GL Transcript Monday 1/24/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/24/05



By Boo
Proofread By Leigh

Holly: Oh, sweetie, I miss you, too. It's been so long. So you don't know when your Daddy's going to get home? No, I called his cell. He didn't answer. No. I mean, that's okay. You don't have to ask Mommy about that. She's not there? Oh. Well, I have to go now, and I'll talk to you soon. Love you. Bye. Oh, where is everybody? I need...

Sebastian: I love you, Holly. I love you, and I know you love me, too. (Screams)

Holly: (Screams) Sebastian!

Blake: Mom?

Holly: Oh.

Blake: Hi.

Ross: Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost.

Holly: I'm very happy to see you. I've been trying to track you down all over. I need you.


Alan: So Gus never showed up? Did he call? Nothing? No, no, no, no. I don't want you to call him. As a matter of fact, I will handle this personally.

Bill: Let me give you a hand with that, huh?

Alan: How the hell did you get in here?

Bill: Security's not like it used to be, huh, Alan?

Alan: We'll see about that.

Bill: Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Keep away from the desk. Show me your hands. Keep them where I can see them.

Alan: What the hell do you want, Bill Lewis?

Bill: Those lies your TV station ran about me and Olivia worked like a charm. Clients are dropping us like we're a couple of serial killers.

Alan: Are you?

Bill: No, we're just the competition.

Alan: Hardly.

Bill: I'm the competition on so many levels; it's driving you crazy. Business is just a part of it. I married your ex-wife. I'm going to be adopting your granddaughter.

Alan: Emma will never call you father.

Bill: Oh, you're too late. She already does.

Alan: She is a Spaulding.

Bill: Not for long, the adoption is in a couple of days.

Alan: If you go through with it, I will destroy you and your company. Now, that is a threat and a promise.

Bill: Oh, I don't go for threats. I just go for the throat.

Olivia: Bill! No, no! Stop! Stop it! Stop.


Harley: Okay, stop being an idiot. Give me the key.

Gus: No, no, no, no, no, no. No. No. My team won the football game. I make all the rules. That's the way it is. Remember? It wasn't even my idea to play it this way, your idea. It was your idea.

Harley: You can't keep me here.

Gus: Yes, I can. Absolutely I can, until the courtroom appearance tomorrow. Make yourself useful. Pick a movie.

Harley: All right, let me get this straight. You finally convinced me that Beth is hiding something about the murder. We can go see her and find out what that is, and you're putting on the brakes. Why?

Gus: Because you're out on bail, and I put up all the money, and I need to protect my investment until the court appearance tomorrow.

Harley: It's got nothing to do with money. Somebody got to you. Who? My father? What did he say?

Gus: I cannot let you go back to jail.

Harley: And I cannot stay here knowing that Beth might be able to tell me if I killed Phillip. She's our only lead!

Gus: Mm-hmm. And we can go follow that lead first thing in the morning after the court appearance. So what you should do is make yourself useful and pick a movie.

Harley: Unbelievable, the lengths that some people will go to, to spend time with me.

Gus: Well, now look who's being falsely accused, huh?

Harley: You could have picked anywhere to lock me up, but a romantic hotel room?

Gus: Hold on a second. You cannot honestly believe that I would try to take advantage of a situation like this, because, you know...

Harley: What if I wanted you to?

Gus: Listen; I honestly didn't try to put you into a precarious...

Harley: We have been doing this slow dance for weeks. We get close, go back.

Gus: And there's a real reason for that, you know? Because we have, like, a little arrangement, you and me. Me lawyer, you client, no hanky-panky. A line there we've got to not...

Harley: But you're my hero. You have stayed by my side every minute since Phillip died, believing in me when I couldn't believe in myself.

Gus: Yeah. And I still do. I still do. But we have to really just kind of hold on, you know, and stay focused.

Harley: I feel like we've been too focused.

Gus: Hmm.

Harley: And I feel like I might jump out of my skin if I can't forget about all this for one night, a couple of hours. I'll be right back. Hey, don't you go anywhere.

Gus: Not a chance.

Harley: I'll kill you!

Gus: Problem?

Harley: No window. Nice work, Mr. Aitoro.

Gus: You didn't really think that I'd put you in a room that you could get out of, now, did you? (Chuckles) Yeah. So, where were we?


Blake: Mom. Hi. I'm glad we ran into each other. Why don't you join us for dinner?

