Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/8/05
By Boo
Jonathan: You see? There I am, lying next to you on top of the covers, with my clothes on. And I didn't take off my clothes and jump in bed with you until the next morning right before you woke up.
Cassie: So I would think that we slept together.
Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, I wanted it to bother you, and it worked like gangbusters. I could have taken advantage of you on the night before your wedding, but I didn'T. So now we're even, okay?
Tow truck driver: Somebody did a real number on your new car, lady.
Reva: Tell me about it.
Josh: I got your message. Are you okay?
Reva: Yeah, I'm fine.
Josh: Are you sure about that? Was there some kind of an accident, or...
Reva: No. No accident. Somebody beat on my beautiful new car while it was sitting right here in the parking lot.
Josh: There's a lot of sick people in the world.
Reva: Yep. Unfortunately the sick person who beat on my car is the same sick person who gave it to me in the first place.
Coop: ( Coughing )
Lizzie: What's wrong?
Coop: Excuse me. I... oh, I... water. Could I get some water?
Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah, sure. I'll go get some.
Coop: Sorry, lizzie. Come on. There's got to be something in here.
Gus: Lizzie spaulding is a professional at committing crimes and then covering them up.
Coop: Wait a minute.
What do you mean, committing
Gus: Well, first of all,
there was a fire in her
boarding school that nobody was
able to prove.
Then her very, very pregnant
stepmother managed to fall down
a flight of stairs.
And then there's the hit and
run that nobody ever talks
Do you see a pattern here at
Coop: Gus, gus.
Wait a second.
Hold on, man. This is all news to me.
Gus: This is a warning to you-- your first warning, okay? That little girl is capable of anything.
Just say it, right here, right now. I want to hear it.
Say what?
That you need me, and not just as your lawyer, but as the man that you love.
I don'T. I don't need you. Stay with me tonight. Stay with me.
Gus: I missed you. I missed you so much.
Harley: I want to feel like we're the only two people in the world. I want to feel like nothing else matters.
Gus: Yeah, wait a second. Wait.
Harley: No.
Gus: Just stop for a second.
Harley: No, no, no. Don't stop.
Gus: No, wait a minute. Please, just a second.
Harley: What? What is wrong?
Gus: I know what'S... i realize what's happening here. You're trying to say good-bye to me.
Harley: Does this feel like good-bye?
Gus: No, because I watched you methodically, and I saw what you did with each family member and the people that you love. You're saying good-bye, and now it's my turn, right?
Harley: Stop talking. Stop talking. Don't talk, okay?
Gus: I just want you to know that the one thing I will never let you say to me is good-bye. Not to me. Not ever.
Buzz: Okay. What'll it be? "Harold and the purple crayon?" "Make way for ducklings?" You know, we just read that book. Ah, here we go. "Goodnight moon." Who left this?
Zach: I miss mommy.
Buzz: Oh, god. It's going to be okay. She loves you more than anyone in the world, you know that? And she's going to come back just as soon as she can, okay?
Tammy: So the guy jumps onto the ferry as it's leaving, and then she's there, and they run into each other's arms. That's a ridiculous ending.
Sandy: I don't know. I got a little choked up.
Tammy: Oh, come on. It's completely unrealistic.
Sandy: It could happen.
Tammy: I don't know. I just... I see that stuff, and I think that when people see it they start believing that everyone gets happy endings.
Zach: Tammy, happy endings happen all the time. Right, grandpa?
Buzz: Yeah.
Lizzie: You're still coughing?
Coop: Yeah. Look, you'd better keep your distance for safety. I don't want to give you whatever this yes.
Lizzie: Okay, yeah. I think it's a little too late for that. Besides, some things are worth the risk.
Coop: Don't tempt me, please. Look, I was supposed to sneak over here to make you feel better, not to give you whatever this is. So best bet is, you know, i should probably just take off for now.
Lizzie: Wait. No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't go, please. Let's talk. I mean, when I told you that i had never had a guy in here before, that was kind of hard for me to do. And you really could have made fun of me for that, but you didn't, and I appreciate that.
