Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/25/05
By Boo
Reva: Thank you. For convincing me. Thank you, dear, to come out tonight. This is really nice.
Josh: Yeah, I think so, too. Want another bite of this?
Reva: No, no thanks actually, I'm going to go to the little girls room. So if the waiter comes by, tell him I'll have a little sorbet or something. ( Laughs )
Josh: Reva. Resist the urge...
Reva: What?
Josh: ...To call home and check on jonathan.
Reva: Well, it's just that nurse, you know, I don't trust him with the pain medication.
Josh: The nurse is a nurse; he knows what he's doing.
Reva: I know that, but...
Josh: Reva, honey. It's not a crime for you to spend a couple hours away from your son, it doesn't make you a bad mother. Just be here with me now. And enjoy this moment. Jonathan is perfectly safe.
Nurse: Jonathan has had his full dose of meds for the evening, so don't give him any more of these.
Cassie: Thanks.
Nurse: And no alcohol.
Cassie: Great. Thank you so much.
Nurse: Maybe I should stick around; mrs. Lewis was very concerned.
Cassie: It's okay, when my sister gets home I'll be sure to tell her did you a great job and we'll be calling you again soon. Thanks. No one here but us chickens.
Jonathan: Bargh! Hey, cassie, you look really good. If I wasn't in this chair, I'D...
Cassie: But you are in that chair, poor thing. Wow. You look so vulnerable.
Jonathan: Does it turn you on?
Cassie: No. But I can tell you what does. The thought of you rotting in hell. So this is it. It ends tonight, jonathan. Right here, right now.
Alan: You know, I had high hopes for you, gus. But you've been a great disappointment, not only to me, but to the shareholders. You're a liability to this company and I'm going to have you removed.
Gus: I don't have time for this crap, alan! Just tell me where beth is. She knows something about the night that phillip was killed, and I know that you know, and now I understand why you're doing this whole stonewalling boardroom crap!
Alan: This is hardly crap.
Gus: Tell me where she is. Tell me where she is right now. Alan, I swear, if you get in the way of me clearing harley, you will live to regret it!
Beth: Oh, harley, it's terrible. It's something that I have to live with.
Harley: Okay. It's okay. Tell me what happened. Tell me what you did, beth, it's okay.
Beth: I can'T.
Harley: Yes you can. I will help you. I will help you, okay? It was phillip. Phillip pushed you over the edge, right? You had no choice.
Beth: Yes.
Harley: He had your child. And you were scared.
Beth: I was terrified. I was so, so desperate.
Harley: So you went to find him, to see him, and things, they just got out of hand.
Beth: You think that you know what happened that night. You think that I killed phillip.
Harley: Beth, if you did, i will understand. And I will help you.
Harley: I will understand, beth. I swear to you, I will understand.
Beth: Will you understand? Really, will you? Will you really understand if i told you that I killed phillip?
Harley: Yes, of course i will, because, because, beth, it could have been me. It could have been any one of us.
Beth: That would make everything so easy, wouldn't it?
Harley: Beth, just tell me. Just tell me what you did.
Gus: Alan, this is not about beth, okay. I like beth; he's a lovely person. But yeah, what she knows might clear harley's name, so I just need to know what she knows.
Alan: You know something, she doesn't know anything. But I'll tell you what I know. Ever since phillip's death you have been a terrible spaulding, both personally and professionally. I've had enough. As far as I'm concerned, you are a traitor to this family.
Gus: So, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. Just because I'm trying to prove that harley cooper is innocent that makes me a bad spaulding?
Alan: Did you hear me? I said you are a traitor, gus.
Gus: Bully! You're a bully! You would call anybody a traitor or disloyal just because they don't agree with you, 1,000%, even if you're wrong. What is the matter with me? I have been through this before with you. I lied for you and alexandra, i did that for you, about the drugs, I did that for you, and this family and this company, and where did it get me? It cost me everything that i have!
Alan: What did it cost you? Harley cooper? The most inflexible, most self- righteous person I've ever met in my life? And now when you have it in your mind to get even, it's going to cost us beth, lizzie, and james their mother, the only parent they have left.
Gus: Excuse me, excuse me. Are you forgetting that harley is also a mother, and her kid happens to be your grandson? That doesn't matter? Oh, he can have no mother, that's okay, but lizzie and james, they can'T. Why is that? Is that because they're the real spaudings, the true spauldings? Because they were forged from the perfect relationship of phillip and beth? Is that right? You are a hypocrite! The definition of a hypocrite!
Alan: Don't try to justify your behavior. You want to railroad beth, and i am not going to let you.
