GL Transcript Monday 2/7/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/7/05



By Boo

Danny: You want me to help fix the jury if you go to trial?

Harley: I'd make it worth your while. I know you need the money.

Danny: Sorry. I'm not your guy.

Harley: It's not like I'm asking you to whack somebody, danny.

Danny: Harley, I have put that life behind me, and I'm not going back.

Harley: Still, you must know people who could get to a juror.

Danny: ( Sighs ) harley, look. I understand what you're going through; I really do.

Harley: I don't need you to understand it. I don'T.

Danny: But harley, this is beneath you. You're better than this.

Harley: Not anymore.

Danny: Harley...

Harley: I don't see what the big deal is, danny. You've done a lot worse than fix juries, haven't you?

Danny: Hey, harley, I said no, and I mean it. No.

Marina: Hey. What's going on over here?

Harley: Nothing, marina. Danny just passed the test.

Gus: I've been looking for you.

Lizzie: It's not like I'm trying to buy alcohol or something. Sir, can I please get the... thank you.

Gus: Hold it.

Lizzie: Gus, please, not again. Please. You keep asking me about the night my dad died. I don't know anything. You asked me over and over.

Gus: Because you're hiding something, lizzie.

Lizzie: What, about how i think you're pathetic? How I think you're absolutely desperate? Harley killed my dad. Are you just too stubborn or too stupid to believe it? You're sitting here trying to make me look like I've lost it.

Gus: Well, have you?

Lizzie: No, I haven'T. But you're going to lose your girlfriend when she's put in prison for life!

Gus: Listen, you little snot- nosed brat, I will get the truth out of you even if I have to beat it out of you.

Coop: Gus, gus, get off her, man!

Cassie: Jonathan, it's cassie. Listen to me. I don't know if you got my past couple of messages, but I need to speak to you tonight. Call me.

Edmund: Everything all right?

Cassie: Yeah. I was just, um, leaving a message for reva.

Edmund: Oh. That's too bad, because we had gotten off to quite a good start in the bedroom earlier.

Cassie: I'm sorry I left you alone in there.

Edmund: Well...

Cassie: What's wrong?

Edmund: Well, I think I know what this is about.

Cassie: You do?

Edmund: Yeah. You're still nervous about taking those shots, aren't you?

Cassie: I know I can't do the ivf without them. I'm just... I just don't like needles.

Edmund: All right. What can I do to make this easier for you?

Cassie: Well, I was thinking that I could use an ice pack. That may help things.

Edmund: Okay.

Cassie: And you could pick up dinner while you're out getting it, so...

Edmund: Cassie, why do I get the distinct impression you're trying to get rid of me?

Reva: Jonathan? Oh, my god.

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Coop: All right, what were you going to do? You were going to beat the confession out of her?

Lizzie: Exactly. You see how he's crazy. He'd do anything to make me look like a killer.

Coop: Lizzie, look, why don't you go splash some water on your face or something, okay?

Gus: We're not going to get the truth out of that girl by going easy on her. She's hiding something. I have seen her play every single member of my family, including half the people in this town.

Coop: Oh, and let me guess, you think she's playing me now, too, right?

Gus: Lizzie spaulding is a professional at committing crimes and then covering them up.

Coop: Wait a minute. What do you mean, committing crimes?

Gus: Well, first of all, there was a fire at her boarding school that nobody was able to prove. Then her very, very pregnant stepmother managed to fall down a flight of stairs. And then there's the hit-and-run that nobody ever talks about. Do you see a pattern here at all?

Coop: Gus, gus, wait a second. Hold on, man. This is all news to me.

Gus: This is a warning to you. Your first warning, okay? That little girl is capable of anything. And the second warning is stay the hell out of my way.

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh! How did you do that? You got him to leave. That was so awesome. You have got to be, like, the only person on this planet who understands what I'm going through.

Coop: Yeah. I'm starting to understand.

Lizzie: All right, let's get out of here before gus changes his mind. ( Laughs )

Coop: You got everything?