Coop: Well, it means a lot that you trusted me.
Lizzie: Yeah, I did. I don't know why, but I guess tonight I just saw you in a whole new light.
Coop: Same here. ( Knocking on door )
Alan: Elizabeth?
Coop: It's my grandfather. You've got to hide.
Alan: May I come in?
Coop: Under the bed. Under the bed.
Coop: Are you kidding me? Under the bed? Look, how about this? Why don't I just, you know, take off? I think it's a good idea. And I'll just, you know, go out the same way I came in.
Lizzie: All right. Get over here. Get over here.
Coop: Why? What?
Lizzie: Bye. Go. Go.
Coop: All right. All right.
Alan: Elizabeth?
Josh: Drink this. Take deep breaths.
Reva: Please don't say, "i told you so." I know he's a mess, but who's fault is that?
Josh: Not yours. Reva, darling, I know how deep your guilty conscience runs. But don't you see that jonathan knows that, too, and he's using it? He's using you. When you gave him away when he was a little baby, you saved his life. You know that. But he still wants to make your life miserable over it-- as miserable as he is.
Reva: Yeah. Well, he wasn't miserable when he gave me the car. He was proud of himself. And I don't know. It's almost like he can't let himself be happy. He has to destroy everything.
Josh: Reva, you're talking about him like he's some kind of a three-year-old toddler who can't make his own choices. He's a grown young man. He's got a lot of strength to him. What happens, reva, when the next time he gets ticked off he decides not to take it out on an inanimate object, he wants to take it out on you? Have you thought about that?
Cassie: I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!
Jonathan: I'm crushed.
Cassie: Where are the copies of that tape?
Jonathan: There are no other copies of that tape.
Cassie: Yes, there are! You're the type that makes people squirm, just like when you sent me those flowers.
Jonathan: Flowers? Oh, yeah. I sent you flowers.
Cassie: Yes, you did.
Jonathan: Why are you positive it's me?
Cassie: Because no one else knows that you were in my room that night.
Jonathan: No one else? Are you sure?
Cassie: Yes, I'm sure.
Jonathan: Well, we were in a hotel, cassie. Now, a lot of people walk up and down those hallways and see things. Now, especially if it's a very nosy person by nature, and especially if they're out to get you. Now, who do we know that might fit that description?
Cassie: Oh, my god. Don't touch me.
Jonathan: I'm sorry.
Cassie: Did dinah see you go into my room that night? Answer me!
Jonathan: Let me put it to you like this then, cassie. If it whines and barks and lifts its leg, it's probably a dog.
Cassie: How much does dinah know, jonathan? Jonathan?
Edmund: Hi. What's that?
Cassie: Oh, edmund, you scared me.
Edmund: Sorry. What is that? What happened?
Cassie: It's just silly.
Edmund: It's okay. You can tell me anyway. Cassie? Cassie, what's wrong? Come on. Come on. Please. You can tell me. And don't say it's nothing.
Cassie: All right. I'll... well, I guess that you're going to find out sooner or later, so I might as well just tell you the truth. What's on that tape is me, and I'm doing something awful.
Reva: You know, there's a reason why he resorts to violence, joshua. It's like it's the only thing that he knows. It's the only language he's learned.
Josh: Stop making excuses for him, reva. A lot of people have tough backgrounds, but they don't use it to justify hurting other people. He's not a victim anymore. He's capable of making his own decisions. He just keeps making the wrong ones.
Reva: Well, you know what? There is good in him.
Josh: I haven't seen it.
Reva: I have.
Josh: He's your son. You see what you want to see.
Reva: Yes. Yeah, he is my son, and he's not yours, so you don't understand.
Josh: Open your eyes, reva.
Reva: And what? Throw him down a flight of stairs? I'm sorry.
Josh: No problem.
Reva: You know, you don't have to be angry at me. We can disagree on this.
Josh: Can we just go home?
Reva: No. I'm going to stay. I can handle this myself.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Ralphie, can I get this warmed up a little, get another refill?
Jonathan: Make it two, ralphie.
