Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/26/05
By Boo
Father ray: Hey, cousin!
Danny: Hey, ray.
Father ray: I haven't seen you since you got back in town. You haven't made it to mass. How have you been?
Danny: Good.
Father ray: Funny, from where I'm standing, it's looks like you're running from your troubles.
Danny: Save the sermon, father. I'm not running away from anything. I'm moving on.
Michelle: What are you looking at?
Tony: The ceiling.
Michelle: Something wrong with it?
Tony: Yeah.
Michelle: What?
Tony: Danny and his crew painted it, you know.
Michelle: Yeah, and they did a nice job.
Tony: I don't know, michelle. You know, this place was suppose to be yours.
Michelle: It is mines. Okay, I get it. I get it. You feel like since danny had somebody paint it, there's like a part of him up there, right?
Tony: It just bugs me. You know, it's just bugs me. That's all. It just... it bugs me.
Michelle: You know what? I think maybe we better just check out the place make sure danny's anywhere else. Like, danny? Hello? Are you under there? He ain't under there. ( Tony laughs ) let's see. Hello, danny..
Tony: Okay.
Michelle: And that's definitely not danny down there.
Tony: ( Laughing )
Michelle: I don't see danny anÑwhere.
Tony: ( Laughs ) okay.
Michelle: But I'm here.
Tony: I know you are.
Michelle: You know what?
Tony: Hmm?
Michelle: Hold that thought.
Tony> Oh, no, no, no. Where are you going?
Michelle: Hold that thought.
Tony: ( Sighs )
Lizzie: Hi, daddy.
Gus: Harley cooper did not kill your father.
Lizzie: And how do you know that?
Gus: I just... I know.
Lizzie: How?
Gus: I know harley. I know she didn't kill your father. She's not capable of it.
Lizzie: Okay, so you have evidence that clears her?
Gus: I can't talk about that.
Lizzie: Do you have evidence that points to anyone else?
Gus: I can't talk about that.
Lizzie: Yes or no, gus. Is there any other suspects? I can't just go throughout my day like this. This is stupid. I've got to start... start my day. I've got to look at my schedule. That'll be the right way to do things. Let's see. What do we have to do today, huh? What do we have to do? No. No. Not him. Not today. Please.
Coop: Why today? What do you mean because? Marina, look, haven't you ever just woken up one morning and said to yourself, "look, can we put this off? I don't want to deal with this. I'm not in the mood."
Marina: Yeah, like everyday. Look, the point is that we both got work to do. So you have to suck it up okay. I'm holding down the fort here, you deal with lizzie.
Coop: All right. Look, but for how much longer? I'm getting pretty sick and tired of having to put with this whole love you, I can't get enough of you crap with her.
Marina: You can do it, henry. I have faith in you. Okay. Bye-bye.
Coop: Gee, thanks. All right. All right, lizzie. Here comes romeo. Well, good morning, sunshine.
Lizzie: Right back at you, handsome.
Gus: Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Come on, harley.
Harley: That went well.
Gus: Come on. We lost a couple of motions. It's not really a big deal. It's not.
Harley: How can you say that? This directly affects everything we introduce at trial.
Gus: At trial. There's not going to be a trial, because you're innocent. And people don't go to trial when they're innocent. I'm going to prove that to the entire town, to the universe, to the da. Okay?
Harley: You know what? You're going to have to prove it to me first.
Gus: Harley, wait a second. Hold on a second. Please. Listen to me. I can save you. I can save you! Do you hear me? Baby, can save you if you just... if you just let me.
Coop: Wait a minute. Hold on a second. I don't think I'm understanding this here.
Lizzie: Oh. Okay, well, here. Hold roxie. She really does like you. I can tell.
Coop: So wait. You want the menus at company...
Lizzie: Elizabeth and company.
Coop: To be all vegan.
Lizzie: Well, yeah, I've been thinking about it and you know, I know people like chili and hamburgers and all that junk, but really it's better...
Coop: Lizzie, wait. That junk just happens to be our bread and butter, so to speak.
Lizzie: Well, we just have to retrain our customers. I mean it's for their own good.
Coop: Yeah. Well, people love to be told that.
Lizzie: You know, I just can't bear the fact of having a restaurant that cook's up roxie's friends.