Lizzie: Where'd my journal go? Oh, you know what? I left it in my room. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out. So, would you like to go to towers to get something to eat?

Coop: Sounds good, but I've got something else I've got to do, so I'm going to have to pass.

Lizzie: Okay, whatever you say. Thank you anyway. I appreciate it.

Coop: Don't mention it. Anything I can do.

Harley: I'm sorry, danny. I was checking up on you. I remember from when we worked together how badly you wanted to get out of the mob.

Danny: But you, what, thought you'd give me a little pop quiz anyway?

Harley: Well, you've been on the outside for a while now, and you've seen how tough it is to go legit. So you don't want back in the game? You don't want to regain any of that clout you used to have?

Danny: ( Sighs ) no.

Harley: Good. Thank you.

Marina: That was so not necessary.

Harley: Marina, if this trial goes the way I think it will, you will be an even bigger part of my children's lives than you are now. And so will danny, if he's a part of yours. So, yes, it was necessary. I had to check things out.

Danny: Okay, well, you can now officially take me off your list of things to worry about. I would never, ever hurt marina or anybody else in your family, for that matter. So will you stop planning the future with you not in it? It's all going to be okay. It'll work out.

Harley: I've got to go. Good night, you guys.

Marina: She keeps pushing us all away, like she's getting ready to say good-bye forever. I hate it.

Edmund: Cassie, if you're having second thoughts about moving ahead with the ivf, it's something we can talk about.

Cassie: No, no. I'm not. Edmund, I'm not. I want a baby with you. That's our dream. I'm just upset about reva.

Edmund: I know, I know. I just don't understand why that means you have to send me out on wild errands.

Cassie: Because I just need to get things straight with my family, right here, right now. I know this sounds nuts to you, but she's my sister and I've got to fix things before I can start this baby thing with you, that...

Edmund: Cassie, you know you can say anything to me, right?

Cassie: I know. Edmund, I know. I told you. I told you everything you need to know. Look, I promise that after I get everything settled with reva, I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be great. I promise you that.

Edmund: All right. I'll go out for a while.

Cassie: And, um, I don't need an ice pack or dinner, you know.

Edmund: No, I didn't think you did. I hope everything goes well with reva.

Cassie: I love you.

Edmund: Love you, too.

Cassie: Oh, jonathan, where the hell are you?

Reva: Who did this?

Jonathan: Um, I think it was those guys we'd gotten in the fight with, because I came out here, it was just trashed.

Reva: I can't believe it. We barely even got to drive it.

Jonathan: Yeah, I guess that's why it's not good to get attached to things. They can get taken away like that.

Reva: I'm going to have to call the insurance company and tell the police. Oh. It's your phone. I must have picked it up after you smacked that guy in the head with it.

Jonathan: Can you hear me now?

Reva: It's still working. Here you go. Cassie's number is on there. Why would she be calling you?

Jonathan: That's one of life's little mysteries. I don't know. I guess it's been about 48 hours since her last attack, so maybe she needs another fix.

Reva: Well, you know, she's had a hard time of it lately, no thanks to you.

Jonathan: Relax, reva. I'm not going to call cassie up for another dose of abuse. I'm out of it.

Reva: I guess we're going to have to call a cab.

Jonathan: No, you go. I'm going to stick around.

Reva: What, and wait for the guys who did this to the car? I don't think that's such a good idea.

Jonathan: They're not going to come back. And believe me, I don't want to take them on by myself. ( Laughs ) I'm not as stupid as I look. But there is a girl in there, and she is looking fine.

Reva: Really?

Jonathan: Really. So don't wait up for me.

Reva: ( Sighs )

Jonathan: What's up, aunt cassie?

Reva: Hey, patsy. Just coffee, please.

Edmund: Reva, this is a surprise.

Reva: Is it?

Edmund: Yes, I thought you'd be at the farm by now.

Reva: The farm?

Edmund: To work things out with cassie.

Reva: Oh, believe me, I'd love nothing more than that, but I just don't think that's possible right now.