Buzz: Greta's cutting a piece of chocolate cake over there with your name on it. I'd call that a happy ending, wouldn't you? Go get it.
Coop: Yeah. Pops, can I talk to you for a second?
Buzz: Why all the cloak and dagger?
Coop: Look, what if I told you that I found something that could clear harley?
Buzz: What?
Coop: Shh. Would you shut up? Look, it's evidence that could possibly point to someone else as phillip's murderer.
Buzz: Who?
Coop: Well, I'll give you a hint. Her name just happens to be on the front cover of our menus.
Alan: Why is the window wide open?
Lizzie: Oh, I just... I like the cold air. But I guess it's a little too chilly, huh?
Alan: Have you got a cold or something?
Lizzie: No. Why?
Alan: Well, these...
Lizzie: Oh, right. No. You know, I had lost my voice earlier yelling at all my employees.
Alan: Well, I don't think the window should be open.
Lizzie: You're right. You always are, as usual. So what's up?
Alan: Well, I just wanted you to know that I had been on the phone for the past hour talking with your uncle alan michael, trying to talk him into paying us a long-overdue visit.
Lizzie: So is he coming?
Alan: No. He says he's too busy.
Lizzie: So when you say visit, do you mean like a quick little trip, or like a move back to springfield type of thing, or... that's exactly what i thought. You're just trying to get alan michael back here to take dad's place.
Alan: Elizabeth, no one will be able to take your father's place. But I feel it's very important that the family pull together now more than ever, especially since gus has moved out.
Lizzie: Wait. Uncle gus has moved out?
Alan: Don't ever refer to him as your uncle gus again, okay? He is no longer a part of this family.
Lizzie: It's his own fault.
Alexandra: Oh, is that why you're haunting the halls tonight, because gus means absolutely nothing to you?
Alan: Alexandra, elizabeth and I were having a conversation.
Alexandra: Oh, come on. Just admit it. You're hurt, you're angry, because gus chose harley over you and you can't possibly imagine why...
Alan: Gus chose harley over you, over me, over phillip, over all of us. He chose the woman who's been charged with murdering my son. And when she goes down, I will make certain that he goes down with her.
Harley: I just want to be with you tonight. That's all.
Gus: Right, but for the last time, right?
Harley: Can't this just be about us needing each other? I mean, do we have to figure out what happens afterwards? Because I don't have that luxury, you know? I learned that nothing is for sure, and that your whole life can change in one second, and there's no going back.
Gus: I love you. That will never change.
Harley: Gus, gus, when I went into company that night and i confronted phillip, whether i shot him or not, my whole life changed. Can you understand that? So there is no... there is no going back for us.
Gus: That's where you're wrong.
Harley: Don't do that. Don't give me hope. I don't want hope. I don't want hope.
Gus: Listen, please.
Harley: No, I don't want to listen.
Gus: Just for a second.
Harley: I don't want to listen. I don't want to listen. I don't want to talk. I don't want to worry did I do it or didn't I do it. I just want to be in your arms again. I just want you to hold me, okay?
Gus: Okay, okay, listen.
Harley: I need you.
Gus: Listen, listen. Just as long as you understand one thing-- I'm not losing you again. And it's not good-bye. This is just the beginning, okay?
Coming up on "guiding light"...
Buzz: What we need to do is find out if the substance on this glass is blood, and if so, whose blood is it?
My motion to dismiss was denied.
Gus may be rough around the edges, but when this trial starts, you're going to see him more driven, more ruthless, than ever before.
We're going to trial at the end of the week. Oprah: 26 surgeries and she's
Jonathan: You're still here? I figured you would have called josh, have him come pick you up.
Reva: Well, I did call him. He came and saw the car, and then I sent him home.
Jonathan: And you stayed why?
Reva: I have some unfinished business to take care of.
Jonathan: Did you call your insurance company, file a claim? They give you a hard time?
Reva: Actually, they were very helpful. They told me that the perp usually returns to the scene of the crime. So I'm kind of hoping that the sicko who trashed my car will be stupid enough to come back here.
Jonathan: Well, what if he does? You don't even know who he is.
Reva: Oh, I'll know him when I see him.