Coop: Roxie's friends? Unless she's been hanging out with pigs and chickens and cows, which I really don't think. I mean, let's face it. This dog barely touches the ground, lizzie. I mean, granted this is very compassionate of your mom and all...
Lizzie: Don't try it, honey.
Father ray: So you're going ahead with it. You're filing for divorce.
Danny: Yeah, it didn't work, ray.
Father ray: You know, the church never recognized your previous divorces to michelle. I also happen to think it's a lousy decision.
Danny: Michelle walking around springfield these days isn't the michelle I married. You think that's grounds for annulment?
Father ray: She could come back.
Danny: Yeah, ray, but she has no interest in coming back. Michelle's in love with tony.
Father ray: Wow, you sound so matter of fact. Where's the faith?
Danny: Well, ray, you're the believer here, not me.
Father ray: Okay, what if michelle gets her memory back and she remembers what the two of you shared? What happens then?
Danny: Well, ray, michelle already had a couple of memories of our life together. But I guess memories aren't feelings.
Father ray: What about the feelings you still have for her?
Danny: Ray, I'm smart enough to know when not to look back.
Father ray: Danny, I'm talking about looking forward. I know you guys from the very beginning. Your soul mates. You just don't throw that away.
Danny: We made our decision.
Father ray: You know, i should talk to michelle about this.
Danny: Good luck. Knock yourself out.
Tony: Yeah. That's a good idea.
Michelle: What? Painting the ceiling?
Tony: No. No, doing it naked. ( Laughing )
Michelle: Well, you know an artist has got to work when inspiration hits, right?
Tony: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: What do you think?
Tony: I don't know. It looks even better from this angle.
Michelle: Thanks. ( Tony laughs ) but I meant the ceiling.
Tony: Oh, well, you know what? You are a regular michelle angelo?
Michelle: Well, you know, i figured I'd got to put my mark on this place, right?
Tony: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: You know, a, it was fun and b, thinking about the guy who painted it before me, is keeping you up at night.
Tony: Well, you know, stick figures. I like them.
Michelle: Yeah. So you got me over there.
Tony: Yeah.
Michelle: And that one's you right there.
Tony: ( Laughs ) oh, thanks a lot.
Michelle: ( Laughs ) and that's robbie.
Tony: Ah-huh.
Michelle: And then the one over there with wings is my mom.
Tony: Hey, maureen. How are you doing? ( Laughs ) okay. So what's this little candy cane thing over there? What is that?
Michelle: That's the lighthouse. And then see that over there is your house.
Tony: That's my house?
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Tony: ( Laughs )
Michelle: Can't be so picky.
Tony: What are you thinking?
Michelle: Oh, just you know...
Tony: What are you thinking?
Michelle: How simple the world could be.
Tony: Ah-huh.
Michelle: I've got my man, I've got my kid, and I've got my guardian angel, and my home.
Tony: You're painting me.
Michelle: ( Sighs )
Tony: Yeah, well, sure, you know. Just one thing though.
Michelle: What's that?
Tony: If you're thinking about being an artist, you better stop. You'd better stop.
Michelle: Hey! Why is that?
Tony: ( Laughs ) pretty good.
Michelle: No, no, no. No, no, no.
Tony: No, that was actually... that was actually pretty good. But it's just not... I don't know. It's just not good enough, you know. I mean...
Michelle: You better not.
Tony: It's just not...
Michelle: You better not.
Tony: ...Good as this.
Michelle: Oh, you are in so much trouble.
Tony: ( Laughs )
Lillian: Buzz, wait a minute.
Buzz: What? I get a escort home with a check-up?
Lillian: Yeah, you do. Because I'm just worried about all the stress you have with harley. So I thought you could use a little extra attention.
Buzz: Well, if anyone needs a hand it's harley. But she's holding up. She's strong.
Lillian: She's just like her daddy.
Buzz: What is it? What are you buttering me up to get a free meal? Wait a second. I forgot. Your granddaughter owns the place.
Lillian: Oh, yeah. She does.
Buzz: Come on then. I'll fix you something.
Lillian: ( Laughs ) thank you.
Buzz: Gee.
Marina: So how's your french toast? Good.
Buzz: Hey, zach. You're doing some serious chowing down, boy.
Marina: Yeah, he is hungry. Yeah, harley dropped before she got a chance to feed him breakfast.