Edmund: What are you saying? You haven't made plans to get together?

Reva: No new talks have been scheduled. And I doubt whether they will be, as long as cassie keeps getting in jonathan's face every opportunity she gets.

Edmund: I'm sorry to hear that.

Reva: You know something? You can do something to make things better, edmund. You can keep cassie away from my son.

Cassie: If you're not going to call me, I'm just going to find you.

Jonathan: Whoa! I thought reva was the psychic sister. You rang?

Cassie: Yes. I rang.

Jonathan: What's up, babe? You look a little pale. Are you feeling all right?

Cassie: I want you to tell me what happened that night at the beacon so I can move on with my life and put it behind me.

Jonathan: Well, if it is something you can put behind you, because there might be some side effects from our magical night together.

Cassie: Just anger, jonathan. I took a test. I'm not pregnant.

Jonathan: You don't seem that bummed about it. I'm surprised. I thought you were all pumped to be in bambino mode again.

Cassie: I am, with edmund. And now I can. The only thing left is you and your disgusting... you know, I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm not. I'm not going to attack you and I'm not going to be angry with you, with reva, or myself. I want this nightmare to be over and I want to move on with my life. I want to have a baby with the man I love, and I want to give that kid all the love in the world. So if you and reva want to forge some kind of relationship, great. Go ahead. Why am I telling you this? Because you could care less.

Jonathan: Okay, okay. You're right. I'll fill you in on the blanks. You deserve at least that much. Except...

Cassie: Except what?

Jonathan: This is pretty valuable information so I'm not going to spit it out for nothing. I mean, come on, cassie. You know how the world works. You give a little to get a little.

Coop: Okay, lizzie. Where's this journal of yours? Let's see if gus is right about what he's saying about you.

Lizzie: Now, hildy, have cook send up a tray, and I will be in my room. All right?

Hilda: Yes, miss.

Gus: Phillip was shot just before 9:00. I find harley shortly thereafter. What am I missing? I'm missing something. I'm missing something.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: What are you doing here?

Gus: I live here.

Harley: So do I.

Coming up, on "guiding


Reva: Jonathan is not the problem here. It's cassie's inability to let go of what happened.

Edmund: Why should she let go? Cassie hates jonathan for what he did.

Harley: I'm not going to worry about you anymore-- you're right about that-- because I'm giving you the boot. You're fired.

Gus: I'm fired?

Danny: Are you okay?

Marina: I'm feeling very small. I always do when I look at the stars.

Danny: Are you thinking about harley going to trial?

Marina: I just can't imagine having everyone I care about taken away from me.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: But I do know how it feels to have someone ripped away from me.

Danny: Shayne?

Marina: You. When I thought your plane went down on the island...

Danny: Yeah. Yeah, I thought I was a goner, too.

Marina: No. Danny, it was at that moment that I realized how much you mean to me. I don't want to lose our friendship.

Danny: Me, neither.

Marina: That's why I think that we should end this. Right now.

Edmund: But that doesn't make any sense, reva. Why would cassie be hounding jonathan? She's doing all she can to steer clear of him.

Reva: Well, I'm sure that's what she wants, but she can't do it. She's stuck in this thing with him.

Edmund: What thing?

Reva: The hatred, over what happened with tammy.

Edmund: No. No, there's more to it than that. There's more driving the thing.

Reva: Why would you say that?

Edmund: Because I know what it's like to grow up in a house of secrets. Cassie's tense; so are you. What's the real issue?

Reva: I told you.

Edmund: No. You gave me an explanation, and that's not the same thing. All right. Since neither you nor cassie seem to be interested in telling me what's going on here, I'm going to pay a little visit to jonathan.

Reva: No. You stay away from him. Jonathan is not the problem here. It's cassie's inability to let go of what happened.

Edmund: Why should she let go? Cassie hates jonathan for what he did to her daughter. The boy is rotten to the core.

Reva: You are such a hypocrite.

Cassie: What do you want?

Jonathan: I want you to stay away from reva.

Cassie: You're kidding.