Jonathan: Oh? What are you going to do to him?
Reva: You don't get it, do you, jonathan? That car was more than just four wheels and an engine to me. It was a special gift from my son.
Jonathan: Don't turn this into some kind of sappy commercial.
Reva: It meant something to you, too, when you gave it to me, jonathan.
Jonathan: Nah.
Reva: Well, it meant the world to me, and somebody destroyed it. And there's no way I'm going to let them get away with it.
Cassie: That tape...
Edmund: The tape. You said you were on it.
Cassie: It was shot the night before our wedding. You know, it was from my bachelorette party. And I was just really drunk, and acting really crazy. And I was dancing on a table, and I had an ice bucket on my head, and thank goodness I had the ice bucket on my head, because I got sick. You get the picture.
Edmund: And that's what was on there?
Cassie: Yeah. I just didn't want you to see me like that.
Edmund: Well, it can't be as bad as you're making it out to be.
Cassie: Trust me, it's pretty bad.
Edmund: Huh. And you've had it since that night? The tape? The tape, how did you get it? When?
Cassie: Oh, what does it matter?
Edmund: I don't know. I just wanted to know, that's all.
Cassie: Why?
Edmund: Just curious. I hadn't seen it around until tonight.
Cassie: Oh. Well, blake dropped it by for me.
Edmund: Oh. I thought blake couldn't make to the party.
Cassie: Well, she couldn'T. She couldn'T. But she knew reva had the video camera and taped everything. She thought it was funny, she did. But you know, it's not funny. It's embarrassing and it's ugly, and I hated it, and I just want it gone-- gone, so I never had to see it again. That's all.
Edmund: All right. If that's what you want.
Cassie: Yeah, it is. You know, I ordered food from company because I didn't have time to cook, so it should be ready. I'm going to go get it.
Edmund: Oh, no, no. I can go get it.
Cassie: Well, you don't have to. I mean, you just got home.
Edmund: No, really, it's fine. It's fine.
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Edmund: Don't be. Don't be. I won't be long.
Cassie: Okay.
Buzz: We've got to get this to gus or your sister.
Coop: No, no, no. We can't get this to gus. Gus is so crazed up on getting harley off that, I mean, there's no telling what he would do with it. And harley, dad, I don't want to bring this up with her, because there's no telling... what if it turns out to be nothing? I don't want to get her hopes up.
Buzz: Think about this. What do you do next?
Coop: Well, look. What if I... I'm thinking that maybe I should go over to lizzie's place with a wire-- you know, a recorder-- and I should confront her with the evidence and make her crack that way.
Buzz: You're going to confront her? For what, two seconds?
Coop: What? I mean, it could work.
Buzz: She turns the tears on, come on.
Coop: Oh, pops, come on, now. I'm immune to that.
Buzz: What you need to do is find out if the substance on this glass is blood, and if so, whose blood is it?
Coop: Well, you're right about that. I mean, we've got to send this off to a lab. But the problem is if I tell frank where I got this, I mean, there's no way he's going to get involved.
Buzz: Larry.
Coop: Larry? Larry who?
Buzz: I've got a friend in chicago, he runs a lab. They do dna tests. He'll do this test for us, but we have to find a sample of phillip's dna, you know, for comparison.
Coop: What? Okay.
Buzz: We'll find it. There's got to be some hairs of his, golden hairs someplace around, you know? Hairbrushes around the spaulding mansion.
Coop: Well, yeah, probably. But... wait. Dad, you're not suggesting i sneak back into that place, are you?
Lizzie: I agree 200% with grandad. Harley killed my daddy, then she deserves every single thing that she gets.
Alexandra: And if she didn't?
Alan: The evidence says otherwise. And yet gus is defending her. Now, you're not condoning this, are you?
Lizzie: Yeah, especially after what he did to my arm. I mean, he was practically bullying me into saying I don't know what.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, really, we all heard your grand point about gus bruising you and everything-- supposedly bruising you, darling.
Lizzie: There's nothing supposed about that, aunt alex. That is real!