Ross: Yes, join us. And then you can let me know what I can do for you.

Holly: I can't, really.

Blake: Oh, please. Please, Mom. I have so many questions to ask you about Sebastian. I really need to talk to you.

Holly: Honey, he's gone. It's over. There's nothing more to talk about.

Blake: Well, Mom...

Ross: Blake, your mother is still recovering from a terrible ordeal.

Blake: Well, so am I. I'm mourning my father and my brother.

Ross: Look, please, come in and sit down with us. I don't think you ate nearly enough on the island.

Holly: I would love to, really, but I'm late. I have a doctor's appointment, with the eye doctor. I can't drive when they put those drops into my eyes, so I was thinking maybe you could... but I don't want to ruin your evening.

Ross: No, no, no. No, no, no. I'd be happy to take you to the doctor.

Blake: It's kind of late. Don't you... okay, you know what? Let's go. Let's go. Let's do it.

Holly: No, I... it's just that I was hoping Ross... I want some legal advice, so I was thinking maybe we would kill two birds with one stone.

Blake: Well, I promise to be quiet in the back seat.

Ross: Blake, why don't you go inside and order, and I'll be back before you know it, okay? Holly, come on.

Holly: Oh, great.


Olivia: Stop it!

Alan: You better get control of your husband, Olivia.

Olivia: Come on. Hasn't there been enough violence?

Bill: Not for my taste.

Olivia: Are you all right?

Alan: I am, as soon as I call the police.

Bill: Go ahead.

Olivia: Stop it. Do you want to end up in jail with your name smeared across the morning headlines? No, Alan, please don't.

Bill: Olivia, don't you beg. He's the one who should be begging for mercy. I am so tired of these Spaulding's thinking they can bulldoze anyone or anything that gets in their way.

Olivia: Would you stop it? He's not worth it.

Bill: What are you talking? He's trying to ruin us.

Alan: Both of you get out of my home.

Olivia: Just go. I will talk to him.

Bill: I am not leaving you alone with him.

Olivia: Go before security gets here. Don't make things worse than they already are. I can fix this, all right? Go. Why can't you leave well enough alone, Alan?

Alan: The man came into my home to assault me.

Olivia: Oh, I'm sure it's not the first time. You seem fine.

Alan: I'm better off than Phillip, much to your husband's disappointment. Security.

Olivia: You know it's not enough for you to win, is it? You have to destroy the competition in the process. Look, I'm tired. I'm tired of beating my head up against a wall trying to fight you.

Alan: Well, perhaps it's time that you surrendered.

Olivia: Surrender? Uh, no, that's not in my vocabulary. However, maybe it is time for us to make a deal?

Alan: You have 30 seconds to put your deal on the table.

Olivia: Well, it's a pretty simple plan. I mean, I can't continue battling you with Emma stuck in the middle. And I want Emma to know her father's family.

Alan: Really? I find that hard to believe.

Olivia: Look, just because I agreed to let Bill adopt Emma and make her a Lewis...

Alan: Bill Lewis will never be a father to Phillip's child.

Olivia: Okay. Fine. What if we make that a part of the deal? Bill doesn't adopt Emma.

Alan: Just like that?

Olivia: No, not just like that, Alan. Deal remember?

Alan: Well, what's your price?

Olivia: (Sighs) You back off Slingshot. You give Bill and I a chance to get our business back on its feet, maybe even point a few clients in our direction. But most importantly, you agree not to fight for custody of Emma.

Alan: Bill will never agree to this.

Olivia: Bill doesn't need to know that you and I have a deal. I'll tell him that I can't go through with the adoption that it's way too complicated.

Alan: It's so unlike you to betray the man you love to get what you want, Olivia.

Olivia: There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my daughter, Alan. Haven't you learned that by now?

Alan: I can almost respect you for that.

Olivia: You are so sweet. So, do we have a deal, or do we go back to our corners and come out fighting?


Bill: Hey Blake, you up for some company?

Blake: Bill. Absolutely. Sit down. How are you doing?

Bill: All right.

Blake: How's Olivia? Oh, never mind. Sorry. Saw that television show.

Bill: Oh, did you?

Blake: It was ridiculous, and a very poor recreation of you.

Bill: Well, thank you very much, but I think half the people I work with saw that show. You know Alan was behind the whole thing, right?

