GL Transcript Thursday 1/20/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/27/05



By Boo

Michelle: Hey, marina.

Marina: Hey.

Michelle: Where's robbie?

Marina: He's not here.

Michelle: I thought he was supposed to be with you today?

Marina: He's at nursery school, afternoon session.

Michelle: Oh, that's too bad. There's a crane at the lighthouse. I really wanted him to see it.

Marina: He probably won't be out until about 4:30. It'll be dark by then.

Michelle: Not if he plays hooky. I think I might go get him.

Danny: Hold on. Not so fast, michelle.

Father ray: Church can't afford a new bag, tony. Show some mercy, would you? You know what? On second thought, whale away. Punch the bag instead of whoever it is you're angry at. Anybody I know?

Tony: Yeah, you, ray.

Lizzie: Hey.

Alan: Well, elizabeth! Here, darling. Sit down. Sit down. Thank you so much for joining me.

Lizzie: Well, you said it was important.

Alan: It is. It's very important. I have some questions to ask you. I want you to tell me if your uncle gus and harley have been questioning you about the night that your father was shot?

Lizzie: No, why?

Alan: I just want to make certain. If they do, I want you to let me know, do you understand?

Lizzie: Yeah, but why would they do that?

Alan: Well, they're very desperate right now. I mean, your uncle gus doesn't care if harley is guilty or not.

Lizzie: But you think she is?

Alan: I think he will do anything to make sure she is set free.

Lizzie: Well, he does love her.

Alan: He loves her, but he's not interested in justice for what happened to your father. He's interested in trying to find someone who is guilty-- someone other than harley.

Lizzie: Anyone?

Alan: Absolutely. I think that gus would throw your mother to the wolves and you as well.

Gus: Lizzie lied.

Harley: Okay, let's not jump to conclusions here. Maybe you just misunderstood.

Gus: I didn't misunderstand anything. She said she drove over here the night her father was killed the two of them. They were together the entire night.

Harley: Are you sure?

Gus: She said she could never forget it.

Harley: Because beth told me lizzie was on the porch when she got here.

Gus: Are you sure?

Harley: I am sure, okay? Beth was not lying, she was happy to spill her guts.

Gus: Lizzie's lying.

Harley: No, okay, wait a second. Where are you going?

Gus: I'm going to beat the truth out of her.

Harley: I put beth through hell; I don't want to do the same thing to lizzie.

Gus: She probably killed her father. She's going to have to pay for it.

Harley: Gus!

Gus: Harley! Give me my car keys.

Harley: No.

Gus: Give them to me.

Harley: I don't want you harassing lizzie.

Gus: Why are you protecting her? She's tough as nails.

Harley: She's a kid, look what she's already been through.

Gus: Look what you've been through. She probably pulled the trigger.

Harley: I don't think so.

Gus: She has killed before. Come on.

Harley: She was protecting beth then.

Gus: What's the difference?

Harley: The difference is we're talking about her father. She adored him. She loved him more than anything and he loved her, too. I can't even think about it.

Gus: Well, it's better than thinking about going to jail.

Harley: That's a good point, but if she had done it we would know. She'd be a basket case.

Gus: Maybe she is a basket case.

Harley: Can we just leave her alone?

Gus: Don't you want the truth? Don't you want...

Harley: I do. I do. I really do.

Gus: You understand we have to question her.

Harley: I understand. Can we just go easy on her?

Gus: No problem, but we'll question her.

Harley: We'll question her, but I will question her and you can be there just to, you know, gauge her reactions.

Harley: Like good cop; bad cop?

Harley: No, good cop; silent cop, okay? What's that smile.

Gus: This is kind of like old times.

Lizzie: Wait, so you mean gus is going to come after me?

Alan: I think what your uncle gus is trying to do is create doubt, take the focus away from harley and put it on anyone else. And I think you are a very easy target for him.

Lizzie: Why would he do that if wants the truth?

Alan: He does want the truth, as long as it doesn't point to harley.

Lizzie: So what if it doesn't point to harley. What if you're wrong? What if... I don't see harley doing that.

Alan: Elizabeth, I think it's time that you understood what the coopers are really capable of.