Jonathan: You want to know about that frolic night at the beacon or not?

Cassie: I would do just about anything to find out what happened that night, but cutting reva out of my life isn't one of them.

Jonathan: No? It's up to you.

Cassie: Do you know how long it took me to find her? To have her be a part of my life?

Jonathan: Yeah, I'm sure it's a very touching story, but save it.

Cassie: I can't do it. I have lost so many people i have loved over the years. My son almost died in a fire three months ago.

Jonathan: Well, things are never dull with you, are they?

Cassie: You've hurt me and tammy more than you can imagine, and I would do just about anything to get you out of my life and out of my head. But walking away from my sister or anyone else I love is too high of a price. No deal.

Lizzie: Oh, wait. You know what, hildy? None of those little ripply chips. I don't like those in my sandwiches. I like the flat ones, okay? So no ripply chips. And maybe a little russian dressing on the side? But make sure it's on the side, because I really don't want anything all over it, you know what I mean? And if it's not on the side, I'm going to send the whole tray back. Thank you. Oh, I forgot the lettuce. What do you think you're doing, henry cooper bradshaw?

Coop: Uh... um, well, I was just climbing in your window.

Lizzie: Yeah, I see that.

Coop: You do. Well, what can I say, lizzie? You caught me.

Gus: So, this is where you're living.

Harley: Yeah, I'm trying to keep the press away from zach and jude. Seems like everywhere I go nowadays, there's a camera pointed at my face. It's terrifying to the boys.

Gus: Sure, well... how are they doing?

Harley: Well, you know, zach's old enough to understand what's going on. It upsets him.

Gus: Sure.

Harley: I miss them. Why are you here?

Gus: I... you know, i couldn't deal with all the servants popping in and out of my room, just annoying me.

Harley: Alan threw you out. I cannot believe it. This is my fault.

Manager: Mr. Aitoro.

Harley: I never wanted this...

Gus: Oh, god. This guy.

Manager: I assume you're ready to leave? I can send a bellhop for your bags.

Gus: Uh, yeah. Mr. Obrowski, I don't need that. I'm cool. I'll pack my own bags. It'll just take me a little while, okay? Thanks.

Harley: You got tossed out of here, too?

Gus: No, it's not like... it's just a credit card thing. My stuff got frozen.

Harley: Okay, listen to me. Do you have access to any cash at all?

Gus: Oh, come on. Please, I'm fine. It's all good. Don't worry about me.

Harley: I'm not going to worry about you anymore-- you're right about that- because I'm giving you the boot. You're fired.

Gus: I'm fired?

Danny: You don't want to lose our friendship...

Marina: No.

Danny: ...But you think we should end this right now?

Marina: Danny, I just don't think that I'm ready to be the rebound girl in a relationship I'm not even sure we're having.

Danny: Wait. You're not even sure we're having a relationship?

Marina: Well, I don't know. I mean, we go out together and we talk, but...

Danny: Oh. We haven't had "the talk."

Marina: No. No. Believe me, I'm so not into "the talk."

Danny: Okay. Well, me neither. But you do kind of want to know where we're going.

Marina: I don't know. I mean, part of me thinks we should have "the talk," only I'm not so sure we should have "the talk," because I don't even know if we've gone far enough to talk about where we're going.

Danny: I think I actually understood that.

Marina: Then you'll understand where I'm coming from, maybe?

Danny: Kind of, sort of.

Marina: A little?

Danny: Look, I... I'm the last person on earth to be making promises about the future. Life has just thrown me way too many curve balls.

Marina: Well, I know how that is.

Danny: Okay, but I do not think of you as rebound girl. I like you a lot, and I like how I feel when I'm with you.

Marina: I know how that is, too.

Danny: Good. So I guess that the question is, are we willing to see where it goes? Are we willing to risk getting closer?

Marina: That's two questions.

Danny: Whatever. I say "yes" to both. What about you? Good.

Reva: Thanks, patsy.

