GL Transcript Friday 2/11/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/11/05



By Suzanne

bartender: There you go. Two club sodas.

Billy: Thank you very much, sir. Hello.

Reva: Where is he?

Billy: Who?

Reva: Josh! He's missing and so is my son, and I don't think it's a coincidence. So talk.

Billy: I haven't seen josh in a couple of days. Okay. I know what you're thinking. Josh flipped out and that he took jonathan somewhere to teach him a lesson or maybe do something even worse.

Reva: That's exactly what i'm thinking.

Billy: Well, for once, I hope the hell you're right.

Buzz: You know what you have to do, right?

Coop: Pop, you've been saying this like a dozen times.

Buzz: It's important.

Coop: So just chill. I've got it covered. You have some more cooking you have to do and it's almost show time. All right?

Lizzie: Hey.

Coop: Hey.

Lizzie: Where's buzz? We need to go over the books.

Coop: Sorry, but you can't go in there tonight.

Harley: Wow. Business is booming. Must be those pink menus.

Buzz: Actually, we're closed for the evening.

Frank: Look who's here. Look who's here.

Harley: Hey! Hi.

Buzz: And coop will be around, soon.

Harley: Oh, i get it. You're doing a thing.

Zach: It's not a thing. It's a party.

Buzz: Give the man a cigar.

Marina: How about some crayons.

Frank: That's a good idea.

Marina: We can color.

Harley: You're doing this because the trial starts tomorrow.

Frank: What do you know. She's starter than she looks.

Harley: You guys are smart to take advantage of me because once that verdict is read, my availability might be limited.

Gus: What, are you slumming it?

Alan: Time's running out, gus. Trial begins tomorrow morning. You only have a few more hours to come to your senses.

Gus: If all your badgering hasn't got me to roll over, what makes you think I'm going to do it now?

Alan: Because things are different now, gus. Because you, like everyone else in town, believe harley's guilty.

Gus: Harley is not going to prison.

Alan: You know, in the past few days, you've really changed, gus. I can see it in your eyes. You have that look of a beaten man.

Gus: Maybe you should take a closer look.

Alan: Tell me something, when was it exactly that you lost faith in harley?

Gus: I have never, never lost faith in harley and I never will. I believe in her, and she loves me, and she needs me.

Alan: She needs you? A lawyer who is about to be disbarred, who doesn't have enough money to even put a roof over his head, let alone defend her? Now, if she needs you, she's more desperate than I thought.

Gus: Not everything is about money.

Alan: No, no, it's not. It's about what you feel inside, your conviction. How effective do you really think you're going to be in that courtroom given what you know in your heart to be true?

Gus: My client is going to get the best defense that money can not buy.

Alan: Fine, bring on the witness. Cross-examine all you want, make the best defense you can muster up. Deep down inside, there will be this little voice within you whispering, "harley is a murderer."

Gus: You just want to keep pushing my buttons over and over. Is that it?

Jeffrey: Hey, hey, hey. What's going on here? Break it up. Come on, gus. What is this?

Alan: A desperate act from a very desperate man.

Gus: Come early. Get yourself a good seat.

Jeffrey: Well, it doesn't look like you'll be getting any ties for father's day.

Alan: My son needs a strong dose of reality.

Jeffrey: Why are you baiting him like that? This case is out of your has been, alan, okay. Just leave it to the professionals, would you?

Alan: You know, that's like asking me to leave it to chance. Mr. O'neill, i leave nothing to chance.

Lizzie: This is my restaurant. I can go in there.

Coop: Yes, so it but tonight we actually need it.

Lizzie: We. Does this have something to do with harleys's case starting.

Coop: Yeah.

Lizzie: Right, so it's like a hang in there harley party? Please, come on, she's guilty. Can't you see that? She killed my father.

Coop: Lizzie, look, sorry,

coop: Lizzie, look, sorry, you can't go in there, not tonight, okay?

Lizzie: This is my place. I can go in there.

Coop: Come back tomorrow.

Lizzie: No, i'm going.

Coop: Look, lizzie, this is your last chance, okay?

Lizzie: What are you doing? My last chance? I own this place.

Coop: All right, that's it.

Lizzie: What are you doing? Let go of me. Coop!

Buzz: Harley, don't talk like that.

Frank: Hey, listen, i know it's really tough for you, okay, but just for tonight, just kind of try to put it out of your head. He's made all of your favorites, and mine.

