Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/31/05
By Boo
Harley: All right, so no matter what zach tells you, no sugar before bedtime, not even one cookie. He and jude will be bouncing off the walls. And story time is right after they get into their jammies, okay? Jude chooses one night. Zach chooses the next. And zach likes to have his story read to him more than once, dad, so you have to do that. That's important.
Buzz: Got it.
Harley: Okay, I feel like I'm forgetting something here. Oh, zach's bear. Don't forget about zach's bear. He has to be sitting on the edge of the bed.
Buzz: On the edge of the bed to protect him. Yeah, I know.
Harley: Yeah.
Buzz: It's me. I've put him to bed before.
Harley: I know. That's very... that's important. I have it written it. I have a blue star next to it, okay? I want everything to be as normal for them as possible.
Coop: Normal? You want normal? Yeah. All right, look, I don't even understand why they're keeping you here. Okay, what is the deal with frank right now?
Harley: Frank is... frank is playing by the rules. That's what he's doing, for all our sakes.
Buzz: It's killing him.
Harley: I know it is.
Coop: Well, what about gus, mr. Hotshot lawyer?
Buzz: He's working on it. Listen, I've got to head home and take care of the boys.
Harley: Oh, daddy, thank you so much for this. I don't know what I would do without you guys right now.
Buzz: Well, you're never going to have to find out. You're stuck with us.
Coop: Listen, harley, if there's anything that I can do, please just let me know.
Harley: Actually there is. You got a minute?
Coop: Yeah. Sure.
Harley: It's about lizzie and the night that phillip was killed. When was the last time that you saw her before the shooting?
Beth: Like father, like daughter?
Lizzie: What's that?
Beth: The great american novel.
Lizzie: Well, you never know. Maybe. You know, can you believe they made me leave roxie down at the valet?
Beth: Oh, imagine that. So what are you doing here?
Lizzie: Well, I decided to let coop buy me dinner.
Beth: Oh, dating an employee. Isn't that a no-no?
Lizzie: I don't think so. It's not a date. It's just dinner.
Beth: Okay. So I guess that means you two have worked out your differences.
Lizzie: No, not exactly. I mean, he's honest. Ever since dad died, everyone's always nice to my face, and then they attack me all of a sudden.
Beth: Attack you? Who's doing that?
Lizzie: Well, I didn't mean it like that. You know...
Beth: Lizzie? Lizzie!
Lizzie: Okay, fine. Gus and harley. They've gotten completely out of control. Somebody has to stop them.
Michelle: Can you just tell him that I called? Thanks. Holly?
Holly: Michelle.
Michelle: Hey.
Holly: Oh, nice to see you in the land of the living.
Michelle: Yeah.
Holly: Are you back to work?
Michelle: No. No, no. I just was meeting rick for some coffee. You know what, I called you a couple times.
Holly: I know. I got your messages. I've just been so distracted.
Michelle: You okay?
Holly: Sure. I go to enough aa meetings, you know.
Michelle: Oh. Does that help, you know, getting past the whole sebastian thing?
Holly: Michelle, has it been hard for you, you know, readjusting to the real world?
Ross: Hear anything interesting?V
Reva: This isn't what it looks like.
Cop: Save it for the judge.
Reva: The judge?
Cop: You're under arrest, for breaking and entering and burglary.
Reva: Your friend gave you access to the place, right?
Jonathan: Oops.
Reva: Your buddy doug told you where the key was.
Jonathan: Yeah, about that. Um...
Reva: There is no buddy doug, right? You brought me in to break in and steal?
Jonathan: I'm a music lover. What can I say?
Conklin: Ma'am, did this man coerce you to come in here?
Cassie: Did I hear the phone ring?
Edmund: You were going to the doctor for your flu.
Cassie: Yeah, yeah. You know, I can stop by the beacon and pick up dinner for you.
Edmund: Thank you, but I'd like to go with you.
Cassie: That's okay. I don't need you. I'm fine.
Edmund: You don't need me to be there for your pregnancy test? Is there a reason you don't want me to be there for the test?
Coop: What would lizzie know about the night that her father was shot? I mean, is there something that she's not telling us here?
Harley: I don't know. But you were her driver. I thought maybe you'd know where she went, what she was thinking.
Coop: Sure. I know exactly where she was. I mean, I was with her pretty much every moment leading up to the murder.
Harley: Really? Wow.
Coop: Yeah. Wow. I was there when phillip tried to kidnap her. I mean, she was like a deer in the headlights at that point.