Blake: Yeah, well, that's a man who knows how to hold a grudge. Take it, I know that personally.

Bill: Yeah, well, I think there's a point where sometimes you have to let it go and get on with it.

Blake: That's what I've been telling myself lately, especially when it comes to your sister, Dinah.

Bill: Oh, yeah?

Blake: I have lifted the restraining order, so now she can go back to being loving daughter to Ross and big sis to my kids.

Bill: Well, you won't regret it, really. I think it's the right move.

Blake: I'm sorry. It must be kind of rough having a sister that people cross the street to avoid.

Bill: All right, listen. Dinah has a lot to make up for, okay? I can't deny that. But hopefully in time, she's going to do what she needs to do to turn her life around.

Blake: Yeah, I know. It's just some people don't get that kind of time, like my brother.

Bill: Hart, right. Yeah.

Blake: Yes, Hart, too. I was talking about my brother Sebastian. I didn't even get to know him, and now he's gone.

Bill: I'm sorry you didn't have more time to spend with him.

Blake: I just have so many unanswered questions, you know? I'm never going to know the truth about him, and the only person who can tell me isn't talking.


Ross: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought ophthalmology was on the sixth floor.

Holly: You caught me.

Ross: I've been here, with Ed. This is where they hold the AA meeting.

Holly: Yes. I haven't been to one in a long time, but I need to go... talk.

Ross: Good.

Holly: This is going to sound so pathetic, but I was wondering... I was hoping you would come in with me. My sponsor is out of town, and I couldn't reach Billy.

Ross: Say no more. Of course I will.

Holly: I don't know why I'm so afraid to go in there. I've been coming alone to these things for years.

Ross: Oh, I think you're still in shock from what Sebastian put you through.

Holly: I'm sorry I grabbed you away from Blake.

Ross: That's okay. But you should have told her. She would have understood.

Holly: She would worry. She was asking me all kinds of questions about what happened on the island, and I don't want her to think that I'm out of control or that I'm drinking again.

Ross: Holly, you don't have to protect your daughter anymore. She's a big girl now.

Holly: I've put her through so much, too much. Oh, that's funny. We're not early.

Ross: There's been a change in the schedule, but there's meetings tonight at all these places. Pick one. I'll drive you anywhere you want to go.

Holly: It's okay. No. I'm fine. That's okay we'll just go. I'll buy. Blake won't have to eat alone.

Ross: Holly, we could still have a meeting here.

Holly: What, just the two of us?

Ross: Yeah, why not? Are there rules about minimum number of attendees?

Holly: No.

Ross: Then let's do it. You have something to say. Whatever it is, I'm here to listen.

Holly: I feel so infantile asking you to hold my hand.

Ross: There's not a reason in the world to feel that way. Come on, my friend. Let's talk.


Gus: Dinnertime, honey.

Harley: Oh, no, no, no, no. He'll sign for it, won't you, sweetie?

Gus: Yeah, sure. No problem.

Waiter: Just sign here, please.

Gus: You went a little heavy on the sugar and carbs, didn't you, sweetness?

Harley: But you said I could have anything I wanted tonight, angel.

Gus: Yeah, that's no problem. This is... 15 items? This can't be right. $342? Are you kidding me?

Waiter: I can take it back and have the kitchen check, if you want.

Gus: No, no. It's fine. Whatever the lady wants, the lady can have, you know? (Laughs) No problem. All right. Hey, we're all set. I put a little something there for you.

Waiter: Thanks. I'll be out of your way in a second.

Gus: Yeah, not a problem. Honey, are you ready for a little champagne and strawberries? Huh? Honey? Honey? Harley? Damn it. Did you see where she went?

Gus: Uh, no, sir. Wait a second. Get out of there.

Harley: Damn.

Waiter: Do you two play this game often?

Gus: Yeah, usually with handcuffs. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Great. I'll keep this. Okay. Nice choice. I'd give it about an eight.

Harley: I'm not trying to score points here, okay? I am just trying to get at the truth, and you are blocking me at every turn. I need to know whether I'm innocent or guilty. I have to know.

Gus: And I'm trying to help you out. Can't you see that and stop fighting with me?

Harley: And I am grateful for everything you're doing. But don't you see? You have one agenda, one goal: Clear Harley. That's it.

Gus: That's not a very... that's a good plan, I think.