Lillian: Oh her way to court?
Buzz: I wonder how she's doing.
Buzz: What are you doing
Marina: Me?
You're suppose to be picking up
zachary at school today.
Buzz: No, this is your day.
Marina: No, it is not.
Today is my day to go visit
harley at prison.
Buzz: No, tomorrow is my day.
You screwed up.
Marina: Oh, thank you.
Thank you for being you're
usual understanding self.
Buzz: You're welcome.
Zach, what happened?
Zach: I got in a fight.
But you should see the other
Buzz: Is it the same guy?
It's a different guy?
Let me see.
He's been on average in a fight
a week since harley's been sent
Marina: I suppose you're
going to make that my fault.
Buzz: Oh, no, it's mine.
Marina: Oh, no.
Grandpa, no?!
Lizzie: All right. Perfect. You look precious, baby.
Coop: Oh, thank you very much. I try.
Lizzie: Oh, come on. ( Fake laughs )
Coop: You know, lizzie, I was thinking about what we talked about the day about getting together and all. So, I went ahead and made reservations for the two of us at towers for tomorrow night.
Lizzie: You did what?
Coop: I mean we can bag those plans if you've already got something planned yourself or if you're not into it, you know, i understand.
Lizzie: What about you?
Coop: I asked you first.
Lizzie: Yeah, I mean I guess we can do that.
Coop: I mean, look if you're not into it, I understand.
Lizzie: I said we can so it. I mean, it's got to be fun. We had a blast playing football. Just hopefully this time I won't fall. Okay, give me it. Are you ready? Honey? Roxy? Roxy? Look here, baby. Smile.
Coop: You're asking the dog to smile?
Lizzie: No. You.
Coop: Whoa! Hold on.
Lizzie: Get over there.
Coop: Hold on a second.
Lizzie: Sit down with her. Sit down with her.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: Sit. Be a good boy. There you go.
Coop: Whoa! Hey. Come on now. Seriously. Stop.
Lizzie: It looks so cute.
Coop: It's not going to be a cute picture. Look me and the dog on menu. This is not going to be cute.
Lizzie: No, I mean think about it, okay. Like a cooper employee with a spaulding pet? I mean... that... our families are coming together. It'll show everybody.
Coop: Yeah, as master and slave.
Lizzie: Pardon me? What did you say?
Coop: I said, I hope the dog says. As in put. I hope the dog stays put.
Lizzie: Well, then kiss her.
Coop: You want me to kiss the dog?
Lizzie: Well, yeah, if you kiss her then she'll stay still.
Coop: Lizzie, I'm not kissing the dog.
Lizzie: Oh, sure. Did you forget how? I mean I know it's been a long time.
Coop: No, I think I remember how a kiss works here?
Lizzie: Sure you do. I think you're a little inexperienced if you ask me.
Coop: Trust me. I've got skills.
Lizzie: Oh, really? Is that right?
Coop: Yeah, that's right. I can't do this right now.
Lizzie: I am so done with this.
Coop: I...
Michelle: So you had enough?
Michelle: So you had enough? Huh?
Tony: Well, yeah.
Michelle: You had enough?
Tony: Yeah. Okay. All right. What do you think? Look at me. ( Laughs ) I'm blue.
Michelle: All right, then come here and kiss the winner.
Tony: Okay, you stay away.
Michelle: Okay.
Tony: I'm going to kiss you back. Come here.
Michelle: Yeah, my masterpiece is finished.
Tony: Okay, okay. Okay. All right. All right. That's it.
Michelle: Oh. Oh.
Tony: That's it.
Michelle: Oh, no, no, no.
Tony: Oh, yes.
Michelle: ( Gasps )
Tony: Now that... no, no, no. There. Right there. See now that's a masterpiece. Yeah.
Michelle: You're very talented.
Tony: Yes, I am. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Go, go, go.
Father ray: Okay. Michelle?
Tony: Hey, ray.
Lillian: Buzz, that was... that was just delicious.
Buzz: Which is what? Top it off with some pie. Stay.
Lillian: Are you kidding me? I can'T. I've got to get back to the hospital. But call me. I mean... I mean, you know, if you want to talk about something or just call me.
Buzz: Yeah, cross my rhythmic heart and hope to make it another week. Lillian, thank you. ( Laughs )
Harley: So what's going on with you and lillian?