Gus: Mr. Rationalization, that is your new name, you can't have it both ways. You can't rewrite the rules any time you feel like it! ( Phone rings )
Alan: Excuse me, I have to take this. It's business.
Gus: Business. Business always takes precedence over justice, doesn't it?
Alan: It does when $7 million are at stake, $7 million it may cost us because you blew off the meeting. Hello, jack? Yes, thank you for getting back so quickly. I, ah... could you wait just a minute, jack? I want you out of here when i get back.
Gus: Please, I'm already gone. Sorry.
Lizzie: Look where you're going.
Gus: Hey, lizzie. You don't happen to know where your mother is, do you?
Jonathan: Jeez, what a drama queen. Why don't you grab a beer and chill out? Or a painkiller. Or a painkiller and a beer. They're a winning combination, i can attest to. Mmm. What, did you just come here to work over the cripple?
Cassie: I came by to say thanks.
Jonathan: You're welcome. For what?
Cassie: The flowers.
Jonathan: Flowers?
Cassie: Don't play dumb with me. The flowers you had delivered to the farm. Stork doesn't judge, a baby is a blessing even if it's conceived the night before the wedding. Ring a bell?
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) you think I wrote that?
Cassie: Well, who else knows what happened the night before the wedding, jonathan?
Jonathan: You tell me, cassie.
Cassie: You know what? You're going to tell me right now what happened.
Jonathan: Oh, I am?
Cassie: Yeah, you are, and I'm really sick of your smart mouth.
Jonathan: That's good to know.
Cassie: Look, do I have anything to worry about or not?
Jonathan: Yeah. There's a lot to worry about. The price of gas, the environment. Do you know how many...
Cassie: Do you think this is funny?!
Jonathan: Okay. I see what you're getting at. You know to know if we did the deed the night before your wedding. I'm very disappointed that you don't remember, because I sure do.
Cassie: Answer me, jonathan!
Jonathan: The answer is that card probably should have read babies-- plural-- are a blessing. You are on those fertility drugs. Don't chicks on those have like quintuplets? Wouldn't that be cute? Lots of little cassies and edmunds running around, or cassies and someone.
Jonathan: Hits the spot. So, back to this baby dilemma. I understand why you'd be concerned and how this could get awkward. If you're pregnant, edmund is pretty sure it's his, but you're not so sure. You know, I don't even know why edmund wants to have a baby in the first place, considering he tried to kill one. Me. Hey. Can I ask you something? Between the two of us? Have you and edmund even slept together since the wedding? Or have you been too racked with guilt?
Cassie: Shut up.
Jonathan: I can totally understand.
Cassie: I'm not pregnant.
Jonathan: Do me a favor, and get me another one of those. I'm not too good at getting around in this thing yet.
Cassie: You really shouldn't drink so much. I'd hate to see you keel over from alcohol poisoning.
Jonathan: Don't worry about me. The booze and the painkiller... real smooth.
Reva: Jonathan? What are you doing here? Where's the nurse? What have you done to my son? Jonathan.
Lizzie: What do you need my mother for?
Gus: I just need to ask her a question, that's all.
Lizzie: Does it have to do with the case?
Gus: Well, sort of. I got a theory that I want to run by her.
Lizzie: And what kind of theory is this?
Gus: It's kind of complicated. See, I called her on her cell phone, but she didn't answer, because she went to wherever-- i just need to know where exactly she went.
Lizzie: That just sounds so important.
Gus: See, the thing is harley's case is kicking in tomorrow, and well that'S... the whole thing is important to me.
Lizzie: You don't really believe that she's innocent. I mean, come on, the police have so much against her. I mean her own brother arrested her. Why would he do that if he didn't have to.
Gus: The evidence you're talking about, lizzie, is circumstantial.
Lizzie: Gus, she admitted to arguing with my dad that there was a gun present, she had a handkerchief with blood all over it. Wake up!
Gus: I'm awake. Lizzie, harley cooper did not kill your father.
Lizzie: And how do you know that?
Gus: I just... I know.
Lizzie: How?
Gus: I know harley, I know she didn't kill your father. She's not capable of it.
Lizzie: Okay, so you have evidence that clears her.
Gus: I can't talk about that.
Lizzie: Do you have evidence that points to anyone else?
Gus: I can't talk about that!
Lizzie: Yes or no, gus! Is there any other suspects? Any reason to believe that anyone other than harley killed my father?
Gus: Something concrete? No, I don't have that.
Lizzie: Then drop it. Leave my mother alone.