Lizzie: I know they're annoying, but I mean...

Alan: They took your father away from us and now harley has taken gus.

Lizzie: Why me? Why... she knows I'm not psycho.

Alan: Of course you're not, darling. Of course you're not. Now, you trust me, don't you?

Lizzie: Of course I trust you. It's just, harley and I, we had such a great relationship, you know.

Alan: I know that. I know that. But people change. Gus and I used to be very close until just recently. People make bad decisions.

Lizzie: I know, but... I mean gus was a cop and so was harley. That's what they do. They do the right thing.

Alan: Yes, but not this time. And if they have their way, no one will pay for what happened to your father. Now, is that what you want?

Lizzie: I want the killer to pay.

Alan: Of course you do. Harley. Listen to me. Harley and gus are the enemy of our family and they have to be punished.

Lizzie: Are you going to punish them?

Alan: I have no other alternative. But you've got to promise me something: You will stay away from them. You will not communicate with them on any level. It will make me very unhappy. Do you promise me that?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Alan: You know, I'm doing this for your father.

Lizzie: I know. It's what daddy would want.

Alan: You bet that's what he would want. Now, you run on to the gym, okay?

Lizzie: Bye.

Alan: Bye, sweetheart.

Ray: You want a piece of me, tony? Come on. Don't let the collar stop you. Come on, bring it on.

Tony: Ray, it's not a good idea. Back off.

Ray: You're in my church, little brother, or is that just a coincidence? Michelle tell you what we talked about?

Tony: She told me.

Ray: You can't see where I'm coming from?

Tony: Why don't you tell me as a man.

Ray: I don't want to see you get hurt.

Tony: All you're looking out for is danny and you know it.

Ray: Yeah, I'm looking out for danny and michelle and I'm looking out for robbie.

Tony: Well I'm asking you to stay out of it.

Ray: What if michelle gets her memory back? What if she remembers how much she loved danny? Did you consider that?

Tony: What are you trying to say, ray? That she's going to leave me and go back to danny?

Ray: How can you say she won't?

Tony: Because she loves me, ray. She loves me and if she tells me it's over between her and danny, I've got to believe her. You know what I mean?

Ray: It's not that simple, kid.

Tony: Like you would know. Like you would know.

Ray: I know... I know human nature.

Tony: You do? It doesn't make you happy, huh? Doesn't make you happy that i can actually make somebody happy ray? That I can make michelle happy. A life for her and me, huh? A life for her and me. A life for me, her and robbie? A life of our own? You see your little brother, the kid that was always messed up, the kid you abandoned ray. You understand that?

Ray: You...

Tony: I'm always the one that needs saving, ray. But guess what? You want to know something? I make somebody happy for once, ray. I make michelle happy. I do. I'm good enough for her, I'm good enough for her kid. I am, ray!

Ray: You want to be good for her? Huh? You want to be good for robbie? You want to play the hero? Don't rush this divorce.

Tony: What is it, ray? You don't want me to rush it, huh? You want know skip it entirely? Is that what you want me to do?

Ray: Michelle needs time.

Tony: She needs time. It's not going to change anything, ray! She loves me, man, this is the real deal, okay?

Ray: If it's the real deal, you should haven't a problem waiting!

Tony: She's not going to go back to danny, ray. She's not going to go. Don't you get it? She loves me, man. You're trying to save something that can't be saved!

Ray: Don't you get it?

Tony: Get, what? Huh?

Ray: I'm trying to save you!

Tony: You're trying to save....

Ray: I'm trying to save you, don't you get it? It's you I'm trying to save.

Michelle: I just thought i would pick up robbie and take him to see the crane at the lighthouse.

Danny: Well, he'd love that, but he's at nursery school today, which he also loves.

Michelle: I know, she told me. I thought it might be fun.

Danny: Sorry.

Michelle: It's okay.

Danny: Look, michelle, it's important robbie sticks to his schedule. His life has been too chaotic lately, you know?

Michelle: Yeah, it's been chaotic. So maybe if I set something up in advance, I could spend the day with him?