Buzz: What happened at court?
Harley: I tell you, I can not keep track of all the women in your life. Now she's nice, but I'm not sure beth and I are ready to be sisters.
Buzz: There's nothing to tell. She walked mer across the street after a check-up. What happened in court?
Harley: Tell me about lillian. Look, she's a genuinely good person and I like her. And if you guys decided to tie the knot, I think I could handle that.
Buzz: Harley.
Harley: Listen. I'm serious. She's so good natured and she's funny. And she's very pretty. Why don't you ask her out, dad?
Buzz: That bad? Damn.
Harley: Hey. That looks like a really good breakfast. Hello.
Marina: How did it go?
Harley: It went. Boy, you just love your cousin marina, don't you? Huh? She loves you. You know that, don't you?
Marina: Did something go wrong?
Harley: I think it went just like I expected it would.
Marina: You're amazing, aunt harley.
Harley: No, sweetie pie, you're amazing. I tell you the way you have grown-up and fixed the things in your life these last couple of years. You're amazing. You're just this grown woman. And I'm so proud of you. And I have things worked out with jude, but with zach, if something happens--
Gus: Excuse me. You don't get to do that. Do you hear me? You do not get to say good bye.
Coming up on "guiding
Tony: Well, you know what, danny?
Danny: Hey.
Tony: No priest here will do your dirty work for you. Let's get to it. You and me.
Gus: I'll do whatever it takes to help your family. I'll do whatever it takes.
Harley: What if it means sacrificing somebody in your family?
Lizzie: What do you mean you can't do this?
Coop: No. No, no, no. What do you mean that this is so over?
Lizzie: This stupid game.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: Coop, I've been playing you.
Coop: No, you have not.
Lizzie: Yes, I have. I know it hurts. Okay, but I really...
Coop: Yeah, it probably hurts you because I was playing you.
Lizzie: You're such a liar.
Coop: Lizzie, you weren't playing me.
Lizzie: Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Coop: Look, I had you eating out of my little hand just like your little dog here.
Lizzie: No, I don't think so. You were the puppy dog in the situation.
Coop: It was an act, okay. And frankly, I'm sick and tired of playing nice. I'm sick and tired of chasing you. And I'm sick and tired of chasing this little mutt here.
Lizzie: Roxy, do not listen to him. Close your ears, sweetie.
Coop: Look, I'm tired of taking your orders. I'm tired of your menus. And I'm tired of your snotty attitude. I don't believe this. I mean, you should feel lucky-- blessed that a catch like me would even give a brat like you so much as the time of day.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah. You know what? You're a catch. A catch you'd want to throw back!
Coop: Oh, and you're such a keeper. I mean the only reason why people talk to you is because you've got money here.
Lizzie: Oh, okay. That really hurt me. Go ahead. Name off some of your friends without the last name cooper?
Coop: You know what? You're only friend isn't even human, okay?
Lizzie: Well, you spit everywhere when you talk.
Coop: And you whine.
Lizzie: I do not whine!
Coop: Of course. Right there.
Lizzie: And when you drive a car, you drive like you're driving like some video game with your thumbs broken.
Coop: Well, your perfume, it makes me gag.
Lizzie: I have to wear a lot of it! Your breath wreaks!
Coop: Well, I'm surprised. Because your nose is so small you could barely smell anything at all.
Lizzie: Well, you're like the worst kisser in the world.
Coop: Is that so?
Lizzie: Yeah, yeah.
Coop: Really? Come here.
Lizzie: It is so...
Coop: How about that? How was that?
Lizzie: I don't get it.
Coop: What? Lizzie? What don't you get here?
Lizzie: You know, everything that I went through with my dad. I mean he's gotten shot. I don't even know who murderer is and here you go ahead and do this to me. How could you do that? Why now? Why would you ever want to play me?
Tony: Ray. Hey. You know what? You caught us off guard. I'm sorry.
Father ray: Sorry.
Michelle: All right, come on
I'm decent. So did you come check out the new paint job?
Father ray: I bumped into danny at the gym this morning.
Tony: Ah. And what did he do, ray? Convinced you to come over here for a little mission and mercy? Huh?
Michelle: It's all right. I'd love to talk to you, ray.