Harley: She was trying to get away from her father.
Coop: Yeah. She was confused about everything.
Harley: Confused?
Coop: Yeah. I mean, she wanted to make her father happy, but she wanted to find her brothers. At the same time, though, she just wanted to run, too.
Harley: I can understand that.
Coop: I mean, she was mad as hell, but she was also scared, too. And she had just never seen her father like that. And he was telling her how much he loved her, and he wanted to take her away, and she was just torn up inside. And so she just turned her back on him and she walked away.
Harley: That must have been so hard for her.
Coop: Yeah. I mean, for as much she rubs our faces in it, sometimes I think that she just hates being a spaulding. That night...
Harley: Especially that night.
Coop: I mean, I could see it in her face, too. I mean, she just wanted things to be so different. I mean, she wanted phillip to be okay, but instead...
Harley: He betrayed her.
Coop: You sound as if you feel a little sorry for her.
Harley: You know, it's her dad, you know, her rock. I can't even imagine what that night was like for her.
Coop: I'm having dinner with her tonight.
Harley: Like a date?
Coop: No, not... I don't even know what you would call it. I mean, we had this thing planned out, and in the heat of the moment, I... well, never mind. The thing is, I can use it against her. I can get her to talk about that night with phillip and the murder and everything, if that will help.
Harley: No. Don't do it. Coop, forget about that.
Coop: Look. Hey, it's too late. Look, harley, I need to do something here to help out, okay? And you know, this can't hurt, can it?
Harley: Okay, but just... go easy on her, okay? Because she's had a really tough time of it.
Coop: And so have you, too. Look, I'll see you later, all right? Come here. I'll see you soon, all right?
Beth: Lizzie, sweetie, I'm sure that gus and harley don't mean to attack you. They're just... they're just... they're trying to get to the truth about who killed your father.
Lizzie: But they're on a witch-hunt. Gus could care less who he hangs as long as harley's free. I mean, he makes me out like I'm crazy. I mean, I could just tell by the way he looks at me, like i would... you know, it's funny, i don't remember giving you the night off.
Buzz: Don't worry. I've got it covered. Okay? Can I have a word with you?
Beth: Sure.
Buzz: Alone.
Beth: It's fine.
Lizzie: All right. Fine. I get the hint. I'll go check on roxy.
Beth: How's harley?
Buzz: She needs your help. I think it's about time you stepped up to the plate and did the right thing.
Ross: Would you please give her some time? Sebastian put holly through hell. She needs to heal a little bit before she can talk about it anymore.
Blake: Why do I always have to walk on eggshells around her? She's the mother. When do my needs come first? Right now I need closure.
Ross: Why can't you find some closure in the good things, like the life we share and the children that we have? Find closure in me.
Michelle: Do you think about him a lot, holly?
Holly: Well, it's hard not to. I think about being a prisoner. I think about how I let that happen.
Michelle: I think that you miss him.
Holly: What?
Michelle: It's okay. You know what? Because I heard that sometimes when people are held captive, they develop feelings for their captor.
Holly: Yeah, it's called stockholm syndrome, and that is not my problem.
Michelle: Okay.
Holly: Sometimes though it feels like the whole thing isn't over, even though I know he's dead.
Michelle: You know, if you ever need to talk, I'm around.
Holly: You, too.
( Both ): Thanks.
Holly: Take care.
Michelle: Yeah. I've got to go find rick.
Holly: Bye. ( Phone rings )
Ross: Hello?
Holly: Ross, I need to see you?
Jonathan: Come on, mom. Tell the guys why you're here.
Cop: Hey, don't I know you?
Reva: You might, actually. I'm reva shayne lewis. I have a show on wspr.
Cop: Yeah, right. But I meant him.
Jonathan: I don't think so, pal.
Cop: I arrested you for stealing a wallet.
Jonathan: That was a misunderstanding.
Reva: So is this.
Cop: We'll sort it out at the station.
Jonathan: All right, my leg. Watch my leg. ( Screams in pain )
Reva: Hey. Hey! Wait a minute. Wait. Wait. There really is a very simple explanation for all of this. My show on wspr, we do a lot of exposes, you know, and I... well, I didn't want to blow my cover. We're doing a piece on security in this neighborhood. You know, I mean, we've had a lot of complaints at the station about police response to break- ins, and I just wanted to check it out myself. But I really have to say, you two, you got here in record time. But you're still going to take us in, right? Yeah, well, I respect the job you do. I really... oh. Oh, my god. ( Laughs ) this is a great idea. You two, your faces could be the faces of the springfield pd 2005. I mean, really. I mean, you guys... we put you out there, and you could give this community such confidence, you know. Just let us go, and I will get everything going. I'll get the ball rolling. We'll set everything up.