Danny: Of course. Of course. I'm not trying to make this difficult for you. It's just that robbie has had enough upheaval in these last few months to last a lifetime. That's not good for a kid.

Michelle: Upheaval, right? You mean because I left?

Danny: You disappeared, michelle. I mean realized you were off starring in your very own action picture, but all robbie knows is that you were gone.

Michelle: And now I'm back.

Danny: Yeah, right. But... look, you don't understand how much he missed you. And how upset he was, how he cried every night asking when his mom's going to come home and I didn't know what to say to him because I didn't know.

Michelle: Obviously what you said worked. He couldn't look me in the eye the other day.

Danny: Hold on. I didn't say anything. He's afraid, michelle.

Michelle: He's afraid of his own mother, come on?

Danny: No, he's afraid you're going to leave him again. Frankly, to be perfectly honest with you, so am I.

Michelle: So what are you saying to me? You want to keep robbie away from me?

Harley: Okay, bye.

Gus: Okay, bye. Thanks.

Gus and harley: Found her.

Frank: I need to talk to you guys.

Gus: Hey, frank. We can't we've got people to see and places to go.

Frank: I wasn't giving you a choice.

Harley: What is it?

Frank: I'm sorry, sis, I need to take you back in.

Gus: You can't take her, frank. She's out on bail.

Frank: Actually, she jumped bail, which is why I need to take her back to jail.

Gus: Frank, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're not taking her anything.

Frank: You think I'm enjoying this? I don't have a choice. So please don't make this any harder than it is.

Gus: You should actually do your job, frank, around find the real killer.

Frank: Step aside.

Gus: No, I'm not stepping aside.

Frank: Gus...

Gus: Let me ask you something, you have proof she skipped bail?

Frank: She was seen at the blue haven spa, which happens to be across the state line. We have an eyewitness.

Harley: Thanks, beth.

Frank: Now that's great, sis. So you admit you jumped bail?

Gus: No, she doesn't admit anything. Can you just hold on a second.

Harley: Just let it go, please, he knows.

Gus: No, I am you lawyer. I will do the talking.

Harley: He knows.

Gus: I will do the talking.

Marina: Hey, what what's going on out here?

Gus: Just the usual family fun. Your father's arresting your aunt.

Frank: You know, I'm getting sick of you, man.

Marina: Dad, why are you arresting aunt harley?

Harley: Because aunt harley jumped bail.

Marina: You did? Dad, you can'T.

Frank: Marina, go back inside.

Gus: What's the matter, frank, you don't want everybody to see what an idiot you are?

Frank: I told you once...

Harley: No, no, no. I'll go. I'll go. This is me going. Listen, you have places to go people to see, right? Just don't forget what I said, okay?

Gus: Yeah.

Frank: Come on, sis.

Marina: Wait. I'm going with you.

Frank: No, you're not.

Harley: No.

Marina: Yes.

Frank: Marina, there's actually nothing you can do.

Marina: I'll go and lend moral support.

Gus: Let her go. She needs somebody from her family who can support her.

Frank: Believe it or not, i do support my sister.

Harley: You know what? Go.

Gus: I'll be back. I'll get you out of this.

Harley: I'll see you later. All right, frank, I'm ready.Ñ here, take this.

Marina: Dad, do you have to this do this?

Frank: Unfortunately, I do have to do this. I'm sorry, sis, you know that this is strictly business.

Harley: Don't worry abod he has to do this.

Frank: Let's go.

Danny: Michelle....

Marina: Hey, danny, I'll be right back.

Danny: Okay. Look, I have no desire to keep robbie away from you.

Michelle: Really? Because that's what it sounded like.

Danny: Well, I don'T.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Danny: He needs both of us but my number one responsibility is to him and to make sure that you don't hurt him like that again.

Michelle: Do you think that i would hurt my own child? I love him.

Danny: I'm not saying you don'T.

Michelle: Look, I just got back, all right? I'm trying to get settled, get my life back in order again, all right?

Danny: Yeah. And what does that mean? And will you get settled? Is that even what you want?

Michelle: I don't even know what you're saying.

Danny: I'm asking you, michelle, what do you really want? Do you want a stable life here, or do you wanted a venture with tony, fun?