Tony: No, no. Come here. Hey, listen. I'm not going to stand by you and watch my brother shout commandments at you, michelle. I'm not going to do that.
Michelle: Okay, look. I want to help smooth things over between you and danny, all right. So the santos's don't fall apart.
Tony: Yeah, well, you know, good luck with that one. It's already happening.
Michelle: Yeah, I know. I know. That's why I could use some help from a higher power. At least his rep.
Tony: You don't know ray, michelle.
Michelle: Well, here's my chance. Tony's going to give us a little time alone. Right?
Tony: Michelle, I don't want...
Michelle: Bye-bye.
Tony: Are you serious?
Michelle: Yeah.
Tony: See you later, ray.
Father ray: Bye-bye, antonio.
Michelle: Great. I'm glad we have a chance to talk.
Father ray: You might not be so glad once you hear what i have to say.
Harley: I am going back into my family.
Gus: I know what you're doing. You're trying to get them all ready for life without you, right? Afraid you're going off to prison for the rest of your life because you killed phillip, you're going to take care of every single one of them before that happens.
Harley: They're my family and I love them. So what?
Gus: That's good. That's excellent. You know why? Because you're not going anywhere.
Harley: And you're not facing reality. And I can't afford not to.
Buzz: Marina? Marina? What's going on out there?
Marina: Aunt harley came in and started talking to me about taking care of zach in case anything were to happen, and then gus came in and dragged her outside.
Buzz: Well, he's doing everything he can.
Marina: Grandpa, are things really that bad?
Buzz: I think harley was right to ask you to take care of zach. I think he's lucky to have you.
Harley: Do you remember what joe august said why he became a cop?
Gus: Yeah, he said he felt a responsibility...
Harley: To the people in his world. That's how I feel right now.
Gus: It's not the same thing.
Harley: Gus.
Gus: It's not.
Harley: When I got to prison...
Gus: Shut up, please.
Harley: If I go to prison, i will be leaving the people in my world, the people that I feel responsible for: My children, my friends, and my family. I want to make sure those people are okay, if it doesn't go so well for me at this trial. If I'm sitting in a jail cell, i just want to make sure I covered all my bases.
Gus: You cannot take care of every single person in the world.
Harley: Isn't that what you're trying to do for me? You know what I wish, I wish i could do something for you.
Danny: Small world.
Tony: Yeah, no kidding. Well, you know what, danny, hey, no priest here to do your dirty work for you. So let's get to it, you and me.
Michelle: All right, father, I'm ready when you are. Hit me.
Tony: What, you want to hit me? Go ahead. Hit me. It's a lot more honorable coming at me that way, danny, than having my brother, the priest, do the work for you. Come on, hit me.
Danny: Oh, yeah, what did ray say to you?
Tony: Oh, come on, don't play that game with me. Don't play the game with me, all right?
Danny: Tony, I didn't ask ray to talk to you.
Tony: You didn't, huh?
Danny: Is that my style?
Tony: Yeah, well...
Danny: It never has been, right?
Tony: Right, right.
Danny: I'm moving on, tony. That's the only thing I said to ray. I've got a lot of better things to do than spend my time wasting it pining over michelle. I will tell you what, though.
Tony: Yeah, what's that?
Danny: You hurt her, and i will destroy you.
Tony: I love her, danny. I'm not going to hurt her, not like you did.
Danny: I believe that you believe that.
Tony: Just like I believe that you actually believe that you're moving on.
Father ray: Michelle, I don't believe this is a good thing, you and tony.
Michelle: I love him.
Father ray: You love danny. You just don't remember.
Michelle: Yeah, well, father, I have changed.
Father ray: Michelle, it would be kinder to tony for you to put off this divorce.
Michelle: What to tony, don't you mean it would be kinder to danny?
Father ray: No. What if your feelings for danny come back along with your memories after tony has given his heart and soul to this relationship? Where does that leave him?
Danny: At least I know what i want.
Tony: Oh, yeah?
Tony: Uh-huh.
Danny: Yeah, tony, you have made it very clear that you have always hated living in my shadow. You wanted my life, my territory, my house, my wife.
Tony: Is that right?
Tony: You've wanted everything that you couldn't have, but I know what always happens when you get what you want, you don't want it anymore.