Beth: Phillip was going to take my children away from me, maybe forever. And I had to stop him. The only weapon I had was our history, you know. Because I knew that I could get through to him in a way that no one else could. I had sensed it earlier that day when he came to the house to make arrangements to meet him that night. When he offered to give me james back.
Harley: You knew that was a setup. That he never ended to give us the children.
Beth: I know, and I knew it then, too. That's why I had to take action. It was my only hope. Do you understand? My only hope to get my kids back. So I put on a dress.
Harley: That blue dress.
Beth: Yes. It was phillip's favorite.
Harley: You called phillip, right?
Beth: I did worse than that. And I headed over to company to seduce him.
Harley: Beth, that's very smart. Really. To convince him that you wanted him back, so you could get a jump on him.
Beth: No.
Harley: And then he would tell you where the kids were, that's very smart.
Beth: No.
Harley: Then what?
Beth: I was going to ask him to take me away with him.
Harley: Okay, yeah. But that's the same thing. It's a trick so you could get him to...
Beth: No. No, harley, it wasn't a trick. I was fully prepared to leave the country with phillip and our children and your children. And never look back! I wanted to. We would have taken lizzie and james and zach and june and emma! And you never would have seen your sons again.
Lizzie: Coming up on "guiding light"...
Cassie: The fact is, it really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I say, it doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what anyone says. Because this monster can do whatever the hell he wants to do and reva is always going to take his side, that's it.
Harley: How do you do that to another mother, how do you rob a child of their parent?
Beth: I don't know, harley, why don't you tell me?
Cassie: I came here to talk to him, reva.
Reva: Talk to him or kill him?
Cassie: Please, I didn't give him any.
Reva: Then why is he acting like this?
Cassie: Because he's been drinking all night long and been taking these for pain. You can't mix pain killers with booze.
Reva: No kidding. Give me the pills. Here are the rest in the bottle and the nurse gave him two earlier. If you don't believe me, trust me, count them, they're there. I didn't give him any.
Reva: But you were going to, weren't you?
Josh: Reva.
Cassie: No, no it's okay.
Cassie: No, no, it's okay. Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. But I didn't want to kill him reva. I just wanted to shut him up for a while. I am so sick of the evil and the filth that pours out of him. I'm sick of all of it, but you're not. Jonathan has a free ride as far as you're concerned no matter what he does.
Josh: Cassie, where's the nurse?
Jonathan: Aunt cassie sent him home. She wanted more time to be alone with me. You just can't get enough of me, can you?
Josh: Hey, watch your mouth.
Jonathan: If you don't believe me, ask her yourself. Or ask mom. You told them, right? Oh, mom, you're supposed to tell your husband everything, I'm very disappointed in you. I'm very disappointed in you.
Cassie: You're sick. You freak.
Jonathan: Ouch.
Josh: Wait a second. Wait, wait. Just stop, okay. What happened? What did he do to you? Reva?
Reva: Let's talk about this some other time.
Jonathan: No, let's talk about it now. We're all here; we're a family. Well, you see, joshua, last time cassie and I were together, she got me into bed, you could say she seduced me.
Cassie: I did not seduce you.
Josh: Is that true?
Cassie: No, it's not true.
Jonathan: Yes.
Cassie: No, it's not. Not the way you're making it out. But he drugged me, and he won't tell me what happened.
Josh: All right, just back up for one second. When did this... whatever happened, when did it happen?
Cassie: The night before my wedding.
Josh: And this is the first I'm hearing about it.
Reva: Yes.
Josh: Was there some reason you decided to keep this a secret from me?
Reva: Yeah, there was a good reason because I knew if I told you, you'd take cassie's side.
Gus: Don't you want to know who killed your father? Don't you want justice to be served? And if it isn't harley it has to be somebody, right? You want to know who killed your father.
Lizzie: You know what I want? I want to wake up and not see my father's picture on the front of the newspaper. I want to go into town and not have everyone looking at me wondering who is the killer this week. I want to think about my dad as a good father. No, I want to think of him as a good father, not as some tabloid victim.
Gus: You know I'm looking at you, lizzie, and you've lost a lot of weight. You don't have one of those eating disorders or something, do you? Because I'm just saying you look like you don't-- have you been sleeping?
Lizzie: Yes, I've been sleeping. You know what? I hate to tell you, but you don't look so great yourself.
Gus: I guess the only one in this house that looks good is roxy.
Lizzie: She's upset, too.
Gus: So, about your mother...
Lizzie: I can't tell you where she is.
Gus: Oh, yes you can.
Lizzie: No, I can'T. The only thing I can tell you is that I know for a fact my mother did not kill my father.