Harley: Smells great, whatever you've been slaving over, dad.

Buzz: We're going to have a do tonight, one when you're acquitted and maybe one every day in between. What do you say?

Harley: I say, when do we eat?

Buzz: Have I got a meal for you. I hope it's not burning.

Frank: Thanks for going along with all this, okay. He's really worked hard. Anyway, um...

Harley: He doesn't need it as much as I do, frank.

Frank: Before he gets back and this all starts rolling, i just want to say that...

Harley: You know what, don't say anything. Don't say anything. It's all right. I am going to take dad's queue tonight, okay. I'm not getting down. I'm not getting mushy. I just want to spend tonight having a great time with my family. What do you say?

Gus: Okay, now, everybody

keep your eyes closed.

Don't open them up.




Harley: Ooh, I can't believe


Oh, gus, it's perfect.

Zach, isn't this the coolest,

most beautiful house you've

ever seen?

Gus: Welcome home, babe.

Harley: First the acquittal,

now this.

You have given me a whole new


Gus: I'm just glad that i

could help.

Harley: Help?

You made all this happen.

Without you there would be

nothing but an empty lot here,

and I'd be in a prison cell.

I... I love you.

I love you, gus, i love you so


I love you, so much.

Gus: Alex, does your brother have you tailing me now?

Alexandra: Well, alan, my brother dear, is no longer here, and if he was, he'd be absolutely furious.

Billy: The best thing is, since we last worked, we reorganized the company...

Reva: Excuse us a second. Thanks. Billy, where is he?

Billy: Reva, excuse me. Reva shayne lewis. Jack roper. Jack roper, this is my sister- in-law, reva shayne lewis.

Jack: I've heard a lot about you.

Reva: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Where is joshua.

Billy: I guess you didn't hear me when i told you just a little while ago that I don't know where...

Reva: Oh, no. I did hear you. I just don't believe you.

Jack: Is there a problem?

Reva: There won't be a problem as long as billy answers my question, like now.

Billy: What would a family be without a few problems, which is what we're having now in the midst of a meeting which has nothing to do with her but i think if you give me a couple seconds I can square this all away. Darling, if you don't mind, would you step over here.

Reva: No, sorry, darling, but i'm not going anywhere until you tell me where josh is and what he's done with my son.

Jonathan: No more.

Josh: Come on, jonathan yourself, not going to throw in the towel already are you. You just got started, pal.

Jonathan: I can't.

Josh: You're really all talk. You're always whining about how i don't treat you like i treated my other children. Well, this is exactly how i treated shayne. I worked him hard. I pushed him to push himself so he would get well, and guess what, it worked. In fact, in the end he even thanked me.

Jonathan: Well, he obviously had brain damage.

Josh: ( Laughs ) I'm not the one who needs rehab on my leg, jonathan, it's you. So if you want to stop, you want to quit, go ahead. It's not the thing shayne would do, but you're not shayne, are you.

Jonathan: Oh, this is the lamest reverse psychology ever.

Josh: No really, I'm serious. If you want to stop, go ahead, stop. Some people can handle the pain, some people can't handle the pain. If you're done, get off the machine.

Jonathan: Ten more reps.

Josh: Shayne would have done 15.

Jonathan: 20.

Josh: Go.

Jonathan: Three, four...

Reva: I'm waiting. And so is your client.

Billy: Reva, I have no idea where he is. Now will you just leave me alone.

Jack: You know, why don't you two work this out. We can reschedule if you ever get this settled.

Billy: This will be over just... That's great. That was lewis' best client. The emphasis is on was.

Reva: Sorry, but I had to find out whether you were covering for josh.

Billy: That's it, i'm sorry.

Reva: No, you better not be lying to me, billy lewis. That's it!

Gus: You know, when i look at you, i can honestly see where all my troubles began. You, running your little drug thing out of spaulding. What an idiot I was, such an idiot.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. Gus, are you getting any sleep at all, because you look like hell.

Gus: For example, if I'd married the girl, if i'd married harley, she wouldn't feel like she had to go to phillip by herself and deal with it by herself, that there would be only one way to deal with this. I'm fine.

Alexandra: Where are you living now?

Gus: I'm sleeping at harley's office.

Alexandra: Oh, good, sounds comfy, cozy. I know you can't have any cash. How can you possibly defend her properly?