Alexandra: All right. Did you make a police report, darling? Did you make... did you verify? Did you justify? Did you guarantee... did you show them?
Lizzie: No.
Alexandra: Really? Why not, darling? Why?
Lizzie: I just... I didn't want to make gus angry.
Alexandra: You didn't want to make him... why was that? You know, why would he get angry with you? Didn't he possibly thing there was something you maybe weren't telling him?
Alan: Why don't you just stop grilling her? You're interrogating her as if she were the guilty party, alexandra.
Alexandra: I'm simply preparing her.
Lizzie: Preparing me for what?
Alexandra: All right, darling. Gus may be rough around the edges, but believe me, don't let that fool you, because when this trail starts you're going to see him more driven, more ruthless, than ever before. And if anyone is keeping anything from anyone, it's not going to be pretty.
Alan: Listen at yourself, will you? Whose side are you on anyway?
Alexandra: Oh, alan, stop it. I'm on phillip's side! And I thought we all were.
Alan: Elizabeth, don't you worry. Justice will be done. I will make certain of that. ( Phone ringing )
Gus: I'll get the phone.
Harley: Mm-mm. No.
Gus: I think maybe I should.
Harley: No, don'T.
Gus: If it's something with the case, it could be something to help us. Hold on. ( Phone ringing ) hey, it's gus aitoro. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Good. Well... no, I understand. Yeah, but maybe I could file A... I understand that. Thanks, judge. Judge ellis. My motion to dismiss was denied. We're going to trial at the end of the week.
Rather: Good afternoon.
Harley: I'm going on trial for murder.
Gus: Breathe, baby. Just breathe. Okay?
Harley: I'm okay. I'm okay. I have to tell you something, something I should have said before and I didn't say it, and it's terrible that I didn't say it to you, okay? I have faith in you. I have always had faith in you. There is no one that I would rather have representing me, no one I'd rather have in my corner. But even if you do everything you can, even if you do everything right, I could still lose. And if that happens...
Gus: Now, harley, listen to me. Rule number one-- always have faith in your lawyer, okay? Rule number two-- even when things look really bad, and it looks really bleak, just refer back to rule number one. All right? I cannot believe I'm doing this. Get up.
Harley: What?
Gus: It's just that I have a lot of work to do. And you, my dear, are a serious distraction. So I'm kicking you out of here, all right? Get out.
Harley: Thank you. Thank you.
Gus: It's okay.
Harley: Good night.
Jonathan: Man, you're nuts. Whoever trashed your car is long gone by now. Probably some neighborhood kids.
Reva: Neighborhood kids? I thought you said it was one of the guys we got into the fight with.
Jonathan: Whatever, whatever. Whoever did it, they're not going to come back here.
Reva: You know what? That reminds me. Speaking of who did it, the insurance company called and said that I do have to file a report with the cops.
Jonathan: No, no! Geez, you don't stop, do you? The cops have real crimes to deal with.
Reva: This is a real crime! There was significant property damage.
Jonathan: Just let it go!
Reva: No. The cops will take the car down to the garage, they'll inspect it, they'll maybe get fingerprints.
Jonathan: Let it go!
Reva: It's okay, ralphie. I got it. Boy, that was a real show of anger, you know? It's that same kind of anger that someone would need to smash a car. You know what I think? I think the person who did this to my car is very dangerous and should be stopped before someone gets hurt.
Cassie: Who is it?
Josh: Josh, cassie.
Cassie: Hi.
Josh: Hi.
Cassie: Well, this is a nice surprise.
Josh: I'm here by myself. Reva's not with me. In fact, is edmund here?
Cassie: No, he ran an errand.
Josh: Good, because I want to talk to you alone. Listen, I've been driving around trying to figure out how to handle this situation. I don't see any way around this. I need your help.
Cassie: With what? Jonathan?
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: I can'T. There's no way. I can't do it.
Josh: We need to protect reva from jonathan, cassie. You know that. Now, you want to hear the latest? He bought her a brand-new sportscar, big shiny car. She loved it so much that he smashed it to bits. Now, next time it might be her head, cassie, and she won't see it coming. Because every time she hears a bad thing about jonathan, it just makes her want to defend him more.