Michelle: What's wrong with fun? Isn't that good for a kid? Makes them happy. Makes them feel loved.

Danny: I'm not questioning your love; I'm questioning your judgment.

Michelle: ( Scoffs ) my judgment. Yeah, because of tony, you mean?

Danny: You know what I mean.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Danny: You and I both know what tony does for a living and you are right there in the thick of it, aren't you? I don't know if it's some kind of turn on for you, but I will not allow my kid to be any part of it.

Michelle: Your kid?

Danny: Michelle, tony lives in a world they went through hell to get away from and ironically, that was for you. But it was also for robbie and i will be damned if I let you drag him back into it.

Michelle: You know what? This isn't even about robbie; this is about you punishing me for leaving.

Tony: I don't need you to save me, ray. I don't need you to save me.

Ray: You know, when pops died I promised to protect you, watch out for you. I didn't always do a good job, but I tried, tony. I tried my best just like I'm trying now.

Tony: Come on, ray, stop saying that to me! If michelle wasn't danny's wife, man, you wouldn't be saying anything to me let alone give me the time of day, ray.

Ray: You couldn't be more wrong.

Tony: Oh, come on. Danny... danny's always the perfect one, you know no? Poor little tony. The kid always needs to be saved. He's always the messed up one.

Ray: Don't you think I've given him the same speech. I'm not trying to fix you, tony. I'm not. I'm trying to keep you from making a mistake.

Tony: Michelle is not a mistake.

Ray: Then take it slow.

Tony: Take it slow.

Ray: Make sure that she feels the same way for you.

Tony: She does, ray, she feels the same way for me!

Ray: Then time's on your side tony! Look, man, you got your heart out there. I don't want to see you get stepped on.

Tony: You don't want to see me get stepped on. Let me tell you something, okay? The first time in my life i found somebody that showed me i had a heart, you know that? Before I pulled her out of that warehouse, man, I felt empty. I felt like I was a shell; I had nothing inside me. I had no heart, ray. I got a heart now, you know? And michelle does that for me.

Ray: I just want you to be happy.

Tony: If you want me to be happy, I'm asking you please trust in me. Back off and trust in me, your brother.

Ray: I do trust you, I do. It's michelle I don't trust.

Lizzie: Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting some big family discussion or anything.

Frank: Okay, sis. So, what's the story? Why did you leave town?

Harley: Is this on or off the record?

Frank: Which one will give me the right answer?

Harley: Both.

Frank: Harley, you know. You know if there's anything i can do...

Harley: I know.

Frank: To help you right now, I'd do it.

Harley: Don't say it. It's just going to make me cry.

Frank: You were a cop, you know how this looks.

Harley: I know it makes me look guilty. Maybe I'm guilty or maybe I'm not guilty, but I'm here, aren't I? I didn't run and I'm not going to.

Frank: I don't know what else to say.

Harley: Well, then go lecture your daughter.

Frank: I don't lecture.

Harley: Oh, please. We all know this voice, frank. It gives you away every time. Why did you do it, beth? Why did you turn me in?

Alan: Beth didn't turn you in, I did.

Coming up on "guiding light"...

Harley: I wanted to strip him of everything. I wanted to punish phillip. Because he was rotten. Even more rotten than you, but alan...

Alan: Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you didn't murder phillip?

Gus: I'm asking you, what did you do?

Lizzie: Granddad was right about you. You will do anything to save harley.

Danny: Michelle, listen to me. Just listen to me. Kids need security. They need stability. You're the one who taught me that. I didn't have that growing up, michelle, but you taught me something different. How a family should support each other and how to make a home feel safe.

Michelle: And so you think I'm a threat to that?

Danny: Not on purpose. Look, I am not trying to punish you, but your life is different now. You and tony have other priorities.

Michelle: There's nothing more important than my own child.

Danny: I really wish that i could believe that. Look, I don't want to fight. I really don'T. But I will not back down from how I believe and how you used to believe your son should be raised.

Michelle: So where does that leave us?

Danny: We have to do the best thing for our son.

Michelle: Which is what?