Gus: I'm not the one on trial.

Alexandra: I know what the stakes are for harley, i truly do, but gus, you've risked a great deal yourself. You gave up your job. You've been forced out of your home. You have given up everything to help harley in this.

Gus: I love her.

Alexandra: I know. I know. But that's why... Oh, well, here. Boy, if... Take these. I want you to give harley the best possible defense you can.

Gus: I can'T. They clash with my outfit.

Alexandra: I've never known family heirloom pearls to clash with anything. Sell them. You give her the best possible defense.

Gus: Whose side are you on?

Alexandra: I'm on love's side.

Harley: All right. They're delicious, daddy. He's trying so hard to make this fun.

Marina: This is fun. What are you talking about? Come on, everything is going to be fine, just as soon as gus clears you.

Harley: Yes, I think we know what the odds of that are. Let's talk about some celebrity marriage that just broke up.

Marina: We can talk about whatever you want, okay? I know you're going to get through this.

Harley: What are those kids working on? They're scribbling furiously over there.

Marina: I don't know. They wouldn't tell me. I have a feeling it's something for all of us.

Harley: I'm thinking zach's the ringleader.

Marina: Such a sweet kid.

Harley: They both are, so innocent, so unaware. Anyway, when is coop going to get here? I hope before frank eats all the food.

Marina: He'll be here soon. He just had the take care of something real quick.

Lizzie: Oh please, please...!

Coop: Lizzie, just relax, alright.

Lizzie: No! I'm not staying in here. You're crazy.

Coop: I'm leaving you her right now. Just till after my family is done at company, all right. Then i'm going to take your cell phone, your purse, anything you can use to get out of here.

Lizzie: Give it!

Coop: Lizzie, just relax. There is light and food. You're going to be fine. Lizzie, you're staying!

Lizzie: I'm not staying here. No, no, no.

Coop: I gave you fair warning. You brought this all upon yourself.

Lizzie: Please don't leave me here. I can not stay here.

Josh: Five more, go.

Jonathan: Why are you doing his?

Josh: I think you're in one that needs to do the explaining, pal. Come on, lets go. Go, push, push, push.

Jonathan: Me, i'm an open book.

Josh: Sure you are. Up again, up again. Go, go, that's two.

Jonathan: I'm the kid you love to hate, the kid who starts fires for no reason.

Josh: ( Laughs ) no jonathan, i think you have plenty of reasons, you just keep 'em to yourself. Come on, lets go. Up, up.

Jonathan: How about this reason. The fact that I hate everyone and everything, especially reva.

Josh: You know what, that is a crock. And you and I both know it. You know, you keep playing this bad boy crap, but I think there's something else going on inside your head. I want to know what it is.

Jonathan: Stay tuned for the next episode.

Josh: Why did you do it? Why what kind of a kid buys a brand-new car for his mom and trashes it on the very night he gives it to her?

Jonathan: You're nuts, man.

Josh: Oh, you think so? Come on, why did you do it? I know you did it. The question is, why did you do it?

Jonathan: Why do I do anything? Because I felt like it.

Josh: That's a weak answer, just like your approach to this rehab.

Jonathan: What do you want me to say?

Josh: I want you to tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, jonathan.

Jonathan: I smashed that car because it was sitting outside waiting to the smashed.

Jonathan: You couldn't wait to destroy something shiny and new.

Jonathan: Nothing stays that way. Nothing lasts.

Josh: That's the point you were trying to make.

Jonathan: Maybe.

Josh: Bad attitude, jonathan.

Jonathan: Well, it's my attitude, and I don't have to explain swat to you.

Josh: No! You do have to explain it to me because you hurt the woman i love. You confused her and that does not set well with me. Come on now.

Jonathan: It was a mistake.

Josh: What was a mistake, taking a two by four to the car?

Jonathan: No, buying her the car in the first place.

Josh: Why?

Jonathan: Because.

Josh: Why?

Jonathan: Because i don't want reva's gratitude. I don't need it.

Jonathan: Why?

Jonathan: Because i don't want to depend on it.

Josh: What? Her gratitude?

Josh: Yeah, anybody's.

Josh: What do you think would happen if you did?

Jonathan: I'll get screwed like i always do. Every time i think i can count on somebody maybe, maybe they'll come through for me, but they never do. They always fail me. Always.