Harley: But what if it's not the truth? Can't you see what this is like for me, this wondering? Every day, wondering, looking at my kids' beautiful little faces and wondering if their Mommy is a murderer?

Gus: Okay, honey, that...

Harley: And if I am, shouldn't I be preparing them for the day when I am going to have to leave them?

Gus: That day is never going to come.

Harley: I love you for believing that, but I need to know the facts that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt whether or not I killed Phillip. If I did kill him, I can live with that, I swear. But it's the not knowing, the not knowing.

Gus: Take a deep breath. Harley.

Harley: I can't. I can't, I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't.

Gus: That makes two of us. What am I doing?

Harley: I just... I don't want to hurt you. I mean, think about it. What if I am the person who shot and killed your brother? How would you feel, you know, if we kissed or if we made love?

Gus: You're not capable of killing anybody.

Harley: Please stop saying that. Please. Don't you understand? Every time you say that, it tears me apart.

Gus: Well... look, I'm sorry, okay? I won't say it anymore if it... I won't say it anymore. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, the evidence is in, you know? Because when I see, like tonight, the way you were acting just... you're all funny and sweet and feisty, and you come out swinging and you're mad at me, and I see what you're doing. I see that you're pushing away the very thing that I know that you want. And you're doing it, you're willing to go it alone, just so that you can make sure you don't hurt another person. I mean, honestly, that doesn't fit the profile of a killer, you know? At least not in my book.

Harley: You are the best witness for the defense a girl could ever ask for.

Gus: Well, there's a line around the block ready to testify for you, sister.

Harley: Yeah? But only one person who can tell me what I need to know, and I can't go see her because you've got me locked up in here.

Gus: All right. Well, I promise you that we're going to go see Beth the minute she's back here, okay? We'll handle it.

Harley: Sorry. I can't wait that long. I need to know now.

Gus: That's not happening. Ugh. Harley.

Harley: Whoops, sorry about that.

Gus: Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Harley.

Harley: See you in court.

Gus: Get back here. Get back here! Harley!


Alan: Let me see if I've got this straight. You will get Bill to call off the adoption proceedings if I stop the smear campaign against you and your company and agree not to fight for custody of Emma.

Olivia: Yes. Bill won't like it, but he'll understand.

Alan: (Chuckles) Olivia, you never change. You swear undying love to your man in the bedroom, and yet you sell him out the first good business opportunity.

Olivia: I don't really see it as a choice between love or business, Alan. I can have it all.

Alan: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Alan: I don't know about that. I mean you're putting the good of your company ahead of your husband.

Olivia: I'm doing what's best for my daughter. So what's it going to be? Does she remain a Spaulding or not?

Alan: Well, it's a tempting offer. I will give it some good thought.

Olivia: Don't do this to me. You've won, all right? You've gotten everything you've wanted, and you've made me grovel in the process. I hope you enjoyed it.


Bill: So Holly stayed with Sebastian until he died, after everything he put her through?

Blake: I mean Holly sent Michelle and the others off the island. But she did when she realized that he wasn't going to make it. She didn't want to leave him to die alone.

Bill: Well. How's she doing now?

Blake: I don't know. I mean she's not talking about it. I don't want to pressure her, but I never got to say good-bye to my brother, so the whole thing doesn't seem real to me.

Bill: No, I know what you mean. I think if Dinah went through this same sort of thing, I wouldn't be able to accept it unless I went to the place or we saw a grave, something that would finalize it, you know?

Blake: I know. I mean that's what I wish I had.

Bill: Well, can't you? You know?

Blake: Can I? I don't know, maybe I can.

Bill: Maybe you can.


Holly: My name is Holly, and I am an alcoholic. It's worse than that. I am an addict. I came close to taking a drink a few days ago, and before that, I was alone with a bottle of wine and I was tempted, but I didn't... I didn't actually drink it. This is not right. This is not... this is not why I'm here. It's this... it's this other addiction that's got me by the throat. For so long, I knew it would do me in, but I just couldn't stay away from it, because even though it was killing me, it was... it always made me feel so alive. God. Okay. Okay. For most of my life, I have needed and wanted a man who was no good... no good for me. And I knew it, but I couldn't help myself, and I lost so much because of it. I turned my back on good men... on one of my children... because... because I was just so hopelessly addicted. This man... this man finally left my life, and I thought I was cured. I mean it's like an alcoholic on a desert island. There's no alcohol, there's no temptation, but the disease doesn't really go away. It just waits, dormant. I know that now. I know that now, because this other man walked into my life, and I should have known... I should have known better, and I... I just didn't. And he knew how to pull on all those emotional strings, and he knew how to just set up this trap, and I fell right into it. And I put myself into so much danger, as well as several people with me. But I... okay, I managed to survive, and he didn't make it. I mean, I tried to help him, but I couldn't, and he... anyway, there's just no chance he's ever going to come after me again, thank God. But even though he has gone, I have to face the fact, I have to face it, that this addiction is in me, and it will always be there, and I have to fight. I have to fight always. I have to fight so hard to... to control it. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here, because I know I can't do it alone. Thank you. I needed to say all that. I needed to hear myself just admit it all out loud.