Cop: Lady, if you don't pull a stunt like this again.
Reva: Oh, we won'T. We won'T. I promise.
Cop: You get out of here. We'll lock up.
Reva: Easy. Come here. Easy.
Jonathan: I'm impressed. You are a bad-ass.
Reva: And you are a dead man.
Cassie: Don't look at me like that, edmund. Of course I was going to tell you about the pregnancy test.
Edmund: When?
Cassie: Look, we have been so nervous about the whole thing. I was going to tell you after i got the results back.
Edmund: Did you think i wouldn't want to be there to hear the results with you?
Cassie: I'm sorry. I've just been really nervous, okay.
Edmund: It's okay. It's okay. Let's go to the doctor and find out if you're pregnant.
Cassie: What if we don't get the results that we want?
Edmund: Then we'll keep on trying.
Cassie: I just want everything to be perfect. And I feel like even if I am pregnant that this child is not going to turn out the way we want.
Cassie: I know that I'm not making any sense. I'm just trying to do the right thing, edmund.
Edmund: Cassie, cassie, cassie. I promised you on our wedding day that I would trust you and have faith in you-- in us. And I do. So I understand why you didn't want me to be there for the test.
Cassie: No. No, you don'T.
Edmund: Cassie, cassie, up until this point pregnancy has been an abstraction. But the test makes it real, and that's terrifying.
Cassie: Yes.
Edmund: I mean, maybe this time you may be pregnant, and the reality of that is scary. There's a lot that can go wrong.
Cassie: I guess that's what people are afraid of when they're pregnant.
Edmund: And afraid of having my baby, cassie-- my baby. When I think of everything I've done in the course of my life, especially what I did to jonathan, my biggest nightmare is raising someone like me or like jonathan.
Cassie: Edmund, you're going to be a wonderful father. You are a wonderful father.
Edmund: Cassie, we're going to be wonderful parents together. And I know we can do this well.
Cassie: Yeah, you're right. We can. Yes. And our baby will never turn out like jonathan.
Edmund: No.
Cassie: Never.
Edmund: Of course not.
Harley: What are you doing here?
Beth: I'm here to spring you.
Harley: Not funny.
Beth: Not joking. You should be out of those in a few minutes.
Harley: Did alan finally come to his senses and clear my name?
Beth: I just told the cops that alan must be mistaken about you jumping bail and leaving town. I swore that I had never seen you at blue haven, and as far i knew, you had never left springfield.
Harley: Oh, beth. Why?
Beth: Because I owe you. You really could have nailed me for planning to help phillip kidnap those kids, and you didn'T. Let's just say that we're even now.
Harley: Thank you. ( Crying ) thank you.
Beth: Harley, if I were you, I wouldn't stop until I found out the truth. Phillip's killer needs to be exposed.
Harley: No matter who it is?
Beth: I'll trust you to do what's right.
Coop: Ready or not, lizzie, here I come.
Lizzie: Well, it is about time.
Coop: Well, it's good to see you, coop. How are you, coop? You look very nice tonight, coop.
Lizzie: Why would I say anything like that to you? All right, you know what? Whatever. What do you think of me?
Coop: Well, I'm sorry for being for late, for one thing.
Lizzie: Okay. Are you going to tell me how beautiful I look?
Coop: Lizzie, I just got here, okay. My eyes are still adjusting to the light and, you know...
Lizzie: Whatever. Let's just get this over with, please.
Coop: Well, you certainly know how to sweet-talk a guy. Good evening. I have a reservation. The last name is cooper.
Maitre d': Yes, mr. Cooper. Miss spaulding, good evening. Your table is almost ready.
Coop: Great. Thank you very much.
Lizzie: I'm telling you, you should have given him my name. We would have gotten a better table.
Coop: Oh, that's because the people of this town show the love for the spauldings, right?
Lizzie: No, it's not about love.
Coop: That's a good thing.
Lizzie: It's about respect.
Coop: Right. Look, lizzie, I just came from seeing my sister at the police station, so I might be a little cranky tonight, okay?
Lizzie: Oh. Can I ask you a question?
Coop: Well, I think you're going to whether I say yes or no, right?