Josh: When is the first time somebody didn't come through for you, jonathan. How did they hurt you? Come on! Don't sack out on me! ( Screaming )

reva: Joshua, joshua, what are you doing? Leave him alone! Leave him alone!

Buzz: Coming up on "guiding


Jeffrey: Do you know officer church? You know what, it doesn't matter because you'll get to know him a lot better on the way to the station house.

Alan: The station house?

Jeffrey: Yeah, the station house. You're under arrest.

Reva: I had to know what you had done with jonathan, where you had taken him. It's a good thing I showed up when i did.

Josh: No, reva, you're wrong about that, as usual.

Reva: Are you all right?

Josh: He's fine.

Jonathan: Actually, i feel a little hurt to tell do you truth.

Josh: Reva, he was working out. I was spotting him. It's as simple as, that all right? I think we were beginning to make some progress.

Reva: Progress? By pushing him to the brink of agony the way you did with shayne?

Josh: Getting back to normal isn't easy after you've been hurt, it is, jonathan?

Jonathan: I don't know. I can't say that i've ever been normal. To tell you the truth, i think i overdid it a little.

Reva: Gee, I can't imagine how that happened.

Josh: I'm in the middle of something. What do you want?

Reva: I think you've had enough for one night. Put this on. I've got the car outside. Go on. Dust off the old minivan. Go ahead. Wait for me.

Jonathan: About the car, the other car, i know that you know already. I'm sorry.

Reva: Josh told you?

Jonathan: You have to talk about something when you're on the brink of agony. I kind of figured you knew anyway.

Reva: Here's the keys. Go on. What the hell were you thinking?

Josh: You know, i could ask do you same question. What the hell were you thinking when you busted in on billy's meeting?

Reva: Word flies fast.

Josh: Reva, we're going to be luck if this guy answers our phone calls from now on...

Reva: ( Laughs ) you know what? I told billy and i'll tell you, too, i had to know what you had done with jonathan, where you had taken him, and it's a good thing I showed up when i did.

Josh: No, reva, you're wrong about, that as usual!

Alan: Mr. O'neil, i'm not trying this case, and I'm not on the jury, but I want to make one thing very clear to you.

Jeffrey: What's that?

Alan: I will not tolerate a verdict of not guilty.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, alan, I fully expect harley cooper to be convicted of her crime. But let me make something clear to you.

Alan: Well?

Jeffrey: Harley may have killed your son, but she's a good person. As a matter of fact, she's a far better person than phillip ever was.

Alan: How dare you.

Jeffrey: And if i ever sympathize with a defendant in a case, it would be this one. With everything phillip did, he was a murder waiting to happen, you know that.

Alan: Are you saying my son should have died? And you call yourself a professional.

Jeffrey: Merely stating a personal opinion.

Alan: Philip deserves justice. Let me tell you one thing, if i think for one minute that your personal opinion interferes in the outcome of this case, you will be very sorry.

Jeffrey: That sounded like a threat. Was that a threat?

Alan: You call it whatever you want. Just see you deliver a guilty verdict or it will be one loss you will remember the rest of your life.

Jeffrey: See, that, that was a threat, alan. Officer church.

Officer church: Is there a problem, mr. O'neil.

Jeffrey: Nothing you can't handle. I take it you heard all that. Do you know officer church? You know what, it doesn't matter because you'll get to know him a lot better on the way to the station house.

Alan: The station house?

Jeffrey: Yeah, the station house. You're under arrest.

Alan: What?

Jeffrey: You know, you're going to miss my opening statement. That's a shame because it's going to be a good one.

Lizzie: ( Crying ) it's going to be okay, lizzie. It's going to be okay. Please, just calm down. Calm down. Please open. Come on, please! I don't want to stay in here. Please. ( Screaming ) ( gunshots ) please. Get out of my head. Please, please. Please, please, stop. Daddy, please help me. Please help me, daddy. Daddy. I miss you. Please. Daddy.

Alexandra: Please, take these.

Gus: Honestly, I can'T.

Alexandra: Please, gus, you would be doing me an enormous favor.

Gus: Really? How's that?

Alexandra: Because every time i look around at the terrible damage that's been done out of family loyalty and i have to realize how lucky I've been, a lot more than a lot of other people.

Gus: Especially phillip.

Alexandra: Especially phillip. I know i can't undo anything that's been done, but maybe i can at least affect some of the results of what I put in motion, okay. I mean, maybe I can ease some of the pain i've caused. So i want you to take these. I want you to sell them. I want you to use the money for a good purpose to, save the woman you love.