Ross: You're not alone. I hope you know that.

Holly: Thank you. So let's go. Let's get out of here.

Ross: Yeah. Why don't we go back to Company, and we can make Blake buy us dinner?

Holly: Sounds good. Oh, Ross.

Ross: Yeah?

Holly: There's more.

Ross: Okay.

Holly: Sebastian didn't die of that disease. I killed him.

Holly: It all happened so fast. One minute he was kissing me, and the next minute, he was gone.

Ross: It was an accident.

Holly: I pushed him!

Ross: Holly, you defended yourself against an attacker. That's not murder.

Holly: We'll never know for sure, will we?

Ross: I know. The only person responsible for Sebastian's death is Sebastian.

Holly: But Ross, even if I could have kept him from falling... maybe I wouldn't have. Maybe it was easier to just let him go then have to deal with confronting all these confusing feelings that I had for this guy. I didn't even know him!

Ross: You had an immediate connection because of Roger, and Sebastian was a constant reminder.

Holly: Still, I'm always going to wonder if I was... I was too weak to let him live.

Ross: Weak? I'm not going to let you take the blame for how Sebastian ended his life. Now, he was sick, and not just physically. He was dangerous, and you fought Sebastian and your demons, and you prevailed. That's what you have to remember.

Holly: I can't shake the guilt.

Ross: You have nothing to be guilty about. He took away your right to make a decision, your ability to make a decision. Now, you fought Sebastian and your addictions, and who won? You did.

Holly: I wonder if other people would agree with that, if they knew.

Ross: You mean Blake.

Holly: She wanted to know him. She embraced him. She wanted to share in this love they both felt for her father, and I took that away from her. That's why I'm avoiding her. I don't want to tell her the truth about how he died.

Ross: Blake doesn't have to know anything about this. We are still in an AA meeting, and there are rules. Whatever is said in this meeting is strictly confidential.

Holly: Thank you.

Ross: Now, Sebastian is gone, and he can't hurt you anymore. And from this moment on, you have to believe that, and then get on with your own life.


Alan: The paperwork will be on your desk in the morning.

Gus: Where is she?

Alan: Now, the agreement is solid, correct?

Gus: I'm talking to you.

Alan: Don't you worry about a thing. I'll take care of the rest.

Gus: Where is she? Answer the question.

Alan: Don't you ever interrupt me like that again.

Gus: Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where's Beth?

Alan: I am not Beth's keeper.

Gus: Okay, but you sent her out of town, right? You sent her out of town so she wouldn't talk to me about the case.

Alan: That is ridiculous.

Gus: Well, if you're not going to answer me, I'll have the police come down here and question you.

Alan: Fine. Have them come. I have nothing to hide.

Gus: But Beth does. What is the matter with you, Dad? She knows what happened the night of Phillip's murder, and now you're harboring a material witness.

Alan: Who knows? You may be harboring a cold-blooded killer.

Gus: What are you talking about? She's not a killer. What's wrong with you?

Alan: You know, I could ask you the same thing. Look at you.

Gus: Where is Beth? Answer the question.

Alan: Where were you today? Did you forget you had a very important meeting at Spaulding?

Gus: No, I know all about the meeting. I think it's a little more important to find Phillip's real killer, don't you?

Alan: Does it matter about Phillip's legacy? Don't forget your brother entrusted you to run this Company, and you treat it like a hobby.

Gus: I am protecting the mother of his son, how's that?

Alan: No, you are putting your girlfriend over the future of this family.

Gus: Is that the way you see it?

Alan: That is the way it is, Gus. And I'm not going to allow it.

Gus: (Laughs) what's that supposed to mean?