Lizzie: Do you think harley did it?
Coop: I wasn't sure before, but after seeing harley in handcuffs, I am. Harley is not the killer. Which means that they're still out there, and one way or another, I'm going to find out who it is.
Edmund: You aren't still nervous, are you?
Cassie: No. No, you make me feel like I can overcome anything.
Edmund: We can. Look at everything we've come through already. What more proof do you need?
Cassie: None. And if I'm pregnant, then we'll know that it was meant to be. And we're going to have a baby that we'll cherish and we'll love. And it'll be our baby, our baby. And we deserve that, edmund.
Edmund: Yes, we do.
Cassie: This is not happening. Let's go. Come on, let's get out of here.
Edmund: Wait. We'll leave right after you tell me what's going on between you and reva.
Reva: Coming up on "guiding light"...
Edmund: Cassie and I are married. We may be having a child. I just...
Reva: Are you pregnant?
Cassie: No.
Jonathan: There's nothing you can do about this one, uncle eddie. This one's all my fault.
Buzz: Whatever you did, phillip drove you to it.
Harley: You think it was me. Do you think I killed phillip?
Coop: Thank you.
Lizzie: For your information, it's not exactly a great idea to talk about your date's dead father as an icebreaker.
Coop: Well, you brought it up.
Lizzie: Okay, I miss my father more and more every day.
Coop: Then that gives you more reason than anybody to want to find out who the killer is.
Lizzie: They found the killer. I mean, the police believe it, too.
Coop: Lizzie, gus says all they have is circumstantial evidence.
Lizzie: Gus is a lawyer. You can't trust him.
Coop: I thought you liked gus.
Lizzie: I do. Well, I did, until all of this.
Coop: Until what?
Lizzie: You know, I just don't find this as any of your business.
Coop: Lizzie...
Lizzie: For your information, I do know what happened that night.
Maitre d': Excuse me. You've got a call on the house phone.
Coop: Thank you. That's weird.
Lizzie: Yeah, I think you should take that.
Coop: Don't run out on me, okay? Just one second.
Lizzie: What are you doing to me?
Coop: Harley? Wait, you're the phone call?
Harley: Yes.
Coop: How did you... wait. How did you get out?
Harley: Surprise rescue. It's a long story. But listen. Listen, this is important.
Coop: All right.
Harley: I want you to forget everything we talked about earlier about lizzie. Forget it.
Coop: ( Sighs ) see, it's too late for that right now. But listen. Oh, my gosh, I've got her right where I want her. She's about ready to crack right now. And frankly, I should probably get back to her while she's still in a chatty$mood. So I love you. Thank you so much for coming. We'll talk later, okay?
Harley: Uh...
Coop: All right, harley. Thank you so much. Whew.
Ross: Blake is having a very hard time losing the brother that she so much wanted to get to know.
Holly: And I am no help as usual.
Ross: Well, holly, you need time to recuperate. Then you can help.
Holly: No. Blake cannot know about how sebastian died, or that I was...
Ross: I'm not going to say anything. But blake knows that you're hiding something, and it's hard on her. She's having trouble sleeping.
Holly: That makes two of us. I woke up in a cold sweat from a dream the other night. It was a nightmare. There was this hand coming up out of the jungle, reaching for me, and then this man started running towards me. First I thought it was roger, and then it became sebastian... just coming after me.
Ross: It's a dream. It's only a dream.
Beth: I put my head on the block to spring you out of jail, and this is the thanks I get. You try to pin phillip's murder on my daughter?
Harley: I swear I'm not.
Coop: Why not?
Lizzie: You'll pay for this. You and gus.
Harley: Lizzie. Lizzie, I don't want to believe that you shot your father. I'm just trying to find the truth.
Lizzie: Well, the evidence speaks for itself.
Coop: Come on, harley, let me nail lizzie to the wall.
Harley: Don'T.
Beth: If you really want the truth, stop listening to gus. He'll sell out anyone to clear you. He doesn't care if you did it or not.
Harley: He just cares so much about me.
Beth: Do you care? Are you really interested in the truth, even if it means your murdered your son's father? Do you care, harley? Do you?
Harley: Yes, I do. Of course I do. I don't want to be a murderer. That's not who I want to be. I just... I just have to know. I have to know. ( Crying )
Buzz: It's okay. I'm here.
Cassie: Hi.
Reva: Hi. Why are you looking at me like that?
Edmund: Like what?