Danny: Michelle, he needs to be kissed good night and know that that same person is going to be there when he wakes up in the morning.

Michelle: And that would be you, right?

Danny: For now.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Michelle: I am not trying to cut you out of robbie's life, but, yeah, I think that robbie should live with me full time.

Michelle: So I'll just be the stranger that visits once a month?

Danny: Michelle, that would be entirely up to you. Look, I... if I had gone through what you have, having no memories and being thrown into a new life, I don't know how i would feel. But you can not have it all. You can't be impulsive one minute and the rock of stability the next. You can't choose to be with a guy who goes looking for trouble and still protect your son. And this is not about payback; it's a reality check.

Michelle: Uh-huh. You know, he's my son, too, danny.

Danny: I know. I know.

Michelle: And I'm only just starting to know and to remember what that actually means.

Danny: Michelle, robbie's not going anywhere. He will always be here. Will you?

Frank: Hey. I thought I told you to wait for me in my office.

Marina: If you are going to bust my chops for defending aunt charlie.

Frank: Bust your chops? What are you a hardened criminal now?

Marina: You tell me.

Frank: I'm proud of you for defending harley.

Marina: What is it? You're giving me a lecture voice.

Frank: There is no lecture voice.

Marina: Yes, it is! What is it?

Frank: Marina, you are my daughter and I love you very, very much and it's my job to keep an eye on you. Now, I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you and danny santos.

Marina: Dad...

Frank: Yeah, I know. You guys are just friends, right? Well, sometimes friends lead to something more, especially when someone is going through a divorce.

Marina: Dad... it's all speculation.

Frank: Really? So they're not having problems with their marriage?

Marina: Yes but it has nothing to do with me.

Frank: Because$you're just friends.

Marina: Danny and I haven't talked about the divorce.

Frank: Can I give you some fatherly advice? Because I have some experience in it. I think you should pull back a little.

Marina: Pull back from what?

Frank: From being friends?

Marina: How is that even possible?

Frank: I don't think you know all the emotions that are involved during a divorce.

Marina: Well, I think I have a pretty good idea.

Frank: Really? How about from the adult perspective?

Marina: Does it hurt less? Do you not think about it as often?

Frank: Do you know the expression transition girlfriend?

Marina: Rebound girl?

Frank: Rebound girl. You can multiply that times ten.

Marina: Dad, I am so not that.

Frank: Not yet, honey. But you need to be careful.

Marina: Danny would never do something like that to me, okay? He just wouldn'T. I mean more to him than just that, okay? I'M...

Frank: Just a friend.

Harley: So beth told you that I found her at the spa.

Alan: No. You were careless, as usual.

Harley: Well, I wasn't followed.

Alan: You called gus, though.

Harley: And you were with him.

Alan: It was quite predictable.

Harley: And you felt you had to do your civic duty, is that it?

Alan: Something like that. I couldn't risk you running away again.

Harley: I didn't run.

Alan: Well, technically you're right. But you went out trying to pin phillip's murder on someone-- beth. I mean, come on, harley. Who'll be next?

Harley: I just want to find the truth.

Alan: The truth is you destroyed my son, whether you murdered him or not.

Harley: Yes, okay? I wanted to strip him of everything. I wanted to punish phillip because he was rotten-- even more rotten than you. But alan...

Alan: Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you didn't murder phillip?

Harley: I can tell you this: If you don't get out of my way and help me get out of here, you'll never know the truth.

Alan: Is that right?

Harley: You don't care about what really happened. This is you paying me back.

Alan: Believe me, you will pay for what you have done. I will see to that.

Harley: Only it has nothing to do with phillip's murder. You're angry about gus. Because he chose me over you.

Lizzie: Oh, hey, tony. Do you think you can help me stretch out? My back's a little tight.

Ray: Ask the priest. He's pretty good at helping people.

Lizzie: Did I interrupt something? I'm sorry.

Ray: Actually we're...

Ray: Hey, man, you want to grab a beer later?

Tony: No, I'll pass, ray. I've had enough wisdom for one day. I can't take any more.

Ray: Just think about what i said, all right?