Gus: How do you know that?
Gus: How do you know that?
Lizzie: Because I was with her that night, I rode over to company with her. I know for a fact, I was with her every single second that night.
Harley: I don't, I don't understand. You were...
Beth: ...Going to help phillip steal your children. Yes. Because in that moment, I didn't care about you or rick or olivia. All I cared about were my kids, their lives, their safety. No one else'S.
Harley: Please tell me, this is where you changed your mind, beth.
Beth: That would have been the noble thing, wouldn't it? No. I didn'T. When I got to the parking lot at company, there were already people there. But I knew, I knew that I could still do it if I could just get phillip alone. I sat for I don't know how long trying to figure out how I would do that. I was shaking, I was so... I was so nervous. So I opened a bottle of wine, you know, just to take a few sips just to steady my nerves. And when I did, I spilled it down the front of my dress. And that was my answer. I realized between the stain and the way I was shaking, phillip wouldn't believe me. I wouldn't convince him. I knew I couldn't go through with it. So, I said, okay, I'll just go in there like I was supposed to originally, and I will hope against hope that he will give me james back. I didn't think that he would. But it was the only thing I had to hold onto. So I drove around the corner to the alley, I changed in my car, and when I got back to company the police and the ambulance were already there. Lizzie was already there. Phillip had been shot.
Harley: All this talk about how you couldn't bear to be apart from your kids-- but you were willing to deprive me of mine, weren't you?
Beth: Yes!
Harley: How do you that, how do you do that to another mother, how do you rob a child of their parent?
Beth: I don't know, harley! Why don't you tell me!
Beth: Go ahead. You hate me. Hate me! For what I almost did. You should hate me. But you can't, can you? You can'T. Because you understand. You understand the desperation better than anyone.
Harley: Yes.
Beth: What did you do, harley? What did you do when I was planning ongoing away with phillip? Did you shoot him? Did you kill the father of your son?
Harley: I don't know. I don't know. I was as crazy as you were that night. I could have. God, that's what scares me, i could have.
Harley: No one knows what it was like, the desperation. The whole time that I was driving over to company, I kept thinking when I get to europe with phillip, I'll get in touch with harley and rick, and olivia and I'll let them know that their kids are okay. And eventually I'll get phillip to send the kids back. And I would like to believe that I would have done that.
Harley: I would like to believe I didn't pull that trigger.
Beth: You honestly don't know, do you?
Harley: Beth, at least you know the worst about yourself. But every time I imagine that night, I think could that be me? Am I that kind of person that would pull the trigger and shoot? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry phillip is dead. I'm so sorry that your children will grow up without their father. I'm so sorry I let him get to me the way he did.
Beth: He got to all of us.
Gus: So the night your father died you were with your mother the entire time.
Lizzie: We left the house together.
Gus: Uh-huh. So the whole time you were with her, she was never out of your sight even once?
Lizzie: When?
Gus: When you drove over together from company, what was she wearing, was she wearing that little blue dress of hers?
Lizzie: You know what she was wearing, you saw it. She was wearing a green top with a jacket and skirt.
Gus: Uh-huh. And how did you get over to company?
Lizzie: Gus, I told you! We rode over to company together, we saw the ambulance and the cop car outside, and we ran in to company and saw my father laying on the ground with you and everyone else standing around him. I think you know what happened, so now that you've heard it from me, you don't need to see my mom, right?
Gus: That's the truth?
Lizzie: Why would I make it up?
Gus: To protect your mother. Give her an alibi.
Lizzie: She doesn't need an alibi, she didn't do anything wrong.
Gus: All right. I still would like to know where she is though.
Lizzie: Well, I still can't tell you.
Gus: If you change your mind, call me.
Alan: Are you still here?
Gus: No, I'm already gone.
Alan: Elizabeth. Was gus just in here with you?
Lizzie: Yeah. We were just talking about the day daddy died.
Alan: Was he questioning you?
Lizzie: Sort of, I guess. But I didn't tell him anything he didn't know already. Granddad, where are you going? Granddad!
Josh: Will somebody please just fill me in?
Jonathan: Well, like I said, it's the night before the wedding and cassie was staying...
Josh: You know what, not you.
Josh: You know what, not you.
Reva: Cassie was staying at the beacon.
Josh: Not you either. I think what I want is to hear cassie's version.
Cassie: Josh, look, i appreciate your support, i really do, but the fact is it really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I say, it does not matter what you say, it doesn't matter what anyone says. Because this monster can do whatever the hell he wants to do and reva is always going to take his side, that's it.