Reva: Thanks, patsy. Edmund, no one in this town-- actually, no one in this universe-- has been the recipient of more forgiveness than you. And yet you have the opportunity to show a little compassion to someone else who's dealing with their own personal darkness, and you've turned into mr. High and mighty.

Edmund: So this is about me? It's not about jonathan?

Reva: No, this isn't about you or jonathan. This is cassie's problem right now. Can you honestly say she's been hersmf recently?

Edmund: No. No, I can'T. I don't know, perhaps she's just nervous about this in vitro process we've begun. Or, who knows, on some level, she's probably just nervous because of me.

Reva: Yeah, well, I don't blame her for that. But you love her, and you know what's best for her.

Edmund: Of course.

Reva: Then you have to convince her to give up this anger she has towards jonathan. He's trying to stay away from her and get his life back together. Now, I know who he is and I know he has a long way to go, but I've seen something, something that I can grab, something that I can hold on to. But he's made some progress. He's found that he can connect with people.

Edmund: "People" meaning you.

Reva: Well, it's a start. He has a lot to overcome, edmund, just like someone else i know who had to make that same long journey back.

Edmund: Cassie brought me back to life.

Reva: Mm-hmm. So doesn't jonathan deserve a fair chance, too? We all deserve a little grace sometimes.

Edmund: All right, reva. But there are limits. And if I find out that jonathan is hurting cassie, he is going to find out that I am also capable of rage.

Reva: You know what, edmund? You and cassie need to concentrate on each other, on creating a baby to love, and leave the past where it belongs: In the past.

Cassie: Why don't you just go?

Jonathan: I had no clue that you'd been through such hell. I mean, that fire must have been terrible. And rj was in it? You must have been scared to death.

Cassie: Yes, I was.

Jonathan: What happened?

Cassie: There was a lightning storm, and the power went out, and jeffrey o'neill was here, and he ran to the barn to start the generator. A beam fell, hit him in the head; his lantern hit the hay, started the barn on fire. Edmund went in and got him.

Jonathan: Huh. Sounds like hero stuff. And rj?

Cassie: Rj got in the barn before we realized. Then I went in to get him and then I got stuck in there.

Jonathan: And, what, did edmund save you both?

Cassie: Dinah went in and she rescued rj. She sent edmund and jeffrey in after me. Why the hell am I telling you this? Look, good-bye. I can't give you what you want, jonathan. I love my family. So get out of here.

Jonathan: Look, I don't even know why I'm saying this, but it's not even fun messing with you anymore, so here.

Cassie: What is this?

Jonathan: It's the tape from the night at the beacon. It's unedited. Director's cut.

Cassie: Why are you giving this to me?

Jonathan: Look, if you don't want the stupid thing...

Cassie: No.

Coop: I just wanted to see you.

Lizzie: Okay. And you couldn't, I don't know, maybe ring the doorbell?

Coop: I could have, but come on. I mean, this is so much more private. Except that when I got to your window, you were getting undressed, and so I just...

Lizzie: What? You saw me get undressed? You're a perv!

Coop: No, wait. Come on. Hold on a second. I didn't see anything. I didn't know that you were getting undressed.

Lizzie: I can not believe it. I haven't even had a guy in my room, and you almost... you almost saw me get undressed?

Coop: Whoa, whoa, hold on a second. You've never had a guy up here before?

Lizzie: You know what? I am asking the questions here. You just be quiet, unless you're answering, that is. So, why did you need to see me?

Coop: Well, I... I was worried about you.

Lizzie: Okay, and...?

Coop: And, look, I just... i kind of hate the fact that gus has been all over you lately, and so I just wanted to make sure that, you know, you're okay.

Lizzie: Why do you care if I'm okay or not?

Coop: Because I kind of feel a little bit responsible for the grief that you've been getting. I mean, partially responsible. Maybe I think I may have given people the green light to treat you badly recently, and...

Lizzie: You're right. You were an absolute jerk. But I guess you aren't the only one. I mean, not many people need much reason to hate me.

Coop: That must be tough, huh?