Michelle: Look, I don't want to hurt danny or tony, all right? I tried to make things work with danny, and it wasn't happening. And it was hard on robbie, you know? Kids know when something is up.
Father ray: And it is now.
Michelle: So what, you're telling me if I go through with this divorce that I'm a selfish and bad mother?
Father ray: That's not what i said. That's your own guilt talking.
Tony: The last thing that i want to do is recreate your life, understand me? Michelle and I, were going places, danny. Were going to travel, start our own business, our own life, a different life.
Danny: Sounds charming.
Tony: And I'm not going to sit here and put my idea of what her life should be in her head like you did. You ruined her life. She's free to be who she is with me.
Father ray: I'm sorry if i upset you with what I said.
Michelle: No, you just said what had to be said, right?
Father ray: Yeah, truth hurts sometimes. Michelle, use what you're feeling now to look deep inside yourself before you make a decision you're going to regret. Please, it could save you a lot of heartache down the road.
Danny: Relax, antonio, I'm not getting into it with you. Michelle is all yours. You won.
Tony: Yeah, I guess I did, didn't I?
Danny: Yup. Better go find her.
Tony: Hey, you know what, danny, tell you what, you want your house back, you can have that. Yeah, you can, really, it's yours.
Danny: No thanks, I got new places to go myself.
Tony: Oh, sure, like where are you going to go?
Danny: Just get on with your life, tony. Let me get on with mine.
Tony: Whatever you say.
Lizzie: Are you going to answer me or not?
Coop: I thought that if i could get you to fall for me that I could convince you to sell company back to my family. So what about you, huh, why play me?
Lizzie: Company. I thought that if I could get you to actually think that you loved me that you could convince your family to stop fighting me over that stupid restaurant. I can't believe we all did this for that stupid diner.
Coop: It's not just a stupid diner, lizzie. It's my father's stupid diner.
Lizzie: Well, don't forget my dad, too. What do we do now?
Coop: I don't know. It's like you said, game's over.
Lizzie: We could just stop talking to each other.
Coop: Oh, that would be tempting except for the fact that we do have to work together and have to eat on a regular basis.
Lizzie: How could you think about food at a time like this?
Coop: Well, because we have reservations at towers, that's why.
Lizzie: Are you serious?
Coop: Yeah, look, it's no big deal, okay? It's just dinner, so are you going or what?
Lizzie: Well, do you want me to go?
Coop: I just asked you.
Lizzie: No, do you want to go? That's not my idea of a proper invitation. I'm sorry.
Coop: Look, we can stand here and argue about this until tomorrow and then we can just go straight to towers, if you want to, okay?
Lizzie: So then do you want me to go? You know, fine, whatever. That's fine. I don't blame you.
Gus: Sit, do me a favor, just sit down. I don't need you to do anything for me, okay?
Harley: And I need you to take care of yourself, okay? Won't you do that?
Gus: I changed my mind. I do want you to do something for me. I need you to fight.
Harley: Why are you making this your crusade? I mean, come on, you're not my husband.
Gus: Why do you think I'm doing it?
Harley: Okay, I changed my mind. You want to do something to help me? Help me help my family.
Gus: What do you mean?
Harley: Get company back in the cooper name, okay? Get it back in my father's name. That's realistic, right, that's not wishful thinking, you know? Can you do that, can you pull some strings for me, some legal strings?
Gus: I'm not going to pull any strings. I'm just going to force lizzie to sign it back over to your father.
Harley: Don't do that.
Gus: Why, do you want the restaurant back?
Harley: Don't, her father just died a couple of months ago. She's been through...
Gus: Oh, please, I'm not saying... I'm not going to hurt her or anything. I'm just going to make her do it. If you want the restaurant back, I'll do whatever it takes to help your family. I'll do whatever it takes.
Harley: And if it means sacrificing somebody in your family? Why are you doing this? What are you hoping to get at the end?
Tony: Hey. Okay. What's going on? Are you okay? No, you're not. Come here, talk to me.
Look, you know that I never want to hurt you, you know that, right?
Tony: Yeah, I do, I do.
Michelle: Definitely, definitely not robbie and I'm not trying to be selfish here, tony.
Tony: Hold on, hold on, what did my brother and ray say to you?
Michelle: No, it'S...
Tony: No, what did he say to you?
Michelle: It wasn't ray. It's not...