Reva: That's not true. Joshua, when jonathan accused you of throwing him down the stairs, I didn't take his side, did I?
Josh: I don't know, reva. I still don't know.
Reva: You admitted that day that you were angry with him. You as much said yourself that you shoved him away.
Josh: There's a difference between shoving him away and-- I'm not going to do this, okay? I am sick of this. I'm sick of it in my heart, and sick of it in my gut, reva. Seeing what you're letting him do to you.
Cassie: He's right, reva.
Josh: Your son is getting between you and everyone you love.
Reva: No. What I see is everyone I love is getting in the way of me and my son!
Reva: I'll tell you how i feel, just in case you're still interested. From the moment we walked into this house, you have taken her side. I haven't been able to get a word in edgewise. It's almost like what I have to say doesn't even matter anymore. And that hurts me! Because I thought we were having this nice evening together.
Josh: We were.
Reva: Where we were finally getting somewhere.
Josh: We were getting somewhere, reva. But I'm not going to start lying to you now just so we can go to bed happy. Cassie is your sister. If she's this upset, if everybody is this upset, don't you think it's about time you started asking yourself why?
Reva: I know why cassie is upset, because she can't get past what happened between jonathan and tammy.
Cassie: And you can?
Reva: No, I can'T...
Cassie: He practically raped my daughter, reva. And you have moved on like it never even happened, like it doesn't even matter. Because you're so racked with guilt for giving him up, you can't even think straight! I am so angry with you. I don't know if I ever want to speak to you again.
Josh: Go after her. Cassie! I'm sorry.
Cassie: Reva's not.
Josh: It's like you said before, she's just not acting like herself lately, but please don't give up on her.
Cassie: What the hell is she thinking? It's like my sister's gone.
Josh: I know the feeling. But we're a family, cassie, and we'll get through this.
Cassie: Yeah, but there's one problem with your theory, josh. Reva considers jonathan family, too. And I'm grateful for your support, but you shouldn't have done that, it's going to cost you.
Josh: Yes, it is. But reva and I will get through this like we get through everything else. I just want you to know that you have somebody in your corner, okay.
Cassie: Thank you.
Reva: Are you all right?
Jonathan: Painkillers are good.
Reva: That's enough.
Jonathan: What about you, mom? Is that enough for you?
Reva: This will all work itself out.
Jonathan: You think so?
Reva: I have to.
Beth: Harley, what do you say that we agree not to judge each other for what we may or may not have done that night?
Harley: Yes. Sure.
Beth: I know it's not like i can't be prosecuted for just thinking about doing what I did. But I'm ashamed of myself. Do you think we can just keep this between us?
Harley: I see no reason to share it.
Beth: Thank you. I owe you one. ( Phone ringing )
Harley: That's mine.
Beth: I'm going to go change.
Harley: Hey, gus.
Gus: Thank you. Yeah. Let me go some place where I can talk. Okay. So what did you find out? Did you find beth?
Harley: Yeah, I found her. It's a bust. You know, she didn't even see phillip that night, she's innocent.
Gus: How did she explain everything?
Harley: Trust me, she's innocent. Well, she's not innocent, but she didn't kill phillip.
Gus: All right, if you're sure, I mean...
Harley: I'm sure.
Gus: So, we'll start all over, okay? We'll just go back to square one and we'll find a new lead.
Harley: You mean create another suspect? Point the finger of blame at somebody else?
Gus: No.
Harley: Because I won't do it. I can't, I can't do it anymore. I can't do it anymore. I have to face the fact that i may have, I may...
Gus: Listen to me, harley. You're tired; you're exhausted. You should get in the car and get back to me as soon as you can. I don't want to you miss that court appointment tomorrow. If the judge found out that you skipped state, he'd say you jumped bail and he'd throw you in jail and throw away the key. Do you hear me?
Are you there?
Harley: What are you doing?
Why are you baiting me?
I just want zach and jude back.
You're not going to get away
with this.
I don't want to shoot you.
I just want... no! No.
Gus: Harley, harley, are you
still there?
Harley, if you're listening,
you are not going down for
this, I won't let you.
The real killer is out there,
harley, and I'm going to fine
him, or her, who ever.
And I promise you, I promise, i
will find them.
Next on "guiding light"...
Gus: Harley, wait a second. Hold on a second. Please! Listen to me, I can save you! I can save you, do you hear me?
Danny: I've got a lot of better things to do than spend my time wasting it pining over michelle. You hurt her, and I will destroy you.
Tony: I love her, danny; I'm not going to hurt her.
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