Gus: Alexandra, i...

Alexandra: I have to do it this way, okay. It means more. And if i could give you one piece of advice, please, you believe in her all the way, no matter what anyone says, no matter what your brain starts to tell you, no matter what. It may not be easy, but important things are never that easy, are they? And good luck tomorrow.

Gus: Wait, wa, wait. Listen to me. I'm sure you want to give these to an important family member or something.

Alexandra: I just did.

Buzz: Frank?

Frank: What?

Buzz: Get some bread and cut it up. Let's get the show on the road! Come on, let's go! Can you believe I hired these guys.

Find yourself falling down your hopes in the sky that your

hard like gum on the ground

and you try to find yourself the obstructions and the cruelty

of everyone else and you wake up to realize

your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive

when you're standing in the

deep water and bailing yourself out with a straw

and when you're drowning in deep water

and you wake up making love to a wall

well it's these little times that help to remind

it's nothing without love nothing without love, without without love, nothing without love

nothing without love.

buzz: Let's have another toast.

Frank: Oh, absolutely. Let's do it.

Harley: Frank, please.

Frank: I can'T.

Harley: Well, good. No more wine, no more toasts.

Marina: Yes, it gives us something to drink to.

Harley: Could you get her under control?

Frank: We want to tell you how much we love you.

Marina: Yes.

Harley: I already know how much you love me. You've let me know a million times. Thank you. I can't take anymore. I'm going to see what those kids are doing.

Jeffrey: Thank you, officer church.

Officer church: This way, sir.

Alan: Wait, wait. I'm not going anywhere. You can't arrest me.

Jeffrey: You know, you're right, but i'm not arresting you. Officer church is arresting you. It looks like he's going to be trouble. Better put the cuffs on him.

Alan: What?

Officer church: Put your hands in front of you, sir.

Alan: What are the charges?

Jeffrey: Well, let's see, threatening an officer of the court in an attempt to influence him in the disposition of his duties. It's a very serious charge, alan.

Alan: This is maddening.

Jeffrey: Well, technically, it's a felony.

Alan: All i was trying to do was ensure that...

Jeffrey: Yeah, save it. Save it for the judge, that is if he can fit you in. I hear there's going to be a very big trial down there tomorrow, and the courthouse is going to be very, very busy. Better find him a nice, chilly holding cell. I'll be down soon.

Alan: This won't stick, you know.

Jeffrey: Alan, you're right, this is about justice. It's not about revenge.

Reva: You don't think i have reason to worry? I got home and the living room was trashed. You were gone, jonathan was missing, what was I supposed to think?

Josh: I don't know, reva? What did you think. Did you think I took him into a field, maybe dropped into a lake?

Reva: Maybe.

Josh: You just have no trust for me at all, do you.

Reva: Not when you get it into your head you have to protect me no matter what the cost.

Josh: I brought him here to begin rehab on his leg, reva, what's the problem!? I thought maybe I could get through to him, maybe get him to open up just a little bit.

Reva: Or else?

Josh: You know, reva, if he's going to become a member of our family, and that's a big if as far as i'm concerned, but if he is, I want to know what's going on in here. I want to know why he would start a fire or why he would buy you a brand-new car and then destroy it.

Reva: You weren't thinking of that. You told jonathan that i knew that he was the one who damaged the car. Why?

Josh: Why not? Are we just going to pretend it didn't happen?

Reva: I wasn't pretending! I was waiting until things calmed down. I'm having hard time trying to figure out how to handle a kid that is so angry and mistrustful without having to fight with you, too!

Josh: We want this same thing, reva, don't you understand that? Me and jonathan, we were getting somewhere, reva. He was... I think he was going to say some things to me that maybhe hasn't said anybody else and then you walked in.

Reva: And what, ruined everything?

Josh: You didn't have to go busting in the way you did!

Reva: It looked like you were hurting him.

Josh: Come on, reva, don't you realize the corner you're painting me into. I'm the bad guy if i ignore jonathan. I'm also the bad guy if I engage him.

Reva: Engage him? You're terrorizing him!

Josh: I know what this is about! You don't trust anyone where jonathan is concerned! I'll tell you why, reva, because you have so much guilt built up inside of you over the last time you trusted somebody to do good by jonathan. Do you really think I'm like alfred? Do you really think that i'm like the guy who abused your son?