Reva: I don't know, like you're the host of some "lost family members reunited" reality show.
Cassie: Edmund thinks that we're having problems, and that there's tension between us. Silly, huh?
Reva: I'm not tense. Are you tense?
Edmund: You two aren't talking. You don't come by the house anymore. This is supposed to be a great time in our lives. Cassie and I are married. We may be having a child. I just think...
Reva: Are you pregnant?
Cassie: No.
Edmund: That's what we're here to find out.
Reva: Well, that would be a wonderful thing.
Edmund: I just think if it's true that cassie should have the love and support of her family. So, ladies, I am willing to do whatever I can to fix this problem.
Jonathan: You can'T.
Reva: Jonathan, not now.
Jonathan: Mom, you know it's true. There's nothing you can do about this one, uncle eddie. This one is all my fault.
Reva: Jonathan, let's go see if your doctor's here yet.Xd
Jonathan: Not until uncle eddie hears the truth.
Edmund: What truth?
Cassie: He's just trying to cause problems.
Jonathan: Actually it all started the night before your wedding, when mom threw the bachelorette party for the bride-to-be. I was still a little annoyed that I wasn't invited to the wedding, so I decided to crash the little girls' night out.
Edmund: You didn't say anything.
Cassie: I didn't think it was a big deal.
Jonathan: Well, cassie threatened to throw me out into the street, and mom told her to lay off, and then the ladies started fighting, and I got out before things got really nasty.
Edmund: And that's it?
Reva: And then I was upset with cassie because she wouldn't see jonathan's point of view as far as the wedding went.
Jonathan: That's my mom.
Reva: And we tried to get through that, but...
Cassie: Well, for the sake of the wedding.
Reva: Right. And then jonathan and joshua got into a fight, and jonathan ended up falling down the stairs and breaking his leg.
Cassie: And I took josh's side.
Reva: It was just one thing after another, you know. And we just didn't handle the whole thing very well at all.
Nurse: Mr. And mrs. Winslow, we're ready for you.
Edmund: Thank you.
Cassie: Let's go. Come on.
Jonathan: To be continued. Bye, aunt cass. Bye, uncle ed.
Reva: I don't know why i didn't let those police arrest you.
Jonathan: That's the thanks i get for saving the day here?
Reva: After scaring cassie to death.
Jonathan: Is it my fault she's got a guilty conscience.
Reva: You better pray that edmund never finds out what happened that night before the wedding.
Jonathan: I'm not scared of uncle eddie anymore, not when i got you in my corner.
Reva: Then you're stupid, because edmund could still be very dangerous.
Jonathan: Well, so are you, lady. I saw the criminal mind at work today with you. Danger with a capital "d-d-D."
Lizzie: How did you do it?
Coop: Okay. Right. So you were just about to say you know what happened the night of your father's murder.
Lizzie: Really? Did I? Wow. That's interesting. You know, I really don't feel like talking about it.
Coop: Okay. Well, I just figured we could pick up the conversation where we left off. Why don't you just tell me what you were going to say, and then we'll just move right along from there? Promise.
Lizzie: No. You know what? You really don't want to hear about it, truly.
Coop: Lizzie, trust me. I can handle it.
Lizzie: Okay. Your sister shot my father. I have proof.
Coop: What proof are you talking about?
Lizzie: Well, for one thing, the way gus and harley have been acting lately. I mean, they've been so adamant about covering up all this mess with the murder. Gus has done everything. He's practically attacked me. Who knows what he's going to do next?
Coop: Lizzie...
Lizzie: You know what? Forget it. I knew you wouldn't believe me.
Coop: I...
Buzz: They let you out. What's up? Why aren't you home with the kids?
Harley: Came to look at the paperwork, you know, see if there was any evidence that could clear me, you know, something we missed.
Buzz: Was there?
Harley: I used to be good at this, you know, when I was a cop-- putting the pieces together, building the case, you know. I could look somebody in the eye, and I'd know right away if they were lying or telling the truth. Now I look at myself in the mirror, and I can't see anything. Am I a murderer? I do know one thing. I don't see that person I was on the morning of my wedding. I knew who she was-- a woman in love, so full of hope, so sure she had it all. And then it crashed. It all fell apart. I was filled with hate, revenge. When I think of all those things that I did to get back at the spauldings, how I went after phillip-- I don't know who that person was.
Buzz: Whatever you did, phillip drove you to it. And none of us helped, especially not me.
Harley: Daddy...
