that the evidence was so strong, so completely convincing, that there would be no doubt of her guilt. Harley cooper shot and killed her ex-husband, phillip spaulding. Now, why did she do that? Well, she did that because mr. Spaulding was causing her and her family tremendous grief, immeasurable suffering in the months that led up to his death. Now, that is also why the defense is going to try to put phillip spaulding on trial here, make you believe that he deserved to die. But nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody deserves to be shot in cold blood, certainly not a father of four, and nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands and commit murder. Now, throughout this trial...

Coop: Hey, buzz. It's kind of weird that alexandra is the only spaulding in the courtroom. I was certain that lizzie was going to be here, at least.

Jeffrey: ...That harley cooper murdered the father of her own child.

Dr. Frankel: Lizzie, I want to do this again.

Lizzie: Really? Because I don't think I can do it again.

Dr. Frankel: Start from the beginning.

Lizzie: The gun went off. He was just laying there. I didn't mean to... I didn't want him to die.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Cassie: What did you do?

Dinah: Not me. Edmund. He's out of control, and if you don't stop him before he gets to jonathan, harley won't be the only one facing murder charges.

Jonathan: What the hell do you want?

Edmund: I want to know what you did to cassie in that hotel room the night before our wedding. And until I do, you're not getting out of here.

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