Harley: What are you guys working on over here?

Zack: We made a story for you, mommy. Who helped us?

Harley: Lynn.

Zach: Do you want to read it?

Harley: She's a good artist. Yes, of course i want to read it. It's beautiful. Once upon a time there was the world's greatest mom. Is that me?

Zach: Yes.

Harley: Wow. I look so pretty. "And she had two boys who really loved her." You guys look so cute. "But mommy needed a house."

Zach: Isn't it a nice house?

Harley: I can? Thank you. "So uncle gus made sure she had one. They all moved in. Something was missing. Daddy was missing. So he came down from heaven so we could all be together. Now it wasn't just a house anymore. Because when we're all inside, we can say, 'mommy, we're home.'" That is beautiful.

Zack: Did you like it?

Harley: I loved it, sweetie. Thank you so much.

Buzz: I think mommy needs a breath of fresh air.

Harley: Yeah. Thank you. I'm fine. I just need one minute, okay.

Find yourself falling down your hopes in the sky that your

hard like gum on the ground and you try to find yourself

the obstructions and the cruelty of everyone else

lizzie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anybody, i didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry.

Coop: Oh, lizzie, i'm back.

Lizzie: I can't believe you'd ever leave me in there.

Coop: What's the problem? I told you i was coming back and here i am.

Lizzie: You left me in there by myself.

Coop: Did something happen in there? I picked this place because i thought you liked it here.

Lizzie: I hate it.

Coop: I heard you talking. You said something about...

Lizzie: Shut up, coop!

Coop: Oh, my god. You are blee... How did this happen?

Lizzie: How do you think it happened? I tried to get out because some moron stuck me in a place that he thought i liked.

Coop: You panicked? Why were you panicking? Lizzie, what happened in there that freeing you so much that you cut your hand?

Lizzie: I'm just claustrophobic, that's all. Like my dad and granddad. It runs in my family. Don't ever do anything to me like that again.

Coop: Lizzie, i am sorry, okay? I didn't think putting you...

Lizzie: See, that's the problem. Nobody thinks. I'm sick and tired of people seeing me as this cold monster that doesn't have any feelings because you know what, i have feelings. I have a lot of 'em.

Reva: Why wouldn't I feel guilty? I entrusted my son to a man who neglected and abused him. Jonathan's the way he is because of my mistake.

Josh: Well, don't compound it by shutting me out, reva.

Reva: That's not what i'm trying to do. I want to trust you. The way I trusted you with all my children. But jonathan is a special case.

Josh: I understand that.

Reva: Then why do you keep pulling stunts like this?

Josh: Reva, when you say stuff like that, it sounds to me like your trust for me is conditional, and you're the only one who knows what's good for this kid, just you, no one else.

Reva: If I knew what was best, I wouldn't be going crazy right now.

Josh: You know something? I wasn't a bad dad, reva. I made a pretty good father. I have good instincts. If i didn't have good instincts, marah and shayne would have been much more of a problem than they were.

Reva: Jonathan is nothing like them.

Josh: Yeah, well you got that right.

Reva: See. You see, right there. That's the kind of harshness i'm talking about. I can't have that around him. He had a lifetime of that. No more. No, no more!

Josh: Reva, all i'm saying is...

Reva: I know what you're saying! And what i'm saying is don't try to ruin something that i'm trying to fix.

Josh: Okay. Fine. You know, I would say that we have a deal, except for the fact that i know that no matter what i do tomorrow, no matter how different it is, it's going to be wrong... In your eyes.

Reva: Josh. Wait--

(song) When you find yourself falling down
Your hopes in the sky but your heart like grape gum on the ground
And you try to find yourself
In the abstractions of religion and the cruelty of everyone else
And you wake up to realize
Your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive

And when you're standing in deep water
And you're bailing yourself out with a straw
When you're drowning in deep water
And you wake up making love to a wall
Well it's these little times that help to remind
It's nothing without love

When you realize your only friend
has never been yourself or anyone who cared in the end
That's when everything fades or falls away
Cause the chains which once held us are only the chains which we've

And when you're standing in deep water
And you're bailing yourself out with a straw
When you're drowning in deep water
And you wake up making love to a wall
Well it's these little times that help to remind
It's nothing without love
Love, love, it's nothing without love
(Deep Water by Jewel)

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