Tony: What did he say to you?
Michelle: Maybe it was ray. I don't know. I just wanted him to see the good person that I was, you know?
Tony: Well, you are.
Michelle: I help everybody.
Tony: Listen to me, to me, okay, not ray. Hey, hey, look at me. You're the greatest person i know, michelle. You are.
Michelle: No, stop.
Tony: You are the nicest person...
Michelle: Tony, stop.
Tony: What do you mean, stop? I'm serious. Hey, you know what, before you, my life, michelle, I was in a dark hole. I was inside my head. You brought me out of that, you showed me... you showed me the light, okay? You showed me the light.
Michelle: You know what, you've got it backwards.
Tony: Why, what do you mean?
Michelle: You're the one that saved me. Literally, you gave me my life back.
Tony: All right, okay, so we came to each other's rescue. What does that tell you, huh? What did it tell you, this was no accident, right, you and me, michelle, we're meant to be together. Me and you are going to start a life together here, both you and me and that boy I know you love, okay? Okay?
Michelle: I love both my boys.
Tony: You do. Come here. It's going to be okay.
Marina: Hey. Look, zach, it's rocky.
Danny: Hey, zach.
Zach: No, it's danny.
Marina: Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
Danny: What are you guys doing here?
Marina: We were just driving by, and I saw your car in the lot. Do you want to go play on the wrestling mat? Go on.
Danny: Be careful. So are you on baby-siting duty today?
Marina: Yeah, harley is kind of having a hard day.
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: Where is robbie?
Danny: Oh, he's with rick and mel. Just tried to get in a quick workout before meeting with my lawyer.
Marina: About the divorce?
Danny: Yeah. I'm going to file for full custody of robbie.
Marina: What?
Danny: I think it's the best thing for him.
Marina: Well what does michelle think about all of that?
Danny: I don't know. I haven't told her yet.
Marina: Danny, she's going to freak.
Danny: Well, I don't know about that. Because tony was just here and from what he just said he and michelle aren't too concerned about anything these days except themselves. They're going to start a new business, travel, do whatever they like, not one mention of robbie.
Marina: I'm surprised.
Danny: I'm not. I just want my boy to have a stable home.
Marina: Of course. I mean, as long as it's not about some kind of revenge or something.
Danny: What? No, of course not. Look, marina, michelle made her choice and that is her right, but choices have consequences and this is one of them. She can't have everything.
Coop: You know, it feels so nice not having to worry about this act.
Lizzie: You're telling me.
Coop: I can call you a spoiled little brat whenever i want to, now.
Lizzie: Yeah, and I can tall you a clueless pretty boy who thinks he's hotter than he is.
Coop: Well, great can't wait for our date.
Lizzie: Hey, you didn't say bye to roxy.
Coop: Woof.
Harley: I'm serious, okay? I mean, I was lizzie's stepmother for a while there and I'm concerned about her. I don't want her getting caught in the cross fire of all of this.
Gus: Well, neither do I. I don't want to see her get upset again.
Harley: What do you mean again?
Gus: She got upset last night when I was questioning her.
Harley: Why didn't you tell me about this before?
Gus: Oh, when was I supposed to tell you, when you were out of state? We were in the courtroom this morning, come on, whatever, what's the big deal? She got upset, she said she got upset when she was with her mother and they drove over to company and they had to see phillip laid out on the floor mine. That's what she said.
Harley: Wait a minute what, did you just say?
Gus: They got very upset when she walked and saw her father...
Harley: No, no, no, before that.
Gus: What? That they drove over there together.
Harley: Wait, stop, that is not what beth told me. Beth told me that lizzy was already here when beth got to company.
Gus: Lizzie told me that they were together the entire night.
Harley: All night?
Gus: One of them is lying.
Harley: Well it wasn't beth. I'm telling you, she fell apart. She was way too upset to fudge bun tiny little detail like that.
Gus: Well if beth it telling the truth that means that lizzy was the first one over here the night that phillip was killed.
Harley: And that she was alone with her father. Oh, my god. Lizzie?
Next on guiding light.
Tony: She's not going to go back to him, right? She's not going to... she loves me. You're trying to save something that can't be saved.
Danny: You know he's afraid that you're going to leave him again.
Michelle: What are you saying to me? Do you want to keep robbie away from me?
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