Tony: You know something? You think about what I'm telling you. Michelle's the best thing that's ever happened to me, ray. You, nobody, no one's going to ruin it.

Lizzie: Oh, tony, I'm glad you changed your mind. Thank you so much. What are you doing here?

Gus: I just came too find out why you lied to me, lizzie.

Alan: Gus loves a lost cause, harley. I should know. I'm his latest one.

Harley: And you've always thought of me as a lost cause, haven't you, alan?

Alan: I know a loser when i see one. Unfortunately for gus, it will be too late when he comes to his senses.

Harley: Too late for what?

Alan: By then he will have lost everything: You, his family his fortune and his position at spaulding.

Harley: You still don't see it. Gus doesn't care about your money. He doesn't care about spaulding. And the only time he lost was when he chose you and your family over me.

Alan: That would depend on your perspective.

Harley: Take off your blinders! Alan, you only see what you want to see and not just when it comes to gus. You did the same thing with phillip.

Alan: What did I do? I only wanted the best for phillip. Not someone who would tear him down and cause him to be less than he could be.

Harley: Is this a contest to you?

Alan: If it is, I will win.

Harley: Except that my life is on the line here, alan, and so is your grandson'S.

Alan: Your life is essentially over, harley. And my grandson will be well taken care of.

Harley: Oh, really? Will he be happy? Do you think he'll be happy losing daddy and then mommy? Is that something you can take care of, alan?

Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact. Now, I think it's time that you accepted your fate.

Harley: Well, what do you think gus will do? You think he's just going to accept this and let up?

Alan: Gus is no longer my problem.

Harley: Except that if I go down, he'll take you and anyone else named spaulding down with me. Is that what you want for your precious family?

Alan: What's your point?

Harley: My point is gus wants to get me off no matter what the cost. And he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.

Alan: Well, you both want the same thing, don't you?

Harley: Oh, no, no, no. Because I want the truth. I want to know how and why phillip died.

Alan: Even if it leads back to me.

Harley: I'm a good cop. I always get my man. Even if she's me. But gus, don't forget what a ruthless driven man he was hen he first came to town. And now? Now his stakes are even higher. You have to get me out of here so I can work the case with him and keep him focused on the truth.

Alan: Well, that's an interesting argument.

Officer: Time's up, mr. Spaulding.

Harley: Well?

Alan: I'll think about it.

Harley: Well, don't think too long. It's anyone's guess what gus will do next.

Lizzie:, Well, where did father ray go?

Gus: Probably doing confessions. You want to get in line?

Lizzie: I don't think anything to confess.

Gus: No? Nothing you want to get off your chest?

Lizzie: Nope. But, you know, I really need to go.

Gus: Didn't you just get here?

Lizzie: Are you following me, gus?

Gus: I don't know, should i be?

Lizzie: I don't know. But you've been acting really weird lately.

Gus: Yeah? And you're messing with harley's life. You lied to me about the night your father was killed.

Lizzie: I did not.

Gus: You said you went with your mother to the restaurant together.

Lizzie: Okay so?

Gus: So she said you were standing on the porch when she drove up. What did you, do lizzie? I'm asking you, what did you do?

Lizzie: Granddad was right about you, you will do anything to save harley.

Gus: Harley didn't do anything.

Lizzie: Oh, how do you know?

Gus: I know what she's capable of. And I know what you're capable of, lizzie.

Lizzie: Oh, real cute. Real cute. Carl was trying to hurt my mom, okay. He was a monster.

Gus: Your father was turning into a monster.

Lizzie: Yeah, but I love my dad. I would never hurt him.

Gus: No, you would never hurt anybody, lizzie, because you're a little angel. Except there was that sandy foster hit-and-run.

Lizzie: Oh, that was an accident.

Gus: Accident. How many accidents have you gotten away with, lizzie, just because your last name is spaulding?

Lizzie: Let go of me.

Gus: I'm not going to let you get away with this, do you hear me?

Lizzie: Get away with what? I'm not crazy.

Gus: You know harley defended you. She didn't want to see you get involved, but you don't care about her, do you, and you're still lying. Let me tell you something, lizzie spaulding. I don't care about you so tell me what you did! Tell me what you know!