Buzz: If I had it together as a father, I would have done something to protect you. Things would have been different. I mean, god knows I have a lot to make up for. It should have been me, not you.
Harley: You... you think it was me. Do you think I killed phillip?
Buzz: And that's why I can help you in a way that gus can'T.
Holly: I cannot escape sebastian even in my sleep.
Ross: Holly, the nightmares will subde, and the memories of sebastian will fade, just as it did with roger. You're strong, holly. I know you have a fight in front of you, but you're strong.
Holly: Thank you, ross.
Ross: Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?
Holly: No, I'm fine.
Ross: All right.
Blake: Hey, michelle.
Michelle: Hi.
Blake: Hi. Do you have a minute?
Michelle: You know if this is about sebastian, I really don't want to...
Blake: You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that other night. You know, I kind of went off, and I just was really upset about my brother. That's all.
Michelle: Don't worry about it. It's okay.
Blake: I know that he put you all through hell on that island. And I realize that I don't know him-- I mean, not really. And every time I ask holly about sebastian, she avoids me. She tells me he was a monster, and she hated him.
Michelle: She said she hated him?
Blake: Well, didn't she?
Michelle: I don't know. You know, I really don't even...
Blake: What?
Michelle: Nothing. I... you know, holly was scared of him, and she was angry. But I wouldn't say that she hated him. I mean, I don't know, it seemed to me like they had a connection.
Blake: A connection.
Michelle: Yeah, holly and sebastian understood each other in a weird kind of way.
Blake: I mean, he was a lot like my father.
Michelle: Well, maybe that would be part of it, you know. But whatever it was, it was pretty intense.
Blake: Really?
Michelle: Yeah, in fact just now she was telling me she's having a hard time letting go of him. I'm sure you've noticed that.
Blake: Yeah. Yeah. I have.
Michelle: You know, when we left the two of them on the island, I've got to be honest, i wasn't so sure holly was going to even come back.
Holly: It can't be. Oh, my god.
Sebastian lookalike: Hey. What's with you, lady?
Holly: I'm sorry. I thought you were somebody else.
Sebastian lookalike: Are you okay? You look like you could use a drink.
Holly: No. No, I can'T. ( Gasps ) roger's coin. It can't be.
Coop: All right, come off it, lizzie. Look, I am no fan of gus aitoro. That's a fact. But he certainly has stepped up to the plate for harley.
Lizzie: I'm scared, coop. You know, gus has framed someone before, and he's gotten away with it. And I know he would do it again for harley. And I'm the target.
Coop: Lizzie, are you sure you're not just being paranoid here?
Lizzie: Does this look like paranoid to you?
Coop: Oh, my... what happened?
Lizzie: That's how far gus aitoro would go for harley. I mean... I don't know what to do. He attacked me. I need... I need someone to protect me. Who knows what he's going to do again?
Harley: You think I shot him.
Buzz: Phillip is gone. Sacrificing yourself, your life, leaving your kids to be raised by no one will make it right.
Harley: What are you saying?
Buzz: Gus means well, but he wants you to be innocent so much that he turned down... wouldn't even consider a plea offer. I mean, that'S... that's not facing reality. That's dangerous.
Harley: What is that?
Buzz: Take them. I made all the arrangements.
Harley: Daddy, plane tickets.
Buzz: For you and the boys. I checked it out. You go there. Even if the authorities find out, they can't get you out of there. There's no extradition. You can stay as long as you want.
Harley: Are you telling me to run?
Buzz: Take it from me. Sometimes you have to go.
Reva: Hey, what did the doctor say?
Jonathan: Well, it looks like I might lose the leg.
Reva: That's not funny. They give you anything for the pain?
Jonathan: You bet. And I'm not sharing with you.
Reva: You know what? You're nuts.
Jonathan: Yeah, it's in the genes-- son of ma barker. Bark, bark, bark! You want to call josh? Have him pick us up?
Reva: No, no. Let's go.
Jonathan: Okay.
Reva: Try not to get into any trouble while I go hail us a cab back to the music store.
Edmund: Kind of nerve- wracking. There's a lot riding on these tests. Just think, in a few hours, our lives could change.
Edmund: Next on "guiding light"...
Jonathan: Normally I'd love to help you, but it is beneath me to hot-wire a minivan.
Reva: No problem. I'll do it myself.
Harley: Dad...
Buzz: We don't have time to debate this. You have to leave before the trial starts.
Harley: Thank you. And I will miss you so much, daddy.
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