Cassie: Okay. What do you want me to do?
Josh: Tell the truth. That's it. Just speak the truth.
Cassie: I did speak the truth. I tried telling reva the truth, and she wouldn't believe me.
Josh: I'm not talking about reva. I'm talking about edmund. You have to tell him what jonathan did to you.
Edmund: What was on that tape? What was on that tape? What was on that tape? Why would cassie lie to me? Oh, get a grip, man. You're talking to yourself.
Bad edmund: Actually, you're talking to me. Oh, don't look so surprised, you great castrated git. You know what they say-- you can't keep a bad man down.
Jonathan: You think you can fix everything, reva. People aren't automobiles. They can't always be repaired.
Reva: I don't believe that.
Jonathan: All right, then believe this. If you keep looking for the person that smashed your car, you're not going to like what you find. Trust me.
Cassie: I can't tell edmund. I can't do it.
Josh: You love your sister, right, cassie?
Cassie: Of course I do.
Josh: Then help me expose jonathan before he hurts her in the same way that he hurt you, and the same way that he hurt tammy. Now, as long as you keep this secret from edmund, you're vulnerable to jonathan. You can beat him to the punch. You can tell edmund yourself.
Cassie: I can'T.
Josh: Why not? Cassie, come on. What's the worst thing that could possibly happen, huh? What, he won't believe you? He'll blame you for what happened?
Cassie: No, he won't blame me. He'll blame jonathan. I mean, come on. We both know how protective he is. He will go after jonathan. And that's exactly what you want him to do, isn't it?
Edmund: Get away from me. I don't want you here.
Bad edmund: Well, there's a warm welcome for you. I'm afraid there's no way to escape me, you see? I'm part of you, unlike cassie.
Edmund: Cassie's my wife.
Bad edmund: For now. But we both know marriage is about trust, and neither one of us has been very good on trust, have we?
Edmund: I've changed. I'm different now. I trust cassie.
Bad edmund: She lied to your face, man.
Edmund: I thought I was done with you. I thought I was done. I am done. I'm done! Stop putting these thoughts in my head.
Bad edmund: I'm not putting these thoughts in your head, man. Cassie is. Cassies' the one who skipped out on your wedding day. Cassies' the one receiving flowers form secret admirers. Cassies' the one who doesn't want you to know what she's doing with jonathan. I'm not blaming cassie, man. It's us. Another man might not doubt her. Another man might think she's good and true. Another man might not want to know what she's doing with another man. But we're not other men, are we, edmund? No, we have to know. And then we have to act.
Edmund: Leave me alone. Just leave me alone. I'm not you, and you are not me.
Alexandra: Is it too late for a nightcap?
Buzz: Not for you.
Alexandra: Oh, really? Were that that was true.
Buzz: What's wrong?
Alexandra: Oh, typical family drama.
Buzz: Yeah?
Alexandra: Yeah. Well, ever since gus moved out of the house, alan's been impossible, more impossible than usual. And lizzie, oh... I needed a friendly face. And buzz, come on.
Buzz: What?
Alexandra: I hope and I pray with all my heart harley isn't guilty.
Buzz: You and me both. I had my doubts. Lousy father, huh?
Alexandra: What? No. Please, don'T...
Buzz: No, come on. A good father would have believed his daughter and had no doubts. Me, I asked her to consider a plea.
Alexandra: Come on. Considering the evidence...
Buzz: The evidence? Maybe I should have been a little less smart and a little more loyal.
Lizzie: I know we've been coming here a lot, baby. It's just... I don't know. It's the only place that... who's there? Hello?
Alan: I know it's late, ross. I know the trial is soon. But I do not want gus aitoro sitting at the defense table. I want you to have him disbarred.
Next on "guiding light"...
Gus: You've taken away my money and my credit cards, and you've kicked me out of the house. I feel like I've got nothing left to lose. And that makes me a very dangerous man.
Cassie: Hell, this isn't even about me, dinah. This is about you.
Dinah: I deserve the house, you hear me? I deserve it!
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