Ray: Gus? What's going on?

Gus: Nothing. Everything's fine. You better come and find me and tell me what you know, all right little girl? Otherwise I'm going to come after you myself and ain't nobody can protect you then, except maybe god. Father. ( Michelle sobbing )

Tony: Hey. Listen, michelle I... I'm not going to cost you your son, you know that? I'm not... I'm not worth it.

Michelle: Tony, you're the whole reason that I'm alive, okay? You mean everything to me.

Tony: What will I mean to you if I cost you your son?

Michelle: I'm not going to lose him, okay? And I'm not going to lose you.

Tony: Michelle...

Michelle: No, no. Don't even think about it, okay?

Tony: Okay.

Michelle: I love you.

Tony: I love you, too. I do. So what happened with danny?

Michelle: Oh, you know, he just made me feel like I was the worst mother in the world.

Tony: Don't listen to him. I'm serious, don't listen to him. Because robbie's blessed to have you as his mother.

Michelle: I don't know. Maybe he's not. I haven't really been there for the kid, you know.

Tony: Michelle...

Michelle: I didn't have to go off with sebastian like I did.

Tony: You were trying to figure out who you were.

Michelle: Maybe that's who i am, you know, a woman who doesn't put her kid first. Maybe danny's right.

Tony: Do not listen to danny. He knows nothing. In fact, none of them do.

Michelle: Who's "them"?

Tony: Ray. I saw ray at the church.

Michelle: Okay.

Michelle: And they're wrong, michelle. They're wrong and I'm going to prove it, okay? You're not going to lose your son, I promise you that. Come here. I promise you.

Marina: Hey, you're still here.

Danny: Hey, yeah. Actually, I was just writing you a note. So how's everything with harley? She still down at the station?

Marina: Yeah. I just hope gus can get her out.

Danny: I'm sure he will.

Marina: Hey, I think we can still catch that movie if we go now.

Danny: Yeah, listen, would you kill me if I had to bail on you?

Marina: No. No, we can go another time.

Danny: Are you sure? It's just I... michelle and i really got into it over robbie and I just don't think I'd be very good company.

Marina: Yeah.

Danny: You sure?

Marina: Yeah, of course.

Danny: Thank you. Thanks for understanding. Thanks. All right, I'll... I think robbie and I are just going to stay in and get room service. I'll call you later.

Marina: Sure. I mean that's what friends are for, right?

Lizzie: Granddad?

Alan: Sweetheart, come here! My, my. Listen, what is the matter?

Lizzie: You were right. Gus will do anything to save harley.

Alan: You saw gus?

Lizzie: He tracked me down at the gym. He told me I was lying about the night daddy died. He actually thinks I might have killed dad.

Alan: Oh, so he was going after you the same time harley was going after me. To think I almost fell for it!

Lizzie: I don't want him to make me look crazy just like dad.

Alan: No, he is not. I will take care of gus. Believe me.

Lizzie: I knew you'd make everything better.

Alan: I will.

Lizzie: I want gus to pay. I want harley to pay. I want them suffer just like i did.

Alan: Elizabeth, they will suffer. Believe me, they will suffer.

Gus: Hey, hey, hey. Just... listen, I was this close to cracking lizzie. I think I can...

Harley: No, no, no. You were supposed to go easy on her.

Gus: That kind of approach doesn'T...

Harley: I told alan I would keep you from flying off the handle.

Gus: What are you talking to alan for? He probably has something to do with you being here in the first place.

Harley: He told me that he would help me get out of here.

Officer: I've got to get you downstairs...

Harley: No, wait.

Gus: I don't want to see you bargaining with alan. It's me and you, that's the only people we got, okay? It's us. I'll... it's just us.

Harley: I don't know what to say. Tell me what to say.

Gus: I don't want to lose you again, okay. So, don't say anything.

Officer: We have to go.

Next on "guiding light"...

Josh: As soon as jonathan is recovered we will get him his own apartment.

Reva: As soon as I feel like he's better than I'll ask him to move out.

Tammy: I keep trying to pretend like it's fall the past, like what J.B. Did.

Cassie: He does not exist.

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