Lizzie: No, not really. I've kind of gotten used to it. It's like how I describe myself. "Hi, I'm lizzie. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and about a million and a half people who hate me." It's okay, you can relax. You're off the hook officially.

Coop: Well, maybe I don't want to be off the hook.

Okay, now, where is that diary?

Gus: You can't fire me. You're not even paying me.

Harley: I have decided I need the best possible attorney to handle my case, and you're not it.

Gus: No, that is me, because nobody is going to work harder for you.

Harley: Gus, you have no objectivity.

Gus: Oh, please. Come inside. Come inside. We're not going to have this conversation out here with ice buckets, in a robe. Let's go. Get in here. Ow.

Harley: Oh, my god.

Gus: I know it looks a little messy, but... or whatever. I'm not disorganized. I know where everything is, okay? Just look past it.

Harley: Gus.

Gus: Look around it.

Harley: This is not disorganized, okay? Look at how you're living. Look at yourself. Come here. Come here. Put that down. Put the bucket down. Look. Look.

Gus: I was going to shave. I'm sorry. What?

Harley: Focus for a second, okay? Listen. You've lost your job. You've lost your home. Apparently you've lost your razor. But my family has turned on you; your family has turned on you. Don't you get it? You are about to lose everything, and for what? For some girl who doesn't even know if she's guilty or not, although she may very well be.

Gus: Excuse me. I know that I took the case. It was my choice, okay? But look at me. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of anything.

Harley: You're not afraid?

Gus: No.

Harley: Because I'm freaking terrified, here.

Gus: You have got the best lawyer. I have never lost a case.

Harley: You have never tried a case, okay? And don't pull the legal thing. You are on this case because you think there's a future for us. You figure you clear my name and we will wind up together.

Gus: Oh, no, no, no.

Harley: That's what it is.

Gus: That is not what true.

Harley: You need to hear this, gus. Listen to me. Even if I get off, we will never be a couple again, okay? I cannot be with you. Do you understand me? There is no future here. There is no fairy tale ending. There is no nothing.

Reva: Hey. Oh. Those are pretty. Take it all. Wish I could help my son as easily as I can help you.

Street guy: Your son's in trouble? The one who left here just a little while ago?

Reva: Oh, he left? I don't know, that was a wasted trip. Thanks for the information.

Street guy: He wasn't worth it.

Reva: Excuse me.

Street guy: Your son. He's bad business.

Reva: Why would you say that?

Street guy: Because I saw him. I was watching when he destroyed your car. Pretty ugly stuff.

Jonathan: All right. Now we're getting to the good

Cassie: This is unbelievable.

Jonathan: Look, you were so loaded you couldn't even get your clothes off. Hot body. I'm joking, I'm joking. See, you like that technique? I lift you up with one arm and tuck you in with the other. Come on. Hey. Stop. You're going to fast-forward past all the good stuff. Look. There's me, asleep, on top of the covers, with my clothes on. I only took them off and hoppedw3 back into bed to mess with you the next morning. Okay? You have nothing to worry about.

Coop: Wait. Oh, my god. Uh-uh. Wait a minute. Are you sure I'm the first guy that's ever been up here?

Lizzie: Stop it.

Coop: I...

Lizzie: You're lucky.

Coop: ( Coughing )

Lizzie: Ew. What's wrong?

Coop: ( Coughs ) ( clears throat ) excuse me. ( Coughs ) I... ( clears throat ) I... water. Could I get some water?

Lizzie: Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll go get some.

Coop: Sorry, lizzie. Oh, come on. There's got to be something in here.

Harley: No. No. No. No.

Gus: Let me hear it. There's nobody here. You don't have any witnesses. Just say it. Right here, right now. I want to hear it.

Harley: Say what?

Gus: That you need me, and not just as your lawyer, but as the man that you love.

Harley: I don'T. I don't need you. Stay with me tonight. Stay with me.

Next, on "guiding light"...

Gus: The one thing I will never let you say to me is good- bye. Not to me. Not ever.

Cassie: What's on that tape is me, and I'm doing something awful.

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