Alan: It means you're fired.


Beth: I've been looking forward to this all day. You have no idea how tense I am.

Harley: Beth Raines. You can run but you can't hide.

Beth: Harley? What are you doing here?

Harley: Well, we're going to play a little game. It's called truth or consequences. Either you tell me the truth, or you will face the consequences.


Ross: Hi.

Blake: Hi. How's Mom? I was worried.

Ross: She's fine, but tired. I dropped her off on the way here.

Blake: How are her eyes?

Ross: They're fine. So are you ready to go home?

Blake: Um, yeah, I am. But I want to stop off at Mom's first, okay?

Ross: Well, why?

Blake: Because I'm worried about her.

Ross: Okay. Just don't ask any questions about Sebastian, all right?

Blake: What do you know that I don't?

Ross: Nothing. I know what you know. Your mother went through a harrowing experience, and she's lucky to be alive.

Blake: Well, I just wish Sebastian had that kind of luck.


Sebastian: (Coughs)

Holly: Sebastian.


Bill: So, Alan didn't suspect that we were setting him up?

Olivia: Nope, not a clue.

Bill: Then why didn't he go for the deal, huh?

Olivia: Oh, he's going to. He just couldn't resist watching me twist in the wind a little while longer.

Bill: Really? Really? Well, here is to the hottest little con artist this side of the Mississippi.

Olivia: Oh, baby. Takes one to know one.

Bill: Mm-hmm. (Mugs clink) That's a double clanker.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Bill: So let me ask you. He must have loved the fact that you were going to stab me in the back to make a deal, huh?

Olivia: Aw.

Bill: He loved that part, didn't he?

Olivia: Oh.

Bill: He did. He did.

Olivia: Yeah, it was his favorite part.

Bill: I knew it.

Olivia: Yeah.

Bill: I can't wait.

Olivia: I just wish that there was some way we could beat Alan in business and still have you become Emma's father.

Bill: Well, look. Emma and I are like this. That's never going to change. But for now, this is the way it has to be. Why? Because this will keep Alan off our back. It's going to give us a boost on business, and I'm good with it. I am. Really, I am. But you've got to cheer up, because you're just mad that Alan thinks that he won. But it's for a good cause. It is, because Slingshot is about to make a comeback, big-time. And that's what we wanted, right? So?

Olivia: So? Shut up and kiss me.


Gus: You can't fire me. Only the board can take me out.

Alan: Really? Well, we will see about that.

Gus: Oh, we'll see about that.

Alan: Either you start acting like my son and a member of this family, Gus, or you are out.

Gus: Oh, look who's honoring Phillip's wishes now.

Alan: You have already dishonored him and the family by ignoring the company.

Gus: Look, this isn't about the company, is it, Dad? Or Harley. This is about you and me, and me having to prove my loyalty to you, over and over and over and above anything a father has a right to ask. I fell for this once before. I did. And it cost me the woman that I and if I'm not mistaken, at the end of the day, I think it cost you your son, as well, right? I am not going to need your help to find Beth. I'll do it myself, thank you. And I'll also prove that Harley is innocent. And when I'm done, I'm going to ban you from this company, from this property, from this big old building with your name out on the front of it. How's that?


Beth: Stay away from me.

Harley: I am fighting for my life here, Beth. If you know something that can save me, you...

Beth: I understand how desperate you must be, but I don't know anything that can help you. I swear.

Harley: Really? Then why the quick trip out of state?

Beth: I needed rest.

Harley: And my children need their mother, and I cannot be that to them until I know the truth.

Beth: I can't help you, Harley.

Harley: This is not about you and me. Our kids deserve to know how their father died, Beth. For their sake and for their father's, come clean.

Beth: No. I can't do this.

Harley: Yes, you can.

Beth: I can't do this.

Harley: You can do it. I will help you, because you loved him. You loved Phillip. Up until the day he died, you loved him. On his worst days, you loved him. Beth, please, don't dishonor that love now.

Beth: It's too late, Harley. I already have.

Harley: What do you mean?

Beth: I... I did something horrible.


Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Gus: Just tell me where Beth is. She knows something about the night that Phillip was killed, and I know that you know, and now I understand why you're doing this whole stonewalling boardroom crap!

Beth: Do you think that you know what happened that night? Do you? You think that I killed Phillip.

Cassie: So this is it. It ends tonight, Jonathan. Right here, right now.

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